Inside Today: Forecast: Cosmos 4, Fog and Drizzle Ending This Morning, Remaining Mostly Cloudy Through the Day
She sees more than those with sight By Jackie Fitzpatrick her fingertips. Life/ Style Editor It took two years ot practice in a production She puts on her earphones, turns down dial room with John Murphy, station manager at five, turns up dial six, and pulls down a mic- WHUS. for Bochain to learn the ropes of an- rophone, speaking into it. "You're listening to nouncing. WHUS, 91.7 on your FM dial. Good morning, But the time and effort spent were worth it I'm Dena Bochain, and this is Morning for her. She says she is now where she wanted Classics." Then she turns off the mike, she to be all her life, on the air, that strange, won- flips the needle onto the record then turns up derful, weird world of radio, as she calls it. the volume. Timing smooth, as usual, it's She is on the air each Tuesday morning another Tuesday morning program for from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. And she also does a fea- Dena Bochain. ture program called 'Believe It or Not" for the Like all radio announcers, Bochain had to Connecticut Radio Information Service of work hard to get over mike fright, to make the Wethersfield, a radio service for the vision- timing right. And she's had to work much impaired and handicapped which is carried harder. on a closed-circuit via different carrier sta- Bochain, 35, is blind, suffers from Cerebral tions throughout the state. And her Palsy, and has little sensory awareness in See page 8 Inside Today: Forecast: Cosmos 4, Fog and drizzle ending this morning, remaining mostly cloudy through the day.
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