Identifying genetic markers of adaptation for surveillance of viral host jumps

Kim M. Pepin*, Sandra Lass‡#, Juliet R. C. Pulliam§||#, Andrew F. Read§¶ and James O. Lloyd-Smith||§ Abstract | Adaptation is often thought to affect the likelihood that a virus will be able to successfully emerge in a new host species. If so, surveillance for genetic markers of adaptation could help to predict the risk of disease emergence. However, adaptation is difficult to distinguish conclusively from the other processes that generate genetic change. In this Review we survey the research on the host jumps of influenza A, severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus, canine parvovirus and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus to illustrate the insights that can arise from combining genetic surveillance with microbiological experimentation in the context of epidemiological data. We argue that using a multidisciplinary approach for surveillance will provide a better understanding of when adaptations are required for host jumps and thus when predictive genetic markers may be present.

Major public health threats can occur when a virus that causal genetic change in the virus is not actually nec- is endemic in a reservoir species is transmitted in a new essary7–11. Even if viral adaptation is responsible for the host population, as occurred with severe acute respira- host jump, genomic information can be used to pre- tory syndrome-coronavirus (SARS-CoV). The need to dict future risk only if genetic markers of adaptation to *Department of Physics, assess the risk of such outbreaks in the future has led new hosts can be identified and their influence on viral Pennsylvania State University, to calls for genetic surveillance of high-risk viruses (for spread can be characterized. As G. C. Williams first University Park, Pennsylvania 12 16802, USA. example, lyssaviruses and avian influenza viruses) in pointed out nearly 50 years ago , analyses of adaptation ‡Kirchenhölzle 18, 79104 their reservoir hosts (for example, bats, poultry and wild are extremely difficult because of the risk of ‘adaptive Freiburg, Germany. birds)1–3. Such approaches assume that certain genetic storytelling’ (Refs 13,14): it is extremely easy to infer §Fogarty International Center, variants, or combinations of them, are more likely to adaptation when it does not exist. In this Review, we dis- National Institutes of Health, host Bethesda, Maryland 20892, emerge, and that these can be recognized before a cuss what is required to show that particular viral genetic USA. jump. For example, genomic analysis of the influenza A changes are responsible for host jumps. Microbiological ||Department of Ecology virus that was linked to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, experiments are essential to distinguish between the host and Evolutionary Biology, may reveal the genetic factors that made Spanish flu so jump-associated changes in the viral genome that are University of California Los transmissible and lethal, and allow real-time assessment caused by adaptation and those that are not, particularly Angeles, California 90095, viral fitness USA. of the risk for a pandemic and potentially prevention because quantifying is the gold standard for 15 ¶Centre for Infectious Disease of avian influenza in poultry and wild birds through rigorously demonstrating adaptation . Dynamics, Departments of genetic surveillance. If ten amino acid changes were Biology and Entomology, required to jump from avian hosts to humans in 1918, Host-jump mechanisms Pennsylvania State University, 4 emergence University Park, Pennsylvania as proposed , then the risk of would be higher There are different ecological and evolutionary processes 16827, USA. when nine of these mutations are present in viruses iso- involved in viral host jumps (fIG. 1). If the primary factor #These authors contributed lated from poultry than when none is (although note causing emergence is ecological, and adaptation is not equally to this work. that the nature and origin of genetic changes in the 1918 required for the jump to occur, the cause of the host Correspondence to K.M.P pandemic remain under debate5,6). jump is known as an ecological driver (fIG. 1a,b). However, e-mail: [email protected] doi:10.1038/nrmicro2440 To predict host jumps it is necessary to identify the if genetic change in the virus is required for emergence Published online (corrected causal genetic markers, which is not a trivial task. As in a new host, the cause is termed an adaptive driver version) 12 October 2010 host jumps can be entirely due to ecological change, a (fIG. 1c,d), although an ecological driver is likely to be

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Ecological driver Adaptive driver (no selection required) (selection required) a c Random Founder effects and Unadapted Neutral mutation or genotype neutral mutation genotype adaptive fine-tuning

Random Founder effects Unadapted Unadapted genotype and neutral genotype virus is cleared mutation b d Fortuitously Random Adaptive adapted Neutral mutation or genotype fine-tuning genotype adaptive fine-tuning

Random Adaptive Unadapted Unadapted genotype fine-tuning genotype virus is cleared

Figure 1 | Mechanisms of viral emergence in new hosts. Host jumps and associated genetic diversity can arise through a range of ecological and evolutionary mechanisms. a | Ecological driver with founderNature effects. Reviews Any of | theMicrobiology viral genotypes circulating in the reservoir are already competent for transmission in the new host; the basic reproductive

number (R0) of the virus strains in the reservoir and the new host are > 1. Following host jump, neutral mutations occur during replication and transmission in the new host population. The combination of founder effects and neutral mutation

result in a shifted distribution of viral genotypes in the new host, which each have R0 > 1. b | Ecological driver with adaptive fine-tuning. The circulating viral genotypes that spill over are already adapted for transmission to the new host

(R0 > 1), but adaptive substitutions occur owing to long-term selection in the new host even though they were not required

Reservoir for the initial emergence, such that the R0 of the adapted virus is greater than the R0 of the virus that initially spilled over. Host population in which a c | Adaptive mutation in an unadapted genotype. The reservoir strain that causes emergence has R0 < 1 in the new host virus is maintained long term. and requires additional genetic change to reach R0 > 1. The change could occur in the initial host individual in whom spillover occurred or during stuttering transmission. Some genotypes will possess a genetic or phenotypic predisposition Host jump to acquire the necessary adaptive mutations and achieve R > 1, which makes them more likely to emerge. These strains The complete process of a 0 are predictors of emergence risk. d | Spillover of a fortuitously adapted genotype. The genotype that spills over and causes virus transmitting between a reservoir host and a new emergence already has R0 > 1 in the new host, unlike other viral genotypes circulating in the reservoir population. host followed by sustained Scenarios b and d differ because in d some genotypes in the reservoir host can establish in the new host, whereas transmission among individuals others cannot; in b, the genotype composition in the reservoir host is not a predictor of emergence. of the new host population.

