The Zip Code Your Want Ad for Mountainside is Is Easy To Place- Just Phone 686-7700 07092 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside

d ji.ich ThuF*,d,3¥ by Trymar Publishing tMcriOlien Rate la 00 Yearly per copy VOL. IB-NO. 24 MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J,, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1976- ~r>rovi0imci?Noad,Mountflin%ide. N J 0(95! Board approves sale of school to borough remstraiinn t mures. «hich liave been Hy KAIIKNZ.UTVK lireiise ID use Ihe land for iniinicipal and bid Ifiim Con> Ihe I mini] :III, 1'iTT, at ,\ li>< nl S^im per niiinth i ariMin- I.iiitin. ,i pniiliiT in iVHriens Wi^iln-lh lau iiriysu.ilK low HT<- final If there j«. need for Thp Mnunr/ijiwiilr Board (if Ktllirnlioi) vfilefl reiTi'Jiliniiiil piii'iuiM'.s lint iniiHl provide Jill HiHilil have pruviileil "lily loijr vehieles at a cil Munition's wnrk .mil lie i-niitnlii)linn Inward firm, '.u'ls sclrcif'l ti\ the r«>,"ir'l >'• m-r\i- ;i- it- • inly one kinderL'/irten. the nther teacher at that unanimously Tuesday nijjhl In sell the newer n'niiilnjinncc and utilities for both buildings. If cost ill $47.1111!) ihe attainment nl -i Imnl «\»iein i!ifll«. Hiiniiin eci;iiti;ilor. whcMi needed, ,it a rate nf <-y> per tirade le-. el will tynve I" ihe vacant first Hrade portion of (he Ki-hohmuk School liuilclinu on 111. the lioniuyh ever ci*ase> l» usi> Ihr building as a Since the Ixiard has only SIW.IKMI in its present explained liniir. prnvuled h>' submit- an iti'tni/H lull post 22 In the Mountainside KiirmiRh Council fur Hiirmmh Hall, til It* "ill 1 overt In the sehiml IniduiM lor student Iranspnrlalion. Imiird Opposed Id Ihe pus dike .u-re <"h;ir]eN Spejji Hiuimn evplamed ihc loard diK's nut need The rmard alsn aureed m aholish the piisiiinn conversion into ;i municipal building. hoard president William Uiunnn noledi:ili- neuntinlions with tin- HfiruuHb 1 1 1 1 (inide H diMritt- uiih enrnllmeni Minilai \<> eeessnry in nldi/e tii'uiitwilnr. H iinliTted In nurse, scrvi' the schncil. next term They will he presented for approval In till I'lnnninti autlienei ol nppniximalely 4<> person - ill Ihr i cmm-il lor the iidditional SirUKXi needed In lund 1 Moiiiitaiilsifie *-. ,iii*i luih-fi ihnt ihe iiveninj- h;ivi- nne alread', hin'd "and read\ in innve ' bi assitlied til 'he I'.eeeliwnofl and Deerfield Board ill ii meotiiiK at II liinltjhl in Borougli Deerfield School, the Imard voted to .ici'epl ii the buses Halary \\;e SH^.n'.H Speth (-iied droppinu •\IMI m thi- pi'rvinnr! Jiieii. the l,fi;ird Miled in facihlie- Irom Iu]"i a tli in 1 . 3o p m . with no piiipoHiil h> the Hi'irii lUis Co.. Kenilwnrth. In Superintendent of schools I)r Levin l'< 1 Hall, the borough «ill uiki- title to the imfi iiii'ilmli the j»!nn» nl \ur;il minii- teaihei ;ii "iirsinu siTvici leitii] prnvuied at either school renew its present live ^us ronirm't at the saiin1 IliiniUiin's l!t7Ti.7il salary, action on which ha>. enrnlimetii nnd the liiijiril'-. linnlH'iii! prnbli'tii'., Eehohrook building anil thr land imiiiediiiteiv •he Mi'prlicld Middle ^pni>nr a liiusir suiTimpr and the rest nf the propi'rty. iTiinl him (I four percent raise. hrinHinU his nne (irsi uri'i'i' feacher iitilil kinderiiiiriei Thp borough will he ("rimled a rt-vnunhli1 -.pnrtnlion policy. The Imard rejected a leasing total aiinunl pay lo 5M.3ii2 Future increases present rnuf!sei; llri% ri,,vn,I (fHrjen. iitili! -fiine (Confinuid en page !) Borough plans $300,000 for drainage work Hi n\vr.\m A S;$IKU»HI liiincl iirditiiinec in :iu!h'>ri/e 'he impniviMiicni nl ihr Murm \uiier M'\u'r ".y-ipp Iiy ihc ciiivilrui'linn "F Hriiiiiiiui1 Incililii's m 'he Nni'iiihi'miM Hrnfik iirc;i «;i- intn'dui'cd im lirsi reiidinu "I'lii-sdiiy inuhi hy ihe Hcrmmh ( nuiu-il nl ;i piililic1 mei'iniii a' thi- Hi'i'chwiifiil Schofii \ imhlir lii'iirinu tor tinnl ,'idnptinn is »cln'duU-(i Im ni"i(! ii ninth Aivrdind lei I'liuneilni.'iii Bruce liciucr. Ihc nrdiniinei1 i\m<- nni inclnd'1 ;iITV rnu'riiciu'i ilciuil pliins Miiynr 'lliom;(M l.'ici'ei;irdi «nid the iiniiniiiK'i' i- Ihi- ciilniiiiiituiM "I f'Hir yi';ir> m vurk "ii 11n* par! "f < "iiiiiu IIIIIMII Ci'iil'M' The iii'pnivi'iiietit \uirk i^\iilv(>- ii^i;ill:ilii<:' • •I i liiinncl ini|>rnvi-iiii nl •> ,'ind jirn.'.ilili' wiilcniiiu, etlendinu from the ncuh |ini|MiM>il (.iirliic ciilvert .-it N('« I'mvificnc'c tf>;id, ni/ar Ihc Cliililrt'n's Spi-ei.-iliwd llnspitiil t" h i-iinslrueted nnd limineod by "hi1 cniinl_\ The CIIIHM scetinii nl ic pl'its"cc c'tii inviilvr- in •.liilliiii1 rt'lnlnrecri rnni'ri1''' -Inrni «r»i'r* " ith iiinnlinlc iind drnir miili-K ;uvl cuirh II;IMII» Dlficiiils-Miidth.-it hi'Ciiiisc .lii-piiijci! is niii ;i currciii i>\piMisi' nl ihi- liiiriHiuh. i' i- ncci^Siirs CLOUD OF DUST — Red Sox catcher Richie Ruggieri divej in a plot*. Pitcher Gary Neitler watehet closely as umpire in iiiiiiiii'C ihc pi-ujcet ihrniisih issuance "I Imnili. vain attempt to put the tag on Tiger Tim Holleran at the Wayne Halbsgut prepare! fa make the call. Inr S2K.i.ntin with ,i dnwr pnyi'-en1 nl Sln.ium (Photo by Rich Reiter) Miniil <*^ii.IHHI is rsiiniMH^I *n i r>\ or Mrciiiipi.-i foci .•ici'iuintiiu1 ciiuiiiccriiii; iiii'i inspwliiv. American League Brewers take 2; (ContinuAd on pagt 7) Dayton students PING PONG PLAYfR—Nearly killed In an automobile accident a ymer ago, Robert Bollwago, IB, of Ilizaboth has learned to uio his crushed limbs again and will to present annual graduate from Thomas A. Edison Vocational High School, He credits Children's Cardinals, Braves, Chiefs also win Specialized Hospital here with his turn-around. By RICHARD HKITEH clever base running by Tommy Oilman did fine jobs for the Reds. Last week in the Mountainside American highlighted the Angels' effort. The Cardinals defeated the Royals, 8-3. Peter awards concert League, the Brewers won two games. They Led by Matthew Miller's six RBI, a divinR Grett went three-for-three at the plate, in- The Jonathan Dayion negiona! Concert Band beat the Ang«ls, 4-3, on Mickey Tomko'i home eateh in the outfield by Tommy Carter and the cluding a home run, for 4 RBI. Glen Stummer and Wind Ensemhie will present their annual Learn ing to walk again run, three hits by Stqven Sokohl and good combined no-hlt pitchinp of Vincent Mannion. also hit four RBI, Grett pitched, along with help spring awards concert in Halsey Hall of the hatting by Colin Sehoies, David Rizzo nnd Kteve fiokohl and Mickey Tomko, the Brewers from Brian Dailey and Terry Reardon iwho high school. Mountain avenue, Springfield. Timmy Cartir to pace the Brewer's 12-hil defeated the Reds, 7-0. Doug- Maher and turned In one-hit pitching). The Royals' play Wednesday, at H p.m. There will he no ad- attack. Vincent Mannion pitched two nr>hit Tommy .Jackson's aggressive base running svas highlighted by defensive play by Elizabeth mission charge Youth helped by hospital staff innings for the Brewers. Good pitching hy Tim also contributed to the win. Relief pitcher Schram and a strong throw from center-field The concert Band will perform such works as Eighteen-year-nld Robert Rollwage of be able to pick up a school book, watch a hy Richard Kolton that thwarted a home-run Van Name, three hits by Darron Ianone and Hobby Adler and first-baseman Kip Levinson Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue," Hanson's Elizabeth had the thrill of his life last October baseball game or smile at a friend, Most of all, bid and a close tag-out at home plate by catcher •'Romantic Symphony No. 2" nnd Ciuslav He walked. they wondered if Robert would.survive. Anne Bunin. Holtz's "Cappricln." The Wind Ensemble will Those steps between the parallel bars at Robert did survive and will graduate from Despite the Cubs' early 11-4 lead, the Braves present ("haminade's "Concertino." "Bolero" Children's Specialized Hospital in Moun- the Thomas A. Edison Vocational High School, New reservation rules fought back to edge the Cubs, 12-11, in Major and Debussy's "Claire de Lune," Soloists will tainside were "the most tremendriu.s feeling I Elizabeth, in June League play. Pitcher Mike Dalhauser kept the perform recitals of classical pieces and or over had In my life." Robert says It was June IB. 19TS. at approximately 9:20 Cubs in check, allowing only one run over the original tunes. There will also be a demon- Just a few. months earlier, Robert's family, p.m. that the car Bobby was driving careened last three innings. Fred Alholm (who had 2 stration of "computer music." friends and doctors wandered if he would ever nut of control, crashing into three parked at 2 Echobrook courts RBI) and Jimmy Cleveland (who had 4 RBI) At the conclusion of the concert, three band walk again. They thought he might never again trucks had key hits to spur a seven-run rally for the scholarships totaling SI,000. the ,Inhn Philip Rushed to Alexian Brothers Hospital in •.Mountainside tennis buffs, who may have Recreation Commission will accept reser- Braves. Steve Solomon drove In Ed Hafeken for experienced long waiting times at local courts, vations for Saturday and Sunday court time- Sousa Band Award, the Most Improved [iiiiniiJiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiliiillllljiliimiiiJiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiitt Elizabeth in critical condition with severe head the game's winning run. Strong relief pitching Musician Award, the Marine Commandants injuries and a broken jaw. he remained un- should be better able to schedule- their play there. (CnntinuMl an pagt 2) through a seven-week trial reservation system Award, the Band Citizenship Award and the New concert dote | _, conscious for nine days and in intensive care Two Echobrook courts Will be available on Director's Award for the Outstanding .lazz The Jonathan Dayton Regional High 1 for a month. The prognosis did not look hopeful being inaugurated tonight for two Echobrook ihe reserved basis between B and 9 p.m. week- Musician will be presented by the director of •School vocal music department will 1 for him. but after 11 weeks of acute care hi» life courts. Starting this evening, the borough days and from B a.m. to 9 p.m. weekends and Study authorized hands, Jeffrey E. Anderson, present its spring concert on Thursday, m was no longer in immediate danger. holidays at a fee of S2 per hour. Courts may be The Bulldog Marching Bond has reported on June 3, at 8 p.m. at Halsev Hall, This 1 On Sept 2. Bobby was transferred to Holiday deadline reserved for one hour of singles play or two for Dayton courts its [spring season. The musicians have just concert was originally scheduled for J Children's Specialized Hospital. hours of doubles play. returned from the Shenandoah Apple Blossom May 28. and a!! ticket holders have been I He had only limited movement of his left leg. Particularly careful adherence to this Reservations must be made in person at th

HllllllllillllinililllltllllllllllllMllllilllllllllliKlllliilliliilllllllllilllllllllll I Dayton players j present comedy "Arsenic" and Old Laee," a comedy 1 j by Joieph" Keiselring, with Paiti 1 | Liberman, Melinle Tuichin, Mitch § Slater. Stephen l.egtjwlec, Mark • Knrinella, Mrey Epstein and Qwyn | ! English In the top roles, will he | I presents by the Jonathan Dayton • Regional High School ! All-School g Players in Halsey Hail at p.m. g tomorrow and Saturday under Ihe m direction of drama coach Joseph P. B Trinity. S Others featured in Ihe Broadway and § CITED FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE — Former Mountainside school board m«mb»r Hollywood comedy success include a Patricia Knodel (left) and Ronnie Krauso, wife of ex-board president Dr. Irvin Doug Schon, Gene Tuichin, Robert s Tickets, at $3.1)0 each, may be purchased at the dear; there Krause, accept traditional citations from current Board of Education head William Gilbert, David Hoffman, David e MUSICAL MERRIMENT — Harriet G«rndt. Sandy Davis, Wern*r are special rates for senior citizens. A special performance Biunno during presentation ceremonies at the unit's meeting last week. Mrs. Alan Platoff and Paul 1 Schon, Judy Williams and Sylvia Evans (from loft) are among for elementary school students only, with admission at SO Knodel had served oh the board from 1971 to 1976; Dr. Krauso, from 1972-76. Mrs. Itpiler, Barbara Ijin is student director § the cast members of 'Sing Out the Naws,' musical comedy revue to be staged by the Mountainside Music Association cents per child, will he given tonight at 7:30. Krause traveled here for the presentation from New Bedford, Mass., where the and John Swedish, publicity chairman. = tomorrow and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at the Deerfield School. (Photo by Jon WinWord) family moved earlier this year. (Photo-Graphics) iiHiiimiiiitiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniMiiimnini

i ii 2.Thursday, May 20," 1976-MOUNTAINSiDE (N.j.) ECHO Council meets Man fined, license revoked; (Continued.from page 1) 1 (Ms, iiml is included in the $:!00,00i)>iSM>(1 ilisplCi'iKiirc in «itloning (lie bridge, ho down by Judge Jacob II, Ilauer at the May 12 James Quinn, had been involved In an accident 1 sliili'd session nf Mountainside Municipal Court to an on Foothill way. (li'iger JIISII slid he visited with siinir nf I he Fines of $215 also were levied against Angel resident-, wlin would have their prnpwly (if giiiiliiiiiiiiiiiMiiuMuniMiinuiiilillllMiiiMiiiMiiliillllliiiiiiiilnililliiiiM Maldonodo of Newark and Nathaniel Woolridge iec'HMi by 1 ho work- Must nf them expressed a of Peterson, for driving while, their licenses tli-strc In sei- wnrk dune tn improve stnni' were suspended, nnd against Daniel Claudi of dniiMiiKi' in their niv;i, he ivpcirli'ii, BUYING Plainfield, for driving while license and --n*,n, registration were suspended. Woolridgo also 1 paid a $35 contempt of court penalty. All three IN 11TIIKH ACTION nl the session, tin WISELY drivers had been apprehended on ht, 22, Cniim'il imanimnusly iidopted (he s;il:ir\ or I From Better Business Bureau i- (liniiiK'i's Inr police iiml cither municipal I'm- Three men—Stephen Marchak of Colonia, 1 •niiof Metropolitan New York, Incus pliiyei's Tin (irdinnni'es provide for siilarx Richard Ii. Davis of Metuchen and Jeffrey J, itH'i'i'Mses Inr IIU>IIIIHTK iif Ihe polk1*1 flopiirt- Dear Lnrrie: Mitchell of Union—wore fined $W each and meni jind (ilher iminieipal employees The Three weeks before my wedding my fiance placed on six months' probation for having 1 pnlii'i'ini'ii" - siiliiries increased ciyhl peri'eiit, and I broke up. 1 immediately contacted the been in possession of less than 25 grams of iiiiiiiicipiil employees salaries pert'ent. caterer I signed a contract with and who held n marijuana, Marehnk was arrosted March 19, \sliii'li is a I'OSI nf living inerease. ISIMI deposit. I explained tn the manager my Davis April 12 and Mitchell April 15. situation, and refreshed his memory about the An unlinaiK'e was introduced thai would Ronald S, Grant of Staten Island, arrested inereiise I hi1 siilaries of Ihe supervisor and promise he had made at the signing of the April 11 following on incident at the Friendly nssistiinl siipervisoi of the suniiiiiM- contract. He has said that he would return my KOBEHT C, PFRIKNDER pliiytsitniiiH The iiHToasi'S were $W for n deposit if I cancelled two weeks before the set Ice Cream shop, Mountain avenue, was fined a period nl in win'ks, The supervisor's Halnry is tn dale, but only if he could rent the room for the total of $?0 for interfering with a police officer lie increased In $1,1)30 lor 10 weeks nnd Ihe same amount of people. His atiKwer to my in the performance of his duties and for giving Pfriender earns false information to a police officer. ^j ^ p~ i * .^i » $ * i ^^ -^—^—^ ^=^= assistant >•• In he increased tn $RI0 question was that he never verbally promises SCHOLARSHIP WINNER — Mary Alice K»enon accepts o four-year scholarship from J. .(i.MI.. bis clients such clauses in a contract, I. un- In other court action, penalties were levied commerce honor Richardson Dilworth (right), Rockefeller Center ioard chairman, as her parents, TIIK MKKTING WAS begun oil an Unusual fortunfitely, hadn't thought of having him put against the follawinf< motorists: William thiK statement in writing. Isn't there any way Dutton of Ridge drive, Mountainside, $30 for Robert C. Pfriender of Mountainsidt was Mr, and Mrs. John Keenan of Indian Trail, fttountqinsid*, look on, Keenan is and -.pi-rial nnti- willt Ihe inviicntinn prcsiMttrd recently initiated as a charter member of Chi superintendent of the cleaning division at Rockefeller Center, which has presented In ;i eili/i'ii o| Mnimliiinside, Randall Deriey. you could help me in this matter? speeding 48 mph in a 25-mile zone, Wyoming drive; Michael E, Boyle of Murray Hill, 125 for Eta Sigma, the commerce honorary society at scholarship awards to children of its employees since 1956, uhn has altiMidrd ;i|| HnnHigh Cnuncil tm>etinns TROUBLED Thiel College, Greenville, Pa, Pfriender, son of Inr niaiiv yi'nis, was (Sivon Ihe honor nl Dear Troubled: speeding 40 mph in a H-mile zone, W, R. Tracy 1 drive; Paul F." MacMllIan of Now Providence, Mr, and Mrs. Henry W. Pfriender of Pembrook IM'rsi-nlinu tin invoeiilioii. This was ihe lirsl While caterers will agree to refund a deposit road, is an accounting-business administration lime Iiml ;i i-iliwn wris jjiven Ihe hemor if the affair is cancelled two weeks before the $25 for passing a red light, Rt, 22; David 5, Little League Mountainside girl Bickol of New Providence, $20 for passing on major at the liboral arts college. 'Iho I'liiincil jilso npprovod Jippoiiitmenl (if schedule date, provided the room can be rented Pfiender, a senior at Thiel, was a member of (Continued from page 1) llii'ei' ne« viilunU'or fiiemen. They are; Dciini'- by the same number of people, such a promise the shoulder of Rt. 22 Student Government from 1974 to 1975 and hy Hob Delaney held the Braves m the lost injured in mishap .Iciseph ('lark of Summit i-nad. William H. must be in writing in the contract. A written vou W Also: Russell Reeves of Newark, $20 for student representative to the Institutional inning. NVIsiin ol Sunny Shore drive, ami Kilwiird (i eontract will decide whether H1 get your A IG-yenr-old Mountainside jjirl required being an unlicensed driver, Rt. 22, and $5 for Planning Committee from 1974 to 1976. Ho Gary Kane was the winning pitcher as Hie treatment al Overlook Hospital last week for Tnepler "I Klslnn drive money back in the event of a cancellation. As a contempt; Arthur D. Williams of Newark, $18 Chiefs defeated the Vikings, 7! David Crane general rule you can'l get your money hack, not received the Herron-Shriver scholarship in th§ racial injuries suffered in an mitn accident on Thi'nitini'il alsii iiiianimoiish npprovoil a lisi for using an expired license, Rt. 22, and $10 fall of 197S, and is president of Phi Theta Phi hit effectively for the Giants. Hobort Sefeyk, Mountain avenue at Tnnjjlewood lane • i| Ideal luisiiii-ssi's renewing lic|unr IU-OHSOK, even 11 you "hrnkeup" with your fiance Jeff Wilde, and Rick Vanbenschoten played contempt; Diane L, Palormino of Fanwood, fraternity, Police said .loan liiiddinjj of Dunn parkway Thes were- Chiiine's Tavern, Inc,, HBii Uirrien'FarreH, Better Business Bureau $10, without current inspection on car, Rt. 22, well for the Vikings. 1 was passenger in a ear driven by Mark G. M'Hinlaiiiiivi ,; Sloakand .Me cif N,.l,. Ine., 144:5 --O-O- and $5 contempt; Margaret V. Piorrepont of The Chiefs preserved their undefeated record Horkowski. 17, of Knnllwood toad, who was HI T2. Mountain Meighlfi. Inc., Mountainside Dear l.arrle: hy squeezing past the Dodgers, "1.4. Keith Far Hills, suspended sentence and $5 court 3 persons injured northbound on Mountain avenue when the Inn, \->M\ HI. 22, Tower Steak I louse. Inc.. KMX How can an aluminum siding company ac- costs, failure to have her auto relnspected, Rt. Hanlgan put in four innings of strong relief accident occurred at 7:50 a.m. May 12. I * I 2a San I'Taneiscn. ]HT> It I 21; HalPwav curately advertise a price for siding to be work on the mound, while he, Ricky Kontra and 22, According to police, Horkowski was passing Iliiiise. Inc.. \xw HI. L'2; Kle\is I., Herzcuski, applied to an entire house without first viewing in four-car crash Andrew Grett hit well, Kontra canie through Kehii l.ndge. |ii5n HI 22; Harry Slurcke. Kehi. A charge against James E, Sherman of ears which had halted on the nvenue when his it? Well, there are several companies that do Three persons were reported injured Friday with a home run. Dodger Ronnie Zimmerman lanes, HI. :>:>; Hliwise, Inc'. 12(17- HI. 22; advertise such claims. How do they go about Plainfield, accused of driving on Rt. 22 while pitched a fine game nnd hit well, too, auto collided with one operated by Lucille S. under the influence of drugs, was dismissed, afternoon in a four-car chain crash on Rt. 22 in Heel, 50, of Tanplewood lane, who was making MiMiitlaiiisidcnniuCn.,l!!MIMiitiuiaiii Ave., and determining these advertised claims? Frank Gagliano and Kirk Yoggy combined I hi1 I'lks I nduc Mountainside, a left turn from thai street onto Mountain IN DOUBT Borough police said on the highway near the for strong pitching and solid hatting to lead the nvenue. The Cniini-il iilsn r(>eeiveil a Icllor fi-imi the Dear Doubt,' Blue Stare to victory over the Twins, ifi-4. New Providence road u-turn when a car^riven Miss Radding wos taken to Overlook by the I'ATI 11 i>i|i I lifil ii new ra|ild Iraiisil ejir will be Nobody can truthfully or accurately ad- by Frank P, Krohel Jr., 32, of Scotch Plains, Gagliano hit a home run and was responsible (lediraled In Mountainside. Theeai will have M vertise a price for n completely applied DiFrancesco gets for s RBI, while Yoggy hit in four and John Mountainside Rescue Squad, ran into the rear of one operated by Eleanor M, 11].:i

• The Union Tnunh ReRinnnl IliKh Schonl marie onsite v. isits and read reference system, stuff absenteeism, space nccdK ant) the June 13 in Clark District Bnard of Fdutution has vnlorl to .iccept materials iompanng their own business .ip ling-staff relationship < arming central ad- Assemblyman William J, Maguire (R-22) d report an a studs ol DihlnU .ldmimstrjtion proach In problems with methods employed tn ministration, the school ndmitiistratlons, will be the guest of honor al a testimonial procedures i-nnduelcd rccpntlv by thp Eastern I he school teachers mid other staff niumbers). The champagne brunch sponsored by his friendii at Union CounH Chamber of rommi-icr .mil has In the final 7") p.if*>* re|«irl presented at a committee rerommended "a positive1 program the Ramada Inn, Clark, on Sunday, June 13 at directed its District personnel to begin leient lioard mi cling by Kichard llnrclerode to redut'i1 personnel illness absence be 10:45 a.m. ttviewing specific rocntnmend.itions ma* hv director of the studs team, the Chambc! cited developed" ami also suggested there' he "better Congressman Matthew J. Rinaldo and (tie businessmen for pnssihlc impiemi-nt.ition the cooperation of Ilistncl personnel whn planning, arranging and coordinating of Assembly Minority Lender Thomas Kean will - The in depth studs %sas be>min last f.ill with "seemed Renuineh inlerestcd and concernetl meetings through the administrative offices," he the speakers at the fund raising event. ijiembcrs nf thi- number nf Pomim-rcn that lhe\ iDprfTiLiunrv " The While listing Wiiys of relieving (he subject Tickets, at S12, may be obtained by contacting assigned to cnmniitti-es on personnel and nd Hoard of Education also waL thanked foi its coordinators of some nf (heir clerical burdens, George Crater, JSi Westfield ave , Clark , irinistration data processing business office cooperation (he committee noted the organizational pur- Maguire, a first term Republican assem- practices and plant operations Each cam In the area of peisonnel and administration poseof the'eoordinator system is "to assure a . blyman, serves on the Appropriations Com- mitteo intmietted srhoal staff members. the committee examined the lonrrinuitor uniform degree of subject presentation by the mittee. teachers in each of the four regional high Magulre was recently appointed to the Fiscal schnnls," In observing Ihe coordinators and Affairs and Government operations Regional line-staff relationships in general, the study Committee of the Council of State Govern- loam round an "excellent 'esprit do corps'" in ments, each school. Serving his first term in the Assembly, The team noted the previous emphasis for Maguire is one of four New Jersey legislators computer utilization was placed on expansion appointed to the regional committee, composed of data processinB for insiructionnl goals, with of representatives from the 10 north-eastern limited application in administrative areas At Htates. present, ihe administrative and planning "There is, perhaps, no single area of greater systems arc beiny upgraded importance to people nr which affects their The committee presented the Board of daily lives more deeply than how their Education with a lisl of alternatives to improve government spends their lax money," Maguire the control, direction, planning and utilization said of the District's data processing equipment "Exchanging thoughts and ideas with the •Some of the data processing areas cited by the representatives of the other states in the report as needing strengthening include northeast will be an invaluable experience, •.tudent record retrieval and maintenance, since It will give me the opportunity to study mailing capabilities, student and teacher what they have done in the Fiscal area and schedules and inventory capabilities. Basic determine whether similar programs could be vocational courses in computer programming applied in New jersey," he said. were suggested. In the Regional District's business office, a study team examined supply management, McDowell is accepted which includes purchasing and receiving of Richard Bert McDowell of Walnut avenue. supplies, storage, insehool supply distribution Mountainside, has been accepted at Bemjdji and inventory HEALTH FAIR PLANS—Mrs. Loslin Cooper, left, of Chapel Hill, Mountainside, of the State University in Minnesota for admission for The committee found that purchasing is Mount Cormel Guild advisory boord, and Sister Logrlno, adminiitrator of the Guild, the fall quarter centralized in the regional board office, with select items for display for the Union County Hoalth Fair to be held Sunday from 10 the department coordinators playing a major ( It! 1! 1I1I1 n IH III LlMkittllllllM IIJ1 Illl 111 II I] Illim IHIM1I lllTHtllll I role in the bidding, ordering and checking a.m. to S p.m. at the Battin High Sihool gym, 300 S, Broad St., iliiabeth. The guild receipt nf supplies. The study team suggested booth at the Healthy Birthday America' Fair will famlliarlie the public with the the coordinators' role in purchasing be a service* available from the Guild, such as odult and odoletcent programs, after- limited one, stating •'these duties could be care, outpatient care and consultation and education. more effectively handled" by the business office. Mtmbtr UP SAN JUAN HILL-—Mitchell Slater, portraying Teddy Brewsler, prepar»§ to deliver The committee also felt the problems in- SUBURBAN dividual schools encountered in receiving and NEWSPAPERS his famous Teddy Roosevelt 'charge'call in scene from 'Arsenic and Old Lace,' to be I OF AVE RICA storing goods would be decreased by reducing staged by the Jonathan Dayton All-School Players May 21 and 22 at 8:15 p.m. in the the size of shipments. The lack of storage space [ Week's lunches at Dayton Springfield school's Halsey Hall. Tickets, ot S1.S0, can be obtained at th« door or was noted by the study team, and the use of PuEliUie tlrt Thyfidiy 6y from any cost member, Joseph F, Trinity Is directing the Joseph Kess«lring comedy, blanket purchase orders was offered as a Luncheons for the week of May 24 at rrfarine sandwich, applesauce Luncheon 3: Trumir PuBliiing Corp, assisted by student director Barbara Lan, (Photo by Moray Epstein) means to help alleviate this problem. Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Bologna and cheese or tuna fish salad sand- .Springfield, will be as follows: wich. French fried potatoes, buttered string The committee found the in-sehool ATMI distribution system to be "adequate," but Monday—Cream of tomato soup Luncheon beans, applesauce. Luncheon 4: Chicken salad af tn ZauTyk Public Notice 1: Frankfurter on roll, butter, baked beans, platter, bread and butter abntf aala. Supervising Editor recommended the establishment of a perpetual La Malamyt, Director PUBLIC NOTICE individuals to pose questisns and contormance with the provisions ,, inventory procedure tn guide individual schools sauerkraut, fruit cup. Luncheon 2: Fishburger Thursday—Beef vegetable soup. Luncheon 1: NOTICE IS HERESY OIVBN discuss issues related to the Public that plan all maps, drawings and on soft roll, butter, potato sticks, buttered peas, BUSINESS BEfAPtTMBNT thai the N^w Jeney Department Hearing These informal relevant data related te the and central offices as to requirements during Shell macaroni with meat sauce, Italian bread, Rsbtrt H Brumill, gf Tranfpertatien will hold a conversations will not Be recorded engineering, traffic, the school year fruit cup. Luncheon 3: Ham salad or tuna fish butter, tossed salad with dressing, juice. vice presiaen^of advt rtiiins Corridor Public Hearing on June and will not become part of the environmental, and relocation salad sandwich, potato sticks, buttered peas, Luncheon 2: Baked ham steak on hamburger WiMiam Friedman, 2i 39, 30 and July 1, 1976, af the official hearing record as-istanee aspects of the project The Chamber of Commerce also Informed fruit cup. Luncheon 4: Rainbow salad platter f gtaii display advf nising manlier Governor Livmgsfsn Rigtonsl Departmental personnel will be will be available for public the school board that the Chamber would roll, butter, potato sticks, tossed salad with Charieii,oomer, High School In Berkeley Heights available in the Information area inspection at the Hearing A full Tuesday—Twkey noodle soup. Luncheon 1; natisrial aav&rtising manager Township, far the prsFJSSfd beginning at 9;00 a.m, each description of the project will be supply the business expertise during the im- dressing, juice. Luncheon 3: Salami or tuna William M.MeKinnon." " completion ef Interstate Rsuti 7i morning of the Hearing and 6 SO given during the Department's plementation stage, as requested. "This ser- Breaded veal steak with gravy, bread and fish salad sandwich, potato sticks, tossed salad Circulation mahagtr from the vicinity of piafnffeld p m each evening fef the Hearing official presentation on Monday, hutter, mashed potatoes, buttered carrots, Avenue, Btrkeley Heights In order to facilitate the June 28th at 10 00 a m and 7 00 vice w ill assist the District in making the report with dressing, juice. Luncheon 4; Cold cut Mm Hewird Township to thi vicinity sf presentation of testimony and to p m a working document," a spokesman noted cake. Luncheon 2: Baked pork roll on soft roll salad platter, bread and butter, PuhllUitr, ItUlft? Baltusre! Road, Springfield accommodate all persons who In the event that the Route 171 and butter, mashed potatoes, buttered carrots, Wlion Mintt-rtiirtfl Township, Union County Thi wish to speak, we are asking preieef involves the acquisition of Friday—Mushroom barley soup Luncheon PUBIlthlr.lfIi.197S Hpanng will run from 10 00 s m to speakers te pre register by land ewneg by a municipality for cake. Luncheon 3: Peanut butter and jelly or A DO p m anfl frem 7 00 p m to sending their names, addresses, public use, the provisions of New tuna fish sialad sandwich, potato sticks, but- 1: Grilled hamburger on bun and butter, but- II DO p m dally phone numbers and preferred Jersey Statutes Annotated, Title Vanderbilt Ph.D. tered com. cole slaw, cake. Luncheon 2: The purpose of the Hearing, as speaking time to the Office sf 27:7*23 will be observed and tered carrots, cake. Luncheon 4: Cgkl turkey deserlBed in the New Jersey Community Inveivemint* New considered in the conduct ef this salad platter, bread and butter, Grilled cheese sandwich, buttered com, cole Department of Transportation's jersey Department of Hearing slaw, cake. Luncheon 3: Egg salad or tuna fish Action Plan {adopted April 14, Transportation, 1035 Parkway In accordance with the Action awarded to Speth Wednesday—Yankee bean soup. Luncheon J. J Nfw Prmliinpt I..NJ. 197SS, is "to ensure that an Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey Plan and me requirements of salad sandwich, buttered corn, coleslaw, cake. Mont«^«! M4.77f! 0S&25 Pre registrations should be Robert Charles! Speth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury steak on hamburger bun nr bread, opportunity is afforded for Section 1O2I2)(C1 of the National Charles Speth of Woodvalley road, Moun- Luncheon 4; Tuna fish salad platter, bread and effective participation by submitted in writing as far In Environmental Policy Act of I?6? butter, French fried potatoes, buttered string s U S, SUiURBAN PB[SS INC Interested persons in the process of advance of the hearing date as and Section 4(f) of me United tainside, was awarded a Ph.D. degree in beans, applesauce. Luncheon 2: Cold sub- hutter, determining the need for and the possible, since requests for States Department of All menus are subject to change. location of the proposed speaking time will be honored in Transportation Act of 1964, a Draft pharmacology on May 12 from Vanderhilt uminumiummiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiuip improvement" and to provide "a the order m which they are Environmental impact Statement University, Nashville, Tenn. public forum that affords a full received by the Office of Section 4{f) Statement concerning opportunity for presenting views community involvement Each the effects of the various Dr, Speth will begin post-doctorate studies in McDonough asks en each of the proposed alternative speaker will be allotted five alternatives hgs begn prepared, highway locations and thi social, minutes in which to present his or this statement is available for pharmacology, with a specialty in economic and environmental .her testimony. In order to public inspection and review at the neurochemistry, at the University of Arizona, effects of those alternate establish a reasonable schedule, fallowing locations the New for 'sunset' law I Bought My New Range locations " pre registrants should indicate Jersey Department of Tucson, in June. He received his M,A, degree in The Hearing will be preceded by three half hour periods between Transportation Library, Room 13Q, physiological psychology from Connecticut State Sen, Peter J. McDonough iR-22i said six environmental information 10 3D am 400pm and 7 30 p m 1Q35 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, College, New London, and his B,A, in biology- this week he will introduce legislation that sessions June 1, Valley View 11 00 p m that would be New Jersey Q86JS, the New Jersey From Elizabethtown, School, valley View Road, convenient. The Office of State CleaVInghouse, 3!? west psychology at Western Maryland College. would require every state division, regulatory Wafenuno June 5, Brsyfen Community Involvement will StatftStreet, Trenton, New Jersey Westminster, . Elementary School, Tulip Street, notify pre registrants of their the Federal Highway agency, board, commission and licensing And rm Paying For It Summit, June 10, Oeertieia assigned speaking times Administration Division Oftici, 25 authority to "re-justify its existence" at least School, Centra! Avenue, Persons Wishing to speak who scotch Read* Trenton, New every five years or. by statute, the group will Mountainside June li, Brunnfr have not pre registered must sign Jersey, Ifie Federal Highway On My Gas School, Westfield Road, Scotch up to speak upon arriving at the Administration Regional Office, 4 be given one additional year to tidy up its ac- Plains, June 16, Jonathan Dayton Hearing They will Be called upon Normansklll Boulevard, Delmar, Toor, 17, running Regional High School, Mountain in the order In which they have New York the Union County tivities before poing nut of existence, Avenue, Springfield June 17, signed in If there are available Administration office. "The time for jhis sort of 'sunset' legislation Governor Livingston Regional time slots that have not Been taken Courthouse, West Scott Place, as Dem alternate High School, 171 Watchuns up by pre registered speakers ElliaBeth 07801, the Somerset ig here," the GOP senator said, "In the past 25 Boulevard, Berkeley Heights Prt registrants who wish to give County Administration Office, 6) Gary Toor of Berkeley Heights is running as years, the New Jersey legislature has created Each environmental session will their time to another speaker may Srove Street, Somervllle 0SB76 an alternate in the June 8 primary election in Be open from 3QQpm to^OOpm do so if they sre present at me The statement Is also available at twice as many regulatory agencies and other for the purpesp of discussing the Hearing when their name Is called the municipal buildings ana public the 22nd District, committed to Congressman bodies supported by tax dollars than it pofentlai social, environmental Each pre registrant may . libraries of the Borough of and economic impacts of the relinquish his or her time to only , Watchung In Somerset County the Mo.Udal), He was chosen at the Democratic established in the previous "a years. Many of proposed project and all other data one other individual City of Summit, the Boroughs of mmi-convention at Rahway High •Sehool in these restrict competition, indicate superiority contained in the Draff Written statements and other Mountainside and New Environmental impact statement exhibits related to the Route 178 Providence, and the Townships ef April and graduated early from high school in over unlicensed persons and groups, or give an Copies of the Draft Environmental proltet may be presented |n place Berkeley Heights, scotch plains, order to work in thi campaign, impact Statement, as well as maps of or in addition to oral statements and Springfield in Union county unfair advantage to the 'licensed' group and renderings, will be available made'at the Hearing- These Copies will be available for review Cary, 17, will be 18 five days before the because federal regulations uoverning for public inspection and statements and exhibits must be at the Public Hearing and the six primary. He has worked for Udall in New York comment suomltted to the Department of environmental information payments for services favor payments to a The Hearing Itself will consist of Transportation'* Office of sessions and Pennsylvania, and began his political work licensed person." two official presentations By Community Involvement by July Persons wishing to comment on with George McGovem's presidential cam- Department of Transportation 31st (30 days after me close of the the Draft Environmental impact personnel, followed by an Hearing) Persons interested In statement may do so by writing, paign in 1972, He has also sverked in the cam- opportunity for cltnens to give reviewing the Hearing transcript by July 31st (30 days alter the paigns of Adam Levin and Betty Wilson, and is testimony regarding the proposed may arrange to see and or copy It Hearing), to Mr J P Andrews, VFW to sponsor party improvement AM testimony will at Department Headquarters In Director ef Division of Economic o member of both the Young Democrats and be recorded and will become part Trenton In addition, any and Environmental Analysis, New the New Democratic Coalition, for Lyons Hospital vets of trie official Public Hearing Individual or group wishing to Jersey peparfpnerit of Record 'Questions posed as part of contact the Offle* during the transportation* 1035 Barkway He declared, "Mo Udall will be a com- Mountainside Memorial Post 10136 VFW, will an individual's recorded statement Department's evaluation period Is Avenue, Trenton* New Jersey passionate and sensitive president who will pay will Be officially addressed in the invited to do ss In writing or By 08625 entertain Lyons Hospital veterans on Tuesday, pinnl Environmental Impact calling 609 292 6802 Signed. Jean G Schwartz (Mrs ) real attention to the needs of this nation's young The sixth annual Lyons vets' party will, as in statement In addition, a display The Route 7( Hearing Is being Department Secretary and information area that will run conducted in accordance with the Mtsde Echo. May 20, 1976 people and give them the leadership they have the past, be held at Our L-ady of Lourdes concurrent with the Hearing will New Jersty Department of (Fee S43 9J) not had over the past few years. Mo can tap the Church, Mountainside. provide an opportunity for Transportation Action Plan, In energies of young^ people eorfUnitted to Post Adjutant George Magee is chairman of meaningful change."*. the event. Members of the post and their wives will supply and serve the refreshments,and will Accepted by college arrange the entertainment. Debra Mae Crbnaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cronaver of Mountainside, has Hospital gmts state tree teen accepted by Ferrum, Va,, College for A Red Oak Tree was recently planted at admittance in the fall semester, Ferrum is a Children's Speeinliied Hospital, New coeducations) United Melhodist.rclaled in- Providence road. Mountainside, by the Union stitution which awards A,A. and A,S, degrees County Shade Tree Commission," in keeping through the junior college and BA and HS with the Bicentennial and Gov. Brendan degrees in five human service areas through Byrne's liberty Tree Project, The red oak is the the college's senior division. "' stnte tree. ^•.niih most ot jv's cxiiroimt'is, ihe put- out th? appliance you want, and if you qualify chaw of a new i;.i^ jppli.mcft ii j iiujoi imesi- we'll arrange credit term* to fit your budget, ment-tor the ivimev tamily Th™- day.iii AVlhiidhAVilh_i_mioi.mun>_dpwj!^aynjent_._theJowJ ^ Mrerih y<»" monlhly monthly payments will be included on your gis^ budget to miM-i fn'ii youi fjinilv's everyday bill and stretched out so your budget won't niwtis Bui wh.ii happens vthi>n u's linn- to re. even notice the difference! place an ok! worh-oul appNjncv—wht-re does So don't put off replacing that old inefficient OMEGA ihe money conie Irom? appliance any longer—visit your nearest Eliza- Well, dnn'i itespjif! The neM time you'te in 'beihtewn Gas showroom,, take a look at the the market lo replace an old ^j^applijocc. stop modern, gas appliances, and talk in at any of Elujbrthiuvvn's convenient show. to the sales representative about arranging easy rooms and ask at>oul our liberal credit terms credit terms for your purchase of a new tot puichaiing J new tfJs appliance. |un pick appliance.

