Masters Tract Stormwater Treatment Facility List 7756 Hub Bailey Rd, Hastings, FL 32145 - St. Johns County, , US eBird Field Checklist used to create this list for St. Johns County Audubon

This checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. St. Johns County Audubon encourages you to consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide. Go to to learn more!

Waterfowl Grebes Shorebirds Herons, Ibis, and Allies __Black-bellied Whistling-Duck __Pied-billed Grebe __Black-necked Stilt __American Bittern __Snow Goose __Black-bellied Plover __Least Bittern __Swan Goose (Domestic type) Pigeons and Doves __Semipalmated Plover __Great Blue Heron __Killdeer __Canada Goose __Eurasian Collared-Dove __Great Egret __Stilt Sandpiper __Muscovy Duck __Common Ground-Dove __Snowy Egret __Least Sandpiper __Wood Duck __Mourning Dove __Little Blue Heron __Western Sandpiper __Blue-winged Teal __Tricolored Heron __Northern Shoveler Cuckoos __Short-billed Dowitcher __Cattle Egret __Long-billed Dowitcher __Gadwall __Yellow-billed Cuckoo __Green Heron __Wilson's Snipe __Mallard __Black-crowned Night-Heron __Spotted Sandpiper __Mallard (Domestic type) Swifts __Yellow-crowned Night- __Mottled Duck __Solitary Sandpiper Heron __Chimney Swift __Mallard/ __Greater Yellowlegs __White Ibis __Lesser Yellowlegs __Northern Pintail Hummingbirds __Glossy Ibis __Green-winged Teal __Greater/Lesser Yellowlegs __White-faced Ibis __Ruby-throated __Redhead __Glossy/White-faced Ibis Hummingbird __Ring-necked Duck Gulls, Terns, and __Roseate Spoonbill Skimmers __Greater Scaup Rails, Gallinules, and __Bonaparte's Gull __Lesser Scaup Allies __Greater/ __Laughing Gull __Sora __Bufflehead __Ring-billed Gull __Common Gallinule __Hooded Merganser __Herring Gull __American Coot __Red-breasted Merganser __Forster's Tern

__Ruddy Duck Storks __Limpkin __Wood Stork

Cranes Cormorants and Anhingas __Sandhill Crane __Anhinga __Double-crested Cormorant

Pelicans __Brown Pelican

Vultures, Hawks, and Allies Vireos Catbirds, Mockingbirds, Wood-Warblers __Black Vulture __White-eyed Vireo and Thrashers __Northern Waterthrush __Turkey Vulture __Blue-headed Vireo __Gray Catbird __Black-and-white Warbler __Osprey __Brown Thrasher __Orange-crowned Warbler __Swallow-tailed Kite Jays, Magpies, Crows, __Northern Mockingbird __Common Yellowthroat and Ravens __Snail Kite __Northern Parula __Northern Harrier __Blue Jay Starlings and Mynas __Yellow Warbler __Sharp-shinned Hawk __American Crow __European Starling __Palm Warbler __Cooper's Hawk __Fish Crow __Pine Warbler __Bald Eagle Wagtails and Pipits __Yellow-rumped Warbler Martins and Swallows __Red-shouldered Hawk __American Pipit __Yellow-throated Warbler __Short-tailed Hawk __Northern Rough-winged __Prairie Warbler __Red-tailed Hawk Swallow Finches, Euphonias, and __Wilson's Warbler __Purple Martin Allies Owls __Tree Swallow __American Goldfinch Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and __Great Horned Owl __Barn Swallow Allies __Barred Owl New Sparrows __Northern Cardinal Tits, Chickadees, and __Blue Grosbeak Titmice __Grasshopper Sparrow Kingfishers __Chipping Sparrow __Carolina Chickadee __Belted Kingfisher __Field Sparrow __Tufted Titmouse __White-crowned Sparrow

Woodpeckers __Vesper Sparrow Wrens __Yellow-bellied Sapsucker __Savannah Sparrow __House Wren __Red-bellied Woodpecker __Song Sparrow __Sedge Wren __Downy Woodpecker __Lincoln's Sparrow __Marsh Wren __Pileated Woodpecker __Swamp Sparrow __Carolina Wren __Northern Flicker __Eastern Towhee

Gnatcatchers Falcons and Caracaras Blackbirds __Blue-gray Gnatcatcher __American Kestrel __Eastern Meadowlark

__Merlin __Orchard Oriole Kinglets __Peregrine Falcon __Red-winged Blackbird __Ruby-crowned Kinglet __Bronzed Cowbird Tyrant Flycatchers: Pewees, __Brown-headed Cowbird Kingbirds, and Allies Thrushes __Common Grackle __Eastern Phoebe __Eastern Bluebird __Boat-tailed Grackle __Ash-throated Flycatcher __American Robin

Shrikes __Loggerhead Shrike

This bird list was compiled by St. Johns County Audubon using the eBird Field List online. You can create similar lists from eBird by visiting and exploring the many hotspots for birding.