Let us help you strive to Let us help you strive to Grow...Preserve...Sustain Grow...Preserve...SustainYour investments Your investments Blake Hahn Financial Group LLC 1650Blake E. HahnMadison Financial Ave., Ste 107 Group LLC Mankat1650 E. Madisono, MN 56001 Ave., Ste 107 pMankathone: 507-345-3588o, MN 56001 cell:phone: 507-382-8396 507-345-3588 fcell:ax: 507-345-8705507-382-8396 blake@blakehahnfinancial.comfax: 507-345-8705 blake@blakehahnfinancial.com Securities oered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advice oered through Fortis Group Advisors LLC, a registered investment advisor and separate entity from LPL Financial Securities oered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advice oered through Fortis Group Advisors LLC, a registered investment advisor and separate entity from LPL Financial Blake Hahn Financial Group LLC Blake1650 Hahn E.Blake Madison Financial Hahn Ave., Group ,Ste ChFC 107 LLC 1650Mankato, E.Blake Madison Hahn MN AFinancial ve.,56001 Ste 107 Group Mankato,Registered MN Representative, 56001 LPL Financial phone: 507-345-3588 phone:cell:1650 E. 507-382-8396 Madison507-345-3588 Ave., Ste 107 Mankato, MN 56001 phone:cell:fax: 507-345-8705507-382-8396 507-345-3588
[email protected]:fax: 50 507-345-87057-382-8396
[email protected]@blakehahnfinancial.com Securities oered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advice oered through Fortis Group Advisors LLC, a registered Securitiesinvestment offered advisor. through Fortis LPL Group Financial, Advisors LLC Member and Blake Hahn FINRA/SIPC. Financial Group Investment are separate entities advice from offered LPL Financial. through Fortis Group Advisors LLC a registered investment advisor.