Progress in Skin Diseases. Dermatoses in Special Diseases.?Enema Rashes Areas of Erythema and Sometimes Wheals

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Progress in Skin Diseases. Dermatoses in Special Diseases.?Enema Rashes Areas of Erythema and Sometimes Wheals Progress in Skin Diseases. Dermatoses in Special Diseases.?Enema rashes areas of erythema and sometimes wheals. In some in others may be difficult to diagnose from those of septic or cases it was universal and confined to the or to the infectious diseases, or drug and serum eruptions. buttocks, or the trunk, extensor surfaces Charles Bolton 1 finds that if soft is used the of the limbs. soap 2 chance of such a rash is greatly reduced. After the Ill Bright's Disease.?Galloway notes two classes use of The first sweat of 407 soft soap enemata not a single rash eruptions. comprises unimportant as and appeared, while after 496 ones of hard soap he rashes, such erythema miliaria, caused by noted baths or which sometimes lead to dermatitis. 17 cases, or 3^ per cent. The rash invariably medicines, came out on the day following the injection and Here simple astringent or antiseptic lotions, but not lasted from one to three days. It was composed of greasy ones, are useful. The second type is of fine papules, either scattered or in patches, with serious import and consists of an erythematous rash 452 THE HOSPITAL. Sept. 27, 1902. with urticarial patches and much desquamation, in quinine also suffer from eruptions. The pathology which may go on to dermatitis exfoliativa. It seems to be either a vaso-motor paralysis or an irrita- appears to depend on a vaso-motor paralysis of the tion produced by the excretion of quinine through of capillaries with effusion into the upper layers the skin. The most common forms of a quinine rash the cutis. are the erythematous and scarlatiniform. In Diabetes.?Circinate scaly rashes, often called Alopecia Areata.?David Walsh5 records four cases combined with the of moniliform seborrhceic dermatitis, appear especially in stout presence hairs. Well marked monilithrix of persons, and may lead to severe itching and derma- congenital origin is titis. Careful diet has a marked effect in these sometimes found combined with a condition of short hair both on so cases, and weak sulphur and alkaline baths should be scanty the scalp and the body, that the are given, and the skin after the bath should be dressed patients more or less bald. The present had abundant with a calamine lotion. Dermatitis of the urinary patients hair with patches of alopecia, and the moniliform state occurred in those hairs -organs is here very common, and must be treated only with antiseptic and astringent lotions. In females, which were turning white, and did not affect those on the He warm baths should be followed by lotions. Those body. argues that moniliform hair may sometimes be and containing 20 to 50 per cent, of glycerine, and ^ to acquired associated with alopecia, from a of the shaft .1 per cent, of carbolic acid are the most useful. possibly weakening of the hair Sometimes antipyrin and chloral hydrate given by by the toxins which cause the baldness. Balmanno the cure of a case of universal tha mouth aid the recovery. Squirereports alopecia which the patient treated daily for 13 months Low Tension Lividity, or a permanently flushed in an ointment containing hydrargyri condition of the skin, without definite heart changes, by rubbing iodidum rubrum, 20 grains to the ounce. This was is sometimes seen, and these patients suffer from to an eighth part of the scalp each day, and ulceration after the slightest injuries. A similar applied not till after six months did any hair appear. The state of things occurs with some of the so-called cheeks, lips, and a large part of the scalp tuberculides. There may be localised con- eyebrows, passive were at last covered with dark hair. He describes gestion and infiltration of the subcutaneous tissues the case as it is rare for in both kinds of disease. Instances are seen in extremely any improvement to be effected in universal under treat- Bazin's disease and acne General alopecia any scrophulosorum. ment. tonic treatment and should be em- possibly ergot T. Jackson7 recommends an ployed. Ringworm.?G. application for the scalp in children which has given Drug Hashes.?Stengel3 notices that purpura is him excellent results. A drachm of iodine is dis- an uncommon result of and that the taking iodides, solved in an ounce of goose oil. This is rubbed in cases are often put down to syphilis. Sometimes twice a day till irritation is produced, and then once the lower limbs are without chiefly affected, any a day. If necessary it is stopped for some days. other symptoms, or there may be coryza, htemor- The patch of hair falls off, and the place looks like or a febrile state. The come out rhages, rash may alopecia, but soon a new growth takes place, and this in and a continuance of the will cause crops, drug is a sign of cure. No epilation is necessary. Sali- a He has seen tremor of the relapse. limbs, tachy- cylated oil may be substituted for a time if the re- with and of the cardia, spongy gums swelling joints action is severe. A cure usually results in three in these cases. H. and thyroid C. Wood, jun.,4 has weeks. For the few cases which resist this treat- collected GO cases of an quinine rashes, and reports ment he relies on sulphur ointment containing half a instance one where appeared after only two doses of drachm to a drachm of croton oil. half a each had been grain taken. This consisted 2 3 1 Clin. Jour., Jan. 1. Brit. Med. Jour., May 3. Edin. Med. of red on both sides of the sur- 4 5 e regular spots arms, Jour., April. I bid. Brit. Med. Jour., April 12. Ibid. rounded by a slight macular rash. There was slight ? Med. Times and Hos. Gaz., June 28. and some itching desquamation afterwards. Workers (7b be continued,.) .
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