Emergence The appearance of new viruses present in this situation as well. An adaptive driver is of scenarios can occur; at one end, genotypes circulat- in a population, particularly the required when a selective ‘sieve’ is present in the new host ing in the reservoir population may be genetically close appearance and sustained population immediately after cross-species transmission, so to genotypes that could emerge successfully in the new transmission of viruses in a new that at least some of the virus genotypes are excluded host, whereas at the other end the host genotypes could host species (as opposed to new strains in host populations from emergence by selection rather than by chance. More be distant. The definition of close and how many close in which the virus is endemic). precisely, the term adaptive driver is used to describe genotypes may exist, and at what frequencies, are key situations in which specific viral genotypes capable of issues to be resolved for predicting the risk of emergence. Ecological change sustained spread in the new host species are selected Alternatively, all the necessary genetic material required A shift in frequency, nature or outcome of host species over other genotypes that are doomed to fail. A central for the viral host jump may arise in the reservoir host, contact caused by factors such question for the field is how often adaptation is required in which case risk prediction depends on understand- as demography, migration, for a host jump to occur. ing which conditions produce the genetic variants that invasion or environmental When adaptation is required for the viral host jump are ready to jump, how often they may be produced and change. (fIG. 1c,d), the adaptive genetic changes can originate whether they can be maintained in the reservoir host fIG.1c Adaptation either in the new host (known as ‘tailor-made’; ) or by selection (which could give rise to a particularly 16 Genetic change driven by in the reservoir host (known as ‘off-the-shelf’; fIG.1d) . If high risk of emergence if ecological conditions allow). natural selection. the crucial mutations occur in the new host, a continuum Regardless of whether the final adaptive steps are taken

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in the reservoir or new host, at least some information the molecular mechanism underlying this effect26. These about the risk of emergence can in principle be inferred studies illustrate the power of integrating surveillance, from viral genetic data sampled from the reservoir popu- molecular epidemiology, bioinformatics and micro- lation (in contrast to the processes depicted in fIG. 1a,b, biology in making a compelling argument that the in which genetic surveillance of reservoir populations is SARS-CoV host jump required viral adaptation. not informative about risk) — the hard part is to deduce unfortunately, the type of data needed for testing for which markers predict risk. genetic convergence (for example, replicate host jumps Genetic markers of linked to contact-tracing data) can be difficult to obtain. adaptation Identifying adaptation Changes in the viral genome Thus, searches for genetic markers of host jumps often that are indicative of Given the range of processes that can drive a host jump, begin with large-scale genetic analyses of viral samples adaptation to a new host the question is how to distinguish adaptive genetic from many host species27–30. This identifies genetic dif- species. These may include changes (which are potentially predictive of emergence ferences of viruses in different host species but does not point mutation, insertion, risk) from those derived from other evolutionary proc- give information about which markers may be linked to deletion, recombination, reassortment or any esses. This requires the demonstration that a particular adaptation: genetic differences between viral strains can combination of these. genetic change affects fitness, which is challenging from arise in the new host as a consequence of founder effects the standpoint of fundamental evolutionary biology12–14 and neutral evolution (fIG. 1a). Thus, the next step is to Viral fitness and applied eco-epidemiology17. Convergent evolution can test whether amino acids at marker sites are the product Genetic contribution to future positive selection 31–35 generations of the entire virus be used to distinguish adaptation from neutral genetic of in the new host species to pre- 18,19 population circulating in an variation on the basis of sequence data (although dict which markers are linked to adaptation (fIG. 1b–d). entire population of hosts. the absence of convergence, as has been observed for However, these predictions require experimental vali- avian influenza viruses that circulate in swine20, does dation because most sequence-based methods of iden- Cross-species transmission not rule out adaptation). The logic for this is that given tifying positive selection rely on the assumption that Transmission of infection between different host species. the number of different possibilities for mutations and non-synonymous mutations have much larger fitness This does not include of opportunities for stochastic changes in any genotype, effects than synonymous mutations, which can be false, subsequent transmission only a strong selective force is likely to cause multiple especially in viruses. Indeed, viruses are known to adapt among hosts in the new host occurrences of the same genetic makeup originating to selective pressures such as tRnA levels, polymerase population. Cross-species transmission is a necessary from different starting points. In the context of host efficiency controlled by secondary structuring in viral precondition for a host jump jumps, evolutionary convergence would mean the genomic RnA, RnA folding energy and changes in but is not sufficient to be called repeated evolution of the same or functionally related promoter sequences, through positive selection on syn- a host jump. genetic changes associated with independent jumps of a onymous mutations36–41. Thus, although a ratio of non- virus into the same new host species. synonymous to synonymous mutations that is greater Convergent evolution Independent occurrence of the one remarkable example of convergent evolution than 1 may indeed be indicative of positive selection, same trait in multiple lineages occurred during the early spread of SARS-CoV in the opposite ratio is not necessarily indicative of nega- (that is, same genetic change humans in 2003. Viral sequences from patients in uncon- tive selection, but could be the result of positive selection evolves as a result of a similar nected outbreaks in beijing and Guangdong province, of a synonymous mutation (depending on the type of selective pressure). China, showed that a five-step mutational pathway had selective pressure). Screens for genetic markers of host Adaptive fine-tuning occurred at least twice independently following spillo- adaptation should therefore include investigation of the fixation of mutations that ver from the reservoir host21,22. Although this is con- primary sequence. Protein-based methods are a promis- increase fitness in situations sistent with adaptation, these data alone do not imply ing alternative to avoid reliance on this assumption35 but in which fitness is already that the changes were required for the host jump, as the they are less well developed, and some require detailed high enough for sustained transmission (that is, a change observed evolutionary convergence occurred after cross- organism-specific knowledge of protein evolutionary from adapted to more species transmission and could therefore indicate adaptive patterns, making them less accessible. Furthermore, a adapted). fine-tuning. However, evidence from an impressive series recent analysis showed that bioinformatic methods for of studies provides further hints. Although numerous identifying adaptive substitutions can have high rates Contact-tracing data 42 Determination of the independent cases of SARS-CoV transmission from the of false positives or miss important adaptive changes . occurrence and nature of reservoir host occurred, most died out after a few human Thus, experiments that directly measure the viral fitness contacts between individual cases, indicating that the introduced strain was not fit effects of mutations are important to show adaptation, hosts, often used in an attempt for human–human transmission23. The putative adaptive and, as discussed below, even more data are needed to to reconstruct the host–host mutations, including non-synonymous changes in the confirm whether particular genetic markers of adapta- transmission chain for a set of infections. spike protein responsible for host cell receptor binding, tion are drivers of host jumps (and therefore that the were found only in viruses transmitted between humans host jumps are not due to adaptive fine-tuning, discon- Founder effects and not in those circulating in palm civets (the reservoir firming the mechanism in fIG. 1b in favour of those in A shift in genetic composition host) or in viruses that were transmitted from palm civ- fIG. 1c,d). owing to sampling effects. ets to humans in later spillover events that did not result In addition to confirming whether host species- 24,25 Neutral evolution in human–human transmission . A representative associated genetic markers are linked to selection, it is fixation of mutations that do viral strain isolated from palm civets could not repli- crucial to experimentally determine adaptive evolution- not affect fitness. cate in cultured human airway epithelial cells, but the ary pathways and constraints. In host jumps such as the introduction of a single amino acid change (lys479Asn), emergence of feline panleukopenia virus in dogs (now Positive selection The force that causes an which is observed in all human isolates, substantially considered a separate viral species, canine parvovirus), 24 increase in the frequency of boosted this measure of fitness . Structural analysis of cell culture experiments indicate that multiple genetic fitness-enhancing mutations. this and another mutation nearby (Ser487Thr) revealed changes need to occur together in the receptor binding

