Board Approves Sale of School to Borough Remstraiinn T Mures

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Board Approves Sale of School to Borough Remstraiinn T Mures The Zip Code Your Want Ad for Mountainside is Is Easy To Place- Just Phone 686-7700 07092 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside d ji.ich ThuF*,d,3¥ by Trymar Publishing tMcriOlien Rate la 00 Yearly per copy VOL. IB-NO. 24 MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J,, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1976- ~r>rovi0imci?Noad,Mountflin%ide. N J 0(95! Board approves sale of school to borough remstraiinn t mures. «hich liave been Hy KAIIKNZ.UTVK lireiise ID use Ihe land for iniinicipal and bid Ifiim Con<lil Miiicir Sides. Newton. Mince ii . will depend nn ;i UMI-K I -viiliiiit mil i >> Ihe I mini] :III, 1'iTT, at ,\ li>< nl S^im per niiinth i ariMin- I.iiitin. ,i pniiliiT in iVHriens Wi^iln-lh lau iiriysu.ilK low HT<- final If there j«. need for Thp Mnunr/ijiwiilr Board (if Ktllirnlioi) vfilefl reiTi'Jiliniiiil piii'iuiM'.s lint iniiHl provide Jill HiHilil have pruviileil "lily loijr vehieles at a cil Munition's wnrk .mil lie i-niitnlii)linn Inward firm, '.u'ls sclrcif'l ti\ the r«>,"ir'l >'• m-r\i- ;i- it- • inly one kinderL'/irten. the nther teacher at that unanimously Tuesday nijjhl In sell the newer n'niiilnjinncc and utilities for both buildings. If cost ill $47.1111!) ihe attainment nl -i Imnl «\»iein i!ifll«. Hiiniiin eci;iiti;ilor. whcMi needed, ,it a rate nf <-y> per tirade le-. el will tynve I" ihe vacant first Hrade portion of (he Ki-hohmuk School liuilclinu on 111. the lioniuyh ever ci*ase> l» usi> Ihr building as a Since the Ixiard has only SIW.IKMI in its present explained liniir. prnvuled h>' submit- an iti'tni/H lull post 22 In the Mountainside KiirmiRh Council fur Hiirmmh Hall, til It* "ill 1 overt In the sehiml IniduiM lor student Iranspnrlalion. Imiird Opposed Id Ihe pus dike .u-re <"h;ir]eN Spejji Hiuimn evplamed ihc loard diK's nut need The rmard alsn aureed m aholish the piisiiinn conversion into ;i municipal building. hoard president William Uiunnn nole<l he will hi'liin :ind Trudy I'iilmer She rnmpal'ed HiiniUiiif- ".iiliiry ID llinse n| -tipenMiendenls in !4 K- I.inH.i't service- nnw, but when il beinne, '•f lullnme ••chiml nurse havinti iwn parttime Under thr terms of the nsircrmoni, which will In nther fiction at the session, held before an imnu>di:ili- neuntinlions with tin- HfiruuHb 1 1 1 1 (inide H diMritt- uiih enrnllmeni Minilai \<> eeessnry in nldi/e tii'uiitwilnr. H iinliTted In nurse, scrvi' the schncil. next term They will he presented for approval In till I'lnnninti autlienei ol nppniximalely 4<> person - ill Ihr i cmm-il lor the iidditional SirUKXi needed In lund 1 Moiiiitaiilsifie *-. ,iii*i luih-fi ihnt ihe iiveninj- h;ivi- nne alread', hin'd "and read\ in innve ' bi assitlied til 'he I'.eeeliwnofl and Deerfield Board ill ii meotiiiK at II liinltjhl in Borougli Deerfield School, the Imard voted to .ici'epl ii the buses Halary \\;e SH^.n'.H Speth (-iied droppinu •\IMI m thi- pi'rvinnr! Jiieii. the l,fi;ird Miled in facihlie- Irom Iu]"i a tli in 1 . 3o p m . with no piiipoHiil h> the Hi'irii lUis Co.. Kenilwnrth. In Superintendent of schools I)r Levin l'< 1 Hall, the borough «ill uiki- title to the imfi iiii'ilmli the j»!nn» nl \ur;il minii- teaihei ;ii "iirsinu siTvici leitii] prnvuied at either school renew its present live ^us ronirm't at the saiin1 IliiniUiin's l!t7Ti.7il salary, action on which ha>. enrnlimetii nnd the liiijiril'-. linnlH'iii! prnbli'tii'., Eehohrook building anil thr land imiiiediiiteiv •he Mi'prlicld Middle < nne p.