UK gold-HIIH yellow lizabethtown Gas top, stainless steel back A Subsidiary of National utilities & Industries watch, wnter-reslsbmt. ELIIMETH- WiSTFItLB1 WHTHAMBQT IWUM muiMa NIWTCN matching Integral ONE 1 TOWN «.«* 1(4 ELM ST \m SMITH !l,i ONE BROWN AVI BOSltBB«f * ST SmSI* COUNTY MALL S19.MO0 1^ " RT JW3M.M30 Bracelet, 5-function m-vm 0^,1)01.1,. lillWl HI ill i* 1. - Bsnodpna RB9-M0O hvHIIu. mmsHrimt mu. Ot'er gssti snly in srM terncM By iunMimsMt 9a

I. Co

SEAL OF THE COUNTY OF UNION The wanton murder of Mr». Hannah Ogden Coldwell, wife of Rovorend James Caldwell of fhs Flr»t Presbyterian Church, Elizabothtown, by o Brit- ish soldier on June 7, 1 780, inspired Iho official teal of Union County adopted by the Board ef Chomn I Freeholders in 1857. In (rearing the seal, the loard directed: "On a circular shield, a miniature of the Presby- terian Parsonage of Connecticut Farms, the house to be of the Colonial frame type, executed in grayish brewn with o background of nature's colon; Hand- ing in the doorway Mri Hannah Ogden Caldwell, th« wife of the chaplain of th* Third Battalion ef Company 1, New Jersey Volunteers, being ilain by a British soldier. "The figure representing Mr*. Caldwell to be done in white, iignifying peace and tinterity. The British soldier in red with gun leveled at Mri. Caldwell, One window on the front ef the houie, containing four panes of glass, to bo executed in argent. "The roof thall be ?f the gable type, of the lame general color ef the house, with two ehimneys of brick. The surrounding landicapo arid shrubbery to be finithed in green and brown tones, "The numerals 1 SS7 indicating the year Union County separated from Itsex County, and the sky above, executed in blue; and engraved around the border, forming a circle, the following inscription; 'Seal of th» County ef Union — New Jersey*," The facti surrounding the death of Mri. Hannah Ogden Caldwell are as fellows! Mri. Caldwell was ihot to death as the approached tho doorway of the Presbyterian Church Parsonage at Connecticut Farms which is now the townlhip of Union. History tells us that the was with her nine children and servant! in the parsonage when the British troops arrived, A servant warned her that on enemy soldier was approaching the house and Mri, Caldwell rote from a cot to see. As ihe wai going to tho doorway, the soldier thrust his rifle through a window and fired, The rifle charge carried two iron balls and both struck Mrs. Caldwell in the chest, killing her instantly, His- torians say this gallant lady ignored pleas to flee with her children when it was learned tho British were returning through Connecticut Farm* after their defeat at Springfield. Moments after her death the enemy soldiers took her body from the parsonage and removed her children to safety before setting fire to the building along with other houses in the community. Her reasons for being at Connecticut Farms wore threefold; the parsonage in Eliiabothtown had been destroyed by the British earlier in the conflict; sec- ondly, she felt her presence in the Connecticut Formi Parsonage would save If from being burned, and thirdly, she was awaiting news ef the baffle faking place at Springfield where her husband, Rev, Jamet Caldwell, wat serving at chaplain of the Third Battalion, New Jersey Volunteer*. • Controversy among the witnesses arose over her death, and word spread among the people that the British soldiers had orders to kill her on sight. It was claimed that the killer know he was shooting at the wife of the hated "Fighting Parson," and that earlier in th* day another woman who had been mistaken for Mrs. Caldwell came close to being shot. Never taken into consideration by these people who condemned the British was the fact that their sol- diers-were beinfl-ihotut-from every houie along_ their path of retreat, and in order fa clean out the MAI snipers, it was necessary for them to rush every house along the way. Brl Other witnesses took a more lenient vi«w of tho Wt incident by saying her death was one of tho»« Dri unfortunate accidents which can happen in warfare. Mrs, Caldwell Was originally burled at Connec- ticut Farms., with her husband officiating at the, service, but with his death the following year, her body was moved to the first Presbyterian Church cemetery in Iliiabethtawn ta be placed next to that of her husband. , News of her death spread like wildfire throughout tho countryside and Americans everywhere war* more determined than ever !e defy the British, and It was this courae* and defiance directed at the English that symbollied the battle for freedom by the 13 colonies. - Thuriday, May 20, 1976-5

"Even if the cigarette tested had 60%more tar than MERIT, a significant majority of all smokers tested reported new Enriched Flavor MERIT delivered more taste! —American Institute of Consumer Opinion

Extensive taste-testing with thousands of smokers shows 'Enriched Flavor! MERIT delivers more taste than higher tar brands, The bottom line was. conclusive: 'Enriched Flavor.* Its exclusive to In a series of taste tests conducted for MERIT The cigarette with only 9 mg. MERIT by the American Institute of tar, one of the lowest tar levels in Consumer Opinion, smokers from all smoking today. across the country judged MERIT to MERIT MENTHOL is packed with have more flavor than five 'Enriched Flavor1 too. And leading low tar cigarette in similar tests, 9 mg. brands." MERIT MENTHOL was Whats really startling— reported to deliver as much and of major importance to — or more—taste than the all smokers—is that MERIT 11 mg. to 15 mg. tar has less tar than these five MERIT menthol brands tested. brands, You've been smoking Less tar. Yet more taste. "low tar, good taste" claims Thats the report on a long enough. Now smoke remarkable new taste the cigarette. process called 'Enriched iuu- o! Uuisuffivi Opinion Siud\ .i\ai Flavor.'-. A way to pack Philip Mom* hit . KR-hmoii.). VA ' »


i- i: Thursday, /SAay 20, 1976 CYO at St. John's Colonial picnic, Workshop to aid Red Cross schedules parties, trips plans flea market;^ \ -,! In-dull- Hi event* fot [he seuwd half of pi nun d In \i--it N' w liiHii- will bi> held in October, A Novotniw • SI, John the Apostle's CYC) will sponsor a flea fireworks display patients following I'lTli has been .mummied liy the Ameiii an Hi d piodui-liiio ol I'll loi s \< ii'li 1 i m linn nl Ihoater iirirty will inivel lo see the leu Capados 1 market on Saturday from » a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Cm - l'.i tein Union C'nunt\ i-wnl wdl M inh ill m ishMid loi lulv mil tin Aujjiul Inp iinil a visit to lUiriio City Music llnll for the church perking lot, Valley road and Stilopi A Colcmuil picnic ami fireworks display. hi'iiflil I hi- lied ( rin.". i-ruliM\ots sponsored by tin1 WVslfield ,layoi at ihe Hamada Inn in Kast I'dffei' nnil onke at the House nfter the theater, tables. Reservations may be made by calling There will be (jaim's for children nnrt ritta, Hrunswiek Purl her information is ;iviiilnhli> hy Pal Hodman, Oan-Mim, or Alice Wilson, Z7Z-52i$ pony rides, ;i Oiluniiil militia muster, the H;iin!s Tlio workshop, which is open to laryn^ei'. ihe Chapter House ul ;i nrum and Huulo Corps, n country-roek croup. tomee.s and their families, physicians, Public Notice; ? Temperance Hall and ;i 5fvpu>eo orchestra for registered nurses* anil speech Iherapists. is heinn eonductpd by the New Jersey Division 111 Arts focus Clearances. The environmental win send to each labor union of enieriainmenl Revitw Record! are on tilt at the •epresentative of workers with Capping th'e picnic will In- WVslflcld's first the American Cancer Society in cooperation office of the Community which he has s collective with the New Jersey Association of ptvelOBffient Agency, Muntelwil sargaininfl agreement or other lirownrks display hcjiiiininjj ;it!»p.m. Tin? event of courses Building, 197* Morris Avenut, "ontract or understanding a is eosponsnred hy (hi> West field Iiiceiilenni;il UiryiiKerlomy Clubs. The erontive ;irt» will be the Union, New jersey ang are lotice, to Be provided by the "in addition to the medical and psychological available for public examination agency contracting officer, focus of u one-week vacation- ana copying, upon request, advising tne labor union or aspects of larynx surgery, emphasis will lie study program in liockport, between the houri of i;3Q A.M. ana worker's representative of th» placed on speech recovery anil Die restoration 4-30" P.M.. Mendsv through contractor's commitments undet Muss., sponsored by Union Friday, this act and shaft posf copies ?' We of normal family and social relationships," ' Dent of No further environmental notice in conspicuous places No-diet program p available to employees ana said I'.eorge Randall of Plainfield. coordinator review of such oroieeff is proposes! applicants tor employment," the workshop. ContinuinH Education. to be conduetta prior to the Uegistnition for the June 27 request for the release of federal By order of the Township for weighty girls According to Hancinll, the objective of the Funds. lemmittoe lo July :i program will he All Interested agencies, arouos, MaryT.Liotta Dr, Frances Stern, director of the Institute m workshop is to bring together "any and eonduetcd at Union College and persons dHagreeing with this Township Clerk everyone concerned with the rehabilitation ol environmental decision are invited union Leader, May M, 197.^ ^ Behavioral Awareness. I in Hillside ave., through Monday, May 24, to submit written comments for Springfield, will conduct a four-week program persons who have lost their voice boxes to aceording to Weyrmin f>. consideration to me Office of the cancer and are now returning to a normal, Community Development Agency, in ,Iuly. workinp inlotisivyiy with a small Rrmip StcenBrafc of Westfield. Municipal Building, 197* Morris PUBLIC NOTICE Ol overweight teenage girls. active life," rilrector (if continuing Avenue, Union, New Jersey 07013. UNION, N.j. Such written comments shouia be SealM bids will tse received fey Applications are being accepted for the Continuing assistance to laiyngeetomeus is education. received at the above address on ihq Purchasing Aggnt In the program and enrollment is limited for provided under the Service and Rehabilitation There will he mini-courses or Before June it, w«. All such Meetina Room of the Municipal comments so received win be BuMdina, 1976 Morris Avenue, on maximum success. program of the Union County I'nit of the in landscape paintinR. considered and the Township will TUBSD'AV, JUNB 1, 1976. 10:00 Kecogni/.inp the fact that "frustrations American Cancer Society through ilK (Jabbers watercolor paintinK, crenlivo not request the release of federal AM, SHARP, and will Be opened 1 Funds or taHe any aaministrttlve for th§ following: teenagers face in developing independence, Club photography, creotivt action on the alorementloned ALUMINUM IION BLflNKS building sell and body Image and just plain "Our Calibers Club provides a valuable writing, stained ulass activities prior to the date Specifications and Form of specifies en the preeeedinj Proposal can oe obtainea at the coping can contribute to .uncontrolled and service to the ACS and the community" teehniqueti and psychic sentence. Purchasing Agent's Office, Lower irregular eating habits that result in obesity." Hiindall stilted. "We speak hefore schools, awareness. Courses are so johni. Zimmerman,Mayor L?yei, Municipal Building during Township of Union regular office hours. lir, Stern has developed a no-diet weight clubs, and organizations as living proof of the scheduled that an individual 1976 Morris Avenue Specif ieation requirements control program for adolescent girls, which dangers of cigarette smoking." can take up to throe courses, Union, New jersey 07MJ include the following: §id Bond, Union Leafier. May JO, 1576 Certified Checker cashier's ChecK stresses "t'ciping skills" rather than dieting as Persons interested in attending the in morning and afternoon in 10 percent gf tne lota! amount RED CROSS PLANNERS—Theater parties and bazaars are among the plans of th« bid or a stipulated amount. The a way to more permanent weight control. LarynRectomy Workshop nr speaking on the seNsions, Information is Successful Bidder mggt provide a Further information can he had by dangers of eiparelte smoking are asked to American R«d Cross of Eastern Union County, Scheduling th» svents of the coming available at 2764600, ext, 238. PU1LIC NOTICE performance Bond, UNION,N.J, "During the performance of this calling the institute at :ffii-fl7-M. contact Ihe'Union County Unil of Ihe American year are, from left; Genevieve Paseale DlVenuto of Union, chairwoman of special Sealed Bids will be received by contract, tne contractor agrees as Cancer Society, :lFi4-73TH events; Walter Cocker of Union, chairman of the board of the R«d Crois iaitern the Purchasing Agent in th« 'ollows: Meeting Room 0» ihf Municipsl a. The contractor or Union County chapter, and Chrij Hanns of Linden, ehalrman of special events, Rummage sal© Building, i?76 Morris Avenue, on subcontractor, where applicable Tuesday, June 1, W6, at 10:10 win not discriminate against any for Elizabeth Y A.M. sharp, and will be opened for employee or aPBlicant for Printing of voter lists Choral Arts unit the following: employment because of age, race, The annual spring rummage TRAFFIC 5ION FACES creed, color, national origin, for primaries repealed Speeifieations and Porm of ancejtry, marital status or sex, Y lists wilderness trips sale of the YWCA of Elisabeth Proposal can be obf*ined at the The contractor will taKe presents concert will be held on Friday, May 28, Purehaslns Agent's Office, Lower- affirmative action tq ensure that I'nicin County Clerk Walter (i. Ilulpin has from H a.m. to i p.m. a! the Level, Municipal Building during such applicants are recruited ana been notified by the Office of the New jersey The Choral Arts Society of New Jersey will reaulir office hours. employea, and that employee* are association building, 1131 East Specification requirements treated during employment, Secretary nf state that the hill to repeal the law present a Bicentennial concert featuring Teens to tour western states Jersey st. Clothing, dishes, include the following: Bid Bond, without regard to their age, race, requiring the printing of voter lists for the (ic-orge Gershwin's "Piirgy and Hess" and Certified ChecKor Cashier's Check creed, color, national origin, -A Trans-American Hikecpntenniol Trail- Uroitp also will take a six-day rafting trip clown jewelry, bric-a-brac, cook- in 10 percent of the total amount anceifry, marital status or sex: primary election was signed into law. "Rhapsody in Blue" at H p.m. Saturday in the offering eyelinu tours for youths aged 14 to 17 the Salmon "River nf No Return" in Idaho and ware and electrical ap- bid or a »tipulat(d amount. The Such action £hai|, include, bgt not U'csifield High .School auditorium. Successful Bidder must provide a be limited to the following; linlpiii said. "This now saves I'niofi Cmmly will be (he Klizabeth YMCA's ;idventure camp a four-day liackpackinR outing in the Wind pliances will be on sale performance Bond, employment, upgrading, 815,000 in primary election costs and ap- Joining the society in the concert, sponsored sponsor, inaugurated this summer by I'rnst River Range of Wyoming. Participants in the "During the performance of this demotion, or trangfer; proximately SM'i.oon throughout the state. by the Westfleld Bicentennial Committee, will Mrs, Fred Foster is general contract, the contractor agrees ai recruitment or recruitment Valley I'MCA. 298 Clnremont ave., Montelair. second group will visit San Francisco, take a chairman. Proceeds will be follows: advertising; layoff or termination; be Ihe New Jersey Sehola Cnnlorimi and an Adult supervisors will take pnrt in nil tours three-day rafting trip down Oregon's Rogue a. The contractor or rsfes of pay or other forms of orchestra comprised of area musicians: used toward the current suBeoritractor, where applicable compensation," and selection for The highlight of ihe program in a July 25- Hiver. iinri a three-day hike in the Grand budget operations. will not discriminate against any training, including apprenticeship. Tickets, at S3 for adults and 52 for students 1 Canyon employee or applicant for The contractor agrees to post in Sept. :) hieyding lour from the Pacific, Coast to employment Because of age, race, conspicuous places, available to ML, X %VJL .ind senior citizens, are available in Plainfield .Jnckson, Wyo,, lor n 12-memher group, plus A fourth Western trip, frnm Aug. 1 to Sept, ,1, creed, color, national origin, employees ana applicants for at Stcinbach's, thj" Plainfield Hook Shop and will feature backpacking in Banff National Public Notice ancestry, marital status or iex. employment, notieet to be Your two adult guides. The contractor will - take provided by the contracting officer I,Ion's Hance Shop, In Westfield. tickets are Two separate tours, scheduled July H-Aug. Park and n horseback trip through Jasper NOTICB OF FINDING affirmative action to ensure that setting forth the provisions of this nvailiible nl the Town Honk Store. Jeannette's :}((, will include two weeks of cyc-ling fmm National Paris—both in the Canadian Rockies: NO SIGNIFICANT such applicants are recruited and nen discrimination clause, 11iFt Shop, Ranrtstand Music ami frnm Jane SFFBeTQNTHB employea, and that employees are b. The contractor or OPTICIAN .lat'kson. Wyo,. through Yellowstone and (irand canoeing through British Columbia's Bowron ENVIRONMENT treated during employment, subcontractor, where applicaBie Smith at 137 Central ave. Tptnrw Niitlonal Parks, tn Missoula, Mont. One Provincial Park, and a three-day climb of Mi. The Township of Union proposes without regard to their age, race, will in all jolieitations or to request the U.S. Bepartment of creed, color, national origin, advertlsemtnts for employees lianier in Washington. Houslhfl and Urban Development ancestry, marital status or sex. placed §y sr on Behalf of the Additional information andlipplication cards to release Federal funds under Such action shall, include, but not contractor, state that all qualified SPRINGFIELD Deuischer Club fete Title I of the Housing and be limited to the following; applicants will receive may he obtained from the Elizabeth YMCA, Community Development Aet of employment, upsradino,, consideratfon for employment 248 MORRIS AVi, • 376.4108 Saturday concert 1974 (PL-W-383) to be used for the demotion, or transfer: without regard to age, race, creed, for Gmrman singers •155-9622. recruitment or recruitment SPRINGFIELD, N.J., (ClMid following proposed activities: color, national origin, ancestry, The Deutscher Club nf ('lark mid the " 1. Continuation of the advertising i layoff or termination ; marital status or sex; by choral group housing rehabilitation grant, rates of Bay or ether forms of c. The contractor or Saenger-C"hor of Newark will hold a picnic lor loan program initiated during compensation; ina selection for subcontractor where applicable, the visitinp, Chorgemeinschnfl nuehmm- The Chora! Society and Hncretl Symphony Courses to cover the first program year, training. Including apprenticeship, will stud to eaeti labor union or J, Home wlnterliotlon the contractor agrees to post in representative of workers with Meisterehnr of West (iermany at 1 p.m.. Sun- orchestra of SI.. Michael's Church,. Cranford. ' program, cohspieuous places. avslltBle to which he has a collective day, May 23. at the tieutseher Club picnic will present their third annual concert ... 3,: Demolition of vacant, employees and applicants for Bargaining agreement or other canning, freezing substandara housing unit, employment, notices to se contract or understanding a urove. 7B7 Featherbed lane, Clark Saturday at H p.m. at the church, -in Alden st. A series of programs on foot) preservation 4, Planning ... ana provided By the eonfraetlns officer notice, to be provided By the FASHION SUNGLASSES The ecunienical 7li.voic<' choir and 50. management development, WHIM forth the previsions of this agency contracting officer, The public is Invited to (he affair, at which a will he held on two consecutive Thursdays, 5. Administration, - ' non.discrimlnatlon clause, advising the labor union or Plain or Rx , lull selection of fiermnn-American foods and niemher orcheslra, directed hy the Rev. John beginning May 27, in the Union County far activities V, !, S, 4, end Si as b. The contractor or worker's representative of the 1M Oales. will perform works by Uirkin, outlined above, a Level ol subcontractor, where applicaBie contractor's commitments under FREE PARKING IN REAR drinks will he served. Kxtension Service auditorium, .100 E. North Ciearanee finding has b»»n will in all solicitations or this acl ana shall post eopiet of the Berlin, Bruckner, Malmte and Handel, as well completed. Thi Township of Union advertltements for employees notice in conspicuous plates Avenue, Wpstfield. The series will be conducted has determined that the sptraflsn placed By or en Behalf of the available to employees and as triiflitionnl spirituals. of prosrams under Aeflviflti 1, i, contractor, state that ail qualified hy Mrs, Donna Pnterek and Mrs, Elaine May, applicant will receive applicants tor emBloymejit." Tickets for Ihe concert are 5.1 for adults: $z 3, i, and J would not signlflesntly 1 By order el the Tewnihip Union County home economists, at 9:30 a.m. affect the quality" of the consideration for employmen committee for Mudcnts and senior citizens, and S] 50 for and 7:SO p.m. environment. without regard to age, rice, creed MjryT.LIotta children untler 12. They may he obtained at St. An Btivironmenfai Review color, national origin, ancestry Township Clerk The session on May 27 will deal with home Record ha» Been established by the marital status or %t*> Union Leader, May JO. Wi Michael's Heclory 'next to the churchMotiay irepzing of fruits and vegetables. The June 3 Township of Unlsn for each sf We e. The contractor or and tomorrow from ii a.m. to :i p.m.. or at the aforementioned activities. The subcontractor where applicable. •session will cover home canning of fruits and Bnvlronmental Review Record door on Saturdny fully explains the steps that have vegetables. been taken By the Township of Registration may be made by calling the Union to arrive at the Extension Service office at asa-rnGfi, There will aforementioned Level of lleitis Foundation be a slight charge for the bulletins. I Eh% Reuben Yontef The plaiins flea market of The Union County Chapter of the National Camp will benefit 164 Shunpik© Rd,, Spfld, Foundation for Ileltis and Colitis will sponsor Vacation Club an antiques, crafts, and flea market Saturday, from antique sale .June 12, from 10 a.m. to S p.m. at the Hoselle An antique shew and solo will, be conducted ANNOUNCES High School parking lot on Seventh avenue and Saturday for !he benefit of Camp Brctt- Is Here! Chestnut street, Rain dale in Sunday, June 13. Kndoavor "t the campsite on Rtanton Mountain After a Period of Illness Admission will bo free and refreshments will roari in Lebanon. The nonprofit camp is The Resumption of His Practice, he available, There is room for approximately designed to "meet the needs of deserving 7S dealers at a fee of sin per double parking children with u strong spiritual emphasis," a FIND A Th# Treatment of Join Our DiVIDiND-PAYINQ VACATION CLUB and space, Dealers must supply their own tables spnkcsmnn said, BETTER JOB Diseases of The Skin receive a Set of 5 Regent Sheffield and chairs. More than 25 dealers from throughout New All proceeds will HO to the Foundation for .Icraey will partscipnte in the Kale. There will be CHICK TH1 Wooden Mixing Spoons! research into the cause and cure to the two free parking, a snnck bar and prizes. HiLP WANTiD ADS diseases. Children are selected for vacations on the IN THICUASSIFIID 467-1064 Persons interested in renting space may call hasis of need without regard to race, creed or PACES OP THIS 241-2342 or 232-0224, national irigin, the spokesman said. NiWSPAPIR by appointment only Tombrock reopened Tnmbrnck College on ttarrol approval lo Tombrock Mountain West Pnterson, will Coilpgo's scholarship com- sponsor scholarships to mittee. students in Union County for Tombrock College reopened the 1870 fall semester. in I'ehrunry its n There will be four half- coeducational two-year tuition scholarships, one each private, non-profit college. It in Ihe areas of; social service offers career-oricntcd, semi- (Whi!§ the SUBBiy iasiil aide, legal assistant, liberal professibriar programs. Financially prepare for ytJur ngxt vacation by opening a Supreme arts, electronic engineering Savings' 1977 Vacation Club for as little or as much as you like — technology. Scholl Bares the Sandal $1, $2, $3, $5, $10 or $20 waekly. NeKt year, you'll get back everything Union County personnel and you've sived plus full dividends on your completed Club! Club plans A built-in arch givei guidance counsellors will you a firm, but gentle r-j Ail Clubs mult be paid and completed on schedule in order to select the qualified students lilt where most Whir receive dividends. and submit their names for 'Mills'hike sandals leave you dot A five-mile ramble In the Tht contoured heel Mills Reservation in Upper cups and eradies Join Now! Adjustable leather your foot for really Astronomy club Montelair is planned Satur- straps give you a superb eomtortabla walking. day, for members and .guests, fool-hugging lit ©lections slated of the Union County Hiking Amateur Astronomers, Inc., Hub. will conduct its annual elec- Adele Moskovitz of Cedar tion meeting tomorrow at B firove will load the walk, p.m. at Union College, beginning at i;30 p.m. Cranfurd, On Sunday, a hike of 10 or 11 AAI is composed of amateur miles is scheduled over the astronomers who operate the Ilarriman (N.Y.) Pork Cir- and Loan Association / Sperry Observatory at Union culftr. Participants will meet Home Office: College jointly with the at 8 a.m. ju»t north of the 1331 Springfield Ave., Irvington • 374-8800 College, The group conducti Essex toll barrier on the public viewings of the heavens Garden State Parkway or at B Branch Office: , a.m. at the parking lot of the 1066 Stuyvssanf Aye., irvington • 371-0840 every Friday evening, , weather permitting, with the Tuxedo (N.Y,) police Both Offices Are'Open Daily 9-4; Mondays 9-6 exception of the third Friday headquarters. Parker and Pre-rtiolded solas Springfield Office', of the month, Natalie Mitton of Wojtfield follow the contour will lead the hike. of your foot so your All In all. a sandal so 173 Mountain Ave., Springfield • 376-7860 toos lie naturally. unique It's beon UNION BOOTERY Open Daily 8-4; Thursdays 8-6; Saturdays 0-12 Information about the awarded U.S. Potont Drive-ln Window Open Daily 9-4; Mondays and Thursdays 8-6 FRIDAY DGADUNI Hiking Club may bo obtained Scho// #2894338. 1030 Stuyvesant Avenue., Union Walk-Up Window Open Mondays 4-6 All Items other-than spot news from the Union County Park should be In our offlc* by noon Commission's recreation Archllff Walking Sandals Phono 686 5480 | on .Friday. dapartment. Op.n Mon. a. Prl. BvM 'til 1 P.M.

