FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION — m In the matter of: ^ ^i'^m

Robert E. Andrews cjjp I;-r-< Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee and MUR No. r-5 =f S?o>^ Maureen Doherty, in her official r-l — — :H :"3 o capacity as treasurer > ^ MOR# COMPLAINT 00 Q 1. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington C'CREW*) and Melanie m Kl Sloan bring this complaint before the FedemI Election Commission (*'FEC'*) seeking an

^ immediate investigation and enforcement action against Robert E. Andrews, his principal

^ campaign committee, the Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee, and Maureen Doherty, in her

• official capacity as treasurer, fbr direct and serious violations of the Federal Election Campaign

ActCTECA''). Complainants 2. Complainant CREW is. a non-profit corporation, organized under section SO 1(c)(3) of the Intemal Revenue Code. CREW is committed to protecting the right of citizens to be informed about the activities of government officials and to ensuring the integrity of govemment officials. CREW is dedicated tp empowering citizens to have an influential voice in government decisions and in t)ie governmental decision-making process. CREW uses a combination of research, litigation, and advocacy to advance its mission. 3. In furtherance of its mission, CREW seeks to expose unethical and illegal conduct of those involved in govemment. One way CREW does this is by educating citizens regarding the integrity of the electoral process and our system of govemment Toward this end, CREW monitors the campaign finance activities of those who run for federal office and publicizes those who violate federal campaign finance laws. Through its website, press releasesan d other methods of distribution, CREW also files complaints with the FEC when it discovers violations of the FECA. Publicizing campaign finance violators and filing complaints with the FEC serves CREW'S mission of keeping the public informed about individuals and entities that violate campaign finance laws and deterring future violations of campaign finance law.

4. In order to assess whether an individual, candidate, political committee or other regulated entity is complying with federal campaign finance law, CREW needs the information contained in receipts and disbursements reports that political committees must file pursuant to the FECA, 2 U.S.C. § 434(a)(2); 11 C.F.R. § 104.1. CREW is lundered in its programmatic activity when an individual, candidate, political committee or other regulated entity fiuls to disclose campaign finance information in reports of receipts and disbursements required by the FECA. 5. CREW relies on the FEC's proper administration of the FECA's reporting requirements because the FECA-mandated reports of receipts and disbursements are the only source of information CREW can use to determine if a candidate, political committee or other regulated entity is complying with the FECA. The proper administration of the FECA's reporting requirements includes mandating that all reports of receipts and disbursements required by the FECA are properly and timely filed with the .FEC. CREW is hindered in its programmatic activity when the FEC fails to properly administer the FECA's reporting requirements.

6. Complainant Melanie Sloan is the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a citizen of the United States, and a registered voter and resident of the District of Columbia. As a registered voter, Ms. Sloan is entitled to receive infbrmation contained in reports of receipts and disbursements required by the FECA, 2 U.S.C. § 434(a)(2); 11 CF.R. § 104.1. Ms. Sloan is harmed when a candidate, political conunittee or other regulated entity fails to report campaign finance activity as required by the FECA. See

FECv.Aldns,524U.S. 11,19 (199S), quotmg Buckley v. ^a/eo, 424 U.S. 1,66-67(1976)

(political committees must disclose contributors and disbursements to help voters understand who provides which candidates with financial support). Ms. Sloan is further harmed when the

FEC &ils to properly administer the FECA's reporting requirements, limiting her ability to review campaign finance information.


7. Robert E. Andrews is the United States Representative for the First Congressional

District of .

8. The Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee is the principal campaign committee of

Robert E. Andrews. Maureen Doherty is the treasurer of the Rob Andrews U.S. House

Committee. Fnfttiml Allegations

9. In MUR 6140, the FEC found that Robert E. Andrews, his principal campaign conunittee, then known as the Andrews for Congress Conunittee, and Maureen Doherty, in her official capacity as treasurer ofthe conunittee, had violated the prohibition on converting campaign funds to personal use contained in 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b) by using $954 in campaign funds to purchase personal elothing for Robert E. Andrews. The FEC specifically directed Robert E. Andrews, his principal campaign committee and Maureen Doherty, in her official capacity as treasurer, to "take steps to ensure that this activity does not occur in the future." MUR 6140, Notifications with Factual and Legal Analysis to the Honorable Robert E. Andrews and Maureen Doherty, Treasurer, Andrews for Congress Committee at 1 (July 14,2009)

(attached hereto as Exhibit A).

10. On November 20,2011, the Newark Star Ledger reported that Rep. Andrews' campaign conunittee had spent over $9,000 in campaign funds to pay for Rep. Andrews, his wife and their two teenage daughters to attend a wedding in , Scotland during the summer of 2011. See Matt Friedman. South Jersey congressman spent $9.000 &om campaign funds on donor's wedding. Newark Star Ledger (Nov. 20,2011) (attached hereto as Exhibit B). The Star

Ledger reported that the Rob Andrews for U.S. House Committee spent $7,725 for two rooms for three nights atthe five-star Balmoral Hotel for Rep. Andrews, his wife and their daughters.

Id The paper also reported that the campaign conunittee spent an additional $953 on meals, tips and airline baggage fees for the Andrews fiimily during their stay in Edinburgh. Id See also

Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee, 2011 October 15th (Quarterly Report at 115,117,118,

135,137 & 143 (attached hereto as Exhibit C). The campaign conmiittee even paid $88 for newspapers for the Andrews fiunily to read while in Edinburg. See Exhibit C at 139. In addition, the Star Ledger reported that the campaign conunittee also paid $463 to Bloomingdales for a wedding gift for the bride and groom. See Exhibh B. See also Rob Andrews U.S. House

Committee, 2011 July 15tfa Quarterly Report at 130 (attached hereto as Exhibit D).

11. The Star Ledger also reported that in Jane 2011, the Rob Andrews for U.S. House

Committee paid more than $10,000 to pay for a party held at Rep. Andrews' home in Haddon

Heights, New Jersey "as a celebration both of his 20 years in the House and his daughter

Jacqueline's graduation from the Baldwin School, a prep school on Philadelphia's Main Lme."

See Exhibit B. See also Exhibit D at 62,139. 12. The Star Ledger reported that the Rob Andrews for U.S. Conunittee spent tens of thousands of dollars in campaign funds to subsidize **the fledgling career of his daughter Josie, an aspiring actress and pop singer." See Exhibit B. "In February, Andrews' campaign made a $12,500 donation to the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia for its gala. Andrews' [daughter] Josie is listed on the theater's website as a performer in the gala, which was held in May. Andrews even expensed $15 for parking there to his campaign account." Id. See also Rob Andrews for U.S. House Conunittee, 2011 April 15th Quarterly Report at 132 (attached hereto as Exhibit E); Exhibit D at 125. The paper reported that "[tjhere are several more examples of Andrews donating thousands [of dollars in campaign funds] to theaters within months of his daughter performing, a role in one of their productions...." See Exhibit B. See also Exhibit E at 114,115 & 131.

13. Finally, the Star Ledger reported that Rep. Andrews also admitted using campaign funds to pay for his daughter Josie to travel to Los Angeles for "auditions and other activities related to her show business career." See Exhibit B. The Rob Andrews for U.S. Congress Conmiittee's 2011 July 15th (Quarterly Report discloses thousands of dollars in campaign expenditures to pay for hotel rooms at the Beverly Hills Plaza Hotel and for the use of limousines while in Beverly Hills. See Exhibit D at 75,76,149,182 & 183.


14. FECA specifically prohibits a candidate for federal office from using campaign funds to pay the personal obligations of the candidate. The Act states that "a contribution or donation... shall not be converted by any person to personal use." 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(l). The Act further specifies that "a contribution or donation shall be considered to be converted to personal use if the contribution or amount is used to fulfill any commitment, obligation, or expense of a person that would exist irrespective of the candidate's election campaign or individual's duties as a holder of Federal office, including... a vacation or other noncampaign- related trip." 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(2)(A). See also 11 C.F.R. § 113.1(g)(lXi)(J).

15. By using campaign funds to pay for Rep. Andrews, his wife and their two daughters to attend a wedding in Edinburgh, Scotland, Robert E. Andrews, the Rob Andrews for

U.S. House Committee, and Maureen Doherty, in her official capacity as treasurer, knowingly and willfiilly violated 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(2)(A) and 11 C.F.R. § 113.1(g)(l)(i)(J). COUNT II 16. FECA specifically prohibits a candidate for federal office firom using campaign funds to pay the personal obligations of the candidate. The Act states that "a contribution or donation... shall not be converted by any person to personal use." 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(l). The Act further specifies that "a contribution or donation shall be considered to be converted to personal use if the contribution or amount is used to fulfill any commitment, obligation, or expense of a person that would exist irrespective ofthe candidate's election campaign or individual's duties as a holder of Federal office." 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(2). See also 11 C.F.R.

§ 113.1(g). 17. By using campaign funds to pay for a prep school graduation party for his daughter Jacqueluie, Robert E. Andrews, the Rob Andrews for U.S. House Committee and Maureen Doherty, in her official capacity as treasurer, knowingly and willfully violated 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(2) and 11 CF.R. § 113.1(g). COUNT III 18. FECA specifically prohibits a candidate for federal office &om using campaign funds to pay the personal obligations of the candidate. The Act states that "a contribution or

6 donation... shall not be converted by any person to personal use." 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(l). The

Act further specifies that "a contribution or donation shall be considered to be converted to personal use if the contribution or amount is used to fulfill any conmiitment, obligation, or expense of a person that would exist irrespective of the candidate's election campaign or individual's duties as a holder of Federal office, including... a vacation or other noncampaign- related trip... [or] admission to a sporting event, concert, theater, or other form of entertainment not associated with an election campaign." 2 U.S.C §§ 439a(b)(2)(E)&(H). See also 11 C.F.R.

§ 113.1(g)(lXi)(F).

19. By using campaign fimds to subsidize the fledgling actmg and singing career of his daughter Josie, Robert E. Andrews, the Rob Andrews for U.S. Congress Committee, and

Maureen Doherty, in her official capacity as treasurer, knowingly and willfully violated 2 U.S.C.

§§439a(b)(2)(E)&(H)and 11 CF.R. § 113.1(g)(l)(i)(F).


WHEREFORE, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washmgton and Melanie Sloan request that the Federal Election Commission conduct an investigation into these allegations, declare the respondents to have violated the Federal Election Campaign Act and applicable FEC regulations, and impose sanctions appropriate to these violations and take such- further action as may be appropriate, including, but not limited to, referring this case to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution and/or conducting an audit of the Rob Andrews for U.S. House Committee.

Melanie Sloan Executive Director O Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics Ui in Washington O 1400 Eye Street, N.W. m Suite 450 Nl Washington, DC 20005 (202) 408-5565 (phone) (202) 588-5020 (&x) Verification

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and Melanie Sloan hereby verify

that the statements made in the attached Complaint are, upon mformation and belief, true.

SwornpursuanUt^lB U.S.C § 1001.

Ui Melanie Sloan b in Nl

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of November, 2011.

NOTARY PUBLIC DISIriet of Columbia Q '?! Ml Nl


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EXmBITB South Jersey congressman spent $9,000 from campaign funds on donor's wedding Page 1 of5

nEVeiythingi J«rs« y South Jersey congressman spent $9,000 from campaign funds on donor's wedding Published: Saturday, November 19, 2011, 10:00 PM Updated: Sunday, November 20, 2011, 9:43 AM Matt Friedman/Statehouse Dareau W By

TRENTON — A three-night stay at a five- star hotel In Edinburgh, Scotland, fbr a wedding: $7,725.

A set of china from Bloomingdale's fbr the bride and groom: $463.

Cab rides, meals, tips and airline baggage fees: $953.

Expensing it to your campaign account: Priceless. Arlstkie Eoonomopoulo^^e Star-Ljedger : I : j New Jersey congressman Rob Andrews (D) 1st District, in this Star- • In June, U.S. Rep. Rob Andrews (D-lst I Ledgerfile photo. Andrews defends his mixing of personal and poliUcal i ! expenses, but an official at one watchdog agency suggests the U.S. I Dist.) and his family visited Edinburgh for ; attomey talce a look. a wedding — part of a larger European ' ——""' vacation. There, Andrews, his wife and two teenage daughters stayed at the Balmoral Hotel in the center of town, which bills Itself as a "luxury hotel in the true sense of the word." The price was indeed five-star: Two rooms for three nights cost $7,725.

Nor did they go to Scotland empty-handed. The family bought a $463 china set from Bloomingdale's as a gift to the newlyweds.

In all, Andrews and his family spent more than $9,000 on the Edinburgh leg ofthe trip. Rather, his congressional campaign did.

