Incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act, 1984 (NSW) Registered No CFN 15054 under section 16 of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (NSW) and The Charitable Fundraising Regulation 2015 ABN 75 368 639 375

Patron: Her Excellency The Hon. , AO QC, Governor of


H.E The Governor, The Hon with Glenn Amer and Imogen Joy Mooney and Maree Silva at the UUSC & Tonia Malfitano at the luncheon at the Union, University and Schools Club

Lynn Bock and Peter Beattie at the Queen’s Birthday dinner H.E. The Hon. Margaret Beazley, incoming Governor, with Sophie Mok, PESA finalist, Professor David Flint, and Sue Labordus

Michelle Ryan, soprano, with David Cunningham at the Queen’s Mr. Dennis Wilson with Sail Training winner, Peter Sofatzis Birthday dinner at the Queen’s Birthday dinner

Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 2 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019





2018-2019 YEAR IN REVIEW:










Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 3 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019


The Society was formed in 1971 under the auspices of Sir Robert Menzies, former Prime Minister of Australia, to nurture and promote cultural links that both Britain and Australia share through their common heritage. This was reflected by the British Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home establishing a complementary sister society in Britain called the Britain-Australia Society.

The Society in Australia is made up of a Foundation and branches in , Canberra, Melbourne and Perth.

The Australia-Britain Society Foundation is based in Canberra ACT and holds reserves of around $270,000 being the proceeds of the former National body of the Society, wound up in 2007/8. The Foundation raises money in its own right directly and from investment earnings as well as contributions from Branches towards specific projects such as the Shakespeare in Schools programme. Members can make direct donations to the Foundation where a tax deduction is available. Branch committee nominees are Trustees of the Foundation. Pooling of donations from branches enables the Foundation to make discrete larger contributions to worthwhile cultural activities that support our British heritage.

The majority of New South Wales members are based in greater Sydney or in the Southern Highlands where there is an active informal sub-branch. Most members are people born in Britain or who have lived there for some years. Conversely in Britain most members are Australians or British people with links to Australia.

The Australia-Britain Society is an independent non-political Australian organisation, whose role is to maintain, encourage and strengthen the numerous cultural links between Australia and Britain in a spirit of friendship. These bonding links are expressed through history, language, literature, education, sport and cultural events. The Society places emphasis on the role of youth in supporting a modern and evolving relationship between Australia and Britain.

The Society’s aims are met through a range of events with an emphasis on fellowship and fun, which preserve occasions that both societies honour. These include Australia Day, and the Queen’s Birthday as the flagship celebration events. Surplus proceeds enable grants to be made for a diverse series of programmes within the charter of nurturing our common bonds and with a focus on young people.

The committees of the various Society structures comprise a wide range of skills and energies given freely by their members.


Our branch has approximately 250 members. Most members live in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, North Shore and the Peninsula. Many members are retired and a large group is based in the Southern Highlands around Bowral, Moss Vale and Mittagong.

Function attendances range from 30-150 people, comprising our members and their guests as well as friends from collegiate societies.

By amalgamating some functions with collegiate groups, a better patronage is possible. This enables us to provide entertainment at events and enables friends of various groups with kindred interests to meet periodically. A large number of our members are also members of these various groups and it is expedient for us to share one major event rather than compete for attendances against other societies with a common membership who are unlikely to attend every similar function.


Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 4 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019



President: Richard Nott, AM, Dip FP, Dip FS, BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Insce, MBA, MCom, MIRM, ThA (Hons), ANZIIF (Fellow), FCII, SF Fin, FCIB, FIPA, FCIS, FGIA, CAHRI, FCMI

Hon Secretary and Deputy President: David Adams, LLB

Treasurer and Immediate Past President: Kenneth Bock, OAM, BCom, ANZIIF (Fellow), F Fin, CPA

Vice President and Sail Training Co-ordinator: Commander Richard Tighe, OAM, RFD, RD, RANR (Retd)

Administration and Membership Secretary: Mrs. Sue Labordus, OAM, BA

General Committee Members:

Mrs. Janatha Adams

Mrs. Catherine Barker, OAM

Mrs. Diana Rich

Mrs. Philippa Armfield


Southern Highlands Co-ordinator: Malcolm Stephens, CB, MA

Treasurer: Ms Sue Hawick, AM, BA Dip Ed Couns.

