20 Hours, May Be Safe
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" 1 "' 1,11 ~ /'; i" f 1 1', 11': •.■■* | ”’♦_ * 1 Colton Sack* 55f% ^8t _»•*■« ^T-fl * ^ GOULDS PUMPS ahf flcroluTHE ASSOCIATED 1 i ffimnmsmUcVALLEY—LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF PRESS—(/P) --J THE VALLEY FIRST FIRST IN THE ~~ ’■ ^___.Us; 5c A COPY THIRTY-SEVENTH YTEAK—No. 10 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1928 TEN PAGES TODAY 3 DIE IN BLAZING AIRPLANE EN OUR PASTOR JAILED FOR BUILDING VALLEY SHIP FALLS IN Not Seen For I -^ Carranza, --- THIS IS OUR DAY to thank MAIN STREET 1 ughtful friends for contributions «{) ended to delight the inner man. 20 Be Safe Iowa, Jeorge White, Davenport, Hours, May to AT PALACIOS ^vestment banker tranrplanted '.ne Lower Rio Grando \ alley, tends mesa of greena. Pilot Had Planned to a very fine turnip Park It will be disposed of via the pot Take At FIVE REMOVED City Approves NO REASON TO bacon to Up Boy* route, with a few stripe of live it the proper flavor. Guard Camp For a Whites These greens come from And Golf Course on located in Fee; Plan Inquest U-year-round truck patcii. FROM ICE ARE WORRY, AVERS 27 ’,1 Jardin. Produces radishes in 13.—— carrots and FALACIOS. Tex.. July ays, cabbages, beets, Three men were killed here today ther items for the N alley summer | Part of Site when a in which were Airport* plane they 'market—and winter, too. __ AIR a low altitude IN GOODSHAPE OFFICERS Wiseman, after many years flying crashed from R. A. Plans for utilization of utilization of 16 acres adjoining the a .. approxi- and on the border, opens and burst into flames on down- In Mexico mately 200 acres of the airport site highway at the northeast corner of Brownsville. town street. The dead: as ▼ a bottling plant in Location of Six Who for a municipal park and golf course the site a natural park, and np- Mexican Aviator on a Features that long-famous drink,. Earl Parker. Texas City, pilot; met the unanimous endorsement of proxim: *ly 25 acres to the west so The ■*Dr. Pepper,” and aenda a case to Max Weinberg, Boston; Ralph Were With Ship Is the city commission when submitted be developed as a tropical park. Non-Stop Hop N. Y. office to that body Friday morning by A. proposed municipal golf course # .this office. It goes into the Green, Galveston, Believed Known As Tamm, enfineer, and J. M. Van Law, would be located on 126 acres ad- To Mexico Can ce box. and Green, roommates Stay Weinberg manager of the airport. joining the park site on the south. The Brown Cracker & Candy com- of were owners of a conces- Parker, Krassin Moves On Instructions were to the Instructions were also issued to Up 30 Hours of their crackers at the Texas national issued pany thinks well sion guard city engineer to immediately prepare Park Commissioner B. E. Hinkley to well on the outskirts of snd sent us a box. We think encampment MOSCOW. July 13.—(A*)—Hope for plans for the proposed park and arrange with the contractor, who GAIA ESTON', July 13.—(VPi—Avia- Palacios. agreed to make a 240 >f them, too. They the party of aix men carried off in golf course for submission to the has the contract for clearing tion officers at Fort Crockett, the flight with Parker before he start- on commission at its next to- acres for the to also clear United F Mrs. Margaret McAllen Fairbanks the bag of the dirigible Italia meeting, airport, States government flying field for a fee. a ed taking up passengers 25 and since for lost gether with estimate of costs. the 46 acres proposed as natural here, felt little concern over failure ends grown in northern Hl- May given up grapes The biplane apparently was reach- Tentative the out the underbrush to *11 Valley- has been revived by reports plans proposed park, cleaning sight Captain Emilio Carranza, algo county. Like took as neces- functioning properly when it ing Moscow indicating that the loca- and reserving such trees Mexican aviator, who took off from things, these were mighty from the but The timber -jrown »ff temporary field, tion of the group is known. sary for beautification. Long Island, N. Y., last night for a good. after it had attained a height of General 1 mberto Nobile, now at growth along the northern edge of non-stop flight to Mexico City. the of Someone sent a watermelon. about 200 feet the motor started Kings Pay, has sent a message to site is heavy, and members Captain S. J. Idzorek, commandant toward the commission asserted it could be of Fort Wasn't very good. Came from some- missing. The pilot headed the rescue ship Krassin stating that Crockett, said the probability a vacant lot but was unable to the referred to as the “Jnales- LOVE transformed into a park of great was that Captain Carranza had flown try group APPEALS ]where up-state. They might reach