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Download JANUARY 1977.Pdf (/J t t7'Vt"'-"-'~ ~r Law Enforcement Bulletin JANUARY 1977 Federal Bureau of Investigation Clarence M. Kelley, Director Law Enforcement Bullet; i CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR ". much can be done to more knowl• edgeably and effectively handle those victim• ized by crime and insure that we are sufficiently responsive to their needs." JANUARY 1977 THE "10-8" SHOW: A SUCCESSFUL POLICE INFORMATION VENTURE, by Arthur J. Brighton, VOL. 46, NO. 1 Jr., Community Relations Unit, Police Division, Hampton, Va. 3 POLICE PERSONAL PROBLEMS-PRACTICAL CON• SIDERATIONS FOR ADMINISTRATORS by Howard D. Teten and John W. Minderman, Special Agents, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. 8 HELICOPTER RAPPELLING IN lAW ENFORCE• MENT, by David J. Kriskovich, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. 16 "A MORE BALANCED CORRECTIONS PHI• LOSOPHY," by Hon. Norman A. Carlson, Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. De• partment of Justice, Washington, D.C. 22 CONSENT SEARCH AND THE ASSUMPTION OF RISK, by Donald J. McLaughlin, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. 26 $50,000 SURVIVORS' BENEFITS AUTHORIZED IF Published by the OFFICER KILLED IN LINE OF DUTY 31 FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION WANTED BY THE FBI 32 THE COVER UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT of JUSTICE The photograph on this month's cover captures in dramatic fashion a highly Washington, D.C. 20535 innovative and useful law enforcement technique, helicopter rappelling. See related article beginning on page 16 of this issue. IN SEEKING TO BETTER U DERSTAND and more role of the victim in the solution of cases also effectively cope with crime, a consideration of clearly warrants a special concern by the con• its victims is of critical importance. tacting officer. Indeed, a recent study involving The plight of this growing legion of victims a number of serious offenses indicated that in represents not only a profoundly tragic aspect more than half of those cases solved, the police of our Nation's crime problem but a highly crit• learned of the identity of the suspects through ical challenge in our administration of criminal victim reports. In many such instances, a co• justice. Unfortunately, statistical data barely operative attitude on the part of the victim and a willingness to provide needed information may suggest the shocking magnitude of crime's impact largely hinge on the manner in which the officer upon our populace. We can only surmise-and feebly at that-something of the awesome toll in has handled the contact. individual suffering and personal loss that crime The importance of this victim cooperation exacts from our society. It is, however, in these extends beyond the successful solution and terms of victimization that the full extent and prosecution of the cases themselves. Detailed implications of lawlessness must ultimately be information regarding a crime-information assessed. that the victim alone is able to furnish-provides Although the police profession has generally a valuable basis for analyzing and countering endeavored to render prompt and considerate incidents of a similar nature. treatment to crime victims, much can be done to In order to provide the fullest measure of more knowledgeably and effectively handle those service to crime victims, appropriate personnel victimized by crime and insure that we are suffi• should be cognizant of whatever social services ciently responsive to their needs. and community rehabilitation programs might In dealing with the victims of crime, partic• be of additional aid. In those States where vic• ularly in those instances where violence has tims are entitled to compensation in relation to occurred, the police officer should be prepared certain crimes, officers should be aware of these to exhibit, among other profe sional attributes, benefits and the procedures under which they a high degree of sensitivity, compassion, and may be obtained. As a further means of im• interviewing skills. The welfare of the victim is, proving police service to those victimized by of course, a foremost consideration, and in this crime, many agencies have developed special regard, care should be taken by the contacting squads, often comprised of policewomen, to officer to avoid needlessly adding to the traumatic deal with offenses involving women and young effects of the crime experience. The often crucial children. MESSAGE It is encouraging to find that in some jurisdic• One of the great traditions of our Nation's tions the courts have by streamlining the judi• judicial system has been to zealously protect the cial process eased the burden on victims rights and privileges of the criminally accused. in connection with prosecutive action. Note• Let us also do our utmost to insure that our worthy, too, has been the increasing number of administration of criminal justice is equally victims who have instituted civil actions against distinguished by a