Secretary: Mrs. Jan Bell

Mrs. Lyn Stephens, BA

Barry Todd


Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 5 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019


It has been my pleasure and honour to be President again this past year, supported by an active Committee to prepare and run the events plus the Administration of the Society.

I commend to you the fuller reports by Ken Bock Treasurer and Commander Richard Tighe on the Tall Ships awards and Sail Training programmes.

The programme of events is listed separately and includes a series of flagship events such as the Queen’s Birthday dinner, Christmas luncheon, Remembrance Day and Christmastide services at St. James’ Church King Street. Hopefully as well, we can gain access to some seats on the various vessels operating from Circular Quay on Australia Day for next year. Additionally, we aim to provide a significant guest speaker for a luncheon in February 2020. We are hoping that Sir Peter Cosgrove can be with us on that occasion.

Event comments are made in the newsletters during the year and members are invited to give us feedback on their success or otherwise and this is gauged largely by the measure of attendances. This year, the luncheon with Dr. Brendan Nelson of the Australian War Memorial, coupled with a farewell to our Patron, His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley, Governor of New South Wales, and Mrs. Hurley was a capacity attendance and raised a good surplus from members and those of associated bodies such as Australians for Constitutional Monarchy and Friends of St. George’s and Descendants of the Knights of the Garter. In May, we held the Queen’s Birthday Dinner at the Australian Club and welcomed our new Patron, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley, AO QC, incoming Governor of New South Wales, and her husband, Mr. Dennis Wilson. Once again, we had a capacity crowd.

Many of these events raised small surpluses with an aim to keep costs as low as we can. Some celebratory events are a little higher in costs due to the entertainment, covered later, and the access to special venues such as the Australian Club and Union, University and Schools Club that are ideal for our members as they are centrally located, the best quality private venues and enjoyable fare. Some luncheons are at a lower cost, such as Remembrance Day and the AGM silver service dinner at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron where we have either limited courses or no entertainment. On balance we believe that members’ enjoyment of events is our primary aim and hopefully with a small surplus we can continue to be an active charitable body by providing grants to young people for unique opportunities to gain from the Plain English Speaking Awards and Tall Ships sailing adventures on British ships. Further grants are restricted by our ability to fund them from functions. We can really only expand our grants programmes if we increase subscriptions that have remained low and static for years and well below what comparable organisations charge their members. It is not intended to increase charges despite our earnings in interest from life members now being virtually only 1-2%, whereas a decade ago we earned over $10,000 a year from much higher rates. To further trim “the expense sails” we have looked at cutting some supportive costs associated with awards to assist us preserve our net funds. With the overall net annual position not fluctuating too much, we can continue to provide value-added events at fair costs for many years. Our primary aim is for like-minded members to meet and enjoy themselves in the context of our British heritage and celebrate enjoyable events with long-standing friends. A negative to this prognosis is that interest rates are planned to drop to almost zero next year and our earnings are then likely to drop by another $1,000 or more, and without at least

Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 6 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019

one major event where we produce a good surplus it means our overall reserves will decrease by around $3-4,000 a year unless we cut costs or increase membership rates or admission to events, all of which we are loath to do. Whilst we have sufficient reserves to sustain these shortfalls for decades it does lead toward the eventual winding up of the Society, if after all those changes members then do not attend because of this and their decreasing appetite to attend due to age and restricted earnings. Any changes in the financial process would be made on a gradual basis but as things stand, we are engaging in a lot of committee work for little financial outcome beyond members enjoying themselves. This in itself is a good situation as the Society is primarily for the members’ benefit though we can hardly claim to be a continuing charitable body if we are losing money and forced to eventually reduce our grants programmes.

This year we gained new members and with the efflux of time some dear ones departed us as well. Younger people are not interested in joining these societies unless they have a political agenda that does attract some active young supporters, such as the Monarchist League. It is not within our mandate to be a politically active body and membership is open to peoples of all persuasions to celebrate and support our heritage regardless of whether they are a Monarchy supporter or a Republican sympathizer.

Getting prominent people as speakers is often a difficult and long gestation exercise as they are in demand and often prone to cancellation issues. However, with Major-General Jim Molan speaking as our guest of honour on Remembrance Day in November and Sir Peter Cosgrove hopefully in February, we can continue these opportunities. The recently arrived British High Commissioner, the Hon Vicki Treadell CMG MVO, has been invited to be with us in the New Year.

