商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed

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商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed 公報編號 Journal No.: 2019/40 公布日期 Publication Date: 22-03-2019 分項名稱 商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed 香港特別行政區政府知識產權署商標註冊處 Trade Marks Registry, Intellectual Property Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 商標註冊續期 根據 《商標條例》 (第 559 章)第 50 條及《商標規則》(第 559 章附屬法例)第 32╱33 條,下列商標註 冊已獲續期。 TRADE MARK REGISTRATIONS RENEWED The following trade mark registrations have been renewed under section 50 of the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap. 559) and rule 32/33 of the Trade Marks Rules (Cap. 559 sub. leg.). [111] [511] [156] [180] [730] [740/ 750] 註冊編號: 類別編號 續期日期 註冊屆滿日期 擁有人姓名/名稱: 擁有人的送達地址: Trade Mark Class No. Date of Expiry Owner’s Name Owner's Address No. Renewal Date for Service 19110108 2 19-03-2019 17-04-2029 Koppers MARKS & CLERK Performance Level 9, Cyberport Chemicals Inc. 1, 100 Cyberport Road, Pok Fu Lam HONG KONG 19530587AA 7,8 20-03-2019 20-03-2029 NEILL TOOLS MAYER BROWN LIMITED 16TH-19TH FLOORS, PRINCE'S BUILDING, 10 CHATER ROAD, CENTRAL, HONG KONG. 19530885 25 19-03-2019 08-06-2029 JAMES S. LEE & JAMES S. LEE & COMPANY COMPANY CLOTHING CLOTHING MILL MILL (HONGKONG) (HONGKONG) LIMITED LIMITED RM 1608, JUBILEE CENTRE, 18 FENWICK STREET, WANCHAI, H.K. 1/67 公報編號 Journal No.: 2019/40 公布日期 Publication Date: 22-03-2019 分項名稱 商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed 19610811AA 5,31 14-03-2019 07-06-2029 RIDLEY VIVIEN CHAN & CO. AGRIPRODUCTS 32nd Floor, Harbour PTY LIMITED Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. 19610930 23 15-03-2019 30-06-2029 TORAY KABUSHIKI CHINAHONGKONG IP KAISHA (TORAY LIMITED INDUSTRIES, 3011, 30/F, Office INC.) Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road HONG KONG 19741282 5 19-03-2019 21-03-2029 Boehringer Deacons Ingelheim 5th Floor Pharma GmbH & Alexandra House, Co. KG Central HONG KONG 19750843 7 20-03-2019 03-05-2029 DAIKIN KOGYO WILKINSON & GRIST KABUSHIKI 6TH FLOOR, PRINCE'S KAISHA (DAIKIN BUILDING, INDUSTRIES, CHATER ROAD, LTD.) HONG KONG. 19751191 29 15-03-2019 04-04-2029 Butterball, LLC Deacons 5TH FLOOR, ALEXANDRA HOUSE, 18 CHATER ROAD, CENTRAL, HONG KONG 1975B0378 14 15-03-2019 13-08-2029 M.Z. BERGER & CHINA PATENT AGENT CO., INC. (H.K.) LTD. 22/F., GREAT EAGLE CENTRE, 23 HARBOUR RD. WANCHAI, HONG KONG. 2/67 公報編號 Journal No.: 2019/40 公布日期 Publication Date: 22-03-2019 分項名稱 商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed 19760811AA 7,11 20-03-2019 22-03-2029 LUMMUS CHINA PATENT AGENT TECHNOLOGY INC. (H.K.) LTD. 22/F., GREAT EAGLE CENTRE, 23 HARBOUR RD. WANCHAI, HONG KONG. 19891447 3 20-03-2019 07-03-2029 Berlin MAYER BROWN Cosmetics GmbH 16TH-19TH FLOORS, & Co. KG PRINCE'S BUILDING, 10 CHATER ROAD, CENTRAL, HONG KONG. 19891963AA 14,16,22 15-03-2019 21-04-2029 KABUSHIKI WILKINSON & GRIST KAISHA RENOWN 6th Floor, Prince's (RENOWN Building INCORPORATED) Chater Road HONG KONG 19892546 16 19-03-2019 21-03-2029 Zanders GmbH Liu, Shen & Associates Room 3716, 37th Floor, Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wanchai HONG KONG 19892578AA 18,24 15-03-2019 21-04-2029 KABUSHIKI Wilkinson & Grist KAISHA RENOWN 6th Floor, Prince's (RENOWN Building INCORPORATED) Chater