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index 36th Statistical Report on Internet ‘american dream’ 40, 324 Development in China 433 Analects 318 40 Kids Songs in Cartoon 279 anderson, benedict 28 5000 Years of Chinese Characters 254 anderson, Chris 46, 49 animation industry A Bite of China 248, 255, 256 and copycats 280 A Complaint Free World 316 control/censorship mechanisms across the taiwan strait and Hong 282–7, 289–90 kong film festival 487 domestic industry growth/challenges adorno, theodor 5, 17, 18, 20 277–8, 279–80, 282, 287–8, 290 Adventure Under the Sea 285 evolution of 278–80 advertising foreign animation culture 279–80, and commercialization of television 288 industry 361, 369–72 and ‘going global’ 136, 140–41, and cultural governance of mass 277–8, 287–8 media 192, 199, 200 ‘golden eras’ of 279 and digital publishing industry government policy/regulation 277–8, 388–9 280–87, 288, 289–90 and e-commerce 416–17 international industry growth 276–7, and genesis of cultural industries 5–6 279–80 and ‘going global’ 125, 131, 137, ‘managed creativity’ in 288–90 and industrialization of art 520, 522 recommendation and awards and mobile internet 402–5 systems 283–4 and online video platforms 347, 348, anti-culture process 17, 18 351–2, 355–6, 403 app-based distributors (digital and radio 5, 260, 262–3, 265, 267–8, publishing industry) 383–4 271, 272 Approval for Foreign Cultural and Advice on Further Strengthening and Artistic Performance Groups & Improving the Work of Exporting Individuals in Song & Dance 140 Cultural Products 129 apps 332, 367, 369, 382–4, 403–4, Aftershock
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