The events programme is supplemented by special events that occur periodically in the calendar, however we aim to keep it at around seven or eight events recognising that our members are also members of similar groups and do not wish to support all offerings, especially as many members are retired on fixed incomes and where costs for events are rising slowly. The Last Night of the Proms has become a popular annual fixture, with members and guests leading the flag-waving, and we are now allocated 100 tickets for the best seats in the Concourse concert hall at box office prices. In 2020 we understand this event will be filmed.

We hold a few raffles every year and these provide some small support to the programmes in keeping costs low, however as we have to buy most prizes, particularly theatre tickets and restaurant meals, the net outcome is small. Hopefully these provide some fun to the bigger events. Small entertainment segments twice a year give exposure to aspiring musical talents, many of whom now grace the world stage. Michelle Ryan who sang at the Queen’s Birthday Dinner in May, was a finalist in this year’s Joan Sutherland Awards and has won a musical scholarship to Germany in 2020. Our small offerings do give these talented young people further exposure in a competitive world market and we pay them a small amount to be with us. They add to the enjoyment of the event as well.

The main challenges for societies generally is the ageing of members and limited attendances particularly at evening programmes. Also, many elderly members of societies are not on electronic mail and this adds to the communication postage and printing costs. A comparable challenge is that Committee members are ageing as well, and many have been wonderful managers of various parts of the committee and we do need some changes to the President, Membership, Treasurer, Administration and Sail Training roles within a few years and have fresh blood and ideas towards running the Society. If you do have some time and interest we would be delighted to have some help on the committee, especially to handle membership and marketing, raise free or low cost attractive raffle prizes and

Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 7 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019

eventually take over running the Society. In this context I am mindful of the wonderful long-term dedicated support provided by all the committee in enabling us to keep succeeding and surviving!

Ken Bock, as well as Treasurer and event MC, has for some years been our representative on the Foundation and a special thanks to you Ken for this added load to a group that primarily manages funds and makes grants for larger worthwhile British-related scholarships for young people. Ken is stepping down from this role and Janatha Adams is joining the Foundation of Trustees, which we appreciate greatly.

2020 should be another happy and enjoyable event year if we can manage at least one big drawcard guest and a sizeable financial outcome. Without this we will result in continuing small losses and use of reserves but sufficient to sustain the Society for some decades. I thank members and the committee for making it an enjoyable body to support.

Richard Nott, AM President



For the year to 30th June 2019, the following programme of events was held:

. Plain English Speaking Awards NSW finals at NSW Teachers’ Federation

. Last Night of the Proms at Chatswood Concourse

. Annual General Meeting and Dinner at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron

. Remembrance Day Service Centenary of Armistice at St. James’ Church, King Street

. Christmas Lunch with Mr Michael Ward, British Consul General and Director-General, Department for International Trade - Australia and New Zealand at the Union, University & Schools Club, Sydney

. Nine Carols and Lessons service at St. James’ Church, King Street

. Lunch in the presence of H.E. General The Honourable David Hurley, AC DSC, Governor of New South Wales, and Mrs. Hurley with Guest Speaker The Honourable Dr Brendan Nelson, AO, Director of the Australian War Memorial at The Union, University & Schools Club, Sydney

. Queen’s Birthday Dinner in the presence of H.E. The Honourable Margaret Beazley, AO QC, incoming Governor of New South Wales


Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 8 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019


The Southern Highlands Sub-Committee organises its own regional functions, makes donations from the funds raised and adds to our general reserves. This has worked well for many years and strong communication channels exist with the main branch committee. The Canberra branch of the Australia-Britain Society in 2013 began to exchange programmes with the Southern Highlands group. It is hoped to have exchange of dates with each other as well as supporting Sydney functions.

This has been another very successful year with four events were greatly enjoyed by local members and friends:

. Anna Martin Beaumont: “Safety, Hope and Opportunity for All Young Australians”

. Bob Dwyer AM: “Rugby is the Greatest of all Brotherhoods”

. Keith Huxham: “Illuminating the Dark Continent with Wine and Minerals”

. Michael Baume AO: “When Britain really Ruled the (Air) Waves; 20th Century Satire In Radio, TV and Stage Humour”

Useful surpluses were made at each event and these were donated to local good causes, including the Annual National Braille Music Camp held each year at Frensham School, the Sir Foundation and the St. Jude’s Music Association for Young Performers.