Road HONG KONG 19892984 25 15-03-2019 23-06-2029 SUN KWONG SHOES WHOLE LINK LIMITED LIMITED Unit 2202, 22/F., Causeway Bay Plaza I, 489 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 3/67 公報編號 Journal No.: 2019/40 公布日期 Publication Date: 22-03-2019 分項名稱 商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed 19893400AA 7,10,23,24 19-03-2019 29-06-2029 KOWA KABUSHIKI NTD PATENT & TRADE ,25 KAISHA MARK AGENCY LTD. UNITS 1805-6, 18/F, GREENFIELD TOWER, CONCORDIA PLAZA, NO. 1, SCIENCE MUSEUM ROAD, TSIMSHATSUI EAST, KOWLOON, HONG KONG. 19893430 2 18-03-2019 08-04-2029 KEIMFARBEN GMBH MAYER BROWN 16th-19th Floors, Prince's Building, 10 Chater Road, Central HONG KONG 19893577 29 20-03-2019 31-08-2029 Wilmar Trading 51REG IP CO.,LIMITED (China) Pte. UNIT 38, BLOCK D, Ltd 10/F, MAI TAK INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, NO.221, WAI YIP STREET, KWUN TONG, HONG KONG 19893790 16 15-03-2019 14-09-2029 Aman Group Hogan Lovells S.à.r.l. 11th Floor, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway HONG KONG 19894006 17 15-03-2019 24-08-2029 TORAY KABUSHIKI CHINAHONGKONG IP KAISHA (TORAY LIMITED INDUSTRIES, 3011, 30/F, Office INC.) Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road HONG KONG 1989B3470 32 19-03-2019 19-05-2029 BARDINET WILKINSON & GRIST 6TH FLOOR, PRINCE'S BUILDING, 4/67 公報編號 Journal No.: 2019/40 公布日期 Publication Date: 22-03-2019 分項名稱 商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed CHATER ROAD, HONG KONG. 19900024 1 15-03-2019 24-08-2029 TORAY KABUSHIKI CHINAHONGKONG IP KAISHA (TORAY LIMITED INDUSTRIES, 3011, 30/F, Office INC.) Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road HONG KONG 19900571 5 18-03-2019 21-07-2029 B. BRAUN WILKINSON & GRIST MELSUNGEN 6TH FLOOR, PRINCE'S AKTIENGESELLSCH BUILDING, AFT CHATER ROAD, HONG KONG. 19900785 16 15-03-2019 27-05-2029 OTRA N.V. WENPING & CO. 1701 Tung Wai Commercial Building, 111 Gloucester Road, HONG KONG 19902144 25 15-03-2019 16-08-2029 TOP LADY TOP LADY ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISE LIMITED LIMITED 19FL., SEAVIEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 21-24 CONNAUGHT ROAD WEST, HONG KONG. 1990B0295 29 20-03-2019 31-08-2029 Wilmar Trading 51REG IP CO.,LIMITED (China) Pte. UNIT 38, BLOCK D, Ltd 10/F, MAI TAK INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, NO.221, WAI YIP STREET, KWUN TONG, HONG KONG 1990B1346 9 20-03-2019 20-09-2029 DISNEY BAKER & MCKENZIE ENTERPRISES, 14TH FLOOR, INC. HUTCHISON HOUSE, 5/67 公報編號 Journal No.: 2019/40 公布日期 Publication Date: 22-03-2019 分項名稱 商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed 10 HARCOURT ROAD, HONG KONG. 1990B1347 9 20-03-2019 20-09-2029 DISNEY BAKER & MCKENZIE ENTERPRISES, 14TH FLOOR, INC. HUTCHISON HOUSE, 10 HARCOURT ROAD, HONG KONG. 19911201 11 20-03-2019 17-09-2029 DAIKIN KOGYO WILKINSON & GRIST KABUSHIKI 6TH FLOOR, PRINCE'S KAISHA (DAIKIN BUILDING, INDUSTRIES, CHATER ROAD, LTD.) HONG KONG. 199204657 9 19-03-2019 28-07-2029 CROWN JAPAN Robin Bridge & John CORPORATION Liu 6th Floor, Emperor Commercial Centre, 39 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong 1992B02314 7 15-03-2019 17-03-2029 AERATION Wilkinson & Grist INDUSTRIES 6th Floor, Prince's INTERNATIONAL, Building, Chater LLC Road HONG KONG 199304360 34 14-03-2019 11-08-2029 China Tobacco CLT Patent & Fujian Trademark (H.K.) Industrial Co., Ltd. Ltd. (福建中煙工 Unit 09, 34/F., 業有限責任公司) Office Tower, Convention Plaza, No. 