couv Reform version 8 SIMONE:2013 06/03/13 10.34 Pagina 1 LES ENLUMINURES LTD. rd Paths to RefoRm 23 East 73 Street 7th Floor New York, NY 100221 "things new and old"
[email protected] sandra hindman laura light LES ENLUMINURES LTD. Introduction by David Lyle Jeffrey 2970 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60657
[email protected] LES ENLUMINURES 1, rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau 75001 Paris
[email protected] textmanuscripts 3 Paths to RefoRm "things new and old" sandra hindman Laura Light Introduction by David Lyle Jeffrey textmanuscripts 3 LES ENLUMINURES LTD. 23 EAST 73RD STREET 7TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10021 TEL: (212) 717 7273 FAX: (212) 717 7278
[email protected] LES ENLUMINURES LTD. 2970 NORTH LAKE SHORE DRIVE CHICAGO, IL 60657 TEL: (773) 929 5986 FAX: (773) 528 3976
[email protected] Paths to RefoRm LES ENLUMINURES "things new and old" 1, RUE JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU 75001 PARIS sandra hindman TEL (33) (0)1 42 60 15 58 Laura Light FAX (33) (0)1 40 15 00 25 Introduction by David Lyle Jeffrey
[email protected] WWW.LESENLUMINURES.COM WWW.TEXTMANUSCRIPTS.COM WWW.MEDIEVALBOOKSOFHOURS.COM FULL DESCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE ON WWW.TEXTMANUSCRIPTS.COM © SANDRA HINDMAN AND LAURA LIGHT 2013 pauL hoLberton pubLishing, London ISBN 978-0-9838546-5-4 for LES ENLUMINURES, Paris, Chicago, and New York t a B l e o f C o n t e n t s preface: “things new and oLd” by sandra hindman 6 introduction: what is reform? by david LyLe Jeffrey 8 t i m e L i n e 14 i.reform from the tweLfth to the sixteenth centuries: reLigious orders from the cistercians to the foLLowers 16 of st.