False discovery rate control with unknown null distribution: is it possible to mimic the oracle?

Etienne Roquain and Nicolas Verzelen

Abstract: Classical multiple testing theory prescribes the null distribution, which is of- ten a too stringent assumption for nowadays large scale . This paper presents theoretical foundations to understand the limitations caused by ignoring the null distri- bution, and how it can be properly learned from the (same) data-set, when possible. We explore this issue in the case where the null distributions are Gaussian with an unknown rescaling parameters ( and ) and the alternative distribution is let arbitrary. While an oracle procedure in that case is the Benjamini Hochberg procedure applied with the true (unknown) null distribution, we pursue the aim of building a procedure that asymptotically mimics the performance of the oracle (AMO in short). Our main result states that an AMO procedure exists if and only if the sparsity parameter k (number of false nulls) is of order less than n/ log(n), where n is the total number of tests. Further sparsity boundaries are derived for general location models where the shape of the null distribution is not necessarily Gaussian. Given our impossibility results, we also pursue a weaker objective, which is to find a confidence region for the oracle. To this end, we develop a distribution-dependent confidence region for the null distribution. As practical by-products, this provides a goodness of fit test for the null distribution, as well as a visual method assessing the reliability of empirical null multiple testing methods. Our results are illustrated with numerical experiments and a companion vignette Roquain and Verzelen(2020).

AMS 2000 subject classifications: Primary 62G10; secondary 62C20. Keywords and phrases: Benjamini-Hochberg procedure, false discovery rate, minimax, multiple testing, robust theory, sparsity, null distribution.

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

In large-scale data analysis, the practitioner routinely faces the problem of simultaneously testing a large number n of null hypotheses. In the last decades, a wide spectrum of mul- tiple testing procedures have been developed. Theoretically-founded control of the amount

arXiv:1912.03109v3 [math.ST] 21 Dec 2020 of false rejections are provided notably by controlling the false discovery rate (FDR), that is, the average proportion of errors among the rejections, as done by the famous Benjamini Hochberg procedure (BH), introduced in Benjamini and Hochberg(1995). Among these pro- cedures, various types of power enhancements have been proposed by taking into account the underlying structure of the data. For instance, let us mention adaptation to the quantity of signal Benjamini et al.(2006); Blanchard and Roquain(2009); Sarkar(2008); Li and Barber (2019), to the signal strength Roquain and van de Wiel(2009); Cai and Sun(2009); Hu et al. (2010); Ignatiadis and Huber(2017); Durand(2019), to the spatial structure Perone Pacifico et al.(2004); Sun and Cai(2009); Ramdas et al.(2019); Durand et al.(2018), or to data dependence structure Leek and Storey(2008); Friguet et al.(2009); Fan et al.(2012); Guo et al.(2014); Delattre and Roquain(2015); Fan and Han(2017), among others. Most of these theoretical studies — and in general, of the FDR controlling procedures developed in the multiple testing literature — rely on the fact that the null distribution of 1 Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 2 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 −4 −2 0 2 4

Golub et al. (1999) Hedenfalk et al. (2001) 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

−4 −2 0 2 4 6 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4

van't Wout et al. (2003) Bourgon et al (2010) Fig 1. of the test (rescaled to be all marginally standard Gaussian), for three datasets presented by Efron: Golub et al.(1999) (top-left); Hedenfalk et al.(2001) (top-right); van’t Wout et al.(2003) (bottom-left); and Bourgon et al.(2010) (bottom-right). Pictures reproducible from the vignette Roquain and Verzelen(2020). the test statistics is exactly known, either for finite n or asymptotically. However, in common practice, this null distribution is often mis-specified: • The null distribution can be wrong. This phenomenon, pointed out in a series of pio- neering papers Efron(2004, 2007b, 2008, 2009) and studied further in Schwartzman (2010); Azriel and Schwartzman(2015); Stephens(2017); Sun and Stephens(2018) is illustrated in Figure1 for four classical datasets. As one can see, the theoretical null dis- tribution N (0, 1) does not describe faithfully the overall behavior of the measurements. One reason invoked by the aforementioned papers is the presence of correlations, that is, co-factors, that modify the shape of the null. As a result, using this theoretical null distribution into a standard multiple testing procedure (e.g., BH) can lead to an im- portant resurgence of false discoveries. Markedly, this effect can be even more severe than simply ignoring the multiplicity of the tests (see Roquain and Verzelen(2020)), and thus the benefit of using a multiple testing correction can be lost. • The null distribution can be unknown. Data often come from raw measurements that have been “cleaned” via many sophisticated normalization processes, and the prac- titioner has no prior belief in what the null distribution should be. Hence, the null distribution is implicitly defined as the ”background noise” of the measurements and searching signal in the data turns out to make some assumption on this background (typically Gaussian) and find outliers, defined as items that significantly deviate from the background. This occurs for instance in astrophysics Szalay et al.(1999); Miller et al. (2001); Sulis et al.(2017), for which devoted procedures are developed, but without full Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 3

theoretical justifications. To address these issues, Efron popularized the concept of empirical null distribution, that is, of a null distribution estimated from the data, in the works Efron et al.(2001); Efron(2004, 2007b, 2008, 2009) notably through the two-group mixture model and the local fdr method. This paved the way for many extensions Jin and Cai(2007); Sun and Cai(2009); Cai and Sun (2009); Cai and Jin(2010); Padilla and Bickel(2012); Nguyen and Matias(2014); Heller and Yekutieli(2014); Cai et al.(2019); Rebafka et al.(2019), which make this type of technics widely used nowadays, mostly in Consortium et al.(2007); Zablocki et al.(2014); Jiang and Yu(2016); Amar et al.(2017) but also in other applied fields, as neuro-imaging, see, e.g., Lee et al.(2016). However, this approach suffers from a lack of theoretical justification, even in the original setting described by Efron, where the null distribution is assumed to be Gaussian.

1.2. Aim

In this work, we propose to fill this gap: we consider the issue of controlling the FDR when 2 the null distribution is Gaussian N (θ, σ ), with unspecified scaling parameters θ ∈ , σ > 0 (general location models will be also dealt with). In addition, according to the original framework considered in Benjamini and Hochberg(1995), the alternative distributions are let arbitrary, which provides a setting both general and simple. We address the following issue: When the null distribution is unknown, is it possible to build a procedure that both control the FDR at the nominal level and has a power asymptotically mimicking the oracle? In addition, as classically considered in multiple testing theory (see, e.g., Dickhaus(2014)), we aim here for a strong FDR control, valid for any data distribution (in a given sparsity ). For short, a procedure enjoying the two properties delineated above is called an AMO procedure in the sequel. To achieve this aim, we should choose an appropriate notion of “oracle”, which corresponds to the default procedure that one would perform if the scaling parameters θ, σ2 were known. Due to the popularity of the BH procedure, we define the oracle procedure as the BH procedure using the null distribution N (θ, σ2) with the true parameters θ, σ2. This choice is also suitable because the BH procedure controls the FDR under arbitrary alternatives (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995) while it has optimal power against classical alternatives (Arias-Castro and Chen, 2017; Rabinovich et al., 2020).

1.3. Our contribution

We consider a setting where the statistician observes independent real random variables Yi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Among these n random variables, n − k follow the unknown null distribution N (θ, σ2) and the remaining k follow arbitrary and unknown distributions. The upper bound k on the number of false nulls is referred henceforth as the sparsity parameter. The latter plays an important role in our results. A reason is that having many observations under the null (that is, k small) facilitates de facto the problem of estimating the null distribution. As argued in Section2, this setting is both an extension of the two-group model of Efron(2008) and of Huber’s contamination model. In this manuscript, we first establish that, when k is much larger than n/ log(n), no AMO exists. Hence, any multiple testing procedure either violates the FDR control or is less pow- erful than the BH oracle procedure. In particular, any local fdr-type procedure that controls Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 4 the FDR has a sub-oracle power. Conversely, any local fdr-type procedure that mimics the oracle power violates the FDR control. Hence, the usual protocole of applying blindly such approaches is questionable when the data contain more than a constant portion of signal (say, when the number of alternatives is of order 10%). On the other hand, when k is much smaller than n/ log(n), a simple procedure that first computes corrected p-values by plugging robust estimators of θ and σ2 and then applies a classical Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure Ben- jamini and Hochberg(1995), is established to be AMO. This type of procedures is referred below as plug-in BH procedures. Figure2 displays the behavior of these procedures for dif- ferent plugged values u, s2 for θ, σ2 (true, mis-specified or estimated). This simple example illustrates that using a wrong scaling of the null distribution can lead to poor performances, with either an uncontrolled increase of false discoveries (top-right panel), or an uncontrolled decrease of true discoveries (bottom-left panel). By contrast, fitting the null distribution with robust estimator of of θ and σ2 seems to nearly mimic the oracle BH procedure. This analysis is the central result of the paper. It is then extended in several directions: first, we show a stronger impossibility result: FDR control and power mimicking are two aims that are incompatible across the delineated boundary; typically, any procedure achieving an oracle power below the boundary entails FDR violation above the boundary. Second, we pinpoint the boundary where AMO is possible when only the mean parameter θ is unknown or, more generally, when the density of the null distribution is arbitrary but only known up to a . Finally, given our impossibility results, one can legitimately ask whether obtaining AMO procedures is not too demanding. Hence, we also investigate the weaker aim of obtaining confidence regions for the oracle procedure. This is achieved by developing a confidence region for the null distribution. Then, candidate region sets for the oracle procedure are rejection sets of plug-in procedures using nulls of that region. The stability of these rejection sets then provides to the statistician a visual method to assess whether they can be confident in the plugged BH procedure. Interestingly, this confidence region can take various forms depending on the considered data set, as shown in Section6 and in the attached vignette Roquain and Verzelen(2020). This illustrates that this region is distribution-dependent and goes beyond a minimax analysis that is based on worst-case distributions. In addition, this approach can be easily adapted to any plug-in method–not necessarily of the BH type– and to any candidate distribution family for the null, which increases the application scope of our approach.

1.4. Work related to our AMO boundaries

Many work are related to the theory developed here. First, as already mentioned, a wide litera- ture has grown around the concept of ”empirical null distribution”, elaborating upon the work of Efron. While his proposal originally relies on the Gaussian null class, more sophisticated classes have been proposed later Schwartzman(2010); Azriel and Schwartzman(2015); Sun and Stephens(2018) to better modeling null coming from a multivariate correlated Gaussian vector. This results in a parametric family with much more parameters to fit. Related to this, estimating the parameters of the null has been considered in a more challenging multivariate factor model, see, e.g., Leek and Storey(2008); Friguet et al.(2009); Fan et al.(2012); Fan and Han(2017). While the authors provide error bounds for the inferred factor models, none of these work establish FDR controls of the corresponding corrected BH procedure. In fact, it turns out that only few work have provided theoretical guarantees for using an empirical null distribution into a multiple testing procedure, even for the simple Gaussian Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 5

True null N (1, 4) Mis-specified null N (0, 1)

FDP = 0.15 FDP = 0.73 0.25 0.25 TDP = 0.91 TDP = 0.99 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00

−10 −5 0 5 10 15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15

Mis-specified null N (1, 16) Estimated null N (1.12, 5.85)

FDP = 0 FDP = 0.075 0.25 0.25 TDP = 0 TDP = 0.82 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00

−10 −5 0 5 10 15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15

Fig 2. Illustration of the plug-in BH procedure with different plugged null distributions. The data have been 2 generated as independent Yi ∼ N (θ + µi, σ ), for µi = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n0, µi = 5, n0 + 1 ≤ i ≤ n0 + n1/2, and 2 µi = −3, n0 + n1/2 + 1 ≤ i ≤ n for n = 1000, n0 = 850, n1 = 150, θ = 1, σ = 4, α = 0.2. Each panel displays the same overlap of the two following histograms of the data: colored in pink, the of the Yi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n0, generated under the null; colored in blue, the (rescaled) histogram of the Yi, n0 + 1 ≤ i ≤ n, generated under the alternative. The plug-in BH procedure is applied at level α = 0.2 and its rejection threshold is displayed by the vertical dashed lines: the rejected null hypotheses correspond to the Yi’s above the most-right vertical dashed line and below the most-left vertical dashed line. The FDP is the ratio of the false rejection number to the total rejection number, see (2) below. The TDP is the ratio of the true rejection number to the total number of false nulls (n1), see (3) below. The plug-in BH procedure uses rescaled p-values pi(u, s) = 2Φ(|Yi − u|/s), 1 ≤ i ≤ n, where Φ is the tail distribution of the standard normal distribution, see (4) below, using different values of u, s. Top-left: u = 1, s2 = 4; top-right: u = 0, s2 = 1; bottom-left: u = 1, s2 = 16; bottom-right: u = θe ≈ 1.12, 2 2 s = σe ≈ 5.85, which are values derived from standard robust estimators, see (13) below. case. Jin and Cai(2007) and Cai and Jin(2010) proposed a method to estimate the null in a particular context, but without evaluating the impact of such an operation when plugged into a multiple testing procedure. Such an attempt has been made by Ghosh(2012), who showed that the FDR control is maintained under the assumption that incorporating the empirical null distribution is an operation that can make the BH procedure only more conservative. Nevertheless, this assumption is admittedly difficult to check. Other studies have been devel- oped in the one-sided context, for which contaminations (that is non-null measurements) are assumed to come only from the right-side (say) of the global measurement distribution. In that case, the left-tail of the distribution can be used to learn the null. Such an idea has been exploited in Carpentier et al.(2018) to estimate the scaling parameters θ and σ2 within the Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 6

null N (θ, σ2) from the left-quantiles of the observed data. Doing so, they show that the plug- in BH procedure has performances close (asymptotically in n) to those of the BH procedure using the true unknown scaling. In addition, relaxing the Gaussian-null assumption, an FDR controlling procedure has been introduced in Barber and Cand`es(2015); Arias-Castro and Chen(2017), by only assuming the symmetry of the null. In that case, the null is implicitly learned by estimating the number of false discoveries occurring at the right-side of the null from its left-side. However, the one-sided contamination model is not the most common prac- tical situation where signal can arise at both sides of the null distribution. The case for which the alternative distributions are let arbitrary and potentially two-sided is more difficult than the one-sided case and will be considered throughout the paper. Let us mention few additional related studies with mis-specified null: in Blanchard et al. (2010), the null is unknown and estimated from an independent sample, so the setting is completely different. In Jing et al.(2014), the authors study the effect of non-normality over the BH procedure using p-values calibrated with the Gaussian distribution. This is substan- tially different from our problem, where the null is assumed Gaussian with an uncertainty in the parameters. Next, Pollard and van der Laan(2004) also discuss the choice of a null distribution, but the aim is to build a null that ensures a valid FWER-type error rate control, which is a goal markedly different from here. Next, maybe on a more conceptual side, our work can be seen as a frequentist minimax robust study of empirical null distributions: first, we do assume that there exists a true null distribution and we try to estimate it to produce our inference. Second, we let the alternative be arbitrary, which that the AMO properties should hold whatever the alternatives. For the FDR control, this is classically referred to as strong control of the FDR, see, e.g., Dickhaus(2014). For the power mimicking, this is new to our knowledge and requires to use a suitable notion power, compatible with a worst-case analysis. Third, the proofs of our impossibility results borrow some ideas from the literature on robust estimation and classical Huber contamination model (Huber, 1964, 2011). Finally, as in many statistical studies in high-dimension, see, e.g., Donoho and Jin(2004); Bickel et al.(2009); Bogdan et al.(2011); Javanmard et al.(2019), the sparsity plays an important role in our results.

1.5. Notation and presentation of the paper

Notation. For two sequences un and vn, un  vn means vn = o(un). Given a real number x, bxc and dxe respectively denote the lower and upper integer parts of x. Given a finite set A, its cardinal is denoted |A|. Given x, y, x ∧ y (resp. x ∨ y) stands for the minimum (resp. maximum) of x and y. For Y ∼ P , the corresponding probability is denoted PY ∼P or simply P when there is no confusion. The density of the standard normal distribution is denoted φ whereas Φ stands for its tail distribution function, that is, Φ(z) = P(Z ≥ z), z ∈ R, n Z ∼ N (0, 1). Finally, given a vector v ∈ R , we denote by v(i) the i-th order of v, that is, the i-th smallest entry of v.

Organization of the paper. The setting and the main results are described in Section2. While they are formulated in an asymptotical manner for simplicity, more accurate non- asymptotical counterparts are provided in Section3: an impossibility result is given in Sec- Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 7

tion 3.1 (with a corollary given in Section 3.3) and a matching upper-bound is provided in Section 3.2. Section4 is devoted to study the situation where the variance of the null is known, while Section5 provides extensions to a general location model. The null confidence region is presented in Section6, which is illustrated on synthetic and real data sets. A discussion is given in Section7. Numerical experiments, proofs, lemmas, and auxiliary results are deferred to the appendix. An application of our approach on real data sets is developed carefully in a devoted vignette, see Roquain and Verzelen(2020).

2. Setting and presentation of the main results

2.1. Framework for testing an unknown null

To formalize our setting, we resort to a variation of Huber’s model (Huber, 1964). Let us observe independent real random variables Yi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. The distribution of the vector n n Y = (Yi)1≤i≤n in R is denoted by P = ⊗i=1Pi. We assume that most of the Pi’s follows the same (null) distribution while the others are “contaminated” and can be arbitrary. Also, following the setting used by Efron (Efron, 2004), we shall assume in this manuscript that this 2 null distribution is of the form N (θ, σ ) for some unknown scaling (θ, σ) ∈ R × (0, ∞) (except in Sections5 and6 where different or more general nulls are considered). Formally, this leads n to assume that P = ⊗i=1Pi belongs to the collection P of all distributions satisfying

2 there exists (θ, σ) ∈ R × (0, ∞) such that |{i ∈ {1, . . . , n} : Pi = N (θ, σ )}| > n/2. (1)

In other words, (1) ensures that there exists a scaling (θ, σ) such that more than half of the 2 Pi’s are N (θ, σ ). While (1) may be surprising at first sight, it is a minimal condition to make the problem identifiable with respect to the unknown null distribution. For P ∈ P, we denote by (θ(P ), σ(P )) this unique couple. This allows us to formulate the multiple testing problem: 2 2 H0,i :“Pi = N (θ(P ), σ (P ))” against H1,i :“Pi 6= N (θ(P ), σ (P ))”,

for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. We underline that H0,i is not a point mass null hypotheses, that is, 0 0 “Pi = P ”, for some known distribution P , nor a composite null of the type “Pi is a Gaussian distribution”, but a point mass null hypothesis with value depending on all the marginals (Pj, 1 ≤ j ≤ n). Let us introduce some notation. We denote by H0(P ) = {1 ≤ i ≤ n : P satisfies H0,i} the set of true null hypotheses, by n0(P ) = |H0(P )| its cardinal and by H1(P ) its complement in {1, . . . , n}. We also let n1(P ) = |H1(P )| = n − n0(P ), so that n1(P ) < n/2 by (1). As an n illustration, if P = ⊗i=1Pi is given by  (Pi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n) = P1 ,P2 , N (1, 4) , N (1, 4) ,P5 , N (1, 4) , N (1, 4)

for n = 7 and some distributions P1,P2,P5 on R that are all different from N (1, 4), we have 2 θ(P ) = 1, σ (P ) = 4, H0(P ) = {3, 4, 6, 7} and n1(P ) = 3. Finally, we will sometimes consider an asymptotic situation where n tends to infinity. In that case, the quantities P, P , Y (and those related) are all depending on n, but we remove such dependences in the notation for the sake of clarity. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 8

2.2. Comparison with classical Huber’s model and two-group models

Originally, Huber’s contamination model was introduced in as a mixture model with density h = (1 − π)φθ,σ + πf where π ∈ [0, 1/2), φθ,σ stands for the density of a N (θ, σ2) and f is an arbitrary density. When according to this model, one observes a proportion close to (1−π) of data sampled from the normal distribution and a proportion close to π of contaminated data. In our framework, the contaminated data account for the false null hypotheses and non-contaminated data for the true null hypotheses. Note that this mixture model interprets as a specific random instance of our model introduced in the previous section. Indeed, one can sample n observations according to h by first generating n Bernoulli random variables Zi ∈ {0, 1} with parameter π. Next, if Zi = 0, then Yi is sampled according to φθ,σ, whereas if, Zi = 1, Yi is sampled according to f. As a consequence, conditionally to the Zi’s, Pn the distribution P of Y satisfies n1(P ) = i=1 Zi and (θ(P ), σ(P )) = (θ, σ), at least when Pn i=1 Zi < n/2. Besides, all false null distributions Pi are identically distributed according to f. This random instance representation of our model is central for proving impossibility results in Section 3.1. In the multiple testing terminology, Huber’s contamination model can be interpreted as a two-group model where the null distribution is a normal distribution with unknown parameters and the alternative distribution is let completely arbitrary. Let us mention that many versions of null/alternative families have been considered in the literature, as mixture of Gaussian distributions Sun and Cai(2007); Jin and Cai(2007); Cai and Jin (2010) or well chosen parametric families Sun and Stephens(2018). The one we choose is in accordance with the original proposition of Efron(2008) while being suitable to ensure the strong FDR control. Furthermore, note that, in general, letting the alternative distribution arbitrary leads to identifiability problem for the null in the corresponding two-group model, see Figure3 below. However, one advantage of using a model with a fixed mixture is that identifiability is always ensured under Assumption1.

2.3. Criteria

A multiple testing procedure is defined as a measurable function R taking as input the data Y and returning a subset R(Y ) ⊂ {1, . . . , n} corresponding to the set of rejected null hypotheses among (H0,i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n). The amount of false positives of R (type I errors) is classically measured by the false discovery proportion of R:

|R(Y ) ∩ H (P )| FDP(P,R(Y )) = 0 , (2) |R(Y )| ∨ 1

see Benjamini and Hochberg(1995). The expectation FDR( P,R) = EY ∼P [FDP(P,R(Y ))] is the false discovery rate of the procedure R. The amount of true positives of R is measured by |R(Y ) ∩ H (P )| TDP(P,R(Y )) = 1 , (3) n1(P ) ∨ 1 and corresponds to the proportion of (correctly) rejected nulls among the set of false null hypotheses. It has been often used as a power metric for multiple testing procedures, see, e.g. Benjamini and Hochberg(1995); Roquain and van de Wiel(2009); Arias-Castro and Chen (2017); Rabinovich et al.(2020). Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 9

2.4. Plug-in BH procedures

In our study, an important class of procedure are the BH procedures with rescaled p-values, that we call the plug-in BH procedures. This corresponds to first estimating the null distri- bution (θ(P ), σ(P )) and then plugging it into BH. Since Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure is defined through the p-value family, we first define, for u ∈ R and s > 0, the rescaled p-values |Y − u| p (u, s) = 2Φ i , u ∈ , s > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, (4) i s R which corresponds to the situation where θ(P ), σ(P ) have been estimated by u, s, respectively. By convention, the value s = +∞ is allowed here, which gives a rescaled p-value always equal to 1. The oracle p-values are then given by ∗ pi = pi(θ(P ), σ(P )), 1 ≤ i ≤ n . (5) Definition 2.1. Let α ∈ (0, 1), u ∈ R, s > 0 and P ∈ P. The plug-in BH procedure of level α with scaling u and s is given by

BHα(Y ; u, s) = {1 ≤ i ≤ n : pi(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s)}; (6)

= {1 ≤ i ≤ n : pi(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s) ∨ (α/n)}; ( n ) X Tα(Y ; u, s) = max t ∈ [0, 1] : 1{pi(u, s) ≤ t} ≥ nt/α . (7) i=1 In particular, the oracle BH procedure (of level α) is defined as the plug-in BH procedure (of ∗ level α) with scaling θ(P ) and σ(P ), that is, is defined by BHα(Y ) = BHα(Y ; θ(P ), σ(P )).

When not ambiguous, we will sometimes drop Y in the notation BHα(Y ; u, s), Tα(Y ; u, s), ∗ ∗ BHα(Y ) for short. The oracle procedure BHα corresponds to the situation where the true scaling (θ(P ), σ(P )) is directly plugged into the BH procedure and is therefore the oracle ∗ procedure in our study. In our framework, the p-values pi are all independent, with the ∗ property pi ∼ U(0, 1) whenever i ∈ H0(P ). Hence, it is well known (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995; Benjamini and Yekutieli, 2001) that its FDR satisfies the following: ∗ ∀P ∈ P, FDR(P, BHα) = αn0(P )/n . (8) ∗ To mimic BHα, natural candidates are the plug-in BH procedures BHα(θ,b σb), for some suitable estimators θb, σb of θ(P ), σ(P ) (by convention, the value σb = ∞ is allowed here). In the sequel, (θb, σb) is called a rescaling.

2.5. AMO procedures

∗ To evaluate how a procedure is mimicking BHα on some sparsity range, let us define the following notation: for any procedure R(Y ) ⊂ {1, . . . , n}, any sparsity parameter k ∈ [1, n/2] and any level α ∈ (0, 1), we let I(R, k) = sup {FDR(P,R)}; (9) P ∈P n1(P )≤k ∗ II(R, k, α) = sup {PY ∼P (TDP(P,R) < TDP(P, BHα))} . (10) P ∈P n1(P )≤k Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 10

∗ ∗ Note that I(BHα, k) = α for any k by (8). In particular, the control I(BHα, n) ≤ α is uniform on P ∈ P meaning that any least favorable configuration does not deteriorate the FDR. This is strong FDR control, on the range of distributions with at most k false nulls. The criterion ∗ II(R, k, α) is a type II risk defined relatively to BHα: it is small when the TDP of R is at least ∗ as large as the one of BHα, with a large probability. In particular, the map α 7→ II(R, k, α) is nondecreasing. Then, a procedure is said to mimic the oracle if it maintains the strong FDR control while having a small relative type II risk.

Definition 2.2. Let R = (Rα)α∈(0,1) be a sequence of multiple testing procedure, both de- pending on the nominal level α and of the number n of tests. For a given sparsity sequence kn ∈ [1, n/2), the procedure sequence R is asymptotically mimicking the oracle BH procedure, AMO in short, whenever the two following properties hold: there exists a positive sequence ηn → 0 such that

lim sup sup {I(Rα, kn) − α} ≤ 0; (11) n α∈(1/n,1/2)

lim sup {II(Rα, kn, α(1 − ηn))} = 0. (12) n α∈(1/n,1/2)

Furthermore, if θb and σb are two (sequence of) estimators of θ(P ) and σ(P ), respectively, the rescaling (θ,b σb) is said to be AMO if the sequence of plug-in BH procedure (BHα(θ,b σb))α∈(0,1) is AMO. In this definition, the performances of the oracle BH procedure are mimicked both in terms of FDR and TDP. Note that the power statement is made slightly weaker than one could expect at first sight, with a slight decrease of the level in BH∗ . Since η converges α(1−ηn) n to 0, this modification is very light. In addition, if one wants a comparison with the oracle ∗ procedure BHα (without modification of the level), the convergence (12) can be equivalently

replaced by limn supα∈(1/n,1/2){II(Rα(1+ηn), kn, α))} = 0. This would not change our results. Also, we underline that, while the statements (11) and (12) are formulated in an asymptotic manner for compactness, all our results will be non-asymptotic. Remark 2.3. The oracle BH procedure is the reference procedure here. Since there is yet no general theory proving that it is optimal in a universal way, one can legitimately ask whether this choice is reasonable. Other proposals have been made, see e.g. Rosset et al.(2020), but the procedures there are much more complex and rely on distributional assumptions under the alternative. Here, we choose the BH procedure because: 1) it is widely used and thus is a meaningful benchmark 2) it is simple and thus allows for a full theoretical analysis and 3) it has been shown to be optimal in some specific regime, see Arias-Castro and Chen(2017); Rabinovich et al.(2020). Remark 2.4. Instead of stochastically comparing the true discovery proportions in (10), an alternative could have been to compare their expectations. The expectation of the TDP, called the true discovery rate (TDR), is the standard notion of power in the literature, see for instance Roquain and van de Wiel(2009); Arias-Castro and Chen(2017); Rabinovich et al. (2020), where specific classes of alternative distributions are considered. Here, the TDR is not a suitable measure of power, because the alternative distribution is let completely free in (10). As a result, in some cases, the TDR is maximized by trivial procedures that typically reject no null hypothesis with probability 1−α and reject all null hypotheses with probability α. As such procedures are obviously undesirable, we focus on the stronger asymptotic stochastic domination TDP property required in (12). Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 11

2.6. Robust estimation of (θ(P ), σ(P ))

Since our framework allows arbitrary alternative distributions, we consider simple robust estimators for (θ(P ), σ(P )) defined by −1 θe = Y(dn/2e); σe = U(dn/2e)/Φ (1/4), (13) −1 where Ui = |Yi −Y(dn/2e)| and Φ (1/4) ≈ 0.674. While θe is the sample , σe corresponds to a suitable rescaling of U(dn/2e), the median absolute deviation (MAD) of the sample. Under the null, the variables |Yi − θ|/σ are i.i.d. and distributed as the absolute value of a standard Gaussian variable. Hence, taking the median of the |Yi − θ| should be a robust estimator of σ −1 times the median of the absolute value of a standard Gaussian variable, that is, of σ Φ (1/4). Rescaling suitably this quantity and replacing θ by θe leads to the definition of σe. The two estimators defined by (13) are minimax optimal; see e.g. Chen et al.(2018) for a result in a slightly different mixture model. We will use here specific properties of these estimators, to be found in Section F.1.

2.7. Presentation of the results

2.7.1. Main result

We now state the main result of the paper. Theorem 2.5. In the setting of Section2 and according to Definition 2.2, the following holds:

(i) for a sparsity kn  n/ log(n), there exists no (sequence of) AMO procedure that is AMO; (ii) for a sparsity kn  n/ log(n), the sequence of plug-in BH procedure (BHα(θ,e σe))α∈(0,1) is AMO, for the scaling (θ,e σe) given by standard robust estimators (13). Part (i) of Theorem 2.5 (lower bound) means that, when the proportion of true alternative hypotheses is much largen than 1/ log(n), it is not possible to perform as well as an oracle that knows the null distribution in advance. Obtaining negative results on FDR control has received recently some attention in multiple testing literature Arias-Castro and Chen(2017); Rabinovich et al.(2020); Castillo and Roquain(2018) in various contexts, and in restriction to the class of thresholding-based procedures. Here, our impossibility holds for any multiple testing procedure. The proof of our lower bound relies on a Le Cam’s two-point reduction n scheme. Namely, it is derived by identifying two mixture distributions on R that are indis- tinguishable while corresponding to distant null distributions (see Figure3) and by studying the impact of such fuzzy configuration on the FDR and TDP metrics. While this argument is classical in the estimation or (single) testing literature (see, e.g., Tsybakov, 2009 and Donoho and Jin, 2006), it is to our knowledge new in the multiple testing context. Part (ii) of Theorem 2.5 (upper bound) is proved in Section 3.2. For this, we extend the ideas used in Carpentier et al.(2018) to accommodate the new two-sided geometry of the test statistics. In particular, correcting the Yi’s by θb changes the order of the p-values, which was not the case in the one-sided situation. Our proof relies on the symmetry of the Gaussian distribution and on special properties of the BH procedure rejection set when removing one element of the p-value family, see, e.g., Ferreira and Zwinderman(2006). Also note that the scaling (θ,e σe) does not use the knowledge of kn, which means that these estimators are adaptive with respect to the sparsity kn on the range kn  n/ log(n). Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 12

2.7.2. Extending the scope of the main result

We provide three complementary results. First, in the testing literature, type I error rate controls are generally favored over type II error rate controls. In our framework, we can always design a plug-in BH procedure that controls the FDR by simply setting σb = ∞, which is equivalent to taking R(Y ) = ∅ (no rejection). In view of this remark, we can re-interpret the statement of Theorem 2.5 as follows:

(i) in the dense regime (kn  n/ log(n)), it is possible to achieve (11) but not with (12); (ii) in the sparse regime (kn  n/ log(n)), it is possible to achieve both (11) and (12). A natural question is then: can we achieve the best of the two worlds? Is that possible to find a rescaling satisfying (11) in the dense regime and both (11) and (12) in the sparse regime? We establish in Section 3.3 that such a procedure does not exist, see Corollary 3.3. As a consequence, any procedure controlling the FDR in the dense regime is not AMO in the sparse regime. Conversely, any AMO procedure in the sparse regime is not able to control the FDR in the dense regime. This is the case in particular for the plug-in procedure BHα(θ,e σe) considered in Theorem 2.5 (ii). More formally, combining Corollary 3.3( α = c3/2) and Theorem 3.2 below establishes the following result.

Corollary 2.6. There exist numerical constants α0 ∈ (0, 1/2) and c > 0 such that for any sequence un → ∞, lim inf{I(BHα (θ,e σ), unn/ log(n)) − α0} > c. n 0 e Second, in Section4, we show an analogue of Theorem 2.5 when σ = σ(P ) is supposed to be known. Hence, the only unknown null parameter is θ and the class of rescaling is re- stricted to those of the form (θ,b σ), where θb is an estimator of θ. We establish that the sparsity 1/2 boundary is slightly modified in this case: impossibility is shown for kn  n/ log (n), while 1/2 (θ,e σ) is AMO for kn  n/ log (n) (Theorem 4.1). While the upper-bound part is similar to the upper-bound part of Theorem 2.5 above, the lower bound arguments have to be adapted to the case where only the location parameter is unknown. More precisely, we establish two types of lower-bounds. We first develop a lower bound valid for any multiple testing pro- cedure (Theorem 4.2), which follows the same philosophy as the lower-bound developed in Theorem 2.5 (via Theorem 3.1). Next, we provide a refined lower bound specifically tailored to plug-in BH type procedures. Contrary to the previous lower bounds, it does not state type I error/type II error trade-offs but it establishes that uniform control of the FDR is alone 1/2 already out of reach. Namely, this result shows that, on the sparsity range kn  n/ log (n), any plug-in procedure exhibits a FDP close to 1/2 and makes around n3/4 false discoveries, this on an event of probability close to 1/2 (see Theorem 4.4). Intuitively, this comes from the fact that σb = σ is fixed to the true value and thus cannot compensate the estimation error of θb, which irremediably leads to many false discoveries in that regime. Third, we extend our results to the case where the null distribution has a known symmetric density g with an unknown location parameter, see Section5. Therein, we derive lower bounds in two different regimes, when kn/n tends to zero (Theorem 5.1) and when kn/n is of order constant (Theorem 5.2). Also, we provide a general upper bound matching the lower bounds under assumptions on g (Theorem 5.3). As expected, the sparsity boundary depends on g. −1 −|x|ζ /ζ For instance, for ζ-Subbotin null g(x) = Lζ e , ζ > 1, the boundary is proved to be 1−1/ζ kn  n/(log(n)) (Corollary 5.4), which recovers the Gaussian case for ζ = 2. For the −|x| Laplace distribution g(x) = e /2, AMO scaling is possible as long as kn  n (Corollary 5.5). Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 13

Finally, we further explore the behavior of any procedure for the Laplace distribution on the boundary when kn is of the same order as n (Proposition 5.6).

2.7.3. Confidence region for the null and applications

Our previous analysis shows that, when the sparsity is not strong enough, we cannot hope to build a procedure that mimics the properties of the oracle BH procedure. This holds in the minimax sense, that is, this impossibility is shown to be met under a least favorable configuration (see Figure3 below). However, if the underlying distribution P is reasonably far from this distribution, it is not necessarily impossible to mimic the oracle. Hence, for some specific data sets that are not sparse, one can possibly reliably estimate the null distribution and plug a BH procedure. This raises the issue of deriving data-driven and distribution- dependent measures of the reliability of plug-in null estimation methods. This is the topic of Section6. Our main result there is a general, non-asymptotic, confidence region for the null distribution (Theorem 6.1). The latter holds without any assumption on the sparsity and on the null distribution. It only requires an upper-bound k on the number of false nulls. This induces a goodness of fit test for any given null distribution (Corollary 6.2) or even any family of null distributions (Corollary 6.3). As shown in the vignette, for several data sets, the theoretical null N (0, 1) is rejected while the family of Gaussian null is accepted. This reinforces the interest in using Gaussian empirical nulls, as Efron suggested in the first place. Another application of the confidence region is a confidence set for the rejection set (or number) of the oracle BH procedure (Corollary 6.4). This result is certainly weaker than the aforementioned AMO property, but is valid for all distributions P , even those being above the boundary. It can be use to make practical recommandations: if the rejection set (or number) is fairly unchanged over the confidence region, then the user knows approximately the rejection set (or number) of the oracle. By contrast, if the empty rejection set lies in that region, the user should probably make no rejection. We suggest to visualize this phenomenon via colored/annotated confidence region (Figure4). Finally, we underline that this region can be applied with any type of null distribution, not necessarily Gaussian, because our confidence region is nonparametric.

2.7.4. Numerical experiments

In SectionA, we provide numerical experiments that illustrate our results. The simulations corroborate the theoretical findings and can be summarized as follows: • the plug-in BH procedure used with robust estimators is mimicking the oracle for k small enough; • it is improved by local fdr-type methods for standard alternatives. However, the latter are less robust to extreme alternatives; • all procedures fail to mimic the oracle when k is large; • these results are qualitatively similar under weak dependence between the measure- ments.

In addition, simulations are made under equi-correlation of the Yi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, which is an elementary factor model see Fan et al.(2012). Interestingly, the methods here mimic the conditional true null, that is, the null distribution conditionally on the factor. Hence, they are able both to remove the dependence and to reduce the variance of the noise. This corroborates Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 14 previous results in the literature, see, e.g., Efron(2007a); Fan et al.(2012). In addition, this phenomenon also holds with complex real data dependencies, as we illustrate in the vignette Roquain and Verzelen(2020). Markedly, we also show there that this convenient property is not met when estimating the null via a classical permutation-based approach.

3. Non asymptotical bounds

3.1. Lower bound

To prove part (i) of Theorem 2.5, we establish a more general, non asymptotic, impossibility result.

Theorem 3.1. There exist numerical positive constants c1–c5 such that the following holds for all n ≥ c1 and any α ∈ (0, 1). Consider any two positive numbers k1 ≤ k2 satisfying    n log (2/α) k2 c2 1 + log ≤ k2 < n/2 . (14) log(n) k1 For any multiple testing procedure R such that

FDR(P,R) ≤ c3 , for any P ∈ P with n1(P ) ≤ k2 , there exists some P ∈ P with n1(P ) ≤ k1 such that we have

PY ∼P (|R(Y ) ∩ H1(P )| = 0) ≥ 2/5 ;   n n o1/2 −1 1/2 |BH∗ ∩ H (P )| ≥ c α−1 ≥ 1 − e−c5α {n/ log(n)} ≥ 4/5 . (15) PY ∼P α/2 1 4 log n

In particular, we have that I(R, k2) ≤ c3 implies II(R, k1, α/2) ≥ 1/5. Theorem 3.1 states that, for any procedure R, either the FDR is not controlled at the nominal level α ≤ c3 for all P with n1(P ) ≤ k2 or that there exists a distribution P with n1(P ) ≤ k1 such that R does not make any correct rejection with positive probability while ∗ 1/2 the oracle procedure BHα/2 make at least (of the order of) {n/ log(n)} correct rejections with probability close to one. Now, let us show that Theorem 3.1 implies part (i) of Theorem 2.5. Consider any sequence kn with n/2 > kn  n/(log n), any sequence ηn → 0, an arbitrary sequence of procedure (Rα)α∈(0,1), and choose α = (c3 ∧ 1)/2. Clearly, for n large enough, the sparsity parame- ters k1 = k2 = kn satisfy the requirements of Theorem 3.1 and thus, for n large, either I(Rα, kn) − α > (c3 ∧ 1)/2 or II(Rα, kn, α/2) ≥ 1/5. This entails that (11) and (12) cannot hold simultaneously.

Let us provide some high-level ideas of the proof of Theorem 3.1; we refer to SectionB for the details. As explained in Section2, two-group models can be viewed as random instances of our setting and it suffices to prove that no AMO procedure in this setting. Let us assume that Yi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, are i.i.d. and have a common distribution given by the mixture density

h = (1 − π)φ + πf1, (16)

where φ is the density of the standard Gaussian distribution, f1 is the density of the alternative and π ∈ (0, 1) is a prescribed proportion of signal. This density is depicted in the left panel Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 15 of Figure3, for some specific choice of π and f1. Here, the alternative density looks nicely separated from the null φ, which indicates that the oracle procedure should typically make some rejections. By contrast, consider the situation depicted in the right panel of Figure3, −1 where the null density is given by φσ2 (·) = σ2 φ(·/σ2) and the alternative is given by a density f2, concentrated near 0. In that situation, the alternative density are not well distinguishable from the null so that the oracle procedure, which “knows” what is the null distribution, makes no rejection with high probability to ensure a correct FDR control.

h = (1 − π)φ + πf1 h = (1 − π)φσ2 + πf2 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 −4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4

Fig 3. Left: the density h given by (16) (black), interpreted as a mixture between the null N (0, 1) ((1 − π)φ in 2 blue) and the alternative f1 (πf1 in red). Right: the same h interpreted as a mixture between the null N (0, σ2 ) 2 ((1 − π)φσ2 in blue) and the alternative f2 (πf2 in red). π = 1/5, σ2 ≈ 2.88.

The point is that f1 and f2 are chosen so that the two mixture densities in the left and right panel coincide. Hence, when the data are generated by this mixture, any data-driven procedure cannot decipher whether the data arise from (φ, f1) or (φσ2 , f2). As a result, a data- driven procedure is not able to mimic the behavior of the oracle as soon as the distribution of the rejection number of the oracle highly differs in the two situations. Quantifying precisely the latter provides a condition on the sparsity parameter π = πn, namely πn  1/ log(n), under which no AMO procedure exists.

3.2. Upper bound

In this section, we prove Part (ii) of Theorem 2.5. The following result states FDR and power oracle inequalities.

Theorem 3.2. In the setting of Section2, there exist universal constants c1, c2 > 0 such that the following holds for all n ≥ c1 and α ∈ (0, 0.5). Consider any number k ≤ 0.1n such −1/6 that η = c2 log(n/α) (k/n) ∨ n ≤ 0.05. Then, we have

−n1/2 I(BHα(θ,e σe), k) ≤ α(1 + η) + e ; (17) −n1/2 II(BHα(θ,e σe), k, α(1 − η)) ≤ e . (18)

Let us check that Theorem 3.2 implies (ii) of Theorem 2.5. If log(n)kn/n tends to zero and kn −1/6 α ∈ (1/n, 1/2), we have η ≤ 2c2 log(n) n ∨ n which is smaller than 0.05 for n large Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 16 enough, and by (17) above and (8),

−n1/2 sup {I(BHα(θ,e σe), k) − α} ≤ η + e , α∈(1/n,1/2) which converges to 0 as n grows to infinity. This gives (11) for (θ,b σb) = (θ,e σe). Similarly,

−n1/2 sup {II(BHα(θ,e σe), k, α(1 − η))} ≤ e → 0, α∈(1/n,1/2)

which gives (12) for (θ,b σb) = (θ,e σe) and ηn = η.

The proof of Theorem 3.2 is given in SectionC. The general argument can be summarized as −1/2 follows. Observing that the estimators θ,e σe converge at the rate n1(P )/n+n (Lemma F.1), we mainly have to quantify the impact of these errors on the FDR/TDP metrics. To show (17), we establish that the FDR metric is at worst perturbed by the estimation rate multiplied by log(n/α). Here, α/n corresponds to the smallest p-value threshold of the BH procedure. This can be shown by studying how the p-value process is affected by misspecifying the scaling parameters (Lemma C.2). A difficulty stems from the fact that the FDR metric is not monotonic in the rejection set, so that specific properties of BH procedure and of the estimators θ,e σe are required (Lemmas C.1 and C.3). The second result (18) is proved similarly, the main difference being that we need a slight decrease in the level α (Lemma C.2) of the ∗ oracle procedure BHα to compare the BH thresholds Tα(θ(P ), σ(P )) and Tα(θ,b σb). This results in a level α(1 − η) instead of α in (18).

3.3. Relation between FDR and power across the boundary

Theorem 2.5 establishes that it is impossible to perform as well as the oracle BH procedure when kn  n/ log(n). As simultaneously controlling the FDR and power mimicking is out of reach, one may require that, at least, the FDR is controlled. Theorem 3.1, applied with k1 < k2, shows that controlling the FDR in the dense case has consequences on the relative type II risk in the sparse case. More precisely, for some  > 0, Condition (14) and k1 ≤ k2 −1 (c2 log(2/α)) n is satisfied for k2 = log(1/)n/ log(n) and k1 =  log(1/)e log n (for  in a specific range), which entails the following result.

Corollary 3.3. Consider the same numerical constants c1–c3 as in Theorem 3.1 above. Take −1/2 c any α ∈ (0, c3), any n ≥ c1 and fix any  ∈ (n ;(α/2) 2 ). Then for any procedure R with I(R, k2) ≤ c3 for a sparsity k2 = log(1/)n/ log(n), we have II(R, k1, α/2) ≥ 1/5 for a (c log(2/α))−1 −1/4 c sparsity k1 =  2 log(1/)en/ log n. In particular, if n < (α/2) 2 , we have for any procedure R, • if I(R, n/4) ≤ α, then II(R, n1−δe/4, α/2) ≥ 1/5; 1−δ • if II(R, n e/4, α/2) < 1/5, then I(R, n/4) > c3,

where we let δ = 1/(4c2 log(2/α)) > 0. In plain words, the above corollary entails that a procedure R controlling the FDR up n to a sparsity log(1/) log n (that is of order larger than or equal to the boundary n/ log(n) of Theorem 2.5), suffers from a power loss in a sparse setting where n1(P ) is of order −1 (c2 log(2/α)) n  log(1/) log n , for which AMO is theoretically possible (as stated in Theorem 3.2). Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 17

As  decreases, R is assumed to control the FDR in denser settings and becomes over- conservative in sparser settings. The case  = n−1/4, requiring that the FDR is controlled at the nominal level up to a sparsity n/4 enforces a power loss in some ”easy” settings where n1(P )/n is polynomially small. In other words, if we require FDR control in the dense regime, we will pay a high power price in the ”easy” regime where AMO is achievable. Conversely, any AMO procedure in sparse regime violates the FDR control in the dense regime. Corollary 2.6 formalizes this fact with the plug-in BH procedure of Theorem 3.2.

4. Known variance

This section is dedicated to the simpler case where σ(P ) is known to the statistician, so that only the mean θ(P ) has to be estimated. In this setting, it turns out that the boundary for AMO is n/ log1/2(n) instead of n/ log(n). Theorem 4.1. In the setting of Section2 and according to Definition 2.2, the following holds: 1/2 (i) for a sparsity kn with kn log (n)/n  1, there exists no (sequence of) procedure that is AMO; 1/2 (ii) for a sparsity kn with kn log (n)/n = o(1), the scaling (θ,e σ(P )) given by (13) is AMO. The upper bound (ii) is proved similarly to the upper bound of Theorem 2.5, but with the 1/2 weaker condition kn log (n)/n = o(1). For this, one readily checks that Theorem 3.2 extends 1/2  n1(P )+1 −1/6 to the case where σb = σ(P ) up to replacing η by η = c2 log (n/α) n + n (and possibly modifying the constants c1 and c2). The proofs are exactly the same, except that Lemma C.2 has to be replaced by Lemma D.3. See Section D.3 for details. Let us additionally provide here a heuristic to explain the value of the boundary. Roughly, the oracle BH procedure is equivalent to the plug-in BH procedure if the corrected observations Yi −θb can be compared −1 to the Gaussian quantiles Φ (αk/(2n)) in the same way as the Yi − θ do. Hence, the plug-in operation will mimic the oracle if

ˆ n −1 −1 o α/n |θ − θ|  min Φ (αk/(2n)) − Φ (α(k − 1)/(2n))  −1 , k φ(Φ (α/n))

which leads to k/n  1/log1/2 n, by using the standard properties on the Gaussian tail distribution (SectionG) and the estimation rate of θe (Section F.1). In the remainder of this section, we focus on the impossibility results. We first establish in Theorem 4.2 the counterpart of Theorem 3.1. This lower bound is valid non asymptotically and for arbitrary testing procedures. Next, we provide a sharper lower bound for plug-in procedures.

4.1. Lower bound for a general procedure

Theorem 4.2. There exist numerical positive constants c1–c5 such that the following holds for all n ≥ c1 and any α ∈ (0, 1). Consider two positive numbers k1 ≤ k2 satisfying

n log (2/α)  k 1/2 c 1 + log 2 ≤ k < n/2 , (19) 2 1/2 2 log (n) k1 Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 18

For any multiple testing procedure R satisfying

FDR(P,R) ≤ c3 , for any P ∈ P with n1(P ) ≤ k2 , there exists some P ∈ P with n1(P ) ≤ k1 such that we have

PY ∼P (|R(Y ) ∩ H1(P )| = 0) ≥ 2/5 ;   n n o1/2 −1 1/2 |BH∗ ∩ H (P )| ≥ c α−1 ≥ 1 − e−c5α {n/ log(n)} ≥ 4/5 . (20) PY ∼P α/2 1 4 log n

In particular, we have that I(R, k2) ≤ c3 implies II(R, k1, α/2) ≥ 1/5. This result is qualitatively similar to Theorem 3.1, up to the change the boundary condition 1/2 (14) into (19). Taking k1 = k2 = kn  n/log (n), we deduce part (i) of Theorem 4.1. As in Section 3.3, we also deduce from Theorem 4.2 that no procedure R can simultaneously 1/2 control the FDR at the nominal level up to some kn  n/log (n) while being also AMO for 1/2 all sequences kn  n/log (n).

Corollary 4.3. Consider the same numerical constants c1–c5 as in Theorem 4.2 above. −1/4 c −(c log(2/α))2 Take any α ∈ (0, c3), any n ≥ c1 and fix any  ∈ (n ;(α/2) 2 e 2 ). Then for any procedure R with I(R, k ) ≤ c for a sparsity k = log1/2(1/) n , we have 2 3 2 log1/2 n −2 II(R, k , α/2) ≥ 1/5 for a sparsity k = (c2 log(2/α)) log1/2(1/)e n . In particular, if 1 1 log1/2 n 2 n−1/16 < (α/2)c2 e−(c2 log(2/α)) , we have for any procedure R, • if I(R, n/4) ≤ α, then II(R, n1−δe/4, α/2) ≥ 1/5; 1−δ • if II(R, n e/4, α/2) < 1/5 then I(R, n/4) > c3, 2 2 where we let δ = 1/(16c2 log (2/α)) > 0.

4.2. Lower bound for plug-in procedures

In the previous section, we established an impossibility result for all multiple testing pro- cedures R. In this section, we turn our attention to the special case of plug-in procedures BHα(θ,b σ(P )) where θb is any estimator of θ(P ).

Theorem 4.4. There exist positive numerical constants c1–c3 such that the following holds for all α ∈ (0, 1), all n ≥ N(α), any estimator θb, and all k satisfying n log(2/α) n c1 ≤ k < . (21) log1/2(n) 2

There exists P ∈ P with n1(P ) ≤ k and an event Ω of probability higher than 1/2 − c2/n such that, on Ω, the plug-in procedure BHα(Y ; θ,b σ(P )) satisfies both

3/4 BHα(Y ; θ,b σ(P )) ∩ H0(P ) ≥ 0.5n ; 1 FDP(P, BH (Y ; θ, σ(P ))) ≥ . (22) α b −1/5 2 + c3n

This theorem enforces that no plug-in procedure BHα(Y ; θ,b σ(P )) is able to control the 1/2 FDR at the nominal level in dense settings (kn  n/log (n)). In fact, the FDP of plug-in Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 19 procedures BHα(Y ; θ,b σ(P )) is even shown to be at least of the order of 1/2 with probability close to 1/2. On the same event, the plug-in procedure BHα(Y ; θ,b σ(P )) makes many false rejections. This statement is much stronger than the one of Theorem 4.2 (in the case k1 = k2). In contrast to the previous lower bounds, the proof of Theorem 4.4 relies on a tighter control of the shifted p-value process and quantifies its impact on the BH threshold.

5. Extension to general location models

In this section, we generalize our approach to the case where the null distribution is not necessarily Gaussian. For simplicity, we focus here on the location model. Let G denote the collection of densities on R that are symmetric, continuous and non-increasing on R+. Given n any g ∈ G, we extend the setting of Section2, by now assuming that P = ⊗i=1Pi belongs to n the collection Pg of all distributions on R satisfying

there exists θ ∈ R such that |{i ∈ {1, . . . , n} : Pi has density g(· − θ)}| > n/2. (23)

In other words, we assume that there exists θ such that at least half of the Pi’s have for density g(· − θ). Such θ is therefore uniquely defined from P , and we denote it again by θ(P ). The testing problem becomes

H0,i :“Pi ∼ g(· − θ(P ))” against H1,i :“Pi  g(· − θ(P ))”, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. The rescaled p-values are now defined by

pi(u) = 2G (|Yi − u|) , u ∈ R, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, (24)

R +∞ ∗ where G(y) = y g(x)dx, y ∈ R. The oracle p-values are given by pi = 2G (|Yi − θ(P )|), 1 ≤ i ≤ n. The BH procedure at level α using p-values pi(u), 1 ≤ i ≤ m, is denoted BHα(u), ∗ whereas the oracle version is still denoted BHα.

For a given sparsity sequence kn ∈ [1, n/2), the sequence of procedure R = (Rα)α∈(0,1) is said to be AMO if there exists a positive sequence ηn → 0 such that

lim sup sup {Ig(Rα, kn) − α} ≤ 0; (25) n α∈(1/n,1/2)

lim sup {IIg(Rα, kn, α(1 − ηn))} = 0, (26) n α∈(1/n,1/2)

where Ig(·) and IIg(·) are respectively defined as (9) and (10), except that P is replaced by Pg therein. Similarly, for any sequence of estimators θb of θ(P ), the rescaling θb is said to be AMO if (Rα)α∈(0,1) = (BHα(θb))α∈(0,1) is AMO.

5.1. Lower bounds

We first state two conditions under which (25) and (26) cannot hold together. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 20

Theorem 5.1. Consider any g ∈ G. There exist numerical positive constants c1 and c2 and a constant cg (only depending on g) such that the following holds for all n > 2k ≥ c1 and any α ∈ (0, 1/2). Assume that

k  −1  t  −1 12t ≥ min G − G , (27) α α ncg t∈[ 2n ; 12 ] 2 α and consider   α α  −1  t  −1 12t k  t0 = max t ∈ ; s.t. G − G ≤ . 2n 12 2 α ncg For any multiple testing procedure R satisfying 1 FDR(P,R) ≤ , for all P ∈ P with n (P ) ≤ k , 5 g 1 there exists some P ∈ Pg with n1(P ) ≤ k such that we have

PY ∼P (|R(Y ) ∩ H1(P )| = 0) ≥ 2/5 ;   2nt −1 |BH∗ ∩ H (P )| ≥ 0 ≥ 1 − e−c2α nt0 . (28) PY ∼P α/2 1 α −c α−1nt In particular, Ig(R, k) ≤ 1/5 implies IIg(R, k, α/2) ≥ 2/5 − e 2 0 .

A consequence of Theorem 5.1 is that, for some sparsity sequence kn, if for all n > 2kn ≥ c1, Condition (27) holds with e−c2nt0 ≤ 1/5, it is not possible to achieve any AMO procedure −1 in the sense defined above. Interestingly, Condition (27) depends on the variations of G (t) for small t > 0. Taking g = φ and t = 1/{n log(n)}1/2 and using the relations stated in Lemma G.2, we recover Theorem 4.2 (case k1 = k2) obtained in the Gaussian location model and the corresponding sharp condition k  n/{log(n)}1/2. −1 Now consider the Laplace function g(x) = e−|x|/2, so that G (t) = log(1/(2t)). Then Condition (27) cannot be guaranteed even when k/n is of the order of a constant. More −1 t −1 12t generally, Theorem 5.1 is silent for any g such that min α α [G ( ) − G ( )] is of the t∈[ 2n ; 12 ] 2 α order of a constant. The next result is dedicated to this case. Remember that, when k/n ≥ 1/2, θ(P ) is not identifiable. We show that there exists a threshold πα < 1/2, such that deriving a AMO scaling is impossible when k/n belongs to the region (πα, 1/2). Markedly, πα does not depend on g. For α ∈ (0, 1), it is defined by p(1 − α) − (1 − α) π = ∈ (0, 1/2) . (29) α α Theorem 5.2. Consider any α ∈ (0, 1) and πα given by (29). There exist a positive constant cα (only depending on α) such that following holds for any π ∈ (πα, 1/2), any g ∈ G and n larger than a constant depending on α and π. For any multiple testing procedure R satisfying

FDR(P,R) ≤ 1/4 , for all P ∈ Pg and n1(P ) ≤ πn , there exists P ∈ Pg with n1(P ) ≤ πn such that we have

PY ∼P (|R(Y )| = 0) ≥ 1/3 ;   π 2 |BH∗ ∩ H (P )| ≥ n ≥ 1 − 10e−cαn(π−πα) ≥ 3/4 . (30) PY ∼P α 1 4

In particular, Ig(R, πn) ≤ 1/4 implies IIg(R, πn, α) ≥ 1/12. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 21

To illustrate the above result, take α ∈ (0, 1/4] and π ∈ (πα, 1/2). Applying the above 0 result for α < α with πα0 < π, we obtain that, for any procedure R with Ig(R, πn) ≤ α, we 0 have IIg(R, πn, α ) ≥ 1/12. In particular, this shows that there exists no AMO scaling in the regime kn = nπ, for π ∈ (πα, 1/2). In addition, this holds uniformly over all g in the class G.

5.2. Upper bound

Since any g ∈ G is symmetric and puts a mass around “0”, θ(P ) also corresponds to the median of the null distribution. We consider, again, θe = Ydn/2e as the estimator of θ(P ) and plug it into BH to build BHα(θe). The following result holds.

Theorem 5.3. Consider any g ∈ G. There exist constants c1(g), c2(g) > 0 only depending on g such that the following holds for all n ≥ c1(g) and α ∈ (0, 0.5). Consider an integer k ≤ 0.1n such that

( −1 )  −1/6 1 g(G (t)) η = c2(g) (k/n) ∨ n max −1 −1 −1 ≤ 0.05. (31) t∈[0.95α/n,α] G (t/2) − G (t) g(G (t/2))

Then, we have

−n1/2 Ig(BHα(θe), k) ≤ α(1 + η) + e ; (32) −n1/2 IIg(BHα(θe), k, α(1 − η)) ≤ e . (33)

If we consider any asymptotic setting where η in (31) converges to 0, then it follows from the above theorem that θe is a AMO scaling. Comparing (27) of the lower bound in the previous section with (31), we observe that those are matching up to the term

( −1 ) g(G (t)) max −1 . t∈[0.95α/n,α] g(G (t/2))

The latter is of the order of a constant for the Subbotin-Laplace cases as illustrated below.

5.3. Application to Subbotin distributions

We now apply our general results to the class of Subbotin distributions. −1 −|x|ζ /ζ Corollary 5.4. Consider the location Subbotin null model for which g(x) = Lζ e , for 1/ζ−1 some fixed ζ > 1 and the normalization constant Lζ = 2Γ(1/ζ)ζ . Then 1−1/ζ (i) for a sparsity kn  n/(log(n)) , there exists no (sequence of) procedure that is AMO. 1−1/ζ (ii) for a sparsity kn  n/(log(n)) , the scaling θe = Ydn/2e is AMO. Corollary 5.5. Let us consider the Laplace density g(x) = 0.5 e−|x|. Then for a sparsity kn  n, the scaling θe = Ydn/2e is AMO. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 22

5.4. An additional result for the Laplace location model

Our general theory implies that, in the Laplace location model, an AMO scaling is possible when kn  n (Corollary 5.5) and is impossible if lim inf kn/n > πα (Theorem 5.2). However, it is silent when kn/n converges to a small constant π ∈ (0, 1). In this section, we investigate the scaling problem in this regime. We establish that AMO scaling is impossible and that one needs to incur a small but yet non negligible loss. Define, for any α ∈ (0, 1), √ 1 − α π∗ = √ ∈ (π , 1/2) . (34) α 2 − α α

Proposition 5.6 (Lower Bound for the Laplace distribution). There exists a positive and increasing function ζ : (0, 1/2) 7→ R+ with lim1/2 ζ = +∞ such that the following holds for ∗ any α ∈ (0, 1), any π < πα and for any n larger than a constant depending only on α and π. For any procedure R satisfying

FDR[P,R] ≤ αn0(P )/n , for all P ∈ Pg with n1(P ) ≤ πn , there exists a distribution P ∈ Pg with n1(P ) ≤ πn such that

∗ −1/3 PY ∼P [|BHα| > 0] − PY ∼P [|R(Y )| > 0] ≥ αζ(π) − cπn , where cπ only depends on π. ∗ Recall that, for any distribution P , the FDR of BHα is equal to αn0(P )/n, see (8). Hence, the above proposition states that any procedure achieving the same FDR bound as the oracle ∗ procedure is strictly more conservative than the oracle, in the sense that PY ∼P [|BHα| > 0, |R(Y )| = 0] ≥ αζ(π) + o(1) > 0. In addition, the amplitude of αζ(π) is increasing with ∗ π, which is expected. Also, the assumption π < πα is technical. In particular, we can easily ∗ prove that, for larger π, the result remains true by replacing ζ(π) by ζ(π ∧ πα).

Remark 5.7. On the feasibility side, we can show that in the regime where n1(P )/n converges to a small constant, the plug-in BH procedure at level α is yet not AMO, but is comparable to 0 oracle BH procedures with modified nominal levels α 6= α. Recall that pi(u) = 2G(|Yi − u|) = −|Yi−u| ∗ −|Yi−θ(P )| ∗ e and pi = e . As a consequence, given an estimator θb, the ratio pi(θb)/pi belongs to [e−|θb−θ(P )|; e|θb−θ(P )|]. Assuming that αe|θb−θ(P )| < 1, it follows from the definition of BHα(u) that BH∗ ⊂ BH (θ) ⊂ BH∗ . αe−|θb−θ(P )| α b αe|θb−θ(P )|

As a consequence, as long as |θb− θ(P )| ≤ log(1/α), BHα(θb) is sandwiched between two oracle BH procedures with modified type I errors. As an example, the median estimator θb = Ydn/2e satisfies |θb− θ| ≤ cn1(P )/n with high probability when n1(P )/n is small enough (see the proof of Theorem 5.3). As a consequence, with high probability, we have

BH∗ ⊂ BH (θ) ⊂ BH∗ . αe−cn1(P )/n α b αecn1(P )/n Conversely, Proposition 5.6 entails that no multiple testing procedure can be sandwiched by oracle procedures with level α(1 − o(1)) and α(1 + o(1)). Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 23

6. Confidence region for the null and applications

In this section, we tackle the issue of building a confidence superset on the possible null distribution(s) for P , which has not been considered yet in the literature to the best of our knowledge.

6.1. A confidence region for the null

We come back to the general Huber model described in Section2, although we do not assume that the null distribution is necessarily Gaussian. That is, the observations Yi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n are only assumed to be independent. Their respective c.d.f.’s are denoted by Fi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and we let F0,k(P ) = {F0 c.d.f. : |{i ∈ {1, . . . , n} : Fi = F0}| ≥ n − k} (35) the set of all plausible null c.d.f.’s for P , for some prescribed, known, maximum amount of contaminated marginals k ∈ [0, n − 1]. As before, if k < n/2, the set F0,k(P ) is of cardinal at most 1. Otherwise, several null c.d.f.’s are possible for P . Our inference is based on the empirical c.d.f. Fbn of the sample Y : the idea is that for any F0 ∈ F0,k(P ), the function (Fbn − (1 − k/n)F0)/(k/n) should be close to be a c.d.f., which induces some constraints. This idea bears similarities with the existing literature, in particular with Genovese and Wasserman(2004), that derived confidence interval for the proportion of signal when the true null is known and uniform. For some α ∈ (0, 1), let us denote n o F1−α(Y ) = F0 c.d.f. : ∀j ∈ {0, . . . , n}, ban(j; F0) ≤ bn(j; F0) ; (36)  max0≤`≤j `/n − (1 − k/n)F0(Y ) − cn,α a (j; F ) = 0 ∨ (`) ; (37) bn 0 k/n n − o minj≤`≤n `/n − (1 − k/n)F0(Y(`+1)) + cn,α bn(j; F0) = 1 ∧ , (38) k/n

1/2 − where cn,α = {−(1 − k/n) log(α/2)/(2n)} , F0(y ) = limx→y− F0(x) and Y(1) ≤ · · · ≤ Y(n) denote the order statistics (Y(0) = −∞, Y(n+1) = +∞) of the observed sample (Yi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n). Note that all these quantities depend on k, but we have omitted it in the notation for short. The following result holds.

Theorem 6.1. For a given sparsity parameter k ∈ [0, n − 1], the region F1−α(Y ) defined by (36) is a (1 − α)-confidence superset of the set F0,k(P )(35) of possible nulls for P with at most k contaminations, in the following sense:

P(F0,k(P ) ⊂ F1−α(Y )) ≥ 1 − α.

Compared to our previous results, this result is less demanding on the sparsity parameter: it only assumes n1(P ) ≤ k and not that n1(P )/n tends to zero at some rate. In particular, it goes beyond the worst-case boundary effect delineates in our main results. Also, it is non parametric, and usable in combination with any possible modeling for the null. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 24

6.2. Application 1: a goodness of fit test for a given null distribution

Considering any known c.d.f. F0, the confidence region derived in Theorem 6.1 provides a 0 way to test the null hypothesis H0 :“F0 ∈ F0,k(P )”, that is, “F0 is a plausible null c.d.f. for P with at most k contaminations”.

Corollary 6.2. Consider k ∈ [0, n−1] and the sets F1−α(Y )(36) and F0,k(P )(35). Consider 0 any c.d.f. F0. Then the test rejecting the null hypothesis H0 : “F0 ∈ F0,k(P )” whenever F0 ∈/ F1−α(Y ), that is, if there exists j ∈ {0, . . . , n}, such that ban(j; F0) > bn(j; F0), is of level α.

Since for any F0 ∈ F0,k(P ), P(F0 ∈/ F1−α(Y )) ≤ 1 − P(F0,k(P ) ⊂ F1−α(Y )), the proof is straightforward from Theorem 6.1. In particular, this test can be used to test whether the theoretical null distribution N (0, 1) is suitable for some data set, given some maximum proportion of contaminations, say k/n = 10%. As shown in the vignette Roquain and Verzelen 0 (2020), this test rejects H0 for many data sets. Next, we can also build a goodness of fit test of level α for a family (F0,ϑ)ϑ∈Θ of null 00 c.d.f.’s. This corresponds to consider the null hypothesis H0 :“∃ϑ ∈ Θ: F0,ϑ ∈ F0,k(P )”, that is, “in the family (F0,ϑ)ϑ∈Θ there is at least a plausible null c.d.f. for P with at most k contaminations”.

Corollary 6.3. Consider k ∈ [0, n−1] and the sets F1−α(Y )(36) and F0,k(P )(35). Consider 00 any family of c.d.f.’s (F0,ϑ)ϑ∈Θ. Then the test rejecting the null hypothesis H0 : “∃ϑ ∈ Θ: F0,ϑ ∈ F0,k(P )” whenever ∀ϑ ∈ Θ,F0,ϑ ∈/ F1−α(Y ), that is, if the confidence region does not contains any null distribution of the family, is of level α.

Since for any ϑ0 ∈ Θ, with F0,ϑ0 ∈ F0,k(P ), we have P(∀ϑ ∈ Θ,F0,ϑ ∈/ F1−α(Y )) ≤

P(F0,ϑ0 ∈/ F1−α(Y )) ≤ 1 − P(F0,k(P ) ⊂ F1−α(Y )), the proof is straightforward from Theo- rem 6.1. As typical instance, this can be used to build a goodness of fit test to the family of Gaussian null distribution with arbitrary scaling. Interestingly, this test never rejects this null hypothesis for the data sets used in the vignette, which shows that considering Gaussian null can be suitable for these data. The two aforementioned tests provide a way to validate Efron’s paradigm who discarded the theoretical null N (0, 1), while still using empirical Gaussian nulls.

6.3. Application 2: a reliability indicator for empirical null procedures

For simplicity, let us focus on the case of Gaussian null distributions as in the setting of Sec- tion2, for which k < n/2. The confidence region derived in Theorem 6.1 induces a confidence region for the true scaling (θ(P ), σ(P )) given by n o Sk,α = (θ, σ) ∈ R × (0, ∞): ∀j ∈ {0, . . . , n}, ban(j; Φ((· − θ)/σ)) ≤ bn(j; Φ((· − θ)/σ)) . (39)

Corollary 6.4. Consider the setting of Section2. Provided that n1(P ) ≤ k, the set Sk,α is a (1 − α)-confidence region for the true scaling (θ(P ), σ(P )). In particular, with probability at least 1 − α, the oracle BH procedure is one of the procedures BHα(u, s), (u, s) ∈ Sk,α. Corollary 6.4 indicates a way to guess the rejection set of the oracle BH procedure, by inspecting how the rejection set of the procedure BHα(u, s) varies across the values (u, s) in Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 25 the region Sk,α. This suggests practical recommandations to assess the reliability of the BH plug-in procedure. Typically, for “stable” rejection sets, the plug-in BH procedure BHα(θ,e σe) can be used, while for “variable” rejection sets, only null hypotheses belonging to all rejection sets of the procedures BHα(u, s), (u, s) ∈ Sk,α can be safely rejected.

Lower bound Gaussian alternative 0.8 0.87 0.93 1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 0.8 0.87 0.93 1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6

+70 +750 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.25

+60 0.2 0.2 +700 0.15 0.15 +50 +1 +0 +0 +532 0.1 0.1

+650 +42 +1 +0 +0 +0 +687 +556

0.05 +40 0.05

0 +40 +1 +0 +0 +0 0 +721

+48 +1 +0 +0 +30 +600 −0.05 −0.05

+66 +1 +1 −0.1 −0.1 +20 +1 −0.15 −0.15 +550

−0.2 +10 −0.2 −0.25 −0.25

+0 +500 −0.3 −0.3 Leukemia dataset Golub et al.(1999) HIV data set van ’t Wout et al.(2003) 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 0.21 0.31 0.41 0.51 0.61 0.71 0.81 0.91 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

+0 +250 0.67 0.48 0.57 0.38

0.47 0.28 +200

+0 +0 +0 +0 0.37 0.18

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 0.27 0.076

+150 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 0.17

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +247 +111 +46 0.071 −0.12

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +100 −0.22

+0 +0 +0 +0 −0.13 −0.32

+0 +0 +0 −0.23 −0.42 +50 −0.33 −0.52 −0.43 −0.62

−1 +0 −0.53 −0.72

Fig 4. Plot of the confidence region Sk,α (39) for α = 0.1, k/n = 0.1, in the Gaussian Huber model. Top: two simulated data sets with n = 10 000. Bottom: the two real data sets Golub et al.(1999) (bottom-left) and van’t Wout et al.(2003) (bottom right) for which n = 3051 and n = 7680, respectively. In each pixel of the region, the depicted number is the rejection number of the plug-in BH procedure at level α = 0.1 using the corresponding scaling. More details are given in the text. The bottom panels are reproducible from the vignette Roquain and Verzelen(2020).

As an illustration, we have displayed the obtained region Sk,α (39) (colored area) in Figure4 for different data sets. Also, in each point of this area, we have added the number of rejections of the plug-in BH procedure using the corresponding null (here, only the rejection number is reported for short). The two top ones corresponds to simulated observations (only 1 run each time). In the “lower bound” setting, the null is N (0, σ2) and the alternative density is Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 26

0.9 0.1 [φ − φ(·/σ)/σ]+, which gives σ ≈ 1.26. The region is wide in this setting and contains the true null N (0, σ2) (no rejection for the plug-in BH procedure) but also the erroneous null N (0, 1) (some rejections for the plug-in BH procedure). This is in accordance with the special shape of the lower bound, as discussed in Section 3.1. By contrast, in the “Gaussian alternative” setting, the null is N (0, 1) and the alternative is N (3, 1). The region looks much more narrowed and contains only scalings for which the corresponding plug-in BH procedures make many findings. Since the user knows that the oracle BH procedure is one of these procedures (with high probability, see Corollary 6.4), but could be any of these procedures, the plot indicates that the user should better make no rejection in the top-left situation, while make some rejections (at least 532) in the top-right situation. The bottom panels in Figure4 display the region for two classical real data sets. For the leukemia data set, the region contains scalings for which the plug-in BH procedure makes no rejection (this turns out to be true for all of them). Hence, declaring any variable as significant can be foolhardy for this data set. By contrast, for the HIV data set, there is evidence that the oracle BH procedure is able to reject some variables there, and using the plug-in BH procedure can be legitimately used in that case. Finally, note that the indicator displayed in the region concerns plug-in BH procedures. However, depending on the aim of the practitioner, it could be any other classical procedures using a prescribed null. We also underline that the above analysis can be done with any null family (F0,ϑ)ϑ∈Θ, not necessarily Gaussian. The (1 − α)-confidence region for the true null parameter(s) ϑ(P ) is then replaced by n o Θk,α = ϑ ∈ Θ: ∀j ∈ {0, . . . , n}, ban(j; F0,ϑ) ≤ bn(j; F0,ϑ) .

7. Discussion

Elaborating upon Efron’s problem, we have presented a general theory to assess whether one can estimate the null and use it into a plug-in BH procedure, while keeping properties similar to the oracle BH procedure in terms of FDP and TDP. As expected, the sparsity parame- ter k played a central role, and matching lower bounds and upper bounds were established. The obtained sparsity boundaries were shown to depend i) on the fact that the null variance is known or not and ii) on the variations of the quantile function of the null distribution. We eventually went beyond the worst case analysis by designing a confidence region for the null distribution, that is valid for any possible null, and that only relies on an independence assumption, together with some known upper bound on the signal proportion. This led to goodness of fit tests for null distributions and a visualization method for assessing the relia- bility of empirical null procedures that are both useful for a practical use. This is illustrated in detail in the vignette Roquain and Verzelen(2020). This work paves the way for several extensions. First, one direction is to investigate the sparsity boundary when the model is reduced, e.g., by considering more constrained alterna- tives. A first hint has been given for one-sided alternatives in Carpentier et al.(2018), where both a uniform FDR control and power results can be achieved in dense settings, e.g., k = n/2 (say), which is markedly different from what we obtained here. In future work, many more structured setting can be considered, e.g., decreasing alternative densities, temporal/spatial structure on the signal, and so on. Second, the problem could also be made more difficult by considering more complex model for the null, for instance, dropping the assumption that g is known, but assuming instead that it belongs to some parametric or non-parametric class. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 27

Each of this setting should come with a new boundary that is worth to investigate. Third, the independence between the tests is a strong assumption that is essential in all our results. Our numerical experiments suggest that our results could be extended to weak dependencies. Supporting this fact with a theoretical statement is probably challenging, but deserves to be explored. Finally, the new proposed confidence region is based on the DKW inequality, which is not always an accurate tool. Reducing the size of the confidence region is an interesting avenue for future investigations.


This work has been supported by ANR-16-CE40-0019 (SansSouci), ANR-17-CE40-0001 (BA- SICS) and by the GDR ISIS through the ”projets exploratoires” program (project TASTY). We are grateful to Ery Arias-Castro, David Mary and to anonymous referees for insightful comments that helped us to improve the presentation of the manuscript.


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Appendix A: Numerical experiments

In this section, we illustrate our results with a numerical experiments. We consider a clas- sical setting that allows to evaluate the performances of multiple testing procedures under dependence, see, e.g., Fithian and Lei(2020).

A.1. Description

In all our experiments, we consider Y ∼ N (µ, Σ), for some unknown mean µi = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n − k, with three different alternative structures, combined with three dependence structures (correlation matrices) Σ and k/n ∈ {0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5}. This gives 3 × 3 × 4 = 36 settings, each of them being summarized with a (FDR, TDR) ROC-type plot. The error rates are all estimated with 100 replications. Note that for simplicity, we use as power criterion the TDR, which is the average of the TDP here. While this is slightly different than the power notion used in our theory, this is fair enough for these numerical experiments. Also, without loss of generality, the true values of the scaling parameters are θ = 0 and σ = 1. We considered correlation structures ranging from independence to strong dependence:

1. Independence: Σ = In; 2. Block-correlation: Σi,i = 1 and Σi,j = 0.5 if di/20e = dj/20e and 0 otherwise; 3. Equi-correlation: Σi,i = 1 and Σi,j = ρ = 0.2 for i 6= j; The following structures are explored for the alternatives:

1. Standard: the µi 6= 0 are generated as i.i.d. variable uniform on [−5, −2] ∪ [2, 5]; 2. Cauchy: in addition to standard alternatives, the values Xi, n − k + 1 ≤ i ≤ n − k/2, are replaced by i.i.d. Cauchy variables; 3. Zero-located: in addition to standard alternatives, the values Xi, n − k + 1 ≤ i ≤ n − k/2, are replaced by i.i.d. variables generated according to the density f2(x) = 40 max(0, φ(x) − φ(x/σ)/σ) with the value of σ > 1 that makes f2 being a density (σ ≈ 1.053). Note that all the alternative structures keep a portion of standard alternatives. Then, (Half- )Cauchy allows very high alternatives and is thus devoted to challenge the robustness of the methods, while (Half-)zero-located is inspired by the lower bound, with alternatives very close to 0 (see right panel of Figure8), and is thus devoted to challenge the methods (especially in terms of FDR control) in a case close to the worse configuration.

On each plot, we consider the five following methods:

1. [Oracle]: plug-in BH at level α/π0, that uses the true value of the scaling parameters, here θ = 0, σ = 1; Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 32

2. [MedianMAD]: plug-in BH at level α/π0 with θe being the median and σe being the median absolute deviation, see (13); 3. [TrimMAD]: same but with θe being the trimmed mean (50% of trimmed data); 4. [MLE]: plug-in BH at level α/π0 with estimators given by a maximum likelihood method in the truncated Gaussian model, as done in package locfdr; 5. [LocfdrSC]: procedure that first computes the local fdr values computed as done in package locfdr and that combines them to provide a FDR control as in Sun and Cai (2007).

Note that we performed the plug-in BH procedure at level α/π0 instead of α to obtain an Oracle with an FDR that can be well compared to α, rather than π0α, which makes plots more readable across different values of k. (In the Gaussian case, the theory is unchanged with this oracle). [MedianMAD] is the default procedure studied in the paper, while [TrimMAD] and [MLE] are variations thereof, using different scaling estimators. [LocfdrSC] is a more sophisticated procedure, not of a plug-in BH type, that learns the null distribution, the null proportion and the alternative distribution. Each of these methods are computed for α ∈ {0.05, 0.2}. So there are 2×5 = 15 (FDR, TDR)- points per plot.

A.2. Results

The results are displayed in Figures5,6 and7, for the independent, block-dependent and equi-correlated case, respectively. We summarize below the findings in each case. First, in the independent case (Figure5): Oracle has FDR close to α, as the theory provides. • First line of Figure5: in the case of standard alternative all methods mimic the oracle for k small but all fails for k too large. Methods based on the locfdr package ([MLE] and LocfdrSC) are slightly better than [MedianMAD] and [TrimMAD], because they include a more sophisticated estimation of the null or/and alternative distributions. • Methods based on the locfdr package ([MLE] and [LocfdrSC]) lack of robustness. First, consider the second line of Figure5: both method lead to an error when running the code, which seems due to the too extreme values taken by the Cauchy alternatives, so both methods displayed as (0, 0) points for Cauchy alternative. Second, consider the third line of Figure5: their FDR are not controlled anymore for zero-located alternatives. • The two procedures [TrimMAD] and [MedianMAD] behaves similarly on all experi- ments. • Globally, the different observed effects are more visible for α = 0.2 than for α = 0.05. The results in the block-correlation case are qualitatively similar to the independence case, see Figure6. This means that the different processes involved in the problem seem to have a similar behavior under (this kind of) weak dependence. In the equi-correlation case, however, the situation is markedly different; the dependence is strong and distributed simultaneously among all the measurements. It is worth to note that the measurements can be written as 1/2 1/2 Yi = µi + ρ U + (1 − ρ) ξi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n,

where U, ξ1, . . . , ξn are all i.i.d. N (0, 1). Hence, conditionally on the factor U, we have that Y 1/2 follows the distribution N (µi +ρ U, (1−ρ)In). This means that, while the true unconditional Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 33 null is N (0, 1), the true conditional null is N (ρ1/2U, 1 − ρ). Based on this, [Oracle], which is oracle under independence, is not the oracle anymore in the equi-correlated setting; it is improvable by learning the conditional null. In the equi-correlation case, the results are displayed in Figure7 and can be summarized as follows: • Overall, [MedMAD], [TrimMAD] are more robust than [MLE], [LocfdrSC] but less pow- erful for standard alternatives, again. • When k is too large, all methods fail to mimic the oracle, again. • The empirical procedures are able to remove the equi-correlation for k ∈ {30, 100}; the TDR of all methods [MedMAD], [TrimMAD], [MLE] and [LocfdrSC] are larger than the one of [Oracle]. This is due to what is mentioned above: they all learn the conditional null distribution, rather than the unconditional null. Overall, this numerical experiments reinforces that, in a minimax sense, we should focus on the robust procedures [MedMAD], [TrimMAD] while for more narrowed and favorable alter- natives, they can be improved by the more sophisticated procedures [MLE] and [LocfdrSC].

k = 30 k = 100 k = 300 k = 500 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Fig 5. (FDR, TDR)-plot in the independent case, for the 5 different methods and α = 0.05 (black) or α = 0.2 (red). Alternatives: standard (top), Cauchy (middle) or zero-located (bottom). The procedures are [Oracle] (◦), [MedianMAD] (4), [TrimMAD] (), [MLE] (+), LocfdrSC (×).

Appendix B: Proof of Theorem 3.1

The proof is based on the following argument. We build two collections P1 and P2 of distribu- tions. For any P ∈ P1, the null distribution is N (0, 1) and the distribution of the alternative is fairly separated from the null (see the red and blue curves in the left panel of Figure8). Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 34

k = 30 k = 100 k = 300 k = 500 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Fig 6. Same as Figure5 in the block-correlation case.

k = 30 k = 100 k = 300 k = 500 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Fig 7. Same as Figure5 in the equi-correlation case. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 35

2 For any P ∈ P2, the null distribution is N (0, σ2) (with σ2 > 1) and the alternative distribu- tion is more concentrated around zero (right panel of Figure8). We first establish that any multiple testing procedure R behaves similarly on P1 and P2. Then, we prove that, under P ∈ P2, if |R(Y )| > 0, then its FDP is bounded away from zero. In contrast, under P ∈ P1, ∗ if |R(Y )| = 0, then its TDP is much smaller than that of oracle BHα. This will allow us to conclude that R either does not control the FDR under some P ∈ P2 or has a too small TDP under some P ∈ P1.

V h = (1 − π1)φ + π1f1 h = (1 − π2)φσ2 + π2f2 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 −4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4

Fig 8. Left: the density h given by (40) (black), interpreted as a mixture between the null N (0, 1) ((1 − π1)φ in 2 blue) and the alternative f1 (π1f1 in red). Right: the same h interpreted as a mixture between the null N (0, σ2 ) V ((1 − π2)φσ in blue) and the alternative f2 (π2f2 in red). π1 = 1/8, π2 = 1/4, σ2 ≈ 1.51. The distance between the vertical dashed gray lines and 0 is t0 ≈ 1.47 given by (42). See the text for the definitions.

Step 1: Building a least favorable mixture distribution

V Let us denote φσ (x) = φ(x/σ)/σ for all x ∈ R and σ > 0. Fix some π1 = k1/(2n) and π2 = k2/(2n). For any σ2 ≥ 1, define µ, the real measure with density

V V h = (1 − π1)φ + π1f1 = (1 − π2)φσ2 + π2f2 = max((1 − π1)φ, (1 − π2)φσ2 ) , (40) where 1 1 f = (1 − π )φV − (1 − π )φ ; f = (1 − π )φ − (1 − π )φV  . 1 2 σ2 1 + 2 1 2 σ2 + π1 π2

R V Since (1 − π1)φ − (1 − π2)φσ = π2 − π1, we deduce that, if σ2 is chosen in such a way that R R 2 R f2(u)du = 1, we have f1(u)du = 1. Let us prove that f2(u)du = 1 for a suitable σ2 > 1. R For σ2 = 1, we have f2(u)du = 1 − π1/π2 ∈ [0, 1) (because 0 < π1 ≤ π2), whereas Z Z Z (1 − π2) V V f2(u)du ≥ [φ(u) − φσ2 (u)]+du ≥ 3 [φ(u) − φσ2 (u)]+du , π2 since π2 ≤ 1/4. The above expression is larger than 1 for σ2 large enough (compared to some R universal constant). Since f2(u)du is a continuous function with respect to the variable σ2, Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 36 there exists at least one value of σ2 > 1, depending only on π1 and π2, such that both f1 and f2 are densities. In the sequel, we fix σ2 to one of these values. The above arguments also 0 0 imply that σ2 ≤ c1 for some positive universal constant c1.

Recall that µ denotes the probability measure on R with density h given by (40). Let ⊗n n Q = µ be the corresponding product distribution on R . Let Z1,i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, be i.i.d. and all following a Bernoulli distribution with parameter π1. Let Q1,z the distribution on n Qn n R of density i=1((1 − zi)φ + zif1) for z ∈ {0, 1} , so that Y ∼ Q1,Z1 is distributed as Q Pn unconditionally on Z1. If i=1 zi < n/2, we have θ(Q1,z) = 0, σ1(Q1,z) = 1 and H1(Q1,z) = Pn {1 ≤ i ≤ n : zi = 1}. If i=1 zi ≥ n/2, P1,z ∈/ P. Nevertheless, we still let θ(Q1,z) = 0, σ1(Q1,z) = 1 and H1(Q1,z) = {1 ≤ i ≤ n : zi = 1} by convention. Define similarly Z2 and Q2,z, so that Y ∼ Q2,Z2 has the same distribution as Y ∼ Q1,Z1 (that is, Q) unconditionally on Z1 Pn 1 Pn 1 and Z2. In the sequel, we denote n1(Z1) = i=1 {Z1,i = 1} and n1(Z2) = i=1 {Z2,i = 1}, so that n1(Q1,Z1 ) = n1(Z1) and n1(Q2,Z2 ) = n1(Z2). As a consequence, Q can be both interpreted as a mixture of Q1,z (with θ(Q1,z) = 0 and σ(Q1,z) = 1) and as a mixture of Q2,z (with θ(Q2,z) = 0 and σ(Q2,z) = σ2).

Consider any multiple testing procedure R and define the event A = {|R(Y )| > 0}. Since c c c 1 = Q(A) + Q(A ) = EZ1 Q1,Z1 (A) + EZ2 Q2,Z2 (A ), this entails that either EZ1 Q1,Z1 (A ) ≥

1/2 or EZ2 Q2,Z2 (A) ≥ 1/2. We show in Step 2 that, if EZ2 Q2,Z2 (A) ≥ 1/2, R does not control the FDR under some Q2,z with n1(Q2,z) ≤ k2, whereas we establish in Step 3 that, if c EZ1 Q1,Z1 (A ) ≥ 1/2, R is over-conservative under some Q1,z with n1(Q1,z) ≤ k1.

1 0 Step 2: if PY ∼Q(|R(Y )| > 0) ≥ 2 then FDR(P2,R) ≥ c3 for some P2 with n1(P2) ≤ k2

We consider the mixture distribution where Z2 is sampled according to a Bernoulli distribution with parameters π2 and Y ∼ Q2,Z2 . We have by the Fubini theorem, h i [FDP(Q ,R(Y ))] EZ2 EY ∼Q2,Z2 2,Z2 " "P 1{Z = 0} ## i∈R(Y ) 2,i 1 = EZ2 EY ∼Q2,Z {R(Y ) > 0} 2 |R(Y )| " "P 1{Z = 0} ## i∈R(Y ) 2,i 1 = EY ∼Q EZ2 {R(Y ) > 0} Y |R(Y )| "P # P(Z2,i = 0 | Y ) = i∈R(Y ) 1{R(Y ) > 0} . (41) EY ∼Q |R(Y )|

Next, we have

V V (1 − π2)φσ2 (Yi) (1 − π2)φσ2 (Yi) P(Z2,i = 0 | Y ) = = V h(Yi) max((1 − π1)φ(Yi), (1 − π2)φσ2 (Yi)) (1 − π )φV (Y )  2   2 σ2 i (1 − π2) Yi 1 ≥ 1 ∧ ≥ 1 ∧ exp 1 − 2 . (1 − π1)φ(Yi) (1 − π1)σ2 2 σ2 Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 37

0 Since σ2 ≥ 1, π2 ≤ 1/4 and since we proved in step 1 that σ2 ≤ c1 (for some numerical 0 constant c1), we obtain

(1 − π2) 3 P(Z2,i = 0 | Y ) ≥ 1 ∧ ≥ 1 ∧ 0 . (1 − π1)σ2 4c1 Combining this with (41), we obtain h i  3   3  [FDP(Q ,R(Y ))] ≥ 1 ∧ (R(Y ) > 0) ≥ 1 ∧ /2 . EZ2 EY ∼Q2,Z2 2,Z2 0 PY ∼Q 0 4c1 4c1

Recall that n1(Z2) follows a Binomial distribution with parameter n and π2 = k2/(2n). By Chebychev inequality, we have

nπ2(1 − π2) 8 P (|n1(Z2) − k2/2| > k2/4) ≤ 2 ≤ . (k2/4) k2

This implies that there exists z2 with n1(z2) ∈ [k2/4; k2] such that  3  8 FDR(Q ,R) = [FDP(Q ,R(Y ))] ≥ 1 ∧ /2 − , 2,z2 EY ∼Q2,z2 2,z2 0 4c1 k2 which is bounded away from zero for k2 large enough, this last condition being ensured by (14) and the fact that n is large enough. To summarize, we have proved that, for P2 = Q2,z2 , we 0 0 have FDR(P2,R(Y )) ≥ c3 for some universal constant c3 ∈ (0, 1) and n1(P2) ≤ k2.

