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Page 2 Colby Free Press Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Area/State Weather Family Briefly Landfill to close for Labor Day weekend wins The Thomas County Landfi ll will close at noon Saturday and reopen at 9 a.m. Tuesday for the Labor Day week- end. For information, call landfi ll super- award visor Larry Jumper at 462-8139. Colby sanitation trucks will not run Monday because of the holiday. These From “AWARD,” Page 1 routes will be picked up Tuesday. Tip- per cans should be at the curb by 8 a.m. Farm Bureau meetings),” he For information, call the Public Works said, “and I’ve been to Washing- Department at 460-4420. ton and made a couple of trips to Manhattan.” Flu clinic planned He has been involved in the at 4-H Building Sept. 25 organization since about 2000. Flu shots will be given for anyone who One of his favorite activities wants one from 2 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, was working on the state reso- Sept. 25, in the Thomas County 4-H lutions committee, which comes Building. Cost is $25; bring cash, a up with policies. SAM DIETER/Colby Free Press check or a copy of your insurance card. “It’s the debate part of it,” he The Rundel family was recognized as a Century Farm Family at the Thomas County Farm Everyone will need to complete and said, “trying to come up with Bureau Association’s annual meeting Aug. 14. Betty Rundel and her grandson Case stood up print an online consent form, found at things to help farmers do what front holding a sign they received, with daughter-in-law Nancy and son Tom behind them. thomascountyks.com. Help is available they need to do without a lot of at the clinic during the fl u shot. For in- “I like all the people in farm half dozen buildings and grain The bulk of it he got around government interference.” formation, call the fl u line at 460-4599 bureau,” he said. “They’re bins, the biggest three of which, 2004 from his parents, who had He fi rst served on the county or Angie Gaede at 460-4596. Farm Bureau board. Since then, all neighbors and it’s a small Bert said, can hold about sixty owned it since the early 1960s. he said, he has been on the state enough community you kind of thousand bushels of corn each. “That’s what I’ve always Pet ready for adoption feed grains and natural environ- know most people.” The crops planted on the land wanted to do, and it’s what my mental resources committees, The Stramels can also say are divided among corn, wheat family’s always done,” he said. at Colby Animal Clinic which are also affi liated with that they have earned the award and fallow land. “It’s gratifying to watch – you Looking for a pet? Colby Animal based on their farming opera- Bert said he also raises soy- plant a crop and then watch it Clinic has a 12-week-old Siamese mixed National Weather Service the Farm Bureau. Near his map Tonight: Clear, with a low hangs a picture of him with U.S. tion. beans and a few cattle. The fam- grow.” male cat available for adoption. Lost or around 59. Breezy, with a south Sen. Jerry Moran. Their place includes about a ily bought the land in parcels. strayed animals are often brought to the wind 15 to 20 mph, with gusts as clinic. Call or stop by 810 E. Fourth high as 30 mph. St. All animals have current shots, and Thursday: Sunny and hot, costs are minimal. For questions, call with a high near 98. Breezy, with Colby native helped by program mentor 460-8621. a southwest wind 10 to 20 mph, with gusts as high as 30 mph. From “MENTOR,” Page 1 program can’t be attributed just to Gustin. out there who actually care about them and College lecture series Thursday Night: Mostly He said his mother stayed involved and want them to succeed. to feature Colby native clear, with a low around 61. the importance of being honest and respect- talked often with his Big. She shared her “Brian took me on a weekend trip two Colby native Dr. Mark Hansen will South wind 10 to 15 mph. ful and taught me the manly things that worries and Brian shared their conversa- times a year. He gave me my fi rst hunting speak at 7 p.m. next Wednesday at the Friday: Sunny, with a high Mom couldn’t teach me. That … helped me tions. Their contact, Schmidt says, helped trip and my fi rst boat fi shing trip. You could Northwest Kansas Cultural Arts Center near 92. South