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site of the viral capsid to yield viable viruses in the new measure of viral fitness than simply the total number of host species43. In cases in which intermediate viral geno- secondary cases per case. Strains with a greater ability to types have low fitness in the new host, as suspected in infect new hosts can be favoured as an epidemic builds the emergence of canine parvovirus, important genetic even if the number of successful infections during their markers may be undetectable by sequence-based screens lifetime is lower57 (a parallel argument holds for viral 58 of adaptive sites and therefore not available for risk replication within hosts ). on the basis of this, R0 can

assessment. Identifying how mutations interact in differ- be used to measure viral fitness, as an R0 < 1 indicates ent genetic backgrounds is thus important for predicting that a strain is poorly adapted to its host and will die 59 the risk of emergence from genetic data. Site-directed out . unfortunately, distinguishing whether R0 is above mutagenesis, a process in which specific mutations are the threshold value of 1 is difficult, as viral strains with

engineered into different genetic backgrounds, can serve R0 < 1 can occasionally cause small outbreaks before to obtain fitness measures of the unobserved genotypes44. dying out (owing to stuttering transmission60), which

Selective pressures by reconstructing possible evolutionary pathways, this gives the appearance, at least temporarily, of R0 > 1 environmental conditions, type of reverse genetic technique has been used to reveal (Refs 61,62.) Moreover, if a host jump arises because either biotic or abiotic, that the number of potential adaptive trajectories that can the virus adapts to the new host during this stuttering decrease genetic variation by occur by a seven-step mutational pathway during the transmission (fIG. 1c), which may have occurred during excluding deleterious 45 23 mutations or increasing the adaptation of HIV to alternative co-receptors , an adap- the 2002–2003 SARS epidemic , then evidence that the frequency of beneficial tive challenge analogous to the host jumps considered virus was initially not adapted to the new host and had mutations. In viruses, these here. To effectively assess emergence risk in these cases, R0 < 1 is essentially erased. To show that R0 < 1 for the pressures operate at two main in which intermediate genotypes have low fitness, even original virus, multiple cross-species transmission events scales: within hosts (through more emphasis must be placed on identifying how such of the same viral strain, including multiple failed spill- cell receptor structure and host adaptive constraints 63 immune response) and combinations can overcome the ; overs, have to be analysed . Ideally, data would include between hosts (through host for example, by high mutation rates (such that double contact-tracing information and host immune history contact rates and population mutants are likely), by recombination or reassortment to estimate the effect of host heterogeneities in host heterogeneity in immunity). 46 (that is, mixing of genetic material) , by the use of inter- susceptibility to the virus or the virus infectivity on R0 47 (Ref. 64) Adaptive constraints mediate hosts in which the mutation does not have low (for example, the number of individuals that forces that restrict upward fitness or by increased contact of the reservoir host with have been in contact with the host or the host immune movement between genetic the new host species48. status). This is obviously difficult but not impossible coordinates on the fitness for diseases in which active surveillance efforts have landscape. Measuring fitness identified hundreds of failed introductions, such as Although central to understanding natural selection and monkeypox virus65, H5n1 influenza virus66 and nipah Trait performance 67 functionality of individual virus adaptation, fitness is frustratingly difficult to measure virus . For example, H5n1 influenza transmission from life-history traits such as in natural settings. A common approach is to use sur- avian species to humans has caused 498 cases (294 deaths) receptor binding, replication rogate measures of fitness (known as fitness compo- in 15 countries worldwide since 2003, but no sustained rate and virion packaging rate. nents). Demonstrations of improved trait performance chains of human–human transmission have been 66 Within-host fitness in the new host, or that an observed mutation improves observed . Genetic contribution to future trait performance or within-host fitness, provide compel- generations of the virus ling support that a particular substitution is adaptive. Distinguishing adaptive drivers of host jumps population within a host. However, the relationship between individual traits, Different mechanisms have been detected for several within-host fitness and virus transmission are complex host jumps (TABLe 1). To provide sufficient evidence Basic reproductive number 49 The average number of and poorly understood . For example, receptor bind- that adaptation caused a host jump (distinguishing the secondary infections caused ing affinity does not necessarily predict within-host mechanisms in fIG. 1a,b from those in fIG. 1c,d), adapta- by an infected individual in a fitness, and viral titres may not be directly proportional tion must be shown together with evidence that some population of completely to transmission probability. Such measures provide valu- genotypes circulating in the reservoir host have R0 < 1 susceptible hosts. able information, but they should be treated as surrogate in the new host and that the adaptive mutations to Stuttering transmission measures of viral fitness. Successful emergence at the some of the circulating reservoir-derived strains lead to