-irt-'mii- during 'he reniaimnc hour- of !hr schrm! day rale. SJSUtto. for the I!i7(i-7T srhiml year. and rec[Uesied ii tnnsnlei ,1 fiee/e ish rai^e^ tin under it, with the school hnjird relainint: lille in hud been postponed several limes, wiis ap- pi.'inn learber ;ind nni Spanish tfiU'her i-l Hependent 'Ml 'he ('nniiiiissiniior nf Kduratinn'^ ila^i^an "nntil \\w ^liiwiiinn rhniiLle^ The Mountainside Muni' \<snciation 'was thp 1903 slniflure. which hnuses^iiianl offices, prnvi'il Tuesday, with the honnl voting 4-2 In •rctivi- .tune '.n Ii .-I-" .iiireed m delay hini'.u appiovnl and a review ol the system's Iran "rile biinrd vnleil unanitK'iusK In retnin ii 1 ^rante'i pern^i^sHH; u> ^pni>nr a liiusir suiTimpr and the rest nf the propi'rty. iTiinl him (I four percent raise. hrinHinU his nne (irsi uri'i'i' feacher iitilil kinderiiiiriei Thp borough will he ("rimled a rt-vnunhli1 -.pnrtnlion policy. The Imard rejected a leasing total aiinunl pay lo 5M.3ii2 Future increases present rnuf!sei; llri% ri,,vn,I (fHrjen. iitili! -fiine (Confinuid en page !) Borough plans $300,000 for drainage work Hi n\vr.\m A S;$IKU»HI liiincl iirditiiinec in :iu!h'>ri/e 'he impniviMiicni nl ihr Murm \uiier M'\u'r ".y-ipp Iiy ihc ciiivilrui'linn "F Hriiiiiiiui1 Incililii's m 'he Nni'iiihi'miM Hrnfik iirc;i «;i- intn'dui'cd im lirsi reiidinu "I'lii-sdiiy inuhi hy ihe Hcrmmh ( nuiu-il nl ;i piililic1 mei'iniii a' thi- Hi'i'chwiifiil Schofii \ imhlir lii'iirinu tor tinnl ,'idnptinn is »cln'duU-(i Im ni"i(! ii ninth Aivrdind lei I'liuneilni.'iii Bruce liciucr. Ihc nrdiniinei1 i\m<- nni inclnd'1 ;iITV rnu'riiciu'i ilciuil pliins Miiynr 'lliom;(M l.'ici'ei;irdi «nid the iiniiniiiK'i' i- Ihi- ciilniiiiiituiM "I f'Hir yi';ir> m vurk "ii 11n* par! "f < "iiiiiu IIIIIMII Ci'iil'M' The iii'pnivi'iiietit \uirk i^\iilv(>- ii^i;ill:ilii<:' • •I i liiinncl ini|>rnvi-iiii nl •> ,'ind jirn.'.ilili' wiilcniiiu, etlendinu from the ncuh |ini|MiM>il (.iirliic ciilvert .-it N('« I'mvificnc'c tf>;id, ni/ar Ihc Cliililrt'n's Spi-ei.-iliwd llnspitiil t" h i-iinslrueted nnd limineod by "hi1 cniinl_\ The CIIIHM scetinii nl ic pl'its"cc c'tii inviilvr- in •.liilliiii1 rt'lnlnrecri rnni'ri1''' -Inrni «r»i'r* " ith iiinnlinlc iind drnir miili-K ;uvl cuirh II;IMII» Dlficiiils-Miidth.-it hi'Ciiiisc .lii-piiijci! is niii ;i currciii i>\piMisi' nl ihi- liiiriHiuh. i' i- ncci^Siirs CLOUD OF DUST — Red Sox catcher Richie Ruggieri divej in a plot*. Pitcher Gary Neitler watehet closely as umpire in iiiiiiiii'C ihc pi-ujcet ihrniisih issuance "I Imnili. vain attempt to put the tag on Tiger Tim Holleran at the Wayne Halbsgut prepare! fa make the call. Inr S2K.i.ntin with ,i dnwr pnyi'-en1 nl Sln.ium (Photo by Rich Reiter) Miniil <*^ii.IHHI is rsiiniMH^I *n i r>\ or Mrciiiipi.-i foci .•ici'iuintiiu1 ciiuiiiccriiii; iiii'i inspwliiv. American League Brewers take 2; (ContinuAd on pagt 7) Dayton students PING PONG PLAYfR—Nearly killed In an automobile accident a ymer ago, Robert Bollwago, IB, of Ilizaboth has learned to uio his crushed limbs again and will to present annual graduate from Thomas A. Edison Vocational High School, He credits Children's Cardinals, Braves, Chiefs also win Specialized Hospital here with his turn-around. By RICHARD HKITEH clever base running by Tommy Oilman did fine jobs for the Reds. Last week in the Mountainside American highlighted the Angels' effort. The Cardinals defeated the Royals, 8-3. Peter awards concert League, the Brewers won two games. They Led by Matthew Miller's six RBI, a divinR Grett went three-for-three at the plate, in- The Jonathan Dayion negiona! Concert Band beat the Ang«ls, 4-3, on Mickey Tomko'i home eateh