concern for the welfare of offenders. those innocently victimized by crime. CLARENCE M. KELLEY JANUARY 1, 1977 Director THE "10_8 u SHOW A Successful Police Information Venture By ARTHUR J. BRIGHTON, JR. Community Relations Unit Police Division Hampton, Va. Hampton, Va., is a community of half­hour television programs relating approximately 133,000 citizens situ- to law enforcement and the com- ated in the tidewater area of south- munity. "The project's purpose is eastern Virginia. Primary police serv- threefold," explains Hampton's Chief ice for this community is provided by of Police, P. G. Minetti. "First, we the Hampton Police Division with a hope to enlighten the community to complement of 174 officers. our problems, so they can be more The leadership of the Hampton Po- fully aware of the legal and com- lice Division recognizes that a lawen- munity service difficulties with which forcement agency is only as effective we are constantly confronted. Second, as the support it receives from the we believe it is important for the citi- community it serves. Without both the zens to understand our operational tacit and active support of the citi- procedure, thus permitting them to zenry, the maintenance of peace, make more efficient use of our serv- order, and security would be an al- ices. Finally, and perhaps most im- most impossible task. "The combining of portantly, we offer programs detail- With this in mind, the Hampton expertise in t.wo fields­ ing various aspects of crime preven- Police Division, in cooperation with law enforcement and tele­ tion, realizing that the most successful Warner Cable Television of Hamp- vision communications­ crime deterrent projects are those in ton, has been involved in a project of has proved beneficial to which members of the community preparing and presenting a series of both." willingly participate." January 1977 3 The program's title, "10-8," was prepared were produced, written, and selected as the show is a serious effort directed by members of the police di• to provide a very important service to vision, with capable technical assist• the community. "10-8" is, of course, ance from members of the cablevision standard police radio code signifying staff. The cable station makes its studio that an officer or unit is "in service." and processing rooms available, while police officers and other volunteers Public Service Time Donated perform the necessary acting duties. The resulting programs are thereby Communicating crime prevention techniques and other important in• "The listening audience formation to the public has always for the '10-8' program is estimated at 20,000-25,000 "Programs in the series persons and includes view­ ••• were produced, written, ers in both Hampton and and directed by members Newport News." of the police division, with Chief P. G. Minelli capable technical assistance produced with a minimal amount of from members oj the cable­ set, the station manager expressed expense. The listening audience for the vision staff." considerable enthusiasm and interest "10-8" program is estimated at in cooperating. He offered to donate 20,000-25,000 persons and includes been a basic mission of the Hampton at least a half-hour of air time weekly, viewers in both Hampton and New• Police Division's Community Rela• as a public service, and to provide port ews. tions Unit (CRU), but, as with most the necessary technical assistance to The combining of expertise in two municipal governments, activities of prerecord the program on video tape. fields-law enforcement and televi• this nature are limited due to various This cable TV station is part of a sep• sion communications-has proved monetary constraints. With this arate network providing varied pro• beneficial to both. Members of the thought in mind, the commander of graming to residents of private homes, Community Relations Unit, who pro• the CRU visited the local cable tele• and other interested viewers, for a vide much of the support for the vision station in an attempt to solicit monthly fee. project, have applied their new-found assistance and support. From the out- Programs in the series subsequently experience in preparing other pro- The "bucket truck" provided an aerial view at video-taping scene. 4 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin The chase scene for the drunk driver show ended on a dead-end street. grams designed for use in the com• selected, finite planning began in ing and related preparations. munity, and the television network earnest. The scripts were not written The programs have depicted a personnel have become more knowl• verbatim, but instead, a fully devel• variety of operations, problems, and edgeable and appreciative of the oped outline was formulated to steer procedures in the law enforcement operations of local law enforcement. the course of "conversation" pro• spectrum. A large number of the shows The first programs prepared were grams or, during dramatic presenta• stressed the trials and tribulations aired in mid-1975 with an 8 p.m.
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