The hotel, wedding gift, and several hundred more dollars for ground transportation, meals and petty cash came not from the family's pockets, but from Andrews' campaign fund, according to a Star-Ledger review of his campaign-finance-reports.

http://blog.nj.com/ledgerupdate8Jmpact/printJitml?entiy=i^011/1 l/southJersey_congres... 11/21/2011 South Jersey congressman spent $9,000 firom campaign fimds on donor's wedding Page 2 ofS

Andrews said the expense was legitimate because the wedding was for a donor and volunteer adviser, allowing him to consider It a political event. Citing privacy concems, he declined to Identify the adviser, who he said helps his campaign with opposition research.

"We have legal advice, and before we make any expenditure like that we listen to legal advice," said Andrews, painting out that the rest of the Europeen vacation, incloding airfare, was paid for with family funds. "We're convinced this is an oppropriate expenditure to thank and support someone who has given us a lot of time .and effort."

But the Edinburgh trip Is Just one of many instances in which the South Jersey congressman — who together with his wife earned more than $500,000 in 2010 — mixed personal and political expenses in an unorthodox way.

RELATED COVERAGE: Also In June, Andrews' campaign spent more than $10,000 on a party at his Haddon Heights home to celebrate his 20 years In • U.S. Rep. Rob Andrews wins 11th term In NJ.'s 1st Dist. Congress aod his daughter's higb school graduaHon. And his

campaign has made tens of thousands of dollars in donations to • A QBkA with Rep. Rob Philadelphia theaters — sometimes within months of another Andrews: Afghan exit should be easier with Osama bin Laden daughter appearing In one of their productions. gone

In 2009, the wattihdog group Qtizens for Responsibility and Ethics • Rep. Rob Andrews firm on in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election opposition of dredge project Commission charging that Andrews broke the law when he used campaign fiinds to buy almost $1,000 in clothing after an airline lost his luggage.

Andrews reimbursed his campaign for the purchase. The commission told his treasurer that although the congressman violated the rules, it was dismissing the complaint in part because "the alleged amount in violation was so low that It would not merit the further use of commission resources."

When asked about the Scotland trip, the executive director of CREW, Melanie Sloan, said: "It's hard to figure how you can take your whole family to Scotland for a donor's wedding and call that a legitimate campaign expense. It seemsl to me like the J.S. attomey in New Jeifiey might want to consider taking a look."

As she put it: "It's not a personal piggy bank. When yau donate to a member of Congress, it doesnt mean it's for them to spend at wiil."

How politicians spend campaign funds Is not a cut-and-dried issue. A guide for candidates written by the Federal Election Commission says they cannot use their campaign funds "If the expense would exist even in the absence of the candidacy." http://blog.nj.oom/ledgerupdates_impact/print.html?entry=/2011/1 l/southjersey.congres... 11/21/2011 South Jersey congressman spent $9,000 fixnn campaign funds on donor's wedding Page 3 ofS

Andrews said the Scotland trip passed that test. "We wouldn't have gone on the Scotland trip but fbr the fact that this person Is an adviser and donor to us," he said.

A spokeswoman for the election commission declined to comment.

The party

In. June, Andrews held a party at his home in Haddon Heights. Two invitations obtained by The Star-Ledger paint different pictures of the event. One, sent from the Andrews for Congress campaign account, biils It as a celebration both of his 20 years in the House and his daughter Jacqueline's graduation from the Baldwin School, a prep school on Philadelphia's Main Une.

A second invitation, which did not come from his campaign, calls It a "Graduation Celebration honoring Jacqueline" and makes no mention of Rob Andrews' offlce, describing the event as "from elegant to carnival fun."

Andrews' campaign account paid $10,000 for the party's catering and other expenses. But the congressman's chief of staff, Fran Tagmire said most guests were political associates and that Jacqueline's guests oniy made up about 10 percent of the party. The family, Tagmire said, paM $6,000 out of pocket.

"The family wrote a check to the caterer which far exceeded 10 percent of the caterer's cost even though Jacquelyn's guest list was fewer than 10 percent of the guests," he said.

Although Tagmire said the family kept separate political and personal guest lists for the party, he would not provide copies to the Star-ledger, even redacted, to "protect the privacy of our guests."

That 10 percent figure also came up when The Star-Ledger first noticed the trip to Edinburgh.

When asked about a $2,600 petty cash expense for Edinburgh that appeared on Andrews' second-quarter finance report, Tagmire said it was part of a larger trip to Europe and that 'family payments were approximately 10 times the amount of the expenditures for the political part of the trip."

But when the next quarter's report was released and showed the previously Hie photo undisdosed Edinburgh hotel bill of $7,725, Tagmire amended his statement. Congressman Rob Andrews "We are not certain of exactly how much the personal expenses on the trip - —" added up to, but we are certain that these expenses far exceeded the campaign expenditures," he said. (Andrews said he only used about $300 of the petty cash he originally took out.)

http://blog.nj.oom/ledgerupdatesJmpact/print.html?entry^O 11/11 /southJersey_congres... 11 /21/2011 South Jersey congressman spent $9,000 fiirni campaign fimds on donor's wedding Page 4 of S

Andrews' campaign expenses also sometimes appear ctosely related to the fledgling career of his daughter Josie, an aspiring actress and pop singer.

Theater donation

In February, Andrews' campaign made a $12,500 donation for the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia for its gala. Andrews' wife Camiile sits on the board of trustees, and Josie is listed on the thoaterls website as a performer In the gala, which was held in May. Andrews even expensed $15 for parking there to his campaign account. "We brought guests with us as campaign donors," he said.

There are several more examples of Andrews donating thousands to theaters within months of his daughter performing a role in one of their productions, but he resented the innpllcation that his campaign's largesse had anything to do with his daughter's roles.

"Ifs not feir to her. It's not true," Andrews said. "The Walnut Street Theater for a long time has carried out sort of an arts outreach program for kids in the Philadelphia and Camden areas. I've been a longtime supporter of there for that purpose, and my daughter's activities ans totally independent."

Trips to California

Andrews also frequently visits California, as well as other states, where he holds fundraising events. According to her biography on the Intemet Movie Database, Josie also fliesfrequenti y between the East Coast and Los Angeles, "pursuing her dream of becoming a pop star and actress."

Andrews said he sometimos brings Ms daoghter on those visits whon they colndde with auditions and other activities related to her show business career. But he only pays for her airfare end lodging if she's helping with fundraising, Andrews said.

"She has come with me on trips to Califomia to do some of her business, but she's always part of my business as well," he said. .,1

Andrews sits in one of the state's safest Democratic districts, which includes parts of Camden, Gloucester and Burlington counties, allowing him win re-eiection by large margins. He has run for statewide office twice — for governor in 1997 and the U.S. Senate In 2008 — but he has never made it past the primaries. His name still is frequently menttoned as a potential candklate.

"I dont have any plans to run fbr anything, but If the drcumstances came along I'd have to considsr It," he said.

But while Andrews spends little on campaign advertising, he often raises hundreds of thousands of doilars per quarter and spends almost as much. http://blog.nj.com/ledgerupdat68_impact/print.html?entry=/20l l/I l/southJersey_congres... 11/21/2011 South Jersey congressman spent $9,000 from campaign funds on donor's wedding Page 5 of 5

Each quarter, Andrews says, he spends thousands of dollars for such gifts as fudge, flowers and gift cards for campaign volunteers.

Andrews said he needs to raise the money and give out gifts to campaign volunteers in case an independent group runs millions of doilars in television ads against him. He also noted that he donates to the Democratic Party and other candidates.

"That means you always have to be ready to protect your position In a campaign," he said. "One ofthe ways you do that is through money. The other is for volunteers. And we believe in saying thank you."

® 2011 NJ.com. Ali rights reserved.

http://blog.nj.com/ledgeropdatesJmpact/print.html?entiy=i/2011/1 l/southJersey_congres... 11/21/2011 IS O r-1 m


EXHIBIT C 1ltf14api116:28 Imago* 11V716BS1S0 PAGE 1/101 r REPORT OF RECEIPTS 1 FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS For An Authorized Committae FORM 3 OmeeUsX

1. NAME OF TYPE OR PRINT Y Example: If typing, type COMMITTEE 0n full) over the Bnes. , Andrews for Congress 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i

1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

|215FMJrthAra. IIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADDRESS (numbor and atraeQ IIIIIIII

i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIIIIIII 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PI Check If dHlerent UJi than previously 1 Haddon HelgMi reported. (ACQ 1.. J .J i. ,1 1... i lllll J ..L,.J. .L.I. 1 1 T1 IT? . 1 l-l , 1 , 1


4. TYPE OF REPORT (Choaaa Oiw) 12-D8y PRE-Bectlon Reportfor the : (a) Quarterly Reports: Q Primaiy (12P) Q General Runoff (121^ April 15 OuBTtariy Report (01) Q Convention (12C) 0 Special (128) 1^ July IS Quarteriy Report (02) in tha ^ October 15 Quarter^ Report (03) Election on L«AMJI ' Lmkwi. State of Lw>.«J

rj January 31 Ybar-End Report i(VE) ((4 30-Dey POST-Electlon Report for the:

0 General (30G) Q Runoff (30R) Spedal (308)

0 Termination Report (TEH) Inthe Election on lirnHnJI n—»fc»«

5. Covering Period {jfj t g J |i,„.»i1,,, if through 2011

/ certify that I lme exanOwd tMa Raport and to the best of rr^ Imowledge end belief It la tm comet end conpfefe.

Type or Print Name of Treasurer Ma. Mauiean A. Dohei^

10 i f 14 I I aoii I Signature of Treasurer Mfci/aMmwADaMy Date

NOTE: Submission of fataoi enoneouai or bioomplete Inlormation may sulject the person signing tMs Report to the penaWes of 2 UAC. §437o. Offioe Use FEC FORM 3 , L Only (Revised 0^2003) FESANOIS image*1197108161 r SUMMARY PAGE FEC Form 3 (Ravised 02/2003} of Receipts and Disbursements Page 2 Write or Type Committee Name Andrews fbr Congress

Report Covering the Period: FronK To: 30 I I 2011

COLUMN A COLUMN B This Period Eiaetlon Cyde-to-Date 6. Net Contributlone (other than loans)

(a} Totai Contributiona (other than ioan^ (from Une 11(e})....

(lb) Totd Contribution Refunda s«n-«iF« iyii<|iiiijy»iytwijpiw(yr.iN| (from Une 20(d)) ^ OJQO I

(cD Net ContritNJtlone (other then ioan^ I" IIM (aubtraet Une 6(t9 from Une B(a0. {, 283238X10 |

7. Net Operating Expendltuces

M Totel Operating Expenditures p .^-n.^,.•• ^

(ftom Une 17) 1 .-^ 1B3BBBA7 MkiMftaUlkwiWwA

(p) Totd Offsets to Operating l"'*"*^'""*"^ ^ aoo "1 Expenditures (from Une 14) M \m»»i*%n\i»na\uvAtm»n'Miu^ywit»mt\wiik] I irtwaito niftwwjfc i miftwBfc. (c) Net Operating Expendituree p^"*^'*""'*' 18385847 85B375a4 I (teJbtrad Une 7(b) from Une 7(al) — l«.rf.„rf.i. iw,-a iilVm .yirraJltMllli—li ml 'iimSnwiSiim'SUMfei*

8. Cash on Hand at Close of p Reporting Period (from Une 27)...... 20818144 I

9. Debts and Obligations Owed TO the Committee (itenrize all on |>.».u..^^..4,»..y^.««-.|^.>»...r.«g»^ SchediJe C and/br Schedule D) L.iujMMS.»wauJiM»rfww<>iwi*«iAi«ii^^ 3 10. D«Ms and ObUgations Owed BY the Committee Otendze ill on SchedUe C andAir Schedule 0) n .rn,, a a ir»,i.i\..>ft,iiin.,.*1

For further Information c»ntect

Federal Election Commission 999 EStreet. NW Washington. DC 20463

Toil Free 1)00-424-9530 Local 202-094-1100

L J FESANOIB 11871888182 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE 1 r FEC Form 3 (Revised 12/200^ of Receipts Page 3 Write or Type Commitiee Name Andrews for Congress

Report Covering the Period: From: UU Uu • To: L 2Df1

COLUMN A COLUMN B I. RECEIPTS Total This Period Election Cycle4o-Date

11. CONTRiBUTiONS (other than lowis) FROM:

(a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committoes at i»yfci<}i«wCtV«iw]pw<>.»«wp»ii^J<ir..y d) itsmlzed (use Schedule A}... S 83244jn f I 17488ej00 i ai«iwtwtii\^BiNiwti

