Krishna Dist Has Only 3 Food Safety Officers with Limited Staff & Vehicles, Conducting Frequent Raids Became a Herculean Task for the Food Safety Department
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Contractors not supplying quality commodities for Chandranna Number of FIRs filed in the Kanuka and other such schemes Paritala Sunita, 1,47,737 State in 2016 till date Civil Supplies will be blacklisted minister 03 VIJAYAWADA FRIDAY 23�12�2016 Krishna dist has only 3 food safety officers With limited staff & vehicles, conducting frequent raids became a herculean task for the food safety department Staff crunch in EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE @ Vijayawada realm of reason/ said an official in the food safety department' dept <!TH )i*aya(ada emerging as a food- 5!t has +ecome a herculean tas$ for ies; capital and (ith a fair chun$ of its the officials to conduct raids on hotels One junior office young population eating out or order- and eateries across the district (ith assistant, a typist ing ta$ea(ays/ it is no( home to thou- the handful of (or$force/ to ensure two attenders sands of eateries/ +oth licensed and cleanliness and 2uality' The depart- monitoring the unlicensed/ (hich cater to all ment does not have even one-fourth of eateries across dist poc$ets' the staff re2uired to conduct raids. The recent raids in the city +y the Ho(ever/ it has decided to intensify in- Only one vehicle food safety officials e%posed the men- spections and issue sample-chec$ing at the disposal of ace of adulterated food items li$e chilli notices to those (ho found (anting in dist food safety po(der/ mil$ and ghee' 0head of the 2uality/7 a senior food safety inspector inspector festive season/ the raids turned out to told >=%press;/ on condition of !" food inspectors, +e a regular e%ercise in #rishna and anonymity' # designated :untur districts. 0t least 1- food inspectors are re- officers needed in Though the food safety department 2uired in the capital region +esides capital region is supposed to conduct regular raids to ers in #rishna district' across the district/ as per the ood infrastructure and la+oratories. control such malpractices/ the raids The food safety department has Safety and Standards 0ct/ ,00.. 50proposal has already +een sent to $ food safety have +een occasional due to staff only one *unior office assistant/ a typ- "oreover/there is *ust one vehicle at the government see$ing permission to officer needed for a crunch' ist and t(o attenders to monitor thou- the disposal of district food safety in- recruit food safety inspectors and four populace of "%,%%% =ateries are mushrooming in the sands of licensed +usinesses li$e food spector' To navigate the entire district designated officers' !n ur+an areas/ a city, owing to the public demand, +ut processing/ transporting/ storing/ dis- (ith this vehicle is impossi+le and food safety officer must +e allotted for there are only three food safety offic- tri+uting and manufacturing units meeting emergencies is +eyond the a populace of -0/000/7 he added' Kadapa medical college loses admissions, students knock on CM’s door for relief EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE 1 along (ith the NR! 2uota' The !n case of 0+hinav of Nellore/ Medical admission @ Vijayawada "&!/ (hich did not give clear- his parents had sold their agri- row in Kadapa ance/ cancelled the admissions culture lands to pay his fees' The College admitted students using NTR University of Health Sci- later' college management has court stay orders and left them in ences (NTRUHS) is refusing to This left the students high charged a fee of 830 la$h for ad- the lurch after MCI refusal to give permit 100 medical students of and dry' The admission scam at mission/ +ut did not issue any clearance athima !nstitute of "edical !"S came to the fore after the re c e i p t fo r t h e a m o u n t Sciences ( !"S) in #adapa to High &ourt dismissed the case collected' FIMS did not have MCI clearance ta$eannuale%amonthegrounds on 0pril 23 this year. Later, the Students say that the college during the first and second that the college made the admis- Supreme &ourt too upheld the management has collected any- counselling for admissions. It sions against the "edical &oun- H& decision' thing from 830 la$h to 89- la$h secured interim orders from the cil of !ndia ("&!) norms' Stu- 5The college management is at the time of admissions' The HC for the third counselling and dents along (ith their parents (holly responsi+le for the ongo- students (ere permitted to at- admitted 100 students staged a protest in the city on ing chaos' 0t the time of coun- tend classes only after payment Students were permitted to CASHLESS, THE NEW MANT