A short-lived chain of host population scale requires sustained transmission, R0 > 1 in the new host. The most conceptually straight- transmission that can arise and theoretical work has confirmed the importance forward approach to identify the origin of the adap- when R < 1 but not ≈ 0 (that 0 of integrating within-host and between-host processes tive substitutions is to carry out fine-scale longitudinal is, for R > 0.5 it is likely that 0 50–54 sampling at least one transmission event for explaining viral evolution . Some theoretical just before and after the host jump, followed by will occur). The total number of advancements have been made towards integrating genome sequencing to identify new mutations and fit- cases is determined by chance, within-host microbiological insights with their popula- ness assays of particular genotypes in both the reservoir and extinction of the outbreak tion-scale genetic consequences for the virus53,54; however, and new hosts. Such data would be extremely valuable is certain if the virus does not adapt, but the additional these insights have yet to be applied in an empirical and, indeed, unique. However, there are still caveats. exposure to new hosts can context. Key questions remain that must be addressed by Although the identification of the emerged strain in the facilitate adaptive emergence experiments that directly measure viral transmission. reservoir host shows that it originated there, it is chal- if the appropriate mutations At the epidemiological scale, the basic reproductive lenging to draw firm conclusions if it is absent from the arise. number 55 (R0) of a virus is probably a good approximation putative reservoir host because the identification of rare 56 Longitudinal sampling of viral fitness in the endemic case in a reservoir host . viral genotypes require extensive sampling. In the case sampling over time to obtain a However, during an outbreak, the number of second- of segmented viruses, which frequently undergo reas- time series of viral strains. ary cases per case per unit time is a more appropriate sortment with strains from other host species, such as

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Table 1 | The role of adaptation in host jumps to humans for selected zoonotic viruses Zoonotic reservoir Sources of Emergence Evidence for or against pathogen hosts transmission mechanism† (zoonotic stage*) to humans SARS-CoV (IV) Bats (putative) Palm civets A Against: convergent sequence evolution suggests adaptation did occur B Against: adaptation was necessary • Repeated independent cross-species transmission to humans followed by limited on-going transmission • All human isolates had numerous non-synonymous mutations not observed in palm civet isolates • Some of these mutations improve the ability of palm civet virus isolates to reproduce in cultured cells bearing human receptors C and D Cannot distinguish between C and D; more intensive sampling from palm civets and humans around the time of initial spillover is required Ebola virus Zaire Fruit bats Wild apes, duiker A–D Insufficient sampling of virus in wildlife and along chains of (IV) (putative) (speculated) and human–human transmission unknown host H5N1 influenza A Wild birds Domestic poultry A and B Against: repeated independent cross-species transmission to humans virus (III) and domestic followed by little or no ongoing transmission suggest that genetic

poultry types predominant in the reservoir host have R0 < 1 in humans and that an adaptive driver is required for a host jump C and D Cannot distinguish between C and D; genetic surveillance in the reservoir species and along chains of human–human transmission is necessary Nipah virus Fruit bats Fruit bats (through A and B Against: repeated independent cross-species transmission to humans Bangladesh (III) contaminated followed by limited ongoing transmission suggests that genetic types

date palm sap) and predominant in the reservoir host have R0 < 1 in humans and that an domestic animals adaptive driver is required for a host jump (speculated) C and D Cannot distinguish between C and D; greater understanding of potential genetic markers of adaptation is necessary Monkeypox virus Unknown Prairie dogs (USA), A and B Against: repeated independent cross-species transmission to humans (III) rope squirrels followed by limited ongoing transmission suggests that genetic types

(speculated; Africa) predominant in the reservoir host have R0 < 1 in humans and that an and monkeys (Africa) adaptive driver is required for a host jump For: transmission of monkeypox among humans may be severely curtailed because of protective antibodies from past smallpox vaccination; increasing incidence of monkeypox in humans has been observed as population-level antibody prevalence has declined, possibly allowing sustained human–human transmission without viral genetic changes C and D Cannot distinguish between C and D; greater understanding of potential genetic markers of adaptation is necessary VEEV (II) Rodents Horses (by A and B Against: mosquitoes) • Repeated independent cross-species transmission to humans with no evidence of ongoing transmission suggests that genetic types

predominant in the source host have R0≈1 in humans and that an adaptive driver is required for a host jump • Adaptation seems to be required for successful emergence in horses C and D Cannot distinguish between C and D; greater understanding of potential genetic markers§ of adaptation is necessary

*Stage I: animal pathogen with no evidence of transmission to humans (not included here). Stage II: transmission to humans occurs with no evidence for

subsequent chains of human–human transmission. Stage III: cross-species transmission to humans is followed by human–human transmission with 0 < R0 <1. Stage IV: cross-species transmission to humans is followed by epidemic or pandemic human–human transmission with R0 > 1. Stage V: cross-species transmission in the past produced a new endemic human pathogen (not included here)60. †In mechanisms A and B the primary factor causing emergence is ecological; although in both cases the virus is competent for transmission to the new host, in mechanism A neutral mutations may occur whereas in mechanism B adaptive fine-tuning is observed. By contrast, in mechanisms C and D adaptation is required; in mechanism C the adaptive change originates in the new host whereas in mechanism D it originates in the reservoir host. See fIG. 1 for details. §Although genetic markers of adaptation to horses have been identified, these markers fail to predict transmission in laboratory models; therefore, markers of adaptation to horses should not be considered generally applicable and are unlikely to predict human emergence risk. SARS-CoV, severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus; VEEV, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.