Unltemlzad 0J» i4 TOTAL of contributiona from individuala

(b) Pomicai Perty Committeea.. (c) Other PoHticai ComnAteee (such as PACs) 1082SOJ0O I jnii»gwiir»K.«iiy>iP|piinywii^iMiimfii •mi»iiii(wij[i iii|^ (d) The Cendldate OJDO I (e) TOTAL CONTRBUnOI^ (other than loans) ii^i iiaf iiy m i|[iii»iitj»»»ai" »iyiiini||iiwyiiiiiVwav»"|'aM^finnpi ii^yii«wtiiiiwyi»w>y*Mi»iywwypi

L J FEBWmS 118718881SS

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r FEC Form 3 (Revised 02/200^ of Disbursements Pege 4

II. DISBURSEMENTS COLUMN A COLUMN B Total This Period Election Cycle-to-Oata

89B97SJ84 ( 17. OPERATING EXPENDITURES IWdiww3rir.iMw.l£Ma4k«<3kmfMM«ikii^

18. TRANSFERS TO OTHER tmnsf>K>.fn>rtjfau^i>.<^K^ jpM'y«w(ewi>4rfnij|iVAiymn|^^

AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES Lf.--*«*-*-^^^ LdiKiSuwa>1

19. LOAN REPAYMENTS: (aO Of Loans Made or Guaranteed y^..t».y~.,.».^,i..wji«iii.i.n.i..,,,.i..ai^^.a by ttie Candidate L«*-rf«rti**ii*«fc»^««^^ MW)|p%«yatW|(«Jii ifM uy Ml n|Pwmiwnr^»Bn»M»»y win • (b) Of Al Other Loens Lrf,..*,,,^,.,*,^^ (^ TOTAL LOAN REPAYMENTS •w^lly^..yM,.^^,^y.w.^p,Bgw:.l^^iwy^•^».•w,•^wg OA) 1 (add Unes 19(e) and (b)) L,.sw^^i.,flwj.u.wriB,fc.w»wiS£^

20. REFUNDS OF CONTRiBUTiONS TO. (a) Individuals/Persons Ottier »w •• .||i-'>ni >MI...MW- n..i..gM»i>w.~ Than PoUtlcal Committees L*«ft«ri«b««««*«^^ inmiZ*»«yiiMii"y wgim mil ttnf mt^v innwt|imnif.Mi»y na wj)^\i||>rvii^|»tMj>iw^^ [•••na OJOO C..j,»iw,ii»jiimpi»m)im (0 Ottier PoWICBl Committees Y""*'"^ r^»««t.m9*^^v i^.g.ngwgp. OM (such as PACa} Iwiani nfcLKthwamiihwi^hii • iiiifa»n inriMnJw3i (fcHwrfwiftnillftllllUlfclllH^M irtMll (d) TOTAL CONTRiBUnON REFUNDS f—•""H"'V- • * «" 'J^' (add Unes 20(4, W, snd (c^... L-jB-we-.-***-**^ Egiigawip»Bnmia»t«rMy*n>y iijf ni^imyHf^wn 22. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS |iiim.ii B^-yann. iiriM,..ii.t.'-.j»»«^^^ (eddUm»17.18.19(($.20(d).end21) ^ L**»i««a»«-fc-J^«JJ2^



24 TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERICO ffrom Une 16, page 3).. Ki.T„T.i,ii.i,„HM«i(i»riiw»tiri..r».inh*»v.nti ml

y«wgwwii!l» llM^JM<^^yl^l|y»|•|^)^ll*l^.^^l]^|wiwyiiiiiiu 380182.81 { Ck

26. TOTAL DISBURSEMEI^ THIS PERIOD (from Une 22) ». t^,y-,.v-,^,,-,^.^^„^-^^ ...y^.^^,.^,-1

27. CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF REPORTiNQ PERIOD p^P«.iii«»^»»«»wv'-^.j^^ (eubtrad Une 2B from Une 25). L»,iih»wtiw«to.Jt««»»i«

L J PESMNna hnagc* 11871888284

FOR UNE NUMBER: 1 PAOE 115 OF 191 SCHEDULES (FEC Form 3) Use sepsrate schedUleM (ctwckonly one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS fbr esch cetegary of the Delsiled Summsiy Psge Rii7 •« ni9. ni«b n20a n20b MaOc 1121 Any irtfomiation copied from such F^eports and Statements may not be add or uaad by any peraon for the purpoae of soUdting ixjnlrllxiaons or-for coBwnemial. purposes, other Jhan using^ths naaie end-adttaBsaiii any.ootlUcal. conuntttes. to aoBcit contributiona ftnra.mnh oommittea V NAME OF COMMfTTEE On FulO ) Andrews for Congress

FuU Name (Lest Rrst, Middle InlUsO A. Abbotsfofd Restaurant Date of DIsbuisement inirPiir? # |Vi>Tri / ysrwv^wri MsUng Address Abpert

CKy State Zip Cods Amount of Each tXaburaemeni this Period i|piiii|iiiwi^pi«i«iMiii{!Wi>«gw.«ijf»iw«y'w»i^ Purpose of Disbursement V5M71 meeleapenaemtlp data 803 8b—ATOIftffefI iiljwwiJfjWtiiBliiBiiiilhiMLjJkiaiti Jhue tfca»ijUw»al Iwaiwnainiiifl TkanaMtion 10:0381314 Candidate Name Catagory/ Type DUEMOfTBIQ Office SougM: House Distiursement FOR 2012 Seneto Primery Q General B Ottwr (apedV) State: District: FUI Name (Lest, FIral. Middle InNlaO B April Robin Rorist Dale of DIsbuisement

MslDng Addnns 8a08MlonA«fe Ll IffinJ ffBii8Wilw«—wl Oty 'TOEe Zip Code m Amount of Eeeh DlaliurBsmenl this Period HaddanHelgMs NJ 08aa»i807 yoyiHynH—11 Purpose of Disbursement 8BJB7 BBTSI expenae orig dale ans TtaneattleB ID: D38S288 Candidate Name PNEMOnGMI Oflice Sought: House Disbursament For 2012 Senate Primary Fl Qanend Prseldent ri Ottwr (vMcVy) State: Distrlot: Fuii Name (Last, l^irst. Middle Initial) c. April Robin Florist Date of Disbursement Mamng Addreee BZOStsUonAM 13 City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursarfwrs this Period NJ 08a3M807 PurpcesofDiatiUrssment 8BJ87 Bond expense dhowlfawi SwaiftiiaiiliiiuilinHiti 1tanaaelionD:D8830BB Cendldate Name Category/ Type pyBmiTEMI Offlce Sought: Housa DbburasmenfFor. 2012 Senate I Primery GenersI Prseldent Ottwr (Bpeeiiy) Stale: DislrlcL' iwnwMmww^ipwHIMwijiiwiy •|yi»HiiM i^mmwi OM SUBTOTAL of Oiaburaennenls This Page (optionaO. wfcinMffif—fh—fc—fctM^Bwiift I iniftniiiftnwftm

TOTAL This Period (lest psgs ttiis Drw number only). '»S—^I'lart**"

FEBANOia FEC Setaduto B [Form 9 (Ravigetf 00/2008} Image* 11871688288

FOR UNE NUMBER: RAGE 117 OF 191 SCHEDULES (FEC Form ^ Uee ssparats 8chedule(4 (chsdc only one} ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for eaoh cstegory of ttie Detailed Sumaiaiy Paga H" •« Plfl" Ql* 11208 rlaOb ri20c 1121 Any hformaUon oopied liom such f^Mrts snd Ststements may not be aold or used by eny peison for the purpose of soBcRIng oontrttiuUans or for.cQmmeidal purposes, other .than using the iwme snd^addrsas of.sny poBlcel committee ta solicit laonlritHiUnns from, suob comrnittea. NAME OF COMMiTTEE Qn Fufl) Andrews for Congress

FuH Name (Use fM, Middle inlUM A. avis rental car Date of Oisbufsement

MsHIng Address Routs 73

City Stale Zip Code Amount of Each Otatwrsement tNs Period Mount Laumi NJ 08054 iwiyiimy»j.w.iyij.yiii|i|jliiuii ^^in «yir.' Purpose of Disbursement 4J00 car ranlBl-M orlo dale 807 HRXMSB ItanaaBHon 10: l»8S3a4 Cendldate Name Category/ Type Offioe Sought: House Disbursement For 2012 IMEMOriEMI Senate Primary Q Qeneral President Ottwr (Bpeoliy) State: Distrid: Full Name (Lest, First. Middle initleO s avis rental car Date of DIslMiissnwnt

Mailing Address HQUIB 73

CRy Zip Code' Amount of Esch Disbursement ttibPsrto d MaunlLBursI NJ 00064 mnwHHU—miiiiiw^Mnnmiiu Purpose of OistNarsement 22i» I cerranlal-tDll JwiifcliyjUwiM&KlllJillW A

Msiling Addiess

Cily Slate Zip Cods Amount of Each DistMvssmsnt this Pertod UK •MMq;—^pwynfiMfllMa^Mi afi WIH»IBIH||J>IIIHIB— Purpose Of DIsburssmsnt I 4&24 cer eenrioe odB dsle 803 ft mitumAim A.«ftniirtirj^>n.fcii»iii« Ji m Ifca^] Cendidste Neme CD TraneeellDn D1D88S318 Category/ Offlce Souglil: Houae Disburssment For 2012 Type IMEMDITEM] Senate Primary GenersI Pieaident rn Ottwr (Bpecliy) State: DTslrfd: I—fWyfMWiywii'ypifii'wUMi'i OM SUBTOTAL of DiskNaasments This Page (optionaO.

TOTAL This Psriod Osst psgs ttiisOn e number only)-..

FESANOia FBC Sehaduto B (Fonn 3} (Ravised 02/2009] Imi«e# 11871888287

FOR UNE NUMBER; i PAGE 118 OF 181 SCHEDULES (FEC Form 3) Uss sepsrate schedule(4 (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the Detsilsd Summsiy Psge 17 ni8 pis. niSb B20a n20b n20B 1121 Any Informatien copisd from suoh Reports end Statements msy not be sold or used by eny Ibr ths purpose of aoliciUng oontritiudcna or for.conwwflaial pumoses, other thsoi using the nsme snd-add«sss jf.anv BOiMcsLcommillBet o sedcK airtdbuttota*famjBUGlixommittea NAME OF COMMITTEE On FulD Andrews forCongres s

Fufl Nsme-(cast; FWA, Middle InlHsO A. Avisenre Transport Sennces Dats of Disbursemem

Mailing Addresa aAVV9lBW|p4W8MK3MKn

City Zip Code Amount of Eeeh Dbburssmsnl ttiisPerto d

Purpose of Disbursement 43.43 lAuumn

w»iiiBimifl»wiiB TraneaBtton ID: DS8S318 CandidBte Name Cstegory/ Type pHEMOriEMI Office Sought: House Dlsburssmsm For: 2012 Senate Prtoisry Q Ganeral • ottwrtspecHy) DistrfcL* Ful None Firal. Middle InNISQ ^ Babies r Us Dale of Dlsburssmsm

MslUng Address BL38EBBI

City "mSS Zip Code Amount of Each Dtatwrsament this Pertod ChenyHB NJ 08002 Purpose of Diabursement 82jnr • gill far donor wimmAmUmmJhnJLaJl^ma^A TraiWBBflBn ID; D888287 Candidate Name Cstsgory/ Type PMBMOnEMQ Office Sought: House DIsburssmsnt For. 2012 Senate I Primsry F] GenersI Presiderrt Ottwr (BpscHV) State: District: FUU Nanw (Lest. Firsl. Middle InRisQ c. Best Wireless Dsle of Disbuissmsnt uMMfuttinfimtgMis* Mailing Address 208 South WhlsHsnMPIkB

aty suto Zip Code /Amount of Esch Dtsburaemenl this Pertod NJ 08108 Hi'i.yiitp—y»ag

.SUBTOTAL of Diaburssmsrts This I^sgs (opllonsO- ifwMfciirf

TOTAL This Period (last psgs this Dne number only). peaAMia FEC SdMdula B (Forni 9 (RavlSSd 02/2009) Image* 11871688284

FOR UNE NUMBER: I RAGE 135 OF'^if SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) Use sspsFBle schsdul8(B) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS fbr eeeh eeiegory of the Delailed Summary Page 17 •« ni8. ni9b H20s Maob \ \20e 1121 Any MomiBtton copisd from such Reports snd Statements may not be sold a used by any psrson for ttwpurpoe e of eoBcttlng contributtons or ter.comrnaidal puwosasi other .ttwni using.tha name awl adrtwss rf. any poBBcai eommittae tP ScBcH contribulions. fmro.siaaLflowmittsa NAME OF COMMITTEE On FuQ Andrews for Congress