T**""'"' ""•' Wrestling star •Thursday, May 20, 1976 seeks funds for Regional trackmen hit their top stride Olympic camp in beating Madison, New Providence of Billy Ujorsl.'ul. Kr;ink (JiiBpieri Harvey placing one, two and three polomski led in the A group of Kpringfield lesidi'tHs this week Hy AMV«;!:i,Tzi:ti,i:i( The Jonathan Dayton Regional HIKII School Kaisb and Steve I'epe lm»k (irsl lt|nrstnil discus, plneine first, with yerkalo second and announced the formation of the Hill t'Yaneis Don Lusarrii, third track team ran over Madison lust week", Ki-4!( plaieii second in the tialfiiiili'. anil lirian AAU Scholarship Cnminillec to help raise .Sieve Pepe placed first in the javelin. Bobby 1 Conch Martin Tagiionti expressed his pleasure Kiiilietoiik thin! firey [{ushi'irsky placefl ihirrl funds to send the local wri'stling Mar In I In !!)7i\ Ciinie look second, nnd Russell Lamport took over this victory when he said. "Thi» nii-cl wa>> m Ihe lwi)-mile The mile run was led by .lini Olympic Training Camp Statller, who took first, and Chris Clunii', ului third Bolliveau took second in the high hurdles,, Francis, a senior nl Jnn;ith;m Dnylon tho climax nf tlu' season [en-1 hi' team Madisiin ,'ind HUHBien placed third HupMicri took first hail won Ihe Suburban Conference cham- plai-eil tllirfi Kaish placed serond in thi' Regional High School, has been chosen to try i|Uai'ler iiiile run in the intermediate hurdles, and Pepe placed out for the American Olympic s(]ii:il>. performing belter ihan 1 ever " firs! three places m [he pule vijiili mth Vie Hush Cole also platen -eronri in the 220. run- the AAU Nationals competition and European nmu hi* finest race nf the season and heatinu Championships Vitale, Iiiiminitk Hrotcollcri and ''arrnen I hi u ii I i I n u \[.l i II placirm one, twn and three Briaii (he conference champ Committee memht'rs--Sco|i Ihmington, Pr s id iii II Tl til I lli\ u led the high jump, placing first, nnd In the Mew Providence victors. Hjorstad George Doty, Muriel C'raner. Pal Zavotlny iinti 5 t nfi ri OLf lu il i HI I i 'I' ' KM T) [> took third place*! first in ihe half-mile, and Ktadler took Monica Gleieher—plan io semi jftlcn. to loco! an 1 U iur ill second Brad Werner led the two.rnile, placing businessmen asking assistance. Residents oi I) si n swept the shotput event with Hob In thi M iriis i i t rs th i lit rtl \ Ii m 1 I i k liranrion fSambte anri Andv l first, Clunie took second, and Kusbarsky. third Mountainside nnd surrounding communities, Hjorstad led in the quarter-mile, and Kaish as well as Springfield, nisei have been urged to look third Kiel placed first m (he milt1 run. and help. All contributions may he sent to t',0 H»x Hoche took second The milt- relay team 'if 195, Springfield 0"(>81 Startler, B.jorsta*i. Kaish and HuBEien placed Francis was chosen to attend the fllympic first framing Camp by n national committee Bobby f'onte took second place in the javelin, composed of Olympic coaelies. the National and Lamport placed third Pepi- placed first in Wrestling Committee chairman, the Niitionol ihe iniermf-diatt- hurdles and KuBUien t"'ik Training Cnmpilirectnr nnc) other coaches. Ills* st-comi HLiaanT] placed th:rfl ir. thi- high name had been suhmitted by a similar New 1 hurdles Jersey commiltei Helhveau took s-yqond in th'- high jump, and Francis would atlt-nri ;i camp cither at the Cnle took a second in ;he i'jo-yard 'lash and in University of Northern Illinois in DeKalli or at the 220 Vic Vital'1 placed second it. the pole Brockport (N.Y.) State College durinu the innl vault and Appicella iwk third Pntomski three weeks of-school, placed first in the discus and Herkaln took iULLDOG BATSMEN—Practicing their swmgs for tho Jonathan Doyton Regional High Three weeks ago, Francis won the N.J, AAl' third In the thotput event, nambee placed first School vQfsjty baseball teom are Jeff Pittengor, left, and Stuart Ruff, Junior Olympics lOG-pound wrestling cham- and Potoriiski, secmri (Phof©-Graph les) pionship, a victory which enables him tn I^st Saturday at ihe county championships, compete in the Niitional AAU meet in Mem- HilH Bjorstad placed stcond m the mile With phis. Tenn He also has the opportunity to an exceptional time nf 4 IS, Biorstod ran the wrestle in ihe European Championships in ioeond fastesi timfJ that Davior, ha> ever had Dayton nine is defeated Sweden. 'iambee placed third in 'he sholput ''sent In winning the state AAl- title, the Dayton Today the team will conclude its dual meet star defeated a wrestler who wan thirH-ranliefi competition by rompeUn: against Linden '>n in the nation last year, Saturday the team will cnn.pete in the state in three straight games Francis, captain of the Dayton wrestlinu sectional championship- which will tie held ai team for 1975-76. has competed «n the high Williams Field in Eiuahefh Hv MlKK MF.tXNKIt until the last out was registered. Played at school level since hv was a freshman, earninu The Jonathan Dayton Regional High School Ruby Field because of Meliel's poor field varsity letters all four years He began baieball team dropped three Barnes last week, conditions, the game went eight innings before wrestling in the seventh grade, competing with losing 4-1 to Millburn. 3-0 to Clark and 5-4 in the Bulldogs bowed out. n local Recreation Department team lor two i STP and Barons West Orange jn an rxtra-inning thriller. The Regional took the early lead on a booming -years team record jg now 5-H and their Suburban triple by Ed McCaine, good for two runs, Stu During his senior year. Francis has compiled clash for top spot Conference record is 3-9. The next game will be Huff's RBI single put the Bulldogs far ahead. a 27«2 record, includine an undefeated record in today, against Caldwell West Orange then rallied to take the lead until dual meet competition. For the past two in floor bal! action In the Millburn gaim1 the Bulldogs managed .toe (iraziano, who went the distance pitching seasons, his record stands at 473 The STP-6 Ham 4-iM kicktcj their way to but four hits, Stu Ruff scored the only run, for Dayton, hit a long sacrifice fly, tying the Outstanding achievements this year include v ihe top of the Dayron Regional early Daily coming home la an error. Bob Rawlings, game. first place in 1118-pound category of the Union The game then continued scoreless until the Intramural Proaram Physical Education Dayton's peppery second baseman, drilled a hit rounty Championships, first place in the Ciov Recreation DIPPER floor hall leapue las! and stole two bases. Joe Mirto and Pete eighth inning when Glenn fraladino slammed a Livingston Regional High School Holiday solo homerun, giving Welt Orange the lead 'A eek in the hoys'gym ;is 'hey defeated 'he Red Episeopo collected the other hits. Tournament; first place In District 14. and Barons 4-1-0 in a conies' thai attracted man'- Mike Petro lonfc his second loss svithout a Dayton put two men on base in their half of the second place in Region 4 COURT TEAMWORK—Doubles plqyers for the Jonathan Doyton Regional High School eighth, but could not score the tying run. West varsity tennii team Include, from left, Nell Meisel, Kolley Evans Rich Simon and viewers for the clash nf 'he undefeated powers victory, Chris Buckley drove two runs home for . roaches Jack and Roher Kozui' the victors. Orange's victory marked their first in KirkKubach. (Photo Graphics) Suburban Conference play this year. were offen=iv# stars for ihe S'uden! Teachers Against Clark, Dayton %vas shut out on only Varsity golf team Players Sis as they hnn-pr! -,r. four and '.wr> coals five hits by vime Murphy, Qreg Lies pitched Also contributing to Dayton's attack were i-ach Coach Steven ("i-.her. and s;udent R:ek strongly In defeat for Dayton, and also clouted Bob Rawlings (sing, two runs scored), Brian splits 2 matches, Tennis squad draws blanks VS'einbera accnunteri for tht- niher ioais Steve a triple. Jeff pittenger slammed a double, and.. McNany (two hits) and Pete Episeopo (one hit, Matysek. Brian Kuk'">n. Mike LemTiiBmian and Bob Rawlings, Joe Mirto and Stu Ruff had two stolen bases and n run icored). The loss Coach Rich laermno sparkled for tht ?TP i" thi- singles. was Dayton's seventh straight in Suburban will face Rah way in three conference matches »«,saw hattle that saw ine lead four The game against West Orange was a thriller Conference play. limes before the decidir.2 ttoals m the tmal Hy AMY C1KI,TZKU.KH I M1K1 MF1WFU Summit, led hy ihoir answer to Fritz BueninB,. The Jonathan Dayton Regional High School Mark Jeffreys, svho is also ranked in the Kast. period golf team defeated Madison at Esses County Th ] n ILn D st Kr|_inn 1 HIRI St^ «-l le it lm Ir ppJfi Ihr i I h -s ih [ i 1 suceeoried in beatinc Repinnal'n fines;- J^e! The Barons siaytd in close pursuit of the STP West last week, iOB. The team lost in a match Mien 'firet singles!, Donn Fishbein second as Sieve Heehlt* and nary Kcheich scored solo Red Sox shock White k The\ riii nni ollcrt pnini in !h tin 1 1 to Summit, 16-2 The record now stands ai I 1 filling ni Millhurn Summit niWcsi singles . Danny Rchlessinger 'third singie* , goals, Harry Iruin scored ,i ha! rriek to keep seven victories and eight losses. fir nj,r Th loim n \! h 'if ill fn pla f) Man l-aytonnnd Pet'er HPSS 'first singles t. and the Barons in contention until the final period. In the Madison victory, Erie Fromer fired a nmnrrow ip n t Midi nn ind n %I nil Erie Strulowitj and Neil Meisel i-seconri Van Vitale, Steve Shindler and Joe Sangrtf orio Angels and Royals triumph M to svin three points for the teams and earn his itain I t nld ell flouhles i played aggressive hall for the Barons." third Top Flight Award of the season Steve In ihe Milll-urn n it h Ih Hut i ilhlrtr In other action, the Green Dragons ' 2-1-1 • nnd Melissa Mnnticello teamed upsvith a triple West Orangeoverpo«ertd the Bulldogs also roared to an 11-fi conquest nf the iiold Hushers The Springfield Girls' National Softball Kirschbenbaum earned his first Top Flight nil n I M nl l M llbun ph\ t Ihret They succeeded in beating all Payton par- League for grades 6 to fl continued play thii and double apiece, along with hit*! by Lis.-i Award of the season when he shot a M and el Millhurn % le H % Y nt? 1 uen np \ hij^h • 1-1 • with Hte Vouna Lee picking up a hat triek Hartman, Valery LiCnusi and Marci Iruelberg ticipants Joel Allen. Donn Fishbein, Pettr while two goals ^ere sgnreri hy Paul week with four close games. earned three points for the learn. John Space h ol up r tir \ h i r I d \ nil n h I less. Eric Struiou'itz, Kelly Kvans. Danny The Red Sox pulled out a surprise fl-6 victory to outhit the White Sox. Nancy Carpenter and fired q 40, winning l1 •„. points for the team, and 1- i t mienmf. ill I %e Mtllhun H r 1 1 Klinefeiter. ,kihn Irwin and Mike Wittenbera SchlessinBer, and Mickey Gottlieh all were Kolo Boals «ere scored hy Alan Ijyton and * over the White Sox this week. Linda Grazlano Diane Grieco helped the team with their Mike kosenberg shot a 45 to win a'a points. jumoi ir t r cei i 1 ] ni h 1 ir hi] in beaten. Dayton was without the services of defense play in the field. For the White Sox, Billy Francis Gold Rusher tallies came from In the Summit match Space shot a 4fi t" gain i iliforma Hui-ning u ted I 1 Mien Alan Laytoii Maria Sannino and Dawn Delia combined in ItiU n lop jla% r ho I u ihe loot nf Steve deltmaii. Jeff Brown. Jeff pitching to strike out five players while I'a points for the loam, and Kirschbenbaum Although they did not see action this «eek. Luhash, Jeff Vargas and Mitch Fever Giants outpower earned half-point I) nn Hshbcin inri tiinm S hie mptr r iillowing only one walk, Jane Fllstin, Nancy il ru he t in their sin^l mil he the team has been aided by the play Of fresh The final game of the week saw the Silver At the state district tournament which was men (iary Nestler and Kirk Kubach Nestler 1 Hammel, Maria Sannino, Cara Novlch all hit IlismL I hn;! liuhk HT ton Mm Ha«ks I2-2-1 post a l.o victors over the Blue : Padres, 29=6, in extra hase hits, Ellen tioldstein was the out- held at Rutgers lap! week, Eric Fromer and exhibits fine racquet control and is coristanrli Castaways 'O-S-fli on Rmee Burnett's score John Space represented Dayton. Fromer fired I I nn in i KclK F\nn \ r u lei b i improvina, while Kubach possesses a strong standing fielder as caiher for the White Sox tr ii^ pair ir m M Ilhurn ml it "tiri HIPPER Director John Swedish announced an B3. and Space shot an 84 serve nnd is eager in learn American softball In a close game down to the last out, the 1 uH Hi I '-III on ni MRU f wli t ir ihat the second round of play hepins this week Angels nipped the Indians, 14-13. The Angels Space nnd Fromer svill represent Dayton in I I ten Coaeh Hick tacono commented f the highlights last week of the Springfield !,ake. On Monday the tenm is scheduled to Hi ins, if. m t u \tic I II r I m i ean not find ans players to play well enough to Marie Cook, Karen lludgins and Eileen Penn Sum nt quid Hi t n I hut nt p.m Schedules and rules Will be posted by May • Girls* American Softball League for players in Margaret Grimulrii, Julia Iauton and Jessica compete with Rahway heat tough Suburban Conference opponent* " grades 4-6, Malin added a double each to help the team. Stephanie Linger hit a homer for the Giants. Noted for their fielding were Lynne Murray, : Karen Teitsper hit a triple svhich drove in three Barbara Marianino and Rosemarie Herkalo, Fox to help coach runs. Sharon Ligorner, Karen Toltger and Kven though the Indians lost Jill Oelayder was „ Valerie Bromherg all hit doubles. Outstanding the outstandinK player in the game, she had J fielding by Stephanie Linzer, Terr! Scelfo and three hits along with excellent fielding, Cathy at basketball camp -Miehale arpssmnn, Stephanie Mnzer was the Myerson and Carol Wolfson also went three for Union High basketball conch Tom Fax is ' winning pitcher with three strikeouts and one three in the aame, The Indians proved that listed among several coaches, lecturers and walk, teamwork payR off by completing n triple play players who will make up the teaching staff for Savings fcioanAssR ' The Padres' Karen Chefct? had a hard hit in the second inning. the Tournament (if Stars Hagketball (amp ;it THE NATIONAL CRESTMONT ball to the Giants shortstop, Sandy Albert, The Royals edged the Red Sox, 7-3, The llpsnln College, East Orange, this summer. Michele Calabrese and Gerolyn Pollack all did Royals, backed by pitcher nolnres Keop- STATE BANK Siting! & loan Assn. well at bat and in the field, Using a combination of tho top high school, SALES-SERViCE-BODY SHOP pelluolo. scored five rufm in the final threr college and professional experts, the camp will ASTHOH. MI» innings to defeat the Hpd Sox, Kathy Khrhardt he open to imysi from fi to 17 years old who are RENTALS ^ LEASING Perri Teitelbaum. Lisa Vargas, Yvonne hit a home run. Judy Hinkley n double nnd interested in improving ability, tepin skills, ' Burroughs, Gloria Yee and Linda MelKowltz all Adele Doerrlcr i\ triple, to lead the Red Sox, sportsmanship nnd leadership. NEW CARS 686-0040 ,', hit doubles. Lisa Vargas and Yvonne Bur- Kithy Ehrhardl and Amy l^auton teamed up for adouble play In the fourth. For the Red Sox, The camp is divided into two sessions with RENTALS 686-0040 Two Convenient Offices .- roughs both hit triples. Christine Martino was in Springfield to Serve You * the winning pitcher. Jerilyn Pecararo hit a Linda Graziann, Jackie Pocornra. Nancy (he first beginning Aug. B and running through O«eicl5 TMHOUOHOUT Carpenter. Donna Albcrti sinri Linda Telsher, AufJ, 14 The second session is from Aujl l"i USED CARS 686-1373 UNION ViDOlSSfX Mountim Ave. Older ,' home run in tho fifth inning bringing in (wo HUNTfBDON S, MEHCBB 733 Mountain Ave. 371-1121 ; runs for the Astros, Katie Bernstein hit a triple led the Red Sox powerhouse hitters. Nancy through Aug. 21, with u fee of $125 for :i one- COUNTlIS BODY SHOP 687-2222 MORRIS AVE. OFFICE: * for the Aitros. Lisa Greenborg, Donna Bain Carpenter and Linda Gramnno combined to weok session. Anyone interested in further 2017 MORRIS AV UNION " and Diane Bjanda oil tried their hardest from itrikf out five hattcrN for the Hod Sox, Out- information may conlacl Bob Leonard nt 1025 NEAR UNION CENTER l?3 Morris Ave 3741442 175 Mortis A\,e. 376-M4O ; the pitcher's mound, Htanding fioldinR wusdemunstraled by Valery Boudlnot pl...Elizabeth, or call 3»iO9fll Peterson, Mellisa Montlcclloand Dinne Greico. '•" CAiiPlNAI.S BRAT BRAVES, 17-B The White Snx Khut «ut the Angels, 124), with " Ruth Steinberg, Lynn Schmidt, Robin Rosen, Mario Sannino pitchinB ami RUporb fielding. MULTIPLY ,'Gina Paihaian,'Carol Lombard!, and \JoAnn l«sli Grant, Maria Sannino nnd Rllen Goldstein YOUR SAVINGS ; Fuscoali contributed at bat and in thci field for led tho butting, For the AngeiH, Karon Jludfiins, •the Cardinals. Ruth Steinberg and Lynn • Jessica Mnlin, Jennifer Malin. Lisa Weluhek, Eileen Penn and Rose llerkaln, nil liad stronu j .Schmidt were exceptional in the field, Par Bt iDoreen MeCrossen was the winning pitcher hits but failed to score, Kileen T'enn nnd 1 Jebble Call; M ,!with Siv^n strikeouti, Lori Pohlman played a Vogl produceil n double ploy for the Angels ISO Maunttln hn. Springtirid -jjgood game at first, _,„_._._ j Angela pinos worked hard for the Braves at ; pitcher. Amy Walth, Michele Kennedy, Susan Rabin Mury stars * Chesley, pawn Morelli, Sandy Brenner, Carol Dial 686-2800 371.5900 ! Carpenter, Roseann Wioland and Lynn Morelli with swim teom 1224 Springfield Avemie " all contributad to the Braves' nine runs, 2277 Morris Ave., Robin Sury.Mhi' daughter of Mr. Dnniei It Union, i JUST SAY Sury nf Old 'I'lrte roud, Mounliiin.wii1, wan » member of the All6Rh«>ny Co1k women's YOU \ Mrs. Kepping tops swim team which recently t'omplUed its Ifl7a- 76 Reason, Th«' I^idy finicirN finished with n n-n Union County's SAW IT ? field in golf test record nnd plncbd 27lh on! «if «i.schnols in the Woim-n'ts rollcRlntc Kiislornr ReKlonnl Lincoln-Mercury SCH0EHWALDER piumBinq & Meeting Contraeiors * Winners of the nineholp women's golf group fhnmpinnshlp meet, . Leader! IN liX Echo'Lake Country Club in the better boll «f •' Miss Sury. n griidunto of Jiinnthun Dnylmi. ttwosome tournament on May 12 wcrer.Mrs, Ueginnnl High Hchool, tomiwIiHl in Iwikslrnku, SALES •SERVICE* PARR *'.^iS Oai Water HM(tr* THE '•Oeoree Kepping, net 20; Mrs. A, Dbna.W «reon froostylo. hutterfly nml 'individual medley Congenial Salesmen Hat Water *and Mri Richard J, proeno, net 29; Mrs evonis, Ciicn'ptiiln of the lenm, nhr- \m\As (cmn Superb Service ClrcuiateS 4j«hie» j.Davldson imd Mrs.-William H.Mn< records for tht> linrkKtroko lee of the 2tfi nnd PunBi, HumWifier* LEADER! *neg«h, net 31, , -•ton-motor mcdli-y relay Ihc mo-tiu-UT in-,' fwiepairs i Aiterstiom riivlriunl, incrilry. 'iht>'.. aitiMiictw individunl- f lectffs %i

