Comment on objection number 4 Hon Michael Ferguson MP 2 pages Tasmanian secretariat Phone (03) 6235 0503 Email
[email protected] HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Redistribution Committee - Tasmania 2nd Floor, NAB House 86 Collins Street HOBART TAS 7000 Dear members of the committee Re: Redistribution, Division of Bass - Comments on objections I wish to convey my support of the objections made to the Redistribution Committee's proposal regardingthe Division of Bass. Neither of Tasmania'stwo major political parties support the changesproposed to the Division of Bass, nor does the Dorset Council. Specifically, the excision of the municipalities ofFlinders and Dorset from Bass and their transfer to the Division of Lyons is unnecessary. The proposed changes overlook community of interests, means of communication and travel considerations and they will significantly disadvantage local residents, industry and businesses. I am not aware of any support from Flinders Council for the proposed changes, howevermy strong view is that members ofboth Flinders and Dorset communities would not support their relocation into a different electorate. To ensure the appropriatenumber of electors are enrolled in each division, there is a need for some redistribution of areas within the state. I believe that this shouldbe achievedin a waythat minimises the impact on the people ofTasmania. The minimisationof impact approachis strongly supported by the TasmanianDivision ofthe Liberal Party and also endorsedby the Australian LaborParty TasmanianBranch. The Liberal Party clearly stated in its submission that since the Division of Bass is currently within required legislative parameters, no changeshould be made to the existingboundaries. The LaborParty's submission was in agreement on this point.