Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016 No. 112 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Now, I am proud to say that this bill leaders focus on preparing students for called to order by the Speaker pro tem- passed unanimously out of committee, the workforce—not duplicative or over- pore (Mr. WEBSTER of Florida). which is good news because a reauthor- ly prescriptive Federal requirements— f ization is badly needed. and enable them to determine the best It is no secret that our country con- way to do so. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO tinues to face significant economic To increase transparency and ac- TEMPORE challenges, and it is no surprise that countability, H.R. 5587 streamlines per- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- many men and women are worried formance measures to ensure sec- fore the House the following commu- about their futures and their family’s ondary and post-secondary programs nication from the Speaker: future. Last week a Gallup poll found deliver results, helping students grad- uate, prepared to secure a good-paying WASHINGTON, DC, that 54 percent—just 54 percent—of July 12, 2016. Americans believed today’s young peo- job or further their education. The bill I hereby appoint the Honorable DANIEL ple will live a better life than their also includes measures to provide stu- WEBSTER to act as Speaker pro tempore on parents. dents, taxpayers, and State and local this day. As a father, I can say there is noth- leaders the information that they need PAUL D. RYAN, ing a parent wants more for their chil- to hold CTE programs accountable for Speaker of the House of Representatives. dren than a life that is better than delivering those results. f their own. When you hear that only Finally, H.R. 5587 will reduce the Federal role in career and technical MORNING-HOUR DEBATE half of all Americans expect their chil- dren to have a brighter future than education and limiting opportunities The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- they did, it becomes clear that we need for the Federal Government to inter- ant to the order of the House of Janu- to do better. And we can do better, not vene in State and local decisions and ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- just for our own kids, but for the preventing political favoritism. nize Members from lists submitted by neighbor who can’t find a job, the This is a bipartisan bill, Mr. Speaker. the majority and minority leaders for friend from church who struggles to I thank my colleagues on both sides of morning-hour debate. make ends meet, the family that has the aisle for their help in creating it. I The Chair will alternate recognition been trapped in poverty with no path- look forward to seeing it on the floor of the United States House of Representa- between the parties, with each party way out, or the high school student tives hopefully in the near future. limited to 1 hour and each Member who struggles and has no hope or inspi- other than the majority and minority ration that he or she has what it takes f leaders and the minority whip limited to succeed. IRAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- With the Strengthening Career and ANNIVERSARY bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. Technical Education for the 21st Cen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f tury Act, we have an opportunity Chair recognizes the gentleman from today to advance reforms that will help RECOGNIZING THE NEED FOR A Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- these and many other Americans, espe- utes. 21ST CENTURY CAREER AND cially young Americans, obtain the TECHNICAL EDUCATION SYSTEM Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, knowledge and skills that they need to this month we mark the first anniver- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The break the cycle of poverty and to sary of an historic agreement between Chair recognizes the gentleman from achieve a lifetime of success. This bill Iran and six major world powers, in- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 will modernize and improve current cluding some of our key western allies, minutes. law to better reflect the challenges and plus Russia and China. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. realities facing students, workers, and The agreement was designed to force Mr. Speaker, I rise to thank my col- employers. Iran to back away from the nuclear leagues on the House Education and The bill will empower State and local threshold, acquiring nuclear weapons, the Workforce Committee for their leaders by simplifying the application which everyone agreed would be a dis- support last week in passing a reau- process for receiving Federal funds and aster. thorization that I offered, the Carl D. providing them more flexibility to use Instead of sober reflection on the suc- Perkins Act, in the form of the those resources to respond to the cess of the agreement, where we are Strengthening Career and Technical changing education and economic and where we are going, we will, in- Education for the 21st Century Act. needs. These reforms will help State stead, be discussing legislation that is b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4663 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Jul 12, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12JY7.000 H12JYPT1 srobinson on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4664 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 12, 2016 designed to have the United States commercial advantage. I would rather Danny is well known for a couple of break that agreement. In a very dan- have American jobs at Boeing than different things in the community. gerous world, that agreement has made have Airbus sell even more planes to Danny is most well known for his com- us a little bit safer. This would be a Iran or the French Bombardier manu- mitment to small business. He has mistake of tragic proportions to under- facturer. The rest of the world has fought tirelessly on behalf of the small mine it. moved on and America should not business community and the business Last year, Prime Minister of Israel, move backward. community generally. Benjamin Netanyahu, on this House In a troubled world, an opportunity In fact, one of the greatest accom- floor, as part of his campaign to scuttle to strengthen ties with a former enemy plishments at the Catawba County a potential agreement, warned that through trade, job creation, and bring- Chamber of Commerce under Danny’s Iran was on the verge of acquiring nu- ing us a bit closer together should not leadership is the Edison project, a com- clear weapons as thousands of cen- be a major cause for concern. It should petitive contest that awards much- trifuges were whirling to enrich ura- be a cause for celebration. needed start-up capital to local entre- nium. f preneurs. He began this initiative in While today, 14,000 centrifuges have REMEMBERING MIKE RHYNE the midst of one of the worst economic been removed from service and placed downturns in western North Carolina under international supervision. Iran The SPEAKER pro tempore. The history. has removed nuclear material from its Chair recognizes the gentleman from Danny knows that the backbone of once secret facility at Fordow. It has North Carolina (Mr. MCHENRY) for 5 our local economy and the backbone of reduced its stockpile of enriched ura- minutes. our country is small business. He un- Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise nium from 12,000 kilograms, with a pu- derstands that small business develop- today to honor Mike Rhyne, a great rity as high as 5 percent, to only 300 ment is the key to our region’s eco- man and a friend from Rutherford kilograms, with a purity of no more nomic development, growth, and recov- County, North Carolina. than 3–2/3 percent. The core of the ery. heavy water reactor at Arak has been Mike served as an aldermen for Ellenboro, the same town where his Danny’s work with small businesses filled with concrete. These are not ab- has truly paid off. Recent statistics stract numbers and mere technical- brother, Jim, serves as mayor. Ellenboro is a small town, but they show that wages in Catawba County ities. Iran has adhered to the agree- are growing at a faster rate than most ment, making a nuclear breakout hard- don’t actually view themselves that way. In fact, Mike and his late wife, counties in the country, and this is a er, and take longer. great success under Danny’s leader- Make no mistake, Iran has some un- Pat, were instrumental in starting the town’s yearly festival. When they de- ship. savory hardline people in key positions Danny is also extraordinarily well of leadership, but not everyone. Presi- cided to figure out a name on what to known for his love of golf. Danny’s sec- dent Hassan Rouhani has been a voice call it, they called it ‘‘Ellenboro’s Big ond-to-last day on the job in Sep- of and a force for moderation. The Iran Day.’’ That was sort of Mike’s person- tember will be hosting the chamber’s people voted for him as a repudiation ality coming through in just the nam- annual golf tournament.
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