• x . •. • . • • '. B.Thursday, May 20, 1976

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SPRINGFIELD AVE, ATSHUNPIKE RD 1 installed (it n ceremony in the school As its final riii'i'lini: nf (hi >i';ir. the Mmm- SPRINGFIELD auditorium Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. The officers liiinsidi' branch nf the AniiTii'aii Association of RABBI: HOWARD SHAPIRO ;\n< Mrs Jerome Honjjiovanni, president; Mrs University Women will hold ,* |«ii luck supper CANTOR; IRVING KRAMERMAN ••Js^^ •lames RIIIXTIS, vie* president; Mrs Arthur at the Mounlamsulr ('iiimiiiiiiilv I'p^liytrnJiri Richard Krop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Meixner, secretary, imd Mrs, Jerry Cnrver, Cluirch t()fii(jht at 7 All mi-mUTt (i;ivc bci'M Kroj^of Christy lane, Springfield, was called lo invited to attend the Torah as n Bar Mitzvah at the Shabbat A concert by Ihe school choir will follow (he During the business iiu-cliiii! Mr- Paul service on May is. installation program. Krystnw will install ihn new nfftnTs vice- Thursday-a p.m., duplicate bridge, All pupils ill the Cnldwell School took part in prvsident in charfji1 of proUratniinny Mrs Friday—8;45 p.m., Erey Shabbat service, a ITA-sponsored program. "A Pocket Full of John Harry; lice-presiflcttt in th/irH' of I'lk-ms," on Monday and Tuesday. Subtitled membership. Mrs John ''niir.nlU. nd FIHST l'HKKHYTEIUAN CHURCH "Poetry and tappets in the Classroom," the treasurer. Mrs HobiTt flrifli'y MORRIS AVE. AND CHURCH MALL workshop mud puppets to nniniiiti1 cliissiciil The nn'mtHT". have embarked on ;, sprint,' SPRINGFIELD and contemporary poetry for the children, project to aid i'H(i|> (.'nmmunitv HimciT DR. BRUCE VV, EVANS, PASTOR liiter in iheir classrooms, they were en- Appeal i. which help* jinipli' in devclopmu MIIS, SHEILA KILBOURNE. CDuragcd to write poems together and in- countries lo help thi'tii-ehes DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION dividually, As u HiL't-rilcnfiin! rornfriurnp, prnje^f Thursday—7:15 p.m., Webeloi. 7:30 p.m.. Ijois Koenip nnd IxMln Weishol/., eochairmen branch nH>rnt>i>r> will rarry out tri• • belief that Girls' Choir, fl p.m., Senior Choir. "Ihl1 world |k our rrmimunity" and will rai>>i. 1 for cultural arts at Ijconard Parks Klenwntnry Sunday—10 a.m., Church School for all aRes: HKV. KKSNICTIISTl'MiM School. Cedar Grovr. are the creators of I he lundsdonuled liv mcmtiers to purchaM' ii water colonial worship service and reception of the program, which has been given in a number of MRS. JOHN I'.OTONNKI.I. pump for an African country, where water i- confirmation class. 1:30 p.m., Elizabeth Lutheran Church schools in the state needud lor aunculiura! purp'r-es Mrs Levin llvWNKTTK \. UIIKKI.KH Presbytery pilgrimage. Mrs, O'Connell lluniuan. cultural mtiTest representative, i- Monday—9-11:30 a.m., cooperative nursery rhnirmnn (if the project Pump orHTtitiec school, 3: IS p,m, Brownies? p.m., Girl Scouts. plans celebration Whee/er-Fu/fon 8 p.m., mini-course on "Future Shock." Holy Cross Lutheran Church. 639 Mountain Pupils hear talk in club presidency Tuesday—9.11:30 a.m., cooperative nursery avt>.. Springfield, will celebrate Its 25th an- Mrs John IV O'Conno]] was installed us engagement to Id school, 9:30 am, kaffeeklatsch prayer group. niversary at a service at 10 a.m. Sunday. on good posture president of the Mountainside Woman's Club Annual fair starts Mr ;mri Mr M [Ir 7:30 p.m.. Cub Pack 70 meeting, The Rev Kenneth Stumpf of New Orleans, Inc., a member nf the New Jersey State t-iiur'. Mdunlai i I- 11 «, r -\ Wednesday—9.11:30 a.m., cooperative pastor from 19fi6 until leaving in 1971 to get his Dr. Frederick Pine, a local chiropractor, Federation of Woman's Clubs, at the meetinu ol at Livingston Mall nf their rtaueh t \ 1 I r M nursery school law degree at Tulane University, will be the recently addressed the sixth grade students of the organization held yesterday at Ihe Manor. Fulton son n\ Ir fr n i H Full r must speaker He is now president-elect of the Springfield's Florence Gnudineer School. His West Orange The Livingston Mall will hold it* fourth an- nf Wnrnihurj CONGREGATION ISRAEL Tri-Liitheraii Pastoral Conference in New topic was "Rood Posture in Relation to Your Mrs. f j't'nnnell has been active in all facets nual community fair toda\ throueh Saturday The lindi-c t^iiu tf trjm OF SPRINOFIELD Orleans. Health." Dr. Pine presented a slide program of the club. While she was chairman of the The miill-wirie (air will [eaturf displays by (,nv I.ivir.i! 339 MOUNTAIN AVE. The Rev Joel Yoss, pastor, will assist in the find then demonstrated how spinal posture membership committee, the Mountainside various community, charitable, relicious- an'! Berke!e\ He; [ r CORNER SHUNPIKE ROAD service. examinations are given. Woman's Club won a first place membership "•ervice nrBaniMiinns .•icTr.cnlary • SPRINGFIELD An informal reception at the church will He also spoke before Norman I»a Boeuf's award at the annual state FVV C convention in Each displas will consist of ;> fiecoratcl boolh rnilele Shi- \ lh RABBI ISRAEL E, TURNER follow the service and an anniversary dinner eighth grade health class. May has been Atlantic City. or display area, with it bicenu-rinial 'heme A n.nnlh Friday—7;1S a.m., morning minyan lervice. will be held at the Mountainside Inn at 2 p.m.. designated as "Good Posture Month" by the Mrs, •O'Connell svas lx>rn in New York CHy panel of three judge from the mall will select Her fiar.ct. dunied froi 8 p.m., "Welcome to Sabbath" service; Oneg preceded by n social hour. American Chiropractic Association. This and resides with her husband. Borough the booth desicn displaying the most originality Dcpiford Hiet -emnr majc Shabba! sponsored by Springfield Lodge B'nai Robert Babb will be master of ceremonies at program was put on with the help of the school Councilman John P. O'Connell. and their ihree and award priM?, of S2S, il"> and Sin life sclfPCC- lie -Aill re B'rith; talk by Arthur Keiselhaut, president- the dinner. Guests will include the Rev. Henry principal, Dr Thelma Sandmeier, and the sons, Michael, 14. David, 13, and Jeffery. 12. at The public has been invited to visit the free H A ritaret '. elect of Northern New Jersey Council: com- von Spreckelsen, retired pastor of Grace school nurse, Mrs. Ramona Reeves, Prospect avenue. displays, open daily from Id a m t" S:3n p m A summer i- nlanntd munity singing led by Cantor Samuel Koenig Lutheran Church in Union. ^^ refreshments, ST. JAMES CHURCH Saturday—9:30 a.m., Sabbath morning services; Cantor Koenig participating: ser- 45 S. SPRINGFIELD AVE,, SPRINGFIELD mon. "Warnings and Fulfillment": kiddush M5GR. FRANCIS X. CGYLE, PASTOR after services. 8:30 p.m., Talmud elms. REV. STEPHEN P, LYNCH, Tractate Sabbath, 7:80 p.m., afternoon ser- REV, EDWARD R. OEHLING, vice: discussion, "Farewell to Sabbath" ser- REV, PAUL J.KOCH, vice. ASSISTANT PASTORS Sunday Masses—7 p.m. Saturday—7, 8:15, Sunday^Sa.m,, morning minyan service. 10 9;30, 10:45 a.m, and noon. Daily—7 and 8 a.m. a.m., teenage softball at Gaudineer field, Holyday—on eves of Holyday, 7 p.m.; on Sunday through Thursday—7:50 p.m.. af- Holydayg at 7, 8, 0, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. ternoon service: advanced study group: Confessions—Saturday, 1 to 2 p.m. Monday UCTC evening service. through Friday, 7:15 to 7:45 p.m. No con- Monday through Thursday—7;IB a.m., fessioni on Sundays, Haiydayi and eves of morning minyan service. Holydayg. Monday—7: IB p.m., teenage club meeting. Tuesday and Thursday—3:30-6 p.m., ST. STEPHEN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH religious school classes, 119 MAIN ST., MILLBURN Wednesday—8:30 p.m.. Sisterhood meeting, REV. JOSEPH D. HERRING, RECTOR Practical Checking TEMPLE BETH AHM Sunday—8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m.. Holy Communion and sermon, first Sunday and AN AFFILIATE OF THE festival occasions; morning prayer and ser- UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF AMERICA SUSAN WERFEL of mons, second through fifth Sundays. 10-11:15 Springfield recently BALTUSROL WAY, SPRINGFIELD a.m., Church School; babysitting at 10 a.m. RABBI REUBEN R. LEVINE received her first-year cap at the University of Vermont Thursday—BUS p.m., Hadassah meeting. OUR LADY OF LOURDES Friday—8-4S p.m.. Sabbath services. In the' dental hygiene 300 CENTRAL AVE,, MOUNTAINSIDE program. She is a freshman for practically, Saturday—10 a.m., Sabbath services. REV. GERARD McGARRY. PASTOR enrolled in the two-year Sunday—9 a.m., Men'j Club breakfast. REV. CHARLES B, URNICK. Monday—8:30 p.m.. Rose E, Goldberg .program. Ceremonies were ASSISTANT PASTOR held May 1 'at the Ira Allen Memorial installation. 7:30 p.m., Kadima Sunday—Masses at 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30 a.m. and Chapel. meeting. 12 noon. ' Tuesday—7:30 p.m., USY meeting, Saturdays—evening Mass, 7 p.m.; Week- Minyan services—Monday through Friday, 7 days—Masses at 7 and Bam. First Friday—7,8 " a.m.; Monday through Thursday, B:1B p.m.; and 11:30 a.m. nothing Nutrition Sunday, 9 a.m. and 8:15 p.m.; Saturday, 7:30 Miraculous Medal Novena and Mass- p.m. Monday at 8 p.m. topic at Y Or are the best things in life\ Benediction during the school year on Friday COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at 2:45 p.m. The Summit YVVCA, 79 MEETING HOUSE LANE Baptisms on Sunday at 2 p.m. by ap- Maple st., will^offer a program really FREEf / MOUNTAINSIDE pointment. by Barbara D'Asaro entitled MINISTER; Confessions every Saturday and eves of Holy "You Are What You Eat: THE REV. ELMER A, TALCOTT Days and First Fridays, from 4 to 5 and from Better Eating —Better ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR: 7:45 to 8:30 p.m.______People," Monday at 8 p.m. JAMES LITTLE HOLY CROSS LL'THF.HAN CHURCH The two-hour lecture- Thursday-8 p.m., deacon's meeting. i THE CHURCH OF THE RADIO discussion will cover Sunday—9; 30 a ,m., adult Bible class; Church "LUTHERAN HOUR" AND TVs American eating habits and School for Grades 3-8. 10:30 a.m., morning 'THIS ISTHE LIFE") resulting nutritional worship, Children's Day; no Church School. 7 839 MOUNTAIN AVE,, SFRINfiFlRLI) deficiencies, Mrs. D'Asaro p.m.. Youth Fellowship. THE REV, JOEL R, YOSS. PASTOR will discuss specific meal Wednesday—9 a.m., prayer and meditation. TELEPHONE: DRB 4525 requirements, additivei, B p.m., Senior Choir rehearsal. Friday—8 p.m.. Gospel music concert hy the informed reading of labels, Envoys, with refreshments and fellowship obeiity and weight control, SPRINGFIELD EMANUE!. nfterward, essential fibers, lupplements UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday—10 am,. 28th anniversary festival and faddism. Charts - 40 CHURCH MALL, SPRINGFIELD service with the Rev, Kenneth ,i. stumpf, illustrating nutritional needs THE REV. GEORGE C. SCHLESINGER, former pastor, preachinK, 11:15 a.m., reception of different ages and sexes PASTOR in Fellowship Hall. 1 p.m., social hour, Orange will be available. Thursday-8 p.m., Chancel Choir, Room of Mountainside Inn, Mountainside. 2 Mrs. D'Asaro, who has n Friday—8 p.m., Busy Fingeri. p.m., 25th anniversary dinner and celebration master of nutritional icionce Saturday—7;30p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, program at the Mountainside Inn. degree, has instructed at Springfield Chapter. Wednesday—9:30a.m.,Biblo class.7;30p.m., Kairieigh Dickinson Sunday--fl:30 a.m., German worship, 9:30 Parent Effectiveness Training. 7:4S p.m., University, (served ;i§ n a.m., Triytit Chapel worship; Family Church choir. consultant -to Camp Stanley School, 10:30 a.m., fellowship hour, 11 a.m., (for overweight Birls), is morning worship. MOUNTAINSiDK f JOSPRl. CIIAPEI. chairperson of the nutrition Tuesday—7:45 p.m., Women's Mission U8n SPRUCE DRtVK committee for the Morris- Circle, (1 BLOCK OFF RT. ffl WEST) Essex Heart Association, Wednesday—B:30 p.m., farewell dinner for MOUNTAINSIDE She has served as jail nutritionist for the Morris the Rev, Robert Payne. CHURCH OFFICE: 232-3456 PARSONAGE; 654.5475 i'ounty Jail. including ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH • THE REV. JOHN PASANO, PASTOR inltitiation, .planning, coor- IVffiCKES ST. AND S, SPRINGFIELD AVE. Sunday—9:45 a.m., Sunday School for oil dination, and reporting on n SPRINOFIELD -•; youth and adults (freo bus service is available: dietiVitomln study in- , REV. CLARENCE ALSTON, PASTOR call for schedule of routes and pick-up timed, vestigating effects of nutrition Yes, Checking is FREE at UCTC. Saturday—3 p.m.. Church School choir ,10:45 a.m., Pre-service prayer meeting, 11 on behavior, Mrs. D'Asarn rehearsal, • . a.m., morning' worship service (nursery care is leaches slirninastics at the With the cost of living going Counties Trust Company, then SlO^r (S.20t'c Effective Annual Sunday—9:30 a.m., Sunday School, 11 a.m., available). 7 p.m., evening worship service, Summit YWCA . worship service, 7 p.m., evtriing fellowship, Wednesday—fl p.m., Mid-week prayer scr- Further information can be up every day. it pays to be you can write as many checks Yield) and our Savings Invest- Wgdnesday—9 p.m., midweek lervice, obtained by calling the practical and save money as you like, fur ment Accounts pay 54^- .Summit YWCA. 273-4242, A $1 (5.73^ Effective Ahnual Yield) donation will be accepted. when you can. What better Besides saving money with Huge icebergs way than with a FREE with intere$t compounded your FREE CHECKING daily from day of deposit. Icebergs in the North Ts Pyblieify Cholrmeni , CHECKING account at United account; you'll also earn top HOLY CROSS Atlantic draw uiierition" Would you Ilk* lain* halp Counties Trust Company? because they are hazards to in preparing nowipapor r«- iTfterest on your savings-ac^ So it's true—at United Counties LUTHERAN CHURCH shipping. But .some Antarctic Ustsi? Writs thrhi*n*w#. Simply deposit and maintain count. For example, with a Trust Company, the best icebergs have boon estimated papsr gnd oik for our"Tip» $500 or more in a new or exist- minimum deposit of S500 out- things in life really are FREE! to bo as largo as (ho stale of en Submitting Newt R«- Celebrates its 25th Anniversary Delaware, Imi.i." ing savings account at United Daily Interest Account pays and SPACIOUS APARTMENTS looks forward to years of service IN GARDEN SITTING UCTC Practical Checking for Practically Nothing. in the community Air Conditioned 3Vz Rms. $I«, S Rms.S295 United Counties Ihist Company Full dining roomn., lira* kltctwn ttiM tin accommodate your own cloth« witthth r £ drytr. •wutllully l«ndu*pMl gartfw Member FeMril RHern lysiem CMeosits new imuiedue Is 140,000 b«FO filed hul taxpnyorH who waitcil in Trenton on Friday, July Z, to start tlu> July 4 Labor Statistics, iBNTON—On Thursday, May <5, Relatives and friends attended. Ave., union, en MQfiday, The , weekend. Constitution and historical items and 19?*, Ormal 1., of MS Winchester Interment in Clinton Cemeterv. Funeral Mess was at St. Michael's until April and (hose who nuitle errors on Iheir documents that will go on public display for the A 0..1 percent rise in gross average weekly Avc union, N.j., beloved HAKTMAN—SOphie Will. ol Church. Union. Interment St, returns will probably have to wait a few weeks The events will mark the 200th anniversary of earnings was largely offset by a 0,2 percent rise husband of Anne (Sneel Benton, Summit, on Sunday, May li, 1976, Gertrude's Cemetery, Colonia, In first time, devoted father of Robert o. ienton wife of the late Frederick lieu ef Mowers, contributlont to longer, llefunds for laxpayprs whose last the action of the Provincial Congress of New in area consumer prices. and Mrs, Marietta coibassani, also Hartman, mother of Mrs, Samuel your local p.A.V. Chapter waufd names wore changed by marriage or divorce Jersey on July 2, 1776, Asserting that King Gov. Byrne and former Gov, Robert B. Since March Ws, the purchasing power of survived by one granddaughter. Clark, great grandmother of Mrs. be appreciated. Meyner, chairman of the State Bicentennial The tuneral service was held at Robert Heller, great.great during ltrrf» may lie delayed until after their C.eorge III had broken his compact with the area factory worker take-home pay was up 3.8 grandmother of ' three SMITH—Suddenly, on Sunday. 1 Commission, will speak at the opening of the ThC MeCRACKEN FUNBRAL May 9,1976, Michael, 01 Irvingtoh, new names thavi been verified with the Social people of Now jersey and that il was necessary percent. Bienstoek noted that the over-the-year HOME, 1JO0 Morris Ave,, Union, oranaehildren. Funeral service beloved husband of Rose (nee Security Administration, This HOnietimes ({ikes to preserve order and unity, the Provincial exhibition. The Jersey Blues, the color guard of on Monday. Interment Hollywood was at SMITH AND SMITH carolan), and father of John P., the New Jersey National Guard, will par- rise in purchasing power largely reflected a Memorial park. (SUBURBAN), *1S Morris Ave., Peter andPatrlck V.Smith,brother several weeks Congress declared Independence from England reduction in federal income taxes that went Sprinefieia, en vyednesaay. May ol Mrs, Bridget Lynch and Mrs. licipate in the ceremonies. A schedule of the BSCKBR—On Saturday. May II, 19, Relatives ana friends attended, "if leu wi'ek have elapsed since you mailed and adopted the Constitution of New Jersey, into effect in May 1975. Without the tax cut, 1976, Joyce (Boeger), of 4614 Mary penehue of Ireland and 16 events will be announced later. Infermenl in HeilywDoa Cemetery. grandchildren. Relatives and To commemorate that historic milestone, the Tonneiie Ave,, North iefgen, N.j., HURTTUEN—On May 6, 1976, your return and you have nol received your purchasing power would have risen only 0,9 formerly Union, beloved wife sf friends and members of the The time capsule is one of SO given to each of Anna CUgti) of HO Walton Ave., NewarK Carpenters Local refund or an explanation for its delay, you may major event of July a will be the public un- percent in the 12 months ending March 1B76, (he Rev. Oary R, BecKer, devoted Union, N.J., beloved wile of otto the states as a corporate Bicentennial gift by mother of Rebyn joy, daughter of attended the funeral from The call us on one of our toll free telephone lines, or veiling of copies of a "New Jersey Hurttien, devoted mother of Ralph FUNERAL HOME OF JAMIS F. Ihe Reynolds Aluminum Corp, The capsule's Gross average weekly earnings of New Dorothy and George ©oeger. The and Norman, sister of HoBart Luti. visit one of our offices and ask to have it Declaration" (hat have been returned from nil lunerel service was held at The CAFFREV & SON.SM Lyons Ave., York-northeastern New Jersey area factory Funeral services were held al The at the corner of Park Place, traced," Kllnaman snid over the state with the signatures of thousands two cubic feet of space will be filled with McCRAEKgN FUNBRAL HOMB, McCRACKIN FUNIRAL HOME, irvington, on Wednesday, May 11 of New Jersey residents. The loading of a documents and mementoes of New Jersey's workers rose 01 cents over the month to $198.79 1500 Morris Ave., Union, on 1500 Morris Aye,, union on thence to st, Leo'5 Church, where a All requests for infnrniiition on refunds Bicentennial observance. The capsule will bo in March, Bionstoek reported. The March in- Monday. Interment Tuesday, Monday, Cremation was private. Mass was offered. should be made through local IHR offices or toll Bicentennial "time capsule" also will take Hollywood Memorial ParK, JOiUNS—Interea into eternal ITAHNTIN—Minnie Klevert, of made part of the State Library exhibit until a crease entirely reflected a 12-minute rise in the Flowers are welcome, or a rest on Saturday, May B, 1976, Mrs, place. Maplewood on Sunday, May 16, free phone lines When you call or visit IRS, you decision is made on where it should be placed, length of the average workweek to 39.0 hours as contribution may be made to the Eliigbeth Joerns of al? N. Stiles 1976, wife of the late Albert should (live your Social Security number and The "New Jersey Declaration" — reaf- New Durham Baptist Church. St,, Linden, beiovea wifeaf the late Stahnten, mether^f Carl Sfahnten to be opened in 2O7Q for the Tercentennial average hourly Cftrnlngs dipped by one cent to North Bergen. Oustave Joerns ana ayvofed and Mrs, Alfred F. Ballm^n, also (ha! of your husband or wife If you filed a joint firming faith in the principles upon which lhis celebration of the United States, BROWN—RoBert A., en Thursday, mother ot Mrs, George (Rita) survived by three grandchildren country was founded — was signed by Gov. 15,02. May 13, 1976. of IrvinOton, beloved Petti o| Linden, Relatives and and four greatgrandchiiaren. return, your address, the approximate dote you husband ot Mary 6, inee |hefer), frienas affenaed the funeral from Funeral service at SMITH AND tiled and tell whether you filed a short form or a Brendan T. Byrne last July ii. Copies were then The copies of the "New Jersey Declaration" Between March 1975 and March 1976, devoted father of Mrs. Patricia the LiONARD L6I FUNHRAL SMITH (SUBURBAN), 41) Morris also will remain on exhibition in Trenton average weekly earnings of area factory Keehler, Carry and Randy Brown, HOME, 301 E, BlanekeSt,, Linden, Ave., Springfield, on Friday, May long form, he added. sent to the mayore of every municipality and Robert A. Brown Jr. ana jean, on Tuesaay, May 11, thence to St. 31, at HAM, Relatives and friends Ihe freeholder hoards of every county to he put (hrough 1976. after which (hoy will be returned workers rose $14,96 or 8.1 percent, as average brother of Abion Brown and the liizabeth's Church, Linden, where are invited to attend, interment in to the individual communitiis and counties to a Funeral Mass was offered. hourly earnings were up Z? cents and the length late Mrs Marie Feley and John A, Hollywood cemefery1 Friendi Brown, also survived by six Interment RoSehill cemetery. may call on Thursday 54 and 79 he preserved as permanent archives of the of the average work' week rose 54 minutei, grandchildren. Relatives and Linden, P.M Adier will speak Bicentennial, Bienstoek reported. (fiends attended the funeralfrom STfFANY—Isabel (nee Squire), Pianist will play HAIBERLI 8. BARTH HOMI JONES—Entered into eternal rest on Monday, May 10, 1976±of Union, FOR FUNERALS, 971 Clinton en FriBay, May 7, 1976, Mrs, Mary N.J., Beloved wife of Russell j. at Hall tomorrow Ave , Irvington, on Monday, May O' Connell Jones, of 431 Academy Stefany, devoted mother of Mrs, recital at Kean 17, thence to St Paul the Apostle Terr., Unaen, beiovea wife of the Isabel Jean Donovan, Russell j. "The ('hanging Role of Ihe Male Hero" will Booklet list Church, Irvington. for a Funeral late John F, Jones, aevoled mother Jr. and William Gerald Stefany, Corel Ferri wilt present a piano recital on Mass. Interment in Qateof Heaven of John Jones of Linden and sister of Samuel and Thomas bi- the lecture topic of Dr. Kurt A. Artier, PLANNING A PARTY! 1II Cemetery. William Jones of f ulsa, Okla, and Squire, Mrs. Margaret Wallace, psychiatrist and author, when he appears nt the Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Wilkins Theater for the (SRBONI- Millie C. sister of Mrs. Cecelia Hay of Mrs, Helen Bieler and Mrs. Dora Performing Arts, Kcan College. Union, The at Museum Savi A Lot 0! Fust and lather,,, 11 Briektowri and Mrs, Agnes Medley Osborne, also survived by six Selon HnM University Student Center, South (Mareantoniol, of MiMburn, N.J,, of Berkeley Heights. Relatives and concert will feature works of Schubert, Pine Barrens, pottery and II en Saturday, May I, 1976, wife of grandchildren. Relatives and Orange, tomorrow at H p.m. Put Yourself In KARTZMAN'S Hindi the late Thomas Cardone, mother frienas attended the funeral from friends are kindly invited to attend Beethoven, Rnvel and Liszt. prominent New Jersey artists I! of Mrs. Jane SalesKi and Felix The LBONARDLEI PUNIRAL the funeral from .HAEBERLB a, Admission to the lecture, sponsored by the are some of the subjects that BiAUTiPULLY DICORATID li Cardene, sister of Mrs, Johanna HOME, 301 Bast Blaneke St., BARfH COLONIAL HOMI, U00 New Jersey Society of Acjlerian Psychology A resident of Maplewood, Mrs, Ferri is a PARTY TRAYS Oili and Mrs, Elizabeth Oi Linden, on Monday, May 10, Pine Ave,, corner Vauxhali Rd., graduate of the Philadelphin Musical have been covered in recent II Giovanni, ?iso survived by five Thence to St, John's the ^pestle Union, on Thursday, May 1], at i and Ihe university, is $5, A discussion and years by reports, in- li grandchildren and two greaf- Church, Linden, vyhere a Funeral A.M., thence to St, Michael's refreshments will follow the talk. Academy. She also studied on scholarship at 11 Branachiidren. Funeral was from Mags was efferea, interment Church, Union, for a Funeral Mass the Juilllard School. vestigations and catalogs SMITH AND SMITH Clinton Cemetery, iryingfen, N,J, at ^:15 A,An. infermenf in Gate of Doris Krueger of Union js programs con- produced by the New Jersey (SUBURBAN), 41J Morris Ave., KAPPMIIBR—On Saturaay, May Heaven Cemetery. sultant and 1976 fund-raising^chairperson nf the Mrs. Ferri has given numerous New York Springfield, N.J,, on Tuesday, May 14, ma, iiiiabeth (Hoaapp), of TAYLOR—Arthur L., of Linden, recitals at the Lincoln Center Library, the State Museum. il. Funeral Mats was in St. Rose of 3620 Hamilton Terr., Union, N.J,, N.J,, husband of Beatrice Decker NJSAP. Lima Church, Short Hills. beloved wife of the late Louis Taylor, son of H. Pearl Harvey Third Street Music School and the New* York A ntsv brochure lists • Weddings *Baf Mitzvahs Seiatives and friends attended, Kappmeier, devoted mother of wiamar and the late George ' Cultural Center, and made a highly-acclaimed museum publications interment St. Rose of Lima Mrs, Eliiabeth Froelich, sister of Taylor, father of Mrs. Janet Wnek, • Graduations •Confirmations Cemetery, Leonard Hodapp, also survived by Mrs- Dawn campartale, Bruce A,, Issues Forum fo hold debut at Alice Tully Hall. She has been a soloist currently in print and CQNLQN—Mary P. (nee ong grandson a(\ti three Wayne R. and Olenn L. Taylor, frequently on VVNYC and on WQXR, In 1974 She available by mail through the •Communions Sheridan) of Dunellen, formerly of erestporandehiiaren. The funeral alse survived by three • Showers Hillside, wife of the late John i,, service w»8 held at The grandchildren ana one sister. discussion on 'Family' appeared with the Recital Stage Symphony. Museum Shop, mother of Sister Mary Loune MeCRACKIN FUNIRAL HOMfi, Funeral was from The JAMis j. A discussion on "Is There a Family In Your She tenches privately and at Kean College. She • Office & House Parties I.H.M., John, Joseph, James, isoo Morri» Ave., Union, on HIOQINS S.SON M0RTUARY,4U Future" will be held next Thursday at B p.m. in For a free copy, write to Thomas and Patrick, sister of Tuesday. Interment Hoilywooa Westminster Ave., Elizabeth, on is a member of ihe Lesehetizky Association and HOT 1 COLD HORS D'OEUVRES OUR SPECIALTY Helen Fitisimmons, Catherine Memorial Park, Saturday, /vlayll. The funeral Mass the Maplewood Municipal Building, m Valley is co-editor of their News Bulletin. Publications, N.J. State Biirkert and Thomas Sheridan, LANS—Suddenly on May », 1974, was offered at St. Mary's Church. Museum, 205 West State st., also survived By 16 grandchildren, Alice M. (nee Reiliy), of Short Eliiabeth, interrne.if Roseaaie st. The program is the lost in n series sponsored There is no admission charge to the concert. funeral was from HAiSBRLB & Hills, beloved wife of Rudolph J. and Linden cemetery. by the Maplewood.South Orange American Trenton. 08828. Lang and mother of Rudolph j. THORPE—On Saturday. May 8, Further information may be obtained by BARTH COLONIAL HOMB, 1100 1976, Mary (Torppayl, of 166 Issues Forum. pine Ave., (corner of vauxhall Lang, Jr., Mrs, Richard (Dorothy) calling the college music department at 327- EXECUTIVES read our want Adi JULIUS KARTZMAN & SON R8J, Union, Tuesday. Funeral Williams, Mrs. Patricia Franklin Ave,, Kenllworth, N J , Moderator and speaker will be Professor Mass was at st, Catherine's D'Agostino, Mrs. Robert (Ante! beiovea wife of the late Esrie D , 2107, when hiring tmploytei. Brag Since i?35 Kane, sister of Mrs. Bsther Weil devoted mother of larle, John, I.ucinda San Giovanni Admission is Tree and about yourself to over 10,000 Church, Hillside. William and Robert Theroe, Mrs and Mrs, Florence peeny ana 16 refreshments will be served suBurban household!! Call Ut- 25 Mill Rd., Irvington • 374-2BQ0 P« VINNB-On Saturday, May grandchildren. Relatives and Catherine Shaiicross, Mrs Evelyn 15, 1?7», Florence (Whitfora), of V> friends ana members of the Ladies Halper, Mrs, Gertrude Sena, Mrs Holiday deadline 7700, dilHy f to 1:00. Milltown Ri., Union, N.j., beloved Auxiliary of Sf. Rose of Lima'and Ann Vitale and Mrs^ Jean Young, wife of the late Harry A, Devenne, The a'Kempis attended the funeral sister of William Terppey, also Particularly careful adherence to this survivea by several nieces and from The PUNBRAL HOME O>" survived by 28 grandchiiaren and newspaper's Fndas news deadline is adused nephews. The funeral service was JAMIS F, CAFPRIY Si SON, 20 great.grandchildren. The heia at The McCRACKBN B09 Lyons Ave,, Iryington en funeral was conducted from The CAR TO SELL? lor material intended for the June i issue since FUNIRAL HOME, liM Morris Tuesday, M(y 11, thence to St. MeCRACKiN FUNERAL HOME, this office will be closed on Memorial Day PINGRY DAY CAMP Ave , Union, on Tuesday. Rose of Lima Church, Short Hills 1500 Morris Ave., Union, en DIAL Interment Hollywood Memorial where a M*ss wal offerea. Wednesday, The funeral Miss Monday May il All organizational social and Park, Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, In was at St. Theresa's Church, other news items for the issue of June 3 should The Pingry School HSK1L—Marie Ha»r, of lieu of flowers kindly m«Ke Keniiworth. interment St. ^ 686-7700 ipringtield, on Thursday, May 6, contributions to St. Peter's Gertrude's Cemetery, he submitted by Friday morning. May 2B 215North Avnu«, Hilled*, N«wJtfV , lf76,wifeof the late William isKil, Orphanage, 170 Diamond Spring TTMK EN—Herman L, of Short mother oi William Bskit, sister of Rd., Oenville, N.J, Hills, N,j,, on Satgraay, May i. Mrs. Helmut W, Pasch, «iso two MULUiOAN—On May U, 1W6.MIS, husband of Marlorle Bar! 9:50 A.M.-3:20 P.M. Boys & Girls June 28 - August 6 sisters ana one brother in -^"Conswelo (nee Dumont), of- -Timken."*athtr-Of—Wr*.- -Janet GET ACQUAINTED SPECIAL Oermany, Funeral services at Pieasantvilie. N.J,, formerly of Trundel, also survivea by three have a^. .„. SMITH AND SMITH Newark, beloved wife of the late granachildren, Reisfivei and (SUBURBAN), 415 Morris Ave,, George Mulligan, mother of friends attended a memorial weekend.. Springfleia, on Saturday, May I, Riachard D, Mulligan, lister of service at Christ Church in Short WASH and WAX Relatives and friends attended. Fred Dumont, grandmother of Hills, 66 Highland Aye,, on NURSERY SENIOR CAMP JUNIOR CAMP Cremation at Rosedaie Lisa Mulligan and aunt of Mrs, Tuesday, May Tl, In lieu of dowers YOUR KITCHEN FLOOR Crematory. In lieu of flowers, Florence Bye. Relatives and eontrittufions may be made to the BAKE SOMETHING,,, Ages 3 &, 4 Grades 1 to 8 Ages 8 & 8 contributions fa your favorite friends attended the funeral Christ Church Memorial Purid or charity would be appreciated. TheMillburn.Short Hills Volunteer service at The PUNERAI, HOMI First Aid Squad. Arrangements by CALL ANYTIME Swimmino - Sports of AH Kinds - Arts &, Crafts fAITH — Florence Idna (nee OF JAMES F. CAFFRBV j. SON, SMITH AND SMITH Helwig), on Wednesaay, May 11, 809 Lyons Ave., irvington on 656.0800 50 Triaipirtitliti Millibli 19076, at Chester, N.J., formerly of Friday, May 14. Interment (SUBURBAN], 41S Morris Ave., Tht Wngry Day Comp odmih s«irt«nt» of any roe», eotor and nolioiioi or aittnic origin. Irvington, Behoved wife of the late Rosedaie Cemetery, Linden, Springfield, NJ. George c. Faith, aunt of Mrs. TOR SICK—On Sunday, May 14, 643-0909 Eunice Grant of Fort Thomas, Ky., PAR Hi—John, of Murray Hill. 1976, Bernard L,, of 340 Wlnfleld Nr Information and Applkallom Call: N.J., on Saturday, May U, 1t?6, MINUTE-MAN MAINTENANCE* 4(W« Stripping Unil and Mrs. LaVerne Green of Terr,, Union, N,j,, beloved Broadside. Relatives and friends beloved husband of the iafe Maria husband of Eileen j. (Bnnd) attended the service at The Scavuiio Parisl, devoted father of Torbick, aevoted father of Stephen CARPET SHAMPOOING AND CHARLBS F, HAUSMANN 8, SON George I, pParlsi, Mrs, Lillian B, Torbick, brother ot Mrs. SMALL BUSINESS, OUR SPECIALTY Pingry School! 355-6990 FUNERAL HOVE. 1057 SanfOrd eoeuiia, Mrs, Josephine Dilella, Eleanor Kapsla, Mrs. Stella Av#,, irvingfem, on Friday. Mrs. Virginia Palmer, brother of Robertson, Mrs, Josephine Mylak. Interment Hollywood Memorial Mrs, Lucy Slgnorello, Mrs, Sara Charles, Walter, Chester and John Park, Union. • Tornabene and Mrj. Josephine TorBiek. Th« juneral will be Ings, also survived by 10 conducted from The McCRACKIN F1SCHBR —Gertrude B,, (nee grandchildren. Funeral was ffOm Burthen Tuesday, May 11, l»7t, of FUN1RAL HOMB, 1500 Morris SMITH AND SMITH Ave.,^nign, 0n Thursday at i;4j Irvingtoh, beiovea wife of Franz O. (SUBURBAN), all Morris Ave,, Fischer. Reiativts and friends A.M. The FgnerBl Mass 9:1S AM, Springfieidi N.j., on Wednesday, at Holy Spirit Church. Union. attenaea the service at The May T9, Funeral Mass was In our CHARLES F. HAUSMANNfc SO N TORIi—Theodore, on Monday, Lafly of Peace Church, 99 south May 10,1«7a, age 44 yrs., of Union, FUNIRAL HOAAB, 10IJ S«nlord Sf-, New Providence, NJ,. Ave,, Irvington, on Friday, son of the iafe paulfnt Zorln, Relatives anaa friends attended. devoted brothtr ot Mrs. interment Evergreen Cemetery, Interment St., "Teresa' •s -Cemetiry, Elizabeth. Marguerite Torlt and the late Summit. Donald Torls, uncle of Robert OBTIO^F—On Tuesday, May 4, PQ1RIBR—Jeffrey A,, on Sunday, Keller, RelativJjs and triendt i?76, Anna M (otsani of May U, 1976, of Irvingfon, beloved attended the funeral service at Geiger's, springfleia, N.J., beiovea^wife of husband of Frances' (nee §trawberry Festival Arthur J, Oetioff, devoted mother HABB6RLI 8, BARTH Theriault), father of Jeffrey of COUONIAL HOME, 1100 Pine of Robert Getioff, Louis Tisch, Tulsa, Oklahoma and Mrs, Alma sister of Olan Qlsen, Also survived Ave.. corner of vauxhall Ra., Miller of irvlngton, brother of Union, on Monday, May ii. By six grandchiiaren. Funeral Frederick Poirer and Mr», Alfredo service was held at the Interment in Hollywood Memorial Tarnbon, both of Nova ieetla, Park, McCRACKBN FUNERAL HOMB, Canada, and Mrs. BUnche Drew ot 1IQ0 Morris Ave., Union on TROTTA—Oil May 17, 1W6, Ann* New Hyfle Park, L.I., also tnee Turso), of Irvington, beloved Thursday. Interment Fairview turvlved By four BranachJldren, cemetery, Wesffield. wife of Canio B. Trofta, mother of Relatives and frienas are Invited Robert and Thomas Hughes, Carl OIERB—On May 17, 1976, Juliet to attend the funeral from The B. Trotta, Mrs. Louise .Ljceraa, (nee faterson), of QranBj, CHARLES P. HAUSMANN 11 SON Mrt. flearior Angel, Mrs, Rose beloved wife of the late Reuben f=. FUNtRAl, HOMI, IDS? Santera Ann Plesnlk, sister ot Joseph Giere and mother of Mrs. Lillian Avs.'.Trviriflron, on'Thuradav'af 9 TursoiUrso,, nMrs» . Mary Perri," """""• castner of Maryland, Mrs. Alona A.M. Funeral Mas» Immaeglate Angelina ' viola, Mrs,' Bin Chandler of Irvlnaton, Mist Hdaa Heart of Mary church, Milchoek, Mrs. Antoinitte C-lere of orange. Six Maplewood. at 10 A.M. interrnent Bevelaequa and Mrs, Oraee grandchildren, _ 1* great, Oate of Heaven Cemetery, Bast Scarfo, also survived by JO grandchildren. Relatives and Hanover. jrandemieiren. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attgnd RAAB—On Wednesday, May ii friends are kindly Invited to attend the funeral service from The 1976, Leon Chirlil Sr,, of* JJt the funeral from The FUNERAL FUNERAL HOME OF JAMES F. Myrtle Ave., Irvington, N.J,, HOME OF JAMBS F, CAPFRiY CAFFBRY B, SON, 1W LyonsAye., beloved husband of Ada McMahen (, SON, M9 Lyons Ave,, corner pt at the corner of Park Plate, Raab, devotee father of Wayne, Park Place. irvlnBtorii on Irvington, on Thursday afternoon, Lean jr. ina Drew Raab, brother of Mrs. Muriel CoUton. also Thursday, May SO, at 9 A.M., to St. May !0 thence to Hollywood Leo's Church, where the Punerfl Memorial Park. survived by three grandchildren. The funeral service wis held at Mass will M offered at 10 A.M. 6OU(-MAH—Herbert A,, on The MeCNACKBN FUNBRAL VROOM—Hdwin o., en Sunday, •FRESH CALIFORNIA Tuesday, May ii, i?>6, age il ••--••- -" Merrll Avi,, Union, May 16, 1976, of Bayvllle, formerly I Hollywood of Hillside, husband of the late •STRAW11RRYPIE • STRAVS/BiRRY ICi CREAM years, of iethel ParK, Pa,, Josephine Dgyje Vroorn, devofea STRAWBIRRI1S formerly of caldweM, N.j,, • STRAWBERRY TARTS • STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE husband of the late Clara (nee flowers, eontf itjutlsns to fhii Ruth Mrs, Joanne Frank, son of Emrna •STRAWBIRRY RHUBARi PUS STRAWBf RRY SUNDAfS Thevenet), devoted father of Mrs. fjetticho Kidney Foundation, and the late Frank, son of Bmma Blaine Hooper ana Herbert G, Mlllburn, N.j., wouia be doiimtr, brother of Mrs, Mollssa appreciated. and the late Edward j. Vroorn, -•-. 6. Putnam. Relatives and friends deyotea brother of Mrs, Martha attended the funeral service at RBBKS—On Friday, May 7, 1«6, Knight *nd Eugene Vrporn. Also HASBBRUB AND BARTH HOME Reglnaia M., of 841 Lyons Ave., survived by four grandchildren- Newest Delight FOR FUNERALS, 971 Clinton Irvington, N.j,, beloved husband Relatives and friends are kindly Ave.i irvington, on Saturday. May of Bthel (Oeyler), devoted father invitea to attend the funeral from li. Interment Hollywood Of Reginald and Mrs, Rosalie HAEBBRLB AND BARTH cemetery. yerrton, brother of Ruljy Boulter, COLONIAL HOME, 110B Pint Rose Frost. Wilter and Herbert Ave,, (eorrjer of vauxhali Road), HAIPT—On Saturday, May li, Reeks, .also survived by nine Union on ThursBay.- , Ma,y —jg. ,- a. t- I 1976, Wllllim A., of Union, N.J,, grandchlloren, Private funeral a.m.,' thence to St, Michael's Strawberry Cheesecake Pie bfioved husband ef Bdlfh I, service wa» held on Monday at The Church, Union, for a Funeral Mass (prawl) Haipt, devoted father of MeCRACKilN FUNERAL HOMev at ?i\s a.m. interment St. William G, HaiBt, Mrs. Marlon V, 1500 Morris Ave., Union: a*rtruae's.Ctmetery. Brennan, also survived 6y eight Interment Hollywood Memorial WOOSTBR—Ruth (nee wild), en All Strawberry Festival Items To Eat At Our Coffee Shop & Restaurant Srandehndren and thrti gr«at. Ptrk. In lieu of flowers Sunday, May la, 1976, of Toms grandchildren, The funeral service contributions may be made to the River, Belovid wife of Bugene R. will be held at the MeCRACKBN Memorial Pund of the First Woosfer, devoted mother of Mrs. Or To Take Home FUNUBALT HOME, ISM Morris petofrneefor a Churchhurch, irvington or a Ruth Jensen) Hugene Wooster Jr. Ave., Union, on Thursday »t 1 P,M. and Mrs. jeanitte Helller, sister of Interment Raeky Hill c*metery, favorite charity, William and Harry Wild, also Rocky Hill, N.J, survives by savin grandchildren. Now Through June Everyday HAGELiN—On Sunday, May 16, 1976, Walter J., of 60 Panwsod (nee Donnelly), Ter,, Linden, N.j,, Belsyta Karen and Prisons K . = HOME, . husband of iiliBbifh (Adls) brother of Mrs. Caroline Bebon, Ave,, eorniir Vauxhall Rd., Union, Abo In our Fruit Department a nice selection off Fruits and Vegetables devoted father of Robtrt W,, Bruet Relatives and friends attended the Notice -of funeral hereafter. A,, and Cr*ig D., Brother of Roy w, funeral service st HAfEBERLE 4 YANNOTTA—Leuli, ot Mlllburn, Hagelln, also survived by five BARTH COLONIAL HOMB, HBO on Monday, May 10,1976, husband -andehlldren. private funer*! on Pine Avt,, eorner ol VauithaH R8., of Irene Rondonlne Vannstts, fhurjday, Corri»r Stone Ledge NO. Union, on Tuesaay, May It, lather of Bernard and John m, FfcAM, will conduct a icrvlea Lnterment In Hollywood Memorial Vennotta, Mrs, ^red Stevens, Mrs. on W*dnesday, In Miw of flowtri, Park. J*rry Cimagllt, brother of eontrlbutlons may Bi maae to SCHMIDT—On Saturday, May IS, Anthony Yannotta, also lurvlved Union Council Boy Seouts of 1974, Albert H., of Old Lane, Green by U orandchilaren and six great. America, Friends eallefl at The pond, N.J., btiaved huiband of --—-*--••randehlidren— . Funeral fror• n MeCRACKEN ^UNBRAU HOMB, Helen (KlrKpotrlck), devoted iMITH AND SMITH BAKERY & PRODUCE STORE; 1MB Morris Ave,, Union, on tamer sf Kirk R. and the Misses .SUBURBAN), 411 Morris Avf,, RESTAURANT- Wednesday. Springfield, en Thuriday, Majf 11, AltnaandLaurtliehmlat,brother .. .. -*.--• : OPEN 7 DAYS 8i30 a,m, to 9 p.m. HARRIS—On Thuriday, May #, of Robert c. and Htrttrt H. The aH AM, Puneral Ma»5*t st, ftpjt ll:30 lo 10,'MON. - SAT, Wt, RoBert A, of 19 Melrost funeral servk* was held at The of Lima chyreh, Short Hllis, at 10 Terrace, Bllabtth, N.J., Beloved McCRAeKIN FUNERAL HOMB, A.M, husband of Helen Andersen 1500 Morris Ave,, Union, on 12 to 10 SUNDAY COFFEE SHOPi Tuesday, interment Cleycrlesf GEIGER'S HarrU, devoted father of MBeri w, Memorial Psrk, WoeaBrlOgs, in H0UYW00D FLORIST Marrli, broffiw of Mri. Serf ha liSSlf00 Ifyyvesint Aye. OPEN 7 DAYS 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Andrews. The funeral lervlee Was lieu of flowers frltndi so desiring 233-2260 held at the McCRACKBN may make contributions to the union Irvington FUNERAL'HOME. ISM Morris American Cancer ioeltty. We sMclaiije In fsuriiral 233-3444 Ave,, Union, on Prlaay, The SCHWAN—BJeanor M, fnee Design and Sympathy funeral was (onduftesi from the Sehobef I, en Friday, April 2#, JW«, ArranoeniMts for the bereaved ag» M'yaars, of NewarKi wife «» family. Just PHonei funeral home on iaturclay with egtheo lat69'yearse Charle, s Schwan, devoted ' Intermennterment IInn Bayvl«w Cemetsry, sistefHe latr eo Chaf Mrir , Berttia Eberle. 6861838 560 Springfield Avenue • Westfield, N,J, jersey CitCityy , it f .••'J Vour Guide To Better Living Thursday, AAay 20, 1976 Clifton firm in the makes sale _ SUBURBAN < if'tiror (jrevtop Estates linn h,i REAL ESTATE MART .'ilc "f ,-i lli mill ,(|i;i rt ri ii liinlih i- ill Hi: MOOELSOFEN FOR PREVIEW YOUS INSPECTION City » Suburbs # Form Country • Lake • Shore I i \ miMnti OPENING The DiSTINCTIVi •t.i (.«• COLONIALS OS I'.-illI Slcmi'l" CUSTOM DISIGNI MOM Developer starts on seconc MilM' -A iliil'li It tf ,ln^;ii ill til. I'i, tm Inrk - section of White Pine •- Mild I .Mlrcil I'.iiHcr in N> •Al Hf IK <" . 1 "Location, price ;inrf un- romplux on Skillninn nvrmu . Compiiny, Uikcsvnod rental liniiip hciiliil ti\ beatable value" are thy key IjiwnMicuville. ac't'iitfiinji I" iiKenls The first we-flon' is Man words at White Pine Apart- Dolores l)c,!i!iiim>, vice- completely routed with no I'.r.ifli ments, a luxury apartment president of Mi'l'nnnrll * families. \ IT. The developer lias begun work OH the second section of I his 2cH)-/ipnr(nn-n! eomplex. Ik-inn offered at White Pine ALPINE PARK iire onebedroom upper and in prestigious lower npn'rtmenl.s. one liodrnom nnd den upper Prepare Yourself •iparltiients and two iiedroottt •LAKE MOHAWK tnwnhouses. jn a eotiniry Hfitinii with urhati eon- priced from • Eitlulive living in o year I venienees. _. For The 'round istte eemmuntiy I M • Sailing, woier skiing and other I Each apartment has large wafer sports on over it milei of I rooms, ample closet space, shoreline, Chompionihip goH, I fingertip heat and air "Good Life" PROFESSIONALLY DECORATED townhouse at Panther Valley, (iff Ht B0 in Allamuchy, tennis and more Wfthifl a inert | ninriitionint! control, sound- 55,000 distance from your dgorsiop combines rustic brick fireplace with modern lovescats, KIUSN and wicker table and m irron-d • Iieepfionol beofion, h»«ily I conditioned construction, walls in the living room, which opens onto a sun deck. The two-story home,also includes \v.<, wooded loll I color-coordinated kitchens; bedrooms, den and one-car garage, Townhouses In Village lit of the planned community stiirt f 35 minutes to Morristown, only | •with oven, range, two-door at $62,500, To reach Panther Valley, take Kt. 80 west to the Allaumuehy Hi .117 exit. Turn left 5! minutes to NT( refrigerator-freezer. dish- tsouth) and go ", mile to entrance on right. Route SO westbound to Roi/te 11 I washer and. custom crafted North, 9 miles to 111 5Mrto,loke I ftWtowk eirt. 'i fflilt 10 326 I cabinets, some siiilk-in WoodportSd, (RouieiS). closets, modern one :indn hall liJed baths Hilii vanities, Decorator to aid buyers iMORTGAGfSAVAILABLi • terraces or balconies. • WART* OFFICE BI-LEViLS, RANCHES OMN54TURB«T&SUNDAV White fine Apartments can CAPfS^COLONrALS IIW*,= 6PM be reached from North Jersey via Route 1 South to Route H5- of Panther Valley homes ASSOCIATED sales lnc.| 295, west on Ft! gs-Zim to H!, 20fi South. South on Route am; Ontc i decision 1 m idi t i ind hirdwin \\i i\in nfli h m I tc n in irlt Mr I1|)_LIII ' 971 Route 10, WhiBBany. NJ 07981' will il iltt i lit i tit t tr itin Surrounded by ecological beauty, the approximately one mile to liu> I new hDmr thil whm lour tslts in towt] i itk tht true work ht^in^ M ikm|_ ill Ihusi dtt i i n ii I, nnw iinw tn in lpin|_ i quality custom homes ol Dover Helghti Low wetkdayt 887-7200 , wetkend* 729-9007 Skillman avenue (just past Rider College), and right t« Hitision" uch is lot itinn i m linn lir im Imhro in i i nunt r i hu \ th ) fi, fh offer you close proximity to all of Toms Down White Pine. hnuHin^. >>t%le pun ha i priLi thillenBt Whin\mi ir fi t I it ir thrniikh I JI ni h i L River's (acilities and surrounding recreationii Imancing mci tanimi]nit% with le igning ilin i til II U amenities. Enjoy parks, beaches, golf Parmtmt lift".tsli Itml tn f idi into thi bilhriinm it nm t nnd on Mr DiLun mil \iti i courses, tennis courts, fine restaurtnts, haLkgrounri uhm tht huve r \ in! i look uhuh i mi ill \ ( vt m I pi m i in theaters and modern shopping centers. sl-irt tn think ihuul inferior plcmi nt thcrt liiflhi h ii i idf r il/h im uf t i Mn HO year Excellent new elementary ind junior high deccir it ing i si lino, will In (lciini i Ii i IIIL th in i I i 1 i in_ Tn ht Ip hmer choo t fnirn l \nnlhi i nfttn urpn ni(_I l\l nl ir nl im II K schools are within walking distance. multitude nf inttnor t\lrs hillin(,in^ ton ldtritinn i \ iw ii tin t in lull Everything you need is here to experience 1 Expect the colors and nptitjn^ P inthei tht decor ol the fnver s t tht t inuK 111 IN If the Good Life at Dover Heights. \ illrv in Ml imuch\ ha I ( ih ink (hit thr riti in*! in * m ui|_ Ih Ii u i i jnn mnced Ihc npnninL of i mu I n^t th (t fir t \ f>i ill i i i n L I ( i t i u ! Unexpected 1 homt furnishing ; tinier imprt smn 1 inlht r \ ilit\ d til t r iti m i urt Ih full when \lm i Diggin i nfjt r i i hnic t nl fi\ i I it ntili/ iti n t ill u il it Ii jrom 47,990 II probably look you years to Save enough lulltimi tonsultint uill nffrr Ilimrs m idriilinn tn h( H lu ini_ p it t i illu Ir lit for a new horne. A visit to Barrymor it Cypress irinci tonmitf infl experl \ in iti in nl f,la?n! til Th i hr nil hi ut ur d 1 Second Section Now Open will make it all worthwhile. Y^u see, we Whether its thoo in^ in tiome hustr i in t rt ilt in lit mi bBiifvf in quality construction antj in nature's o\erall color SLhemi oi nnuH dntt in \ nt tit Tin it rt iLht lit i t il natural beauty. Thai's why Cypress is set detithng which towel t»ar tn Spun h h itienri i ir ( \ in ill I h ii e ill i n t lit i amidst gently foiling hills and tall trees. inM ill Mr Dij.^in'. cin nffei irti tit itmnspht n \ lilt \ F ic it h ih in (We wouldn't dream ol leveling the ininHel Put i he j tjyick \Sht n (it Lirinm n tilt iimmH tins t i t ii Hi Ji 1 land — that's loo easy j Barrymor tii ptnn! out i riCLoritoi i irpttrrl irt is tht IIIMI hi ihi It l ii! Tin n 1 tt Indian_Milt Read s!l Hggpef at Cypress holdi the unexpected iLspnnsibilit\ is tn ht ip m I i mil t en Terns Sner. Nei» Jgfs Ihn nptioii if t It L tint trim until [201 ]244 —3900 (2011244-3900 so let our Family build your diMduiK dttirmim whit tnti 10*t toltir texturt ml ir ini i i_hl I n Family's home in the unexpected n light for them I would he Ule Hirriwmid florr il n i nt it Jt iiu tradition. dning T dm ervict if I Imd tn ir iiiil ihk impose mv tasle nn in%unc (Ipljtms tor tht Witthin list mcliidt i mjlti stnn^f p Tnlr Hi r enthusiasm is hp unit sliding hottle ntks tri\ 1 riiscu e her profession is m lonipnitiiienl ; built m hz% (\idence We htgin In u in lor i orner pit ts ind MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER deltrminmR thr lifc>st\U i in ouiuftheu-i\ wint nek lamiU inin\>. md like it from I ht ill wood tabintL in there \ fanuK with vounj, a% iiHhlr in n \ iruH of c (hildren nh\iou I> require linisht C hoite il n irt PRETTY VIEW... durihle tasiK uiped up fltmi iflprttl in counttr top mil I lies ind hei\s dut% ip \in\i tlnon* pliancis Empt\ nt tt rs on \ftir thi hisii dm inn thi other hand t in indulgt in 8 models from $35,990 to $44,990 We've got a great view , , , but from S% down • up to 30 yr, mortgages plu h eirpttinK ind dehcitt from 6% Interest. fixtures More th in toil Kislak Inc. more important, what's inside is hn«p\er a dn e\ptricntt(l even batter! Seventeen stories of designer I c in pro\ide in nbjtclivr point of \IPW mil appoints two elegance offering a comfortable liminite this in rieci inn ) i\ I Ki^lik prrsident if lifestyle, every conceivable imen- miking hLCiu>!i I cin I 1 Kislik Im hi in ity, an array of social and recre- % isu IIIZL the end result ntnintedthit inmthinKi 1 ik ational activities and a value intt Wilhiiii Bigg hi\t hren As in r\ample mn ftu that's hard to match! BKRRYMOR EiTNFti the mot r^ptnt-nctd liomt namt d to the lin ird of at. Cypress huver it tan beo^erwht Iminu ehnttors inri thai Hunter Ocean County's Foremost Housing Value tothoosei\er\ hing th it ^oc Wnltott his been n imed Compare Channel Club Tower Irea urei nf 1 I Ki 1 ik Im Direction!: (Jit Parkwiy exit 91 to 526 to in one halhroom \Si offti with any other luxury condo- Barryfoor Models on right. Or us* Rt, 9 ibout 40 different shapes partnt compim of tht Ki Hk south to Rt, SJBiast. T'urnlelt. Follow si^es mri tolors of tilt Organs itmn minium and you'll see the 528 to Barrymor Modell on lett. seltthon ig Hill is i jonithin Knil ik J~ is i differance multitude of option in m ipm cum hudc f,ritiinti of \-imdes plumhing ri\turp wired islsphone Mortgigt Torpor ition and TV sutlg^ in alt tiwing rooms, bedrooms and ^ \f(i>VER 45? LIKE THE d#ns . , , Luminous kitchen veiling flscfure , , , Biggs W straps as Deluxe 22 eu, ft., side-bv-side no froi< refrigefator l^etut!^l \it,e prtsident and frw«r svlth builtin ice maker , , , Range wim chief operntinfi officer of J.I, double ovens, one self cleaning builtin exhauit CEAN, AND LOOKING Kislak Mortgage Corporation,- Individual compaetor , . , Automatic dishwasher the mortpage hanking div'isioii , , , Deluxe clothes washer and drVer , , , Quality nf The Kiglak Orgatiif.atinn, A cabinets and woodwork , , , High quality bath native New: Yorker and futures including extra large bathtubs, deluxe showers, Single lever fauces with iemperatuni FOR LOW COST LIVING? Uraduate of the University of control, color coordinated sinks , , , Canopied the City of New York, Bigg entrances to a gracious lobby , , , Spacious social was associated with l.omns lounge . , , Men's and women's health clubs with ...ic*» have It all Nettleton, mortgnge bankers, saunas, exercise equipment, lockers and showers , , , ^ind-HeftieMijnstriicllon Co. Heilden t manager , , , 24 hour doorman sarvies , , , FAWN LAKES IS A BRAND NIW , before joining Kislak in 1968* Closed circuilTV swuijty , , , Three automatic stavatorj- FULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY, , , , Cafcle TV . , PrisaM locked storage bin for iseh Woicott, 25, has licen with apartment and bulk storage , , . Seven acres of beautiful FEATURING AS STANDARD Klilak for one year. He was landscaping and walkways , , . Two tennis tgiirS Ilium- EQUIPMENT SUCH ITEMS AS previously iissoeiated with inatsd for night play , . , Heated and lighted swimming WASHiR/DRYER, REFRIGERATOR, Bdward D. JOHes & Co., an pool with eharse* and tables . , , M«mbarship,at tha SILF-CLEANINC OVEN RANGE, investment banking company exclusive Channel Club , , , Covered parking with private SMO'Ki DETECTION, lisied on the New York'Stock assigned spaces , , , Ample parking for guess , . , lui service to Port Authority and Wall Street . . , And Morel T.V. ANTENNA, Kxchangc. Flagship National PLUS MORE,,. Bank and Greater S'ork Co., a ('andadiari land development Actual Photos firm headqunrtpred in View or Value? — At Channel Club Tower you get both! • Toronto, • J.I. Kiglak Sne, has divisions in mortgage banking, mor- CHANNEL CLUB TOWER tgago brokerage, real estnte CHANNiL DRIVI, MONMOUTH BEACH. NEW J1BSIY 077S0 nnd insurance. CALLCOULtCT! !201) K9.ZBM Detached and multi family single story homes located in Southern Ocean County's enchanting woodlands only B miles from Long Beach Island Financing Available, FROM Dirnctiom: a,S, PwVwiy ox it Imrmdlra Ooupaney from $24,950 to Rt, 36 to Motwnoutt, Buch, $43,300.174,480, turn it Contra! Read, PenthouH Suit« AvaiiaNfl. uireetioM: Take Garden Stale Parkway to Exit 63 akes then west'3 miles on Rt, 72 to Fawn Lakes, From Points Weit, lake Rt, 70 Gait to Rt, 72 then Eajt 20 milei to THE /MANCIN! Fawn Lakei, Manahawkln N,J, Models open 9-8 (7) days a week.

