TRANSACTIONS of the NORFOLK & NORWICH NATURALISTS' SOCIETY Volume 47 Part 1 2014 & Volume 48 Part 1 2015 combined Natural History Museum Library TRANSACTIONS OF ooo2266oa_ .._ { NATURALISTS' SOCIETY Volume47 Parti 2014 & Volume 48 Parti 2015 (published April 2016) Editor: AR Leech Assistant Editors: S Harrap & NW Owens Published by the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Society Contributions for Volume 49 (2016) should be sent to the Editor, Nick Owens, 22 Springfield Close, Weybourne, Holt, Norfolk NR25 7TB
[email protected], from whom notes for contributors can be obtained. The Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists'Society has as a principal aim the investigation and recording of Norfolk's wildlife and to this end it publishes: • An annual volume of Transactions, consisting of papers and notes on wildlife in the county. • The Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report which contains systematic lists of observations on the county's birds and mammals, as well as relevant articles. • The Norfolk Natterjack, a quarterly illustrated newsletter. All of these publications are free to members, as are Occasional Publications on specific topics. The Society also arranges lectures and field meetings which are planned to appeal to anyone interested in natural history. More specialist groups cover many aspects of the county's flora and fauna. The subscription rate is £20 per year, which includes all members of a family living at the same address. Membership enquiries should be made to: David Richmond, 42 Richmond Rise, Reepham, Norfolk, NR10 4LS, All other enquiries should be directed to the Secretary, Nick Owens, 22 Springfield Close, Weybourne, Holt, Norfolk NR25 7TB.Tel: 01263 588410.