Kodiak Awaits
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*•» ^tfledinty the &lZiV£ of, @fio6kah @/Med {Mdetiv ($Uand VOL. 23, NO. 35 KODIAK, ALASKA, AUGUST 23, 1963 PRICE TEN CENTS Along Kodiak Awaits Fleet Arrival The Aircraft Carrier and To New Committee Consul General Destroyer Waterfront Of Visits Japan Three In Port Here By Karl Armstrong In Kodiak Area Spend Days that Assignments Made It was with some dismay Recent visitor to Kodiak Aug. The arrival of the USS Benning- local townspeople to and from the we read about the reduction in Following is a list of the new 21 and 22 was Mr. Noboru Takasu- ton and USS Benner this weekend Bennington. operating funds for the Kodiak committee assignments made by gi, Consul General of Japan who will give Kodiak it’s first taste of The Bennington is the Naval Station. Alaskans have been Kodiak Area Chamber of Com- flagship is currently stationed at Seattle. tourism as liberty parties of over of Rear Admiral Joseph A. Jaap, hopeful that both the Coast Guard merce President Nick Rauch: men at a time debark from While in he visited the 1,000 USN, who is Commander, Carrier and U.S. Navy activities in this area I. DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Kodiak, the massive aircraft carrier and Naval Station and Coast Guard Division 19, and he will be aboard would be greatly expanded in this Eddie Franklin—Coordinator her sleek escort to visit and his visit was with destroyer the ship. trying time when our elected rep- 1. TOURISM RELA- commands & PUBLIC the relation to courtesies shown city. The carrier’s resentatives have been pointing TIONS: past Commanding Offi- At time it was not definite fishermen. press cer is E. out the immediate and long range Bill to injured Japanese Capt. Charles Healy. Lamme, chairman; Marilyn what time the two vessels just big Commander D. need for greater protection in the Pete Alf While in town Tuesday afternoon Philip Johnston, Jr., Milne, Deveau, Madsen, would in but it was appear port is officer of the de- North Pacific from the increasing Sig Digree, Ivor Schott, Dr. Bruce and Wednesday morning he was commanding possible that they might even ar- encroachments of foreign fleets. Keers, Rev. Don Bullock, Basil taken on a tour of canneries and stroyer. rive sometime this afternoon. We have no doubt that the various Clark, Cmdr. Jack George the cold storage operation. He Whyte, The USS Benner, a 390-foot de- elements of the federal defense es- Cornelius. was very much impressed with our stroyer, will be moored at city dock tablishment are doing all possible 2. FISHERIES: cold storage plant and of the cavi- Aboard according to plans while the huge Welcome within their limitations of person- Ralph Jones, chairman; Dexter ar operation. carrier, USS Bennington will be nel and equipment but is is more Lall, Bob Simon, Oscar Dave he had dinner Dyson, Tuesday evening moored “out in the stream” than apparent that the Kodiak Savoie. with Art Brooks and Madsen. Roy in deeper water. Both vessels have Say Big Ships Naval Station should be greatly ex- 3. AIRPORT, HARBORS, LAND Art had met him while attending a declared house for Kodiak vis- open Citizens of Kodiak area will have panded, and most certainly NOT & ROADS in Rotary meeting Seattle last July. itors and small boats will carry reduced. We that the de- a chance to see the “inner work- suggest Bill Poland, chairman; Leon He departed Wednesday morn- of the attack aircraft carrier fense establishment recognize the “Ole” Russ ings” Johnson, Wright, ing for Anchorage and Nome and immediate need for of To USS and destroyer expansion Jim Barr. then his will him City Pledges Bennington George Cornelius, trip take through it’s efforts in this area. USS Benner when they visit this Expanding (Continued on the of Page 13) South East part Alaska. Support Board this base handle a fleet of weekend, according to the ships’ to On School Site Commanding Officers Captain C. destroyers, submarines, carriers City Councilmen last night E. Healy and Commander P. D. and more squadrons of planes per- Local Fishermen Praise Quick Action pledged the city’s full support and Johnston, Jr. manently based here is what is in needed RIGHT NOW! As things cooperation any project designed The ships will have open house to further the of the state stand at the moment it appears locating from 12:30 until 4:30 p.m. both Of Coast Guard In Reds Out vocational school and fa- that our Alaskan Governor Bill Forcing boarding Saturday and Sunday. cility in Kodiak. Egan is faced with the extraor- Quick action by the U.S. Coast you might say. Within a yery few Benner will be tied up at the The council approved a resolu- dinary task of trying