This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Tall Ships Award Programme instigated in 1994 during the Presidency of RADM Rothesay Swan AO CBE RAN Rtd. During this period 35 Young Australians have benefited from the life changing experience of sailing aboard a British Tall Ship and many have gone on to further their experience in Tall Ships as well as in ocean sailing generally. Some have become involved with the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme in various roles including Board Members and Ambassadors and all have remained enthusiastic about and appreciative of the personal development they achieved through Tall Ship sailing.

It was fitting, therefore, that this year’s Award winner, Peter Sofatzis, 22, a Cadet Engineer, of Hurstville, sailed aboard STS Lord Nelson from Bermuda to Weymouth on what is probably the longest voyage (32 days) undertaken by an Award winner over the past 25 years. Peter’s very interesting report reflecting on his experience is included in the Annexure to this Annual Report.

Peter will make a presentation to members at the Society’s Annual General Meeting on Monday 23 September 2019 at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, Kirribilli, commencing at 5.30pm. He will be happy to answer members’ questions. Peter will be presented with his certificate at this event.

Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 9 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019

As the Society’s major sponsorship, The Tall Ships Award Programme continues to provide a wonderful opportunity for Young Australians, who have shown outstanding leadership and initiative whilst sailing aboard Young Endeavour, to further develop their skills aboard a British Tall Ship with an international crew.

Candidates presented to the Selection Board this year were again of a high standard and would all be worthy of selection if the Society’s financial situation permitted. We acknowledge with thanks the co-operative relationship the Society enjoys with the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme in the selection of finalists and in managing the Tall Ships Award Programme.

The Society is strongly committed to the Tall Ships Award Programme and encourages members to continue to support the various fund-raising activities throughout the year. Members’ donations towards the Programme are always welcome and gratefully received.

Richard Tighe, OAM RFD RD Vice President and Sail Training Co-Ordinator



The results for 2018/2019 were substantially comparable with those for the previous year although the latest results did show an increased deficit at $1,613. This situation is explained below.

The two components of the result are:-

Main NSW operations Deficit $1,983 Southern Highlands operations Surplus $ 370

Key financial features for the year were:-

Members’ Subscriptions

This item increased by $1,272. This was not the result of an increase in member numbers. Because your Society is a small organisation accounting for member’s subscriptions has traditionally been on a cash received basis. Thus this amount represents amounts received during 2018/19.


Main NSW Surplus $4,036 Southern Highlands Surplus $1,728

This was a pleasing result in that all the main functions achieved a surplus whereas some in prior years deficits were incurred. Particularly remarkable was the Luncheon at which Brendon Nelson was the Guest of Honour; this achieved one of the highest surpluses for many years.

Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 10 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019

Donation Income

Revenue from this source was lower than for the previous year by $1,066. The reason for the decline was principally because the traditional annual Donation of $2,000 from the ABS Foundation intended to cover the cost of our sponsoring the PESA competition and other grants, was not forthcoming on this occasion. On the other hand, clearly there was a welcome increase in donations of $934 from the members that offset the absence of the Foundation donation.

Sail Training Grants

Expenditure for the year under review, as shown in the financial statements, was lower than for the previous year because of additional payments made during the previous year not repeated during 2018/19.

Operating Expenses

Higher printing and stationery costs were incurred. A major component of this was the cost of new software amounting to $154 for the Administration Secretary’s computer and the bulk purchase of some stationery items that will benefit future years.

During the year ABS a supply of ABS ties was purchased from the Britain-Australia Society. These ties were of high quality and made of silk. A supply of 20 was obtained at a cost of $811. This has been offset by sales amounting to $368. The remaining stock is held for future sale. This cost of this remaining stock, $443, has been expensed in the 2018/19 year.

Southern Highlands Operations

The S.H. group continued its programme of events with notable guest speakers. The surplus from its functions made possible donations to selected charities. Details are shown in the financial statements.


Despite the Deficit for the year, our overall financial operations for the year were satisfactory principally because of the success of the Branch Functions. This success was in no small measure attributable to the herculean efforts put in to those functions by President Richard Nott AM and Mrs. Sue Labordus OAM, and supplemented by Committee members.

One unfortunate feature of the 2019/20 year will be the effect of substantially reduced interest rates prevailing in the Australian economy. This will reduce the earning capacity of our invested funds which, in former times, have helped our operations considerably.