wind 5 to 15 relate to the guys at school. It helped me his mom stay involved with his life. give a kid two weekends a month and two at Colby Community College for the mph. make friends and be confi dent to be social For his brother, Schmidt said the Bigs in evenings a month. Even just one visit a week fi rst Dr. Max Pickerill Lecture of the Friday Night: Mostly clear, and get involved.” School program was the best thing. This is big enough to make a kid feel normal and year. His free talk will be, “Coming To- with a low around 62. That sociability followed Schmidt to col- gives high school students an opportunity to fi ll a void.” gether or Coming Apart: America and Saturday: Sunny, with a high lege, when he was elected 2011 senior class to eat lunch at school with a younger child Schmidt said he isn’t a Big yet, but hopes the 2012 Election.” For information, near 91. president at Panhandle State and named who may be struggling socially or at home. to get matched with a Little in about two call Dr. Linda Davis-Stephens at (785) Saturday Night: Mostly clear, the university’s Ag Business Student of the “It gave someone to just hang out with years when his new job becomes a little 460-5528. with a low around 65. Year. Steve and eat lunch with him when he more stable in his life. Sunday: Sunny, with a high “Now I’m a fi nancial representative, and would have had to eat lunch by himself,” To learn how to get involved in a kid’s life, Wesleyan church near 94. I’m helping people plan for their retirement said Schmidt. “Other kids started think- contact Romine at 950 S. Franklin, Colby, and the unexpected,” he said. “I help people ing Steve was cool because this older high Kan. 67701, (785) 460-9125 or oromine@ plans study sessions Sunday Night: Partly cloudy, The Colby Wesleyan Church invites with a low around 67. meet their fi nancial needs and I really enjoy school basketball player would come all the kansasbigs.org. Go to www.kansasbigs.org, it. I want to give back and help people; it’s way to just hang with him…. e-mail [email protected] or call (888) women to an eight-week Beth Moore Labor Day: A 20 percent Bible study, “Mercy Triumphs,” on chance of showers and thun- something instilled in my by Brian.” “It doesn’t take a lot of time or a lot of KS4-BIGS for information about other Schmidt explained that his success in the money to remind a kid that there’s people mentoring programs. the man and the book of James, Jesus’ derstorms. Mostly sunny, with a brother, who started out as a skeptic. high near 92. Sessions will run on Wednesdays from Monday Night: Partly cloudy, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the church, 320 W. with a low around 67. Hurricane spins into New Orleans on slow slog Pine, or from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. at the Pi- Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with oneer Memorial Library beginning next a high near 92. From “SPIN,” Page 1 moving out to search for other 18-mile stretch of one levee in ry 1 hurricane. It came ashore at week. For information, call Joy Roth- people. Plaquemines Parish. The levee, 7:45 p.m. (Eastern Time) Tues- fuss at 462-8391 or e-mail wesleyan@ Monday: High, 93; Low 62 said. “The winds are too strong and one of many across the low-ly- dy with 80 mph winds near the st-tel.net. Tuesday: High, 97; Low 57 Two police offi cers had to be the rain too strong,” Plaque- ing coastal zone, is not part of mouth of the Mississippi River, Precip: Monday 0.None rescued by boat after their car mines Parish spokeswoman the new defenses constructed in driving a wall of water nearly 11 New players sought Tuesday 0.None became stuck. Caitlin Campbell said. New Orleans after Katrina. feet high inland and soaking a Month: 1.32 inches Rescuers were waiting for the Water driven by the large and Isaac was packing 75 mph neck of land that stretches into for first rehearsal Year: 10.13 inches strong winds to die down before powerful storm fl ooded over an winds today, making it a Catego- the Gulf. The Pride of the Prairie Orchestra Normal: 0.00 inches would welcome new players at a ses- (K-State Experiment Station) sion Monday, Sept. 10, at the Colby Sunrise and Sunset Community College band room in the Thursday 7:11 a.m. 8:17 p.m. Three crashes, six injured in Thomas, Gove Cultural Arts Center on campus.