NTC Adds World Cup Fields
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GATORS SWIPE SEC TITLE, NO. 1 SEED, SPORTS B1 LEESBURG, FLORIDA Monday, March 17, 2014 www.dailycommercial.com UF STABBING: Report reveals LIVING HEALTHY: Volunteers cuddle details of attack, suspect death, A3 babies too sick to leave hospital, C1 CLERMONT Crimeans vote NTC adds World Cup fields overwhelmingly ROXANNE BROWN | Staff Writer and we’re excited that we were [email protected] “South Lake County able to provide them with what they needed,” Johns wo $400,000 multipur- has a niche in sports for secession said. pose/World Cup soc- tourism, ecotourism, Couch said the two World cer fields were unveiled JOHN-THOR DAHLBURG Russian troops now in T adventure tourism Cup soccer fields can also and MIKE ECKEL the strategic Black Sea to the public last week at the serve as four modified fields. Associated Press National Training Center in and heritage tourism. peninsula after seiz- Information provided by the Clermont. It is a true economic SIMFEROPOL, ing it two weeks ago. chamber said the NTC wel- NTC spokesperson Kim Ukraine — Fireworks But after the polls development driver in comes more than 250,000 vis- Couch said the fields can be exploded and Russian closed late Sunday, iting athletes to its facilities used for soccer, lacrosse, flag that it provides jobs and flags fluttered above crowds of ethnic Rus- each year, which South Lake football and other sports. creates new wealth in jubilant crowds Sun- sians in the region- Chamber of Commerce Presi- Paul Johns, NTC’s chief op- day after residents in al Crimean capital of the community....” dent Ray San Fratello said en- erating officer, said he be- Crimea voted over- Simferopol erupted Ray San Fratello ergizes the local economy. lieves the fields will bene- whelmingly to secede with jubilant chants South Lake Chamber of Commerce “South Lake County has a fit Lake County because they from Ukraine and in the main square, President niche in sports tourism, ec- will attract even more teams join Russia. The Unit- overjoyed at the pros- otourism, adventure tour- — along with sports fans and ed States and Europe pect of once again be- were needed because local ism and heritage tourism,” players’ families and friends condemned the ballot coming part of Russia. groups and organizations use he said. “It is a true econom- — who will spend money The Crimea refer- them, too. That’s why county ic development driver in that as illegal and destabi- on food, lodging and other endum offered voters officials contributed $400,000 it provides jobs and creates lizing and were expect- things. the choice of seeking from their county-wide parks new wealth in the communi- ed to slap sanctions “This certainly will be a big annexation by Rus- and recreation budget to ty through visitors spending against Russia for it. impact to south Lake County,” sia or remaining in build them. at our hotels, dining in our Ukraine’s new gov- he said. Ukraine with great- “We, along with the county, restaurants and buying goods ernment in Kiev The NTC already has five er autonomy. After 50 wanted to take care of com- and services typical of tourists called the referen- multipurpose fields, but more percent of the ballots munity leagues and clubs, from our stores.” dum a “circus” di- rected at gunpoint by were counted, Mikhail Moscow — referring Malishev, head of the to the thousands of SEE VOTE | A2 Timeline: Key events in Ukraine’s political crisis Associated Press Nov. 30: Images of protesters bloodied Key events in by police truncheons Ukraine’s political cri- spread quickly and sis: galvanize public sup- Nov. 21, 2013: Pres- port for the demon- ident Viktor Yanu- strations. kovych’s government Dec. 1: A pro- announces it’s aban- doning an agreement test attracts around to strengthen ties with 300,000 people on Ki- the European Union ev’s Independence and instead seeking Square, known as the LINDA CHARLTON / SPECIAL TO THE DAILY COMMERCIAL closer cooperation Maidan, the largest Lacrosse teams from Ithaca College and Stevenson warm up for a game on one of the new fields at the National Training with Moscow. Protest- since the 2004 Orange Center in Clermont on Friday. ers take to the streets. SEE TIMELINE | A2 US cites national security as reason to censor, deny records TED BRIDIS and JACK GILLUM answer records requests, the tivities last year were their Associated Press analysis found. worst since President Barack The government’s own fig- Obama took office. WASHINGTON — The In a year of intense pub- Obama administration more ures from 99 federal agen- lic interest over