Nominations for the Dutch Investor Relations Awards 2016

Amsterdam, 2 December – The Association for Investor Relations (NEVIR) today announces the nominations for the Dutch IR Awards 2016. The Awards will be presented to Dutch companies and professionals that excel in Investor Relations. The ninth edition of the Dutch IR Awards will take place on Thursday January 7, 2016. The winners will be announced in the presence of more than 200 professionals during the Dutch IR Awards Dinner in the Kromhouthal in Amsterdam.

Nominated companies Nominated professionals


Ahold Arun Rambocus | Randstad

Royal Dutch Shell Henk Jan ten Brinke | Ahold

Vopak JJ Traynor | Royal Dutch Shell

AMX AMX BE Semiconductor Industries Bisera Grubesic | TomTom TKH Group Jaap-Jan Fit | Wereldhave Wereldhave Jeroen van Harten | Corbion AScX/Other AScX/Other Beter Bed Holding Bart Koops | Beter Bed Holding Heijmans Frank Sonnemans | Kendrion Refresco Gerber Wendy Winkelhuijzen | Van Lanschot

“There are many ways IR professionals can make a difference. The basis for companies is and remains to continuously inform analysts, shareholders and other financial stakeholders in the right way. But what does an IR professional do when circumstances alter, when expectations of investors and stakeholders change, or when extraordinary situations emerge, such as a takeover? A good IR professional makes a difference in these situations by engaging in dialogue, by listening and by taking the right actions. This is a quality investors appreciate and it is reflected by this year’s nominations. Also notable is that in each category many companies were voted for, showing the general level of Investor Relations in the Netherlands is well-appreciated. It is now up to the independent jury to select the winners”, Uneke Dekkers, Board member at NEVIR, said.

The nominations are based on research by WeConvene Extel, combined with additional research performed by Citigate First Financial. In this study, analysts and investors were asked which enterprises and professionals make a difference in the field of Investor Relations. The winners in the various categories are chosen by an independent jury and last year’s winners are excluded from participation.

Profile NEVIR The Netherlands Association for Investor Relations (NEVIR) acts on behalf of its members. The majority of professional investor relations offers in the Netherlands is a NEVIR member; over 70% of the listed companies on Amsterdam.

For more information: NEVIR secretariat Bianca Bakker & Eva Smeenk Tel: 020 575 4083 E-mail: [email protected] Website: