Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, District, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY o Sri. S. Sankara Rao, is a resident of Reddipalli Village in , involved in the business of mining and trading of building stone, gravel etc. He was granted a quarry lease for extraction of Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel, over an extent of 6.00 Hectares, in Non-Forest Government Land, bearing Sy. No. 293 of Reddipalli Village, Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, for a period of 10 years, by the Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, Visakhapatnam, vide Notice no: 370/Q1V/2016 dated 14/03/2016. Assistant Director of mines and Geology lessee executed proceeding no. 2583/Q/ 2015 dated 23/08/2016 in favor of Sri. S. Sankar Rao and Proc. No 13524/R1- 3/2016, dated 14-12-2016 of the Director of Mines and Geology, Andhra Pradesh. o The proposed Road Metal, Building Stone & Gravel Quarry Area is near Reddipalli Village, in Padmanabham Mandal of Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, and is part of Sy. No. 293 of Reddipalli Village in Padmanabham Mandal of Visakhapatnam District. The proposed quarry area has been notified in favour of the Proponent. o The proposed Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry Lease area, is located between Latitude of 17° 59' 53.75" N & 18° 00' 11.98" N and Longitude of 83° 20' 37.04" E to 83° 20' 51.32" E. The proposed quarry lease area is surrounded by other gravel, road metal and building stone quarries. There are some existing mining leases as well as newly notified areas, on all the sides of the proposed quarry lease area, except on the north side. o Within 500 radial distance of the proposed quarry, there are three (03) with a combined extent of 24.84 hectares, and all these three leases were granted after 09th Sept. 2013 and hence, as per EIA Notification 2006 Amendment dated 01st July 2016, all these Three (03) leases become part of the cluster, for preparation of the cluster EMP. The total extent of the cluster, including the above proposed lease area, the total extent will be 30.84 Ha. < 100 Ha. Hence classified under B1 category. o There is no agriculture on the proposed mining land. o The Proponent had applied for Environmental Clearance to State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Andhra Pradesh and they have issued the Terms of Reference (ToR), for carrying-out Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) studies and preparation of an EIA/ EMP (Environmental Management Plan), for the proposed Gravel, Road Metal and Building Stone Quarrying, vide Lr No. SEIAA/AP/VSP/MIN/05/ 2018/601-181 dated 03.05.2019.

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Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh o M/s Global Environment & Mining Services, Hospet, Karnataka, have been retained by the Proponent to carry-out EIA Studies and preparation of EIA/EMP report. The baseline data collection (environmental monitoring) was conducted as per MOEF & CC norms for Post-Monsoon Season (Jan. 2020 to Mar. 2020). o Present summary is of the EIA report as per TOR and has been prepared as per generic structure given in Appendix III of EIA notification 2006 by MOEF & CC. o It is proposed to mine about 1,20,000 CuM/ Annum of Gravel (max.), with an average annual production of 91,200 CuM/ Annum. In case of Road Metal and Building Stone, first two years of operation, there will not be any kind of extraction of road metal and building stone. In the next three years, i.e. from 3rd year to 5th year, the production of road metal and building stone, is at a uniform rate of 48,000 cum/ annum during the plan period. The anticipated recovery (saleable production) is 100% of the mined quantity, resulting in ZERO waste. o The method of mining is by semi-mechanized open cast mining method, with controlled blasting. o Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel are important materials for the Construction Industry, both in building construction (houses, apartments, commercial buildings etc.) and also various infrastructure works (bridges, roads, irrigation tanks etc.). o This is a new project & RQP has prepared the mining plan for mining of Gravel, Road Metal and Building Stone, by maintaining proper safety standards. o Considering an estimated (proved) mineable reserves of gravel of 6,00,000 CuM, the anticipated life of mine is about 6.58 years. In case of Road metal & building stone, the estimated (proved) mineable reserves are about 15,00,000 CuM and the corresponding life of mine is about 31.25 years. As per the approved mining plan, there is no waste generation of any kind. o The Estimated Geological and Mineable Reserves, are as under:

Description Geological Reserves (CuM) Mineable Reserves (CuM) Gravel 6,00,000 6,00,000 Road Metal & 15,00,000 15,00,000 Building Stone TOTAL 21,00,000 21,00,000 o Local Geology: Present area constitutes a part of khondalite with chrnockite intrusion zone represented mainly of charnockite and basic granulites with miner inclusion bands of iron formations. The litho logically the lease area is underlain

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Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh by khondalite and charnockite, which is looking greasy, dark colored with domination of hypesthene and blue quartz mineral in it combination as associate. o The charnockite in the area forms as elongated pagoda dome, elongated shape, moderate slopping towards three directions and very gentle sloping towards south and plunging towards SW direction. The rock is medium to coarse grained texture constitute with composed of greasy vitreous quartz, hypersthene. Orthoclase and plagioclase with or without any lineation and foliation in this massive rock body. The rock is massive, with widely spaced vertical nature, sub- vertical joints trending in NE – SW direction. It is observed that sheet joints are rarely present. Owing to its compact and hardness, charnockite withstand to weathering and form huge, steeply slopping dome shaped hill structure on eastern side in this area. Very gentle slope with cover of gravel along with red soil nature. o Hypersthene Granulites are occurring in most of quarry lease area as a mound. This rock type is formed as sheet rock at higher altitudes and a thin layer of soil is covering granite sheet rock at lower reaches i.e., is on SE side of the lease area. This rock type might have been derived from high grade granulites fancies metamorphism of a pile of volcanic intrusive. One geological sections were drawn across the trend of the formation from top 70m to BGL ground 50 m interval 1 m contour sectional area was total length 560 m and these sections are enclosed as plate no 3 and 4. o The Eastern portion of the lease area covered by weather material and soils by a thin 0.5m layer. The layer may cover 10cm to 200cm thick layer on the rocky body. Road metal & Building stone material call geological term for material used for Road metal & Building stone is Hypersthenes granite and granulites and it is also called as Charnockite. Most quarry lease area is formed for hypersthenes granulites as a massive sheet rock at higher attitude with in layer of soil in whether material quarry lease area. At lower reaches and eastern side the rock is exposed height of 65m from normal ground level of base 70 on MSL at western side on it is extending further depth below 10m the normal ground of base level as sheet rock. The rock mass of these areas is being marketed as road metal as fine to medium grain size massive nature is sores dark gray color. o Topography of the site: The area is located on Toposheet No. 65 N/8. The quarry lease area is located on a hill raised with an elevation 70m above western Flank area base level as 70m and little higher, maximum 180 m above the ground level MSL within the quarry lease Sy. No. 293 total area 6.00 hectares working in this quarries along the present quarry, to north east to eastern side, at present the working was undertaking below surface, with Topo relief in SW and West direction 20 m. The lowest contour is 45 M but BGL as consider as 50m(GL) and highest contour is 70 m in Topo plan for the Quarry.

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Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh o The area constitutes a part of southern Flank hilly zone region. The slope is gentle towards south west, South and west, with the maximum height of the hill in central top of hill averagely high 83 m above at knob area shows above 53m on north side portion between the grids north height of 43 to 50 and less higher towards south side as 75m. Maximum knob height between the grids of north side 50 m. AT centre of the tenement area exhibits the hill structure with an elevation 83 adjacent western Local relief of difference relative level is 20 m, with in the applied prospecting area. The total area is having on top rock body but lesser area exposed gravel or weathered material and also exposed on western boundary only, that also consider as red loamy soil at surface except 10 to 30m meters thick layer of gravel towards western side and total area exposures of fresh building stone of granulites gneisses rocks in granites at eastern central place. o There are no sensitive receptors or ecosystems or water bodies in the core zone. There is one (01) first order stream originating from the proposed area, which is outside the lease area. This first order stream is originating from the North-West boundary of the proposed area. o Nearest Village Archakunipalem is at 0.50 km, from the proposed lease area. o There are no eco sensitive areas within 10 km of the lease. There are no major industries within this area.

Proposed Mining o The Gravel, Road Metal and Building Stone in the quarry lease area is exposed on the surface with sheet. Hence, it is proposed to quarry the sheet by open cast, semi-mechanized method by developing the bench of 6 M height with single slice of 1.5 to 3 m bench width with shallow drilling and blasting. The development of benches in the sheet rock will be maintained @ 60o safety slopes. Initially thorny shrubs present in the proposed area of excavation will be removed. Then topsoil will be scraped using a wheel loader or a backhoe. o Based on the Recovery Factory, Mining Loses, Processing Losses etc. it is proposed to adopt opencast semi-mechanized method of mining with shallow drilling and blasting. Quarrying Recovery Factor is considered as 100%, so up to level of relative surface area level (45 m), and again the land will be utilized for agriculture or residential uses by government o Mineral blocked due to presence of / maintenance of benches, barriers, internal roads, electrical lines etc. is not applicable because no buffer zone is considered, due to the fact that the proposed area is surrounded by already existing and operating Quarries. The internal roads are of temporary in nature and suitable benches will be formed here apply as cutting lie bread slice mode from north to south direction or vise versa, these already is available in this area. No Electrical

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Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Lines are passing over the subject area.

o Excavation and loading shall be carried out with simple excavators. These shall be utilized for developmental work, excavation and loading into the trucks. Tippers of 10T capacity shall be utilized for all transportation purposes. In addition, certain service equipment like water tanker (for dust suppression), pick-up vehicle etc. will be used. o Systematic mine development and mining of Gravel, Road Metal and Building Stone is planned up to a maximum depth of 10 m during the plan Period.

Drilling and Blasting: o Drill holes of 1.5 – 3.0 m depth will be drilled in a staggered pattern at 3m interval. The drill holes will be of 32mm diameter and generally drilled vertically in alignment. Detonator fuse type explosives will be used for blasting.

Proposed Production Plan: o The details of year wise excavation during the plan period, are as under:

Year Road Metal, Building Stone & Gravel Total Gravel Road Metal & Excavation (m3) (m3) Building Stone (m3) 1st 1,20,000 1,20,000 - 2nd 1,20,000 1,20,000 - 3rd 1,20,000 72,000 48,000 4th 1,20,000 72,000 48,000 5th 1,20,000 72,000 48,000 TOTAL 6,00,000 4,56,000 1,44,000 Average 1,20,000 91,200 48,000 Max. 1,20,000 1,20,000 48,000

o The Conceptual Mining Plan, is as under: Period Gravel, Road Metal and Building Stone Total Excavation Gravel Building Stone & (m3) (m3) Road Metal (m3) Plan Period 6,00,000 4,56,000 1,44,000 1st Scheme 6,00,000 1,44,000 4,56,000 Total 12,00,000 6,00,000 6,00,000

The above conceptual plan is based on the lease period granted to the proponent. The reserves will not be exhausted during the present lease period. Hence, extension, in the form of renewal will be sought by the proponent, as per prevailing practise.

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Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Base line environmental quality: Air: • There are no major industrial gaseous emission sources. Predominant wind directions, during the study period (Jan. 2020 to March 2020) are from North to South (37.4%), followed by from ESE to WSW (18.9%) Average wind speed is 256 meters /sec. • Atmospheric stability class at Reddipalli/ Padmanabham mandal area is “moderately unstable to slightly unstable” during the day. Area has rural setting. • Concentrations of criteria pollutants were found to be well below National air quality criteria viz. PM10, PM2.5, SO2 and NOx which are respectively 100, 60, 80 and 80 µg/m3. • Predominant emissions during open cast mining operations would be generation of particulate matter during drilling, controlled blasting, loading/unloading and transportation activities.

Noise: Ld, Ln & Ldn values were typical of rural background. Lease (Core) Buffer (Min.) Buffer (Max.) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) Ld 36.80 36.8 43.5 Ln 35.80 36.2 39.8 Ldn 55.38 55.78 59.38

Sources of noise would be during drilling, blasting and moving quarry equipment.

Water: There are no surface sources viz. rivers/ lake in the lease area, except one (01) seasonal (non-perennial) first order stream, originating outside the lease area. This stream is originating on the north-west side of the proposed area. The average annual rainfall in Visakhapatnam District is about 1116 mm per year. As per the Ground Water Brochure prepared by Central Ground Water Board, GoI, the average ground water levels in Padmanabham Mandal Region is about 5-10m BGL (Pre-Monsoon) and 2-5m BGL (Post-Monsoon).

The ground water quality in and around the proposed lease area is slightly alkaline, with the pH levels ranging from 7.2 to 8.6. The total hardness is ranging from 260 to 600 mg/liter as CaCO3, whereas the Total Dissolved Solids content is varying between 380 to 800 mg/liter. The fluoride levels are ranging from 0.4 to 1.5 mg/liter and the nitrate levels are varying between 20 to 97 mg/liter. The sulphate levels are ranging from 80 to 220 mg/liter and the chloride levels are varying between 94 to 210 mg/liter. In general, the ground water quality in the study area, confirms to the permissible limits of IS:10500-2012 (Drinking Water Specification), except nitrates, which is crossing the maximum allowable limit, at 75% of the total samples collected within the study area.

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Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Solid waste: As per the approved mining plan, the recovery rate of mined out material is 100%. Hence, there is no waste generation of any kind. Impacts:

Land: There is top soil, in the form of gravel, in the proposed lease area. But no agriculture is being carried-out in the proposed lease area. There are no existing quarry pits or dumps. Based on site topography, no pits will be made during the operational phase of the quarry. Instead, only benches will be made from West Side to East side. Also, the proposed area is at a higher elevation than the surrounding areas, by about 10-15 meters and the proposed excavation is for a very limited area. Hence, there would not be any major adverse impact on topography/drainage or on land use or agriculture. The external appearance will continue to be as it is. Geological records on these deposits state that available quantity of Gravel, Road Metal and Building Stone will exhaust during the lease period, as per approved mining plan. Proved mineable reserves would be completely mined during the conceptual period of mine and it will be levelled matching with the surrounding area. Hence backfilling or reclamation of the mined out area is not proposed.

As per the approved mining plan, there will not be any kind of waste generation, during the lease period. Hence, handling of any kind of mining waste doesn’t arise.

The Landuse details, in lease area, are as under:

Land use details Sl. Land use Land use at Existing No. at the end end of the Particulars land use of 5 years conceptual (Ha) (Ha) period (Ha) 1 Area under Mining 0.000 6.000 6.000 2 Storage for Top Soil - - - 3 Overburden / Dump - - - 4 Mineral Storage - - - 5 Infrastructure (Workshop, - - - Administrative Building etc.,) 6 Roads (Within the pits) - - - 7 Green Belt & Afforestation - - - 8 Untouched Area 6.000 - - Total 6.000 6.000 6.000

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Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Air: Ground level concentrations as per estimated values of air pollutants for lease area source show that there would not be any major adverse impact on ambient air quality. Water: There would not be any impact on aquatic environment including hydrology, drainage or quality because a) there is no drain in the lease, b) ground water table will not be intercepted, c) dewatering of pits will not be required and d) Gravel, Road Metal and Building Stone pit water is suitable for irrigation. Regular monitoring for fluoride content is required.