Full Nams (Last. FlfW; Middle InRiaO A. Deacon Brodies Dale of DIalNJresmsnt

Mailing Addrsss 435 Lswnfflaikst \mJSLmJ LwSwJ iwft.^Rl!.»i»J

City Stata Zip Code Amount of Esch Dlsburssmsnl ttils Psriod Edbibuigli ifiraffi«iifmFrjptntlf.»mjt*.afiragu Purpose of DistHirsement StAS mssl eaperwe erio dels 804 jdhanSM AtvwfcaniAaajiiiAiMitJlMMAHMjbiNMjEa Tkamaetbn 10:0383448 3 Csndldste Name Category/ Type PHEMOiTraq Office SougM: House DIsburssmsnt Fon 2012 Senste Primsry Q General Preaidertt fj Ottwr (apeciiy) DIstricf: Fun Name (Lest. First, Middle initlsD Grosvenor Chauffeur Date of DIsbumement IMaflIng Address L«isiuJ

ZiPCode Amount of Eteh DiatHirssnwnl Ihls Psriod Readily Purpose of Dtabuieement 148.14 travdliBiisport expense oilg dels 8120 iAa«iAmi4aii«SMiAMiik Itaneaeflon 10:0983414 Candidate Nams Category/ Type PHEMOIIEMl Offlce Sought: House DIsburssmsnt For 2012 Senate [5^ Primary j""] General Presideirt \\ Ottwr (spscliy) Dbtrict Ful Nsms (Lest, First, iMMdle IhltiaO c. Holiday Inns Capitol Dale of DIsburaemeni

Mailing Addreee s80C8l8Mf

CRy State Zip Code Amount of Each DIsburssmsnt ttiis Psriod OC 20024vZ814 MaaMi^fiMiif^iiay«iipe!P>iv« Purpose Of Disburasmsnt *• iMPHMiM"*! iDom nniei eita dete 8/17 { Cendldate Nome •NaSiMBaknril Category/ Type pyEMoiTByq Offlce Sought House Dlsbussmsnt For 2012 Senate ra Primsry General President fl Other (BpedfV) Stale: District 000 *1 SUBTOTAL of DistMirsemeiils This Psga (opUonaO—.. ^i«>ifciiwhjBwfc.»ija«

TOTAL TMs Psrfod (last page this ibie number orily). ii

FESAND1S FED Sehadule B (Forni ai (Rsvlasd 02/2009) Imagetf 11871888288

FOR UNE NUMBER: i RAGE 137 OF 191 SCHEDULES (FEC Forni ^ Use sepsrate schsdUls(s) (cheek only on^ ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for ssch cstsgory of ttie Detailad Summary Page 17 •« ni8a ni9b B20s in20b n20c 1121 Any MormsUon copisd fkwn such Ftoports and Statsmsnts may not be add or ussd by any peraon for the purpose rf soBcHIng contributtons or fOr.commeroial purpoees, olhsr.thsn using.ths nsme end-eddi)BSS.rf.sny.polMcsl committae to.soHdt oontilhuannaifiDm.such-committaa NAME OF COMMITTEE (|n Ful) Andrews for Congress Fun Name-(tasi: FIM. Middle wm A. Howie's Restaurant Date rf DIsburssmsnt MslUng Address 29 WUeriso Piece

aty Zip Code Amount rf Each Dlsbufssment ttibPerio d Edinburgh Purposs rf DiatNJraement 38J88 meal expanse ortB dels 804 i4h 110:0883448 Cendldeie Neme CD Category/ DNEMOITEMI Offloe Sought: House • Dlaburaament For 2012 Type Senete 1^ Primary [^General President • Ottwr (specflV) Stale: DIatricb Full Nsma CLsst, First. Middle initlsD ^ Just Airport Transport Date of Dtatwrssmsnt Msfflng Addiess mhirtbtoir L.*MLU zip Cods mum caiF Amount rf Eaoh DIatiursament Ihia Period

PivposB rf DBlnjmmsnt JIL II 11 JIIIU 11050 I trnml transport expense erig dels 6/22 1• hill I •».n.l...iiliw.Jh»>pfewjl.i.AmAi..i*i. I LaAawaMia Candidate Nama Category/ Ttaneaetlon 10:0883421 Type [MEMOnBiq Office Sought: House DIstNJrsement For 2012 Sernle Primery P] General Presidenl \\ Ottwr (Bpecnyr State: DIrtrict: FUH Name (Lest, Firat, Middle InltMD c. La Scale's Date rf Disbursement

Maiing Addraee eischesbiUtSL

city Stste ZipCode Amount rf Esflh Dlalwrasmeni this Period PA 10106 • •ii||i B iiiiymniynigm Purposs rf DistMirssmsnt 187, msSl eaperwa erig date 6f17 .fail Ai»iia w lUl 11 iH 11 • Sl • iftuftiinifcMkAnaii S >ll1llllH««l I ilD;OS8S410 CendidSle Nsme Category/ Type PIBIOfTEMI Offlce Sought: Houee DIsburssmsnt For 2012 Senete ra Primsry Q Gsnsral rl Ottwr (apeoNy) Distrirf:

OJOO SUBTOTAL rf DhtMmsmenle Thb Psge (opttonal). iKmmiAiimiimJ^vmetfmimmbaiA) 'r""V""'i" ^r't tf' "'It If

TOTAL This Psriod (lost page thia line number otriy). jfli.mllii'

IBANOia FEC SetwcMa B (Fonn 3) (Revlaad 02/2008) ImegsB 11871888288

FOR UNE NUMBER: RAGE 139 OF 191 SCHEDULES (FEC Form 3) Use separate sehsduls(4 (check only on^ ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for esch catsgory Ofi the Detailed Summary Page 17 •« ni9a niUb B20a n20b ri20c ri21 Any Infbnnation copied fnom such Reports end Statements may not be sold or ussd by eny person for ths purposs rf scHcillng contributtons or fy.ooramaadai purposss. othsr.thsni using.the naaie end..sddmas.rf sny odHcaL^immlttaa to eoBdt contdhuttone finm such committse. V NAME CF COMMITTEE On FuQ ) Andrews forCongres s

Fun Neme OjesH FV*, Middle Initia9 A. One Stop Shop Date rf DIalMJissmsm

Manng Addnaas SOOPsriniUiaSlBttBnRd.

Ctty State Zip Code Amount rf Eeeh DIsburssmsnt this Psriod Runnemede NJ 08078 Purpose rf Disbursement { 2M press sapensB Thuwsctlon ID; 0983488 Candidate Nama Category/ Type PHEMOITEMI Offloe Sought: House DIsburssmsnt For 2012 Senate 1)13 Primsry Q] Gsnsral li Ottwr (specify) Disttiol: Full Nome (M FrsL Middle InltlsO 3^ Paper Rack Date rf DbkMissmsnt

Maiing Addiess eBACeakbumSL

CRy Zip Cods Amount rf Each Dlsliuissmsnt this Pertod EdbibiBg l>urpose rf DIstxirssment 88.17 ptese newepapeiB oitg dale 603 .1 ,lm ll ll 1. Ill «.I...Jt» aMnaMdhaadi TMttBllon ID: D383447 Candidate Name Category/ Type pviEiionEMi Offlce Sought: House Disbursement Fon 2012 Senate ra f^rimsry Q Gsnsrel 11 Ottwr tBpeciiy) State: District: FUII Nsme (Last, First. Middle InRiaO c. RaybumCafe Dale rf DIsbutssmsnt Meiibig Address Rgybum House ontoeBuHIng Lu L*attv.>,il

CRy Slate ZIpCode Amount rf Each Disliurssmsnl this Pertod DC »ttinH|iiiiHWi^Hi Purpode Of DIsburssmsnt i"e*"s *>jL a7B »>a>if<4wirfiii wiatw IwmSiaBiifmrjB Timaetion 0:0883441 Candidate Name Category/ Type pyEMOirBQ OfHoe Sought: House Disbursement For 2012 Senste j Primary GenerSi President Ottwr (spscUy) Otatrict: PHi • ^11 y iinpinnM.yiinifn lyiummi mu

SUBTOTAL rf Disbursenwnis This Page (opUonaO. Ciiliwiiilhiw^iiniffianiB—IIUM ^dli»iHiail FESANOIS FEC Salwdula B (Forai 3) (Pavlnd 02/2000) Imagetf 11871688282

FOR UNE NUMBER: i RAGE 143 OF IM SCHEDULES (FEC Form 3) Use separate 8CtiBdute(^ (chsck only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS fdr each category rf the DetaBed Surnmary Page 17 piB ni9b S20s n20b 11200 1 121 Any information copied fmm such Rsports snd Statsments may nrf be sold' or used by any fbr the purpose rf ocildHng oorrtributtons or for oommeidal purposes, other than using ths nsme snd eddress rf sny poBicsi committseto soUctt contributtons fram such comrrfttsa NAME OF CCMMITTEE On FulD Andrews forCongres s

Fun Nsme 0^, First, MkMa InRIaQ A. Sunoco Dste rf Dkburasmsnt Maffing Address WMta Hoisa Pfes

CMy State Zip Cods Amounmumt rf Esch Dlstiwssnwn l this Psriod NJ 080S7 •r—'SF ^piiyiiiiHH niiwi^jwinii Purpose rf DIsburssmsnt 49.61.611 I aub gaa sKpsnae eda dele 8f15 [ ..•«. ij..ii»iii. 4i.lila.. iB m,r„^ iiift TtanaarftonlD:DUS449 Candidate Name Category/ Type Office Sought _ House Disbursement For 2012 Senete ra Prinwy Ganeral Prasident il Ottwr (spscny) State; District: Fun Nsnw HiaalL. First, MIddls InRlsD The Balmoral Dsle rf Dbburasmsnt

MaUng Addresa iPitoeeeSL 'mmMukm. LaMtinSUMSHBtS

City state Zip code /Amount rf Each Dbburssmsnl Uib Psriod Edfetbug Purpose rf DIsburssmsnt 772S.76 heiel lo^llnp oriB dole 6128 iiUni.l>illli*Mia.r,i> »i.,iil| TkMiaaeHor n ID: D38S48B cendldate Neme LU Cstegory/ tMEMOnBIQ Office Sought: Houae DIsburssmsnt For 2012 Type Senete Primary General Ottwr (spscHV) State: DWriefc FUn Nama ^esL Fbst. MIddls irritlsO c. The Source Dste rf DIstMnsmsnt

MsHIng' AcldrasB ^75 i^nnsylvanlB Ave

Ctty Ststs Zip Code Amount rf Each Disbursament this Period 00 20001 iiyi H|nin.im||mymp»i Purpose rf Disbursemerit iwiHiiiiH|inii| 212.28 meal aapenee oifB data 8/21 lAmtnhm •SiMftMnanwvknHtxBMSwu ! witiiinlhHjl Tkaneacllon D! D883420 Candidata Name Category/ Type PUEMOITEM] Offlce Sought: House Disbursement For 2012 Senate ra Primsry Gsnsral Presidsnt ll Ottwr (spscHV) Stete: OMricI: I r'"r"'ii" Ui H



jEXHZBITD 07/14^2011 09 : 34 Imagaf 11831817654 REPORT OF RECEIPTS FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS FORM 3 For An AuthoriiBd Commmee CWlceUaeOnly 1. NAME OF USE FEC MAILING LABEL Exsmpls:!! typing, lyps COMMITTEE (In ful) OR TYPE OR PRINT IT owarttwlnss I:: • • I I Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee i I I llllll Iliii JLJL 1 I 1 Iiii L lilil • I • • ' I >15fovrt^t>\ve, ^RESS (nuinbsr and etrest) IIIIIII J-JL IIIIIII

Checic VdHferent ' ' • I J—L I I I i 1 I I llllll • than prevfousiy irtsd.(ACC) ' I ' ' ' ' '


4. TYPEOFREPOm' (Choose One) Ol) 12-Day PRE-ElscHcn Rsport for ttw: (a) Quarisify Reports: Q Primary (12P) [jj GenerBi(12G) Q RunaN(12R) [] April 15QuartsrV Report (Ql) Q Oon«nUon(12C) [j Spedal (12S) S Ju^l 5 Qusrtsriy Report (Q2) I"""*""I I" < I Inthe I"' Q OdoberlSQusrtsriy Report (03) Election on • ( >• .J 11 nil I fc I .1 Siateof l.ii-i* • iJ Q Jenusry 31 Yesr-End Rsport (YE) (0) 30-Day POST-ElBcHon Raport for ttw:

Q General (3QG) Q RunoN(30R) Q Spedal (30S)

In ttw Q TsmrinSilan Rsport (TER) EtacHonon rin(~i Stale of •

5, c.»i.,M«i I21I} CD I •«* GE C3 I I certHy ttirf i ham eDcsmlnsd ttilsRepor t and lo Ihe best rf rny lowwlsdgs snd bsOe^ • Type or Print Named Treasurer MB. Mauree•n A. Doherty ' » • Signature rfTraasurar Ebdwnloslly FHsdby Ms. Maureen A. Doherty oals |o? I [ \ ^ { j ^2011 |

NGTE: Submission d false, erransous, or Inoomplsla informstlQn siAjsd ths psrson signing th^

Offloe FEC FORM 3 Uss Only (Revtaed 020003) FESANOIB Imsgsf 118318176S5 SUMMARY PAGE FEC Form 3 (Revised 08^2003) of Receipts and Disbursements 2/222 Write or Type CommMee Name Rob Andrews U.S. House CommUee

}"II'*'MI I b'^D 1 PY'T*^ Y'^YI nrTTi Report Coveringttw Period: Frenv jO^ | j Ql | I 2011 I T« Lo£j

COLUMN A COLUMNS Thie Period EleeUon Cyde^o^Me 6. Nrf Contributions (Ottwrttun loans)

(a) Total Conttbullons P 122085.00 (rfherttwn loana) (from Una 11 (e)). L 54495.00 I

(b) TdalConiribdionRdunds JT OJOO (fram Line 20(d)) - L OJOO I

(0) NdCanttOwttons (ottwrttwn Icons ) P 122085.00 154495.00 (sUbbsdUns 6(b) from Uns 6(10) L fciiH 11 1 ii.liii *' > • torn.

