Manufacturers of Men's and Boys' Pajamas and Nightshirts Industry
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11111111111l1~i~11/1Ulll111l1i11fl !1~ 11111111111111111 3 1262 08483 0081 Registry No. 250-1-02 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE MANUFACTURERS OF MEN'S AND BOYS' PAJAMAS AND NIGHTSHIRTS INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 31, 1933 L WI DO OUR PART - ... - , , . - - - ... y The Code for the Manufacturers of Men's and Boys' Pajamas and Nightshirts Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mention ed industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are to be regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Administration as applying to this industry I UNITED STA TES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. - - - - • - - - Price 5 cents SUBMITTED BY THE NATIONAL PAJAMA MANUFACTURERS COUNCIL, INC. (II) PROPOSED CODE SUBMITTED BY NATIONAL PAJAMA MANUFACTURERS COUNCIL, INC., CONSISTING OF MAN UFACTURERS OF MEN'S AND BOYS' PAJAMAS AND NIGHTSHIRTS CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION 1. Purpose.-To effectuate the policy of title I of the National In dustrial Recovery Act, during the period of the emergency, by re ducing and relieving unemployment, improving the standards of labor, eliminating competitive practices destructive of the interests of the public, employees, and employers, relieving the disastrous effects of over-capacity, and otherwise rehabilitating the Men's Nightshirt, Pajama, and Sleeping Wear Industry, and by increasing the consumption of industrial and agricultural products by increasing purchasing power, and in other respects, the following provisions are established as a code of fair competition of said industry: 2. Definitions.-The term" National Pajama Manufacturers Coun cil", as used herein, is defined to mean the association of the manu facturers of men's and boys' pajamas, nightshirts, and sleeping gar ments, whether constructed of cotton, silk, or rayon fabrics, located in the United -States, and if legal, all the insular possessions of the United States. The term " Employees ", as used herein, shall include all persons e1nployed in the conduct of the manufacture of men's and boys' pajamas, nightshirts, and other sleeping garments. The term "Employer", as used herein, shall include every person, whether individual, partnership, association, or corporation engaged in the production of men's and boys' nightshirts, pajamas, or other sleeping garments. The term "Effective Date" as used herein is designated to be, or jf the code shall not have been approved by the President prior there to, then on the econd Monday after such approval. The term "Productive Machinery" as used herein i · defined to n1ean all types of sewing machines. The term "Persons " shall include indivi lual , partnerships, as sociations, or corporations. The term "Cutting Department" as used herein is defined to mean all of the Employees engaged in the sorting of, spreadjng and cutting of cloth, and the preparation of the work for the ewin~ department. The term "Sewing Department" as used herein is defined to mean all Employees engaged in the sewing of th garments and operating the machines above described as "Productive Machinery." The term " Learners " as used herein shall be defined to mean persons with less than eight weeks of experience in the proces on which he or she is employed. 9967-33 (1) 2 3. lllinimum wage.-On and after the Effective Date, the min imum wage that shall be paid by the Employers in the National Pajama Manufacturers Council to any of their employees, shall be at the rate of $12 per week for forty hours of labor in the Southern ection of the United States, and $13 for forty hours of labor in the orthern section of the United States, except-- a. Learners during eight weeks of apprenticeship. b. Operators of Sewing Machine , partially incapacitated by age or infirmity who otherwise would be thrown out of work and po sibly become destitute and a public charge, providing such operators are paid not less than other operators doing the same kind of work in the same factory in proportion to the amount of work they may produce to other laborer of the same class and type; such incapac itated or infirm Employees not to exceed eight percent of the total number employed. c. Cleaners and outside crew;s. 4. On and after the Effective Date the Employers of the National Pajama Manufacturers Council shall not operate on a schedule of hours of labor for their Employees excepting repairers, engineers, machinists, shipping, watchmen, office and supervi ory staff, cleaners, and outside crew , in excess of 2,080 hours per year, providing, how ever, that no Employee or Productive Machinery may be operated over 44 hours in any one week. The purpose of this provision is to allow for the seasonal or peak loads which prevail at certain