it, and the plane fell into the sapdri” party, was not far from the beauty. The tropical pork would be a compass course from Long Island again. to and orna- as he aaid he would when be • • • street. It immediately burst into present location of the Krassin. planted palms tropical took, mentals of to off. flames and bystanders were forced Latest reports received in Moscow every variety suitable THLRE ARE two Fred Johnsons the back by the heat. indicated that the men were at a Valley climate. "If Captain Carranza is flying a Mn the Lower Rio Grande Valley. BALLOT CASE Water for the and golf straight course to Mexico it is The fire department was notified, point 80.45 north latitude and 30.31 parks City well known. course can be El not that Each of them but before a truck could reach the east longitude. This would place secured from the likely he would be sighted Jardin The ten- in this One Fred Johnson served Mercedes scene the flames had consumed the (hem northeast of Foyn Island, near irrigation district. section,” Captain Idzorek said. tative Carranza was its chamber of commerce manager plane which the Viglieri group was res- Hearing Before Higher plans proposed the construc- Captain said he go- {is tion of a reservoir which could be ing to fly a compass course to Mexico .or several years. Justice of the peace Gut Sissons cued. With these which were Court Set For Sat- filled from the canals and would City and if he did that he would not. The other Fred Johnson carries s is to hold an inquest. reports, water for the orna- at any rate, over Galveston. Ht Parker was single, while Wein- not confirmed, came a revival in supply lawns, pass middle initial, "L.” also on the berg and Green each Is survived by Moscow of belief that Roald Amund- urday Morning mentals, wading pools, bathing pool figured making flight in a of the border and and other Directors of 27 hours, and his had suf- He is native a widow and one child. sen. the missing Norwegian explorer, purposes. plane the El Jardin district have extended ficient to him in the owns and lives on Paochita ranch, was likely to have joined this group The second round in the legal bat- gasoline keep the assurance will air for from 30 to 32 hours.” thirteen miles north of Mercedes. FAIL TO IDENTIFY VICTIMS in his flight from Norway to rescue tle Thomas B. they co-operate inaugurated by Love Idzorek and the stranded men. This was with the city in any manner possi- Captain other army of- This latter Johnson, Fred L., last GALVESTON, July 13,-fA*.—The theory of Dallas, candidate for lieutenant ble in connection with the and ficers believed the Mexican flier's will Galveston city directory does not first advanced by Fridtjof Nansen, park ♦ year carried a message of good to the compass course would him show the name of Ralph Green, men- noted explorer, that Amundsen was governor, compel Cameron airport development. carry from the Mexicana of the border to Bids were across little settled of the tioned as having been killed in an likely to have joined this group. county democratic committee to place received on automatic portions the snort ! United States and east of New Or- the farmers attending airplane crash at Palacios. Efforts Jailed for contempt when he and his congregation ignored a temporary his name upon the official primary pumps, water softener and other fa- cilities for the no con- leans, the only large city on the Gulf •course at A. & M. college. to identify Earl Parker, Texas City, injunction against building their tabernacle, the Rev. Earl Anderson, ballot, will be staged before the airport, but of Mexico near his named as of Marooned Is fourth tract will be awarded until the bids straight line of he will deliver another pilot the plane, also pastor of the Fundamentalist Baptist church, of Dallas, Tex., declared Party court of civil appeals at San F This year have been flight. were futile. as the or- Antonio Saturday passed upon by army avi- of he saya in a he would stay in jail indefiintely “protest against illegal morning. rnessage good will, Safe After 48 ation engineers. Cole was der.’* despite offers of bond. The Rev. Anderson is at left; at right, Days District Judge A. M. Kent sustained Mayor TVtter to The Herald. It will be in j the instructed to write the If Captain Emilio Carranza, Mex- District Towne who the county democratic committee fol- commanding Calles and the Judge Young, granted injunction, and, below, 1928, The Associated officer of the ican good-will aviator, has no ill behalf of President j (Copyright, by lowing the hearing Wednesday on Eighth Corps area at the tabernacle which has been guarded by deputies to keep workers San luck on his New York to Mexican Press) the application of Love for a manda- Antonio to send *n aviation en- attempted republic.