7. Net Operating EjQMndRuree

(a) Tdsl Operadng EiqoendllurBs JT 375719371 (Imm Line 17) L. 112626.78 3 C (b) Total Off sets to OpenAng P E}f)endlurss(fromLlne14)...... L (c) NdOpsrdbigEiqiBndRures p (sUbbad Lbw 7(h) from Line 7(e)) L 112626.78 I 375716.37 I

6. Cash on Hendrf Close rf r Reporting Period (fram Line 27)...... 261295.97

9. Debts and OMgaHons Owed TO the CommMee (Itemize eii on P 0 .00 I SchedutoCandMor Schedule D)..M...... ~. L- 10. Debts snd OUgattans Owed BY the CommMse (itemize all on F ScheddeCaodftirSchedutoD). L 6.00 I

For further Information contact: Federal Election Commission 999 E Street. NW Washington. DC 20463 Toli Free 800-424-9530 Local 202-694-1100 FESANOIS Imags# 11831817658 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE of Receipts FEC Fomn 3 (Revlssd 192003) 3/222 Wrils or Typs Comminse Neme Rob Andrews U.S. House Commitiee

npun rBTTi I'v'v'v 'vs Report Covering ttwPeriod : From: Ta !0.6 i 1 30| 1 2,01 if

COLUMN A 1 COLUMNS 1. RECEIPTS Told This Period 1 Electton CycMo^Me

11. CONTRIBUTIONS (dherttontasne) FROM;

(a) IrMMdjais/Parsorw Ottier Then PdillcBi Committaes 66585100 (i) ttamized(usBSchsdulBA)...... ] c 91745.00 0.00 m UnNmlzsd 0.00 010 TOTAL rfcontributton s 66585.00 91745.00 from individuals > 0.00 0.00 (b) Pdillcsl Party CommRtees...... (e) Ottwr PdKlodCommBtsss 1 E 55500.00 62750.00 (such as PACS) 0.00 0.00 (d) The Candidaie. (e) TOTAL CONTRiBUTiONS (ottwr ttian loans) 122085.00 154495.00 (add Unas 11(a)(II0, (b), (c). and (d))


13. LOANS (d) MadsorGusranteedtyttw 0.00 0.00 CandUaiB. 0.00 0.00 (b) An Ottwr Loane (c) TOTAL LOANS OJOO 0.00 (sdd Unss 13(B) end I

14. OFFSETS TO OPERATINQ EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 (Rdunds, ftabslss, do.)-......

15. OTHER RECEIPTS (DMriends. Intsred, slo.)...... 153.03 628.84 J 16. TOTAL RECEIPTS (sdd LInss 11(e). 12,13(c)12.1,^ , 14. and IS) ^ 122238.03 155123.84 j (CeriyTd* d to UDO 24, psgs 4) ^ 3 C

FE5AM018 Imsg8# 11831817857 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE of Disbursements FEC Forni 3 (Reulssd 02^2003) 4/222

IL DISBURSEMENTS COLUMN A COLUMN B Total This Period Election Cyde-to-Date



19. LOAN REPAYMENTS: (e) Of Loans MsdswGuarantssd by ths Candidate... aoQ rr^ T^oTi (b) Of all Ottwr Loans 0.00 (0) TOTAL LOAN REPAYMENTS 0.00 (add Unss 18(a) and (b))

20. REFUNDS OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO: (a) IndMdualB/Persons Ottwr 0.00 Thsn Pottlcd CommittBes 0.00

(b) PdMcal Party Commmees.. 0.00 0.00 (c) Other PoBksd ComrrtWeBS (such BS PACs)...... 0.00 0.00

(d) TOTAL CONTRIBUTION REFUNDS (sdd Unas 20(s), (b), snd (e)) 0.00 3 I 0.00 35500.00 155275.00" I 21. OTHER DISBURSEMENTS., 3 C 22. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add Unss 17,18,19(0), 20(d), and 21) > 148126.78 I [ 430994.37



24. TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD (from Lbw 16, pigsa) 122238.03 I

25. SUBTOTAL (add Una 23 snd Uns 24) 409422 K2 26. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD (from Uns 22) 148126Kl 27. CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF REPORTUaG PERIOD (subtract Uns 26 from Una 25)— 261295.97

FESANOIS Imagef 11931817716

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) FDR UNE NUMBER: PAGE 62/222 Use eepsralB BChsdUlB(s) (Check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for sach catsgory d ths DdallBd Summary Page 17 • 16 • 19a • }9b B 20a|-|20bM20crl21 Ary Irformatlon copied from such Reports snd Statanwds nny nd be sdd or ussd by any pereon for ttw purpose d sou or for commardd purposss, ottwr thsn udng the nsms snd addrsss d sivpoBlcd commKlee to soiidt corfributians from s^ NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Fdl) Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee

Full Nsnw (LssI, First, Middb Initial) TranaaeUonlD: D3672S0 Amt)ier Travel DalB d Diaburaamert

Msiling Address 81 East Butter Ava

Ciy Stale ZHiCode Amount d Each DIsburssmsrtttds Psrio d Amt)ler PA 19002 Purposed Oislxjraemert 941.20 J ttSMd- drilnetidwls en d InsursncB CandidateName r~i Cdegny/ Type Onioa Soughl: Houae Disbursemert For 2012 jxlPrimaiy {jjOensrel rjOttiBr(spsdfy) T District: Full Neme (Led, Firat, MUdto InRisQ TraneecHon UB: D367249 Catering by Massed Ode d DiBbursamant

Maiing Adctass 210 South Delsea Dr.

ciy 2^ Code Amoud d Each Diaburaamert thb Period Giassboro NJ Purpose d Dtaburaamert 7900.00 AFC Bued cdsrlng 1 CsndidaleNeme ^CaisgMyT^ Type Office Sought: House Disbufsemert FOR 2012 Sonde |x] Primary Qoanaral Presldsrt ]Ottwr(spsdly) • SISIB: Dtetrict: Full Nama (Lad, FIret. MUdia Idttal) Tranaaetton ID: D367257 C. Cityof PhlladeipNa-PVB Dated Dbburssnwd MsUng Address POBox 41818 i37i'r^'rioT7} CBy Z^Code Amount of Eadi dsbussniBd thb Period Philadelphia PA 19101-1818 Plirposa d Disbursamed »w - I partdngttd(d CI CandUdeName nz3 Offhs Sought: House DislMnsmert Fan 2012 Cdegoiy^ l^l Primaiy QomBni Type [j Ottwr (spedfy) T District:

SUBTOTAL d Dteburssmanta Thia Pags (opttonaO —... • f Bp99-irTl

- . L::.:.:,:::;::! FESANOIS FEC SdwdutoB( FamiS ) (RavtaadOaaolW) Image* 11931817728

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 75/222 Use separate schBdUls(s) (chsck only ons) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category d ttw OstaHsd Summary Pago B2017s ni n8 a*• r19ta ao •c 19 nb 21 Any infomwHon copisd fram such Rsports and Stdements inay nd bB sdd or ussd by any psrson for ttw puipose d sdl^^ or for oommercid purposss, dhsrthan using ttw nama and addraaa d anypoOlied csmmRtaa lo sdlcR cortributtons from such oommUss NAME OF COMMfTTEE (In FulQ Rob AndreiMS U.S. HOuse Committee

Fdl Nsnw (LBtt. FM. MIddls idddj TranaaeUonlD: 0370358 Apin Robin Rorist Data d DiSburssmsrt

MslEng Adi*ess 620 Station Ave IQ 4"!' P^'QI ' |'"*2oTi"'''l

Chy State ZIpCodo Amoud d Each Disburssmsnt ttte Psriod IHaddon Heights NJ 0803S-1907 Purposs d DIsburssmsnt Iw ... ..fci 452 hswrd flOMiBre orig dsiB 3A CandUalaNsnw Category/ Type [MEMO ITEM] OfficBSaught: Housa Diaburasmsd For 2012 Ssnde ITjPrtnniy Qcsnard Presidad [J Ottwr (spBdy) W Slate: District: FUR Nama (Lad, FM, Middle wm TransacttonID: D370337 B. asiirion wireless DatadDldiurBemart

Manng Address 8880 Ward Piowy CBy Z^Code Amoumnu'dsEid d Each DIsburssmBrt ttrisPerio d Kansas City MO 64114-2762 50.00 Purpoae d Diabursamed > 1 li 1 od phono insuranoa 3 CandlddaName ^^^^^^ TVpe [MEMO ITEM] Ottice Sought: House DistNjrssmsrt FbR 2012 Sends Priknary Qoanerd rieeioBni Ottwr (spseiry) T District: S FuO Nsnw (Lest, Firat, MIddb InitiaO TiansaedonlD: D370345 BestUmo DdedOtabursemed Maimg Addrass 7472 Wainer Ave ED'CU'CSnil Cty 21^ Code Amount d Edsh Dtaburssnwd thia Period Huntington Beach CA 92647-5441 Purpose d Disburasnwd I ' 621.64 I csr-senriee CandlddeNamB cn [MEMO ITEM] Offlce Sought: House DisburssmBrtFon 2012 Cdegoryf SensiB [xlPrtmsiy Qoensrd Typs (j Ottwr (sPScHy) T District:

SUBTOTAL d DisbursBmsnls Thb Paga (opHond) — > TOTAL THs Period (last page this Rne number only) ••••••••••M ••••••••••MMaw — • 1::;:: :::;:i FESANOIS «••••••••••••••••••>••«•••••••••••RE G 8chsdulBB( FbnnS ) (RaviaadOa«X»> Imagaf 11831817720

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 7Sf^ Use sepsralB schBdulB(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS ftf eadi eeiegory d ttw Detadad SuTvnary Page i7 n 18 n I** • 1* @ 20a|-l20b ri20c M21 Any Information copied from such R^xjrts and Statsments may not bs sdd or used by any poison for tha pupose of sdidtlng contribdions or for coiwiwrcU puiposes, ottwr ttianusin g the naina and address d ariy poSIod com^^ NAME OF COMMITTEE (in FdQ Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee

FuD Name (Lad. FM, Mlddb Inlti&O TnnsacHonn>: D370352 BestUmo Dsle d Disbureamad Mding Address 7472 Warner Ave |??TPT51'nST7l City ZIpCode Amouni d Eadi Disbursamsd this PBriod Huntington Beach CA 92647-5441 l\Rpo8e d DialnnemeM 1827.28 ear SBivlea orig dste 3/2 CandlddleName CZ3 Category^ TVpe [MEMO ITEM] OmoB Soughl: HOUSB DIsliurssmsd For 2012 Ssnde I^Primaiy QGsnsrd rl Ottwr (spscHy) T District: FUD Nsnw (Lad, FM, Middle InitiaO TtaneacttonlD: 0370331 BestUmo Dale d DIsburesmBrt

Meling Address 7472 Warner Ave

Cky Stala Zip Coda Amountd Each Dlsburssmsnl ttils Psilod Huntington Beach CA 92647-5441 Puipose d DIsburasmBiil 157.70 carsemlca L 3 CandUdeNeme nn [MEMOrTEIiq Office Sought: House Disbursemed For: 2012 CatBgny/ Sends [x| Primaiy QGansid Twe Presidsd • ottwr(spsd|y) • District: FUD Nams (LM, FM, MIddls Mtisl) TranBacttonID: D370350 Comcast Cable DaledDlsbursamant MdOng Address Haddonfleid -Beriin ROad EH'nu'ZJsiii City Zip Coda Amoud d Each [}isburs6mBd ttlis Psriod Cherry Hill NJ 08002 Purposs d Dlsburssnwrt ^ 87.55 " I offlM-"feitBmd et^Miwe org* date 3/2 CandUdeName cn OHIce Sought: House Dlsbinemsn FOR 2012 Cdegory/ [MEMO ITEM] Senate fx] Primaiy Q Ganerd Type Rtesidort CJ Ottwr (apedly) T District:

SUBTOTAL d Dlatiursemsnls This Page (opttonal) ... .,.,. w. 1 TOTAL This Psriod (tast psge this Una number only)...... „ . _.„.,....,...... 1:;; HE8AN018 FEC SchsdUlsBf FSrmS ) ptaviaadOMOOO) Imagaf 11831817778

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) FOR UNE NUMBER: PAGE 125/222 UsB sepanis 8GhBddB(s) (check on Voas) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS fV esoh odogory «r ths Dsidled Summwy Page [x|i7 ni8 nisenia Aiy Idcrmetlon ooptod from such Imports and Stslamania msy nd bs sdd or ussd by sny parson for ttw pumose d sdldtlng codrbdlons or for cammsreld puipoBBa, ottwr than udng ttw nama and address d any pdUod oommKtsB to sdkA oort NAME OF COMMITTEE (In FUU) Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee

Fdl Nama (Uwt, FM. Middb InRbQ Verizon Wireiess

MalHng Address PQ Box 17464

Ciy Z^Cods Amount d Each DtaliurssmBd ttib Psriod Baltimore MD 21297-1464 PUiposa d DisliurBsrrwd 24.06 offloecdl phona eigwnse 3 Candidaie Nams cn [MEMO ITEM] Ottiae Sought: Houae Disburasnwd FOr. 2012 Cdsgory/ Sends IxIPrimsry Qcsnerd TVpe • Ottwr (spadfy) T District: Fdl Nams (Lsd, FM, Mkfcla InMaO TiansacUonlD: D371111 Walnut Street Theatre DatedDbbursement IU 'Ul I I B • Bl I i V" V ' V Vi Mdbig Address 825 Walnut St mj UIJ ZssiD aty apCBds Amount d Each Dbbursamed ttdsPsrio d PNIadelphia PA 19107-5107 Purpose d Dtaburasmed rTTTTT 15J)0 I Csndldste Nsms cn [MEMO ITEM] OnicB SougM: Houss DIsburesmBrt For 2012 Categoiy/ Sanala Primaiy QGsnaral Tilpo Presldsrt Ottwr (spBdfy) • District: E Fill Name (Lest. FM. Mlddb InRtal) Transaelion ID: D371144 Washington Court Hotel Dale d Disbursemert

Mding Address 535 New Jersey Ave NW

ciy ZIpCode Amourt d Eadi Dtabtfsenwrt Ihta Period Washington DC 20001-2019 Purposed DbtKVSBmsrt 173SX)0 todglhg'eiipense CsndidaieNannB ^Caiegciy/ ^ TVPS [MEMO ITEM] Ottioa Sought: House DtabursenwrtFon 2012 Sensia [xIPrimary QjGsnsrd Presideiil • Ottwr (spsdly) • Slate: District: SUBTOTAL d DisbursemsnlsThb Psgs (cpttonsi) ~. • 1::::; TOTAL Thto Psriod (last page tttb Ihe number only) • 1 :: : • : i FESANOIS FEC SohsdutaB( FamiS ) (pisvtaad020009) Image* 11831817783

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) FOR UNE NUMBER: PAGE 130/222 Use sepaiBlB 8chsdds(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS fw each category d ttw Delailed Sumrravy Pegs D^** Ql* 20a n20b naoc rl2i Ary Idonndbn copied fram audi f^Mrts snd StatsmBrrts nwy nd bB sdd or used by any person tor ttw purpose d sdidlb^ or for commerdai puiposas, ottwr ttnnusin g the narne and addrnadarypoBUcalcarimiittee to soOcQcortrtbutlons from such coinmBtes NAME OF COIMMITTEE (In FUD) Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee ) Fun Nama (Lad, FM, Mlddb Idtbi) Tranaaetton ID: D371211 avis rental car Dated Dtaburssmsrt MdOng Address Fto'uts 73 1371'PT?!'Pic rri cty Zip Cods Amourt d Each Distwrssnwrt ttib f^od Mount Laurel NJ 08054 PurposB d Dlatwrsamert car rental Candidaie Name cn [MEMO ITEM] Offloe Soughl; Housa Diaburaenwrt FOR 2012 Categoiy/ Sanste Primaiy QGanard Type Preaidert EOttwr(apsdfy) T District: FUD Nams (Lad, FM, Middb MHd) Best Wireless

Mding Addrass 298 South White Horse Pike

CDy ZtpCoda Amourt d Each OisbureBmsrt tMs Period Audubon NJ 08106 11 m^i III i^..i| HI •., 11 t » in '1 604.52 { Purposod OfaburaamBrt [ •• • • "I I i«i »• • liiiBnifc » nil. • ..111.1 oHIce-ceD phoiw BifwrwB 11. .11 ll CsndldataNama Catsgory/ Type [MEMO ITEM] Offloe Soughl: |_ House DisburBBmsrt FOR 2012 Senda [xlPrtnuiy PreeldBrt • Ottwr (spedfy) • [^Strict: Ful Name (Led, FM, Mlddb InKtaO TrsnsacHonlD: D371175 C. Bloomingdales Dale d Disbursemert

MdDng Address P0 6ox8215

CDy state ZIpCode Amourt d Eaoh Dbburssmsrt ttib Period Mason OH 450404215 Purpose d Dbbursemert 462.98 gHt'for donor* c I I . III I. • I CandUdeName Cdegoiy/ Typs [MEMO ITEM] Otttoe Soughl: House Dtaburssnwd For 2012 Sonde 1x1 Primary [^^Gsnsrd PresUSrt • Ottwr (spsdly) • District:


FESANOIS FEC SdieduleB( FomiS } (Revlaed020008) Imegstt 11831817782

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 139/222 Use sepaiato 8Gh6dule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS la ssch catsgoiy d ttw DebDed Summary Page 20aM20bh20cH21 Any Infannallon cofiied (rem such Reports snd Statements may not be sold or used by ar^ perscn for the purpose d soOcUng ccnlributiana or for cornmerdd iMpoaea, ottwr tlwn using ttw nains and address d eriy poDlicd comnAlBB to8 ^ NAME OF COMMfHEE (In Fdl) Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee

FUH Name (Lad. FM. Mlddb InUaQ TraneeeUOnB): 0371182 Masses Event Rentaia Dale d Dbburssmsrt MdDng Addreee 2io South Deisea Dr. i?e^'roil'rwi Cfty zip Coda Amountd EadiOlsburssmedttita Psriod Giassboro NJ 0B02B Purposs d DiSburssmsrt 1971.21 ewert-lentalMablesfehdraAed CendiddaNsnw cn [MEMO ITEM] Ottkw Soughl: House Disbursemert For. 2012 Cdsgny/ Senate IxIPrimsiy QoBnsrd Type Prssidsrt rj Ottwr (spscify) T State: District: rUI Mama (Lad, FM, MkJdb InllU) TkanaacUonB): D371212 Massos Event Rentals Data d Dtabursemart I U ' Ifl /1 B"B| # t V V ' V VI MdOng Addreaa 210 South Delsea Dr.

CDy Stale Z^Code Amourt d Each Dbbursemert ttte Period Giassboro NJ 08028 Purpoee d Dbbuisemert 335.18 1 euert-rertato-tflbies/bhslre r~ nfc I ~i1 I ii.il I ll • il CsndlddeName cn [MEMO ITEM] Off ice Sought: House Dbbursemert For: 2012 Category/ Sonde (xjPrhnsiy QGensrd Type Presldart ^ Ottwr (spscffy) T 1District : FUI Nsms (Lsd, FM. Mlddb IdttaQ TreneaeUonlD: D371208 McDonalds Data d Dtaburssnwrt

Mdling Address 700 White Hbrse Pii«e

CDy Stale ZIpCode Amoinlof Each DIsburssmsrt thb f^silod Magnolia iSU 08049 Purpose d Olsburaemert I;:;::: 2.33 CandUdeNone cn [MEMO ITEM] OnioBSaughl: House Dbburssmsrt FSR 2012 Cdegny/ Senda [xlPrimsiy QGaneral Type I Ottwr (spedfy) T District: . c :::;; 1 FESANOIS . cFE C 8Gh8dubB( PomiS ) (Revised020000) Image* 11831817802

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 148/222 Use separata SGhBdde(B) (check only ona) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS fa eadi categoiy d ttw CMsDed Summary Page n 18 • • 1* 20a|-1abM20cM2i Ahy Irtomfidlon copied fram euch Reports and Slalsrnsrts inay nd bs sdd or ussd by any person for ttw purposa d sdidd^ or for commerdd purposes, ottwr than udng.ttw name and addresa d any poOttcd cammKleeto sdld t cortribmions from such committBS NAME OF COMMfTTEE (In FUII) Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee

Fun Nams (Lad, FM. MMdb^nllbq TransacttonID: 0371380 aubonpain Date d [)bburs6msrt

Manng Address 29S1 MexMt St

CDy Zip Coda Amourt d Each Dlsburssnwrt this Psriod Philadelphia PA 19104 Puipose d Disliursamert 42.84 [ > 11.» I msd sgqwose orig dais 2n 8 CandUdeName cn [MEMO ITEM] OfflOB Sought; Houss Dtabusanwrt FOR 2012 Catsgory/ Sanala Prhwiy rjosnsral Typo SOttwr(spedfy) w 1District : FiiD Nsnw (Lsd, FM, Middb INHsl) Tranaaetton ID: D371354 B. Beverly Hills nazaHotd Date d Disbursemart fTr-B'i I nr*Tn 11 v v ' v vi Mding Address 10300 Wilshire Blvd

CDy SisiB ZlpCoda Amouni d Each Dtaburaemert thb Period Los Angeles CA 90024-4719 Purpoae d Dbbursemert I ! ! ! ! !^ioga.79' M lodG^ng orIg dale 2/25 CendUateNama Category/ Typs [MEMO ITEM] Offbe Soughl: r| House Dbburssnwrt For 2012 nSende fxIPrimsiy Qosnsral J Preafdart [J0ttwr(8p8dfy) • District: Fdl Nams (Lsd. FM. Mlddb Infttal) TranaectfonID: D371366 Bistro Bis DatadObbursemart

Mding Address 15EStNW

CDy SiaiB Z^KkdB Amourt d Each DbbursBmertttib Perio d Washington DC 20001-1706 100.93 Pupoeed (Dbbursemert L:: msd esfwrae orig deto 3W CendUdaNama cn [MEMO ITEM] ONIca Soughl: T. Houss DislHjraamart FOR 2012 Cdegory/ IxlPrimaiy Qcsnard TVpe Q Presldsrt M Ottwr (apsdfy) yf DistrlcG 1: • OJOO . 1 TOTAL Thb Psriod (bst pagettib in e numbar only)... ^ i: ::;:: 1 FESANOIS FEC SdwdubB( FSnnS ) (pisVbsd020000) Image* 11831817635 SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) Usa separaiB schBdUb(s) FOR LINE NUMBER: IPAGE 182/222 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category d ttw (check onV ona) Dddbd Summary Page ^^ • • • ^* B 20a naOb n20c n 21 Ary MonnatM oopied fram such Reports end Sldemertt may nd bs sdd or usBd by aiv paraon for the purpose d sdlcUbv or ftf corrarwnad puiposes, ottwr ttwnusin g ths nsnw and addroBS d sty pdDlcd ccimmlitaa to scHc^ NAME OF COMMITTEG (In FdQ Rob Andrews U.S. Hotise Committee

RJD Nama (Lad. FM. Mkldb Idttal) TransacttonID: D371512 A- Best Umo Date d Dbbursemert Msiing Address 7472 Warner Ave mj L£lj LilLLJ CDy ZlpCoda Amourt d Eeoh Dbburssmsrt thb Psriod Huntington Beach CA 92647-5441 140.00 Purpose d Disbursemert •il. .* Hi I csrssniloB c CsndUsleNeme ^Ca^ciy/'^ Type [MEMO ITEM] Offica Sought. Housa Oidiursemert FOR 2012 Sanale Primary Qosnsrai Presldsrt SOttwr(spsclfy) W Dtetrict: Full Nams OLad, FM. Mlddb InUd) Tranaaetton ID: 0371535 BestUmo Date d DUbussmBrt Mding Address 7472 Wamer Ave El'Cili'Ciill] CRy Zip Cods Amourt d Eadi Dbburesmert iMs Period Huntington Beach CA 92647-5441 Jl I t • 111»• .g.i III ^..ii 111.1^ ••• |i 1^ I Purposed DistiuraBmBrt 231 X)0 car sendee CandlddBName Catsgory/ Typs [MEMO ITEM] CfflCB Sought: Housa Dbburssmsrt Fd: 2012 Primaiy Qoanard SOttwr (apeoiy) T District: Fdl Name (Led. FM. Mlddb IdUal) TfaneeetfonlO: D371538 C- Best Umo Dated Dtabursemart