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influenza A5, sampling from alternative host species individuals of multiple host species (fIG. 2), although may be required to determine the origin of the adaptive many of these studies were limited to bioinformatic genetic material and the mechanism by which it arises. analyses of viral genetic data (Supplementary informa- Experiments can also ascertain whether the strain is tion S1 (table)). by contrast, a remarkably high number likely to have been derived from the reservoir or new of experimental studies focused on detailed analyses of host (distinguishing scenarios in fIG. 1c and fIG. 1d). a single strain (and recombinants of that strain), which For example, if the fitness of the emerged strain is low in practice is often a necessary trade-off to obtain the in the reservoir species, the adaptive change probably data needed to validate adaptation. Studies of strains arose in the new host (supporting the scenario in fIG. 1c) that had previously not been investigated should be pri- as such a strain would be present at low frequencies in oritized because it is crucial to examine many strains the reservoir host owing to mutation–selection balance and to develop high-throughput methods for screen- (although note that frequent co-infection and relaxed ing putative genetic markers for fitness effects. Multiple selection could allow low-fitness variants to persist by samples from a single host individual were almost never genetic complementation68). However, if strains that are studied by any approach (fIG. 2), indicating a data gap. closely related to the emerged strain have high fitness in Cross-sectional and longitudinal sampling across both the reservoir host or are observed at high frequencies reservoir and new host species is essential for mapping in reservoir populations, it is more likely that the emerged where and when genetic changes take place. not only do strain arose in the reservoir (supporting the scenario in these samples provide the material for phenotypic assays, fIG. 1d). This hypothesis could be corroborated by the they are important for decreasing errors that are associ- demonstration that the adaptive genetic material can ated with estimates of evolutionary rates and for linking be produced in the reservoir host, either by gene flow, experimental results to disease characteristics and viral reassortment or recurrent mutation, and fitness assays fitness. Experiments could improve our understand- would give insight into whether they could be sustained ing of the propensity for viral adaptation by examining at significant frequencies. Thus, distinguishing adaptive genetic variation throughout experimental infections drivers of host jumps relies on microbiologal techniques, and its effects on adaptation rates and epidemiological including reverse genetics, experimental measures of fit- parameters such as infectious period. ness and experimental evolution. Site-directed mutagenesis Integrating sampling efforts in the field with the as well as recombination and reassortment studies in res- design of host-jump studies is important because ervoir host models are particularly useful approaches to the ecological and epidemiological context inherently determine whether specific genotypes can be produced determines changes in viral genetic variation and fit- and selected in the reservoir, and replicate experimen- ness. More than half of the studies we surveyed focused tal evolution lines can assess how likely these events only on genetic sequence analyses and did not carry out are and identify adaptive constraints and sources of experiments (Supplementary information S5 (figure)), selection (TABLe 2). and most did not integrate ecological, epidemiological and host response data (fIG. 3). This is a lost opportunity, Empirical foundation of the field because without data on ecological context it is extremely We have carried out a systematic review of the published difficult to identify the signature of specific evolutionary literature of four viruses for which host-jump mecha- drivers from sequence data and to separate changes in nisms are well studied: influenza A virus, SARS-CoV, transmission that are due to ecology from those that are canine parvovirus and Venezuelan equine encephalitis due to evolutionary processes. Similarly, a lack of epide- virus (VEEV) (184 publications) (see Supplementary miological information, such as direct measures of virus information S1 (table), Supplementary information S2 incidence or data on host population serology, hampers (box) and Supplementary information S3–S7 (figures)). the correlation between genetic patterns and factors such The survey revealed that research on viral host jumps as disease virulence or selection by host immune status.

Mutation–selection balance typically unfolds in four steps (sampling of the virus, For example, recent experiments on a phage–bacterium steady-state frequency of in vitro culture of the virus, studies in animal models and model system showed that adaptation to new hosts is deleterious genotypes experiments in reservoir and new hosts (TABLe 2)) and extremely sensitive to contact rates between the origi- determined by the balance that increased efforts on integrating surveillance prac- nal and new host species69. Thus, to obtain the greatest between their continual tices and bioinformatics with microbiological experi- insight into viral evolutionary patterns from sequence creation by mutation and their exclusion by selection. ments accelerate our ability to confirm genetic markers data, information about host demographics and contact of viral adaptation. patterns should be a component of strain sampling pro- Experimental evolution tocols (see Ref. 70 for a detailed review on current gaps in Measuring evolutionary change Sampling and genetic analyses. To date, disease surveil- strain sampling and sequencing strategies). in real-time by applying evolutionary forces lance practices typically are limited to opportunistic sam- experimentally and observing pling, with more systematic protocols coming after host Reverse genetics. The three fundamental components of the outcome. jumps have occurred. There are three scales at which adaptive evolution are genetic inputs, phenotypic varia- the collection of multiple samples is important: within tion and selection by the environment. To identify and Evolutionary process host individuals, within host species and between host explain the forces that underlie evolutionary change in A factor that drives genetic change, including genetic drift, species (including both the reservoir and new host spe- newly emerged viral populations, the three components mutation, gene flow and cies). In existing studies, strains were most often sampled need to be measured concurrently (Supplementary natural selection. from many individuals of the host species and/or from information S5 (figure)). For influenza A, site-directed

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Table 2 | Steps of investigation of examining viral host jumps* Sample viruses In vitro and cell culture Animal models reservoir and new hosts Frequent (included in many of the publications) • Sampling of opportunistically viruses from • Antigenic characterization (for • Infections with a single strain • Measurement of viral reservoir and/or new host (including important example, haemagglutination- • Determination of viral fitness by traits in either the host data such as species and location) inhibition assays) measuring within-host fitness, reservoir or the new host • Consensus sequencing of viral genes and • Introduction of putative tissue tropism, pathogenicity using viral genotypes genomes adaptive mutations in wild-type and virulence (and/or recombinants) • Use of nucleotide-based bioinformatics to strain and removal of adaptive from the reservoir or identify genetic markers of host specificity mutation from adapted virus110 new host population and adaptation28,114 • Receptor binding and infectivity from one host-jump assays in cells expressing the event99 viral receptor of the new host115 • Polymerase activity or replication rate assays71 Infrequent (possible to collect but included more rarely) • Systematic sampling of viral populations • Characterization of capsid • Examination of multiple isolates • Measurement of cross-sectionally and longitudinally from many stability in the environment to sampled longitudinally from infectivity–dose individuals and new host populations evaluate changes in transmission reservoir and new host species relationship for natural • Sequencing of many clones from each viral traits in the same study routes of infection, of population • Synthesis of recombinants • Determination of viral fitness host immune response78 • Integration of protein structure prediction, carrying each potentially and its link to virulence and the and its effects on viral phylogenetic analyses and/or protein-based adaptive mutation individually host-jump fitness components within-host dynamics bioinformatics to identify host-jump markers and combinations of mutations by measuring tissue tropism, and on protection that are under selection35 to measure epistatic effects pathogenicity and virulence110 against re-infection, and • Collection of additional host data concurrently, and determine mutational • Measurement of transmission of transmission, including including ecology (host population size and pathways43 traits, such as the rate of more than one contact density), serology, incidence and clinical data • Examination of factors affecting dissemination to transmission per infected host116 adaptation rates by conducting routes and average number of and more than one experimental evolution in cell virions available for transmission transmission culture • Identification of genetic basis of • Infection–transmission transmission experiments with • Measurment of initial viral viral genotypes from titre, consensus sequence of the reservoir and the genes for many time points and new host populations fitness measures of evolved viral obtained from multiple populations relative to ancestor host jump events, for during passage (experimental each genotype in each evolution)108 host and cross-species transmissions (transplant experiments)117 Ideal (difficult to obtain and rarely included) • Characterization of viral genotypes that • Examination of multiple isolates • Measurement of viral fitness • Measurement of viral circulate early in an outbreak and their relation from both the reservoir and new in multiple host individuals to fitness and host immune to genotypes in the reservoir host by repeated host species (if possible strains quantify variability in viral fitness response in many sampling of infected individuals with an estimated transmission and determine sources of the host individuals to • Intensive sampling of reservoir and new host chain) for site-directed fitness variation quantify effects of host populations immediately following host jump22 mutagenesis and phenotypic • Sequencing of genomes heterogeneities (due • Sequencing of viral genomes from many assays of strains from the evolved to innate or adaptive reservoir hosts to identify rare fortuitously populations at many time points immunity status or host adapted genotypes32 during the infection time course genetics) on viral fitness • Use of genetic data and evolutionary theory and from multiple replicate • Experimental to target regions that are hotspots of viral experimental evolution lines to evolution as in the adaptation assess adaptive constraints and animal experiments • Use of next-generation sequencing technology repeatability and include three to increase sampling within and between hosts • Measurement of fitness of types of experimental • Collection of clinical data on pathology, isolated genotypes from evolved transmission lineages: infectious period, shedding rates and immune populations to quantify adaptive reservoir–reservoir, response concurrently with repeated sampling constraints new–new host during infection • Comparison of evolved and cross-species • Integration of genetic and incidence data to differences in the presence transmission determine transmission networks and absence of selection on • Sequencing of clones from many time points transmission using artificial and to link disease characteristics with patterns of experimental transmission genetic variation and transmission networks • Analysis of genetic data from replicate transmission chains to identify sites with convergent evolution23 *Steps used to address mechanistic hypotheses in the host jump of influenza A, severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus, canine parvovirus and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. Note that the time and financial investment increase from step 1 (sample virus) to step 4 (test in reservoir and new host) negatively correlates with research efforts to date (see Supplementary information S1–S7 (figures)). Earlier steps provide useful groundwork for later steps, and although many techniques are important at multiple steps, they are stated only in the step in which they first become relevant.

