Newsletter Number 159 for February and March, 2011 the Lond 4Aith To
\ • The Landcrab Owners club of AI_ta, "Inc. \ Welcome to newsletter number 159 for February and March, 2011 The Lond 4aith to Noah," ~whene i4 the Ank I have commanded thee to build?" Noah 4aid unto the Lond, ~ Venil,, ~l have 3 canpendeR4 all ill, the ned~um 4upplieR hath let me down, ,ea even tho' the ned~um hath been on oRden /OR ni~h on 12 month4. What can4't I do, Lond?" And the Lond 4aid unto Noah," I want that aRk /ini4hed in 7 da,4/" Noah 4aid," It wiLL b~ 40/" But it wa4 not 40, and the Lond 4aid unto Noah," What 4eem4 to be the tRouble thi4 time?" Noah ~aLd unto the Lo~d,ll The 4ub cont~acto~ hath ~one out ~ 01 bu~Lne~~. The pLtch WhLCh thou commanda~t me to put on the out~Lde and Ln~Lde 01 the ARk hath not ~et a~RLved- aLL the d~awLn~4 a~e Ln CUdLt~, and the mate~LaL~ aRe Ln metRLc4- the plummeR hath ~one on ~tRLke/ll llThen mv 40n whLch heLped me on the A~k ~Lde 01 the bU4Lne~~, hath 10Rmeda pop ~~oup called the IloatLn~bone~, wLth hL~ b~otAe~~ Hapeth and Ham. Lo~d, I am undone/ ll The Lo~d became ~~~o and ~aLd,ll what about the anLmal~, both male and lemale 01 eve~~ ~o~t that I o~de~ed thee to collect to keep theL~ ~eed aLLve on the lace 01 the [a~th?ll Noah ~aLd,ll the~ have been delLve~ed to the WRon~ add~e~~, b ut WL LL b e h eRe next fRL- d a~et h".
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