Coleorton, Newbold, Griffydam, Osgathorpe + Worthington
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Cn2 – Land at Loughborough Road, Peggs Green P a t h ( u m) Pearl Cottage H 1.22m R 56 64 62 Croft Cn2 68 61 Garage AD 0 RO 7 GH 2 OU 67 7 OR HB UG LO Cn3 Cn10 128.7m 128.9m St George's Church 128.6m 38 Reproduction from Ordnance 1:1250 mapping with permission of the Controller of HMSO Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings Licence No: 100019329 Site Description: The site is located to the north of Loughborough Road, Coleorton. The site is Brownfield land currently occupied by a garage business. There are residential properties adjoining the site to the east, and west. There is open countryside to the north of the site. The site is a mixture of Grade 3 and Grade 4 Agricultural Land, the site is within the National Forest. The southern extent of the site falls within the Highways Consultation Zone. Suitability: • Planning Policy: The site is located within the Limits to Development as identified on the adopted Local Plan Proposals Map (2002). The adopted Affordable Housing SPD requires, in Coleorton, 30% affordable housing on developments of 5 or more dwellings. • Highways: There are no apparent fundamental Highways reasons for this site to be excluded from consideration. There is a limited bus service within 800 m of the site although non‐car travel is considered unlikely. • Ecology: There are no designated ecological sites within the site boundary and no potential BAP habitats have been identified at the site. The site is considered to be acceptable from an ecology point of view. Although the site is not in a particularly sustainable location in terms of access to services and facilities it is brownfield land and is within the Limits to Development. The site is considered suitable. Availability: The site is promoted by the land owner; there are no known ownership issues. It is considered that the site is potentially available. Achievability: There are no known achievability or viability issues, the site is considered potentially achievable. Site Capacity: Total Site Area Available for Development (hectares) 0.22 Density Applied (dwellings per hectare) 30 Estimated capacity 7 Timeframe for Development Years 0‐5 Estimated Build Rate (dwellings per year) 7 Accessibility Distance to Bus Stop from 1280 Distance to Bus Stop 1280 centre of site from site access Distance to Primary School 1220 Distance to Primary 1240 from centre of site School from site access Distance to Local Centre 2940 Distance to Local Centre 2910 from centre of site from site access Distance to Post Office 1230 Distance to Post Office 1240 from centre of site from site access Distance to Health Centre 1160 Distance to Health 1160 from centre of site Centre from site access Distance to Secondary 4910 Distance to Secondary 4870 School from centre of site School from site access Distance to open space 400 Distance to open space 410 from centre of site from site access Additional Accessibility information Cn6 – Land off Worthington Lane, Newbold Site Description: The site located off Worthington Lane, Newbold. The site is Greenfield land currently used for agricultural purposes. The site is undulating with a steep slope down from the road to the west. Mature hedges and post and rail fence enclose the field boundaries. There are residential properties to the north east, east and south east of the site, there are allotments to the north and employment premises to the west. The site is Grade 4 Agricultural Land. The site borders an area of TPO Woodland and an Ancient Monument (coal mining remains). Part of the site is within the Highways Consultation Zone. Suitability: • Planning Policy: The site is located outside the Limits to Development as identified on the adopted Local Plan Proposals Map (2002). The adopted Affordable Housing SPD requires, in Newbold, 30% affordable housing on developments of 5 or more dwellings. • Highways: The site’s limited frontage to the highway would make it difficult to achieve an appropriate access with the required visibility splays whilst speeds along Worthington Lane are likely to be above the limit. The site has minimal bus services and is remote from services, and therefore it is likely that residents would rely heavily on car travel. This site is therefore unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway Authority. • Ecology: There are no designated ecological sites within the site boundary although the woodland to the north of the site is a candidate Local Wildlife Site. There is potential for badgers to inhabit the site. The hedges and adjacent woodland represent potential Biodiversity Action Plan habitats. The site is considered to be acceptable with mitigation, namely the retention