Step 3: If PY ∼Q(|R(Y )| = 0) ≥ 1/2, then R is over-conservative, for some P1 with n1(P1) ≤ k1

Applying Chebychev inequality as in Step 2, we deduce that P(n1(Z1) ∈ [k1/4; k1]) ≥ 1−8/k1. Since (|R(Y )| = 0) ≥ 1/2, this implies that there exists z with n (z ) ≤ k such EZ1 PY ∼P1,Z1 1 1 1 1 that (|R(Y )| = 0) ≥ 1/2 − 8/k . Since (14) can be satisfied only if log(k /k ) ≤ PY ∼P1,z1 1 2 1 −1 −(2c log 2)−1 (2c2 log 2) log(n), that is, k1 ≥ k2n 2 , by choosing c1 and c2 large enough, we may assume that 1/2 − 8/k1 ≥ 2/5. In the sequel, we fix P1 = P1,z1 . For such P1 with n1(P1) ≤ k1, ∗ we have therefore PY ∼P1 (|R(Y )| = 0) ≥ 2/5. In contrast, we claim that BHα/2 rejects many false null hypotheses with positive probability. Before this, let us provide further properties of σ2 and h. The positive number u0 satisfying V (1 − π1)φ(u0) = (1 − π2)φσ2 (u0) is defined as 2   2 2σ2 1 − π1 u0 = 2 log σ2 . (42) σ2 − 1 1 − π2 V We easily check that we have (1 − π1)φ(u) > (1 − π2)φσ2 (u) if and only if |u| < u0, and V (1 − π1)φ(u) < (1 − π2)φσ2 (u) if and only if |u| > u0, so that f1(u) > 0 if and only if |u| > u0 and f2(u) > 0 if and only if |u| < u0. 0 Lemma B.1. There exists a numerical constant c0 ∈ (0, 1) such that σ2 satisfies 0 −1 σ2 − 1 ≥ c0π2[1 + log(π2/π1)] .

00 Also, there exists another numerical constant c0 ∈ (0, 1) such that, for n large enough, we p 00 have Φ(u0/σ2) ≥ 10 2 log(2n)/n provided that log(π2/π1) ≤ c0 log(n). Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 38

Let u1 be the smallest number such that for all u ≥ u1, one has

−1 π1f1(u) ≥ 8α φ(u) . (43)

This implies that for all u ≥ u1, f2(u) = 0. From the definition of f1, we derive that (1 − V −1 π2)φσ2 (u1) = φ(u1)[8α + (1 − π1)] , which is again equivalent to 2  −1  2 2σ2 8α + (1 − π1) u1 = 2 log σ2 . (44) σ2 − 1 1 − π2 0 Lemma B.2. There exists a positive numerical constant c3 such that the following holds for all α ∈ (0, 1). If   1 + log(π2/π1) 2 0 log ≤ c3 log(n) , π2 α p then, we have u1 ≤ log(n). ∗ Now, recall that BHα/2 procedure does use some knowledge of the true underlying distri- ∗ bution P1, namely, θ(P1) = 0 and σ(P1) = 1. Hence, it can be written as BHα/2 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , n} : |Yi| ≥ uˆ} for

n n X −1 o uˆ = min u ∈ R+ : 1{|Yi| ≥ u} ≥ 4nα Φ(u) . (45) i=1 Hence, we shall prove that P 1{|Y | ≥ uˆ} > 0 is large with high probability. For i∈H1(P1) i this, let us consider N = P 1{|Y | ≥ u } with u as in (44). By (43), we have i∈H1(P1) i 1 1 2 R ∞ f (u)du ≥ 16π−1α−1Φ(u ). Since n (P ) ≥ k /4 = π n/2, N stochastically dominates u1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 the binomial distribution with parameters dπ1n/2e and 16π1 α Φ(u1). Applying Bernstein −3q/28 −1 −1 −1 inequality yields PY ∼P1 (N ≤ q/2) ≤ e for q = π1n/2 × 16π1 α Φ(u1) = 8nα Φ(u1). By (45), N ≥ q/2 impliesu ˆ ≤ u1. This leads us to

−1 −1 −3q/28 −(6/7)nα Φ(u1) PY ∼P1 (ˆu ≤ u1,N ≥ 4nα Φ(u1)) ≥ 1 − e = 1 − e . (46) p In view of condition (14), we can apply Lemma B.2 which gives u1 ≤ log(n). Next, by Lemma G.2, for n larger than a numerical constant, we have nΦ(plog(n)) ≥ c0pn/(log n), for some other numerical constant c0 > 0. Hence, for n larger than a numerical constant, with probability at least 1 − 1/n, we have

∗ X 1 −1 0 −1p |BHα/2 ∩ H1(P1)| = {|Yi| ≥ uˆ} ≥ N ≥ 4nα Φ(u1) ≥ c α n/(log n). i∈H1(P1)


c Step 1 entails that either EZ2 Q2,Z2 (A) ≥ 1/2 or EZ1 Q1,Z1 (A ) ≥ 1/2. In the former case, Step

2 implies that supP ∈P,n1(P )≤k2 FDR(P,R) ≥ c3. In the latter case, we deduce from Step 3

that, for some P ∈ P with n1(P ) ≤ k1, we have PY ∼P1 (|R(Y )| = 0) ≥ 2/5, whereas √ h i −1 ∗ 0 −1p −c5α n/ log(n) PY ∼P1 |BHα/2 ∩ H1(P1)| ≥ c α n/(log n) ≥ 1 − e .

This concludes the proof by choosing appropriately the numerical positive constants c1–c4. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 39

Appendix C: Proof of Theorem 3.2

C.1. Proof of (17) in Theorem 3.2

Fix P ∈ P with n0(P )/n ≥ 0.9. First denote

n (P ) + 1  δ = c 1 + n−1/6 n ( ) |θe− θ| |σ − σ| Ω = ≤ δ, e ≤ δ, σ ∈ [σ/2; 2σ], |θe− θ| < 0.3 σ , σ σ e e

c −n2/3 with c > 0 being a universal constant chosen small enough so that P(Ω ) ≤ 6e . This is possible according to Lemma F.1 (used with x = n2/3). (i) n (i) For any i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, we introduce Y as the vector of R such that Yj = Yj for j 6= i (i) (i) and Yi = sign(Yi − θ) × ∞. Hence Y is such that the i-th observation has been set −∞ or (i) +∞ depending on the sign of Yi − θ. The estimators based on the modified sample Y are then defined by (i) (i) (i) (i) −1 θe = Y(dn/2e); σe = U(dn/2e)/Φ (1/4), (47)

(i) (i) (i) for Uj = |Yj − θe |, 1 ≤ j ≤ n. As justified at the end of the proof, the purpose of these ∗ modified samples is to introduce some independence between the oracles p-values pi and the (i) (i) estimators (θe , σe ). (i) (i) It turns out that, for small rescaled p-values pi(θ,e σe), the estimators θe and σe are not modified. Furthermore, the BH threshold does not change when replacing Y by Y (i). These two facts lead to the following lemma.

Lemma C.1. Consider any i ∈ {1, . . . , n} and any α ∈ (0, 0.5). Provided that |θe− θ| < 0.3 σe, we have

1 1 (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) {pi(θ,e σe) ≤ Tα(Y ; θ,e σe)} = {pi(θe , σe ) ≤ Tα(Y ; θe , σe )}.

(i) (i) (i) (i) (i) Moreover, if pi(θ,e σe) ≤ Tα(Y ; θ,e σe), we have θe = θe, σe = σe and Tα(Y ; θe , σe ) = Tα(Y ; θ,e σe) ≥ α/n. Combining this lemma with the definition of the FDP, we get

1 FDP(P, BHα(Y ; θ,e σe)) Ω 1 α X {pi(θ,e σe) ≤ Tα(Y ; θ,e σe)} = 1Ω n Tα(Y ; θ, σ) ∨ (α/n) i∈H0(P ) e e 1 (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) α X {pi(θe , σe ) ≤ Tα(Y ; θe , σe )} = 1Ω1 (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) θe =θ,e σ =σ n Tα(Y ; θ , σ ) e e i∈H0(P ) e e

(i) (i) (i) (i) Now, note that, on Ω, when θe = θe, σe = σe, we have |θb − θ| ≤ σδ, |σb − σ| ≤ σδ, (i) σb ≥ σ/2. The following key lemma compares the hypotheses rejected by the oracle BH procedure and the rescaled procedure. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 40

Lemma C.2. For arbitrary estimators θ,b σb, any θ ∈ R, σ > 0, δ > 0, α ∈ (0, 0.8), t0 ∈ (0, α), define  1/2  η = δc (2 log(1/t0)) + 2 log(1/t0) ,

with the constant c > 0 of Corollary F.6. Assume that σb ∈ (σ/2; 2σ), |θb − θ| ≤ (σ ∧ σb)δ, |σb − σ| ≤ (σ ∧ σb)δ, and η ≤ 0.05. Then, for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, • if Tα(θ,b σb) ∨ (α/n) ≥ t0, we have 1 1 {pi(θ,b σb) ≤ Tα(θ,b σb)} ≤ {pi(θ, σ) ≤ (1 + η)Tα(θ,b σb)} ≤ 1{pi(θ, σ) ≤ Tα(1+η)(θ, σ)} ; (48)

• if T0.95α(θ, σ) ∨ (0.95α/n) ≥ t0, we have 1 1 {pi(θ, σ) ≤ Tα(1−η)(θ, σ)} ≤ {pi(θ,b σb) ≤ Tα(θ,b σb)} . (49) Intuitively, (48) above implies that any rescaled procedure is more conservative than the ∗ oracle procedure BHα(1+η) with an enlarged parameter α(1 + η). (i) (i) By definition of η in the statement of Theorem 3.2 and taking θb = θe , σb = σe , θ = θ(P ), σ = σ(P ), t0 = α/n, we are in position to apply (48). For all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, we have 1 (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) 1 ∗ (i) (i) (i) {pi(θe , σe ) ≤ Tα(Y ; θe , σe )} ≤ {pi ≤ (1 + η)Tα(Y ; θe , σe )}, ∗ where we recall that pi = pi(θ(P ), σ(P )) is the i-th oracle p-value. This gives

1 ∗ (i) (i) (i) α X {pi ≤ (1 + η)Tα(Y ; θe , σe )} FDP(P, BHα(Y ; θ,e σ))1Ω ≤ . e (i) (i) (i) n Tα(Y ; θ , σ ) i∈H0(P ) e e

The following lemma stems from the symmetry of the normal distribution. (i) Lemma C.3. For any P ∈ P, any i ∈ H0(P ), |Yi − θ(P )| is independent of Y , and thus (i) (i) also of the estimators (θe , σe ).

∗  |Yi−θ(P )|  By Lemma C.3, for i ∈ H0(P ), the oracle p-value pi = 2Φ σ(P ) is independent of (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (Y , θe , σe ) and thus of Tα(Y ; θe , σe ). As a result, we obtain by integration h i 1 EP FDP(P, BHα(Y ; θ,e σe)) Ω "1 ∗ (i) (i) (i) # α X {pi ≤ (1 + η)Tα(Y ; θe , σe )} ≤ P E (i) (i) (i) n Tα(Y ; θ , σ ) i∈H0(P ) e e  h ∗ (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i)i α X P pi ≤ (1 + η)Tα(Y ; θe , σe )} | Y , θe , σe ≤ P E  (i) (i) (i)  n Tα(Y ; θ , σ ) i∈H0(P ) e e αn (P ) ≤ 0 (1 + η), n ∗ where we used that pi ∼ U(0, 1) for i ∈ H0(P ). This entails (17) of Theorem 3.2. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 41

C.2. Proof of (18) in Theorem 3.2

Take P, δ, Ω as in the previous section. On the event Ω, the conditions of Lemma C.2 are satisfied with θb = θe, σb = σe, θ = θ(P ), σ = σ(P ), and t0 = 0.95α/n. Hence, (49) ensures 1 ∗ 1 that, for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, {pi ≤ Tα(1−η)(θ(P ), σ(P ))} ≤ {pi(θ,e σe) ≤ Tα(θ,e σe)} and thus ∗ TDP(P, BHα(1−η)) ≤ TDP(P, BHα(θ,e σe)). Hence, we have √ ∗ c −n2/3 − n P(TDP(P, BHα(1−η)) > TDP(P, BHα(θ,e σe))) ≤ P(Ω ) ≤ 6e ≤ e , for n larger than a universal constant.

Appendix D: Additional proofs

D.1. Proof of Theorem 4.2

We follow the same general approach as for proving Theorem 3.1 (see SectionB).

Step 1: Building a least favorable mixture distribution

Given µ ∈ R, let φµ be defined by φµ(x) = φ(x − µ) for all x ∈ R. Let us consider the real measure with density

h = (1 − π1)φ + π1f1 = (1 − π2)φµ + π2f2 = max{(1 − π1)φ, (1 − π2)φµ}, (50)

for π1 = k1/(2n) and π2 = k2/(2n) (with π1 ≤ π2 by (19)) and where 1 1 f1 = [(1 − π2)φµ − (1 − π1)φ]+ ; f2 = [(1 − π1)φ − (1 − π2)φµ]+ . π1 π2

Now, we can choose µ ∈ (0, 2) (as a function of π1 and π2) such that f1, f2 and h are probability R densities. To see this, it is sufficient to choose µ with f2(u)du = 1. Such a µ always exists R because, as a function of µ ≥ 0, f2(u)du is continuous with value (π2 − π1)/π2 < 1 for −1 R R µ/2 µ = 0 and value larger than π2 (1 − π2) [φ(u) − φµ(u)]+ du ≥ 3 −∞ (φ(u) − φµ(u))du = 3(Φ(µ/2) − Φ(−µ/2)) > 1 for µ ≥ 2. Hence, we fix in the sequel such a µ ∈ (0, 2).

−1 Define κ0 = µ log [(1 − π1)/(1 − π2)] ≥ 0 and u0 = κ0 + µ/2. We deduce from straight- forward computations that f1(x) > 0 if and only if x > u0 and f2(x) > 0 if and only if x < u0. The following lemma states a lower bound for µ (to be proved at the end of the section). Lemma D.1. There exists a numeric constant c0 > 0 such that π µ ≥ c0 2 . r   1 + log π2 π1

n Qn Let Q be the distribution on R associated to the product density i=1 h(xi). Let Q1,z (resp. n Qn Qn Q2,z) be the distribution on R of density i=1((1−zi)φ+zif1) (resp. i=1((1−zi)φµ +zif2)), n for z ∈ {0, 1} . Let Z1,i (resp. Z2,i), 1 ≤ i ≤ n, be i.i.d. variables with common distribution being a Bernoulli distribution with parameter π1 (resp. π2). Hence, Y ∼ Q1,Z1 (resp. Y ∼

Q2,Z2 ) is distributed as Q unconditionally on Z1 (resp. Z2). Note that, for any z, θ(Q1,z) = 0 whereas θ(Q2,z) = µ. Besides, we have H1(Qj,z = {i : zi = 1}. As in the proof of Theorem 3.1, for z such that n1(z) ≥ n/2, we have Qj,z ∈/ P, but we readily extend the definition of θ(Q1,z) and σ(Q1,z) to that setting. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 42

h = (1 − π1)φ + π1f1 h = (1 − π2)φµ + π2f2 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 −4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4

Fig 9. Left: the density h given by (50) (in black) interpreted as a mixture between the null N (0, 1) ((1 − π1)φ in blue) and the alternative f1 (π1f1 in red). Right: the same h interpreted as a mixture between the null N (µ, 1) ((1 − π2)φµ in blue) and the alternative f2 (π2f2 in red). π1 = π2 = 1/4, µ ≈ 1.51. See the text for the definitions.

1 1 Step 2: if PY ∼Q(|R(Y )| > 0) ≥ 2 then FDR(P,R) ≥ 5 for n larger than a numeric constant, for some P with n1(P ) ≤ k2

P 1{z =0} i∈R(Y ) i 1 Recall that, for any j ∈ {1, 2}, we have FDP(Qj,z,R(Y )) = |R(Y )| {|R(Y )| > 0}. We derive from the Fubini theorem that

EZ1 [FDR(Q1,Z1 ,R)] + EZ2 [FDR(Q2,Z2 ,R)] (51) h i h i = [FDP(Q ,R(Y ))] + [FDP(Q ,R(Y ))] EZ1 EY ∼Q1,Z1 1,Z1 EZ2 EY ∼Q2,Z2 2,Z2 "P # (P(Z1,i = 0 | Y ) + P(Z2,i = 0 | Y )) = i∈R(Y ) 1{R(Y ) > 0} . EY ∼Q |R(Y )|

From Step 1, we deduce that P(Z1,i = 0 | Y ) = 1 − π1f1(Yi)/h(Yi) and f1(y) = 0 for y ≤ u0. Similarly, we have P(Z2,i = 0 | Y ) = 1 for Yi ≥ u0. This entails that, for all Y , we have P(Z1,i = 0 | Y ) + P(Z2,i = 0 | Y ) ≥ 1 for all i. Hence, we obtain

EZ1 [FDR(Q1,Z1 ,R)] + EZ2 [FDR(Q2,Z2 ,R)] ≥ PY ∼Q(R(Y ) > 0) ≥ 1/2 . (52) h i Hence, we may assume that FDR(Q ,R) ≥ 1/4 for some j ∈ {1, 2}. Then, we EZj0 j0,Zj0 0 apply Chebychev’s inequality to obtain h h i i 1 EZj EY ∼Qj ,Z FDP(Qj0,Zj ,R(Y )) {n1(Zj0 ) ∈ [kj0 /4; kj0 ]} ≥ 1/4 − 8/kj0 . 0 0 j0 0 and thus h h i i 1 EZj EY ∼Qj ,Z FDP(Qj0,Zj ,R(Y )) {n1(Zj0 ) ≤ k2} ≥ 1/4 − 8/k1 . 0 0 j0 0

As a result, for k1 large enough (by Condition (19) for c1, c2 large enough), there exists n z ∈ {0, 1} such that n1(z) ≤ k2 and FDR(Q1,z,R) > 1/5. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 43

Step 3: If PY ∼Q(|R(Y )| = 0) ≥ 1/2, then R is over-conservative, for some P with n1(P ) ≤ k1

Since [ (|R(Y )| = 0)] ≥ 1/2, it follows again from Chebychev’s inequality, that for EZ1 PY ∼Q1,Z1 n some z ∈ {0, 1} such that n1(z) ∈ [k1/4; k1], we have PY ∼Q1,z (|R(Y )| = 0) ≥ 1/2−8/k1 ≥ 2/5 (k1 being large enough). In the sequel, we fix P = Q1,z for such a z, so that θ(P ) = 0. Let u1 be the smallest number such that for all u ≥ u1, one has

−1 π1f1(u) ≥ 16α φ(u) . (53)

−1 From the definition of f1, we derive that (1 − π2)φµ(u1) = φ(u1)[16α + (1 − π1)] , which is again equivalent to

 −1    µ 1 1 − π1 + 16α µ 1 16 u1 = + log ≤ + log 2 + , 2 µ 1 − π2 2 µ α Since µ ≤ 2 and by Lemma D.1, we have

r   r   1 + log π2 1 + log k2 π1  32 k1  32 u1 ≤ 1 + 0 log 2 + = 1 + 2n 0 log 2 + . (54) c π2 α c k2 α

For a suitable constant c2 in Condition (19) and for n large enough, we therefore have u1 ≤ plog(n). ∗ Then, it remains to prove that BHα/2 rejects many false null hypotheses with probability ∗ close to one. Recall that BHα/2 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , n} : |Yi| ≥ uˆ} for

n n X −1 o uˆ = min u ∈ R+ : 1{|Yi| ≥ u} ≥ 4nα Φ(u) . i=1 Define N = P 1{|Y | ≥ u }. Arguing exactly as in Step 3 of the proof of Theorem 3.1 i∈H1(P1) i 1 (see SectionB), we conclude as in (46) that

0 −1 −1 −3q/28 −c nα Φ(u1) PY ∼P (ˆu ≤ u1,N ≥ 4nα Φ(u1)) ≥ 1 − e = 1 − e ,

00p where nΦ(u1) ≥ c n/ log(n). We have proved that   √ r n 0 −1 00 |BH∗ ∩ H (P )| ≥ c α−1 ≥ 1 − e−c α c n/ log(n) , PY ∼P α/2 1 4 log(n) whereas |R(Y )| = 0 with probability higher than 2/5. R Proof of Lemma D.1. Since f1(x)dx = 1, we deduce from the definition of κ0 that Z π1 = [(1 − π2)φµ(x) − (1 − π1)φ(x)]+ dx

= [1 − π2]Φ[κ0 − µ/2] − [1 − π1]Φ[κ0 + µ/2] Z κ0+µ/2 = −[π2 − π1]Φ[κ0 + µ/2] + [1 − π2] φ(x)dx . (55) κ0−µ/2 Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 44

Recall that π2 > π1. By integration, we derive that

π Z κ0+µ/2 Z µ/2 1 κ0x ≤ φ(x)dx ≤ φ(κ0) e dx 1 − π2 κ0−µ/2 −µ/2 φ(κ0) π2 − π1 φ(κ0) π2 − π1 ≤ p ≤ . κ0 (1 − π1)(1 − π2) κ0 1 − π2 Hence, we conclude that φ(κ ) π 0 ≥ 1 . (56) κ0 π2 − π1

Case 1: π1 ≥ φ(0)e−1/2. Since φ(κ ) ≤ φ(0), we deduce from the definition of κ π2−π1 0 0   π2−π1 π1 log 1 + 1−π2 0 π2 µ ≥ ≥ π1 ≥ c p , (57) φ(0)(π2 − π1) 1 + log(π2/π1)

0 for a suitable constant c since π2 ≤ 1/2, log(1 + x) ≥ x/2 for x ∈ [0, 1] and we assume that 1/2 π2/π1 ≤ 1 + e /φ(0). Note that, for π1 = π2, we also easily derive from (55) that (57) also holds.