in the outfield by Tommy Carter and the cluding a home run, for 4 RBI. Glen Stummer and Wind Ensemhie will present their annual Learn ing to walk again run, three hits by Stqven Sokohl and good combined no-hlt pitchinp of Vincent Mannion. also hit four RBI, Grett pitched, along with help spring awards concert in Halsey Hall of the hatting by Colin Sehoies, David Rizzo nnd Kteve fiokohl and Mickey Tomko, the Brewers from Brian Dailey and Terry Reardon iwho high school. Mountain avenue, Springfield. Timmy Cartir to pace the Brewer's 12-hil defeated the Reds, 7-0. Doug- Maher and turned In one-hit pitching). The Royals' play Wednesday, at H p.m. There will he no ad- attack. Vincent Mannion pitched two nr>hit Tommy .Jackson's aggressive base running svas highlighted by defensive play by Elizabeth mission charge Youth helped by hospital staff innings for the Brewers. Good pitching hy Tim also contributed to the win. Relief pitcher Schram and a strong throw from center-field The concert Band will perform such works as Eighteen-year-nld Robert Rollwage of be able to pick up a school book, watch a hy Richard Kolton that thwarted a home-run Van Name, three hits by Darron Ianone and Hobby Adler and first-baseman Kip Levinson Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue," Hanson's Elizabeth had the thrill of his life last October baseball game or smile at a friend, Most of all, bid and a close tag-out at home plate by catcher •'Romantic Symphony No. 2" nnd Ciuslav He walked. they wondered if Robert would.survive. Anne Bunin. Holtz's "Cappricln." The Wind Ensemble will Those steps between the parallel bars at Robert did survive and will graduate from Despite the Cubs' early 11-4 lead, the Braves present ("haminade's "Concertino." "Bolero" Children's Specialized Hospital in Moun- the Thomas A.
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    NPS Form 10-900 UTHO no. 1UX4-UU1O (Oct 1990) United States Department of the Interior RECEIVED National Park Service National Register of Historic Places APR -9 2009 Registration Form This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations of eligibility for individual propertk he National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (National Register Bulletin 16A). Complete each item by mart irmation requested, if an item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "N/A" for "not applicable." For functions, architectural dassificati eeasof Significance, enter only categories and subcategories listed in the instructions. Place additional entries and narrative items on continuation she u|ea I typewriter, word processor, or computer, to complete all items. other names/site number Montclair Park street & number SE corner of Bellevue and North Mountain Avenues [ | not for publication city or town Montclair Township_______________________________________ | | vicinity state New Jersey code NJ county Essex code 013 zip code 07043 3. State/Federal Agency Certification As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, 1 certify that this )^ nomination | | request for determination of elig ibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the proaedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property E meets | _ | does not m0§t the National Register criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant nationally//! I statejwio£ [7^1 locally. | | See continuation sheet for additional comments. /^>n L ^ /c^ Q £} 0<7 ^igjMf^^^ Date State or Federal agency and bureau In my opinion, the property | | meets ______ does not meet the National Register criteria.
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