PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL at New Clinical Building Calderdale Royal Hospital Salterhebble (Southern Devlopment Site) Halifax West Yorkshire HX3 0PW
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PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL At New Clinical Building Calderdale Royal Hospital Salterhebble (Southern Devlopment Site) Halifax West Yorkshire HX3 0PW Client: Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust Client Address: Salterhebble Halifax HX3 OPW JCA Ref: 16198c /FS Date of Report: 13/10/20 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Bat Scoping Report at: New Clinical Building, Calderdale Royal Hospital, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 0PW. JCA Ref: 16198c/FS Page 2 of 46 Quality Assurance Desktop Survey Site Report Reviewed: Version Completed: Surveyed: Completed: Date Name Date Name Date Name Date Name Full planning Francesca Francesca Francesca 20/08/20 06/10/20 13/10/20 14/10/20 Adam West permission Sykes Sykes Sykes This report has been prepared and provided in accordance with the British Standard 42020: Biodiversity – Code of practice for planning and development 2018 and the CIEEM’s Code of Professional Conduct. Risk Assessment Completed Bio-security Procedure Completed Lone Worker Procedure Completed JCA Limited 2021 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Bat Scoping Report at: New Clinical Building, Calderdale Royal Hospital , Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 0PW. JCA Ref: 16198c/FS Page 3 of 46 Summary This Preliminary Ecological Appraisal has been prepared on behalf of Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (‘the Applicant”) in support of a full planning application for the erection of a multi-storey car park at Calderdale Royal Hospital, Salterhebble, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 0PW (“the site”). The site totals 0.82 hectares. A desk study and field survey were undertaken in order to assess the potential of the site to support protected habitats and species and species of conservation concern. Recommendations for further survey, avoidance, mitigation and enhancement – where appropriate - have been made and are summarised in Table 1 on the following page and are detailed in full in Chapter 6 of this report. JCA Limited 2021 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Bat Scoping Report at: New Clinical Building, Calderdale Royal Hospital , Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 0PW. JCA Ref: 16198c/FS Page 4 of 46 Table 1: summary of ecological receptors at the site and recommended mitigation. Receptor Potential Risk to Project if Cause of Impact Further Survey Required Mitigation Required No Action Taken Description of Effect Designated sites Statutorily protected None None None None Non -statutorily protected None None None None S41 habitat None None None None Other habitats None None None None Protected species Flora (WCA Sch 8, CHSR Sch None None None None 5) Invertebrates Low The removal and reduced None The planting of native pollen quantity of suitable habitat and nectar rich plant species post construction through post construction. vegetation removal and increase in hard standing. White -clawed crayfish None None None None Fish None None None None Great crested newt None None None None Reptiles None None None None Birds High Disturbance of breeding A pre -construction site Dependant on results of birds through removal or walkover survey prior to surveys. pruning works of trees and vegetation removal. hedgerows suitable for Vegetation must be breeding birds. Resulting in removed 24 hours post breach of legislation walkover survey. Bats High Inappropriate lighting in the None vicinity of bat roosts can Follow the guidance in line cause disturbance to bat with the information populations and individuals provided by the Institute of and could be constituted as Lighting Professionals (ILP, an offence under the 2018) to aid in planning JCA Limited 2021 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Bat Scoping Report at: New Clinical Building, Calderdale Royal Hospital , Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 0PW. JCA Ref: 16198c/FS Page 5 of 46 Wildlife and Countryside Act lighting schemes with the 1981 aim of limiting the impact that lighting may have on local bat populations. Badgers None None None None Otters None None None None Water voles None None None None Other Species e.g. S41 Moderate The construction of fences None The inclusion of hedgehog species and walls may impede the holes (13-13cm) within any commuting pathways of fences or walls to be hedgehogs. implemented within the proposed development. Invasive Species (WCA Sch 9) Injurious Weeds (Weeds Act, 1959) Cotoneaster High The spread of this Schedule None A method statement for the 9 species under the WCA safe management and due to inappropriate removal of Cotoneaster. management and handling, resulting in the unwanted spread to the wider environment and thus committing an offence Key: S41 habitat/species – habitats and species listed as priority for conservation importance under Section 41 (S41) of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006. WCA Sch – Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) Schedule CHSR Sch – Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 Schedule JCA Limited 2021 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Bat Scoping Report at: New Clinical Building, Calderdale Royal Hospital , Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 0PW. JCA Ref: 16198c/FS Page 6 of 46 Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Scheme Description and Location ......................................................................... 7 1.3 Aims and Objectives .............................................................................................. 7 2. Methodology ...................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Desktop Study ....................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Field Survey .......................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Survey Constraints .............................................................................................. 11 3. Desk Study Results ......................................................................................... 12 3.1 Statutory Designated Sites .................................................................................. 12 3.2 Non-statutory Designated Sites ........................................................................... 12 3.3 Section 41 of the NERC Act 2006 Priority Habitat Inventory ................................ 13 3.4 Protected and Notable Species ........................................................................... 14 4. Field Survey Results ....................................................................................... 18 4.1 Habitats ............................................................................................................... 18 4.2 Protected and Notable Species ........................................................................... 20 5. Assessment ..................................................................................................... 23 5.1 Designated Sites ................................................................................................. 23 5.2 Habitats ............................................................................................................... 23 5.3 Protected and Notable Species ........................................................................... 23 6 Recommendations .......................................................................................... 25 6.1 Habitats ............................................................................................................... 25 7 References ....................................................................................................... 27 Appendix 1: Phase 1 Habitat Map ....................................................................... 32 Appendix 2: Proposed Development Plan ......................................................... 33 Appendix 3: Photographic Evidence .................................................................. 34 Appendix 4: Species List ..................................................................................... 36 Appendix 5: Bat Survey Calendar ....................................................................... 39 Appendix 6: Glossary .......................................................................................... 40 Appendix 7: Protected Species Information ...................................................... 42 Appendix 8: Survey Calendar ............................................................................. 44 JCA Limited 2021 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Bat Scoping Report at: New Clinical Building, Calderdale Royal Hospital , Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 0PW. JCA Ref: 16198c/FS Page 7 of 46 1. Introduction 1.1 Background In October 2020, JCA Limited was instructed by Curtins to undertake a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) of the site of the proposed new clinical building (Southern Development Site) (as edged in red in Appendix A) located at Calderdale Royal Hospital, hereafter referred to as ‘the site’. The purpose of the survey is to establish a baseline of ecological information and assess whether the proposed works, hereafter referred to as ‘the scheme’, have the potential to adversely affect any protected or notable habitats or species. 1.2 Scheme Description and Location The site is located at Ordnance Survey (OS) National Grid Reference SE095232,