Overall I believe that our Society remains in a satisfactory financial position provided we prudently manage our funds given the problem of interest rates mentioned immediately above.

Our thanks to Ian Jagger, RFD, FCPA, JP, for ably undertaking once again the audit of our accounts.

Kenneth W. Bock, OAM Hon. Treasurer


Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 11 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019


Whilst branches operate autonomously within a common charter, there is a warm welcome awaiting our members wishing to attend functions held by other branches of the Society. For members travelling interstate, details of the local offices are listed here and the Secretariat can assist in advising forthcoming events in that centre. In reciprocation, the New South Wales newsletters and programme are issued to other states in the event that visitors to Sydney are able to join our functions. Branch event diaries can be accessed on the Society website:

New South Wales Victoria P.O. Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 P.O. Box 8840, Armadale Vic 3143 Richard Nott, AM, President Rob Perry, President Sue Labordus, OAM, Administration Secretary Julie Sattler, OAM, Hon Secretary Telephone (02) 9449 7532 Telephone (0408) 194 799 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Australian Capital Territory Western Australia 10 Canterbury Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600 P.O.Box 3044, Yokine WA 6060 Captain Bob Nattey, LVO RAN (Rtd), Madeleine McPherson, President President Email: [email protected] Telephone (02) 6273 3197 Email: [email protected]


Members visiting Britain are extended an open invitation to attend functions of our sister society in England and Wales. Members with family working and living in Britain may have an interest in joining the British body. Apart from in London, the Britain-Australia Society has branches in Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampshire and Somerset and if you are in the UK and wish to attend functions, it is suggested you contact the Head Office in the first instance. Their details are:-

The Britain-Australia Society, Australia Centre, Strand, London WC2B 4LG Telephone 0207 630 1075 Email: [email protected] Website:


Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 12 Tel (02) 9449 7532 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Report, 2019


Reg No CFN 15054 under Section 16 of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (NSW) and The Charitable Fundraising Regulation 2015 ABN 75 368 639 375



INCOME & EXPENDITURE ………………………………….. 14

BALANCE SHEET ……………………………………………… 15

ANALYSIS OF FUNCTIONS ………………………………….. 16

STATEMENT BY THE TREASURER and AUDITOR ………………………………………………….. 17



Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 Tel (02) 9449 7532 email [email protected] Annual Report, 2019


2019 2018 INCOME $ $ $ $ $ $

Functions 36,676.00 47,411.83 Raffles 2,085.00 38,761.00 2,805.00 50,216.83 less:- Costs: Functions 31,897.64 40,955.70 1 Raffles , 1,099.14 32,996.78 5,764.22 1,709.98 42,665.68 7,551.15

Members' Subscriptions 4,337.00 3,065.00 Donations 2,195.00 3,261.08 Interest 1,355.51 1,444.46 0.00 7,887.51 0.00 7,770.54 TOTAL INCOME 13,651.73 15,321.69

EXPENDITURE Insurance & Returns 1,486.59 1,490.15 Secretarial Services incl. telephone 5,040.00 5,040.00 Postage & Stationery 961.73 432.06 Printing 400.00 388.20 Equipment Purchase (S.H. 2018) .00 486.00 Other (incl Committee Mtg exp & Ties) 563.45 8,451.77 100.30 7,936.71 OPERATING SURPLUS 5,199.96 7,384.98 GRANTS & DONATIONS PESA 850.00 850.00 Sail Training 4,113.11 4,794.64 St. James’ King Street Armistice Day Donation 250.00

* Donations by Southern Highlands Committee (See overleaf for details) 1,600.00 1,800.00

6,813.11 7,444.64

NET OPERATING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (1,613.15) (59.66) OVERALL SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (1,613.15) (59.66)


Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 Tel (02) 9449 7532 email [email protected] Annual Report, 2019


2019 2018

RECIPIENT $ $ . Invictus Games 600.00 . Legacy Southern Highlands 600.00 . National Braille Music Camp 600.00 600.00 . Sir David Martin Foundation 500.00 . St Jude’s Music Assn 500.00 for Young Performers

1,600.00 1,800.00

Lyn and Malcolm Stephens, Co-Ordinator of the Southern Highlands group


Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 Tel (02) 9449 7532 email [email protected] Annual Report, 2019