A Thursday' selling/ the NTRUHS has ap- of the total fees at once' attend classes only after The students and their par- proved our admissions and now :iving a sympathetic ear to Ministers N Chinnarajappa and Devineni Umamaheswara Rao and Guntur District Collector Kantilal Dande trying their hand at admission fee was fully paid cashless transactions during the collectors’ conference in ijayawada on !hursday " EXPRESS ents came to )i*aya(ada to meet the same university cancelled their plight/ the &hief "inister &hief "inister N &handra+a+u our admissions' 6ost High &ourt promised to admit the students Naidu and Health "inister #a- orders/ the college management in other colleges and as$ed the mineni Srinivas to e%plain to has refused to refund our fees' !t officials of the department con- them their plight' $ept us in the dar$' !n the name cerned to speed up the process. Tension prevails during demolition drive The students secured admis- of signing anti-ragging forms/ The )ice-&hancellor of sion for the ,01--1. +atch in Sep- the college management o+- NTRUHS is holding tal$s (ith tem+er as part of the third and tained our signatures on +lank the college management and the EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE &R@0 officials' 0ccidentally the the demolition drive/ a +uilder final counselling' papers/7 said 6 !mran/ a "&! officials over the issue/ he @ Vijayawada li2uid spilled into the mouth of a Ravuri Ravi attempted suicide +y The college did not have per- student' added' &R@0 official/ (hen he tried to consuming pesticide/ +ut the li2- mission either from the "&! or The student organisations are T=NS!?N prevailed for some- prevent the +uilder from resort- uid had accidentally spilled into the High &ourt during the first The college management is holding a series of protests and time during the anti-encroach- ing to the e%treme step' the mouth of a &R@0 official. and second counselling' or the wholly responsible for the rallies in #adapa/ condemning ment drive underta$en +y the 0ccording to &R@0 develop- Soon after the incident/ Sai 1a+a third counselling/ the college se- ongoing chaos. At the time the college management;s indif- of counselling the !TR"#$ &R@0 officials at &" Road in ment promotion director ) Ram- (as shifted to government hospi- cured interim orders from the ferent attitude' has appro%e& our Nandigama to(n of #rishna dis- udu/ &R@0 Nandigama Aone of- tal in Nandigama for treatment, High &ourt' a&missions an& now the )arious student organisations trict on Thursday/ as a +uilder at- ficial Sai Baba with the support (hile the +uilder (as ta$en to a 0s a result/ the college man- same uni%ersity cancelled have demanded the arrest of the tempted suicide +y consuming of local police conducted demoli- private hospital' The health con- agement (ent ahead (ith coun- our a&missions principal and action against the pesticide after a portion of his tion drive on unauthorised struc- dition of the &R@0 official and selling process and admitted the college management and *ustice +uilding (as demolished +y the tures in Nandigama' )e%ed (ith the +uilder is said to +e sta+le' students under category A and P Imran, a student for medical students' Collector’s jibe at docs in poor taste: IM ! unit gen secy EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE @ Vijayawada nals/ (hich is highly uncivilised and +ar- +aric on the part of the &ollector/7 said !N@!0N "edical 0ssociation 06 &hapter "urthy' has ta$en serious e%ception to the #adapa @istrict &ollector ma$ing uncharita+le re- ‘Make MCI test mandatory mar$s on doctors and called for an immedi- for foreign doctors’ ate halt to this disconcerting trend/ an off- shoot of deeper malaise of har+ouring Referring to the distur+ing proposals +e- contempt for doctors' fore the "&!/ "urthy said that if they (ere !n a statement here on Thursday/!"0 0P implemented/ pu+lic health (ould +e at &hapter general secretary @r # #aruna sta$e' !n its hurry to ensure that there are "urthy said that the doctors in #adapa dis- enough num+er of doctors/ the "&! is e%- trict had to ta$e to streets +ecause &ollector amining the proposals of allo(ing those #) Satyanarayana had called lady doctors (ho graduate from medical colleges in >+uggers; and descri+ed all doctors as >crim- countries li$e Nepal and &hina (ithout go- inals; (hile revie(ing mortality rate of ing through a test (hich the "&! holds for (omen at the time of child +irth' them to ma$e them eligi+le to practise in 5Though the &ollector later regretted !ndia' This apart/ there is also a proposal to calling the lady doctors as +uggers/ +ut de- introduce a +ridge course for "11S doctors fended his description of doctors as crimi- to practise allopathy. .