the Nation- often than ever censored cies covering six years show al Security Agency’s sur- government files or outright that half way through its sec- denied access to them last ond term, the administra- veillance programs, the year under the U.S. Freedom tion has made few meaning- government cited national of Information Act, accord- ful improvements in the way security to withhold infor- ing to a new analysis of fed- it releases records despite its mation a record 8,496 times eral data by The Associated promises from Day 1 to be- — a 57 percent increase over Press. come the most transparent a year earlier and more than The administration cited administration in history. double Obama’s first year, more legal exceptions it said In category after category when it cited that reason justified withholding ma- — except for reducing num- 3,658 times. The Defense terials and refused a record bers of old requests and a Department, including the number of times to turn over slight increase in how of- NSA, and the CIA accounted files quickly that might be ten it waived copying fees — for nearly all those. The Ag- J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE / AP especially newsworthy. Most the government’s efforts to riculture Department’s Farm Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., leaves the agencies also took longer to be more open about its ac- SEE RECORDS | A2 chamber at the Capitol in Washington, on Tuesday. INDEX DIVERSIONS C6 OBITUARIES A4 Vol. 138 LEGALS D1 SPORTS B1 TODAY’S WEATHER CLASSIFIED D1 No. 76 50¢ LIVING HEALTHY C1 VOICES A7 Detailed forecast 79˚/65˚ COMICS C6 4 sections CROSSWORDS D1 STATE/REGION A3 WORLD A6 on page A8. Mostly cloudy with T-storms. 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Activists seize Feb. 27: Masked gunmen LOTTERY Kiev City Hall. seize regional parliament MARCH 16 Dec. 17: Russian President and government buildings Vladimir Putin announces in Crimea. Ukraine’s gov- CASH 3 ...............................................7-3-6 Moscow will buy $15 billion ernment pledges to pre- Afternoon ..........................................2-6-1 worth of Ukrainian govern- vent a national breakup PLAY 4 .............................................3-2-5-0 ment bonds and cut the with strong backing from Afternoon .......................................6-8-7-9 price Ukraine pays for Rus- the West. Yanukovych is sian natural gas. granted refuge in Russia. MARCH 15 Feb. 28: Ukraine says FANTASY 5 ........................... 5-10-15-17-32 VADIM GHIRDA / AP Jan. 22, 2014: Three pro- testers die during a con- Russian troops have taken FLORIDA LOTTO ............. 16-24-26-40-41-45 A woman casts her ballot in the Crimean referendum in frontation with police. up positions around strate- Simferopol, Ukraine, on Sunday. POWERBALL........................ 2-5-34-51-58-9 Jan. 28: The prime min- gic locations on the Crime- ister resigns and parlia- an Peninsula. Ukraine’s VOTE “It’s like they’re ment repeals harsh an- parliament adopts a res- ti-protest laws that set off olution demanding that FROM PAGE A1 crazy Texans in THE NEWSPAPER OF CHOICE FOR LAKE AND SUMTER COUNTIES SINCE 1875 the violence. Russia halt steps it says are western Ukraine. aimed against Ukraine’s The Daily Commercial (ISSN 0896-1042) is published daily for referendum commit- Feb. 16: Opposition ac- $90.74 per year (plus Florida sales tax) by Halifax Media Group sovereignty and territorial at 212 East Main Street, Leesburg, Florida. Periodicals postage is tee, said more than 95 Imagine if the tivists end their occupa- paid at the USPO, Leesburg, FL. POSTMASTER: Send all address tion of Kiev City Hall in ex- integrity. changes to The Daily Commercial, P.O. Box 490007, Leesburg, FL percent of voters had Texans suddenly March 1: Troops under 34749-0007. All material contained in this edition is property of approved splitting off change for the release of The Daily Commercial and is protected under the copyright laws of took over power apparent Russian com- the United States of America. Reproduction is forbidden without and joining Russia. all 234 jailed protesters. written consent from the publisher. (in Washington) Feb. 18: Protesters attack mand take over Crimea Opponents of se- without firing a shot. The HOW TO REACH US and told everyone police lines and set fires out- MISSED YOUR NEWSPAPER? cession appeared Kiev government and its REDELIVERY NOT AVAILABLE IN side parliament after it stalls ALTOONA OR SUMTER to have stayed away they should Western supporters are on a constitutional reform 365-8200 Sunday, denouncing speak Texan.” powerless to react.