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Crown Prints (402) 367-3175 Vol Aquinas Catholic 3420 MN Rd David City, NE 68632 The Crown Prints (402) 367-3175 Vol. 57, Issue 2 November 8, 2017 Thespians find challenges on Skid Row By Madelaine Comte Feed Me! FEED ME! The Aquinas drama aration for the show. One difficulty is the department produced the musical “Little extensive singing in the show. Sophomore Shop of Horrors” as the fall show, and will cast member Morgan Littlefield said, “I play use a cutting for the one act competition my parts out on piano to make sure I’m hit- this 2017/18 season. ting all of the right notes then I go through “How could I make my life more stress- my lines in my head until they’re stuck.” ful?” Drama director and middle school Littlefield is Ronnette, a part of the “doo- teacher Mrs. Ann Heermann thought to wop” trio who “helps tell the story through herself. The reply was, “Self, let’s do a musi- song and dance.” cal!” Little Shop of Horrors is a horror com- According to Heermann the singing is not edy written by Howard Ashman. the only challenge of the show. “Part of the According to Heermann, the show can be challenge is creating a set that moves, and summarized in three short sentences. “Man we can take with us,” Heermann said. The finds plant. Plant eats man. Plant takes over set includes a rotating stage and five “Au- the world,” Heermann said. drey II” man eating plants in various sizes. The drama department has not produced After the fall presentation to the public, two musicals in a single school year since the musical will be cut down for the one- TOP LEFT: Dr. Orin Scrivellow D.D.S, played 1987/88. Senior cast member Sarah Juranek act competitions. Juranek said, “We are all by sophomore Travis Roh, threatens Sey- mour Krelborn played by senior Will Yndrick, said, “Having a fall show and one act is like really focused this year. The group we have about dental hygiene. TOP RIGHT: Audrey, a warm up for musicals. Having a musical is really into it. Everything just meshes so played by senior Sarah Juranek, talks busi- first is like jumping in the deep end.” Ju- well with this cast.” The one-act cutting will ness strategy with shop owner Mr. Mushnik, ranek portrays Audrey, the female lead. compete at the Osceola one-act festival, played by senior Josh Roh. ABOVE: Chif- Heermann had always wanted to put on conference, and districts. fon, played by senior Madelain e Comte, this show. “I had petitioned to do this show Additionally, the public will be able to see convinces Seymour to “sign that contract!” for a few years, and this year seemed like the one-act cutting of “Little Shop of Hor- and take his plant to national fame. Comte, the year to finally do it,” Heermann said. rors” at the Butler County One Act Festival along with sophomores Libby Aschoff and The cast faced many difficulties in prep- Morgan Littlefield are apart of the trio that on November 16. narrates the strange events on Skid Row. Page 2 In HIS Footsteps Nov. 8, 2017 Aquinas students work hard, pray hard Student body attends class retreats By Jenna Kobza Class retreats give students an opportu- much on their shoulders with lesson plans consecrated virgin, and her story inspired nity to grow closer to God. This year the and getting things done for kids, I decided me,” sophomore Kaley Steager said. Steager entire school began a new format of retreats to take the responsibility of organizing and added, “We filled out sheets about how to to better enhance the curriculum of the re- formatting retreats.” This year’s retreats fo- help the world, and I enjoyed that.” ligion classes. cused on the curriculum of each of the reli- Daro arranged guest speakers for each of According to Aquinas campus minis- gion classes this year. the classes. Additionally each class had an ter Mrs. Miriam Daro, “Teachers have so As it has been in the past, each class opportunity for reconciliation. went to one of the supporting parishes. “My favorite part about retreats was our The seniors went to Immaculate Concep- speaker [Tony Birkel] because he talked to tion parish in Ulysses. Juniors went to us about courage. During my adoration Saint Peter’s parish in Bellwood. time I sat, and listened to God talk to me,” Freshman went to Dwight Assumption sixth grader Riley Yindrick said. Mr. Tony Parish. The eighth graders went to Pre- Birkel ’11 alumnus spoke to the sixth grad- sentation Parish. Seventh grade went to ers. For their first retreat the sixth grade Saint Anthony’s Parish in Bruno. class stays at Aquinas. The sophomores went to Sacred Heart “Kids seemed to enjoy the