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Influenza virus SARS-CoV Measurement of mutational effects in multiple genetic 122 35 backgrounds and many host models is important to identify molecular mechanisms of viral host jumps and draw general conclusions.

Beyond receptors and antigens. A further priority is to expand the scope of phenotypic analyses. Decades of research have revealed that receptor binding can be an important barrier for a host jump to overcome, and phenotypic analyses of some viruses in this Review were biased towards measuring this and other simple traits Canine parvovirus Venezualan equine encephalitis virus such as antigenicity (which is a logical and practical place 15 12 to start) (Supplementary information S5 (figure)). In the more frequently studied viruses, other traits encoded in viral non-structural proteins (for example, replication rate, modulation of host cell factors that regulate the host innate immunity and RnA folding free energy) have been measured and found to be crucial determi- nants of within-host viral fitness in new hosts41,46,71,77,78 (Supplementary information S5 (figure)). Future research should be broadened to include other traits that influence within-host fitness, such as those involved in Different strains, Different strains, combination of single and cell egress or nuclear entry79, as well as those that deter- different host species multiple host species mine transmission directly (as done recently for influ- Different strains, Different strains, combination of single host enza A80) and indirectly, including transmission-related one host species species and single individual traits such as stability outside the host, alternative Different strains, Different strains, combination of different one individual host species and single individual routes of transmission and dissemination rates to routes Different strains, combination of different host of transmission; all are major determinants of viral One strain species single, host species and single individual fitness landscapes. Moreover, as experimental transmission is used to assess transmissibility of newly emerged Figure 2 | origin of strains studied in the surveyed literature. Articles describing strains in their reservoirs81, it is becoming apparent that evolutionary data of transmission of influenza virus, severe acuteNature respiratory Reviews | Microbiologysyndrome- coronavirus (SARS-CoV), canine parvovirus and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus within-host replication and between-host infectivity do 82 were grouped into one of the eight categories on the basis of the host origin of the viral not necessarily correlate , which again raises concerns strains used for experimentation and/or analyses. Inclusion of multiple strains from about the use of within-host fitness to measure viral multiple hosts is important for a comprehensive experimental design. Numbers indicate population fitness. the total number of published papers surveyed. Host models. The impact of host genotype (and more broadly, host species) on measures of viral phenotype mutagenesis and plasmid-mediated transfection of all must not be underestimated. Single viral mutations can eight genetic segments have been successfully applied affect viral fitness differently depending on host geno- to identify virulence-enhancing mutations that are type49,83–85, and amino acid substitution rates and evo- selected in new hosts71,72. More recent studies have lutionary patterns depend on both host genotype and emphasized the importance of repeating these reverse the patterns of contact that determine how the virus genetic assays in other epidemic strains of the virus. For encounters different host types86–89. Thus, when it is nec- Fitness landscape The relationship of genotype example, although a Glu627lys substitution in influenza essary to use model hosts, it is important to measure dif- and reproductive success. polymerase basic protein 2 is a virulence-enhancing ferences in viral transmission in both the reservoir and Often depicted in three marker in H5n1 (Ref. 71) and H7n7 (Ref. 72), it has no new hosts using models that mimic the natural hosts as dimensional space, in which effect in the recent H1n1 pandemic strain73,74. other closely as possible. In the case of influenza A, it is feasi- the X and Y axes are the challenges for future research are to expand these types ble to carry out experiments in poultry, waterfowl, pas- coordinates that describe all possible genetic combinations of study so that multiple strains from the reservoir host serine birds and swine, and these systems can be used in the genome and the height and the new host are examined in both hosts, and to for understanding strain-specific infection character- of the Z axis gives the decrease the use of virus strains that have been heav- istics of new epidemic strains90,91 and the within-host reproductive success for a ily passaged in the laboratory (fIG. 3) (Supplementary evolutionary processes that generate them92. The com- given set of genetic coordinates. information S4 (figure)). by testing the phenotypic bined results of three recent studies of H1n1 highlight effects of putative host-specificity mutations in more the importance of using natural host systems whenever Experimental transmission than one strain, other mutagenesis studies have shown possible to assess viral characteristics93–95 (see ProMED Transmission of a pathogen by that the genetic background of the virus influences mail post on influenza A H1n1 pandemic). Studies of placing infected and uninfected interactions between mutations (known as epistasis75), influenza A viruses from human cases during the recent animals in close proximity; this is quasi-natural transmission as the number of traits affected by a mutation (known as H1n1 pandemic of (from May 2009 to January 2010) 49 76 it excludes the role of contact pleiotropy ) and the adaptability of the virus , even found that the Asp222Gly mutation in haemagglutinin probability in transmission. when the genetic distance between strains is minimal. caused significantly more severe disease. Earlier studies

nATuRE REVIEWS | Microbiology VoluME 8 | noVEMbER 2010 | 809 © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved REVIEWS

