Committee and date Item South Planning Committee 29 April 2014 8 Public Development Management Report Responsible Officer: Tim Rogers email:
[email protected] Tel: 01743 258773 Fax: 01743 252619 Summary of Application Application Number: 14/00398/OUT Parish: Worthen with Shelve Proposal: Outline application (access and footpath) for phased mixed residential development; formation of vehicular access and new footpath Site Address : Land at Worthen, Shropshire SY5 9HT Applicant: Mr B Holloway Case Officer: Grahame French email:
[email protected] C ontact: Tim Rogers (01743) 258773 South Planning Committee – 29 April 2014 Land at Worthen, Shropshire, SY5 9HT Recommendation: Grant Permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1, and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement to secure the payment of an affordable housing financial contribution, in accordance with the Council’s affordable housing policy. REPORT 1.0 THE PROPOSAL 1.1 Outline permission is sought for the erection of up to 25 family sized houses to the immediate west of the village of Worthen, some 10 miles west of Shrewsbury. The applicant states that the design of the scheme would be sympathetic to the architectural styles of the area and the scale would be appropriate to the site. Adequate parking and turning areas would be provided and there would be a garden area for each property. A new access off the B4386 would be created, and the development would also provide for a new 300m stretch of pedestrian pavement along the frontage of the development, to improve the accessibility of the area. 1.2 The application is in outline, with all matters of detail reserved for subsequent approval.