Case 2: π1 < φ(0)e−1/2. We deduce from (56) that either κ ≤ 1 or φ(κ ) ≥ π1 , which π2−π1 0 0 π2−π1 in turn implies that s   φ(0)[π2 − π1] κ0 ≤ 2 log . π1

From the definition of κ0, we derive that   log 1 + π2−π1 1−π2 π − π π µ ≥ ≥ 2 1 ≥ c0 2 , r   2p2[1 + log(π /π )] 2p2[1 + log(π /π )] 2 log φ(0)[π2−π1] 2 1 2 1 π1

0 for a suitable constant c since π2/π1 is bounded away from one.

D.2. Proof of Theorem 4.4

Without loss of generality, we restrict ourselves to distributions P such that σ(P ) = 1. Let θb be any estimator of θ(P ) and assume that Condition (21) holds.

Step 1: building a least favorable mixture distribution

We use the same mixture distribution as in the proof of Theorem 4.2. Consider the density h (50) with π1 = π2 = π = k/2n, and

h = (1 − π)φ + πf1 = (1 − π)φµ + πf2 = max{(1 − π)φ, (1 − π)φµ}, Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 45 where 1 1 f = [(1 − π)φ − (1 − π)φ] ; f = [(1 − π)φ − (1 − π)φ ] . 1 π µ + 2 π µ +

Recall that µ ∈ (0, 2) is chosen in such a way that f1 and f2 are densities. Also recall the probability measures Q, Q1,z, and Q2,z introduced in the previous proof (see Section D.1). Also let Zi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, be i.i.d. variables with common distribution being a Bernoulli distribution with parameter π. For any event A, we have PY ∼Q[A] = EZ [PY ∼Q1,Z (A)] = EZ [PY ∼Q2,Z (A)]. Consider the events Ω− = {θb(Y ) ≥ µ/2} ;Ω+ = {θb(Y ) ≤ µ/2}. − + Either EZ [PY ∼Q1,Z (Ω )] ≥ 1/2 or EZ [PY ∼Q2,Z (Ω )] ≥ 1/2. We assume without loss generality − that EZ [PY ∼Q1,Z (Ω )] ≥ 1/2 the other case being handled similarly. Since n1(Z) follows a Binomial distribution with parameters n and π, it follows from Bernstein’s inequality that

log(n) |n (Z) − πn| ≤ p2nπ log(n) + ≤ n/4 , 1 3 with probability higher than 1 − 2/n, for n large enough. Hence, there exists z ∈ {0, 1}n such that for P = Q1,z we have

h log(n) i 1 2 n (P ) ∈ πn − p2nπ log(n) − ; n/2 and [Ω−] ≥ − . (58) 1 3 PY ∼P 2 n

Note that θ(P ) = 0 whereas, on Ω−, θb is larger or equal to µ/2. In the remainder of the proof, we quantify how this estimation error shifts the distribution of the rescaled p-values.

Step 2: translated p-values

Since, under Ω−, we have θ(P ) = 0 and θb ≥ µ/2, the rescaled p-values are shifted and do not follow an uniform distribution. Let us characterize this shift. We have for all t ∈ [0, 1], and all i ∈ {1, . . . , n},

−1 1{pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t} = 1{|Yi − θb| ≥ Φ (t/2)} −1 ≥1{Yi − θb ≤ − Φ (t/2)} −1 ≥ 1{Yi ≤ θb− Φ (t/2)} 1 −  −1  ≥ {pi ≤ Φ Φ (t/2) − θb } ,

− −1 −1 where we have denoted pi = Φ(−Yi). Let Ψ(t) = Φ(Φ (t/2) − θb) and Ψ1(t) = Φ(Φ (t/2) − − µ/2), t ∈ [0, 1]. On the event Ω , we have Ψ(t) ≥ Ψ1(t) for any t ∈ [0, 1]. This entails that, for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n} and t ∈ [0, 1],

1 1 − 1 − − {pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t} ≥ {pi ≤ Ψ(t)} ≥ {pi ≤ Ψ1(t)} for Y ∈ Ω . (59)

− Interestingly, for i ∈ H0, the pi ’s are all i.i.d. U(0, 1). In contrast to Ψ, the function Ψ1 does not depend on the Yi’s. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 46

− Step 3: with high probability, on Ω , the threshold of BHα(Y ; θ,b 1) is large Since the rescaled p-values are shifted, one should expect that a large number of them are small enough so that BHα(Y ; θ,b 1) rejects many hypotheses. Let us denote by Tbα = Tα(Y ; θ,b σ(P )) ∨ (α/n) the p-value threshold of BHα(Y ; θ,b 1). In view of (59), we consider the − empirical distribution function of pi , i ∈ H0, given by − −1 X 1 − Gb 0 (t) = (n0(P )) {pi ≤ t}, t ∈ [0, 1] . i∈H0(P ) Relying on the DKW inequality (Lemma G.1), we derive that this process is uniformly − bounded. Precisely, we have P(Ω0 ) ≥ 1 − 1/n, where ( ) − − p Ω0 = sup |Gb 0 (t) − t| ≤ log(2n)/(2n0(P )) . t∈[0,1] Now, a consequence of (59) is that ( n ) X α ≥ Tbα = max t ∈ [0, 1] : 1{pi(Y ; θ,b σ(P )) ≤ t} ≥ nt/α i=1 ( n ) X 1 − ≥ max t ∈ [0, 1] : {pi ≤ Ψ1(t)} ≥ nt/α i=1 n − o − ≥ max t ∈ [0, 1] : (n0(P )/n)Gb 0 (Ψ1(t)) ≥ t/α ≥ T0 , (60)

− − − by letting T0 = max{t ∈ [0, 1] : Gb 0 (Ψ1(t)) ≥ 2t/α}. On Ω−, Gb 0 (Ψ1(t)) is uniformly close − to Ψ1(t), which will allow us to get a lower bound of Ψ1(T0 ). This argument is formalized in Lemma D.2 below.

Lemma D.2. There exists an integer N = N(α) such that if n0(P ) ≥ N and 4 log(32/α) µ ≥ p , (61) 0.25 log(n0(P )) + log(8/α) − we have on the event Ω0 , − −1/4 Ψ1(T0 ) ≥ n0(P ) . (62) By Lemma D.1, we have µ ≥ c0π = c0k/(2n). Hence, Condition (61) is satisfied by Condition (21) together with n0(P ) ≥ 0.5n. Combining (60) and (62) and since Ψ1 is increasing, we − − finally have on the event Ω ∩ Ω0 , − −1/4 Ψ(Tbα) ≥ Ψ1(Tbα) ≥ Ψ1(T0 ) ≥ n0(P ) . (63)

Step 4: BHα(Y ; θ,b 1) makes many false rejections

Since the threshold Tbα is large enough, one can then prove that BHα(Y ; θ,b 1) makes many − − false rejections. By (59), we have, on the event Ω ∩ Ω0 , that for all t ∈ [0, 1], X X −1 −1 1{pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t} = 1{Yi ≤ −Φ (t/2) + θb} + 1{Yi ≥ Φ (t/2) + θb}

i∈H0(P ) i∈H0(P ) X 1 − 1 + + = {pi ≤ Ψ(t)} + {pi ≤ Ψ (t)} , i∈H0(P ) Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 47

+ −1 + where Ψ (t) = Φ[Φ (t/2) + θb] and pi = Φ(Yi). Define the process + −1 X 1 + Gb 0 (t) = (n0(P )) {pi ≤ t}, t ∈ [0, 1] . i∈H0(P ) Relying again on the DKW inequality (Lemma G.1)), we derive that this process is uniformly − bounded in the sense that P(Ω0 ) ≥ 1 − 1/n, where ( ) + + p Ω0 = sup |Gb 0 (t) − t| ≤ log(2n)/(2n0(P )) . t∈[0,1]

− − + Hence, on Ω ∩ Ω0 ∩ Ω0 , we have, uniformly over all t ∈ [0, 1],

X + p 1{pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t} ≥ n0(P )[Ψ(t) + Ψ (t)] − 2n log(2n) .

i∈H0(P ) p p By (58), n0(P ) ≥ n(1 − π) − 2nπ log(n) − log(n)/3 ≥ n(1 − π) − 2 2n log(n). Hence, we conclude that, uniformly over all t ∈ [0, 1],

X + p 1{pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t} ≥ n(1 − π)[Ψ(t) + Ψ (t)] − 5 2n log(2n) . (64)

i∈H0(P )

−1/4 In the previous step (see (63)), we have proved that Ψ(Tbα) ≥ n0(P ) . This implies that

3 3/4 p 1 3/4 BHα(Y ; θ,b 1) ∩ H0(P ) ≥ n − 5 2n log(2n) ≥ n , 4 2 for n large enough. This proves the first statement of the theorem.

− Step 5: with high probability, on Ω , BHα(Y ; θ,b 1) cannot make too many true rejections

In this step, we bound the number of true rejections uniformly with respect to the threshold t of the testing procedure. We have for all t ∈ [0, 1], and all i ∈ {1, . . . , n},

−1 −1 1{pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t} = 1{Yi ≤ −Φ (t/2) + θb} + 1{Yi ≥ Φ (t/2) + θb} −1 −1 = 1{Yi ≤ −Φ (t/2) + θb} + 1{Yi ≥ Φ (t/2) + θb}. 1−π Now, recall that the variables Yi, i ∈ H1(P ), are i.i.d. with common density π (φµ − φ)+. For t ∈ [0, 1], define − −1 X 1 − − Gb 1 (t) = (n1(P )) {Φ(−Yi) ≤ t},G1 (t) = EP [Gb 1 (t)] ; i∈H1(P ) ( ) − − − p Ω1 = sup (Gb 1 (t) − G1 (t)) ≤ log(n)/(2n1(P )) ; t∈[0,1] + −1 X 1 + + Gb 1 (t) = (n1(P )) {Φ(Yi) ≤ t},G1 (t) = EP [Gb 1 (t)] ; i∈H1(P ) ( ) + + + p Ω1 = sup (Gb 1 (t) − G1 (t)) ≤ log(n)/(2n1(P )) . t∈[0,1] Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 48

− + Applying twice the DKW inequality (Lemma G.1), we have P(Ω1 ) ≥ 1 − 1/n and P(Ω1 ) ≥ + − 1 − 1/n, which gives that the event Ω1 = Ω1 ∩ Ω1 is such that P(Ω1) ≥ 1 − 2/n. Furthermore, we have for all t ∈ [0, 1], and i ∈ H1(P ),

−1 Z −Φ (t) − −1 1 − π G1 (t) = P(Φ(−Yi) ≤ t) = P(Yi ≤ −Φ (t)) = (φ(x − µ) − φ(x))+dx π −∞ 1 − π −1 ≤ Φ[Φ (t) + µ]; π Z ∞ + −1 1 − π G (t) = (Φ(Yi) ≤ t) = (Yi ≥ Φ (t)) = (φ(x − µ) − φ(x))+dx 1 P P −1 π Φ (t) 1 − π −1 ≤ Φ[Φ (t) − µ] . π

As a result, on the event Ω1, we have for all t ∈ [0, 1], X 1{pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t}

i∈H1(P ) − + +  = n1(P ) Gb 1 (Ψ(t)) + n1(P ) Gb 1 Ψ (t)  − + +  p ≤ n1(P ) G1 (Ψ(t)) + G1 Ψ (t) + 2n1(P ) log(n) 1 − π h −1 −1 i ≤ n1(P ) Φ[Φ (t/2) − θb+ µ] + Φ[Φ (t/2) + θb− µ] π p + 2n1(P ) log(n) .

Now, since for any fixed t ∈ [0, 1], the map

h −1 i h −1 i u ∈ [0, ∞] 7→ Φ Φ (t/2) + u + Φ Φ (t/2) − u

− − is nondecreasing, we have on Ω ∩ Ω0 ∩ Ω1 that

h −1 i h −1 i Φ Φ (t/2) + |θb− µ| + Φ Φ (t/2) − |θb− µ| h −1 i h −1 i ≤ Φ Φ (t/2) + θb + Φ Φ (t/2) − θb = Ψ(t) + Ψ+(t) ,

− − by using |θb− µ| ≤ θb (since θb ≥ µ/2) and the definition of Ψ(t). Finally, on Ω ∩ Ω0 ∩ Ω1, we obtain that, for all t ∈ [0, 1],

X n1(P )(1 − π) + p 1{pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t} ≤ [Ψ(t) + Ψ (t)] + 2 log(n) . π i∈H1(P )

From (58) and since π ≥ log−1/2(n), we deduce that r n (P )(1 − π) 2n log(n) log(n) √ 1 ≤ n(1 − π) + + ≤ n(1 − π) + 2 2n log(n) . π π 3π Hence, we conclude that, for all t ∈ [0, 1], √ X + 1{pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t} ≤ n(1 − π)[Ψ(t) + Ψ (t)] + 5 2n log(n) . (65)

i∈H1(P ) Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 49

− − Step 6: On Ω ∩ Ω0 ∩ Ω1, the FDP of BHα(Y ; θ,b 1) is close to 1/2

We deduce from the previous steps a lower bound for the FDP. First, by definition of the FDP and of the threshold Tbα of BHα(Y ; θ,b 1) (note that the procedure rejects at least one true null − − hypotheses by (63) and (64)), we deduce from (64) and (65) that, for Y ∈ Ω ∩ Ω0 ∩ Ω1,

FDP(P, BHα(Y ; θ,b 1)) P 1{pi(Y ; θ,b 1)) ≤ t} ≥ inf i∈H0(P ) Pn 1 t∈[Tbα,α] i=1 {pi(Y ; θ,b 1) ≤ t} " P #−1 1{pi(Y, θ,b 1) ≤ t} = inf 1 + i∈H1(P ) P t∈[Tα,α] 1{p (Y, θ, 1) ≤ t} b i∈H0(P ) i b " √ #−1 n(1 − π)[Ψ(t) + Ψ+(t)] + 5 2n log(n) ≥ inf 1 + √ + t∈[Tbα,α] (n(1 − π)[Ψ(t) + Ψ (t)] − 5 2n log(n)))+ " √ #−1 10 2n log(n) ≥ inf 2 + √ . + t∈[Tbα,α] (n(1 − π)[Ψ(t) + Ψ (t)] − 5 2n log(n)))+

−1/4 −1/4 We have proved in (62) that Ψ(t) ≥ Ψ(Tbα) ≥ n0(P ) ≥ (n/2) . Hence, for n large enough, we obtain 1 FDP(P, BHα(Y ; θ,b 1)) ≥ . 2 + c0n−1/5 − − 00 Since the event Ω ∩ Ω0 ∩ Ω1 occurs with probability higher than 1/2 − c /n, we have proved the second statement of the theorem.

D.3. Proof of Theorem 4.1 (ii)

As explained above, Theorem 4.1 (ii) is shown by adapting Theorem 3.2 to the case σb = σ(P ), the only difference in the proof being that we now quantify the impact of the mean θ(P ) estimation error on the p-values and the corresponding threshold Tα(θ,b σ(P )) of plug-in BH. In other words, Lemma C.2 has to be replaced by Lemma D.3 below (to be proved in AppendixF).

Lemma D.3. For any estimator θb, let δ > 0, θ ∈ R, σ > 0, α ∈ (0, 0.8), t0 ∈ (0, α) and p η = δc 2 log(1/t0) , with the constant c > 0 of Corollary F.6. Assume |θb − θ| ≤ σδ and η ≤ 0.05. Then, for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n},

• if Tα(θ,b σb) ∨ (α/n) ≥ t0, we have

1{pi(θ,b σ) ≤ Tα(θ,b σ)} ≤ 1{pi(θ, σ) ≤ (1 + η)Tα(θ,b σ)}

≤ 1{pi(θ, σ) ≤ Tα(1+η)(θ, σ)} ; (66)

• if T0.95α(θ, σ) ∨ (0.95α/n) ≥ t0, we have

1{pi(θ, σ) ≤ Tα(1−η)(θ, σ)} ≤ 1{pi(θ,b σ) ≤ Tα(θ,b σ)} . (67) Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 50

D.4. Proofs for location model

Proof of Theorem 5.1. Consider any procedure R. We extend the proof of Theorem 4.2 (see Section D.1) to general function g but in the specific case k1 = k2 = k. Take π = k/(2n). Let µ > 0 be such that Z µ/2 π g(x)dx = < 1/2 . 0 2(1 − π) −1 1−2π 0 Since g is non-increasing on R+, we have µ = 2G ( 2(1−π) ) ≥ cgπ. Then, one can check that

h = (1 − π)g + πf1 = (1 − π)gµ + πf2 = max{(1 − π)g, (1 − π)gµ} , is a density where 1 1 f = [(1 − π)g − (1 − π)g] ; f = [(1 − π)g − (1 − π)g ] . 1 π µ + 2 π µ +

Since g is non-increasing on R+, f1(x) > 0 for x > µ/2 and f2(x) > 0 for x < µ/2. Defining the distributions Q, Q1,z, Q2,z and Z as in the proof of Theorem 4.2 (with k1 = k2, Z = Z1 = Z2), we derive that either

EZ [EY ∼Q1,Z [|R(Y )| > 0] = EZ [EY ∼Q2,Z [|R(Y )| > 0] ≥ 1/2 or

EZ [EY ∼Q1,Z [|R(Y )| = 0] = EZ [EY ∼Q2,Z [|R(Y )| = 0] > 1/2. In the former case, we obtain by arguing exactly as in step 2 of the previous proof that there exists P with n1(P ) ≤ k and FDR(P,R) ≥ 2/5.

Let us now turn to the case EZ [EY ∼Q1,Z [|R(Y )| = 0]] ≥ 1/2. Hence, there exists P with n1(P ) ∈ [k/4, k] and θ(P ) = 0 such that PY ∼P (|R(Y )| = 0] ≥ 2/5 (for k large enough). It ∗ remains to prove that the oracle Benjamini-Hochberg BHα/2 rejects many null hypotheses ∗ with probability close to one. It suffices to prove that many oracle p-values pi = 2G(|Yi|) are small enough. Consider any i ∈ H1(P ). The corresponding density of Yi is given by 1−π f1(x) = π [g(x − µ) − g(x)]+, which is positive for x ≥ µ/2. Consider some t ∈ [α/(2n); α/2] ∗ −1 t  whose value will be fixed later. The event {pi ≤ t} ⊂ {Yi ≥ G 2 } occurs with probability higher or equal to 1 − π   −1  t   t  r (t) = G G − µ − . µ π 2 2 Applying Bernstein inequality, we deduce that   X n1(P ) 1{p∗ ≤ t} ≥ r (t) ≥ 1 − e−3n1(P )rµ(t)/28 . (68) PY ∼P  i 2 µ  i∈H1(p)

Observe that

n (P )r (t) 1 − π   −1  t   t  3n   −1  t   t  1 µ ≥ n G G − µ − ≥ G G − c0 π − 2 4 2 2 16 2 g 2 Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 51

∗ By definition of BH procedure, on the event within (68), BHα/2 rejects each null hypothesis ∗ corresponding to a p-value pi ≤ t as long as this last expression is higher than 2nt/α. Putting everything together we have proved that   2nt 0 |BH∗ ∩ H (P )| ≥ ≥ 1 − e−c nt/α , PY ∼P α/2 1 α

α if some t ∈ [ 2n ; α/2] satisfies

 −1  t   12t G G − c0 π ≥ . (69) 2 g α

Such a t exists by Condition (27). Fixing t = t0 leads to the desired conclusion.

Proof of Theorem 5.2. We consider the exact same density h as above, but we now fix π = π − n−1/3. Arguing as in the proof of Theorem 4.2 (see (52) therein), we have

EZ FDR[Q1,Z ,R] + EZ FDR[Q2,Z ,R] ≥ PY ∼Q[|R(Y )| > 0] ,

⊗n where Z ∼ B(π) and with Q, Q1,z, Q2,z defined therein. If PY ∼Q[|R(Y )| > 0] ≥ 1/2, we have either EZ FDR[Q1,Z ,R] ≥ 1/4 or EZ FDR[Q2,Z ,R] ≥ −1/3 1/4. Since n1(Z) follows a Binomial distribution with parameter n and π = π − n , it follows from Bernstein inequality, that

0 1/3 PZ [n1(Z) ≥ πn¯ ] ≤ exp(−cαn ) , (70)

0 for some constant cα > 0 that only depends on α (through πα). As a consequence, there exists n i ∈ {0, 1} and z ∈ {0, 1} with n1(z) ≤ πn¯ such that

0 1/3 FDR[Qi,z,R] ≥ 1/4 − exp(−cαn ).

Now assume that

PY ∼Q[|R(Y )| = 0] = EZ [PY ∼Q1,Z = 0] ≥ 1/2 . (71)

∗ ∗ We consider the behavior of |BHα|, the number of rejections of BHα, under Q1,Z . Fix t0 = 1−2π −1 2G(µ/2) = 1−π ∈ (0, 1), so that G (t0/2) = µ/2. From Fubini’s Theorem and the definition ∗ of |BHα|, we derive that  nt   t  |BH∗ | ≥ 0 = |BH∗ | ≥ n 0 EZ PY ∼Q1,Z α α PY ∼Q α α " n # X nt0 ≥ 1{p∗ ≤ t } ≥ . PY ∼Q i 0 α i=1 1 ∗ Under Q, the random variables {pi ≤ t0}, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, are i.i.d. and follow a Bernoulli distribution with parameter

∗   P[pi ≤ t0] = (1 − π) G(µ/2) + 1 − G(µ/2) = 1 − π . Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 52

1−2x 0 Define the function ψ : x 7→ (1 − x) − α(1−x) . For any α ∈ (0, 1), ψ (x) = −1 + 1/[α(1 − 2 x√) ]. Hence, ψ is convex and strictly increasing in [0, 1/2]. Recall the definition of πα = 1−α−(1−α) α ∈ (0, 1/2). One then shows that ψ(πα) = 0 and ψ(x) ∈ (0, 1/2) for any x ∈ (πα, 1/2). Since lim π =π ¯ > πα, it follows that, for n larger than a constant depending only onπ ¯ and α, we have π > πα. Hence, we derive from Bernstein inequality that  nt   ψ2(π)  |BH∗ | ≥ 0 ≥ 1 − exp −n EZ PY ∼Q1,Z α α 2[1 − π] + ψ(π)/3  2 ≥ 1 − exp −cαn(π − πα)  2 ≥ 1 − exp −cαn(¯π − πα) , (72)

0 0 since ψ(π) = ψ(π) − ψ(πα) ≥ ψ (πα)(π − πα), ψ (πα) > 0 only depends on α. Moreover, ∗ nt0 ∗ Pn 1 1 ∗ provided that |BHα| ≥ α , we have |BHα ∩ H1(Q1,Z )| ≥ i=1 {Zi = 1} {pi ≤ t0}. When ∗ Zi = 1, it follows from the definition of t0 that we have pi ≤ t0 almost surely. As a consequence, 1 1 ∗ for each i, {Zi = 1} {pi ≤ t0} is a Bernoulli variable of parameter π, we derive from Bernstein inequality that

" n # X nπ 1{Z = 1}1{p∗ ≤ t } ≥ ≥ 1 − exp −ncπ2 EZ PY ∼Q1,Z i i 0 2 i=1  2 ≥ 1 − exp −c2nπ¯ , (73)

for n larger than a constant depending onπ ¯. Since π ≥ π/2 for n large enough, we deduce that by combining the two previous inequalities that  nπ  |BH∗ ∩ H (P )| ≥ ≥ 1 − 2 exp −c0 n(¯π − π )2 , EZ PY ∼Q1,Z α 1 4 α α and therefore that   nπ   4 |BH∗ ∩ H (P )| ≥ ≥ 1 − 10 exp −c0 n(¯π − π )2 ≥ . PZ PY ∼Q1,Z α 1 4 α α 5

Also, it follows from (71) that 1 P [|R(Y )| = 0] > 1/3 ≥ . PZ Y ∼Q1,Z 4

Combining the two previous inequalities with (70), we conclude that there exists P ∈ Pg with n1(P ) ≤ πn such that PY ∼P [|R(Y )| = 0] ≥ 1/3 and  nπ  |BH∗ ∩ H (P )| ≥ ≥ 1 − 10 exp −c0 n(¯π − π )2 . PY ∼P α 1 4 α α The result follows. Proof of Proposition 5.6. We follow the same approach as in the previous proof, but we can sharpen the bounds using the explicit form of g. As in the previous proofs, we consider the same density h, which now takes the form h(y) = (1 − π) max{e−|y|/2, e−|y−µ|/2} with −1/3 n π = π − n . We also consider the same Q, Q1,z, Q2,z, z ∈ {0, 1} , and Z with i.i.d. B(π) −1 coordinates. Recall that g(x) = e−|x|/2, G(x) = e−x/2 for x ≥ 0 and G (t) = log(1/(2t)) for Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 53

1−π t ≤ 1/2. As a consequence, µ = 2 log( 1−2π ). Note that for any x > µ, we have g(x−µ)/g(x) = e−µ. Now consider any multiple testing procedure R.