seasons in the industry. On and after the Effective Date, Employees in the Cutting De partment may not work over 40 hours per week, but the Employers may operate two shifts, not exceeding 40 hours per week for each. On and after the Effective Date, working hours for office Em ployees shall be an average of not more than 40 hours per week over each period of six months. The amount of difference existing prior to Effective Date between the wage rates paid various classes of Employees (receiving more than the established minimum wage) hall not be decreased-in no event shall any Employer pay an Employee a wage rate which will yield a less wage for a workweek of forty hours than such Employee wa receiving for the same class of work for the longer week pre vailing prior to the Effective Date. 5. Minors.-On and after the Effective Date, Employers in the National Pajama Manufacturers Council shall not employ any per son under the age of sixteen years. 6. Standing committee.-With a view to keeping the President informed as to the observance or nonobservance of this code of fair competition, and as to whether the National Pajama Manufacturers touncil is taking appropriate steps to effectuate the declared policy of the National Industrial Recovery Act, a committee of the Na tional Pajama Manufacturers Council hall be formed to coordinate with the administrator of the National Industrial Recovery Act, to make such further recommendations and changes as may be neces sary and expedient from time to time; with particular reference to: a. Wages and hours of labor, and/or, Productive Machinery. b. To comply and to coordinate with the admini trator in order to secure report from persons engaged in the men's and boys' pa jama, nightshirt, and sleeping-wear indu, try, the securing, filing, 3 and tabulating of stati tical information; the keeping of uniform accounts as may be required to ecure uniform costs; and to ecure the proper observance of the code and to promote the proper balanc ing of production and con umption and stabilization of the indu try and employment. c. To make recomn1endations in, or exemptions from, the provi ion of this code as to the working hours or Productive Machinery which will tend to preserve the balance of production activity with con sumption requirements, so that the interests of the industry may be properly served. d. To compile recommendations :- 1. For the requirement of the administrator of regi tration by persons engaged in the men's and boys' pajama, nightshirt, and ~leeping-wear industry, on their productive machinery. 2. For the requirement by the administrator that prior to the in stallation of additional "Productive Machinery" by persons now engaged or intending to engage in the men's and boys' pajama, night shirt, and sleeping-wear industry; except for the replacements of a si1'nilar number of machines, or to bring the operation of existing Productive Machinery into balance; such persons shall secure certifi cate that such installation will be consistent, with effectuating the policy of the National Industrial Recovery Act during the period of the emergency. 3. For the granting or withholdino- by the administrator of such certificates if so required by him. 4. To recommend the regulation of the disposal of distress mer chandi e in a way to secure protection of the other members of the industry and to promote a sound and staple condition in the indu try. e. Such committee is also to cooperate with the administrator in making investigations as to the functioning and observance of any ,f the provi ions of this code at its own instance or a complaint Jy any person affected and to report same to the administrator. f. Such committee shall also have the authority to investiaate and inform the administrator, on behalf of the National Pajama Manu facturers Council, as to the importation of competitive merchandise into the United States in sub tantial quantities or increasing ratio to domestic production, on such terms and under uch conditions as to render ineffective or seriously endanger the maintenance of this code and as an agency for making complaint to the Pre ident on behalf of the National Pajama Manufacturers Council under the provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act. g. The secretary of the council ( or other disintereste l per on de - ignated for the purpose by the Board of Directors) ma3 of hi own motion or upon complaint of any person claiming to be ago-rieved, investigate any alleged infraction of any provi ion of thi code and the partie concerned shall render him such as i tance as he may require. If the ecretary ( or other person de ignated as above) shall find that a grievance exists which i detrimental to the industry, it shall be his duty to make a written report of all the facts and furnish certified copies thereof together with hi conclu .._ ion , to uch committee for appropriate action.