MdDng Address 7472 Warner Ave

CDy Zip Cods Amourt of Each Dbburesnwrt ttib Psriod Huntington Beach CA 92647-5441 njrposed DtalNjrsemert 808.50 carserrica CandUalaNamB cn [MEMO ITEM] OHtae SougM; House Dbburaemert FOR 2012 Categoiy/ [x] Primaiy QGanaral Type jrjPresklBrt • Ottwr(Bp8dfy)V District:

StJBTOTAL d Dbburssmarta Thb Page (cpttonal). OJOO

TOTAL TMs Period dad page thb Ihe numbtf only), fCBANOIS FEC SdiedJtaB( FOnsS ) (RevtaBdQ2/2000) Image* 11031817836

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3) FOR UNE NUMBER: I PAGE 183/222 Usa sapaiato BdwdUIe(s) (check only ona) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Iff sach odsgoiy d tha Deldbd Summary f^age • ^» • • Aiy Irtormatton copied f nan euch Raporta and Sidemarta m^ nd ba add w ussd by any perso20n ftaf ttw nao purposbe drlap sondtlncg cortribu^rl2i ^ or ftf commardai purposes, ottwr Umn using the name end addresa d any poBtical commiltee.to solicit conlrftxitiona from such conranRtee NAME OF COMMITTEE On Fdi) Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee

1FUI I Name (Lad, FM, MWdb InDtaQ TranaaeUonlD: D371544 A* BestUmo Date d Dbburssnwrt

MdDng Address 7472 Wamer Ave

CDy ZipCodo Amourt d Esch Dteburaamert ttds Psriod Huntington Beach CA 92647-5441 Puipose d Disburasmsrt 154.00 carssnfca I : : ; : :. Candidato Name Category/ Type [MEMO ITEM] OffkwSougN: _ Houae Dtabursemart FbR 2012 [x| Primaiy Qoenard _ Presldert M Ottwr (spadfy) T Qstrict: RJD Name (Lad, FM. MUdb InDtaQ Tranaaetton ID: D371527 Beveriy HIlis Plaza Hotd Dale d Disbursemert

MdDng Addraee 10300 WHahire Blvd |0 8 I I 061 I -201.1 I

CDy ZIP Code Amourt d Each Dbbursamartttib Psriod Los Angeles CA 90024-4719 Purpoee d Dbbureemert 87.75 I lodglngi c a ^a • m • a » I CsndUstoNsnw cm [MEMO ITEM] Offloe SougM: House Dtaburssmsrt FOR 2012 Catagny/ Sonde fx] Primaiy Qoenard Typs JbPraeUer t • Ottitf (apodfy) • District: FuD Name (Lad. FM. MMdb Infttal) TransaeUonnO: D371S05 C Beverly HIlis Pla2a Hotel Dated DbburssRwrt MdDng Address 10300 Wilshire Blvd 'E 201.1 I CDy ZIpCodB Amourt d Each Diaburssmart thb Psriod Los Angeles CA 90024-4719 Purposa d Dtaburaamert 1453.50

Cendidale Nema Cdsgoiy/ Type [MEMO ITEM] Ottkw Soughl; House Dbbureenwrt FOR 2012 fx] Primaiy []]GenBrd Prasldsrt • 0ttwr(sp8dfy) • State: 1District :

SUBTOTAL d Dbbursemsrts THs Pege (opHonsD • r n 1 W il

TOTAL Thta Period (test psge thb Dne nuniwr only)...... FESANOIS FEC 8ehBdutaB( Forms ) (Rsvtasd0212000) 1*1



EXHIBIT E 1V1fla01112:16 Imaodlf 11871837682 PAGE1/132 r REPORT OF RECEiPTS 1 FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS For An Auttiorized Committee FORM 3 OWce Use Only 1. NAME OF TYPE OR PRI»rr T Bcample: tf typing, type | 12FE4M5 1 COMMrrTEE dn fUQ over ttie Inea. t< 1 Andrews fbr Congress i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |21SI^BUrfhA!VB. IIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADDRESS (numbsr and atmal) IIIIIII

IIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 ITJ Chacic N different than prsvioudy 1 Haddon HetoMs reported. (ACO L.I X.I.I.LJ L. 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 in IT?,, 1-1,..!


4. TYPE OF REPORT (Choose One) 12-Day PRE-Electlon Report for the: (ai) Quarteriy Reporta: Q Primery (12P) Q Generd (12G) Runoff (12R) April 15 Quarteriy Report (01) a Q Conventton (12C) 0 Spedd (12S) July 15 Quertsrty Report P2) in ttie Odober IS Quarteriy F^sport (P9) Election on faiKfcwJ limawi»^i tiiiiwWwiAnLtiiiwa State of

Janusry 31 Ybar-End Report (VIQ ((4 30-Day POST-Bection Report for ttie:

Q General (30G) Q Runoff OCR) 0 Spedal OOS)

Termination Report (TER) Inthe Election on fiiiijl MJ WwiweMaJ ll iiiiat iiiSmiiKii li State of

5. Covering Pariod ULl 01 I I .2011 through mwm 2011 / eertfiy ffiat / have exam/ned IMs Report end to Vie test af my knowledg aid beSeflt Is bue, ooaect end cemphle. TVpe or Print Name of Treasurer lib. DHaureenA. Daharty

Signature of Treasurer AfeMj—wwfAZWbrQr Date aoii

NOTE: Submission of false, erroneoueb or bioomplete biformdion mey ewbjed Ihe parson signing thb Report to the pendtles of 2 U.S.C §437g. Office Use FEC FORM 3 , Only (Rsvbad 02^2003) FESMMIS lmeodl11871837683

SUMMARY PAGE r of Receipts and Disbursements 1 FEC Fonm 3 (Revised 02/2003) Page 2 Write or Type Committee Name Andrews for Congress

Report Covering the Period: From: To:

COLUMN A COLUMN B This Period Election Cycie-to-Date 6. Net Contributtons (ottwr than ioan^

(e) Total Cortributtons pM«a«.w»«*«^^ (otherttwn loens) {fmm Une 1 1(B)) .... L..fl..» ifr.«si>r»Si«.Liu. m..i..T,..3l!!rS!!?ft.. i

(b) Totd Contributton Refunds j-«-r-«,p«.r-nr«^

(from Urw 20(d& ~ Lw»iii>.nii*iun»»nifai.rff^i*ing.i»jrfM«j> BiSMni

(c4 Net Contributione (qttiartfian loans) 32410i32 n -I (subtract l^e 6(b) from Une 6(4)...... |,jjif^,,f

7. Net Operattng Expenditures

fe) Totd Operattng Expendlturse jf""*^""^' 1S30iaj88^ j 262782JB. (from Line 17) i—twnjiawerw• • a»i *• nffiTwnn (^) Totd Offsete to Operattng p^i^^H!»»-«v..ut.,,,i|«""'S*'»J«'-iHuiiiwiw | QyQO j ExpendKures (from Une 14)...... M.. i, ..ih„ liii.iriiowiagiii,n.»miiiiii>innaiiiirii ••

pri yii.<

8. Cadi on Hand at Close of j Reporting Period (from Une 27)...... | ^ imtin^Hi miWiiiJii (PiiiiifciaAnrfvii

9. Debia and Obllgallona Owed TO ttie Convrtttee (Itemize all on I' "« -••>!• Schedule C end/or Schedule D) L..A. •rf:.»rti.i>.s- .A Ji.i.fc.-ffl. ..s^ 3 10. Debts and Obligatlona Owed BY ttie ComnMee (Itemize all on pa--w«w«-r-«w ^ Schedde C and/br Sohedule 0} |,..iJh.iMrtrwi>f.-uiii.iiiff ..irimWiiir'^ T-^-rr-i

For ftirther Information conlaet

Federai Election Commiesion 999 E Street. NW Washington. DC 20463

Toil Free BOO-424-9530 Local 202-694-1100

L J FESM018 Imaga# 11871837864

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r FEC Form 3 (Revised 12/2003) of Receipts Page 3 Write or Type Committee Name Andrews fbr Congress

Report Covering the Period: From: To: \JU LSLJ LouSlL:^^

COLUMN A COLUMN B I. RECEIPTS Total This Period Election Cycl»4o-Date

11. CONTRIBUTIONS (ottier than loans) FROM:

(a) Individuds/Persons Other Than PdlHcd Commltteee j»»*«-,««.»«nr« ^iwu^yJ^•^^^^>^lW|M^^^»llly•w^»l0^^yMlW|y.^^^»^ 22560J00 j 28180j00 ffl Itemized (Mse Schedule A) IILIU, ..m.irfHi, ,i,.i,t J uyaa 01) Unltemlzad ] ""J (|IQ TOTAL of contributione . pn^,....y.»-,....ri»vN>I i|i»giiy r r^n f immygu 22S80JQ0 2S160i)0 I fnim Indlvldude ^ 1 , . ^ . . •a>»iiitiniilW.Pimiilln •>aaiMBiatHi*Mnrfi....*»* MiAawANaalMpAMnBoiH3S (c) Ottier PoWcal Committeea |"""" e2sojoo I (such aa PACs) LA«fc«*«*-j».••iSwiift—a—ja»wJH n a

(e) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other then loan^ i—y^f '-y-y'S' 28810JOO (add Unas 11(s)(lll).(b).(0. and (d)).. L*^-su-w*,

12. TRANSFERS FROM OTHER f"'*-'**-*'— <^iHfiinajfiMmji«Hkj« OOO AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES ll 111 Jm aoo dfciniwii—ijffMHi ?iHMdftMntfnMaiJi8i"idfcinn(lltM rAu\ 13. LOANS: IW )ne^^||MRV{ OJOO I J 8.-JIH.MMAiiMahiwdi>«D*s>naiHMaI . (a) Made or Guaranteed by ttie |....y..Mi...^^»,»ywy.i..*tnr,^,.y^ wilt.BiftwiArj.iiiJ

J fan wftMiw>i»ii »ywi«^yi»najfiny«w>yijniH|iiiw.'yngnioj>twi oooj W M other Loene I„.j.„>.^, »>.FI dtuxflSuiwauiwi (l^ TOTAL LOANS »ni^fm^itmffmM\fmi^gmiiifpi^^ (add Unes 13(a) and (b)) 14. OFFSETS TO OPERATUyiG lyiyy^uumtii mi»iiiry»iiinwmyayr<»i EXPENPITURgS ^1 .iiPi •• •M^yBfi^giB ryinr ojoo I (Refiaids.RebBtes.etcj I, j>^c,.,.m.,„i.rf,.^ ssn r 15. OTHER RECEIPTS |ii««>>w«yi*igw«i.ywjiBi>i.iywMriwiyii*»tfTii.(iw >fci««ii»aiiiuJ (Dividends. Interest, etcj L»Si..,ifc,.i.w..i a ••IMUSI a. .ft^S^a.., I ! ! (c>iyiuiiitoun8!4,i»i).4)—i ,..,.,j„„...„, «„«„rnr i_ J FESANOIS ImegdD 11871837888 DETAILED SUMMARY RAGE 1 r I^C Form 3 (Revised 02/2003) of DistHjrsements Pege 4

IL DISBURSEMENTS COLUMN A COLUMN B TBtal This Period Election Cyclo-to-Date

17. OPERARNQ EXPENDITURES Lwa,.i^,...r.,i., ^.i J.ySSa-^j

16. TTV\NSFERS TO OTHER •""'y •••«r»»'iiFi»v"«B'*-'i*^"^''**B»«»| AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES L.^.*^*^,-.*^^

18. LOAN REP/VfMENTS: (a) Of Loans Made or Guaranteed p.,iP-ift«ra,»«i,w«^ I OJOO l»y the Candidate ILiinirf« • Am»eikmwtMaJi M«||nill«JliWl.\^»IW|W»yBMgMllW)j»«^ OJX) W Of Ail Ottier li«ne L»rf,»*«.s««*^ °^ (c) TOTM. LOAN REPAYMENTS \'-| (add Unee 18(s) and (b)) L*.,jh^i>.,,iH m,,,,*., SMSSBJI

20. REFUNDS OF COI^IBUTIONS TO: (e) bidlvidude/Pereona Ottier I OJOO I Then Pdttiod Commttteee L„a««*j»iifai«.uJr.»iWi.i.Aii.it..iiaw wS*. J lm»arii>fiiwiWhyiaSt>ii«il»iW8*i..ifcM>wii#tiM>fl mUi l»^pBMy|MWMMiqj«M"iP^Wjpi0.pM«>|)n«liy IWW(j( «l>iB OJOO (0) Ottier Polltleal Committees p».(f««r«»**-««-«r^^ E (suchaaPAC^. LJ.*—iii>.».i-*wii M-»mam,nttmnm,CinJMH.ifl*aiieiijii>l>m.uiA» A i (d) TOTAL CONTRIBUTION REFUNDS y.Mw-«ir-»««.^««»« .w-u^iMijr-*! 'w^|»


22. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS mvfim<9mnp»'vmtmiif»^m'»V''»v*'Hi*'^9» (add Unea 17,18.19(c}, 20(d). end 21) • L 172644*8



28Q8QLB1 I mlMKAlHHtnMa


26. TOTAL DISBURSEMEISITS THIS PERIOD (from Una 22) Lrf—i»« 17254468•

27. CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF REPORTING PERIOD p-WP-w 287484.714.72 I (eubtrect Une 26 from Una 25).. i .••i<...ii%—mii>i.>rflb,ianL.iai

L J -FESAMItS lniB0d»118718S7676

FOR UNE NUMBER: 1 PAGE 114 OF 132 SCHEDULER (FECi^orm 3) Use separate scheddef^ (checic only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each categoiy of the Deldied Sumriiaiy Page . Hi7 ni8 nio. piob Any Inrbrmatlon cophd from such Reports snd Statements msy not be eoid or usBd by any parsonlloO fbr thse purpoeri20e bof eolldttnM20gc contribution M21s or for oommBEdd.punx)S8s,.ottisr thsn. using, ttie nsoie and addraee of eny poilttcei oommBiae.to eolldt contribpttooe fiaDm.suoh commlttsa \ NAME CF COMMITTEE (|n FulQ ) AndrBws fbr Congress

Fua Name (Lssf, m, Mklda InNIaf A. Brio Date of Disburssment

Mdling Addrsss 801 Heddonleld Rd.