of a 5m buffer zone along significant hedges; not to be incorporated into garden boundaries but managed as part of open space, to ensure habitat continuity and retain connectivity. Furthermore, a buffer area to Newbold Woodland should be retained. The site is considered potentially suitable. A change in the Limits to Development would be required for the site to be considered suitable. Availability: The site is promoted by the land owner although there is no known developer interest. It is considered that the site is potentially available. Achievability: There are no known achievability of viability issues therefore the site is considered potentially achievable. Site Capacity: Total Site Area Available for Development (hectares) 6.61 Density Applied (dwellings per hectare) 30 Estimated capacity 198 Timeframe for Development Years 11‐15 Estimated Build Rate (dwellings per year) 25 Accessibility (metres) Distance to Bus Stop from 220 Distance to Bus Stop 200 centre of site from site access Distance to Primary School 445 Distance to Primary 425 from centre of site School from site access Distance to Local Centre 5190 Distance to Local Centre 5090 from centre of site from site access Distance to Post Office 1745 Distance to Post Office 1710 from centre of site from site access Distance to Health Centre 1840 Distance to Health 1805 from centre of site Centre from site access Distance to Secondary 6925 Distance to Secondary 6730 School from centre of site School from site access Distance to open space 365 Distance to open space 375 from centre of site from site access Additional Accessibility information Cn13 – Land off Loughborough Road, Coleorton El Sub Primrose Rose thorn Coleorton White Gables PO Appleyard LB Foxgloves B C Willows Firs D T Milnes ay 112.2m lyn RTH WO Tordale RDS Brambles WO Sycamore K Th Beaumont Surgery ing e H sc olli White res es Squirrels M t Country House eld on Cn12 Birch Squirrel Stoney Cottage Childcare Braeside G reenf ields Close Emeraldene 118.0m Appleby Whispers (PH) B R Ashdown A Cn13 D FO R 134.4m D The Paddocks 'S LA Wayside N OVER E TON Minerva CLOSE Cottage 131.1m lter She The Gables Pond Shelter 129.2m Reproduction from Ordnance 1:1250 mapping with permission of the Controller of HMSO Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings Licence No: 100019329 Site Description: The site is located to the north of Loughborough Road and to the east of Bradford’s Lane.The site is Greenfield land currently used for agricultural purposes. The site is fairly flat along its boundary with Loughborough Road but it does slope steeply downwards towards Stoney Lane. The site is bound by mature hedgerows. There are residential properties to the north and west of the site and agricultural land to the south and east. The site is Grade 4 Agricultural Land. The part of the site fronting Loughborough Road is within the Highways Consultation Zone. There is a historic landfill site to the south of Loughborough Road, opposite part of the site. The site is within the National Forest. Suitability: • Planning Policy: The site is located outside the Limits to Development as identified on the adopted Local Plan Proposals Map (2002). The adopted Affordable Housing SPD requires, in Coleorton, 30% affordable housing on developments of 5 or more dwellings. • Highways: Loughborough Road is subject to a 50mph speed limit whilst Bradford’s Lane is a single track road meaning neither road is currently appropriate to gain access from. Coleorton has a minimal bus service therefore there would be heavy reliance on the private car. Therefore, this site is unacceptable to the Highway Authority. • Ecology: The site is a candidate Local Wildlife Site. There is the potential for badgers to inhabit the site. The site is known to support species‐rich grassland as identified in 2008. The species‐rich grassland is a potential Biodiversity Action Plan habitat. The site is considered unsuitable in ecology terms. The site is considered potentially suitable; a change in the Limits to Development would be required for the site to be considered suitable. Availability: The site is in single ownership and is promoted by the landowner, there is no known developer interest. It is considered that the site is available. Achievability: There are no known achievability or viability issues, however there maybe an issue with access. The the site is considered potentially achievable. Site Capacity: Total Site Area Available for Development (hectares) 2.23 Density Applied (dwellings per hectare) 30 Estimated capacity 67 Timeframe for Development Years 6‐10 Estimated Build Rate (dwellings per year) 30‐35 Accessibility (metres) Distance to Bus Stop from 145 Distance to Bus Stop 180 centre of site from site access Distance to Primary School