Noise: Sources during mine operation would be drilling and blasting. Drillers would be exposed to about 75-80 dB(A). In this case, controlled sequential blasting will be carried- out to reduce noise and vibration. Pit-walls would absorb the vibrations due to drilling and blasting. Hence, there would not be any adverse impact. There are no structures over the lease area, as well as within 1 km radius of the quarry lease area.

Biological: There is no sensitive fauna and flora or endangered species within 10 km radius of the lease. Lease is a part of Non-Forest area. Also, this area is not known for any special kind of biodiversity. Project proponent will carry out plantation in scientific way. He will choose locally suitable species in consultation with local forest department.

Socioeconomic & health: There will not be any displacement on account of this project because land has already been notified in favour of the Project Proponent. It is proposed to a) prefer employment to deserving local persons in mining related trades like loading/unloading of Gravel, Road Metal, & Building Stone, dust suppression, drilling etc., b) train residents of nearby villages for harvesting rain water, and sanitation practices etc., c) employment of local people for works related to development & maintenance of greenbelt and afforestation.

Monitoring schedule: Env. segment Parameter Frequency Water quality IS 10500 Quarterly G.W. table Fluctuation in monsoon & May & October post monsoon period AAQ Particulate matter during drilling, blasting PM10 & PM2.5 Quarterly Noise Equi. noise levels during drilling, blasting Quarterly Health Pulmonary function, eye Annual record sight, audiometry, B.P., etc. Plantation Survival annual survival rate Data analyses Efficiency of mitigation measures Half-Yearly

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Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Plantation: The proposed quarry area and its buffer zone, has a rocky outcrop and hence it is not possible to take-up any plantation in the 7.5 m wide safety zone. However, it is proposed to take-up plantation, on either side of the approach road and also in the adjoining government land. It is proposed to plant about 700 locally suitable species, as part of green belt development. One cubic meter pits will be made on either side of the approach road and in the vacant govt. land. These pits will be filled with top soil from lease area. Refuse or garbage will be added as per availability. Growth in the first year will be observed. Species will be chosen depending on availability and suitability to local soil conditions.

Occupational Health & Safety Measures: The employees working in the quarrying activity will be provided with suitable personnel protective equipment (PPE) like safety shoes, dust masks, helmets, etc. Also, they will be subjected to annual health check-up, particularly for hearing related illness and respiratory disorders. Protective shelters for workers with treated R.O. Water, First Aid facilities, Dining facility etc. will be provided. Corporate Social Responsibility: A few are mentioned below: (1) Supply of Solar Street Lights to the Temple at the nearby Reddipalli Village, at a cost of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs. (2) Project Proponent will supply free food to the persons visiting the annual health camp, in the nearby villages. CSR – funds

Activity Anticipated funds Supply of Solar Street Lights at the Rs. 2.00 Lakhs (1 time investment) Temple in Reddipalli Village Supply of free food, to patients Rs. 80,000/- per camp per annum during the Annual Health camps in the nearby Reddipalli village N.B. Costs are indicative

Economics of project: Gravel, Road Metal and Building Stone deposits in the proposed quarry area, are suitable for civil construction works. It has high demand in the nearby areas. The proposed land has a rocky patch and is non-productive and unsuitable for agriculture.

Therefore mining will be in the interest of State revenue and of the people around. Direct and indirect employment to locals is assured. Lease is a rocky land in Non-Forest Govt. Land. It has some wild shrubs and thorny bushes. There will not be any kind of rain water accumulation, due to bench

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Sri. S. Sankara Rao Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Quarry 6.00 Ha. of Non-Forest Govt. Land, Sy. No. 293, Reddipalli Village Padmanabham Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh formation. Hence, there would not any damage to environmental quality. Initiation of mining by Sri. S. Sankara Rao, will improve revenue to the state without deterioration in environmental quality. On the contrary population in nearby villages will become aware of importance of potable water quality and sanitation. Openings for indirect employment to locals in plantation, loading/ unloading operations etc. are possible. -- xx – xx – xx –

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