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Dtsbarssment ttibPerio d

Purpose of DIstMireement 13468 meal axpensa oris dde 11/16/10 IZiiZ^^ Ttaneaietfan ID: DB81388 Candidaie Nsme Category/ Type pyiEMOITEMI Office Soughl: Houss DtelMVsement Fon 2012 Ssnste 53 Primary []] Gsnsrd Pieddent IJ Othsr (spsellM Dbtrid: Fun Nama (LssL FIrd. Middle InMsO ^ broadway theater of Pitman Date of Obbuisement

MBiHng Address 438BnBdMiay

CHy TGET ZipCode Amount of Each Dbburssmsd ttib Psriod NJ 06071-4413 Purpose of Distwrsement BUD oKlbttordsnororisn ' 11/17/10 ] T^anBBtttui•A. i ID: 0881347 Candidate Nsme I . . i Cstegory/ PHEMOriEMI TVpe Office Sought House bbbursement For 2012 Sanale Primery H] Genaid Ottwr (spseliyr State: Dbtrict: Fun Name (Last, Hrd. Middle InttU} c. broadway theater of Pitman Date of Dbbursement f no'b MailingAddress 43SBmadiiMy

Cily State Zip Code Amount of Each Dbbursemant ttib Period PRnnan NJ 08071-1413 Purpose of Dbbursement 26.78 1 gR ttwdono r erig dele 11/18/10 Clfcai.a—ii|l»M.ia.ii i ftw-fti mt\ •.ia»iwSwi&i»«if •MMAMMaHBW TkMeaGflon D: D881SI7 Candklate Name Category/ Type DiEMOrrEMl OfRce Sought: House Disburssmant FOR 2012 Primary General Ottier ^PBolfV) State: Dbtrict: 0 ^(lMM^y»wvl^>)y|^||^fW^l^yw|la^Wl^|g^^^^illlw^^ OM SUBTOTAL of Dbbursamants Thb Psgs (opttonaO.... aBm>iMii»ai.MftwKr1i wn^Mi iifriirfinaiSM iifca^ti M«y»iyiiyiiLjiy.Myj.»jyiw.^»w,..« yy.

TOTAL This Psriod (lad paga thta iine number ody).

FE5MNB1S FEC Schedule B Farm a| (Raviawi tB/SOO^ 11S718S7I78

FOR UNE NUMSER: i RftGE 113 OF 132 SCHEDULES (FECJ=orm ^ Uss sspsrde sch6duta(4 (checic only oris) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for esch CBlsgory d ttia Detailed Summary Page 17 n« Pl8> B20s ilaOb 11200 1121 Any Informalion eoistad fromsuc h Rsports snd Ststamsnts msy not be sdd or ussd by any for the purpose of sdldttng contributions or fQr.oommardd.ourposaB. other ihaniuslng. the nsms Bnd.addrss8.of.anv-pdttiosl.eommKt8eto . soiidt oontittNiHons fiDmaudvjoommittea NAME OF COMMITTEE Qn FdO Andrews fbr Congress

Full Neme (tad, RM, Middle InittU) A. broacAvay theater Of Pitman Ode of DIsburssmsnt

Mdling Addrees 43 S Broadiway

CRy SlstB Zip Cods Amoud of Esch Dbburssmsd thb Psriod

NJ 08071-1413 4 1 Purpose of Diabursement pM^pM^fMMtia 28.75 1 gttbrdenor odB dale IIOVIO Ttanaeetloa ID: D881328 Cendldate Nema Category/ TVpe PUBMOrFEMO Office Sought: House nsburssmant FOR 2012 Ssnsta Primsry Gsnsrd President fj Ottwr (spscHV) Stale: DbMot: FUB Nema OLad, Hrd, Middia IntttaQ COSI Date of DistwrsBmsnt

MdHng Address ii28Wainut

Zip Code Amounmwmt of EBch DtaliursBmBr t thb Psriod PMtade^Ma PA 18107 mwrnpiw Hill H|iwi|^nitii.i-«r"«J"«»l»'"'»"' Purpose of blsbumemsnt OM msaleKpenaB oifgdalB 11/18f10 jk—|iw«iikwiit?iM>»Anw>^» iwvtmtiitxJki.

Candidata Name Category/ Tran8aellOBlD:D881S62 Type PHEMOfTBiq Onioe Sought: House Dtabursament FOR 2012 Seneta I Primary fH Genard President Ottwr (spedfy) Stde: Dbttid: FuH Name (Last, Ffrd, Middle InitbO c. DunklnDonuls Dde of Disbursement

MeBIng Address vmb Korea PDw

Ctty State Zip Code Amounm%m:t of Each OsburBflmant thb Psriod NJ M nfwniiiim^^«im^«miifiiv..iyiwy Purpose of Dbburssmsnl 2.71 maal expenee otlg dale 11/18/10 L^U^iit.Mii w^iaittrfWwIiw.iiltii .i>fln • ft. 1111 BiiiLljuilllLLj iD:D381361 Cendldete Name Category/ Type PttBIOnEMl Oflice Soughfc House Disbursemsnt FOR 2012 Senete Primary f] Gsnsrd Prsdded S Ottwr (spBdfyT State: DIdrict: iH>iiil»yilir|yiiiiiHiim>. oioo H SUBTOTAL of Dlsburasmsnts Thta Psga (optlonsQ. l«JUlBBlfa»»Sl|»ajMilMS>IIBtllLUA«IIUaMildlUll»J.M»3

TOTAL Thta Period (lad page ttib flne number only). •.iii>fci»»ifliii.|liiiui^ rCBMWIS FEC aelMdde a (Fdrm ai (RoviBaif OBAOOS) imegdlf 11871837882

FOR LINE NUMBER: \PAGE 131 OF 132 SCHEDULES (FEC Form 3) Uss sspsrdB schedubM (check only ons) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each categoiy of ttw Dstdlsd Summsry Psge 17 •« nitts niflb B20S noOb n20c 1X121 Any IdormsUon copied from such Rsports snd Stdsmente may not ba sdd or ussd tiy any parson lor the purpoae d eolldttng contributions or for.commeirid pumosa^ other thani using ttwnsm e andLadrtass-jf-smfLpoittod oommHtae to edidt cortributtons fmrn surtti-cooimittea NAME OF COMMITTEE (^ FulQ Andrews fbr Congress

FuR Nsma i^asC First. Midda InttO^ A. Alfredo Santiago Endowed Scholarehip Dale of DIsburesrhsnt

Maftig Addmas 321 OooparSt

Ctty State Zip Code Amount of Each Dbtwrsemert ttttsPsrio d CamdBfl NJ 08102-1618 Purposs of Dtaburssmsnt Dondlon-GataAd ^wwdlimJbuiJ ItanaeBtten ID: 0888142 (#andldde Nema Category/ Type Office Sought: House DistHjrsement FOR 2012 Primsry Q Gsneid Othsr (specify) Stetec DMricb FuO Nsme (Lad. Rrst, MIddls mitid) 3^ The Black Law Student's Association Dste of Dlsburasment

Mdling Address 211llerthRfth8lmel

Bl^ ZipCode Amount of Esch Disburssmant thb Psriod Csmden NJ 08102 F*urpose of DtetMirsemsnt 180i» 1J donatton* Ad -JJ Tranaaetton 10:0880180 Cendidato Name Category/ c Type Oflice Sought: House Disbursemanl FOR 2012 Sonde Primaiy rnGsnarsI Pvsddent fi Ottwr (Bpsdfy) State: District: Fun Nama (Lad. First, Midds IntttaQ c. The Cherokee Drama Guild Dale of Dbburasment

MailingAddress goEuslonRd.

Ctty Slate Zip Code Amounmumt of Eaoh Dbburaemait t thb Pariod NJ Purposs of Dfabufssmsrit 'I25jb0 j denattsi^Ad I wnSaiMbuHl ID:D880121 Candidaie Name Category/ Typs Offlce Sought: House DIstnssBment FOR 2012 Senete I Primary Gsnsrd Presidenl Ottwr (spaeNV) Dtablcl: ijwi»iyiii.i^fwH.iwiy»|iiijliiiin^i.nn>wi^iii«t 1*^ S2I5A> \ SUBTOTAL of Disburssmsnts Thta Page (opIionSO- IMUI

TOTAL Thb Period (tad pegs Ihto Kna numbar ody). EI4lMti|UnnRiiiBBChMai|W«B B

FESANOIS FEC adwduto B (Form ai (RevlMd 020008) lnMBd» 11871837883

FOR LINE NUMBER: 1 RAGE 132 OF 132 SCHEDULE B (FEC Form ^ Use esparda 8Chsdul6(8|) (check only on^ for ssch category of the ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS • 17 nio PlOs niOb Deldied Summary Page MOOa llOOb 11200 |5(|21 Any Information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sdd or used by any person for the purpose d sofcRIng conttlbuUons or for.oammerdd.ouinos8R,iOther thsn udng the nsms snd .sddrBss.of any poHUcd eommlltaa.to sdldt oontributions foam .such.commtttae. \ NAME OF COMMITTEE On Full) ) Andrews fbr Congress

FuU Name>|Mar, FUM; Middle InttttiO A. The Cooper Foundation Data of Dbbursement prrtn , »irr^vww Mdbig Addiess OneCeeparPtaa

CHy Stde Zip Code Amoum of Each Disbursement ttds Period Camdan NJ 08103 Piapose of DistMirssmsnt 1780J0O I TtanaecHon 10:0388124 Candkiate Nome Category/ Type Ofttca Sought: House DIsburssmsnt FOR 2012 Senete Primary { \ Generd [j Ottwr (^HM Stde: Dbtrid: Full Name (Lad. FIrd. Mkldle inlttsQ ^ WlBlnut Street Theatre Ode ol DblwieemaM Mdibig Address aZttWdaulSt mm C15 state Zip Code /Vmount of Each DbburssmBrt ttib Psriod PA 18107-6107 Purpose of Dtaburasmsni I 12SD0Jn Gata donatton Ttanaeellon ID: 0380133 CandUate Name Cstegory/ Type Offlce Soughb House Disburssmani FOR 2012 Senate Primary F] Gsnsrd PrssldBd Othsr (SpscHy) Statee Otattk± 0 Fun Neme (Lad, nrei. Middle Inttta^ c. Toys R US Date of Dbbureement 1*1 r IT *y"*^Vv"jj Menng Address Rt38Ead

Ctty Stste Zip Code Amount of Each DbtMjrsemwit ttib Period ChsnyHI NJ 08002 l«^«a4|BfM^||M*i%*MPiQIH«f|«M Purpose Of Dtaburaanwnl demttkn-leye briBlserip dale 12n3no «A—i^ft•»ll^^[w^^•MSa^^ll^J^w^'^tl^iJ^ul>l•^ ' . iBiaijfawiyMmiiawnwM/^Myiway 18525X» I TOTAL Thto Period (lad page thto Une number only).

FESMWIS FEO Sdwduto B ORmi 3| (Rsvlsod 02/2000)