Logical Methods in Computer Science Vol. 13(3:22)2017, pp. 1–39 Submitted Mar. 14, 2016 www.lmcs-online.org Published Sep. 13, 2017 LOCALIC COMPLETION OF UNIFORM SPACES ∗ TATSUJI KAWAI School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292, Japan e-mail address:
[email protected] Abstract. We extend the notion of localic completion of generalised metric spaces by Steven Vickers to the setting of generalised uniform spaces. A generalised uniform space (gus) is a set X equipped with a family of generalised metrics on X, where a generalised metric on X is a map from X × X to the upper reals satisfying zero self-distance law and triangle inequality. For a symmetric generalised uniform space, the localic completion lifts its generalised uniform structure to a point-free generalised uniform structure. This point-free structure induces a complete generalised uniform structure on the set of formal points of the localic completion that gives the standard completion of the original gus with Cauchy filters. We extend the localic completion to a full and faithful functor from the category of locally compact uniform spaces into that of overt locally compact completely regular formal topologies. Moreover, we give an elementary characterisation of the cover of the localic completion of a locally compact uniform space that simplifies the existing characterisation for metric spaces. These results generalise the corresponding results for metric spaces by Erik Palmgren. Furthermore, we show that the localic completion of a symmetric gus is equivalent to the point-free completion of the uniform formal topology associated with the gus.