ASSETS 2019 2018 CURRENT ASSETS Cash at Bank:- N.S.W. 6,993.67 6,495.85 Southern Highlands 2,634.76 9,628.43 2,264.59 8,760.44

Petty Cash on Hand 1,000.00 1,000.00 Net Advance Payments 2019/20 Functions 3,155.95 4,155.95 4,105.95 5,105.95

13,784.38 13,866.39


Westpac Term Deposit - Sth H'lands 10,000.00 10,000.00 Westpac Term Deposit - Sydney 53,834.31 52,747.45 63,834.31 62,747.45

TOTAL ASSETS 77,618.69 76,613.84

LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Subscriptions paid in advance 0.00 0.00

Sundry Creditors 0.00 0.00

Function Contributions received in advance 3,229.00 611.00 3,229.00 611.00 NET ASSETS 74,389.69 76,002.84

MEMBERS' FUNDS Accumulated Funds as at 1st July, 2018 76,002.84 76,062.50 Add/(Subtract) Surplus/(Deficit) for the year (1,613.15) (59.66)

Members' Funds as at 30th June, 2019 74,389.69 76,002.84


Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 Tel (02) 9449 7532 email [email protected] Annual Report, 2019



Function Income - $ Expenses Surplus/ Net Charge to Net Raffle Income $ (Deficit) Members $ Proms – August 2018 4,101.00 0.00 4,101.00 3,900.95 200.05

Christmas Concert 144.00 0.00 144.00 123.00 21.00

AGM 1,620.00 0.00 1,620.00 1,450.00 170.00

Christmas Lunch 5,355.00 11.21 5,366.21 5,076.50 289.71

Australia Day Cruise 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Brendan Nelson Lunch 12,365.00 301.56 12,666.56 9,794.00 2,872.56

Queen’s Birthday 10,400.00 673.09 11,073.09 10,590.00 483.09

Southern Highlands Functions

Sir David Martin Foundation 725.00 0.00 725.00 236.00 489.00

Mr. Michael Baume AO - Satire 1,261.00 0.00 1261.00 406.60 854.40

The Dark Continent 705.00 0.00 705.00 0.00 0.00

TOTALS 36,676.00 985.86 37,661.86 31,897.64 5,764.22


Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 Tel (02) 9449 7532 email [email protected] Annual Report, 2019


I, Kenneth William Bock, Hon Treasurer of the Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc., declare that in my opinion:- a) The Financial Statements for the year to 30th June, 2019 give a true and fair view of the financial operations of the Society for the year to 30th June, 2019; b) The Provisions of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 under which the Society was granted a continuing approval as a charitable body, approval no. CFN15054 by the Office of Charities, Department of Gaming and Racing on 2nd May 2003 have been complied with; c) The internal controls exercised by the Society are appropriate and effective; d) The Society is able to meet its debts as and when they fall due.

Kenneth W. Bock, OAM, B.Com, ANZIIF (Fellow), F.Fin, CPA Hon. Treasurer 7 August, 2019


We have examined and audited the books and the records of the Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc., incorporating the Southern Highlands sub-branch group, for the financial year ended 30th June 2019.

It is our opinion that the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th June, 2019, together with the Balance Sheet as at that same date, are properly drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the financial results and of the position of the NSW Branch of the Society for the period of that year ended and as at that date.

Further, we consider that the accounts and associated records have been properly kept in a manner appropriate to the Society’s needs.

We believe that the Society can meet its debts as and when they fall due.

STEEL, JAGGER & ASSOCIATES Certified Practising Accountants

Ian Maxwell Jagger, RFD, FCPA, JP Registered Company Auditor 12 August, 2019 18

Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 Tel (02) 9449 7532 email [email protected] Annual Report, 2019

Helen Booth and Valerie Grogan at the Queen’s Birthday dinner Mrs. Linda Hurley with Sandra MacGregor and Colonel Sandy MacGregor at the Union, University and Schools Club

Philippa Armfield and Sophie Mok at the Queen’s Birthday dinner Ann McIntyre, The Hon. Brendan Nelson and Geoff McIntyre at the UUSC

David and Catherine Barker at the Queen’s Birthday dinner Emma and David Hull at the Queen’s Birthday dinner

Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 Tel (02) 9449 7532 email [email protected] Annual Report, 2019

Australia-Britain Society (NSW Branch) Inc, PO Box 647, Gordon NSW 2072 Tel (02) 9449 7532 email [email protected] Annual Report, 2019