A PLANNED ADULT CONDOMINIUM COMMUNITY FOR THOSE OVIR 45 THk Mikniil n not m alhrtng, iriiicli mty only H mite y, • •Thursday, May 20, 1976 entry finer runs iilmost (he room-den with hriek firepliicc all more than amply depth of the house, uilh fnr- Also on the main floor are proportioned and with i'X- nii'il living room In (ine side lavatory and laundry room, coplionally Inrtic elusels. SUBURBAN REAL 1 and full tiitiinn nxim l<> 'hi plus extra Rtornge space in the Informal ion anit sales Private lagoons with home site other. At the rear, faeiiitJ the oversized garrigc. center is located at 213:1 1 ESTATE MART OiHOm- residential rnmimimt(•(immunitvy wiilowide. n;ivii!;itilii'p i'limiuli for i\y lui piinl and palin lielw I'IMi till' The Salem is ;> tour- equipped eat in kitchen ad- the stairway lends upstairs jo opposite the, entry to the t'oinhinniion—(ipaciotis «n- l.'iCfjest (ilt'.'iMiri'«'r;ift. .litseph •,ir ill llOIIM- id Illi- iieilriioni limiie The wide jneent to Jin oversi/ril family four bedrooms and two baths. lagoon homesite area. U tor ulkjiri hull, lioll) From »53,900 ulu'rmil more ^!HO0 UiBUnn Villaw. hy Trend (ViiurrViTT^eurl^t^ 1 Monies, oilers large Inmil* when hiring employepsemployees . Br^Braqg M|ij''r" leel ot livini . spjee. about yeur^el! to evej BQ.OSO plus uarar.e I'.mh .ire lour • hijines priced from STn.lHHi iini! ftb nu'^heis^f call mt> up, all lociiled on a series nl TIOO SUTTON HOLLOW * . IN Edison offering ,1 "The l.ex)ngton"-Colonial I ! ASLLITTLE AS with 3 or 4 bedrooms. I "The WIIshire"-Bl. Level I I I with 4 bedroom I Set In an attractive *nv!ronment with underground I utilities, excellent schools, quick transportation. 1 'I I mingle* from ftfttnlo Park Shopping Center, S minutes 'I :i from Woodbridge Center, 30 rnlnutes from ManhaHan, I 11 EXHIBIT HOME OPEN Sat, 8, Sun. 1 until dusk; * P.M. to 7 P.M. weekdays except Wednesday S> 4947111

' SKACIM.I.'S-KYK VIEW Aeriol photo stmws (wo of (he leave room for pool jnrt patm hetwpen home and water DiRIcTISNii N.J. Turnoike to St. j|J, Metuenjn E»it Rt. JI7 north to 1 Rt. I South to ionHsmtown I«it. B««r right to Mofrll Av«., turn lift, tnin five navidiihk ' laRnons- providinu access to hotli the way. Kales center in the Trend Homes nffiee, 2111 Bridge i#!t §h plerien Avt=. look top signs. Or ssratn Stflte ^erKway to Rt, 1 Atlantic (H'eiin and BiirneHiit Ray which are featured at ave. Point Pleasant just west of the Un elandtimn Hndge I south,, theftheni tgllpfolio** direstipn3lrg€!lc l as fiboyf- Lagiiiiii Villiigi1 in Point Pleasant. The three-, four-, and from Hay llend llvehcdrooni houses, priced from S7(i,000, are on siles that Architect joins firm Tho David Crotiheim Compiitiy of Chiithaiii and New'iirk has estatilished an affiliation with Stanley S Franklin Township, Hriltnian, a Ijikewood ar- ehiteel, in order to after in- New Jersey dustrial ;md comniercial Where you can live... clients the added advantage of more than a little iirchlteetiirnl adviee in con- nection with any of their Say "I Do" Cedar Brook Manor is a new residential 1, 27, and 18) are just a short drive from the site. New York is 45 minutes prnpertios, Hrittmnn, who will community situated near the banks of also handle clients of his own, the pastoral Raritan River. A magnifi- away. Philadelphia 55 miles. Nearby 5« ill lie located in te Cronheini cent colony of fine homes reflecting the Amtrak trains and a frequent bus sched- Bniiriinu in rhathflm serenity of its Somerset County loca- ule make commuting to anywhere fast' I A graduate of City College of to lew tion and offering 4 superb models high- and easy, Major shopping centers are in New York, Mr. Hrittmnn look lighting such refinements as • heavily the immediate area as well as in nearby Ills master's degree in ar- wooded, landscaped lots (1/3 to 3/4 Princeton, ehiteeliire at Columbia acres), . .4 bedrooms ,,. 2V4 baths.., Inivprtiitv. 5 models ... 2 Colonials • Bi-Level CONDOMINIUMS family room , . , "eat-In" kitchen . . . Koi' four years Mr. Britt • formal living and dining rooms , . . Cape Cod and a Ranch from man WHS associated with AT STANHOPE ; .' large garages, Caudill Howlett Scott of New \(!rk. He was responsible for Recently constructed public, private , the contract administration of JACK AND JILL WENT DOWN THE and parochial schools provide a full more than $80 million worth of curriculum for all children with special construction on the East AISLE, TO START A NEW LIFE TOGETHER. emphasis on college-bound students. 834% Mortgages or 10% Down ('oast. In the residential field, he Major highways (Interstate Rt, 287,N.J, to quilified buyers designed several housing JACK PROVIDED A BRAND NEW HOME, Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, Rts •Repreients down payment on ranch only. Kuhrfivisioiis for Kaufman & Hrond, HSii-iinit development FURNISHED BY THE "VELVET SHOE STRING" Open seven days a week — 10:30 a.m. to dark, in Smith Toms River, and DIRECTIONS: N.J.Turnpike north or south to Exit 10 (Interstate Rt. 287). Stay to your several'custom-built homes in left it toll booths for Rt, 287 north, Proceed ipprox, 11 miles to Rt.S27 (marked New the Toms River area. While AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER! Brunswick/So, Bound Brook), Follow signs to New Brunswick and take Rt,527 south with Abbott, Merkt and (easton Ave.) for VA miles to Demon Lane. At municipal building sign make a right turn Company of New York. Mr, proceeding on Demon Lane for 7Vi miles to Amwell Road, Left turn on Amwell Road Hrittmnn svorked on Terminal FULL PURCHASE PRICE... This Is just the beginning of the story...Everyone Vi mile to models on vour left. MODEL PHONE; (201 )873-3845. No, 2 at Newark Airnorl. dreams of a home all their own, but for some that INCLUDES HOME PLUS FURNITURE dream remains. We want your dream to come true, and so we're offering a revolutionary concept in The PAD TheTRYST living today, NOW you can begin a new way of life with a condominium home with the furniture as a part of the price. That's right, the purchase price $32,990. $37,990- includes furniture of your choice from the "Velvet Shoe String" of the Oranges. Clearbrook. 10% DOWN COVERS IT ALL! And LUV is for the young at heart! Whatever your The promise or 8% INTEREST age- from six days to sixty years, a new way of living can begin for you, A new freedom surrounded by the things you LUV to do in your anewwav very own backyard, without the hassle,.. Exclusively rflife^ Your tlma It your own. buildingi, Or ranch style homes with FOR THE NEWEST CONCEPT You'll never have to eitertors ot stone or brick and aluminum lor those worry about tilings like mowing siding, oversize garages and up to 3 the lawn or shoveling the bedrpemsl All include central air walks or fixing the downspout. conditioning, individual room Ihermoslat*, Because, under the condominium GE ovgn and range with exhaust hoed and plan ail outside maintenance garbage disposal, IN LIVING TODAY- CliiirBrBok is Iht is done tor you, Bither way you'll own your ClearbrooK home community far (elk! and you'll get all ol tha tax and equity Benefits who want all thi privacy Round the Clock Security. and luxury at an adult Clearbrook is entirely private with a en/syed by homeowners. community,.. p|y( ths guarded gatehouse and 84-hour security The STB. bargain. Aside tram the purchase • ,. price o! your home, fte entire Clearbrook way ' I KlftHlN ,: STQRAGi CALL "3477555- lesty, active lite mat petrel — so you have pe«ce ol mind at N»«ps body md spirit home or away. g ,v ot lite— including all recreational, medical, FOR PAD alwayt young, Add to this, 14-hour medical VT. security and oxlonor maintenance services (except green fees) — (s yours to enjoy for the I . J OR 985-7850 Thii idstt combination ii facilities, L modest montniy condominiurn fee ot STB. And this what Cloarbuxik is ill and mini-bus service to local also includes water i sewer tees, about. Olearbrook, There't no place quite like it. And, if Country Advantagn pf j-i you're 48 or over, you own it toyoursslt to see it. It's and Metropolitan and you'll £,H the promise ot a wonderful new way of lite. Convenience. Cioarbrook apree th»t the combings the bsnilitg of Clearbrqok horns ownifihip with planners condominium iirvicts. nave thought s HERE ARE SOME And only 42 milei Ifom • o! everything, Mftnhaiisn ^ close to A home to (It 6 Models From 29,i90 -OF-THE-OT-HER— you? fripnds, children, your needi. $ DEECTJONS grandchildren. Gloss The best to 45,900 UNITS AVAILABLE to , thing abou! Princeton 'and fts Jetmy Cieaibrook AT LUV,,.STARTING Shore. J is the variety Our Clubhouse la no cattle in the »ir. 61 hornet available AS LOW AS *29,990 Right now the Cieaibrook recreational Thus are FEATURES complex is a reality. More than two-bedroom To »46/990 gg.OM sq. (I, with facilities for lust about garden apartment W/W Carpating • A/C • Dishwasher everything you can imagine. Billiards. homes in thre©- Unfurnished Units Range • Washer • Dryer Bridge, Ceramics, Wbelwotkina, slory elevator A host ol other recreational and Finished Basemant cultural activities. The SWEET Outside, Biere's an Olympic-size • Fiofil facing living room with gut-si cigsel, swimming pool. Tennis court, • Sepiffltg rsiwd dining foom^ Butcher Table w/Chrome & Cane Seats wooded trails. • Lerg«s;3i in Mehen 6 pc. Sofa, Glass Etageres, Parions Table, En addition, Clearfyooks • \9 (l feEfcgtian room end uiiliiv and sloraqe m< osm private gerf eour*« is Chrome Lamps 6 pc. Bedroom Suite jn ttie heart et ttie esmmunity. Swivel Morris Chair Here, as an owner, you'll be The NEST-" »6la to goD tor a nominal s Large sunken lining room Are Juil Some of the greens tee, • Separaie forms! dining rDsfti overlOdkl ihe living root Mflny Furniture Items Included. One thing is sure, f very • Eat in kitehzn »'»*» "pels ihta" ts Ow dining taam day will bs an mcltfrig Say • Laige mfiiler bsdream with ever 12 H. sf ebse* «p for you at Cloortjrook. « 17 ft: ftcre atiSn ream, storage and [Sundry ere a The TENDER TRAP. ' - I9f!- jiuifig re§m wi|h guest Elgsef Bfllepnle^ dining roam oveHookinfl the living i&om. Eal if! kitchen end sdjalnrtii farnily room, • Mailer badrpcm, isgsrld bedrddm and gueii Warn, 19 fl rccreetlQii fbam and utility and ifpfe^e Sfsa j 6USAMRBOK, • P,O,toit«,Cfln6ur»,NJ.08S12 (By New Start Advtrtlilng | im micfoitsd m learning mare abeut ^ cleargrssH. Please send ge^gh, . meniBry br§€hyr§ ta:

Clearbrooi, Nt« jKm/ (« HH w, H MaMwnam: («M'fcumililp) iM-iM, HtmV FullpMionJ««w 1*1 HMH WMs, NMW Jtnw itirnM^ Opm 7 oiyi > A.M. to * P.W. :§ TMHAPVtflTlilMiNT l» NOT AN OFFIRINO WHICH CAN IIMA81 ONiY iy A rm«M. PflOSPEOTlJi H.y, SI B, 571, Thursday, May 20. 1976- SUBURBAN Give till it REAL ESTATE MART helps. 4. • City • Suburbs • Farm Country • Lake • Shore The American Red Cros* Mystics meet a// needs J I %• •AIT F|NANCIM« for Hvinq in Shore area IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY "If you can't find (he home newness. Mystic Shores is now Thompson explained that, you've been looking for right ,i si'tilctl i-niiimunity and nur "lechnically. Mystic Shores is here, at 'The Mystics' you're lieiiple hnve ;i new feeling of a ri'tiremi-nt community, probably belter off in .in bcl'inmnu, of feeling at home where nne of the principals .apartment." with ihe desire for par-must be at leas! 12 S2 today is G01D€n With (host wurds. Terry tif'ipatiijn in |,he many ae lihmjpiu nisi Mart lo live, atiri Thompson, sales manager for nvilies hfre, especially in and Iron, what I've seen, oiir around our big. new both Mvsfic Marlfffi 'nnd [leople sure know how lo enjoy Myslie .Shores, summed up the n-crealinn building " all that's here'" KIUST STAGES—Construction in under way in West areas, eai-in kilc)u>n «iih cll<,hu:i».liiT. uencral concept 'if then' lu'i Hamilton Township. N.J Orange at Summit House, n iriBiinit condominium for refrigerator, double oven and no-wiix fluorine- air New ,Ierse\ ronimunitieh in OPENING NEW SECTION Tf* ioulon of Mden ESUtn cOuWn'l bf mi ideji. Enetllenl persons52 years of ape nnrinlder. DeKljined pritnurily for windiiloninK ;ifif! full carpet inn Suiiitnit House's firM (he Tuckerlim-Greai Hay public and pitMhuf jchOBll Ire nearby; buSllil* Route 33 Wd 111 section "f M units is scheduled lur nccupuncy in mjny ihopjiiil ttniHs is itsl than 1 miriutn 1»3>. couples and singles, the apartments, priced from KH.iMKI, area S2 or older? 10-. Down for Qualified Buyers will feature five floor plans with one or (wo bedrooms November, Work will hcyin soon 'in :i swimming piml artfl "Why, do you realize ' One model, the Hrandels, will offer Vi baths, living and recreation area, with landsciipinK nf urounds to lollop Thompson went on tn say. Luxurious 'Lexington* Is now 'lhat we offer a choice nf M 0 sister. Lillian Yohe, \\h» live1- amniONi N J Tuipki » W 71 Pmiw «tsl on Ri 1155 to4 1 starlitiE at S21.4WI .mil $40,450 at Crestwood Village milB 10 fceflj tt iLu 2) RW lum »» *<™ Dl . IW WtkS 11 HmSSIti) in I'resiwonci ;iml rtecided !o uoinji up lo around ir/i.nm for M -Siffl turn m Hmosiud Id, ilium Jl*M IS J bMu lo ™*li. OR sell her home jn For! ,:i hl(i waterfront model And. US HsOtfliiitiifeW i«it)unftijliFi>i9|fR« (1 RI Jl Lrt*ffi 33 Florida residents retire l^iudcrd.-il(> I ..'ikes. K!a., and Kirn 10 Wtilrtm Hjmi™ 5a M Righi dm on KWrnMlimillon Sq 1 as (or selection nf styles ' he M ig Ereinad Bw un on Entitmd BM IO Hmpiiua fid LHI » crime north tn sellle hurt Sh" added, "at (he Mystic- we HSBd M;IS impressed "with (he have ranchers, cape e'uls. MOBIL ^MONI (6091 lii-TOOf to Crestwood in Whiting btHiiiU of CreMwnod" and the colonials. split levels, kind (if lifestyle her sister was duplexes and 'quads' tint, iwn Many people about to retire wanted to return lo living in ;i she had experienced several enjoying Lillian never even or throe bedrooms—'iptmn« consider pulling up roots and singlo home again and were frightening incidents there considered Florida when she Ualore and, nn top of nil ihis. traveling south or west to "very impressed" with that threatened her life and retired btx'atise she didn't one ni the (ireatest location-, spend their golden years. Crestwood's construction and property. She traveled south want to lio far from her (href anywhere "il the Fast Coast children and sh grand Our luxury two-b»droam mode', fully eguiop«fl QE After studying recent sales style, George is now ahut soon discovered it was "!i "Rifiht here." Thompson kilchen includes Amtficana douBie even lone is sell- statistics. (Yestwood Village member of the old Guard and very lonely place for a single children. Lillian is a member cieaningi, disHwMher ana siae-by-siae is eu. ft. of the Aciacia Twig and the -aid. "you can buy a house fin executives were surprised to Ijiura is with the Crestwood woman," a .wooded lot and park your refrigtrator. Master batfi his a tiled stall showtr, Women's Club, which is busy Women's club. second bithroorn has cBramic iiieo Bun snower. learn that, except for an ob- A cousin from Audubon told car in the driveway, or live at Utility room with mitching QE washer and dryer, ana vious preponderance of preparing for a forthcoming her about Crestwood and she the \yiter'» edge and dock laundry tub. Attached gaf»g#. Carpeting, insulated buyers from New Jersey and bazaar. Clarissa and Harold l.unnfin sour boat at (he back door. windows and central air conditioning inclufltd in returned to make her home iiwneri the Lunnon Florist nearby New York, the here. She is now a member <>f That's variety!" the price. Harriet and William Shop in Trenton. When they heaviest percentage of new the Yanks bowling team, The concept nf (he Mystics' Dunuc rnii EDCC' (nHJ. 1001229711 residents to settle at the Shortlidgi' had always lived in sold Iheir shop, they headed rnUHt I DLL rtltt. inNY-gooMisso? plays on a shuffleboard team for their South Palm Beach. • Islands and Shores.." Whiting, N.J., retirement the New Jersey area, hut and • has joined the Singles tor FBII booklet; don't be a sitting duck retired to Florida. However, Fla., condominium, taking her Thompson explained, "also community are from Florida Club, "It seems to me that the encompasses two different "10 Commitments tor choosing a Retirement Home" nnd California. noted William. •Harriet just son and h\n wife with them 10 Models: SIBSSCMo |J1."50 Tale advantage of- our sale offerings. 1973 people who were the happiest The younger l.unnnns opened lifestyles. At Mystic Islands Thirteen states other, than couldn't take the awful heat in residents nf Florida, were Open B to a. seven dgys a *eik prices now in effect. Wall to wall carpeting & the summer and spring. a florist shop, hut decided that wi- hiiasi of Ti.iiixi happ', Now Jersey and New York thnse who did not live there all Florida was not for them and lamilies enjoying year-round wasHer-d'^er ip.cljaed in all yn Shore areas The Take a s-ep above the rest. Enjoy the best in originally from this part of the limes in Florida, so they also I'ommumty. itself." he added, country, had heeded the siren and were convinced that this Bernico Valieenti. wh>> life at reasonable cost, i bedroom from $24,900: was for them. returned north and settled in "I* not actually a resort Co cs Fo.r S»et ois 42 il ii 1'c Sp".. l~-~. call" of other climes, but spent most of her life in Khort reval Cc a t\t of Cr«it»ooa V Hagg 1"^ 2 bedroom from $28,900: existing units at lowest Hills, retired to Cooper-City in Crestsvood Village, for at least returned north after sampling They are active bridge six month-, ol the year Next-door-neighbors 'o «nte Dept I'I Bsi 166 Bo.'e 5^0 A-'-g Nj pr'ces ever. Don't be caught sitting, life there. Several were in- Miami with her husband four Mystic' Island- is the adult players, bowl with the years ago. When he died, she FJQH NY and North Cardei S' ft*< En'SQ a-- ^J terviewed to find out why retirement community nf Prill Ben Frs-klm Bridge NJ =7C - =3Jj Crestwood league, have en- realized how alone she was, go •"Actually." admits g Here ore their stories: Mystic Shores "Shores" N Tre-loi NJ =31 =526 »!»- --=535 =5 condominium homes around the lake tered Hhufrieboard tour- far from her brothers, wh" Clarissa, "we've made «" comparatively new. having M r= on Great lay Boulevard, Tuefcerfon, N, j. OSO87 Laura and George Fink had " naniemx and are members* of live in Short Hills and Hod many wonderful new friends T*iis i^ertisinen' is ne* n offir ^5 Hs i g ~i. b* ~,tie been living in Wcstfield when the Residents' Club, Harriet opened its rinor» in late eitip* hi prosptc'us filed * •" 't-c Of cs c' •• - -e- Ss »'il sales phone 609.296. !0OS Bank When she decided t" here I hale tn leave for the summer "f 1PT3 ef l^e Itite ef Hi* Hrli cr *ht lureiJ s* 1%*-* * is J *t-B \ 1 6 e' they purchased n eon. alsn belongs to the Women's eomi' north, they sent her winter, months, hut (hi1 doctor riominium in Florida, They Club, "Now that we made our %i* isrssy Such filng dois not tois*'.'s S3prvii J -- ; .1t r advertising brochures on advises il lor Harold'-- "Now we're calling it the lie sals Ihereo! ii "•• it o-rey Ce-e'sl c' "•' S'a 5 ' Hi* 1 jrk staye'd n number of years, but home here, we might winter in many «f (he adult com- health " She has become very cr fie B.rtJJ cf Sicun* K, ol ">e i'l't c' •>!• 's »!| Cfis • .d when George became ill, Florida, but we wouldn't want new' Mystic Shores," Sales 4g?rcy^—iroktr/Dcalir munities ill the area and she involved with the WonienS declared Thompson, "Not Laura felt they were just too to live thero ail year round, selected Creslwnod because it Club ami created nnd donated tar "from our son, Robert, his especially since we've made because we're three years old, "offered the most for thea number of dried flower but because in spite of o\ir family of six children and our such wonderful new friends in money." She has been Jlilng arrangements for the club's .many friends," Crestwood," they agreed, in Village III for only a short autumn fair. "My one con When they came back to the Margaret Eggert lived 4i lime, but already has been solation is that we'll he north, they looked over just years in Brooklyn, where she made In feel ripht at home by returning to our beautiful about every adult community was an executive secretary, "so many nf my very lovely home and friends as soon as in New Jersey before they .She said she couldn't wait to neighbors," the sprint; thaws the winter's settled in Crestwood. They retire from the city because fitrtrude Sturm visited her cold, she added

If one of you is 52 or over.. , lift Presenting our new, good-looking, good-living, 3-bedroom rancher $ 28,990 (Nke prit» isn't LAGOON HOMES AT THE EDGE OF GREAT BAY ' Would you beli«ve. a THREE bed. year-'round hams, vacation hems. room house with 1,050 sq, ft, of or both , . , join the 3,000 families living space, where you can DOCK enjoying the ssonderful seashore YOUR BOAT at ths back door, for life, at Mystic Islands. • only $28,890! True! • There are 8 models to choose from You can make "The Mystic' your to make^ the livin' easy. A YEAR.'ROUND COMMUNITY OF LACQON AND WOODLAND HOMIS,

ismnDS 333 - .

Hsyr%: 9 is B dsllyi §vim, by IHESf WOOD RESIDENTS William and Harriet Shortlldge are New Jerieyans who retired briefly to Florida, but returned north to settle in the adult community on*Rt, M0, Whiting, Ocean County. 'We couldn't take the awful spring and summer heat,' they confessed, 'and Announcing Section 9 — a Tennis and shuffleboard besides, we were too far away from our family,* Their story is similar to a number of limited number of beautiful courts. And excellent Crestwood people who tried Florida living, but returned north again new condominium homes in transportation, of course. the best location we've ever been able to offer at Covered Small wonder we're the it's NEW, from "The NEW MYSTIC SHORES/ Bridge. Many of these biggest success on the condominium market.., homes will adjoin our natural Sneak ifeiiSI Aisi *4fi£ Park area or overlook the with over 1500 satisfied 18-hole golf course—either residents attesting to that fact. Preview! Haue we got a wayr it means a rnagnifioenti _lru few weeks, ther#j«i[^bB^j|rond opening setting and a view that is Outstanding 1 and 2 that is destined to chdnge~'~thiV face of simply breathtaking. bedroom homes rosid«ntiol real ostato In Ntw Jersey— Brooksido Square in Hlllsborough, Now you house for from $27,990 can own a private homo and be a mernboT of As with any Covered Bridge an exclusive private club where an home, you get so many other There is still a limited incomparable array of recreational activity is important advantages. All at your doorstap. Spacious, beautifully and number of "8000 maintenance of your home's designed townhomes, great lervlce, a great Series" homes club. Get there before the crowds, OUR NEW DUPLEX '*?4e exterior and grounds. A available in Section 8! daizling $2 million PRICED FROM Our Iirsl Duplex has. a new concept and price you'll like. clubhouse that's alive with '37.500 The "Yorkiowne" Duplexes are eonslructcd side-by^tde (not 1-bedroom: §Z3«99(J| activities.'A great swimming LOW AS SH up-and-down) and stparaied by tsvq garages for even greater pool with lots of .patio area. DOWN! privacy. 2 bedrooms: There's less house to take cara of than sviih i sirgle home, yet Ihis new'design actually has the appearance of even greater CARE-FRiE spaciousness. And, you get alumnigm siding too, in your choice LIVING' of while or eorlh-tonei. FOR $25,990. Is this the house you've been looking for? If not, one of our WITH a.BifJRQOAAS and GARAGE other six models probably is , . , they're priced from only 521,490 to $34,790, YOU Anflris Avenue (oil BeuftlOA) Hlllibwoush Tovmihlp, New Jersey OWN KfMtiants BlfKtlsiu: Rt. 33 WMI to Som« Ri. 9Mi than RI. YOUR Gaiden Slat* Parkway, isgth, 30* lourh »ppro«. 5 ml. to Andri. Avt, Of tti« P«0tawp HOUSE |hs|BiBB*yni»fii turn risM Is mod.i> on ri(hf...OR... mystic Shores to«*it SI !«». HI, if? t» m. Ms w«it on m, 1119 M. 1M,• thM eentliim "A vital residential commumiy for (dose JJ yejfi and older." '• ' anil M9i then follow wiuth «t above. LOTI Urge, plainly Directions: NJ. Turnpike south to Exit 11; then south on Models open 9 10 S every tlay, e»»i, bjf appi. marked* highway Garden SIM Parkway fa Exit 1S3; then south en flouf* 9 for (201)359.3200 Phone ttmi S94.9H1 ttgni. 9 milts to Coveted Bridge (open daily from W a.m. til flfi,m.J P.O. jail 5, TucterfSn, N. J, Hiirryiiini' ill Cypri's^ nlfii Thursday, May 20, 1976 ri(jlii iiiinii' niiitfcls, i!H'lii(lni|< mi THE SHORE? I'iiiH'h. t'liliininl iiiiil Iii-H'vi'l YOU'LL LOVE OCEAN ACRES! Barrymor to hold prices •.lylt's. An rxpaiiil.'itilc '":i|>r SUBURBAN ('oil iilsu is iiViiJliililr COMPLETE Sliiiiilnnl H/ii'iyiiiiii' linnii'!. I'iinm1 in prii'i' I'riini j'.iri.iniii in REAL ESTATE MART on Section 1 through July •>-M,!!f«i 'I'liirty M'iir iii»r WISES LAND' • City # Suburbs • Farm Country • Lake ©Shore lUMIU'h li'iim ('IHIII piTrcMl I! ii i \ nun I nit i pi in , -• UHIB tl) lllIMP- I" "'I mti'li'Sl, with (linvn p:iyim'hl> ill \ ( Inpi I lit 14 II i % Him it Aiinnliii) In SSi Imik tin piuvlilis ILLI s tn tn ins Iriiiii I i v i • piTt't'iit, iir>' < \pn i in « i ii-(nni hunu t \pn -i-i pni|til i-. itintnilv III ijiirtn^hw iv me liiclirtf'Ihi .i\ .iiLililr Irmu Ilic liuililrr to uniiiiiiniH im Spnm tint pi unit (I uiinmunih 1" (. iiiloii SI ill I' IIk« IN AKn (|linlilii>(l ImyiM'S Kilfoyle Construction nil Kl 'I in 1 iki wwiil h i^ i nrpiii HUH' II it in il I "«i m irhv iin i>< i i" < iiimis Kciitiirrs ini'ludi'd %,s it lilri (ONLY 51,900. POWN. iiiiiniiiiinl i prii]iitni pint ii ipinji mil n nlr il Im limn ti tri itinii il nlfi IIII^'T Ilic Imsr piirt'lHisi1 plit'f nl nil Morfflages Available * axes mi 11 MI Im liuiiu ui ii hnn H iiiMimr it t M'H '•" Uni'iyiiinr liniiii'H iirr ,'ill-wiioil iSND Only 10 Min From in« StMn , Lsk^ Soil Inn llnui \u i III 11 ill pni i in ith siiluiltil mini t ' i'1 ltll I S |)I ( |11 I'll 11 I" '(liiiili'lc-hunii windnw!.. ilmililc coufS(. CluB MOUJB. Swim Pool .. B.sul. named remode/er of year lol r future Blag, oMr MolBlngB i ^Mli i i in nn in i Ift 11 fm in i iml uillinn lull w I i" i link-- i l.ngi lift'" if i Hour t'onKiriictiiin, licasy II .Inhnsnn. pfcsidi-nl "i llu i i il hiiiini in u 11 ni in h CALL TODAY! KilfoyU' liniiii iu in lit inn urn williin IKII blink nl winch tilling miinfr run {iliiivi' iiiKl lii'ldw mound m of U'limlitri h;i \,-i I iiiiiji I |j t> in nde I IT- n pi i I h in i s iini ou ti ni lliinut'liiiul hilv I In t \pn ^, 1 ikt uiiml •• Spi in i Mini « iH i In llu cniiinil n if ii t ill\ Miiiilion iiml liniNhril iilUii'hod ^ Tflfee IP** f^faefi Sffiii PHy. leyih !6 \-.siH-iaiinii In 11 \ ilh i • ( i pi >il t on Rt ?J ,, nine. m*Ht 1st U Igffl.sS niiiiiinliil \ i nn i I nl tout i li im nt ir\ ^i liiml 1' ml 1 In £ti t n irt i i null iimti ^:lra^l> ^gi right i 1 I inlilin i i pill limn llio War ill (In f.-KeUti 1 i t linn hinihill llu pit il i \|in - mil to llu hi iul\ nl Ihi in i mil Iliillli mmli'ls Mliiy lie sci'll wean Ii»MfMjnffr Mm'i-i. pre-iileiil "I Ihe »r\rn I i \ i Inn iln 1= mil I u i U flu M II I \ \\ 1 tl II lk Mil 1(11 ll llll'-l'- nil HI 'I Hill I i MU I iki ssnnil III in in nii al Ihi' Utiuiyliior KKUIW'S silk's -. ,,, ,, ftlstoftlsto SbftoUn Mtiuuu.ui p tl || I pi I I I )> UII1I1III Ur Write: nulBTHriUJuniwco 07401 hits hi't'il iiMricitiiH'rd In « il< i IIIII nil Inn s iltiimn 1 1 |ii i iili III n| H ii i \ nun in ill lit iiililiilK ill lentil .-iri nn isifSN'niiiity I .im i'ond ta pr a4 p nil \ « i ihi 11 in cli IUIL I * total pritl" JJI.aOOlO Yf, Mta.?'4 pet. int. I nil I pi I i null il tin 111 pi 1/ l i niiiliiiiinu pmli H'll ll pi tmil nl In us i nn i i HI. S20i off Cinnk'ii Sliitc Obtlin HUD Proplrty tttttpon l lio""dn '•»dtsiloei( it S»tof' ""»d ngmri '•»( git S»tof» ngmrig Ilic nliI si i| ii /» ii l! i) ii i uinilim ui 1 iiii n^ %vtil hi nl lit • Hid ill tli il Imppiii)1 pnki ,in in ml llu I mil will I'nrkwiiji Kxil in. iinurs nn> in «>iylhinj. HUD neilhsr ippro«tt th» meriU of thh i allttmqll nar tHHi Vilul t i Inn i li in 1 IILII hti ^ i ^,iny. of iht prapifry. • mtgs. jvailatili; to ciuahinid huyun iiu luili il it nn nidi linn il 1 IL ill t 11 1 llHl ll'l ")» In ilnii I|IMI II\ 15 II I > nun il.lll III II p.Ill (Illily Ml i nli ii win i II i lull i li n M Im liuiiu pin itn nl liiiitiiiiillu lnl\ l» lili'l I nti rpi ii In I iki u nod Oak Knoll I I I 1 III I ( 1 I II In lUlIt- ItlL ill i i hnn i IH hi Int i \u^ 1 Wi hn ik iildul 111 il tin tiiuii'-liip upim (imipli hnn ul Terrace I 1 lit M 1 MM I ll i illIIIIIt 1 4 I 11 I 111 ni ii i li pi t t nt i $](HI ( \pii'-i liiiiilimi i- iili il I'll I In I spii pin|i 11 HMuitON TOWNSHIPS wwiif MOOMN COMMUNITY I I I 1 I IM H pi l 1 I li |!1 II Frirti Start of 111 lti\ ll\ IjU illl ll[ \ I k 3 Models to %A\ Qftft II 111 illp Hill | 1 1 1 HI ll U M nl vhoofte from * • / * vV lilli IP, POWN FOt QUWintS lutlli Miu i i ml llu i limi li mill losy Financing Available « l i IMIIL in mil Hi hi ii t. Models Open 7 days a week 12 'til dark \U in i in I ii • « l ' "n\ Cll il 1 llli |lllli_ I til HI UlU (609) 888-2666 it tun it inn imnhiil i ippiti&l DIRECTIONS- N J- Turnpiketo rji t 7A, proceed Weit on Rt. I- i in i mm li nl 11 il UL mil tin 195 for 4 a mile! to Areh» Dr. (bit 2). Hjiht turn on Arena Dr., 11 i I mil it i nn li ui Im., I "111 io Colonial Dr. turn right, one block to Spruce .SI. turn.'en to CHICK THIS! FEATURES model! Ot South on U.S'. I to Qulkerbnd|e Rd. to Vthitfhorse I hi in i iln M I!" ' tilin)- mil Aw"!."to Spruce Si, fight on Spruct St. to models. 1 i ni ilh llu i mil « i "pi ni'I • Central Air Washer & Dryir • WormAirHeol • Commit Tile lalhi with Vanttiei up mil wmiil pi mr-i il m pun ll Thick Iniulslign • Ample Storage Ipate Mil \ I Ihi I III! Illi 1 I ll lllcllH Aluminum Srsrm Windows & S • J Parking Spates per Unit % i i mi li in H il i i i hnn Thermal Gtaii Psile • Wall io Wall Carpeting lull I In mil nnlv I til U il I" '111 AND LOADS MORI"!!! this Adult Condominium Community, beautifully nestled on the Menssquan River li t p ll I Hill II UU In lllll ll ill' Own a mobile home. live in that It consists of jutt lit reiidentei. Living in thi* "fotkei Silo" Community will net si i ill i! tin In' i I (In gnfv pfsvide ell the sscis! and recresfienal omgmfiel, wtthgut the "Hvifle Ona Buitle" And enjoy a private I uililuiL llu i"li i"iil> i* lull Qtomosphere of a lepge temples, but will also enlure service and attention of a merg nun im fi Im iimiilh I" pertonsliied nature, if one member of your (omily ii SJ or over, you ore eligible to purthose one of the 5 beautiful models WINOINO BIVIR offefi at (he most affordable prises lake and clubhouse. i mipU n oround, IMMIDIATI OCCgpANCY AVAILABLE 1 In i iinipii li li pi mill" I Outstanding ricreaiionai facilities including a J acre stocked lake ana a iarae well eauiepBd clubhouse, latai park line iettmfl m i i %nli nn ul i l"li «i II PRICSD JacKsonTowniniB: just smiles off Soute?. Living in a single-wiae Hum Mm i i in' *! fROMi mottile homo costs lesi than mo»l apartments Of equal size. Yet 1111 IM I li Hi r "I ip 16,990 they're maintenance free and fully furnished. Laundromat en premises. Small fee covers site rental, aarbaBe collection, wafer, im 11 ilii'ti mil i "Hum ml itmn ^^^^^ AGINTLMsCannelilli &I, 5s-, 20201=477.8701 2 sewers and snow removal. IALI5 OFFICE M H i Open ^^^^ 11:00 is biOQtm Bsii Dsilyy CbseClesedd Thundo Th y i ii pi mi I" llu ml hut p 'tQNi SflFden fgfe Prkwy iDEsit?! i 5igF*s, after Isl! gafef fgwarS P6("nf f^ieasflnf- LOVELY MOBILE HOMES I hi Illllliil || llli Illlliillll rvn) pr§£*>ed TD fir t &iap Sign and turn rlgRt g1ivtr.the parkway. Make first left turn aMer y entrance onig Lanes fiA ll f?g proceed §n L# s Mill Rd. tojrid iMeffeerfS H i "i,niturn s i In M'tiil in to HerBerlsyJiie Bfl an6 eenTfnue two Blocks ID nSing liver R@., !nen turn I L FROM 10,990 i \pi • 1 itmn H\HK\MOR HflMF—Hollinf! hilI till trees and T natural firten art-1 surround thi 1 ustnm ncE nil right Kill IK li i i ui ii nil I1111111 s of Hirrsmnr at ( vpres^ in I dkewood located minutf. awas froni ,in tltmintjr% flyr iuiiy I inliliiii, 11 mph "I' " sthniil hnpital puhlit transport Uion stops and 1 soon tn b« cnn'truUed profi s-.innal .mil DIRECTIONS: G.S Parkway ! h iiJ! ai.: »hen west en RT. ?5 !§' Sli lllilil UU ^ nil Mill li «' ittiilpH/i ( urrent priLLSijngcfrofflS'i'iBBO to$44 qw jnd homt-purtha'f ri in PI turn nut mi.! ts Hf s?i; fyFti rign! gn B i !& i ) td BswraBsw n ReaR d i i nli i llu i iniip nn il ii li i hi tun \ufl 1 %s 1H inLludc stnrm window', and streens in thi bast pnct U right gn Bowman !§r 1 -nil jn I Im nil I Will I- i"I llu I Winding River Road, Bricktown N.j, li ill i ,il yn 11 mm HI, mi Unlink PHONE; (201)928.1300 :i pni|iH'i liir the Knviniii nu-nliil I'rnleriiim Ajjeni'y JACKSONTOP., N.j . Killiiyli' Ciinstruetion C'nrp is loeiilerl mi HI. 51 Smith. Wiiciilhiiilgi' l-'rnnk Hfrlnnnii ,li' . ISX'H piiKl profiidenl nl Ihi1 HJirifaii Viilli-v Honu1 lUiiltlor* \ssiifi;itinil. is n partner in I he rimipmn Mnci'i if "il the hiiiii-d. "f diri'i'tm-K iif the **•*»»' Niiiioiini Hpmi'fli'ler"- .\ssnrU\tion "I Ni-\v .ifrtsi'V. . stock 7

