Description of the Second Rectrix of Adult-plumaged Male Rufous and Allen's Hummingbirds and Its Usefulness in Identification Rita R. Colwell 281 Margarita Court Los Altos, CA 94022
[email protected] ABSTRACT Differencesin the shape of the second rectrix in adult males' R2 is "distinctlynotched." But his Rufous Hummingbirds(Selasphorus rufus) and illustration shows the variation in notching for Allen's Hummingbirds(S. sasin) are significant females and juvenile males. An added note to the distinguishingcharacters. Although many ref- illustrationstates that "adult males have a greater erences describe the feather as "notched" in notchthan is shown." Johnsgard(1997) describes RufousHummingbird, a detaileddescription of this the featheronly as "stronglynotched in males." In feather'sappearance in the adult male is lacking. Williamson's(2001) species account,she states My studydescribes the typicalnotching of the inner that adult male Rufous Hummingbirdshave "R2 web and emarginationof the outer web of the distinctly notched on inner web near tip" and providesa photographshowing a strongnotch on secondrectrix of the adult-plumagedmale Rufous the inner web and an additional emarginationon Hummingbirdthat is lackingin the adultmaleAllen's the outer web. Howell (2002) writes that in the Hum-mingbird.I examined135 birds,of which62 adult males "a stronglyemarginated notch on the had characteristicstypical of RufousHummingbird, outerweb of R2 is diagnostic."However, the plate and 70 which showed characteristics of Allen's referenceshows an adult