Types of relevant data Types of relevant data by virus 150 120 Sequence 100 Molecular 100 80 Kinetic Epidemiological 60 Ecological 50 40

20 Number of studies with relevant data Number of studies with relevant data Number of studies with relevant 0 0 Types of data Influenza A virus SARS-CoV Canine parvovirus VEEV

Figure 3 | Types of relevant data collected by surveyed articles. The Y axis indicates the number of published papers. Data for all viruses are shown on the left. Dashed lines in right plot indicate the total number ofNature papers Reviews for each | Microbiology virus shown. Sequence data refer to sequence analysis of genes, genome or proteins; molecular data refer to viral phenotypes, including antigenicity, receptor binding, genome replication, virion packaging and polymerase binding; kinetic data measure the time course of virion production, reflecting within-host fitness; epidemiological data measure incidence of the virus in the host population; and ecological data refer to environmental conditions, including host movement or contact patterns. Note that articles can fall into more than one category. SARS-CoV, severe acure respiratory syndrome-coronavirus; VEEV, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.

had used a glycan array to show that this substitution were unique to the epizootic strains (that is, potential expanded tissue tropism in humans, which could poten- genetic markers of epizootic risk). one of these muta- tially increase disease severity by allowing it to infect tions, Glu117lys, alters the charge of the surface-exposed more cell types. However, the association between dis- E2 glycoprotein, suggesting that it could also have fitness ease severity and the Asp222Gly substitution was not effects in the new host (horses). Subsequent infection found in ferrets, a commonly used model species for experiments in horses with chimaeric viruses showed mammalian influenza A93. Furthermore, infection of that this and other charge-altering mutations in the virus different bird species with H5n1 results in a wide range capsid are both necessary and sufficient to produce high of morbidity, mortality and virus shedding patterns both viral titres in horses99, thus allowing for transmission within and between taxonomic groups91,96,97. to the mosquito vector and increased epizootic poten- tial. Two charge-altering mutations (Thr213Arg and Replication. Distinguishing processes that drive host Thr213lys) have even been repeatedly associated with jumps from patterns that occur owing to chance replica- VEEV host jumps98–100 (convergent evolution); however, tion of host-jump events is important, and two param- whether this substitution alone can produce the epizootic eters need investigating: between host-jump events phenotype seems to depend on the genetic background (examining multiple host-jump events for a single virus in which the substitution occurs98–100, and host jumps strain) and within an event (examining multiple strains have been observed without this particular change98. from the same host-jump event). Replication between events identifies potential generalities of host-jump Experimental evolution. Experimental evolution is a mechanisms, whereas replication within events helps powerful technique to determine the role of different to quantify the likelihood of re-occurrence, both of evolutionary processes in defining genetic patterns101–103. which can be used to quantify risk. Although desirable, The procedure typically involves the propagation of an replication at both levels is a challenge as host jumps isolated genotype under controlled conditions followed are usually infrequent and unpredictable. Despite the by genetic sequencing and, ideally, fitness measures of logistical challenges involved, more than half of evolved genotypes. Viruses are ideal for this because the published studies include some level of replication their genomes are small enough that they can be fully (see Supplementary information S6 (figure)). Greater sequenced many times, and they replicate fast enough investment in experiments that compare strains from that high rates of evolution are observable on short Parallel evolution Independent occurrence of independent emergence events under the same experi- timescales (days to weeks). In phages, replication of the same trait in lineages that mental conditions will help to elucidate host-jump experimental evolution (testing independent lineages arose from a common ancestor traits that can be used as markers of emergence risk. of the same strain) has revealed high levels of parallel (that is, same genetic change This approach has been used to identify genetic mark- evolution104–106, which is not only strong evidence of evolves independently from ers of host-jump potential of VEEV. First, phylogenetic adaptation but also allows quantification of the role of same genetic starting point as a result of a similar selective analyses of VEEV that included multiple strains from random variation in virus evolution — a necessary but pressure). This is a special case independent, successful jumps from rodents to horses elusive ingredient for predicting evolutionary outcome of convergent evolution. (epizootic strains)98 were used to identify mutations that and understanding adaptive constraints. Similarly,

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experimental evolution of avian influenza strains in pressures that are likely to be present in nature and thus mice has revealed convergent evolution with strains does not facilitate the identification of genetic markers isolated from humans, providing a useful way to iden- that would confer adaption in the wild. tify host-jump markers of adaptation from large pools of genetic data107–109. Such experiments can also address Conclusion important knowledge gaps, such as how often adap- The increasing ease of large-scale genomic sequencing, tive mutations can be produced in the reservoir host together with advances in bioinformatics, molecular or in new hosts, which selective pressures promote or evolutionary theory and new statistical tools for linking prevent fixation of adaptive mutations, the frequency viral genetic variation with epidemiology and phylogeo- of parallel and convergent evolution, and the trajec- graphy111,112, is providing valuable means to visualize viral tory of adaptive evolution. Intensive sequencing of rep- emergence and generating hypotheses about evolution- licate viral strains and evolutionary lines can reveal the ary mechanisms. However, full analysis of the resulting extent of adaptive constraints and the impact of genetic hypotheses must also involve biological measurements. diversity and population bottlenecks on evolutionary Accessible databases have become available to support trajectories. the growing pool of genetic data that have resulted from The design of experimental evolution experiments increased surveillance. Alongside the genetic data, these is challenging. In a recent experimental evolution databases should include ecological, epidemiological study of influenza H3n2, the combination of viral gene and phenotypic data (an effort that has been piloted for sequence data of evolved viral populations with meas- influenza A113). This would also help to establish research ures of virulence, tissue tropism and pathology revealed design standards for studying pathogen emergence adaptive mutations that enabled the evolved popula- so that key public health gaps can be addressed. one tion to replicate faster and to higher titres in mouse approach that would provide balance in data collection lungs and other tissues and cell types110. This evolu- and integrative analyses is to develop disease-emergence tion experiment involved serial lung–lung passaging funding programmes that require interdisciplinary teams in mice, starting with intranasal infection, harvesting (including field ecologists, microbiologists, immunolo- the virus from the lungs of infected animals and subse- gists, epidemiologists, bioinformaticians and evolution- quent infection of naive mice with homo genized lung ary biologists) using multiple approaches (field sampling, tissue. This method was appropriate for the goals in this laboratory experiments, data analysis and theoretical study, but the homo genization procedure reduces the modelling). Such programmes would encourage greater evolution experiment to a single lineage, which does not balance in the types of data collected, would help to allow drawing any conclusions about the adaptation or ensure that data collection is structured in a way that adaptive constraints of other lineages. It is also notewor- is conducive to analytical goals and would promote the thy that the evolved viral population did not transmit broad collaborations needed to address overarching ques- well in experimental transmission assays, illustrating tions about disease emergence. Detecting adaptation is a that the selection procedure (extracting the virus from great challenge in any context, and the case of viral host lungs and administering it directly to naive mice) did jumps is no exception. but understanding the adaptive not impose selection on transmission traits and, again, genetic change involved in host jumps could yield large that within-host fitness may not predict between-host gains. not only would we have a more complete account fitness. Although this type of experimental design is of the role of natural selection in host jumps, we could useful for identifying adaptive mutations and linking also generate genetic markers for future risk of epidemic them to specific functions, it does not impose selective or pandemic disease.

