Masters Tract Stormwater Treatment Facility Bird List 7756 Hub Bailey Rd, Hastings, FL 32145 - St. Johns County, Florida, US eBird Field Checklist used to create this list for St. Johns County Audubon This checklist is generated with data from eBird (ebird.org), a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. St. Johns County Audubon encourages you to consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide. Go to ebird.org to learn more! Waterfowl Grebes Shorebirds Herons, Ibis, and Allies __Black-bellied Whistling-Duck __Pied-billed Grebe __Black-necked Stilt __American Bittern __Snow Goose __Black-bellied Plover __Least Bittern __Swan Goose (Domestic type) Pigeons and Doves __Semipalmated Plover __Great Blue Heron __Killdeer __Canada Goose __Eurasian Collared-Dove __Great Egret __Stilt Sandpiper __Muscovy Duck __Common Ground-Dove __Snowy Egret __Least Sandpiper __Wood Duck __Mourning Dove __Little Blue Heron __Western Sandpiper __Blue-winged Teal __Tricolored Heron __Northern Shoveler Cuckoos __Short-billed Dowitcher __Cattle Egret __Long-billed Dowitcher __Gadwall __Yellow-billed Cuckoo __Green Heron __Wilson's Snipe __Mallard __Black-crowned Night-Heron __Spotted Sandpiper __Mallard (Domestic type) Swifts __Yellow-crowned Night- __Mottled Duck __Solitary Sandpiper Heron __Chimney Swift __Mallard/Mottled Duck __Greater Yellowlegs __White Ibis __Lesser Yellowlegs __Northern Pintail Hummingbirds __Glossy Ibis __Green-winged Teal __Greater/Lesser Yellowlegs __White-faced Ibis __Ruby-throated __Redhead __Glossy/White-faced Ibis Hummingbird __Ring-necked Duck Gulls, Terns, and __Roseate Spoonbill Skimmers __Greater Scaup Rails, Gallinules, and __Bonaparte's Gull __Lesser Scaup Allies __Greater/Lesser Scaup __Laughing Gull __Sora __Bufflehead __Ring-billed Gull __Common Gallinule __Hooded Merganser __Herring Gull __American Coot __Red-breasted Merganser __Forster's Tern __Ruddy Duck Limpkin Storks __Limpkin __Wood Stork Cranes Cormorants and Anhingas __Sandhill Crane __Anhinga __Double-crested Cormorant Pelicans __Brown Pelican Vultures, Hawks, and Allies Vireos Catbirds, Mockingbirds, Wood-Warblers __Black Vulture __White-eyed Vireo and Thrashers __Northern Waterthrush __Turkey Vulture __Blue-headed Vireo __Gray Catbird __Black-and-white Warbler __Osprey __Brown Thrasher __Orange-crowned Warbler __Swallow-tailed Kite Jays, Magpies, Crows, __Northern Mockingbird __Common Yellowthroat and Ravens __Snail Kite __Northern Parula __Northern Harrier __Blue Jay Starlings and Mynas __Yellow Warbler __Sharp-shinned Hawk __American Crow __European Starling __Palm Warbler __Cooper's Hawk __Fish Crow __Pine Warbler __Bald Eagle Wagtails and Pipits __Yellow-rumped Warbler Martins and Swallows __Red-shouldered Hawk __American Pipit __Yellow-throated Warbler __Short-tailed Hawk __Northern Rough-winged __Prairie Warbler __Red-tailed Hawk Swallow Finches, Euphonias, and __Wilson's Warbler __Purple Martin Allies Owls __Tree Swallow __American Goldfinch Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and __Great Horned Owl __Barn Swallow Allies __Barred Owl New World Sparrows __Northern Cardinal Tits, Chickadees, and __Blue Grosbeak Titmice __Grasshopper Sparrow Kingfishers __Chipping Sparrow __Carolina Chickadee __Belted Kingfisher __Field Sparrow __Tufted Titmouse __White-crowned Sparrow Woodpeckers __Vesper Sparrow Wrens __Yellow-bellied Sapsucker __Savannah Sparrow __House Wren __Red-bellied Woodpecker __Song Sparrow __Sedge Wren __Downy Woodpecker __Lincoln's Sparrow __Marsh Wren __Pileated Woodpecker __Swamp Sparrow __Carolina Wren __Northern Flicker __Eastern Towhee Gnatcatchers Falcons and Caracaras Blackbirds __Blue-gray Gnatcatcher __American Kestrel __Eastern Meadowlark __Merlin __Orchard Oriole Kinglets __Peregrine Falcon __Red-winged Blackbird __Ruby-crowned Kinglet __Bronzed Cowbird Tyrant Flycatchers: Pewees, __Brown-headed Cowbird Kingbirds, and Allies Thrushes __Common Grackle __Eastern Phoebe __Eastern Bluebird __Boat-tailed Grackle __Ash-throated Flycatcher __American Robin Shrikes __Loggerhead Shrike This bird list was compiled by St. Johns County Audubon using the eBird Field List online. You can create similar lists from eBird by visiting https://ebird.org/hotspots and exploring the many hotspots for birding. .
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