For solid home value, Think Scarborough Pox Hollow

Classic in Toms River at Manchester Townhouse for the Single Condominiums discriminating buyer on "ONE ACRE LOTS

FROM FROM s36,800 s56,500 '31,990 8%% financing to B3A% financing avail- 834%. financing avail- qualified buyers able to qualified buyers able to qualified buyers Infrodudng Rt. 37 M5t Io Rt. 549 noftn Rt. '37 east to lit. "549 north Garden State Pkway south to (Hooper Aye I. follow Hooper 'Hooper Ave.l. ContinuD l'.'j exit -80 to Rt. "530. West on Aye. tg Barnes Une juit south miles to Bay Ave. Turn riRht Rt. *53D (past Crestwogd) to TTic Pantlier Valley Golf Course of Bay Ave to models Or to models. Or telephone (2011 Lake Rd. Continue 2 miles on telephone 12011 24.!.J55O 244-8771. lake Rd to model area. An Important part of our lifestyle! Luxury Toumhome models from $62,500 to $74,900 Of New Jersey Turnpike to eult •7A, ftt. "539 south...Cross The focal point of our IB-hole championship golf course designed These are today's luxury townhomes without the luxury price tags! Rt. -70 and bear left'"on Rt. by intemaHonally-famous courts architect Robert Trent Jones is Big, sprawling townhomes for today's living. Ranches and two- Models open Models open *550 to Lake Rd- and con. our magnificent clubhouse. With all of our homes carefully plan- story homes with two bedroom/den and three bedroom floor Sats. thru Weds. Sats, & Suns. tlnue ai above. Or tglaphone ned to take rnaHlmum visual advantage of the natural surround- plans. Each with its own garage, basement, patio, and sun deck. (201) 350-0220. ingi, you can well Imagine the lovelingss and permanenea of the 10 AM to 5 PM 10 AM to 5 PM Kitchens come complete with many deluxe features including a Models open Sats. thru golf course views. Completing tha recreational progrims at self-cleaning double ovan and range with vented exhaust fan. Panther Valley are swimming, tennis, and country club activities, Weds. 10 AM to 5 PM which together with the use of the golf course facilities may be Four single-family models from $79,500 to $87,900 enjoyed by residents and non-residents on an annual non- Here are the luxury homes with all the extra space and privacy I tj tr ^j \j \f ^ ^ ^ v w ^^Bj-^^j^fM-^.*--— ^=-1^=-— -- — ^ proprietary membership basis to the extent of available capacity. you've been looking for. Three and four bedroom floor plans OUR FIRST SECTION OF 31 containing indulgent master bedroom suites, ceramic baths, ipa- Panther Valley Is a living environment! clous sun decks, built-in appliances, two-car garages, basements, _ Plains, HOMES SOLD OUT IN RECORD If you share our love of nature, and the rime-honored values of qual- paneled family rooms, amongU many other luxurious faarurei. Toms River TiM777~ !ty, tradition; and privHcyryeuowrirto-yourselHoeoniiderPanther 11 Valley. The kinds of people who have been attracted to our way- The Panther ValU-y Property Owners Association! "The Family Place ^flf^ Qftft of-life are people like yourself. They shara an Interest in helping Homeowners become automatic members of this non-profit corp. build a community that Is preserving the natural environment. orarjpn which Is responjible for the operation, maintenance and administration of all common property belonging to the Asiocia- Move into an established community! HOUSE OF THE WEEK tlon or to varioui groups of residents within the community. Panther Valley has all the facilities essential to a self-contained community. Private security gates guard the entrances to Panther Come see us during our Grand Opening! /; THE LEXTON — A roomy ranch with 3 private bedroams, bath and dressing room. Good Valley. The streets are privately maintained and patrolled by a Be amongst the lint to select from the choice locations overlooking closet space and a wall placed utility room. round-the-clock security form Knowing your home and valuables th« golf course. We are conveniently* located ju»t south of 1-80 on Family Lized livingraom, larriily room and are assured maximum protection is vary comforting whether you Route 517, Situated on the eaitern edge of Warnjn County. eat in kitchen, garage and patio included. are just away on overnight business or on an extended holiday. To Basement available, ~ , Panther Valley i» within an hour's drive of Newark. Airport and further preserve the beauty of Panther Valley, all the utilities are midtown , Regularly scheduled but jervieg jtops at our jnitailed underground. Sewer, water and cable TV companies Shopping Mall. Open everyday from 11 to 6, Call area code (201) Models open 7 days weekly have been established to serve the ne«d« of Panther Valley. 852-2900 or write P.O. Box 35, AHamuchy, New Jersey 07820, 1Q AM to 5 PM Section Two is now ready for your inspection- olhsr models from $37,900 All homes will be built on 3 deadend cul-de- A new standard of living in northern New Jersey. Direction)! Garden State Nrkway South to Exit 88, to Rt, 70 Weit. Continue on Rt. 70 (approx, 4 sacs with lots of one-third acre in size milisi to junction Rt. 52? (Whitesvilli Rd.). Turn ltd and travel appro*. 2'/s miles to models, adja- cent to Ocean County Agricultural flldg. 5 models to choose from Via Rt, a. Travel South to junction Rt. 571. Turn right and proceid on Rt. 571 to fork in road. Bear right onto Rt. 527 and procsed (ipprox. 200 (eetl to models, adiscent to Ocean County Agricultural Bldg _ , . ; • 43,990 to '50,990 from Trinton; Rt. S39 to Rt. 70. Travel Rt. ?0 East approx. I miiM to Rt, 527. rtocied south on Rt 527 to model area. Or Wllphone (201! 34I470D. Scarborough Homes... by Doriald QlendtnninB the end of the search! (201) 367-5700 , Located on Lanes Mill Rd. (Bte, B») uakewood, N.J. DIHBCTIOMS: G.s. PKWy. South io Exit ft. Follow LagUwsoi o sign South on Rts, i


T -Thursday, May 20, 1976 l.ilii'rH Bell Ks;llo Homes SUBURBAN an1 ^hinui irirlivii ,1,'illy. with One-acre sites !hi' "Ifmli-I-' : 'ItHF IhOSe REAL ESTATE MART IIIIIIM", i-iii-r." ' • • ..!uc. (ion !•'"!• i'i "in. • City ©Suburbs • Farm Country • Lake • Shore ii'.idi'i''. '• ru at Liberty Bell Au• >r11• > i, ' -I'll Hamii. In level and colonial Ilalpern ilium-- th;il .! Tiiun«hi[i :!(.! .!."»• , will the iiiaxinium inlcri'si (In. issiistory hoiiics nn unracrc • .•(refill huilrlcr utrliiilc (ipfiilml iiili-ri*sl(v| p;ii;,e- on Home buying future ideal recent quarUT-point drop in sites arc hiMny offered from rti>lf)Tin/;iiiiin within a l>i|!ii"il .i lour nf the area and Ihe Hie maximum inU'ri'st rule fnr linn' mm;!1. a-> .li»".i is .ininis IneatKin1. nl Ihe homes Record high supplies of leading New Jersey mortgage S-W.iioo .-it l.iherty Hell F.!>t;ite 1 unvi'rnnii'ntbiH'ked home 1 \ii!li (hi vaniilinii-. nl l.i))crl% l'in;inriny ;irranrji>mi'nts iire mortgage funds are forelng hanker. 1 lloiiii". in Jackson, a shnr' Interest rates downward. Murray I, Heel, presiden! inansNijJnifics I he liroiicl si'opi area ruiniiiiinity \\\\\\ Ut\\ lax Hi'll H*-1."11• • Hnmi'S in •.pii'r.'il i• 1 fi• ri• ii In qualified hnmc making Ihe months im- nf (ilobe Murtgw Company, of the downward pressure "1) rah' .iii-l local iinieniiii" :iri-a- ill .hick'.nn Tnwn>>hiii «ickii>. ffiodialely nhemi ideal in lljiekensaek, explains thai I hi- costs ol lonsjlorm funds for iop|«'il lii, liie lireat Adven terms of home buying, says n recent c|U.*irliT mini drop in fiiiam;injj tur• - arnir-eiHeiii park Deer's linn, tin- innrllJiiKe l.lbelts Hell Kst.'ltf llonvs. liankinK subsidiary (if Iniiil ti\ Ihe Joesl Corp . offer V/M MORTGAGES Kinmirinl Hesourees Group an adsi-ntore in livma in HADLEY ESTATES iO-Tf'i, is 11 liiajiir sonrei' of ihemselvi".. aceordini; t" To Qualified Buyers IMavtii Ronchot Colonkili tiiuincinn for ill] tyix's of real tiuilder M.:irk llalpern. with estate triiitsaclions. lie says I'iieh house huill In order foi 4 m/nufw Msfucfcert P.R.R. that the oversupply "I in- f!s imiiff , i rifi 'i^ nian> 3 mlnutm Middles* Stepping Mall vestment money also is again cuMoti! itcn^ as possihU' CMH Ml, Imni mm, tonal dimm loan, mjdtm kitchen urtli DA. inclutied in ihi' 'irtum.'il pur L making ineiime-produeinK pind W timilj nan, 4 bedroom, Hi md 2 ; bjihi, ittichfd pitp. properties apjx'aliiiH In len- chase price 15. Phsd nsfTi; BUTTERMERE ders- at the hesl rates in The siirieci plans offer recent soars fornial Himriu r'Kjn.s. ea! in ESTATES PPL. feft. 4 Suit 12 j ML '53,900 "Current and yet improving kilchi'ns. livitiy iind family Tinton Falls, New Jersey BlBtCTIONI: P«F**a»»uinifl §* »; nenn ipersi & ti.m on 3? tt conditions will give the New- riKiius. with three four and Jersey real estate market ;i hw-liednxitn nplions Kach MODELS FROM much needed IKKMI," Hecr hcflise I- hiiill ITJ nbou! three 8 said "Increasing activity will months, lollnwinu basic plans 46,990 DELUCC1A MORETTI REALTY REALTOR create demands for new altered t" Ihr individual RanchesColonialsBlLevels eonslruclton. reducinu buyer s rineds DIRECTIONS; 2101 Pork A*e., Sou* PJsinfiaM 754-OWO unemployment further, and %mV- on Giroen State PirNAiy to E»it 1Q2 East on fjenoralinu a more favorable "Ciisiomize'l huildint; I'conomic climate." allows ihe honifbuyer isSurj Ave to Gfeir; G'Oii PoiS Li': Qn Grit" G'O'.I Ireedotu ol choice." ihe Hoes! RoiC SDprci V-: miles *0 3L'TTERS'EPE ESTi'iS or president explained 'Kach ll!t WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE fanih has indis'idual 'ash- SAMUEL FROMKIN, INC, DIVELuPIR CLUSTER HOUSING^Townhouses at Lakcrldgp in Burn,ille C rain jrc tlu,li rc-tl into wiJI ,md fu-efi^ in h hftnie Then- \? Phone; (201)170.2414 I Model Open nu reasrifi ffir i\ buyer V< be 'villages'and designed to hlend into the wooded terrain Birjusunf ihi prt i r\ jtion nf den t .Model; (201)493.9803 I 12.S Week-ends BUILDER'S CLOSEQUT growth, the innovative siting Of the homes and the largi amnuni uf npen ^pjti j ftn=t oi Irx.-ketl into imht df.->iun privacy is maintained, giving the illusion Of detached In ing d community pnkesmin aid I NOT s eondDminiuni DIRECT NO maintenance few FROM $34,900 Marc Terrace broker 10% Down notes buyers' referrals The young eouplcN buyinu buyers are totally ennfident bedrooms, a lamilv buih and OGEAN-RIVERVIEW Iheir first hnmes today may ho thai they niiidi1 the riHhl another bath in the muster more dollar and value con (leeisinn. In ihp bedroom suite This mnriei is selous lhan people were in many satisfied buyers mean priced at SS:i,wii iind enmt" earlier years, but the ex referrals Inr this community equipped with Hotprmi! kit Buy* a spacious, adorable attached ranch home, Two Bedroom Townhouses elusive broker for Ihe Mare as well as for others develtipeii chen appliance- includini; Terrace community of single hy Ihe same huilder " dishwasher and dozens of family homes in llazlet has Confidence abnul the hniiie'. other area! quahn at im e\lra 30 YR. 8% MORTGAGES consistently urged them t» built hy I Inward Hieiiel ehurae make more intensive studies already has produced sub Marc Terrace ma\ be of the home.' market before Manlial results After the iirsi reached via the t!;irden State Mode! open afti they huy. in homes were sold, Ihe nexi Parkuav tn Kxit ! 17A nnd 125 DAILY C&l' The realtor is W T. Blalne of IS were sold through referrals sniithwiini on road Matawnn The prices nn Ihr- from the earl\ buyers and Ihe five distinctive models hegin residents nf nearby com. at $4B,000, the linanclnB is munitieH buill by Siegel The highly compeiitive and thebuilcler has been responsible location is right tor travel to for more than inciii livinn unif. 1 both work and seashori' in the immediate area. Twin Ughts fM Terrace recreation, Most Mare Terrace buyer* Highlands. New jersey "These homes literally sell nre young, having moved into Hillside Avenue, oil Portland Road. k^ d j ihemselves," Blalne said, the community rlRh! off Exii If 5k "but it Is essential thai the U7A of ihe Harden Stale " Parkway aflcr formerh residing in New York City, had a choice... itaten Island and northern If one of you is 52 S'esv Jersey. Marc Terrace has ;i nunibei if varieties of three- and four jedroom homes There arc where would i types of twn-Mnry hollies, rolonial splii-level, 'i ipaeious ranch model nnri a you like to live? iiodern bi-level. on which onl> 10 percent nn low interest rale, Miyear mortgages, need be not EXPLORE ul down. The closing costs are also losv, and delivery !•• uuaranteed uithin lour months Since opening in Ihe spriii(!. iinre than three-quarter1- ol (he available Marc Terrace ossmoor homes have seen sold Kroiii NEW JERStY'S FINEST ADULT COMMUNITY ihe Parkway. Ihey are an express drive tn northern nietropolltan cpnters. Schools are within easy walkinu llstanee. A bus stop is nearby and the railroad station is fivi- minutes hy car. The im mediate area offers ihi> (iarden Hlale Arts Cenler. ;i Rossmoor Is number of theatres, fini1 restaurants and major Such a •shopping centers Great Place One example of Ihe Marc to Live Terrace homes is the split Colonial. It has a front en trance-way leading into ;i Rossmoor is a unique Adult Community located in the entral lover with powder heart of New Jersey. Although it is within easy reach room. To the right is the of New York City, Philadelphia and the Seashore, Neperale front lacing dining room with ad.ioininij eat-in it stands in a rural setting of its own. The colonialstyle kilehen. To Ihe rear is the JO mangrs lefleirt a VVilliamsburg atmosphere. by 12-fool family room with It ts-lftiaftwith interesting people doing interesting silding Blass door opening onto things. You will surely enjoy living, at Rossmoor. the patio Off the foyer and adjoining the family room is flossmoof Offers So Much the 13' • by is ft. formal livlnu room with picture window Each condominium Manor is equipped with all the conveniences of modern day living nverlookint! the broad rear —air conditioning, individual room controlled heat, deluxe G.E. appliances, storm ffr—The—swond level in- windows, screens, and full outside maintenance. cludes four full-si7.ed In addition you'll find an Olympic size swimming pool, an IB-hole championship golf course, a beautiful 30,000 sq. ft, clubhouse, a tennis court, shuffleboard courts and many more amenities. Rossmoor also furnishes 24 hour security patrols and around-theclock nursing Bonds are service at the medical center. You Must See Rossmoor to Appreciate Living—At Itt Best •for little tiny Since you have a choice, why not explore Rossmoor before deciding on "where you would like to !ive'7 You'll b# glad you did. babies whdve Send for our now full-color brochure today. Or call coliect—609-655-2270 for justbeen additional information. SP J 30 born. A GUARDIAN i Hossmoor, P-O. Box 393 Crant»iry'. N.J 08512 • DEVELOPMENT i Your bommunity sounds interesting. Sena Tie some liierature COMMUNITY i Please send to: Price! (mm $33,400 to SS3.500 far 1 Name. Mutual Ns, S Condominium.. \ Address ___ Located at lull »A on the j New Jersey Turnpike Open ? days J Cily „ a week, 9:30 to § 00 P M \ , State. light fully decorated Models for j Teiephone _ viewing ;

Buy U.S.Snvinys Bonds SPONSORID AND OiVILOPlO BY , . QUARDIAN DEVILOPMiNT CORPORATION. Now V H .ml- i«v Vr in\.f<«[ otitit \\*U\ (.. M»lurilV .JA \T»T- Ml m.'^ilh- i4 5 lh,f a publieiy qwned company. New York, New Jersey and Florida firM yr*rt. l*»«ml>s *|T lr|>Ui-nl if tixtl. m..WtL This advenisemenl is not «n altering which can be made only by Formal Prospectus, Nf 460 t1 tl I h ».,inin..lii...nii iiiuiiiiiiiiini iiiiniiiiMiniuMiiiinuiniiun niiiiiuiniunmii mi iminHiminmniM.iniMiii.inmiH.iniiiuuj Thursday, May 20, 1976 => 1111 n L 111111111111 u 111111111 u 11 11111111 • M i > 111111^ DISC 'N i SUBURBAN CALENDAR I TRENTON—N.J, State Museum, Tho Informalion eonlainod in fho»o listing* orlginat«i west Slate street, (60»i m&UA, DATA Monday.Friday, 9 a.m. to J p.m. with tho sponsors of th» ovents. Readers am advisao planetarium shows Saturdays, 'illilliiiilBy MILT HAMMERllliiuul, focal! iho sponsors (tolophono numbor it ineludod in Sundays, A Anta&emfi»it Newi Pick Of The 1.1" each listing) if they require additional information. . BOWS ..KCH'INOX: by Styx IA&M U-'COKDS KIMMIM There MitLBURN—'A funny Thing Art are eight songs mi Ihis debul HapBene1 a on this Way to mo Music, dance Forum, witn Baaie BratKjn. BAST ORANOB — Paintings, alhum six nl which are flat Throusn May 23, Paper Mill drawings and sraphlcj By 'Black nut rockers: 'Lorelei." Playhouse, 376 4343. Women in Visual Perjpectlvo' "l.iglit Up." "Mother Ih'iir." MORBISTOWN —Choirs of NEW »RUNSW1CK—'Tne Three (Caidwejl, Graver, Mayes, penny Optra,' by Kuft Weill and /Vioore, SfBats, picket), Through "Lonely Child." "Mi Bernards High school May i3, 4 May 31, Mondsy-Fridgy from ¥ Theater Time Clock p.m in me AftMy Church, It, Berfsif irechf, Througn May SJ. a,m, to S p.m., Saturday from 9 Ride." and "Horn I Mary's ABbey, BclbaFion. Ml, Thurs.Sst,, i:30 p.m., a.m. to 12:30 p.m. North Jersey illllHllMIIMIIlii • •! 11 u 1111 111 1111111M111 Ml UIII1H11 n 11U111M11HI! I li 11111HI! 11111111111111M1111 111 11M11111 f=l 3J31, Satgr-days 3 p.m., Sundays 7,w Adventure." There also p.m. Georae Street Playhouse, Blood Center, 4i S, Orove st. 676.. 1 470O. " " . CASTUK i In-,) Today: I'HKMUNrriW.Thiir , Mon.. soft instrtmicMd'il "I »OUTM PUAINPIBLD—Middle, 41J Oeofge St. 24S771J HOT POTATO, 7;;5(); HHl'CK TlH>K..7:«; Kri.. !!; Snt.,«M, 12," and one soaring I sex Union Somerset In ConeeM, SOUTH ORANOB—Paintings by ill id Dirmted by O,L, Nair, Brahms, SUMMIT—'Beyond America,' a Barbara Albel, Monday. l.KKS KNTEH THK til. Sun , ("., !i::im PSYCHIC "Suite Madame Biiic " Billings, Hewitt, May J3, 3 p.m., rnuslcai revue By Peter Cook, Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., DHAC10X, H:55: Frj., rnm-rri KH.LEii, Thur. MOD.. Tuns.. Wesley united Methodist Dudliv Moore, Allen Bennett, Sunday from 2 to lo p.m.' April Styx is ii hard-drivini Church, ISOO Plalnlielfl awe. J!i. Stan Freberg, Jonathan Muter, Nigh! WOODSTOCK. 7; !l:.'l»: l-'ri . !l;4!»: Sal , K; 15; af.May 30, University Center Art piece rock A roll group 016?, May 1430, Pfidavs and Gallery, Seton Hail University. TAl'UNlMlA ilivi". following Him.. 7:4h Saturdays st B:40 p.m., Sundays J6J-9000, "llll'l I AlUtN LKK nl Union at 6:40 p.m. Nq performance inovif: KNTKH PHACiON. fllHlilH't x'OtNil liarillnny MAI'LEWOOD Today s»li i mni tii in, who is !L urn ri UNION—Carol Pirrl, piano, May Ii. Craifl Theatre, 6 Kent SPRINOPULD—'The Black E«. Sal., Kuti , \:'M). 5; 55: I nun Chicago's Sinilli SehuBert, Beethoven, Ravel, ptae* boulevard, Jiitni perieiiee in prints,' Daumier, only: I'XHOKS OK A SUM- With lour albums and onewil Steve (iotllieli of Sloan, Benton, Homer, May 24. WOOIiSTOCK, J;5R, 7:2(1; Lint May 23, J p.m.. Theatre lor MKR, 7, 0:15; END OK THK iiialiii' million.selling singli1 Irvington, will entertain the performing Arti, Kean College. Jun» 16, Springfield Public Mon,, Tiies,. 7::id 52?!!Q7. Library, M Mountain ave, 374. (JAMK. En.. Mon,. Tiios,, 7, Ircini a gold album m iN past. Bnai B'ritb Kingles Croup in Film 4930, H:15; Sat . 1. ;i:iri. S:1S. 7::W. UNION—Third world Gospei Ma- KLMOHA iKIi/.i SKY Stye's (li'lnii aibiihi for A & M Temple Ktuamicl, Westfield rathon. W#y 21, 6 p.m., Little UNION— Graduate Thesi* Art Ex. UIDKHS. Tluir , Kri,, Mon.,«l:4h: Sun., a: IS. 4::HI, (i:-ls, (1 FROM ONI CABBli TO ANOTHER- Peter Boylo left is a lurlher evplorjilion of the Sunday evening. Larry is Theatre. May 22, I am, to I BL1IAB1TH—Film program on hiBition, Paintings, May J3-June Tues.. 7::lll: S«t.. 1 ;HI1, 1!:(IR: (•roup's tinir|iie electrii' sound being groomed by his father. P m , Downs Hail. Kean College. lite in the Arctic wilderness. 10, College Gallery, Vaughn- LOST riCTfUl". SHOW gives some advice to Robert De Niro lonnly cab 965 1346, May 20, 3;J0 p.m., Iliiabeth Barnes Hall, Kean College. 527. Sim , 4, 7:411; 1AVKY LADY, -Union' - TAXI lllUVKK. driver With compulsive interns) in quns in Taxi which culminated in their Bill I,elf, who has written Public Libfary, 11 s. Broad si. 530? or 2347. recent gold smtlie "!,,nly " i II WisTFiBUD—Choral Arts So 3J44060, ext. 712, UNION—Graduate Thosis Art Ex. Thur, I'll , Moil., Tm: Driver,' which is being held over for another week comedy material for Jackie. ejety of New Jersey, direttefl By is ironic, how-i'ver. io mile tbiil MpUNTAINIlPi—Nature films. hiB'ition, prints, ceramics, Sill . 3:0r>. fi.iV-lS: Hun., 2, 5:40, Ki'i , 7:;iS, '.MO: Silt , V-I.i. at New Plaio. Linden. Losi Picture Show Union (ileason, Jiiek Alhertson. Evelyn Bleeke, and N(w Jersey jewelry. May 1 20, college "Liuly" was a track from the sehela Cantorum, directed by Suflaays at i, 3 ana 4 p.m. Oallery, Vaughn-Earnes Hall, i!:20 T:4S, «:«. Sun,. 1::1O. :?:M, Roliert IJ, Lewis, llentiy Lou Hooker^ Oershwin, iioeh, Traiiside Nature and Icience and Five Point* Cinema, Union Center, WaichunB Reservation, kean college/S27.230? or 2347.. PIVK POINTS CINKMA M3H. 7::«). 9:'.Ml, mruip's Klyx II ilium Youngman. Herb Shriner D#iia Joio, Thompson, Hanson, i currently gold' in Way !!, ( p.m., Westfield High 232J93D, , " '" ' it'iiiom -• TAXI nUlVKH. NEW IM.AZA il.iiidiMii in ill and Hibi osterwald. School. 756-7311. UNION-'ROilerball.'May 23, 7:30 Thur.. Mon., Tws,. Wet).. released in \Wi2 This I act says pm,. Theatre for Performing, TAXI DHIVKR, Triiir,, Mon,. 2 benefits, receptions somclhing about both (he Arts. Kean College, JS7S213, Thur.. "lift, !1:1S: Fri , Hal,, Tues., 7; IS, <1;1S; Kri . 7::«t. "::«). 9:30; Sun.. a:15. T;1S. rmihiKtiMicy ul the hand's u urk 'End of Game' Theater MILUBURN—'Oivo Me Litjerty,' «;;i0; Sat.. 5:50. 7:-15. !i;4h: anil the loyally presented By Producers' M;IS: CHARLOTTE'S WEB. planned at Paper Mill ol it Ii ii I Sun., a:20. 7:25, M:25; KINO core, long-time set tomorrow Museums Association for Young America, Sat.. Sun.. 1:30 1 A chiinipngne reception ss'ill upi nitt i GRANFORB—Marat.Sade,' May May 34 end 2S, 10 a.m. and 1 KONC". VKHSl'S CiOllZlUl.A, 1 Tin* I'npiT Mill I'liiylimisi in in- lii-ld on Uii playhouse "Knit of the Game," 20th 14 June 2, Friday, Saturday and MONTCLAIR—Montciair Art Mu- B.m,, paper Mill Playhouse. 374. S;u.. Sun., 1::«V Miiliiurnhiii. [iiiiiciuiH-iMi tlial n The Klys iiiiinl i n Sunday at B;]0 B.m. Celebration 4343, ' F O X V N I O N grounds lliincii'iii•>• chairmen Century-Fox's suspense seum, 3 South Mountain ave 746. spi'i'iiil hpiU'fti pfifiiimiiiu'i' rmiipasM's 1|H= ll Inn I I ul Playhouse, Hi South ave, 272. 7IM, Jundays j to 5:30 p.m., OLD RAIIWAV i Hnhwny i will lie (iovernor :mtl Mrs. thriller denllnu will) the fate of 5704 or 311 5033, Tuesdays.Saturaays 10 a.m. to i will ht> (liven nf the stiipe relntod styles ol Hit M mi p.m. Closea Mondays. Listings (or this calendar may DON'T OPEN THK Brendan T. Byrne. Additional two murders committed M CLARK—Three ono act plays, The imiHit'iil, "F/Hiiiiiiii Iliittii1," Inn i 1 writ! i I nn ^ iim^ cieark Players. May 21 and as at. bt sent to: Calendar Editor, WINDOW. Thur,, Kri., Mon , iniiiiinntiitn may lu> obtained years apart, opens tomorrow MOUNTAINSIDB—Treilsiae Na stiirrint! Ann Miller. Salurrlny. i(.nit ii ind \ni il i h hn 1:30 p.m., May 33 at 7.-J0 p.m. fure and Seitnee Center, Suburban Publishing Corp., Tues,. H:30: Sat,, T: 10. 1(1:25: by calling :i7ii-:!(i:i(i Frank K, Hehnly School, Rafitan Wafchung Reservation. a3l-3»3O iluiii1 S, at ii p.m. in support nf ( ut uii w h (_in1 n \n ill the Maplewood Theater, roed. 574 2301, P.O. Box 3109, Union, N.J, Sun , :S:IB- ii:35. !):5(): IKH'SK The Kidney h'und of New Monday.Thursday, 3 to 5 p.m. 'the plnyluuise's fouiuliitUm tin i 11 in \ in il md Maplewnod. Saturday . Sunday, 1 to 1 p.m. 07083. Listings must ineluda THAT DRIPPED BLOOD, .Jersey. Inc. will hold a EAST ORANGE—The Lion in eiosei Pfidays, Planetarium Illiid-iiiiUi'hitig riH]Uiri'liu'nlH IH urn (It \ iiiiiii(_ ki\ ti»ntl "Kchoes of a Hummer." winter.' by James Goldman, date, time and plat* of •vent; Thur., Kri.. Mon,. Tues., 7, theater benefit parly at the shows Sundays at 1, 3 and 4 p.m., anci otiidcnl, si'iiiiir citi/cn anil mil \ n il I In I mil starring .Jodie Fouler, svill end Through May SJ, B:30 cm, Wednesdays at • p.m. nature of event; sponsoring 10:10; Hat,, 1:30. 5:30. H:4f>; I'layhouse tomorrow nl B:'.in Thursdays, Fridays and chiltlivn's pr'ifininis. I ii ini ludi iiiMinii i its run tonight. Saturdays, Actor's Cafe organization; telephone Sun., i::w. 4; 40. B. The stage attraolmn is P mn//n md In h i pi i\ IIIL "Km! of the Came," which Theatre, south Munn and NIWAHK —N.J. Histories! number tor public inquiries; the musical comedy. "A central avenues, 675.1181, Society, 230 Broadway, '83-3939. PARK • Roselle Piirki I i nl hi. i ( hut, 1- is was filmed entirely on and name and telephone Kiiniiy Thinp Happened' on the ILIIAilTH—'The Odd Couple,' Widnesaay.satgrday, »:30 to ! NASHVILLE, Thur,, Kri . Barbary Coast it In hni!j\ h u^htfniw nd location in Istanbul and p.m. number of person submitting Way to the Forum." sty.rrinu by Neil Simen. Tuesdays and Mon.. Tues...«:(15; Sat,, 2:20, uiii uilpit ti nli us in I nth Swilzerland, stars Jon Voight, Wednesdays at I ;30 p.m., May 11 lt»m for listing; - 5:50. 9:10: Sun., 1:35. 4:n(l, cites 8th year Kddie Bracken. Knllnwing the through it, Lynn Restaurant, iii NEWARK*-NewarK Museum, 49 inn u md ithtudi Jacciueline Bisset and Roberi westf'eia avi, 35J1M4, vyashington st,, 73).6500. H-os: featurette, Thur., Kri,. Tho ' Biirbnry Ciiust performance, a i-hampngne Shaw. Maximillinn Shell M1BOLESBX—'The Oood Doe Monday. Saturday, neon to S Mon..Tues..7H0: Snt..2. 5:30. Ri'stniirniit, Rouu* fl, Wiiod- supper will be held. p.m., Sunday 1 to S p.m. KEITH CARRADINE is one iBLU BABY S old toy w Ih a directed the picture, which tor,' by Neil Simon, May 19.22, Planetarium shews Saturdays, iiridgo. is i'dohrntiiiji its V^ ini Ad call 4B6 7700 da ly 9 to 26-W. Foothill Play House. Jit of many stars in 'Nashville,' !S:4S; Sun,, 1:15. 4:2a, 7:40. Arifiilional information may was photographed in color. 0445. Sundays and holidays. %irigl§£ 5 in^lei eighth nnniversiiry this a 00 "BVBISY SUNDAY NITB" currently on screen at Park be cihiaiiiMl by calling 2iW-«(Mi(i mriiith. it wiis I'innount'nri liy Thcntei% Roselle Park. 'Premonition' or 2:W-o7M.i DANCE PARTY & SOCIAL Ki-iink BiTUigmi, prosidi-nt nl CROSSWORD Castle has live concerts OLD shown at Fox Bnrliiiry Coast Ht'stmirants. Elmora books PUZZLE iViRGREfN LOOOE Horror movies ;il>iit is :i hninch in »VlBOP»EiN ftVS. Two horror films, "The- alternate Friday nights N.I, Premonition," and "Psychic 'Lucky Lady' RQUIe 11 Tg iprinffield now in Rahway As ii special itnnivcrsiin ACROSS DOWN Ave to gvergfeen~ Ave Killer" are offered on screen "Lucky Lady." adventure 1 Italian Thr Cistle Theater, Hcreen "Enter the Dragon," The Old Rahway Theater, iitiractiiin, iht> Woodbritlpo I KelloBH= iiirlin9it8F.M. nl the EON Theater, Knute 22. mcivio, starring Liza Minnelli, staple Irvington, has a new policy, starring Bruce Lee, John Hnhwny, is feuturing two fuHtniirnnt has bcpn fenturitm Burl Reynolds and Gene Bnand - ANDY WELLS ORCHESTRA I'nion i Pooped "Concert Night," on alternato Saxon and Jim Kelly. Robert DANCE INSTRUCTIONS BY horror films. "The House That "Kifties Night," each Wed- Hackman. arrived yesterday 5 Wake "The Premonition" is a 11 Supporter 12 wds. I Friday nights, featuring live Clouse directed the Rung Fu CARL Dripped Blood," mid "Don't nesday (It this month "The tin ii double hill with "Sky 1 P.M. 18 i pnrapsychologicnl thriller r 3 Rarin' to go concerts from local bands! secret agent picture, ' Open the Window." Both Hcpciits," who hn% e :i millinn 12 — equinox eNS about a woman who resolves n Riders," at the Klmorw i home) em- which have won awnrd§ in the "Hot Potato" will bo seen Aamlssion pictures are rated H nnci are in seller record. "Biirhrii Ann," 13 - gin S. CAKE conflict through an porie Theater. Elizabeth ployees "Bflttlii of the Bands," tonight only. color will stnr ncKt Wednesday. Stanley Ponen directed 14 Fomunt maze of dream therapy find 12 wds.) Tomorrow night, tho "The House That Dripped Tho rpstauran! is entnririij to 'Lucky I.iiriy," which con- 15 Nervous communication with the rienri. 4 Nautical Taeundra Group will play a Blood" is set in England nnri Imsincss people mid shoppers cerns n trio In the 1930s who twitch ••Psychic Killer" concerns :i 16 Floor chain 10 Chosen by 24 Pagan concert following the screen stars Peter dishing. Inarid and has added "sumpluous bootleg whiskey nut of Mexico, 1 wrongly-imprisoned man who covering 5 Take wing offerinn of •'Woodstock,' Pitt and Christopher Lot> vnrlctit's" to its monu. Fur The picture was made' in ballot 25 Tennyion Seafood lovers. , becomes a killer with psychic 17 Actor, — 6 Budget item children, there are pony rifles, color. 18 Mother poem "Woodstock," which also powers who can "think" his Morrow will be screened Saturday tn downs (ir magicians. " Killer whale (Fr.) 27 Beard Itylt enemies to death. "Sky Hitlers," also in color, 18 Sox style 8 It's calcu- 19 Embank- 30 Brother of Tuesday, is a three-hour MAPLEWDDD stars .lames ('nlhtirn, POINTS CINEMA 20 Stock lated at ment Moses experience of music and Susannah York and Roheri exchange Greenwich, 20 — Sainte 31 Wring from "fsood will," showing n S»*f1s*rid»y; CRSTLE THEATER UNION • 964-9633 In Exciting Colon membership Eng. Marie 33 Argot gatherinE of a half-million 21" - in the (2 wds.) 33 Street, to 36 LUlie young people. The film, which .ION VOKillT Money" 37 Faucet sa, s "B'SSPfel-EF." TAXI DRiVER".R> 9 Surftit Austrians required IS cameru crews, JAfQl'EIJNKBlSSET sst Sgn 400MgaBi!!IJJNBlliiJS3ZS 22 Commedia a P features top performers in HOBERTSHAW ' -woonsTorK" KidaieM#tinee,Sat,,Sun. 1:30 1 1 Mon,, Tues, "WOODSTOCK" "CHARLOTfB'iWiB" "Taxi DRIVER" dell — vignettes. Leading the array Aduitiwmiy' (R) 23 Tonsorlal z of stars are .loan Baei, Arlo il2iiPri.Sir.lun,,11.50 'I "END OF THE GAME" ctilldnni7> «!)»•( (ii. »m« UNiSN , 944*M*? service Gutherie, Joe Cocker and Friday, May 21! CTURESHDUJ 2S Pondered I* Kiehle Havens, Michael TACWNDRft In eoncirt Ion •'•ftf' 2$ Head (Fr. Wadleigh directed the picture, Tlem-is lor this shun/ only: MM "TftXl BBIV1R" l€ i .11.1. ...1,1.1 III lllllllll M I.I Ml..,..,••- nanri 27 rsstlvity which was photographed in IH) FOX UNION - - ' 'l^Ofllir ZS Speed color. 964.8977 IB 9 io 29 Belli Starr Today, Saturday nnd Eat your heart out! was one Z2 Sunday, the Castie also will 32 Belgian PT,PLiASANTBCH,,N.J.; Channel Dr... (201) 899-6700 i'pON'TOPBN THE WINDSW'- commune ?.~^ BLOOMINGDALE. N.J.: 183 Union Ave...(201) 83B-6090 NOUiBTHATDRlPPIO ( BLOOD" (IS) 33 Bounder T» Publicity Chairmen: RIOiANK.N.j.; 1-16 Bodrnan PI,,.(201) BA1-B300 - 34 Coal by- H* Would you like isms help UOCM ARBOUR, N,J,; 801 Main Str«et,,,(!01) 631-9545 in preparing new«popor rs> product HIGHTSTOWN, N.J.: Route «33...(609) 443-6800 35 Jewish IB 1 31 leo»e»? W*i»» is thi* new*, month paper and ask for our "Tips on Submitting Nswi Re. 37 Exhaust Lobster Shanty Restaurants iniii." 3S Placid 36 •. i We honor American Express Cards Summer CVTD/tl KnitltiaM "•»•" •urttiiMiuio. ] CAIKH! MltmTISiKM *Hi™me.»iwiMWi j 39 O.T, book 40 Sword- '•V Bhaped Session 1976 41 Closely '"•I confined BARBARY COAST Kean ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a* College H.K. Productions NTAL BUFFEBIFFET ; Presents •on WOODBRIDGE -Route 9, (cor oikwood ave) Phone 6360330 at the 12 noon to H P.M. MATAWAN-RoutB 79,itvwo hloDksyviit of route 34) Phoni BBB-3391 of New SOUTH MOUNTAIN ALL YOU SC95 ARENA CAN iAT *51 $1 ADULTS SI ier only W Per Pe Jersey June 12th, 7:30 p.m. Union. New Jersey Children $3.50 PARK *?;mMP It's, our Anniversary1, totl^mtSTPKTUd SHAKT! KENILWORTH But we're giving the gifts! An idual subu'ban eommumiy and roaiclnntial campus san- . vtjruenl to Garclyn State Parkway. Other main vfjnicular FEATURiNG roLiios and public tfarisportahon HASHVILLE Plan your scht-tiulrj from more than 300 day and evening JOHN MCLAUGHLIN untiurgraduatfi nnd graduate courses in ine humanities, line arts, natural, behavioral antj computof scirinecg, busi^ CO-HIADLlNiNG Anniversary special- nqss management, industrial studies^ special and profes- & So. 31st St. - sional education. sociolBgyr social"workT marina scirjnco with this coupon ' studies Spanish ERIC (Garden State-PkwyrExlri38> 241-133 fummBr Session June aS-August fi ANDERSEN Day Classes Monday thru Thursday J any full course Evening classes Monday. Tuesday. Thursday Tiekits,$5,80 and S8,B0 ,„...,.«, (liquor excluded) with jn-Person Registration All itats resgrved and are avail • dinner (lit June 15 (2-8 o.rn,) Students Matriculated at Kean College /£ ' one full course dinner at regular and students with ilogroes able at The South Mountain June 18 (Z-S P.m.) All oihrjf students 'DON'T LOOK Arena Bon Office, cost, June 24 (2-8 B.m,] Late registration BASEMENTs Cell aoi.736.2B97 Sunday through Friday Special Summer programs SCS.JQ And all Tiekttron Outlets HEOY'S DINER RESTAURANT Bicentonmai History 'includes one week tour to *-Fermtriy Syptr Diner'? yi!idthruB/31/?B Historical sites] ^ Call 212-541.7290_.-,_ NEVER CLOSED. "tH* IN PLACE TO BAT" International Study Tours (Englanrj and Scanrjinavia) Nauta 31 & •lay St., Hillildo Teacning trie Metric System A Box Office Open HEPVcorillaily invites you to try our DINNER BUi-priT, iteand Bilingual Education Mon, thru Sat. 11-6 Io none. FREE with any entree from our menu. wttifMVi S to «. 8pe*El Reading (non.creditl Sundays ) fa f, ^^ - One W#ek Vieation College: Bicemennial Theme SOUTH MOUNTAIN ARENA BAKING DSNI ON PREMISES SPECIAL CHILDREN'! MINU • inon-treqlit; BUIlNliSMIN'l LUNCHEON MON FHI. Child Care and Day Camp Programs (nominal euji) 560 NORTHFIELD AVE. Pive graduate couries at the Brookdale Center *N WEST ORANGE / Por information return tne coupon or phono Everylhing io your tasie Parkway. (801) SSF-Bias, 8194. evon (he price! Exit 138, at the 201 MU7 07074 fn/r 5 Points Kean College ol Now Jersey MIDN1TE Glased Sun Continental Cuisino Union •'^"'K*? S1 Office ol Summer Session New Jersey M000BHiw«- i..- -- S IMS "-**» ^ Everythuig Man Cocktail Lounge Union, New Jersey 07083 1 Pioase send me the Summer Bulletin you always wanted to know about sex Chestnut Tavern & Restaurant Oonme Oean» • i:.^^ j Ml Cttsitnut st.jUnlon , 6M »7V5 m Open Dally I AMPLE FJ^c PARKING | CLOSED TUESDAY REnoMMENOiD BV CUE Zip. ALL MAJOR CniOIT CARDS ACCEPTED oocioooooooooooooooo

