Post Office Greenock Directory
GREENOCK PUBLIC LIBRARIES 11 REFERENCE DEPARTMENT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland . PREFACE The Publishers have much pleasure in presenting to I Friends and the Public generally, the Seventeenth EcM of the G-reeitock Post-Office Directory; and they f certain that it will be found as correct and as useful as former occasions. To the Shipowners of the Port, to several Official g€; men, and to the Secretaries of the various Societies, enumerated in the Appendix, the Publishers respectfully turn thanks for the valuable information furnished by t hei There will, of necessity, be a number of occupiers houses whose names have been omitted to be inserted in t. General Directory : over this, however, the Publishers ha no control. They have endeavoured to ascertain the m...;< of the parties removing to the numerous new prop* which have recently been erected, and are now erec and they have been only partially successful. Others, a have removed from their former houses, and are unal obtain accommodation in consequence of the scarcit dwellings. It is to be hoped, however, that this want w soon be supplied, and that all classes of the community shortly be comfortably housed. Post-Office, Greenock, June, 1864. ,...,.... .«.....,.,.,., ......,.... CONTENTS PAGE, Preface. Stamp Duties. Calendar. Post Office Directory, .. , , 1 Trades and Professions, . .. 231 Late Names, . , ( . 271 APPENDIX. Adjuster of Imperial Weights and Measures, . 22 Banking Houses, . 43 Bowling and Greenock Towing Company, . 84 Building Societies, . 34 Burgh, and Police Court, . ....... 37 Caledonian Kailway Company, . 32 Carriers, .
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