to cope with Guard in a fleet of about the Russian un- of and driving minutes fleet was City Docks Kodiak Benning- the tion approving a survey report as massive foreign fleet invasions ten Soviet fishing boats out of derway and pulled out and we ton will be anchored out, with prepared by the Kodiak School and otherwise assume the task or- Marmot Bay this week brought haven’t seen them since,” Skipper boats transporting visitors back Board and indicating willingness to dinarily considered that of the fed- words of from Kodiak area stated. and the praise Dyson forth from City Docks. eral cooperate fully in the board’s proj- defense establishment! Even fishermen. “Those of us who witnessed this ect to locate the $3,300,000 school our Senior U.S. Senator from Alas- Oscar of the boat felt about all and MEDICAL SELF HELP Skipper Dyson pretty good it here in Kodiak. ka, Bob Bartlett, has had to intro- Robbie advised that earlier this the Coast Guard deserves recogni- Voters approved a bond issue Persons who missed out on duce legislation along these lines. week he had out to check his gone tion from Kodiak fishermen for do- for building the Kodiak-Aleutian earlier chances to take the Medi- Senator Bartlett is to be especially crab gear and found that about pot ing a damn good job,” Dyson con- Vocational school at the last state cal Self Help Course will have an- commended for his dedication in ten Russian fishing vessels had obtain this all Alaskans cluded. election held in 1962. other opportunity to protecting and local moved into the Marmot area. Bay Most of the students in such a valuable self-improvement training interests in this area. He was of the opinion that it was school would be from Kodiak and by calling the Holmes Johnson A a didn’t trawling operation but as well as 486-2266 and arranging en- Kodiak Island villages Clinic, How come Kodiak, with it’s see what they were taking. New Crab Plant from the Aleutian Isands. rollment. hundreds of fishing boats, air- this to the Coast “We reported! planes and sizeable and growing Guard and a plane was out circling Needs population doesn’t have a U.S. around the Russian fleet almost Experienced California Sextet Will Weather Bureau? We are hoping and within about 20 Opera Open immediately that our congressional delegation G. Storis was minutes the C. Cutter & Fishermen will look into this immediately and there on the said Help right scene,” Dy- This Season’s Alaska Music Trail see to it that Kodiak gets a com- son. Captain Niels P. Thomsen of the pletely equipped and staffed U.S. The for this season’s The of the New York “The Storis swept in a circle M/V Expansion announced today program appearance Weather Bureau whose reports, the 14ch of the Alaska Woodwind last season cul- around the fleet always staying that the Aleutian Marine Transport Lyceum, Quartet findings, and forecasts will be Music with what the minated a three year effort by Mrs. between the shoreline and the Rus- Company is to commence a King Trail, opens available to the general public. It Los Angeles Examiner described Livingston to arrange for this sian vessels. She sorta herded them Crab processing and freezing oper- is high time that the federal gov- as “One of the most artistic and (Continued on Page 13) ation at Unalaska on October 1st. ernment begin to recognize at least enjoyable performances we’ve seen The operation is to be conducted a small part of it’s responsibilities anywhere,” the California Opera on board the 125-foot floater Bethel City To Draw Up to the people of this area. Kodiak Islander Sextet. No. 1 and will be a mobile opera- Hotel & Motel Other concerts will feature Mari- Hull 40% Done tion designed to move with the Ordinance King Crab migration. The 60-foot lyn Neeley, prize winning pianist; Liquor No Bids viola and The city council has approved a Received The hull of the Kodiak-Homer M/V Fairbanks will tow the Bethel Duo Doktor-Menuhin, pi- Herbert bass star move instructing the city attorney ferryboat “Kodiak Islander” is now No. 1 between the various king ano; and Beattie, and all of the New York City Opera and to draw up an ordinance governing forty percent completed crab fishing areas. On licenses for Street other construction work is on San Francisco Spring Opera. the issuance of liquor Paving Thomsen advised that Captain motel hotels within the to Commission- Tickets sales will be announced and city The city council last unani- schedule according interested in night persons employment, limits. Works Richard A. shortly. approved a motion er of Public those mously to use particularly experienced action was taken after Frank The Lyceum was fortunate to The force account or a Downing.