Step 1: Controlling EZ FDR(Q1,Z ,R) + EZ FDR(Q2,Z ,R). For Yi ≥ µ, then

−Yi −Yi 2 (1 − π)e /2 e −µ (1 − 2π) PZ,Y ∼Q1,Z [Zi = 0 | Yi] = = −Y −Y +µ = e = 2 . h(Yi) max{e i , e i } (1 − π)

If Yi ∈ [µ/2; µ], then

e−Yi (1 − 2π)2 µ−2Yi −µ PZ,Y ∼Q1,Z [Zi = 0 | Yi] = = e ≥ e = . max{e−Yi , e−µ+Yi } (1 − π)2

Finally, if Yi ≤ µ/2, then PZ,Y ∼Q1,Z [Zi = 0 | Yi] = 1. Arguing similarly for Q2,Z , we derive that −µ PZ,Y ∼Q1,Z [Zi = 0 | Yi] + PZ,Y ∼Q2,Z [Zi = 0 | Yi] ≥ 1 + e This allows us to derive that

−µ EZ [FDR(Q1,Z ,R)] + EZ [FDR(Q2,Z ,R)] ≥ (1 + e )PY ∼Q[|R(Y )| > 0] .

By symmetry, we may assume henceforth that

[|R(Y )| > 0] [FDR(Q ,R)] ≥ (1 + e−µ)PY ∼Q . (74) EZ 1,Z 2

∗ ∗ Step 2: Controlling the behavior of |BHα|. Under Q1,z, the oracle p-value pi is simply 2G(|Yi|). Consider any t ≤ e−µ. Under the mixture distribution Q, we have

−1 "Z −G (t/2) Z ∞ # ∗ Y ∼Q[p ≤ t] = (1 − π) g(x)dx + g(x − µ)dx P i −1 −∞ G (t/2) = (1 − π)[t/2 + eµt/2] = tη(π) , (75) where (1 − π) 1 − π  (1 − π)2  η(π) = [1 + eµ] = 1 + . (76) 2 2 (1 − 2π)2 The function η is increasing and is larger than 1 for π ∈ (0, 1/2) (to see this, we check that η0(π) = (π/2)(10π2 − 15π + 6)/(1 − 2π)3) ). Besides, η goes to +∞ when π converges to 1/2. ∗ 2 ∗ (1−2πα) −µ In addition, observe that π given by (34) satisfy ∗ 2 = α, so that α < e . This implies α (1−πα) αη(π) < (1 − π) < 1. ∗ Pn 1 ∗ ∗ Now denote Tα(Y ) = max {t ∈ [0, 1] : i=1 {pi ≤ t} ≥ nt/α} the threshold of BHα. We have n X 1{p∗ ≤ T ∗(Y )} [|BH∗ | > 0] = (α/n) E i α PY ∼Q α Y ∼Q T ∗(Y ) ∨ (α/n) i=1 α n " ∗ ∗ (i) (i) # X P(p ≤ Tα(Y ) Y ) = (α/n) E i = αη(π) Y ∼Q T ∗(Y (i)) i=1 α Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 54

∗ (i) where we used Lemma F.3 (and the notation therein), the independence between pi and Y , ∗ (i) −µ combined with the fact that Tα(Y ) ≤ α < e and (75). Next, as assumed in the statement of the theorem, let us suppose that R is such that

sup {FDR(P,R) − αn0(P )/n} ≤ 0. P ∈Pg:n1(P )/n≤π Then, it follows from (74) and Bernstein inequality that

EZ PY ∼P1,Z [|R(Y )| > 0] 2 ≤ [FDR(Q ,R)] 1 + e−µ EZ 1,Z 2 h h i ≤ (αn (Z)/n)1{π − 2n−1/3 ≤ n (Z)/n ≤ π} 1 + e−µ E 0 1 −1/3 i +P(|n1(Z)/n − π| > n )

2 1/3 ≤ α(1 − π) + 2n−1/3 + 4e−cπn 1 + e−µ 2 ≤ α(1 − π) + c0 n−1/3. 1 + e−µ π Combining the above bounds yields  ∗  EZ PY ∼P1,Z [|BHα| > 0] − PY ∼P1,Z [|R(Y )| > 0] 2 ≥ αη(π) − α(1 − π) − c0 n−1/3 1 + e−µ π 0 −1/3 = αζ(π) − cπn ,

1−u  (1−u)2  (1−2u)2   where ζ(u) = 2 1 + (1−2u)2 − 4/ 1 + (1−u)2 , for u ∈ (0, 1/2). Since 1 + x > 4/(1 + 1/x) for any x > 1, it follows that ζ(u) > 0 for any u ∈ (0, 1/2). Besides, one can check that ζ is increasing on (0, 1/2). Since the functions η and µ are continuously differentiable in π, we conclude that  ∗  00 −1/3 EZ PY ∼P1,Z [|BHα| > 0] − PY ∼P1,Z [|R(Y )| > 0] ≥ αζ(π) − cπn ,

Applying again Bernstein inequality to n1(Z), we conclude that there exists P with n1(P )/n ≤ π such that ∗ 000 −1/3 PY ∼P [|BHα| > 0] − PY ∼P [|R(Y )| > 0] ≥ αζ(π) − cπ n . The result follows.

Proof of Theorem 5.3. We adapt the proof of Theorem 3.2 (see Sections C.1 and C.2) to the location model. Following exactly the same proof, (32) and (33) hold provided that we modify the four following ingredients: Lemma F.1, Lemma C.1, Lemma C.2 and Lemma C.3. This is done below. Modification of Lemma F.1: Arguing as for Lemma F.1, we can prove that the empirical 0 0 0 median is close to θ(P ). Precisely, there exist constants c1, c2, c3 > 0, only depending on g, 0 such that for n ≥ 1, all P ∈ P such that n0(P )/n ≥ 0.9, and all x ∈ (0, c1n),  r  n1(P ) + 2 x |θe− θ(P )| ≥ c0 + c0 ≤ 2e−x . (77) P 2 n 3 n Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 55

−1 The proof is mainly based on the fact G and G are continuously differentiable and therefore 2/3 c locally lipschitz around 0 and 1/2. Hence, for x = n , we get for n large enough, P(Ω ) ≤ 2e−n2/3 for   n o n1(P ) + 2 −1/6 Ω = |θe− θ(P )| ≤ δ , δ = c2 + n , n for some constant c2 only depending on g. Modification of Lemma C.1: with the additional assumption η ≤ 1/2, we easily check −1 that the same result holds under the condition |θe− θ(P )| ≤ G (1/4)/2, which is ensured on Ω for n larger than some constant (only depending on g). Modification of Lemma C.2: the following lemma is a modification of Lemma C.2.

Lemma D.4. For an arbitrary estimator θb, let δ > 0, θ ∈ R, α ∈ (0, 0.5), t0 ∈ (0, α) and ( −1 ) 1 g(G (t)) η = δ max −1 −1 −1 t∈[t0,α] G (t/2) − G (t) g(G (t/2))

Assume that |θb− θ| ≤ δ and η ≤ 0.05. Then, for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n},

• if Tα(θb) ∨ (α/n) ≥ t0, we have

1{pi(θb) ≤ Tα(θb)} ≤ 1{pi(θ) ≤ (1 + η)Tα(θb)} ≤ 1{pi(θ) ≤ Tα(1+η)(θ)} ; (78)

• if T0.95α(θ) ∨ (0.95α/n) ≥ t0, we have

1{pi(θ) ≤ Tα(1−η)(θ)} ≤ 1{pi(θb) ≤ Tα(θb)} . (79) 0 To prove Lemma D.4, we follow the same strategy as in Section F.3. For all u, u ∈ R, i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, α ∈ (0, 0.5), t0 ∈ (0, α), for all t ∈ [t0, α], we have 0 0 1{pi(u ) ≤ t} = 1{2G(|Yi − u |) ≤ t} 0 ≤ 1{2G(|Yi − u| + |u − u |) ≤ t} −1 0 = 1{2G(|Yi − u|) ≤ 2G(G (t/2) − |u − u |)} 0 ≤ 1{2G(|Yi − u|) ≤ t(1 + η )}, for ( −1 ) G(G (t/2) − δ) − t/2 η0 = max , t∈[t0,α] t/2 provided that |u − u0| ≤ δ. Now, if η ≤ 0.05, we can prove that η0 ≤ η. (80) Indeed, η ≤ 1 implies that the following inequality holds

n −1 −1 o δ ≤ min G (t/2) − G (t) , (81) t∈[t0,α]

−1 Furthermore, since δ ≤ G (α/2), for all t ∈ [t0, α], −1 G(G (t/2) − δ) − t/2 ≤ δ max {g(u)} −1 −1 u∈[G (t/2)−δ;G (t/2)] −1 −1 = δg(G (t/2) − δ) ≤ δg(G (t)), Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 56 by the monotonic property of g and (81). Similarly, for all t ∈ [t0, α],

−1 −1 t/2 G (t/2) − G (t) ≤ −1 . g(G (t/2))

Combining these inequalities leads to (80). In turn, (78) and (79) hold provided that |θb−θ| ≤ δ. Modification of Lemma C.3: The same results holds because g is symmetric.

−1 −|x|ζ /ζ Proof of Corollaries 5.4 and 5.5. First, we assume that ζ > 1. Define g(x) = Lζ e , 1/ζ−1 ζ > 1, with the normalization constant Lζ = 2Γ(1/ζ)ζ . In that case, we have (see Lemma S-5.1 in the supplement of Neuvial and Roquain(2012)),

−1 1/ζ ∀q ∈ (0, G(1)), G (q) ≤ (−ζ log q − ζ log Lζ ) ; (82) g(y) g(y) yζ ∀y > 0, ≥ G(y) ≥ . yζ−1 yζ−1 yζ + ζ − 1

−1 The last inequality (used with y = G (q)) implies that

" " −1 ζ # # −1 ζ −1 (G (q)) [G (q)] +ζ log(q)+ζ log Lζ +ζ(ζ −1) log(G (q)) ∈ ζ log −1 ; 0 , (83) (G (q))ζ + ζ − 1

−1 and therefore that [G (t)] ∼ [ζ log(1/t)]1/ζ for t going to zero. As a consequence, for t small enough, we have

−1 −1 −1 h −1 −1 i G (t/2) − G (t) = ζ−1[G (t0)]1−ζ G (t/2)]ζ − [G (t)]ζ , (84) where t0 ∈ [t/2; t]. In view of (83), this is of the order log1/ζ−1(1/t). Besides, (83) implies that −1 −1 −1 −1 g(G (t/2))/g(G (t) is bounded away from 0. Since [G (t/2)] − [G (t)] is bounded away from zero for large t, we deduce that η in (31) is of the order

k  n ∨ n−1/6 log1−1/ζ (n) . n

1−1/ζ Hence, η goes to 0 when kn  n/ log (n) and we deduce from Theorem 5.3 that the 1−1/ζ scaling θb is asymptotically optimal. Conversely, for kn  n/ log (n), Condition (27) is satisfied and we deduce from Theorem 5.1 that optimal scaling is impossible

Let us turn to the case ζ = 1 (Laplace distribution). In that case, g(x) = 0.5 e−|x|; G(y) = −1 0.5e−y for y ≥ 0; G (q) = − log(2q) for q ∈ [0, 1/2]. Hence, η in (31) satisfies

k  2 η = c (g) n ∨ n−1/6 . 2 n log(2)

Hence, we deduce from Theorem 5.3 that that the scaling θb is asymptotically optimal as long as kn  n. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 57

D.5. Proof of Theorem 6.1

Since the result is trivial if F0,k(P ) is empty, one can fix F0 ∈ F0,k(P ). Let us denote

−1 X 1 Fb0(y) = n0 {Yi ≤ y}, y ∈ R, i∈H0 where H0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , n} : Fi = F0}, n0 = |H0|, which is larger than or equal to n − k by assumption. By using the DKW inequality Massart(1990), on an event with probability at least 1 − α, we have for all y ∈ R,

F0(y) − d ≤ Fb0(y) ≤ F0(y) + d, where d = {− log(α/2)/(2(n − k))}1/2. Now, since

Fbn = (1 − k/n) Fb0 + (k/n) Fb1, for some c.d.f. Fb1, we have for all y ∈ R,

Fbn(y) − (1 − k/n)F0(y) − (1 − k/n)d Fbn(y) − (1 − k/n)F0(y) + (1 − k/n)d ≤ Fb1(y) ≤ . k/n k/n

Using the monotonicity of Fb1, this gives for all y ∈ R,

sup {Fbn(x) − (1 − k/n)F0(x)} − cn,α 0 ∨ x≤y k/n

infx≥y{Fbn(x) − (1 − k/n)F0(x)} + cn,α ≤ Fb1(y) ≤ 1 ∧ , k/n where we used c = (1 − k/n)d. Since, for all y ∈ [Y ,Y ), we have sup {F (x) − n,α (`) (`+1) Y(`)≤x≤y bn

(1 − k/n)F0(x)} = `/n − (1 − k/n)F0(Y(`)) and infy≤x

Appendix E: Technical lemmas for Theorem 3.1

Proof of Lemma B.1. We deduce from the definition of f1 that

π R f (u)du 1 = π 1 = (1 − π )Φ(t /σ ) − (1 − π )Φ(t ) 2 1 2 2 0 2 1 0  = (1 − π2) Φ(t0/σ2) − Φ(t0) − (π2 − π1)Φ(t0) σ2 − 1 ≤ (1 − π2)φ(t0/σ2)t0 = (1 − π1)φ(t0)t0(σ2 − 1) σ2

0 where we used the definition of t0 in the last line. Let c0 ∈ (0, 1) be an absolute constant that will be fixed later. We prove the first result by contradiction. Assume that

0 −1 σ2 − 1 ≤ c0π2[1 + log(π2/π1)] ≤ 1/4 , (85) Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 58 which, in view of the previous inequality, implies

π1[1 + log(π2/π1)] t0φ(t0) ≥ 0 . (86) 2c0π2(1 − π1)

0 −1 Case 1: π2 ≤ 2π1. Then, (86) implies that t0φ(t0) ≥ (4c0) (1 + log(2)), because x ∈ −1/2 −1/2 [0, 1] 7→ x(1 + log(1/x)) is nondecreasing. Since xφ(x) ≤ (2π) e for any x ∈ R, this 0 last inequality cannot hold for c0 sufficiently small and we have therefore

0 −1 σ2 − 1 ≥ c0π2[1 + log(π2/π1)] .

Case 2: π2 > 2π1. We deduce from (85), the definition (42) of t0, log(1 + x) ≥ x/(1 + x) for x ≥ 0, and σ2 ≥ 1 that v u  1−π  u2 log 1 σ2 2 t 1−π2 2 2 log(σ2)σ2 t0 = 2 + 2 σ2 − 1 σ2 − 1 s 2[1 + log(π /π )] log( 1−π1 )σ2 2 1 1−π2 2 2σ2 ≥ 0 + c0π2(σ2 + 1) σ2 + 1 s 2[1 + log(π2/π1)](π2 − π1) ≥ 0 + 1 c0π2(1 − π1) s 1 + log(π2/π1) ≥ 0 + 1 . c0

Recall that xφ(x) is decreasing for x ≥ 1. Provided that we chose c0 ≤ 1/2, we have there- q 0 π1 1+log(π2/π1) 0 fore φ(t0)t0 ≤ 0 + 1 which contradicts (86) provided that c0 is small enough π2 c0 (independently of π1 and π2). As in Case 1, we conclude that

0 −1 σ2 − 1 ≥ c0π2[1 + log(π2/π1)] .

Let us turn to the second part of the lemma. By concavity, we have log(1 + x)/x ∈ [1/(1 + x), 1] for any x > 0. From (42), π1 ≤ 1/4, and the last bound of σ2 − 1, we deduce that v u  1−π  u 2 log 1 t0 t2 log(σ2) 1−π2 ≤ 2 + 2 σ2 σ2 − 1 σ2 − 1 s s 2(π2 − π1) 4(π2 − π1) ≤ 1 + 2 ≤ 1 + (1 − π1)(σ2 − 1) 3(σ2 − 1) s s 4[1 + log(π2/π1)](π2 − π1) 4[1 + log(π2/π1)] ≤ 1 + 0 ≤ 1 + 0 . 3c0π2 3c0 Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 59

00 p 00 Provided that log(π2/π1) ≤ c0 log(n), we have t0/σ2 ≤ 0.5 log(n) for n large enough and c0 sufficiently small. Hence, we derive from Lemma G.2 that

p0.5 log(n) Φ(t /σ ) ≥ φ(p0.5 log(n)) ≥ (4π log n)−1/2n−1/4 ≥ 10p2 log(2n)/n , 0 2 1 + 0.5 log(n) for n large enough. p Proof of Lemma B.2. We check that u1 ≤ log(n). From the definition (44) of u1, π1 ≤ π2 ≤ 1/4, and Lemma B.1, we deduce that

2 2   2 σ2 σ2 9 u1 ≤ 2 2 log(σ2) + 2 2 log σ2 − 1 σ2 − 1 α(1 − π2)    1 + log(π2/π1) 12 ≤ 2σ2 1 + log , c0π2 α where we used that π2 ≤ 1/4. Besides, we have shown above (42) that σ2 ≤ c1 for some universal constant c1. All in all, we have proved that   2 0 0 1 + log(π2/π1) 68 u1 ≤ c1 + c2 log , c0π2 3α which, by assumption, is smaller than log n. The result follows.

Appendix F: Remaining proofs for Theorems 3.2 and 4.4

F.1. Estimation of θ(P ), σ(P )

The following results are close to those of Chen et al.(2018) in dimension 1. The setting here is slightly different, because we are not considering a mixture model, so we provide a proof for completeness. Lemma F.1. Consider the estimators defined by (13). Then there exists a constant c > 0 such that for n ≥ 16, all P ∈ P such that n0(P )/n ≥ 0.9, and all x ∈ (0, cn), r ! |θe− θ(P )| n1(P ) + 2 x ≥ 2 + 5 ≤ 2e−x; (87) P σ n n |σ − σ(P )| n (P ) + 2 rx e ≥ 6 1 + 16 ≤ 4e−x. (88) P σ n n

Proof√ of Lemma F.1. Let ξ = (Y − θ)/σ, so that ξi, i ∈ H0 are i.i.d. N (0, 1). Let T = 18dn/2ex +2 n1+2 . Since n ≥ 0.9n, to prove (87), it suffices to show that we prove |θ−θ| ≥ σT n0 n 0 e with probability smaller than 2e−x. We have     Y(dn/2e) − θ  θe− θ ≥ σT = ≥ T = ξ ≥ T P P σ P (dn/2e)  ≤ P ξ(dn/2e:H0) ≥ T , (89) Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 60

Note that 0.3 < 0.5 ≤ dn/2e/n0 ≤ (n/2 + 1)/(0.9n) < 0.7 by assumption. Hence, from Lemma G.3, we have

−1 n + 2 − n0 n1 + 2 0 ≤ −Φ (dn/2e/n0) ≤ 3.6(dn/2e/n0 − 1/2) ≤ 1.8 ≤ 2 . n0 n Using this and applying Lemma G.4, we get that for x ≤ cn (for some constant c > 0) the rhs in (89) is bounded by  h −1 p i P ξ(dn/2e:H0) ≥ T ≤ P ξ(dn/2e:H0) + Φ (dn/2e/n0) ≥ 18x/n p h −1 2dn/2exi −x ≤ P ξ(dn/2e:H0) + Φ (dn/2e/n0) ≥ 3 ≤ e . (90) n0

−x This gives for all x ∈ (0, cn), P(θe− θ ≥ σT ) ≤ e . Conversely, we have    P θ − θe ≥ σT = P (−ξ)(dn/2e) ≥ T   ≤ P (−ξ)(dn/2e:H0) > T = P ξ(dn/2e:H0) > T , by symmetry of the Gaussian distribution. Bounding again P(ξ(dn/2e:H0) > T ), we obtain (87). √ −1 8(n+1)x Let us now prove (88). Let u = Φ (1/4) ∈ (0.6, 0.7) and T 0 = (1 + n )/n + . 0 1 n0 −x Since n0 ≤ 0.9n, we only have to prove that, with probability higher than 1 − 4e , we have 0 |σ − σe| ≥ σ (2T + 2T ). By Definition (13) ofσ ˜, we have   0 |u0 − U(dn/2e)|/σ 0 P |σ − σe| ≥ σ 2T + 2T = P ≥ 2T + 2T . u0

Since |ξi| − |ξ(dn/2e)| ≤ |ξi − ξ(dn/2e)| ≤ |ξi| + |ξ(dn/2e)|, we have |U(dn/2e)|/σ| − |ξ|(n/2) ∈ [−|ξ(dn/2e)|; |ξ(dn/2e)|]. Thus, we have     0 |ξ(dn/2e)| u0 − |ξ|(dn/2e) 0 P |σ − σe| ≥ σ 2T + 2T ≤ P ≥ 2T + P ≥ 2T u0 u0 −x 0 ≤ 2e + P |u0 − |ξ|(dn/2e)| ≥ T , (91) where we used (90) and 2u0 ≥ 1. Since

|ξ|(n0−n+dn/2e:H0) = −(−|ξ|)(n+1−dn/2e:H0) ≤ |ξ|(dn/2e) ≤ |ξ|(dn/2e:H0) we have

0 0 0 P |u0 − |ξ|(dn/2e)| ≥ T ≤ P |ξ|(dn/2e:H0) ≥ u0 + T + P |ξ|n0−n+dn/2e:H0 ≤ u0 − T . We now apply Lemma G.5 to control the deviations of these order statistics. We easily check that 0.4n0 ≤ bn/2c ≤ dn/2e ≤ 0.6n0. Hence, for all x ≤ cn(for c small enough), we have "   p # −1 n0 − dn/2e dn/2ex −x P |ξ|(dn/2e:H0) ≥ Φ + 4 ≤ e ; 2n0 n0 "   p # −1 n − dn/2e 2(n0 − n + dn/2e)x −x P |ξ|(n0−n+dn/2e:H0) ≤ Φ − 2 ≤ e . 2n0 n0 Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 61

0 It remains to compare these two rhs expression with T . By Lemma G.3 and since n0 ≥ 0.9n, −1   −1 −1   −1 both |Φ n0−dn/2e −Φ (1/4)| and |Φ n−dn/2e −Φ (1/4)| are less or equal (n +1)/n. 2n0 2n0 1 p The deviation terms in the above deviation inequalities are also smaller than 6(n + 1)x/n0. This concludes the proof.