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG 199500561 5 19-03-2019 12-02-2029 MA PAK LEUNG MAYER BROWN COMPANY LIMITED 16TH-19TH FLOORS, 6/67 公報編號 Journal No.: 2019/40 公布日期 Publication Date: 22-03-2019 分項名稱 商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed PRINCE'S BUILDING, 10 CHATER ROAD, CENTRAL, HONG KONG. 1998B11401 14 19-03-2019 06-06-2029 Ebel Watches, So Keung Yip & Sin, S.A. Solicitors & Notaries, Agents for Trade Marks, Patents and Designs 1009 -1012, 10/F, Nan Fung Tower, 173 Des Voeux Road, Central HONG KONG 200210413 21 20-03-2019 21-03-2029 PIAS KABUSHIKI WENPING & CO. KAISHA (PIAS 17/F., TUNG WAI CORP.) COMMERCIAL BLDG., 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 200210414 3 20-03-2019 21-03-2029 PIAS KABUSHIKI WENPING & CO. KAISHA (PIAS 17/F., TUNG WAI CORP.) COMMERCIAL BLDG., 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 200210415 3 20-03-2019 21-03-2029 PIAS KABUSHIKI WENPING & CO. KAISHA (PIAS 17/F., TUNG WAI CORP.) COMMERCIAL BLDG., 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 200210416 21 20-03-2019 21-03-2029 PIAS KABUSHIKI WENPING & CO. KAISHA (PIAS 17/F., TUNG WAI CORP.) COMMERCIAL BLDG., 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 7/67 公報編號 Journal No.: 2019/40 公布日期 Publication Date: 22-03-2019 分項名稱 商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed 200210417 3 20-03-2019 21-03-2029 PIAS KABUSHIKI WENPING & CO. KAISHA (PIAS 17/F., TUNG WAI CORP.) COMMERCIAL BLDG., 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 200210418 3 20-03-2019 21-03-2029 PIAS KABUSHIKI WENPING & CO. KAISHA (PIAS 17/F., TUNG WAI CORP.) COMMERCIAL BLDG., 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 200210419 42 20-03-2019 21-03-2029 PIAS KABUSHIKI WENPING & CO. KAISHA (PIAS 17/F., TUNG WAI CORP.) COMMERCIAL BLDG., 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 200210420 21 20-03-2019 21-03-2029 PIAS KABUSHIKI WENPING & CO. KAISHA (PIAS 17/F., TUNG WAI CORP.) COMMERCIAL BLDG., 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 200210616 14 14-03-2019 06-02-2029 VAUCHER SIT, FUNG, KWONG & MANUFACTURE SHUM FLEURIER S.A. 9th Floor, York House, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong 200210620 30 20-03-2019 21-03-2029 PIAS KABUSHIKI WENPING & CO. KAISHA (PIAS 17/F., TUNG WAI CORP.) COMMERCIAL BLDG., 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 200211955 6 19-03-2019 06-02-2029 REGUITTI S.P.A. WENPING & CO. 17/F., TUNG WAI COMMERCIAL BLDG., 8/67 公報編號 Journal No.: 2019/40 公布日期 Publication Date: 22-03-2019 分項名稱 商標註冊續期 Section Name: Trade Mark Registrations Renewed 111 GLOUCESTER ROAD, HONG KONG. 200213057 5 19-03-2019 16-04-2029 BOEHRINGER DEACONS INGELHEIM 5TH FLOOR, ALEXANDRA PHARMA GMBH & HOUSE, CO. KG 18 CHATER ROAD, CENTRAL, HONG KONG 200213336 37 15-03-2019 04-10-2028 EUROPE Deacons FONDATIONS 5TH FLOOR, ALEXANDRA HOUSE, 18 CHATER ROAD, CENTRAL, HONG KONG 200215967 3 20-03-2019 22-03-2029 EUGENE PERMA WILKINSON & GRIST ESPAÑA S.A. 6th Floor, Prince's Building Chater Road HONG KONG 200216159 3 18-03-2019 08-04-2029 Babyliss SARL Rouse & Co International (Overseas) Ltd.
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