-J+J> jr.•fi-J? Thursday. May 20, 1976- Heart Association 9 Dinner-dance to fete 2 Farcher clubs to hold EARTHBOUND lists officer slate president of Kean Dr. Siilhiin Wi'iss, prrsiiii'iit of Kran sport and dance festival By JOSEPH TOBiN Environmental consultant, I'ulli'Kc (if Sow .Icrsrs, will hv hmtiirril The Havanaii I'loi. of champions of the fnitOfl New York Botanical harden to head NJ, unit States and ill ii trstiniDiiiiil (liimrr-d.iiH r I liiliiy. Newark and the KliMbeth Canada1 , will William Sauer of Uridgewaicr was elected Sport Club. t«)!l> liK'atffl at present a children' - dance chairman of the board of the New Jersey May 'in. :i( (he Town mill dimpiis. ~'''''''' " 1111HIH 11111111 1111J II i 1111II i i U < 11111J 11111111111 L (1111111111111111 (111 > L111J111111 i IJ1111111111 11111111111111 if^ Karchcr's Grove, rnion, will uroup There will be a soectr Affiliate of the American Heart Association at Inliin, The ecological soundness of off-shore oil 1 tie host ;ii an "Inlcrnatiniial pa me h'etsveen the Kli/abeth wishes are inconsistent with the National the unit's annual assembly held reeenlly at iho Ttii> |iroi!ri!iil is sjiinisiil't-it li» Ihi drilling has long been an area of strident security or the overriding national interest." Sport ami Folk Dance Lanocrs and an npponent to lie disagreement between naturalists bent on Governor Morris Inn, Morristown, Kciin ('iilloije Ihiiiiim Stiiilcnt '. mini il IJOOSCN were to be offered off the coasts of si nil the (hi I'si ChiipiiM' of Alplisi Phi Fcstisal" on Saturday. June selei/iefi preserving coastal areas and businessmen who Sauer is chief engineer for the American New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland during Water Works and is un the board of directors isf IIIIH'IJII, il lUltilllUll M'H ii r lrilU'Fllil>, 12. anil Sunday, .Iliiir III Traditional ileliracics. surh would "develop" the resources knowu to be 1 the spring Of this year. Slow in coming, this the Somerset County Chapter of the Henri Fesllcitlers Peter M.iithi'i - as mast steer lochsenliraten i available. Oil spills in California nnd Louisiana move could open the way for commercial ;iiiil U'ljhi'liii Busch said Ihere and Bavarian-style brtitwurst, have been respgngible for degradation and Association, Other officers, all elected for a production of oil and natural gas off the east one-year term, include: will lie danco ur'nip- Irotn svill be offered There will hi- destruction of entire communities of wildlife, coast. This would be the first activity nf this Five new classes Sweden, Norway, Scotland. uamt's and rides for the while at the same time industries and public kind in our area of the country. President, Theodore fioldbcrp, MI),, past president of the Bergen County Chapter, chief Ireland. Poland, the l'krame children and an "ice rreani utilities point out the need for American- The House measure, then, provides for Now and Hermans perforniaminK parade " controlled sources of oil, lest there be a serious of cardiology at Pnseack Valley Hospital in planned for police Jersey some avenue of appeal from Weslwood and director of its division of tiirl! (riiiilt liilia I native The feslivities will >iart at "> energy shinage In the coming decade. Washington-based agreements with oil com- Beginning ilex! 'lid! Scion l|;ill Irnvrrsitv (lances medicine, medical vice-president. Klaus J. 1 p in on Satiirriay and at noun In March of this year, environmentalists wnn panies. It also assists conservationists in their Schulz. M.D., past president of the Monmouth will expand its ciirruuliim in ennnniil juMici The Bavarian (lull ol on Sunday There will be a an important victory when a committee of the efforts to protect major beaches and wildlife County Chapter and is a member of the Upper to include five new courses nfU-N'd Ihrnunh Ihi' Newark Sihuhiila'tUT dance '1 :V) admission charile House voted to give the states power—with preserves from oil spills and other en- Atlantic Regional Cardiopulmonary department of sormloKy ami anthrnpfilogy certain qualifications—to veto federal leasing vironmental damage by given state authorities Resuscitation Committee Task Force. The new course, according to (he H''v .liiseph some veto power. In addition, the bill includes of coastal areas for commercial oil drilling. Also, lay vice-president, Robert Edelson. Slinger, chairman n| Ihr department ol Under these provisions, the Secretary of the more stringent safety standards which must be sociology iinti anthropulfigv. will provide HOME IMPROVEMENTS met by the commercial developers in Insuring treasurer of the Monmouth County Heart unit, Interior must accede to the wishes of coastal secretary, Leonard Handman, a member of the students with hackfSrmind in the behavioral state governors regarding drilling off their against spills. These latter assurances are long sciences surrounding criminal ju^tiee, in which overdue. unit's personnel committee and a bac- shores "unless it Is determined that those teriologist with Parsippany Clinical lack of professional Irainmu is niieiil the mavii PAVING 1 We hope that governors of the eastern states laboratory, treasurer, Stanley Cinnamon, a problems. CuitOrri BUllt... J take a most thorough look at the effect off-shore Currently 14 community cnilcjiet m New Permanently Constructed A»pMlt DrlytwiYJ , Medical academy Certified Public Accountant, and assistant • Residential #lnflystri»l PUnli * oil development will have on the critical nur- treasurer, Milton I'ritehurd of Westfield, Jersey offer associate in iirls dources rt'lati-fi 10 Seammefcia! SSefvlce tiitloru ; sery areas which line our coasts from Maine to this area. The Scion Hall course), will he sup AFirfcirig Areas to hold annual fete Georgia. In the past decade the commercial plenwnlx for students m-ii'iii.ilinj; from these Pull Uine Miion Work More than so persons are expected to attend and sport fishing industries have been seriously Errors on fax returns eolli'Res iind will also provide a humaniUinan t, Cufiini — affected by encroachment from every area. the awards dinner of the Academy of Medicine hase for the study of criminal luMice lor a Free iilimilti — Once disturbed, these delicate zones, called stiff can fa© corrected variety of students of Ne\v Jersey, next Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at ? Way ftidio EQUIBP«] the Chanticler, Millburn, estuaries, can be too badly injured to produce taxpayers who have discovered they made mistakes on their federal income1 lax returns The new course*. lire "The SIKMOIIIKJ of Dr. James A, Hogan, president of the the healthy young fish our coastal fishery Parole" laufiht by Father Slinuer: 'peno]ny% ' Full Insurance Coverage academy, announced that Dr. Seymour Charles depends upon for its viability. can correct them by filing amended returns on laugh! by the Hev Krl«in Sullivan: "I'nliee in of South Orange will be the recipient of the If this seems remote to you, the State of New Form 1M0X. Modern Society" taught by Lucinda Han DURA-SILT PAVING CO., INC. Kdward J, III Award; the Citizens Award will York recently declared fish which have grown Elmer H, Klinstnan, IRS director for New (iiovanni; "Vietimolouy" laugh! by I)r Philip "TheGupola be presented to Julius A, Rippel of Morristown. up in the —except for Shad- Jersey, reports amended lax forms and in- Kayal and "The friminal Justice System in W 100BWSoni**!By10B5Sw l struction sheets can be obtained at tiny IHS I 376-5853 376-6140 Pirimys, N.j. 07B5Z Dr. Alvan Feinsteln, professor of Medicine inedible and dangerous to health, This would Modern America" lauuht by lies',ly appointed 531 Mountain Avt. SpringflaM and Epidtmiology at Yale University School of include almost the entire striped haw office or may be ordered by calling on IHS toll adjunct professor Robert Hacked (201) 444.8200_ Medicine, the guest speaker, will discuss population of the Atlantic coast as it is very free telephone lines. "Compassion, Computers and Clinical difficult to determine source rivers for fish Science," The academy has us its primary populations. Reading Clinic at Kean objective the sponsorship and coordination of continuing medical education programs for New Jersey physicians and dentists. Group bids to halt to offer new programs The Reading Clinic of Kenn based on a first-day diagnosis, highway additions College of New Jersey in The development of skills in Sea Cadet group Union will offer new programs vocabulary, study habits and In a letter to Governor Brendan T. Byrne, in remediation and skills, rate nf reading, Regional Wan Association this week urged developmental reading ser- notetakinp. reading in the wi be organized prompt elimination of 1-287 north of Route 23 vices for children'and younB content areas, critical reading The Union-Essex Chapter of the Navy and 1-95 between Hopewill and Piscataway adults beginning June 28, Dr. and listening will be em League of the United States will form a Sea from official pians. The money being held by Albert Mazurktewicz, the nhaslzed. Cadet division at the Naval Reserve Center in the federal government benefit to the older director, indicated that nesv Applications and additional Elizabeth. cities and suburbs of the state and to the state's programs to meet the reading information are available The program is for youths between the ages economy, the citizen research agency said. and study needs of both from the Reading Clinic at dtecounts of 14 through 17, Information is available at 3S1- • The association has opposed the two Inter- remedial and developmental Kean College of Mew jersey, 3474, state highway segments because they would readers from seven years of 527-2351. you can put In The Sea Cadets are chartered by the draw jobs and households out of the older cities age through college years will your wallet Congress and authorized to receive U.S. Navy and suburbs, diminishing opportunities for he established if there nre support. The purpose of this program is to give those who are unable to move out, encroaching enough applications. youths that are interested in the Navy and the unnecessarily on open countryside, increasing The Laboratory School of sea a chance to have official naval training, driving and weakening public transportation. wear real naval uniform except for minor the Reading Clinic, designed dlscounts changes in insignia, take cruises on U.S. Naval Given the state's need for jobs, a continuing for children with severe remedial reading difficulties, you can take vessels and receive boot camp training. conjtruction program should be in the pipeline. to the bank The program has helped prepare young men Regional Plan pointed out. To ajsure that, the will operate on a normal to obtain scholarships to colleges which offer two Interstate highway segments should be school day basis for four days NRQTC programs as well as appointments to demapped now m their funds can be applied to a week for six weeks. It svill the U.S. Naval and Coast Guard Academy, the five-year program now being prepared. provide individualized in- struction in small classes. A complete diagnosis is required discounts for admission to the you can Mr Laboratory School, KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIMS WJlswIUi Two Reading and Study Kf Laboratories are designed to meet the needs of students entering the Bth, 9th and loth grades (Session II, July 19- NIW CillCAS! NfW CORONAS! NEW MARK Hi! NfW PICKUPS! PAULS Aug, 5) and the Uth. lath and TOTOT* 1971 WITH 1176 FUU. HH.UI freshman college year at any UNO *UTO, FACT, nooa institution (June 28-July IS) CRUISER Both sessions will run from mm B;30 to 12:48 p.m. and provide individualized instruction

OLD FOLKS1 All) SHORT TIRE EXCHANGE A major contribution to the fact that old people today look and feel healthier and younger WHOLISALE PRICiS LISTED ON ALL USED CARS! MAKE US AN OFFER OVER WHOLESALE - CHANCES ARI WE'LL TAKE IT!! is medical knowledge of how 73 BUICK to take care of their teeth, SERVING ALL NEW JIRSEV | mouths and jaws, says Dr LUXURY CARS 7S CHIVY S137S! here it comes America • Norman Cranin, writing in PICKUP & DELIVERY "The Modern Family Guide to '74 C^BllLAC Beetwood 4-DP 241-3433 1 t,™^ . (just off ix!ti45 •74 IMPAIA ,, SAVE! Shop Hours: Garden State pkwy.) LAMEST WOW Man, thru Fri, Bam-6pm MM OX THE Saturdays—lOam-apm EASTC0AST1 BanNAmericard 678-2727 355 ROUTE 22 (Eastbound Lane) and Master Charge SPRINGFIELD •379.6126 QUALITY FOR YOUR CAR AND BUDGET ursday, /SAoy 20, 1976 CALL AN "AD-VISOR" FOR ACTION, TODtAYl -686-7700