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G., Liu, H., Kit, L. C., Baird, S. & Nesrallah, M. FURTHER INFORMATION Genetic and fitness changes accompanying adaptation Pattern of mutation in the genome of influenza A virus Kim Pepin’s homepage: of an arbovirus to vertebrate and invertebrate cells. on adaptation to increased virulence in the mouse J. Virol. 73, 4316–4326 (1999). lung: identification of functional themes. Proc. Natl ProMED mail post on influenza A H1N1 pandemic: 90. Itoh, Y. et al. In vitro and in vivo characterization of Acad. Sci. USA 98, 6883–6888 (2001). new swine-origin H1N1 influenza viruses. Nature 460, 108. Keleta, L., Ibricevic, A., Bovin, N. V., Brody, S. L. & 14929::NO::F2400_P1001_BACK_PAGE,F2400_P1001_PUB_ 1021–1025 (2009). Brown, E. G. Experimental evolution of human MAIL_ID:1000,84555 91. Perkins, L. E. & Swayne, D. E. Comparative influenza virus H3 hemagglutinin in the mouse lung susceptibility of selected avian and mammalian identifies adaptive regions in HA1 and HA2. J. Virol. 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Author Bios enormous pools of genetic data. Confirmation of which of these Kim M. Pepin received a b.Sc. in ecology at the university of british putative markers are due to adaptation requires experimental vali- Columbia, Canada, and her Ph.D. in biology at the university of dation by using reverse genetics and host models from reservoir Idaho, uSA, where she examined genetic interactions and adaptation and new host species, and corroborating results with epidemiologi- in viruses by mutagenesis and experimental evolution. During a short cal and ecological data. postdoctoral position at new Mexico State university, uSA, she stud- • our review of the current literature on four well-studied viral host ied the role of intracellular competition in dengue virus emergence. jumps shows that research on host-jump processes unfolds in four She is currently a research associate at Pennsylvania State university, broad stages: virus sample collection and genetic analysis; experi- uSA, where she develops dynamical models of viral emergence and ments in vitro or in cell culture; in vivo experiments in model hosts; Evolution, and statistical models of climatic drivers of disease. and in vivo experiments in natural hosts. We evaluate the issues in Sandra lass received a diploma in biology from Christian-Albrechts- using these types of data for validating adaptive hypotheses, and university in Kiel, Germany, and a Ph.D. in environmental sciences identify opportunities to collect further data that would enable from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETHZ), better discrimination among emergence mechanisms. Switzerland, studying inducible defences and chemical communi- • A detailed understanding of viral host jumps and the assessment cation in a predator–prey system. Her postdoctoral projects at the of future risk requires multidisciplinary research efforts with input universities of Fribourg and basel, Switzerland, and at Pennsylvania from field ecologists, microbiologists, immunologists, epidemiolo- State university focused on the evolutionary ecology of host–parasite gists, bioinformaticians and evolutionary biologists, and the use of interactions and the epidemiology of different micro- and macropara- use of diverse approaches (field sampling, laboratory experiments, sites using experimental approaches in the field and the laboratory. data analysis and mathematical modelling). Juliet R.C. Pulliam is a research and policy for infectious disease dynamics (RAPIDD) programme fellow at the Fogarty International Toc Center, national Institutes of Health, bethesda, uSA. She received a Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from Princeton university, 000 Identifying genetic markers of adaptation new Jersey, uSA, in 2007. Her research focuses on the determinants for surveillance of viral host jumps and dynamics of viral host jumps and on the interactions between Kim M. Pepin , Sandra Lass, Juliet R. C. Pulliam, human, wildlife and domestic animal health. Andrew F. Read and James O. Lloyd-Smith Andrew R. Read is Professor of biology and Entomology at Transmission of viruses between species can lead Pennsylvania State university, working on the ecology and evolu- to severe disease in the new host. However, little is tion of host–parasite interactions, and particularly the adaptation of known about the requirements for cross-species disease-causing organisms to drugs, vaccines and insecticides. At his transmission. Pepin and colleagues describe the age, details of his graduate studies are irrelevant. experiments required to improve our James o. lloyd-Smith is Assistant Professor at university of California understanding of this process and how this can los Angeles, uSA, and holds the De logi Chair in biological Sciences. identify markers that can be used to predict His research programme addresses the ecological and evolutionary transmission. dynamics of zoonotic diseases, including monkeypox, severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus, influenza and leptospirosis. He received a Ph.D. in biophysics from the university of California, berkeley, uSA, in 2005 for his study of disease transmission dynam- ics in heterogeneous populations, and carried out postdoctoral studies at Pennsylvania State university.

On-line summary • Viral host jumps can lead to major public health threats. The most recent pandemics were caused by viruses that were transmitted from animal reservoirs to humans, such as influenza A viruses and severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus. Adaptation of the virus to the new host is often cited as the cause of such emergence. • Distinguishing the genetic changes that are due to adaptation from those that are due to random events is hard in any biological con- text; virus host jumps are no exception. We present four different mechanisms by which viruses may emerge in a new host. Although all four mechanisms could produce the same genetic pattern in new hosts, only two are due to adaptation. We illustrate which data need to be collected to distinguish between the four mechanisms. • Future risk of viral host jumps to humans could be assessed by genetic surveillance of viruses in reservoir hosts, but only when genetic adaptation is required for a host jump and when precursors of this adaptation can be detected. • bioinformatic analyses of surveillance data are key stepping stones for identifying putative genetic markers of viral adaptation from

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