F.2. Proof of Lemma C.1

We start with two lemmas. The first one ensures that θe and σe are not perturbed when pi(θ,e σe) is small. The second one compares the thresholds of plug-in BH procedures based on Y and Y (i).

Lemma F.2. For any i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, and t ∈ (0, 0.5), if pi(θ,e σe) ≤ t and |θe− θ| < 0.3 σe, then (i) (i) we have both θe = θe and σe = σe. Lemma F.3. For all u ∈ R, s > 0, any i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, we have for all α ∈ (0, 1),

(i) (i) 1{pi(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s)} = 1{Tα(Y ; u, s) = Tα(Y ; u, s)} = 1{pi(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s)}, where T (·) is defined by (7). (i) From Lemma F.3 with u = θe and s = σe and Lemma F.2 with t = Tα(Y ; θ,e σe) ≤ α < 0.5, we deduce that

1 1 (i) {pi(θ,e σe) ≤ Tα(Y ; θ,e σe)} = {pi(θ,e σe) ≤ Tα(Y ; θ,e σe)} 1 (i) (i) (i) = {pi(θ,e σe) ≤ Tα(Y ; θ,e σe), θe = θe , σe = σe } 1 (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) = {pi(θe , σe ) ≤ Tα(Y ; θe , σe ), θe = θe , σe = σe } 1 (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) = {pi(θe , σe ) ≤ Tα(Y ; θe , σe )}.

(i) (i) (i) The fourth equality uses again Lemma F.2 with t = Tα(Y ; θe , σe ) ≤ α < 0.5. Finally, (i) (i) (i) provided that the above event is true, we clearly have Tα(Y ; u, s) = Tα(Y ; θe , σe ) by Lemma F.3. We have proved Lemma C.1

−1 −1 Proof of Lemma F.2. Assume that pi(θ,e σ) ≤ t. This gives |Yi −θe| ≥ σ Φ (t/2) > σ Φ (1/4) e −1 e e (because t < 1/2). If we further assume that |θe− θ| ≤ 0.3σe < σe Φ (1/4)/2, we have −1 −1 • either Yi −θe > σe Φ (1/4), which gives Yi −θ > σe Φ (1/4)/2 and thus Yi > Y(dn/2e) ∨θ. (i) (i) In this case, Yi = sign(Yi − θ) × ∞ = ∞ and θe = θe; −1 −1 • or Yi −θe < −σe Φ (1/4), which gives Yi −θ < −σe Φ (1/4)/2 and thus Yi < Y(dn/2e) ∧θ. (i) (i) In this case, Yi = sign(Yi − θ) × ∞ = −∞ and θe = θe. (i) −1 Hence, in both cases, we have θe = θe. This implies that Φ (1/4) σe is the empirical median (i) (i) −1 −1 of the |Yj − θe |, 1 ≤ j ≤ n and that |Yi − θe | > Φ (1/4) σe. Hence, Φ (1/4) σe is also (i) (i) the empirical median of the |Yj − θe |, 1 ≤ j ≤ n (whose element j = i is infinite). Hence, (i) σe = σe and the result is proved. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 62

Proof of Lemma F.3. Remember that

 n   X  Tα(Y ; u, s) = max t ∈ [0, 1] : 1{pj(u, s) ≤ t} ≥ nt/α  j=1 

Pn 1 (i) with j=1 {pj(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s)} = nTα(Y ; u, s)/α. Since Yi = sign(Yi − θ) × ∞, the corresponding p-value is equal to 0 and   (i)  X  Tα(Y ; u, s) = max t ∈ [0, 1] : 1 + 1{pj(u, s) ≤ t} ≥ nt/α .  j6=i 

(i) Hence, Tα(Y ; u, s) ≥ Tα(Y ; u, s) always holds. (i) Pn 1 (i) Assume now that pi(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s). This gives j=1 {pj(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s)} = P 1 (i) (i) 1 + j6=i {pj(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s)} ≥ nTα(Y ; u, s)/α and thus the reverse inequality (i) (i) Tα(Y ; u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s) is also true, which gives Tα(Y ; u, s) = Tα(Y ; u, s). This in turn implies pi(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s). (i) (i) To conclude, it remains to check that Tα(Y ; u, s) = Tα(Y ; u, s) implies pi(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s). If both thresholds are equal, we have n X (i) (i) X (i) 1 + 1{pj(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s)} = nTα(Y ; u, s)/α = 1{pj(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s)} , j6=i j=1

(i) which implies pi(u, s) ≤ Tα(Y ; u, s). The result follows.

F.3. Proof of Lemma C.2

We start by gathering a few lemmas on the rescaled p-values process. Those are proved at the end of the section. The first lemma to quantifies how the rescaling affects the p-value process. For x, y ≥ 0 and t ∈ [0, 1), define

 −1 −1  It(x, y) = 2Φ Φ (t/2) − x − y Φ (t/2) . (92)

The following lemma quantifies how the process 1{pi(u, s) ≤ t} fluctuates in u and s, according to the functional It(·, ·). 0 0 Lemma F.4. For all u, u ∈ R, s, s > 0, i ∈ {1, . . . , n} and t ∈ [0, 1), we have 0 0 0 −1 0 −1 1{pi(u , s ) ≤ t} ≤ 1{pi(u, s) ≤ It(|u − u|s , |s − s|s )}. (93)

Interestingly, t 7→ It(x, y) is close to the identity function when x and y are small, as the following lemma shows. Lemma F.5. There exists a universal constant c > 1 such that the following holds. For all α ∈ (0, 0.8), for all x, y ≥ 0 and t0 ∈ (0, α), we have   It(x, y) − t  1/2  max ≤ c x(2 log(1/t0)) + 2y log(1/t0) . (94) t0≤t≤α t provided that this upper bound is smaller than 0.05. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 63

Combining Lemma F.4 and Lemma F.5, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary F.6. There exists a universal constant c > 1 such that the following holds. For all 0 0 u, u ∈ R, s, s > 0, i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, α ∈ (0, 0.8), t0 ∈ (0, α), let

 0 −1 1/2 0 −1  η = c |u − u|s (2 log(1/t0)) + |s − s|s 2 log(1/t0) . (95)

Provided η ≤ 0.05, we have for all t ∈ [t0, α],

0 0 1{pi(u , s ) ≤ t} ≤ 1{pi(u, s) ≤ t(1 + η)}. (96)

1 Let us first prove (48). First, if Tα(θ,b σb) < α/n, then {pi(θ,b σb) ≤ Tα(θ,b σb)} = 0 for all i 0 0 and the result is trivial. Now assume that Tα(θ,b σb) ≥ t0. By (96)(u = θb, u = θ, s = σb, s = σ, t = Tα(θ,b σb)), we have for all i, 1 1 {pi(θ,b σb) ≤ Tα(θ,b σb)} ≤ {pi(θ, σ) ≤ (1 + η)Tα(θ,b σb)}, (97) so we only have to prove (1 + η)Tα(θ,b σb) ≤ Tα(1+η)(θ, σ). Since by definition

( n ) X Tα(1+η)(θ, σ) = max t ∈ [0, 1] : 1{pi(θ, σ) ≤ t} ≥ nt/(α(1 + η)) , i=1

Pn 1 we only have to prove i=1 {pi(θ, σ) ≤ (1+η)Tα(θ,b σb)} ≥ nTα(θ,b σb)/α. For this, apply again (97), to get

n n X 1 X 1 {pi(θ, σ) ≤ (1 + η)Tα(θ,b σb)} ≥ {pi(θ,b σb) ≤ Tα(θ,b σb)} i=1 i=1 = nTα(θ,b σb)/α,

by using the definition of Tα(θ,b σb). Hence, the first result is proved. Exchanging θ,b σb by θ, σ and replacing α by α(1 − η), (48) implies that if Tα(1−η)(θ, σ) ∨ 1 1 (α(1 − η)/n) ≥ t0, {pi(θ, σ) ≤ Tα(1−η)(θ, σ)} ≤ {pi(θ,b σb) ≤ Tα(1−η)(1+η)(θ,b σb)}. Since Tα(1−η)(1+η)(θ,b σb) ≤ Tα(θ,b σb), this gives in turn (49), which concludes the proof. 0 0 Proof of Lemma F.4. First, we can assume that pi(u , s ) ≤ t otherwise the inequality is 0 0 −1 trivial. By definition (4), this implies |Yi − u |/s ≥ Φ (t/2). By triangular inequality, we have 0 |Y − u| s −1 1 i ≥ Φ (t/2) − |u0 − u| ; s s s 0 −1 1 |s − s| −1 = Φ (t/2) − |u0 − u| − Φ (t/2) , s s which entails the upper bound in (93). Proof of Lemma F.5. We have

 −1  −1 It(x, y) = 2Φ Φ (t/2) − z(t) , z(t) = x + yΦ (t/2) . Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 64

By Lemma G.2, we have for all t ∈ [t0, α]

−1 z(t) ≤ x + y(2 log(1/t))1/2 ≤ (0.05/c)(2 log(1/t))−1/2 ≤ 0.05/Φ (t/2) , √ since the rhs of (94) is smaller than or equal to 0.05. Now using that Φ( 0.05) ≥ 0.4 ≥ t/2, −1 we deduce z(t) ≤ Φ (t/2) for all t ∈ [t0, α]. Also deduce that for such a value of t,

 −1  φ Φ (t/2) − z(t) 2 −1 −1 = e−z (t)/2ez(t)Φ (t/2) ≤ ez(t)Φ (t/2) ≤ e0.05 ≤ 2 .  −1  φ Φ (t/2)

Since Φ is decreasing and its derivative is −φ, we have for all t ∈ [t0, α]

−1 −1 It(x, y) − t = 2Φ(Φ (t/2) − z(t)) − 2Φ(Φ (t/2))  −1  ≤ z(t) 2φ Φ (t/2) − z(t)

 −1  φ Φ (t/2) − z(t)  −1  ≤ z(t) 2 φ Φ (t/2)  −1  φ Φ (t/2)

 −1  ≤ 4z(t)φ Φ (t/2)

  −1 −2 −1 ≤ 2tz(t) 1 + Φ (t/2) Φ (t/2)

−1   −1 −2 ≤ tz(t0)Φ (t0/2) 1 + Φ (0.4) ,

where we used inequality (98) of Lemma G.2 and t ∈ [t0, α] in the last line. Finally, we invoke Lemma G.2 again to obtain that

−1 1/2 z(t0)Φ (t0/2) ≤ x(2 log(1/t0)) + 2y log(1/t0) ,

which concludes the proof.

F.4. Proof of Lemma C.3

By assumption, the Yi’s are all mutually independent. In addition, when i ∈ H0, Yi − θ is a Gaussian distribution, which is symmetric. This implies that the variables of {(sign(Yi −θ), i ∈ H0), (|Yi − θ|, i ∈ H0), (Yi, i ∈ H1)} are all mutually independent. In particular, for all fixed i ∈ H0, the variables of {sign(Yi − θ), |Yi − θ|, (Yj, j 6= i)} are mutually independent. Since (i) Y is a measurable function of {sign(Yi − θ), (Yj, j 6= i)}, it is in particular independent of |Yi − θ|.

F.5. Proof of Lemma D.3

It is analogous to the proof of Lemma C.2. The only change is that (96) is now used with 0 s = σ (so s = s ) instead of s = σb. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 65

F.6. Proof of Lemma D.2

To simplify the notation, we write δ = µ/2 and n0 for n0(P )

Lemma F.7. The function t 7→ Ψ1(t)/t is continuous and strictly decreasing on (0, 1] and Ψ1(t)/t goes to infinity when t converges to zero.

Since Ψ1(1) = Φ(−δ) ≤ 1 < 2/α, the equation Ψ1(t) = 2t/α has only one solution on ∗ α −1/4 (0, 1), denoted tα. Write t0 = 4 n0 , we claim that, for n0 ≥ N(α), Ψ1(t0) ≥ 4t0/α. This ∗ ∗ claim is justified at the end of the proof. This implies Ψ1(t0)/t0 ≥ 4/α = Ψ1(tα/2)/tα/2. ∗ − n − p o Hence, we have tα/2 ≥ t0. On the event Ω0 = supt∈[0,1] |Gb 0 (t) − t| ≤ log(2n)/(2n0) , we − p − have Gb 0 (Ψ1(t)) ≥ Ψ1(t) − log(2n)/(2n0) for all t ∈ [0, 1], hence T0 = max{t ∈ [0, 1] : − Gb 0 (Ψ1(t)) ≥ 2t/α} is such that − n p o T0 ≥ max t ∈ [0, 1] : Ψ1(t) ≥ 2t/α + log(2n)/(2n0)

≥ max {t ∈ [0, 1] : Ψ1(t) ≥ 2t/α + 2t0/α} n ∗ o ≥ max t ∈ [0, 1] : Ψ1(t) ≥ 2t/α + 2tα/2/α ∗ ≥ tα/2 ≥ t0, ∗ ∗ since Ψ1(tα/2) = 4tα/2/α. Since Ψ1 is non-decreasing, we conclude that 4t Ψ (T −) ≥ Ψ (t ) ≥ 0 = n−1/4 , 1 0 1 0 α 0 which is the statement of the lemma. p It remains to prove the claim Ψ1(t0) ≥ 4t0/α for n0 ≥ N(α) and all δ ≥ δ0 = 2 log(32/α)/ log(2/t0) −1 (Condition (61)). Define x0 = Φ (t0/2) so that, by (101) of Lemma G.2, δ0x0 ≥ 2 log(32/α) for n0 ≥ N(α). Since Ψ1(t) is increasing with respect to δ, it suffices to prove the claim for δ = δ0. For n0 ≥ N(α), we have δ0 ≤ 1 and x0 ≥ 2. Applying twice Lemma G.2, we obtain x δ −δ2/2 (x0 − δ0) (x0 − δ0)e 0 0 0 Ψ1(t0) ≥ 2 φ(x0 − δ0) ≥ 2 φ(x0) 1 + (x0 − δ0) 1 + (x0 − δ0) 2 x0(x0 − δ0) 2 t0x x0δ0−δ0 /2 0 x0δ0/2 ≥ t0 2 e ≥ 2 e 2[1 + (x0 − δ0) ] 4(1 + x0) t 4t ≥ 0 ex0δ0/2 ≥ 0 , 8 α where we used δ0x0 ≥ 2 log(32/α) in the last line. Proof of Lemma F.7. For t going to 0, Φ−1(t/2) goes to infinity. Furthermore, Lemma G.2 ensures that Φ(x) ∼ φ(x)/x. Hence, for t converging to 0, we have −1 −1 Ψ1(t) Ψ1(t) φ(Φ (t/2) − δ) δΦ (t/2))−δ2/2 = −1 ∼ −1 = e → ∞ . t Φ(Φ (t/2)) φ(Φ (t/2))

To show that t ∈ (0, 1] 7→ Ψ1(t)/t is decreasing, we prove that t ∈ (0, 1] 7→ Ψ1(t) is strictly concave. This holds because  −1  φ Φ (t/2) − δ 1 −1 2 Ψ0 (t) = = eδΦ (t/2))−δ /2 1  −1  2 φ Φ (t/2) Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 66 is decreasing in t.

Appendix G: Auxiliary results

Lemma G.1 (DKW inequality Massart(1990)) . Let X1,...,Xn be i.i.d. distributed with cumulative function F . Denote Fn the empirical distribution function defined by Fn(x) = −1 Pn 1 n i=1 {Xi ≤ x}. Then, for any t ≥ log(2), we have " r # t −t P sup(Fn(x) − F (x)) ≥ ≤ e . x∈R 2n

Lemma G.2 (Carpentier et al.(2018)) . We have

 tφ(t) 1 t  1 rπ  max , − √ ≤ Φ(t) ≤ φ(t) min , , for all t > 0 . (98) 1 + t2 2 2π t 2 As a consequence, for any x < 0.5, we have s √ −1  1  2π(1/2 − x) ≤ Φ (x) ≤ 2 log , (99) 2x

−1 2 ! −1 2 [Φ (x)] [Φ (x)]  1  √ −1  log −1 ≤ − log + log 2πΦ (x) ≤ 0 , (100) [Φ (x)]2 + 1 2 x and if additionally x ≤ 0.004, we have s −1  1  Φ (x) ≥ log . (101) x

Lemma G.3. For 0.2 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 0.8, we have

−1 −1 Φ (x) − Φ (y) ≤ 3.6(y − x). (102)

Proof of Lemma G.3. By the mean-value theorem, we have

y − x −1 −1 y − x −1 ≤ Φ (x) − Φ (y) ≤ −1 . (103) supz∈[x,y] φ(Φ (z)) infz∈[x,y] φ(Φ (z))

−1 The function t 7→ φ(Φ (t + 1/2)) defined on [−1/2, 1/2] is symmetric and increasing on −1 [−1/2, 0]. Thus if 0.2 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 0.8, the above infimum equals φ(Φ (0.2)) which is larger than 1/3.6.

Lemma G.4 (Carpentier et al.(2018)) . Let ξ = (ξ1, . . . , ξn) be a standard Gaussian vector of 8 n2 −1 −1 2 size n. For any integer q ∈ (0.3n, 0.7n) and for all 0 < x ≤ 225 q∧ 18q [Φ (q/n)−Φ (0.7)] , we have √ h −1 2qxi ξ + Φ (q/n) ≥ 3 ≤ e−x , (104) P (q) n where we denote ξ(1) ≥ · · · ≥ ξ(n) the values of ξ1, . . . , ξn ordered decreasingly. Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 67

Lemma G.5. Let ξ = (ξ1, . . . , ξn) be a standard Gaussian vector of size n and denote |ξ|(1) ≤ · · · ≤ |ξ|(n) the values of |ξ1|,..., |ξn| ordered increasingly. For any integer q ∈ [0.2n, 0.6n] n2 −1 −1 2 and for all 0 < x ≤ 0.04q ∧ 14q [Φ (0.2) − Φ ((1 − q/n)/2)] , we have √ h −1 4 qxi |ξ| − Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) ≥ ≤ e−x . (105) P (q) n

n2 −1 −1 2 For any integer q ∈ (0.4n, n) and for all 0 < x ≤ 8q [Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) − Φ (0.3)] , we have √ h −1 2qxi |ξ| − Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) ≤ −2 ≤ e−x . (106) P (q) n −1 Proof of Lemma G.5. Consider any t > 0 and denote p = 1 − 2Φ[Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) + t] which belongs to [q/n, 1). Denote B(n, p) the binomial distribution with parameters n and p. We have h −1 i P |ξ|(q) ≥ Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) + t = P [B(n, p) ≤ q − 1] ≤ P [B(n, p) ≤ q] . (107) By the mean value theorem, we have

−1 −1 p − q/n ≥ t inf φ[Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) + x] = tφ[Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) + t], x∈[0,t]

−1 −1 −1 because Φ ((1−q/n)/2) ≥ 0. Assume that Φ ((1−q/n)/2)+t ≤ Φ (0.2). Then, it follows −1 from the previous inequality that p − q/n ≥ 2tφ[Φ (0.2)] ≥ t/2. Together with Bernstein’s inequality, we obtain

h −1 i P |ξ|(q) ≥ Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) + t ≤ P [B(n, q/n + t/2) ≤ q]  n2t2  ≤ exp − 8[(q + nt/2)(1 − q/n) + nt/3] Since q ≥ 0.2n and further assuming that nt ≤ 0.8q, we conclude that

h −1 i −n2t2/14 P |ξ|(q) ≥ Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) + t ≤ e ,

−1 −1 for any 0 < t ≤ 0.8q/n ∧ [Φ (0.2) − Φ ((1 − q/n)/2)]. We have proved (105). Next, we consider the left deviations. Assume that q/n > 0.4 (so that (1 − q/n)/2) < 0.3) −1 −1 −1 and take 0 ≤ t ≤ Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) − Φ (0.3). Write p = 1 − 2Φ[Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) − t]. We have p ∈ [0.4, q/n] and

−1 P[|ξ|(q) ≤ Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) − t] = P[B(n, p) ≥ q]. By the mean value theorem,

h −1 i h −1 i −1 q/n − p ≥ 2t inf φ Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) − x ≥ 2tφ Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) ≥ 2tφ(Φ (0.2)) ≥ t/2, x∈[0,t] Then, Bernstein’s inequality yields

2 2 −1  (q − np)   (q − np)  [|ξ| ≤ Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) − t] ≤ exp − ≤ exp − , P (q) 2np(1 − p) + 2(q − np)/3 2q (108) Roquain, E. and Verzelen, N./FDR control with unknown null distribution 68 because 2np(1 − p) + 2(q − np)/3 ≤ (2 − 2/3)np + 2q/3 ≤ 2q since p ≤ q/n. which implies

2 2 h −1 i  n t  ξ ≤ −Φ ((1 − q/n)/2) − t ≤ exp − . P (q) 8q

We have shown (106).