retreats this parish in Brainard for their retreat this year, and all the feedback was positive,” Juniors Hayden Schawang, Reilly Kahler and year. Their retreat focused on the lives Daro said. Daro plans to continue the new Zachary Chromy work on an activity at the Ju- of the saints. “Saint Philomena was my format of retreats in the future. nior Class retreat. Fr. Ben Holdren led the retreat. favorite saint because she was a young Photo by J. Brown. CrownPrints Students sound “sharp” at Mass The Crown Prints is published eight By Faith Kozisek times a year to inform, educate, and “Our opening hymn will be number Bless America,’ and so my mom thought it entertain the Aquinas community. seventy-nine.” Several students at Aquinas was a good idea [for us to play at Mass.]” We urge letters to the editor. Let- High School are leading the music for their Junior Eli Reiter began playing the organ ters should be given to Ms. Jean A. parish Masses. for St. Peter’s parish in Bellwood following Brown in Room 16. Letters must be These students got involved with leading in the footsteps of his brother, 2017 alum- signed; however, anonymity, if re- their parish music when they were young. nus Will. The younger Reiter began taking quested, will be granted if deemed Junior Jackie Drozda became a cantor when lessons, but now is “at the point where [he] necessary. she was only 12 years old because she want- can just practice on his own.” ed to share her love of singing with others. Drozda, Whitmore, and Reiter all plan to Issue Editors: Ryan Nemec Drozda said, “I began in the children’s choir advance their musical talents. Drozda and Staff: Madelaine Comte, Jenna Ko- and then wanted to be in the adult choir.” Whitmore plan on majoring in music in bza, Brandon Timoney, Sarah Bur- Drozda now leads the music at Marietta college. Whitmore said,“I will keep taking well, Sarah Juranek, Faith Kozisek, parish in rural David City. lessons to increase my skills, and I plan to Ryan Nemec, Regan Pelan, Hayden According to Drozda, leading the music major in music performance.” Schawang, Ivy Schmid, Isaac at her parish is an honor and is enjoyable. Reiter plans to continue playing for his Archuleta, Emily Dalton, Morgan Drozda said, “[Her singing] makes every- parish “for as long as he is a part of it” or Littlefield, Jayci Roh, Jill Witter body a lot happier.” Drozda also added her perhaps he will play for another parish Advisor: Ms. Jean A. Brown singing has “brought people to tears.” “wherever an organist is needed.” Reiter Principal: Mr. David McMahon Senior Valeria Whitmore enjoys playing enjoys playing for his parish because when Chief Administrative Officer: Fr. the violin for Sacred Heart parish in Shelby he “messes up, it wakes people up in the Sean Timmerman because it is “sharing the beauty of music in pews… like Mr. Mimick.” a way to worship God.” Whitmore got in- Getting involved with playing an instru- The Crown Prints is a monthly pub- volved with the help of her mother and sis- ment or singing for Mass is easy. Drozda, lication produced by the journalism ter and has been playing for her parish for Whitmore, and Reiter all encourage others department at Aquinas High School, about six years. Whitmore said, “My sister to join their parish choirs. Whitmore said, David Cty, Nebraska 68632. Vanessa and I just learned how to play ‘God “Share your talents.” Page 3 Student life Nov. 8, 2017 Fun “Around the World” A growl... or a roar. Monarchs and gold sound off... sequined “What has been the best thing sweat- that’s happened to you so far this p a n t s , ” school year?” Roh said. Student teacher “The most Mr. Brennan challeng- Brockhaus: ing part “Getting ac- of Home- climated into a c o m i n g classroom for Week is the first time is t r y i n g awesome. Mrs. to main- Heermann and tain order Mr. Mimick are while al- great. Being able to run my own classroom lowing the for the first time is the best part.” students to dress This year’s homecoming candidates were seniors Kelsey Baer, Veroni- ca Kobza, Becky Roh, Sarah Juranek, Madelaine Comte, Joshua Roh, Ty- up and Senior ler Vavrina, Nolan Maguire, Will Yindrick, and Isaac Archuleta. King Ty- enjoy the Julie Humlicek: ler Vavrina and queen Veronica Kobza were also the cutest baby winners. w e e k , ” “Getting to Pokorny spend more time By Jenna Kobza said. outside of the The 2017 homecoming theme was “All This year’s class games all focused on the classroom and Around the World.” The senior committee theme and the senior class ended up win- having more fun and senior moderator Mrs.
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