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Htlp Hinted Men & Women 1 Help WantedMen & Women I Htlp Wmttd Men & Wonun I 1 HtlpWanlMMtntW»n«» 1 ] Help Wintwl Man t W«n«n 1 LOST Bankbook NO 627477 B4, HELP WMTED MEN Secretaries Typists Howard Savings Stuyvesant Ave . Students Teachers branch Payment stopped please DL SATURDAY Tf AAPORARY JOBS return to hank MACHINISTS, I.ATH1 HANDS, OFFICE HOURS __ _ — RSW6 steady , aooa nay a. conditions, In answer to many requests pur "INSTANT WORK" Personals LOST Bankbook No 137118, Advancement, benefits. Linden. PLANT LOVERS! offices will be open this Howard savings, payment Become a plant party SATURDAY, May JJ, till noon. SECRETARIES MRS ROSE stopped Please return to bank ATTENTION ALL representative ton Now we'll have more time away PSYCHIC READINGS — —— R5 20 6 from the fteefle dally routine. TYPISTS Sifted Spiritual Reader LOST Olac)* cat, female, answers MEN-WOMEN PUNTS "R" US And you'll have a choice of Short & long term assignments Adwlceonall Alfalripf Life, to PUMPKIN', medium frame, 5 69 Franklin St.,iellevllle Interesting temp assignments. in Union I, (Mix eoyntIM, - £ast. Present S, Etc years old Vic Connecticut Farms CQLLEBE STUDENTS Come see us. 101N wood Av .Linden area 687 SS69 •MAG CARD OPERATORS/DICTAPHONE excellent earning opportunity, full 751-4884 M4B FUrlfan Road Perm, Jobs Avail, [Above A4.5 Auto Store) ?2§ 6502 _ -_ — Ri 20 6 Hrs. Tues. to Sat,, 10:306, Sun., Roselle 2416011 LOST Diamond wrist watch, time, part time, summer time. Can PAY DAY IVBRY FRIDAY Z S M S earn 110052001300 weekly. For 9:30*0, PM, LOSE s lbs a week easily Yoga OMEGA, silver, on April 27 information Call 374 390], expert, 65, will show you how, by Sentimental value REWARD 688 Warehouse M/F Needed personal meditation secrets First 31B2 •TYPISTS REALBITATESALBS KELLY GIRL Mult neve car. Session, day or evening, free to — n 5 20 6 MUTUAL FUNDS JALBLSM1N Man or wornan for active Division of Kelly Services convince you This has succeeded WANTED Irvington office. Ixeellent Equal Opportunity employer, where everything else has failed Antiques UNLIMITED LieOS R 52Q1 STAND-BY PERSOHNEL CHUBB NEEBS YOUR Call 376-0*6:6 • Mr. MePeek opBortunity, No experience m-74l2^eves ) ^ ^ ^ neeessary Swill train). For __. — . KS-8J-1 SlCBBTARYNatlonal Health TEMPORARY PERMANENT GOVERNORS Interview ealij73.i?{Mor IFS47J0 Agency, Springfield, typing SO-SO 42? Chestnut St..Union SPECIAL SKILLS TOBAY . . . NOW Interviewini for woman M VVPM, steno BOIOO WPM, *1SO -H135 MRS, RHONDA6B6-?685 F) to operate a laundromat with plus benefits. Call 37«;6042, ?64.7717 Handwriting Analyst Ail types of ANTIQUE MARKET in our cpffnmunieaiiOhi Center H you have g minimum 0! 6 months experience en dry cleaning dept, no experience In Del Ray Blag, readings. Tarot Card readlnus 1 , milns north of Lambertvllle Magnetic Sara Executive or Selee.Irie typewriter plus a eood Knowledge of dictaphone necessary. We will train you, Sat, NBylRAFBE-BVER By appt. 2060 Morris Ave Union 1 N J on Rte 179 [old 502) and Sun, only, call anytime i$i- ImmediateopenlnB for UN's, Part 5INOLE mature man seeking 3 or We SpeclallH in people. blk, frm, Cfr. Free parting vnuW inc Mag Card Operator for us. Other exciting openings are available for time & full time.~i year nursing 4 room apartment within 3 block Sat &Sun .iceurate Typists (So wpmi. B B experience reguiredrehatjllltitlon K S20.1 •* _» == ..— Z6105 8 6PM year round ! i : ___— R i jj i area of center of Union, Call 48i. Indoors Outdoors preferrea, Bxeellent benefits & «43jw6PW Mrs. Nancy 245-9763 we offer a very flood starting salary, excellent company paid benefits ana bright PARTTIME Opportunity to grow with a WELCOMB WAGON . Openings In The one stop center for antiques (jfospeefs for the future. CASHIiR rn o a e r n , Progressive IrvinB-ton, for energetic; self- HANDWRITINB_ANALYSIS collectibles Tiffany art glass For afternoons i, evenings,, 10 to liTTfR NBBDEDSomeone to rehabilitation Institute, For starter, with ear, who enioy1s HOROSCOPE a CMARACTfcR dolls lewelrv coins 8, weapons Personnel Department, 467 6075, for an appointment. 20 hours weekly; must be available immediate eentideratlen call watch children in my home during meeting people FiexlBH hours . READINO — 9.7 P.M. daily (409) 397 2010 or (215) 659 1SJ9 all weekends. Inquire Barbara Cioffi, 67j.ii60, ext, 444 or summer, from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Phone 136181?, 4.6 P.M. Bqgal 2fj So.MichiganAve , Kemlworth _ Z_i207 ROIIRTMALL 44 j, 374-07*15-* Opportunity employer. . ——- , i R 6 1 1 h CLOTHM ———— — Rj.201 ^ = *— K 5=20-1 411.0504 TiLBPHONB work from home. CHUBB & SON INC. ____—^_ R5-J0-1 KIM INSTITUTE Your own hrs. No selling. No. exp. Employment Minted 2 • needed. Pleasant, easy with good i! John F. Kennedy Parkway PART TlMG Make deliveries • pay, 469-8197." Mrs, Yvette-37?-9722 Inert Him, NJ.ofofl general maintenance & clean.up, 2 OF REHABILITATION BKPBRIENCiP ACCOUNTANT psychic Reader Handwritma Equal opportunity Employer MF days per week. 4(75737 aesirM bookkeeping to So at home, Analysis, Horoscope S, Card CHUBB — —_— Ki.JOl MEDICINE ^TOOLTDTE MAKER for small company, call 381=0942 'ReadingsTHBHAPBUTI. 7J0 SpflC dMA55AGE- Ave Spfl: d Tutoring General tool room work, make 6. after 7 P.M. K6105 11 J40 Central Ave,,B*st Oranae,N.J, — — Ki.jJJ By Experienced Massage PART TIME R J2J.1 repair punches a. dies for sheet Therapist, Call for appt 674 4137 DBVBLOPMINTAL OFFICE CLERK, TYPIST, metal shop. Know Blanking #, READING AHOC —— Z7155 E DENTAL. IXPIRilNCSD, SALESGIRLM-F progressive ales. Overtime & NBBO HBLP? efficient, ummer Remedial Reading PHONB 314-1041 Full or part time for cosmetic t, company paid benefits, for trustworthy college student, Lost K Found Program For All Ages ADVERTISING SALES TECHNICIANS —— _____ RJ.JO.l gift area of modern pharmacy experienced person. J43-07JJ. experienced painter, yard work Call 762 6J26 or 374O777 (57PM! PART TIME experienee preferred. Call for -_- . " K 5-20-1 pool maintenance, muscle work Z610 11 we nave openings In sti PERMANENT CARBBH. ISO Reward for return of Will Train appf, Mr, pubrow, 373-8591- delivery. Call Toad, 686-1617, Bob microphone assembly lest m MflTM ft «faf Stic-grammar high departrnentt (or skilled National company, sales- - R 5.22.1 school & college levels by college I technicians. Think of arranging management.(ls,ooO per year, all 276 7fO>. vicinity of Sumner avenue Union ! your own part time program a fringe Benefit*, Appt. only, Mr. lEAMSTRBSSTbp pay, frisge — K 5-22-2 on April 28, No questions a*ked instructor My home or your home * Career opportunity for aggressive male/female. benefits, flexible hours, easy WAREHOUSE PRICE MARKER IIS 5626 week at a time. For "further Rupert SJOl) 964.3313. call 5401111, weekdays information, contact Mr B, 201. transportation. Start Immediately, ODDJOBS ——— Hi 20 6 .— ZS2J.11 Must have own car. Group of quality suburban ______RI.jul I Call 467-0131 FemaleorMale ATLOweSTPRICBI 373 3131, I — • R 120 1 LOSTi 14 K.geld oval pin, nam_ : ALLIEDCHUROIN LABS PHOTOSBAPHIC cheeking, (UNION, N.J,).Full time or College student will do your spotting, color prints for finishing SBCRBTARYLasM office located mornings; experience helpful,- gardening, attic, basement, engraved "ELAINE", vie. i weekly newspapers in Union and Essex Counties. 70 Howard St.,irvinflton,N.J, department. Full time, call after i MillburnSprlngtleld area. 600a good pay pigs company Benefits oarage, winSowt, ears, anything. points, Union, Sentimental value, I _____ K j.JQ.l PM. typing, steno •kills, gome incl. merer*, discounts, Mr, Please call Mike at 761.S270 please, Pleise write P.O. Box 836, ADS FILB a, MAIL Clerk, Centrtliy GROVE COLOR LAiS, 373-0891. experience, will train, 447.03S0, Wanman, tM-aaoo. anytime. Hillside, N.J. Many company benefits, good starting salary. — K 5.222 R5.M.6 I located, insurance claims sffice, — R 5-20 1 ——— — R 1221 call 374.7571. Call Mr, Friedman FULL & PART TIME htlp, Mechanics I, attenaantSi Day if 686 77011 for appt. evenina. Apply D 8, D SH ELL, J4J9 »H S-M-l Mori-is Ave,, Union 6870424., ———— B IJOl OALPRIDAYM.F HISS and SERVICES DIRECTORY General office worK & very light Bookkeeping, some typing. Union, • 686-7700 These Experts Are As Near As Your Telephone »686-7700 964-3760. " -•'."•' SECRETARIES —— — fiiM-t HAIRDRESSER Fashionable Driveways Home ImprovoiTiBnts Odd Jobs 66 Plumbing t Hailing 71 Openings are currently available throughout established MlUburn beauty salon 24 Ji 50 63 requires reliable experienced our systum for experienced iocretanes. We IplSTRiBUTQR— MfS- wood LIMAF>AVING AU O1NIS LANDSCAPE GARDENER- New PLUMBINO » HEATING operators with excellent skins for Bicentennial jpeelaldrlveways, s eOMPLBTl BASIMINTS MASON CONTRACTOR ST1PS Repairs, remoStiing, vielations. Oder an excellent starting salary, outstanding tODAYi LOOK In cutting, Ivvindows, floors, trim, hardware. % 100, iJ70. Free estimates 3?i;7aj9 ALTiRATlONS. ADDITIONS lawns, monthly maintenance, blowing a, color. Tugs to Sat., ? to I Facilities open to general public at CBILINOS PHONB HARPIFR SiOIWALKS.PATIOS snruo planting B. pruning, lawn BathreornS. Kitchens, hot water 1 bench! program and very pleasant working 6, call 467044, [substantial (avings, Open 3 341 30W SPICIALIII IN SMALL JOBS cojlers, steam 8, nor water 867 HAY aVE., UNION, N.j, repair, spot seeding, lime, systems Modern sewer- cleantr . conditions. Pleasa apply any weekday at the — KJ221 I weekdays to J p.m. Sat. to noon, !iS' . *_ K f.f.JO fertilliinsi reasonable; 763.6054. |W415i5ii 686 4815 HArt* commercial i resiBOTM. Can PERSONNiL DEPARTMENT HOUSBKEEf»«R Care of a year SILRITBMILLWORK ZAMORA CONSTRUCTION —. R f-tf-63 H»B Triefler, 61 I-Oits. z ,,, old, 3 days, must be reiiible 8, Parking lots, driveways, patios UNN CONSTRUCTION eO,,!NC, BLDGSypPLYCORP, ALL MASONRY —Steps, LIGHT hauling, clean.up garages, NIIDA PLUMHR7 have own ear, pleasant worKIng 581 Rahway Avt,, Union, and sidewalks,!, Call JOB CAHPINTERS.ROOPBBI basements, remove aid furniture conditions. 964-0M3, :-. — K tf.,4 sidBwalks, waterprooflno. Self CALLCBRAHO ; an¥ me WE BUILD & REPAIR employed. Insured, A ZAPPULLO, appliances. Days 6B7-2161 after No iob too sfnali Reasonable " ' - K 1.29.35 ADDITIONS . DORMERS d:3O, W4-14JJ. HOUSEK11PER Full. Charge, MU 7.4476 or BS 24079, rates. Call 'til 4.109. Cirpintnr 27 .ROOM . BUTTERS — . Rtf.6l — — __ —.__ 2TF71 Jvrst Jtational itatc 'Lovely 1st floor room, private Eleetrle Ripjiw 37 «, LIABBRS bath, TV, Working parents J, FRANK MOHR. Mason THOMAI J, KELLY a CO, college girl. Air conditioned home, SAAAUL JOBS BLtCTRICIAN , GARAGE DOORS Plumbing, heating, electric, B\NK OY NE\N FAMILT ROOMS Contractor, all kinds of mason Painting £ Pipirhingng 68 evfry modern appliance. High Home repairs, carpentry, CHET BRICKSON work, IJ years, experience, sewer, eiesning. Free,est. N.J, lie, t e 1 Nr irk N J Iplary for right party. Call 376. panelling, filing, van intenors. All Small lobs speeialist.flood lights, No, iO4« day or night, 37J-S514, work guanteed 1, fully iniurw. • FULLY INSURED insured, free estimate, S41-S946, L, L. PAINTING : c lun sln[.l > r 2300. FR'EE lITfMATBS ——' , R J.57.63 ——. — K 5-20-1 Interior & Exterior, Reasonable Mi-«230 371.l«4 SIDEWALKS, steps, all masenry. rates, Bxpert workmanship. Free MOUSlWlFBpart time, select R 5 17 M Rifrigi ration 7S your hours. Add to family income, CARPENTJR pNT 5 GrlndllnpBr Electric Fully Insured, free estimates. M. estimates, 6t7-14BS, (50 average. Call FULLER All types remodeling, additions — electrical installation, and DtUTSCH, Springfield, OR ».9O99 R 5.2761 iRUSH CO. Sli-OBIO repairs &• alterations, insured repair. Quality rated work, copper IDEAS FOR '76 after 5 P.M. DAN'S PAINTlNO EXPEKitHCtD refrigeration air "Mrvmgton — ______HS.a71 Wm, p. Riviere, 688 7856, wire used exclusively. R 5.27.63 AND DBCORATINO, INT,fc BXT . conditioning technician repairing Old time eBfptntry; with that all typts commercial equipment. INSURANCE modern touch I f»ane!ln8.porehes. RBASONA6UE RATH. FHBB 1 INTERIOR finlihini*, Formica shutferseelllngsfamity rooms, PHIL THRRANOVA.SIdevyalks, ESTIMATES, INSURED. 2M.9434. Call after 4 PM for info., 171.100). cabinets, finished basements, new windows.Boors.repairs, FRII patios, st»ps, walls a, tile. 41! Rt-f-6B .Z 5-37.76 SPERVTSORS PART-TIME . POLICY TYPIST KELJON BLECTRie LIC number Hillside ave,. Orange, N.J, 678- Experienced policy typist, good formica front on old eabinits. Hf, ED. MAROOLli 233,5462. Call M71447 40M, fully InSMreti, no I06 too big, — ~——— KJ6.S0 09«, Call us for free estimate. PAINTlNO & OBCQHATINO. lot Roofing & Siding EARN EXTRA INCOME BY SPENDING A salary B, benefits. Will consider . . — K 5-27-17 no IOB too smaii, 241.971). _____ R5-17-63 itSnt, Alterations, pangling. Free trainee, • —1— K 5.27.37 THI BROTHERS e^t, insurtd, K, Scnrelhofer. 687- FEW HOURS EACH WEEK SUPERVISING OHIO CASUALTY GROUP ALUSTATE ROOFING 2401 Morris Av.,union Carpet £ Rup 28 WIRIHOFOH HOMH IMPROyilMlNTS Moving k Stooge 64 1137, days, 6173713 eves S, wKnds. Ogi l Boys and Girls flellverlng the Irvlngtgn Herald and 964 QUO, Mr, H, Richarason YOUR EVGRY NEED We specialize In alum, siding & ~ ; —— R tf,6B MHO 687-5157 « Suburbans ire m trvington Experience not required, . — —— RS221 New Service . Alterations • roofing. We do our own work. MILLIR '5 MOVING Bstim»te ' " "' service I 3 CARPETS, steam cleaned Repairs. Apprtveei iurglar 81 Plee PAINTlNO. iXTBRIOR I, INT. Will train Car necessary INSURANCE professionally in your hom«, store, 374-0292, Rea$onaoie rates. Local, long IBIOR. Try us! Oooa lob, fprciaiiring in all type 'oofs ana AlarrrisgECURITY LIGHTINO distance. Shore specials, insured, reasonable rates, !=ree estimates. •.•'flmloj., gutters. . Fully insured. FOR APPOINT/SAINT or office, 9 cents sq. ft. Free R7.30,fQ Free estimates, 2413291, SAAPRATfR estimates, call Don (62.741), Csurteoui Free Istimates Kitchen Cabinets Above all a goodj'ooi, ^ ( ( seeking experienced person, good —— — K s,J72t JE~p.*tENEUECTRiCCO. 55" .™ ^__-_____ R JJ7.64 salary a Benefits, Will consider Bonded t, Lie; 3657 SHORTLINE MOVERS ROOFINO, New & Repair CALL 686-7700 trainee CARPBTINSTALL1D MIOJ!) or JSJ.OOM DOLLY MADISON Kitchens, J.JAMNIK Residentiai - commercial Fully factory showroom, Rt, 22,Packing a, storage. Appliance Bxterlor a, Interior Painting, AND ASK FOR MR McKINNON OHIO CASUALTY OROUP Wall to.wail. p(usrepairs —^— K 5S7.J7 moving, Ipecializirid in piano Insured • Free Estimates Between the HQUBS OF 9 A M ana s P,M- 2401 Morris Aye,,Union Exporieficed. Call Andy Springfield, Kitchen design ser= moving. U hour service, 4ai7S67, decorating J, paperhanglng, free Ms.45?9, 961-0550, Mr, H.Tdehardion J&M ELECTRIC viee 8, moflernliing by one of New estimates; Call 617.6211 or 6I7.661I _____„—_____ 2 6.J4,7i K SJ7M Residential & commercial wiring, Jersey's largest manufacturers of R tf:64 inytlme, AIDE OK NURSE INSURANCE WILLIAM M, S/aii For wneH chs r pat ent m also Carrier room alrconditioner kitchen cabinets. 1796070, Rt.f.61 Train wrth leading Uife Insurance sales, call JiaiJi?days, eves. 312- — ______H t-f-SS Roof ing. 5earnle§5 Qutter$ pr nqt pld Fnper eneed hr CLERICAL- cs. Salary open. Business eap. Oarpet Cleaning at Its Best SAVE MONEY. WB PAINT TOP' ' t= » jgntliis 35S1419 256i. MOVING Frfo estimates. Do own work required, Ptione J71I100, 9J Mon, American Home Care KITCHEN CABINETS Local 4 Long Distance OTTOMVw Y N.J. insured Since 1932,3731153 - -_ — R5 20 1 thru Fri, Ask tor Tom Schirmer, —!~~ —, K t-f.37. Sold a. installed, old cabln*ts FIGURE Free Estimates —— ——, ' 2 t.t.7J An equal opportunity employer 994W22 ELBeTRiCAL—ioo ampere resurfaeea with Formica . Insured ^m5mi " SPEAKING — •— K S.Ju-1 Any slie living room,dining area 8, service on the everaae, 1 fimily Formica counter tops, 486-0777. iKeep u» moving gnd you iave) FREDRICK W, RICHARDS hall homesliJ. Using copper wire, Cafi R 5.27.5S i.J.B. CONST, CO, APPLIANCE MEN/W FIGURATIVELY.., J.A.H. Bleetrle 6I7.54S6. PAUL'S AA&AA MOVING M1-540J Union All Types Of Roofing g. Repairs- $39.95 — • K 5.J7-37 Siding, painting. Alterations.Free IxPHRIiNCEBSBBVIClMBN. ...we've opt your number' at Landscape, Gatdrninj 57 1911 VaUKhall Bd,,Union MWI7W 1 W on washers, dryers, air- Kemfier! It you have a (lair for compiefely 100% FULLV .NSUffitf '^ Estlmates-Fully Insured conditioners, refrigerators, etc. figufijs there's an entry level Insured Customer Satis, Entertainment 39 AQUARIAN LANDICAPINO A ""'?** .,RM.64 - R T.F68 37 4=0627 Inprt. Upholstery cleaning avail. Here's your chance to earn a coding position which Involves DESIGN, maintenance, lawns, HOUSE PAINTlNO —-—— Z Tt»7I salary, shar« In the profits and translating printed material ————— K 52781 new 4 oldl Priced to fit anyone'! O&O ROOFING CD. maySe- even gs-eeme a partner into numerical Codes according PUPPET SHOWS—Original hand Fiorida Specialist INTERIOR 4 EXTBRIOR puppet programs for alall oecailons, nteds. aU-9513, Free estimates, fully Insured. Hot Roofs, Shingles, Repairs, Iwiifc no investment). to wW-deflned guide lines at 30 -^ . —— R 6-26-57 Outters & headers i painting. one of the world's leading clip & Save."3JS-1570"Save"3JS1570". BOCARRAGMBRKiNIL. K T.f.3» WHVPAYMOHE? SJ2-5017 678-0137 1Reliable, uleonled. Fully insured, IXPiRiiNCID DILIVHRY and insurance organizations for SHEET rocking, taping & finishing EVER-GREEN LANDSCAPING. DON'S — RIS76I Free Estimate!, 3739571,373-7177 all apeund salesmen wanted. Call you. we offer a good salary, over old ceilings J, wills. Also - — Z 1.27-71 ill 9 m. to 6 P.m. at 686 0344, excellent Benefits and an FurnUufe Repairs Complete Landscaping services BCONOMy MOVERS, INC INTERIOR & EXTERIOR a fireproof basement celllnos for 45 Call6BB.311S6r24l.123B —-=—,—===—-—= H J.13-1 opportunity for advancement staw Inspection, call JacR, 76!. Local & Long Distanca PAINTlNO, LEADERS B, Slipcovers 1 Draperies SO ASSISTANT maintenance man or commensurate with youc 0027, FURNITURE POLISHING — • R J.27,57 DON ALBICKBR.AAOR. OVJTT1RS. fRHE BSTIMATES, assistant sexton, part time, care of ability, please apply in person — — — K5.27.J0 RBPAIRINO, ANTIQUBS LAWN MAINTENANCE Union, NJ, 1N5UR1O, 6167913 OR 753793?, church, Short Hills area, or call S2J14JOI, RESTORED, REFINIIHING, Maintenance, Landscaping & 687.Q035J, ». . MR/.I- QIANNINl. R ( f m PLASTIC SLIPCOVERS, buy Refirtnces, Car necessary, flood ARMSTRONG CEILING TILE HENRY HUPP CAUL MU S-SMi. PlanflnB, Free esttrnaf«s. Calf Mr, MOVIN8 ptsplsi Btsj lobs, Smalf M l direct (com factory & laye, pay. Call 379-2131 after 6 PM. Wilson, M9.B091. custom pin-fitted In your home, All KEMPER INSULATiS 1. DBCfjRATIS RtfJS lobs. We move anytime. Also bgy PAINTlNO — — R1171 9 x 13 room completely installed --— -----—r- CS-27.57 oifl turn,, clean cellars a. attics, colon, guaget. Free home demo. S13S, 7 patterns to choose from, Garage Poors 47 OUAUITY lawn car? . Spring MUM!, 6:30 p.m. • 1! mianlght. INTERIOR a, IXTtftlOR TRIM 24 hr»,, 645.2917, AVON INSURANCE others available, pree estimate clean.up, faptlliilnp and . —- 15.5M0 TO EARN MONEY 6, BUY CADiT 9«,76J5, landscaping. Rsasonable rates. Call our District Manager; COMPANIES —— — K tfju GARAGE DOORS, INSTALLED, Free estimate. 379-5359. irvinsion I, yaiisBurg Areaj 371. garage extensions, repairs & GIBRALTAR MOVING CO, Rtf.6O Tile Work 84 25 Deforest Avenue service, electric operators and . —_—• _ R 5-27-57 4f40;'5cotch plaint Area! 647,1134, Summit, N,J, t2t per hr., personally supervised, Hahsvay Ares; 574 3330, Linden Child Care 31 radio controls, Stevens Overhead Insured, furniture paddetf. Local a, PAINTING TILE 8. REPAIRS Area: 486 0B42 Union S. IliiaBeth EqualOpporfunifyEmployeriW.F Door Co, Ch 1 0749, ' ROTO-TILLJNG statewide, Short fripi to and trom, FROM IRVINGTON-KETIS REPERENCii, Area: 35J isaao, MaBlewood Area; Lawn & garden area! made ready 24 hour service. Pree estimates. paint*rs. Int. ext. Fully insured. FULLY INSURED. 731.7300. Summit Area: 273-0702. CLERK.TYPKT-National Health for planting, 3760115, Piano specialists. 744.5700, (aooi Call anytime. 372-S34) or 3719717. FRANK HILBRANDT 273-1011 Agency, Sprinotield, Typing JO.60 Wonder World Home Imprmaments SO - =—- • -•-• R5.2757 S42-6727. , ——— R f».6i • — I 6S414 CARLF.KUEMNER BARMAiD.BARTBPtDeB - WPM, tiQ5i12Q plus benefits, call Malntwinti Senfitt 62 T—; — Rtf64 ANTHONY DsNICOLO S Son Tilt wanted days or eves. For appt, 37? 6042. "H •—• —••- Nursery School INTERIOR PAINTlNO 8, PAPER- —-KELUY-MOV1RS HANOINCFIRST CLASS WpRK^__ Contraetor—Kltehenilehni,, Bathroorns call 3731713 "or 371.434?, -^ —- RJM-1 MASONRY ftRepslrSil Bstlmatstlmatees cheerfullchfully .»__„ __—_ K 5-20-1 1359 MorrisAv.,Unlon,N.J. MAfNtBNSN UpCAL a, LONO DiSTANCI INSURED, 37J0B27, ' Finest,|n presehool education. Bajhs, kitchen cabinets, tiding, M YEARE S EXXIENCE Agent North American Van Llnei —— _____ R given. 6161S 0 Age*, 2 to 6, full & half day roofinfl, Basernenti, Armstrohg Floors vyaxM & BJeaned; homt», The OBNTLimjn movers, Z 7.31.(4 CLiRK.TYPjST sessions. •• • • ceilinas, tiling,- 20 y«ars F PAINTlNO Kl completcopee laiolanitorlal l orkwork,, EXTERIORS. INTERIOR (UNION, NJ.l.part time hours to oKlc — (Lt.t.44 Tree Service BE SOMEONE SPECIAL suit you; some experience Grand Opining for U i normal rrmm . Mee 69169199 68, 6888 - Free estimates. Reasonable rates. ^^^ALJSSiO.M^ • neeestary, pleasant office, 6917. Odd Jobs 721.1J4I or 7J7.1J17. company benefits,' Mr, waxman, Kindergarten, Sept,76 • —- R JJ7.4J 66 - - R517.6I ArtAPLEWOOD * REGISTER WITH M6J200. Call 6B7.24S2, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION- SIDNEY KATZ KS-J01 LAB HELPER Aluminum tiding, roofing, repairs 63 TREfEXPERTS K 5.27.J1 i (. Interior 8. exttrlor painting. RUBBISH REMOVED PAINTlNO, PAPgBHANOiNQ, SPBCIALIIINO IN PRUN1NO, A.lTEAAPS Per lesdina Hillside foundry. All appllanees, furniture, wood PLA|TMlNO_iNTPLASTBRIN (N ; *_•> BXt: All Phateiot Tree worn, Including NURSERY SCHOOL FreT = ^t e estimate)DL.Z:: 7 • -MI-— .: Foll- -: - . y• Insured- - - _- - . Call A-l CEMENT * masonry work. PREE BStiMATBS, 1995 MorrisAv,Union, 964,1301 CLERK TYPIST Duties Include machining of Patios, walls, steps 8. pool patios. and metals taken away. Attics, Removals & Power Spraying test bars. Excellent starting Small elaMes, state eeftlfled, anytime, Harry 761.7081, Oas«ments *nd garages cleaned Fully insures, FlrewoM & Wosfl 101 No,wooaAv,Linien,9ii.1601 Interesting petition In a technical parent involvement, ] 8,4 year old R 5J7.S0 Very (•Msenaele, Pree est", call salary & company paid eves only, £17,4191, out, HfasonBble rates. 935-3713. Chlpi, - - —- _ K SMI departrnent. Must ,be iccurate benefits program classes. Located on car, prospect K T.f-66 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR BOOKKBHPER AIIIITANT typist, Bxeellent starting salary a, St. h Tuiean Rd,, MaBlewood, 7«. General Home, Repairs •————— R5.J7-M painting, Leader f. Gutter work. 762-5221 Accounts payable, 35 nour week. All emergency repairs; gewer company paid benefits. 5411, SMALL MASONRY JOBS, NMD ODD JOBS DONE? Frte estimate, Jnsured, Stephen I S W.16 Union Maplekvood area, service,- mastering,- so[l rotating; Cleaning garaots, batements Dep, 233.3161, 3J4.«M0, COOPER -—— - KS.t311 liny type. Free estimates. Call M7. 1 6fl7-3SQ0 Can Mrs. Bgronn*6Bl,4iio any job, hip or imslli U hr.; free attlei, haulfng debrii, iioht movln; R.T.F.M BLUE JAY ——______.• K 5-80-1 est. Fully "nsgrtd. a«.fl46. U», enytirne, ALLOY CORP, - ' - R S-l J.6J a lawn cutting, general clean up. COO&ER.ALLOY ——.——— ' -—- RflOSO 686.5344. PAiNTlR— interior K ticterlor. TRIE SERVICE —Bloy It. 8, Ramsey Ay,,Hllislde-— —REG.ISTERNOWL- -ACUMINUM-Sldlng-SptMlallMi.- OUR JPEcrALTV-taWng down 6814120 rW iginfflir camp i Sept," esilniates. Fully iniureel.Ri CORP. Free estimate*! no salsBnsalisrnBn,, we —^BRICK STEPS-—- dlllltult trce5, trlmmlno 1 innt) (transportation). State license, t For Doctor's Office iloy St. f- Ramsey Av,,Hlllsiae AH equal opportunity employer do our own worfcofc , 3300 years All types of masonry. Sidewalks, IRV CAN FIX IT—painting, 467.iJli." clearing- Pull insured, Fre» Centrd IrvlnBtont experienced, full a. half day, swimming, exotrlenee. Capasso h Polltl 7)1- patios, patching. Car! 9640196, istlmatts, , • Iqual Opportunity employer trips picnics. eafpentry, elestrlcai, plumbino, .—•-—• — n t.f.«« ; mature, references. Permanent, K 52 — —— K 120.1 repairs and new Installation, No 862-2216 Bart time, 3rt«4i CALL M_ LAST,, AiT masonry, Ion top smaii. Reliable and SPKINO SPECIALS , ———— R 5-20-1 CLERK TYPIST Part time, Hrs, Orchard Park Blasterlno, wsferproof Ing, self reasonable 271.47*1 — in-mt, 1 family outildt Bainted M7S,, J. — — • CLlRKtowrk part time in retail 10-s, work in small growing office. employed and Insured, Work i)7S., 6.IS75, 4 up, Roorni, 417.4010 LEGAL SECRETARY Att.nilon- . hallwayi, stores Mi, S, up. AdoTV, Radios Hi-Fi store-day, evenino S. weekend Stlaryearnmensurate with ability, Nursery School Do-It YourHlttri... Ouaranteid. A, NUFRIO, 30 yrs. 17 hours available, profit sharing __ __ KSJO1 enp, 6SJB773 ATTENTION HOMBOWNBRSi pglntlna trim, windows i doori. retirement plan. Apply In person GLERK-TYPISTApIJtltude for ixperlenced Only, convenient, 12»4Vlc"terAv»,, Attics, cellars, garages arid yardi Carpentry, roofing, gutteri 8, PAST, 1XP1HT Repair of all modern suburban office. 4471M0. Union, M7-4U4, E A MISS OF IT? cleaned. Ail Ilrf and rufabliti leaders. Very reaiona Cumberland Farms Store, 144 figures, intere»fing position, all removed. Leaders and gutter* l&Pl'S.-.yKy- reajpnsble, frse Union Ave,, Irylngton, N,J, An benefits, Springfield area. ——~——— N 5-J0-1 . It done RIGHT, call one of EXPERT MASON, estimates. Free minor Steps, pntlos, cleaned, trucking, V#ry equal oppty, employer. fv\.F,_ Caii4S71i50 the experts CARPENTER: Fully Insured, 871.4000 or ,,; Linden., MACHINIST • Dirietoryl vyalka, oarages, piosterlnglsteri , reasonalbe rates. R sv-m ~— -— H 5-W-l Cleaning S^rvites 31 piumBihBi (liBtTna^Repairs of ill CLERK , To work in computer COUNTER PERSON-part-time F1T«H MARRAI PAINTBBI for dry cleaning store, flexible Maintenance machinist required : '• * types, railing) # ornomenfol PLUMBERS, ATTBNTIONl Sell department of large wholesaler. "ATfor " ..itSblassembly deptd.p.t IIn'^lean elearSi • _ MBN WOMB NOR 'C0UN.U Ironwork. Building violatiens Iifttrlor B, Interior, flutters t 3»Vj hour week, afl employee hours. Appealing to m»ture IP'YOU'RB AN lXP«»T.wh' your services to over 80,000 local individual. 376.0411: modern «l«trr conditionecondmorieda plant,. • P»» "ma office elaanlng. ApB|y removed. Satisfaction gusranteod. BBrsyworK. Fret est, S>f.67J4( m tamliHi with a low-coi! Want Ad benefits, $87 to start, 1A&TBR Knowledg* of nastle hot itamplnfl I »»' Morrli Av»,, Union, N.J, Ace Building Service. 233B132, PAINTiNa, CTC^CALL «J-«}|^ 1014, WARBHOUSB CORP, 635 Rahway process helpful, but not nleesSBry, • " '—~^ — K t»f.)2 Ave., Union^gMMO. , .' CUSTODIAN WANTED tor Hxcellent working condition, good Rlff-M synagogue In Irvlngton, Hours rite, complete b*neflt program, eHRKTYpiSTReeeptlenist flexible, Call 174*014 or 37j.«il for busy suburban newipaper bet. 6 ti i PM. STIRLING PLASTICS otfiti In Union- Must type, be good Ki.JOl Dlv, iorden Chemical 686-7700 with figures,. Some switchboard EXECUTIVE-: SECRETARY Cortlen Ine, experience helpful. Good starting Pull time, salary open, Springfield Sheffield St., Mountdnsidc N J ...toplvCeanad salary h CO, benefit*. Call Mrs, arts, call for ippf, Mr. Doyle (oBp, U.S. Highway is .'J ) Call the experts to do the job-right! Woi|enherfl,^g677O0, for anon " : EqualQpportunlty ImpioyirM (- in this section. 5^ •=~ _*^,—=__=—***= K S.30'1 Iratruttioni, Mlic. U COW er HOR5B manure or rich MARIA'i COUNTRY CRAIiTi farm top soli World of mlnlatyres, Larsest WmtedtoBm 17 Apirtmtnti For Rtnt LEADER=Thursday, May 20, 1976 CHESTNUT FARMS selection in the area for the egg U,$,PLATi BLOCKS Acmje rvJ|"NIS LESSONS 3718417. Artist t, doll house collector. IBVIMQTON 110 CXPBR7 PROFESSIONAL — - • H, 5 V Singlet, sctumujjllonl, 3 rooT!i llfO J n» HI Heal A DININO f(afn, Blonde, i chairs, Join our miniature clyb. Send tor collections, Canada. Top pricm hot water e fvator no pets RIVER FRONTAQE Student art at museum 125 4 HOURS china closet. Buffet, 1175 or Best free Info, ilia Springfield Ave,, paid. 527 1011, Cenven *nt oeatlon Phone for COLORADO I . , . , . 1. r I I h division of Ihr Di'pnrtmcnl of GROUP LESSONS Form own 19 0 o a p ce Dea f "M 1 I 1 rl K r I lh otter. Call alter I P.M., in-iiUi New Providence, 665 OMS appo ntment 372 7743 1 i">KP of i p«rion» Alto K J 15 • Z 5 22 97 I amosa Re on a N^Ir ra !1 In PRIVATE n a a so •* a a e 43 0 g • • Dealers call btsvn 912 noon. 738 hgusewares, 10 tu 4, (v\ay 22 t 33, BUY ANO SILL BOOKS M S7S I i I I I lit" I'i'irl leiilurl y I'.ircful • iMwthmillM ^* 321 PARK AWi., PLAINFIEIO iuxyry6plul s a, 2 tll^ baths A, eat in 3 2722 MI 4896 nil. 1071 Summit LnnD, Mountainside science kitchen In each, 2 car 50 1 1 1 nL ! it i I adhorcRt'i. lo ihi-. ni"J,sp,ipfr'B • Gingi Sales "—-—- K5 20 — Z5 27 9 — ---• —— I 617 i K,7 garage, laundry room, flen, IRVINOTON UN ON 1 1 Friiiiu iiftt-. ik'iii!lini> is ,iij • Flea Markets FLEAMKT. MOVINO SALf; Old 8, new things central air, wall to wan carpeting, 1 uom hi»et hot wa er s pp led ' HETful f 3 n # 4, fufurnituru e Ironi 9 3 P.M.,, FT I,,. OLD CLOCKS WANTED custom draperies^ many extras. I f QO on en ent to E^s es 7 a B I f"! !'jr niatiTiiil intended for * Rummage Siln SSai.i , S, SSun 15. 4 GlGlenweot// Rd,, Any condition Top prices oaia. Asking ((W.OOB, Principals only, an c a an & shepp ng % 75 e* [p r aw n * 1 SUN., MAY 23rd BHiaeem 1 1 | She JuilC i issue. •,HHi' Ihi - • Basement Sites Also clock Repairs M7 6101. 964 ISO? or 793.1W?- pe mon e tyft reference s (•.KB »-->/• RAiNORSHINi — —— R f.M7, J3JM — — Z 3 1 "i i 1 "ifire u.ill he cliiM'd nn • Yard Sales, etc. • YMHA, Oreen Lane, Union, rides, MOVINO IALI —Furniture, CASH lor silver coins. Also USM IRVINGTON Z 22 97 .Memorial Day, Mondav May * food, free admission. Info, 687= household goods. Boys and teen f lr I gold ft sterling Stamps coins ft IRV NGTOH Stsrei for Rent 114 3420. irls* clothing, camping equip., modal collections, OiNNis COIN HAPPINESS FOR SALE P 3 2 room I I I 111 •U Ail 'irMnifuiii.i-,:,!.' ZI23 f MC typewriter, jewelry, etc, Sat , STORE, Sjg StuyvesBnt Ave., P E p 1 J=I»* AW, every Wtd., Italian- There's a heap o'happy Uvin Q B ia ng IRVINSTON F i and nthtr m\v--. jrcm. - for ;hi- W5 COfVO(TfON««, Cajemenf, May J}, 1IS4 Burnet Av , Union irvington. & h A tc PP ed Nea 1) 1 7500 ITU, 1 year old, ixeellent American club, inrnan s. New • — -—-—~ RIJO efferea In this J Bedroom 3 floor issue of June - ^hi.uir! ho Brunswick Aves., Rahway, 9 4, — R 5 27 17 home. The living room |i graced EXJ c s 39:9 4 8 or 0B69 ^ f nrfl M conaition. Haraly uaea. Call M<: Z 5 11 11 1 4BQ1 rain or shine. 382 7121, ORGAN,HAMMOND PIPES, CASMFOKStHAP By a distinctive fireplace. •.uhmittt'd t)y Fnda . nion'.ini! IRVIN&TON \l f f ' —— HA.J.JO EXCELLENT CONDITION. Load your car. Cast Iron, 11,25 per Excellent neighborhood, walking May in ASKING SSJO. |M lbs,, newspapers, $t,2i per distance to schools. Put your 5 oom d It tin He t & ho HVINGTON I AIR CONDITIONER CARRIER FL1A MARKET, sat,, June 5th, M7 5611 alter 4 P.M. i 1000 lblbs.s , titied up Bbundlel s free off family in this pleutrel w e 5 pp H1 A a b e J y I 246 p ng 4.000 BTU, Blmeit new, 1100,, spaces available. Masonic Temple a 373 S7B4 i Philco, 1? In, B-W portable TV, Parking let, 1912 Morris ave., Hi 30 ;: foreiggn materialsalerials.. NoNo.. 11 copper copper,, i^s NORTH 371 4J42 BUT DOOR FLEA MARKIT I cents per Ib. Brass lust 26 cents per Z 0 97 I I 1 f MrtB/eyclM for Sale 130 with rtmote control 4, stand, lioo,, Union, information call 484-JsJO. • 1 5 20 96 IRV HGTOH J lawn chain, sii, ji x M oval l iir June sis. Sat. a, Sun,, rain dates : IB. Rags, ,gi cents. Leas and RO5ELLE -i 1 I June 36 8,27, Larehmont Lodge No. i batteries; ^^ computer D w c • m Te spac ous 3 mirror, Slg, 187.4432 FOR SAL1 Wall to Wall carpetinj we ili0 oom pa men a a able J ne * paaaing, approx. *} yas., Lee's 16B K. of p. Park Union Deborah, prim outs & tab earcH, we also Roselle-Cranford Area —— —— KS-JO Municipal Parking Lot. Boys Club, I handle paper drives tor scout lo a ed ne sfiepp ng h acrilon, geld, very good eond., will Large modern Bi level, excellent PC e t on Clean we lltep Imsstmtnt Property III ALUMINUM WINDOWS S, floori. sell tor iioo, if Bicked up, cell 68( jeannette Ave., Union (off Morris location, convenient to shopping L D d ng Heferen es r*» ed Bear the high coif of fuel" at I6M after 1. Ave. I sis per space both days. Can schools, attached garase, 200 It ELIZABETH 1ZS reasonable ratej, 'EXPERT Pen ilav e*» p an prem eS K 5 23 acegmmodale more than 100 lot. 2414948. REPA.IAS ON SCREENS 4 tables. Benefit Deborah Hospital. ._ _ ——_____- l 5 JO 96 — — ,,5 32 97 FOR SALE—Custom made 3 pc, Call 6HB965. 687 1138 4 MIQMB. ROSELLEE PARK RVINGTON E WINDOWS, man, sectionalfc chair , wood I, glass end ——- ZI22 oeo. PATON Assoe, & 6 Lyons A e 2 room — — HI)} «. cocktail tables, good condition. PACE CB HEADQUARTERS 416 Chestnut St. apar men a a lable J ne ANTIQUE FLEA MKT. By Friends M70J48 after 1 P.M. DAILY PHOTO RosellePk. 2411686 cle n we 1 ma n nf*d h la ng C p e of Animals, iun,, May Slrd, Union • —— KS 22 117 No. Wood Ave., Linden. BUSINESS , —— —— 1 no ft ie y loca ed fo Pfcwy S, nford Di FURNITURE t, APPLIANCES 4l62ili. SPRINSFiBLD shopp ng en % 60 Reference JUNK CARS S!!m^ *•"*• ZS22 WELFAfii 1 PEOPLE WITH RIM IDMRECTOBVI e£? ed ep p en prem e FRiE OIFTS CREDIT PROILEMS, INSTANT NEWLY LISTED! — —— Z 22 97 Viut on Rentals 124 ASSORTED living room furnitur* CREDIT. IMMBQ. DEL. CAul. FARTiALeONTINTSOFHOUSI IRVINOTON f am*, twin ilje maple headtjoarij M. QRANO, 373 6611 Furniture, somg antiques, bfie.a. Accounline Bookliecping 18 spacious home for growing family, FRSB lOXOFWNDT 4 Bedrooms, 2 tiled baths, mod: 1 4 la ge new y pa n ed rooms p OCCANPHONT — — — r i ^sr VCF^ a, ggg — _ -_— R t f Brae. May 51. 2J. Fri. 1 Sat., 2711 bidg near b op heat g^ he GARAOE SALE Larehrnonf Ra., Union, 10 A.M.,4 * PLASKONKA kitchen, alshwasher. Mid SO's, BB JUNK CABS WSNTIB FHgE "TIAMHONOA" FIRST TO CALL! wa e supp ed AftPT 4 P M app y VISORS " R520 Kitchen set, wrought iron lamps, P.M. advice 2414664, p 3 f wood Te H s jia S. BACK AOAINtt IITT , LUKE'ES shelves, etc., Jaf, e. lun., ?i PM. .. .^-=^= ^ S-2O — ——— Z S 211 FBII HONB4 EPISCOPAEPISCEPISCOOP L CHURCH:: FLEFLEEA 19 Baehman place, irvington PIANO RENTALS OAK RIDGE REALTY Mirms REALTORS 376482! IRVINGTESN BOOK COVERS MARKETT 4, BlTAfBlTAffBB — — ki-22 FROM HOD PER MONTH, 21 93 y e Sr A e **3 room RIMAINDlRSRIMN , Corner 4th (.OARAGE 5ALE-FM , Sat f. Sun APPLICAILE TO PURCHASI. 37! Morris Av.,Spf Id JUNK CARS & TRUCKS RONOQMUSIC RESIDENTIAL J, Commercial Z p r men! i ivsileble June 1 OCEflN G6TE Walnut St. Hoieiie, May 22, 104 May 21, 22, 23, 1101 DeBrs Dr., alarms installed. Low cost ana UL e tvPlnia n ned B d ng WANTED P.M Vigorous promotion, ail Linden, (off Stiles St.), 01 HWY 33 AT VAUXHAUL RD. SPRINGFIELD i UNION. N j. 6S7-22J0 listed. Call J.R.H. Ilee. 6S7055B. o id nea r n p L hepp ng media, excellent crowd (low. Have refrigerator, w.freezer, pinK, Ren si? pe a pf f on pree m 1 ft h room few more outiiae dealers. excellent eond,, other items _„ _ -' Kff — — K6-3S1 NEWL.5TING — z 22 « Call J4I0I1J or S4JJ411, —— — K S.20 PIN BALLMACHIME SALE Carpet k Rup Mod, kit., ige, lr,, dr., ! ir's 5, —r——^ Z J.jg GARAOE SALfE OVIRIOMACHINES 28 mod, Bath on 1st fir, of this just OHTLET BtACH MotorcjclB For Sile 1195 up 130 BIARCAT 101 now in itock . MAY 22 t, 23, 10 A.M..3 P.M- listed home. 3d Br * a small rm IRVIHGTON Ha9,iO with this «d, Oooa till June 865 HOBSON IT..UNION Novel Co. (201)i63.66I» KARPETKARf on 2nd fir. Asking 141,900 a, well RT.F 6 room p fp neme rs oo l?74 KAWASAKI 12, DAILY PHOTO, 117 No, Wood — — K 5-20 Carpets 8, rugs steam cleaned In worth seeing? I BleJ ly 1 SJBSper mon h Ave., Linden, 4i»,jiii GARAOE IAL«; May 21, 22, 23, "PLAIN AND FANCY" garage vour home with newest steamen mon h CE r v Hpaf & no w e 10 6 P.M. Records, housewares, sale, items including 4x6 b«lge- Process, f=re» estimates calf REMLINGER ppi ed 374 2 »B S* DE M — Ri22 toys, fabrics, clothing, speakers rug, happy prices, sat. i, Sun,, RE BEDROOM SBT, 5 PCs. May 22, 23. 10 A.M. • 6 P.M., 27 3B1-BWB 376-3319 — — Z5229 FB 55 E133 1B (large), handmades, 79 Dover St., IRVINOTQN p cm P" «. C 1 T/ Tnemasvilie, Italian Provincial', Upper VailSburg. Adams St., Irv., Between Madison H 5JO.M —Realto —r il!0-96 glass top coffee table, s Ave,, a, Puller Place. UNION 5 oom na floo 2 lam iy B QC^ en o OY ¥3 2 3 Mediterranean green chairs, —- - — R 5-20 Clianing S»rvi«i 32 ho e hea s, ho w p ppl ea — ——— Z 29 21 ainini room, white children's GARAGE SALE: 5 family sale, NEW LISTING a b e y May be PPTI or»at buys, 1382 Clinton Ave., POOL FILTER WITH now C I le (PM 373 604 dreiiec French Provincial girl's ATTIcs, basements, garages, etc. 1ST TIME AQVBRTISID! Young V.I,p, HONDA irvington. Sat. J. Sun. 5SS — 5.23. BACKWASH AND HQSB bedroom, desk, ice cream parlor ' Cleaned. Call 762,|B6€ Bffore 2;30 Split level, Battle Hill area, center • IS 3! 97 5-J PM, No early birfls CONNECTION. USED 1 YBAR, IRVINGTQN Kitchen set, 73A.51S0- i or after 1:30, all day weekends hall, 3 bedrooms, jv} Baths, 60x1 jo ————~—- RJ.JO IIST OFFER, 6170941, 3 eem 1 f eg S1S0 he a ho a su —3—— — R 5.2J — K6,2432 lot. 143,900. Act fasti 7)1-1100 BltT.RITS baby carriage, high GARAGE SALE w=» er pp ed ne 1 < ijc-'ii chair & Swyng-ematie 6aiy swing May 218, jj. Bet, f.4 PM REFitlOKRATOR, small, almost OAK RIDGE REALTY in excellent condition, M41227 233 Blvd., Keniiwerth new, perfect (or college student. ; HOUSECLEANIN_ . ._, G PROBLEMS? 5 oom na t ee 52 Q pp 134 • • Rj.JO Retails $120, asking $80. Call 374. ' Oenerail eieanlng, eafpef RIALTORS 376,4122 own hr & hs w e J ne 1 Mostly new items 7031 or 374-7018, shampooing, & stearh extractiari, B 0)>e Dn te 3 4 6334 RINT THAT ROOM *'•—. a A isn" BOOK SALE H 5-20. H-520 : furniture shampooing, cleaning" k UNION Z i.20.96 HOME REPA « SESV CE Hillside Public UIBrary lawn. GARAGE SALE! Used furniture, waxing, window I, wall wasHrnj. AS V" 4 i'nes .11 me Corner Liberty a. Hillside Aves., is ROYCB « HEADQUARTERS LARGE CORNER rug. Bicycle, toys fc many other Bonaed-lnsured Call IRVINGTON (UPPER) :er-3!« *aros U K Ca • :M6.77 00- to 4;jo P.M., Mty nft 23. WJ441J, iitms. Sat,, May JSna, 9-2 PM. 192 DAILY PHOTO BXECUTI VESPL.IT La ge newly decora ed eff c ency —• R S52 117 No. Wood Ave., Linden DOMESTICARB PUTNAM R1DO1 AREA So Springfield- Ave,, Springfield, 371.1310 room nens em pr e ba h n AutomsbilB lor Sale CARPET CLEARANCE Ri20 4I6-JB1B, 1 Bedrooms p|us, 2 full Mths & 3 pr a # home for & ne s per on 12S 40 pet ta 40 pet savings, from $3,?? OARAGE SALE-Fri,, «, Sat,, May — RI-2O lavs, large science kitchen, w fh eferences Cg 2?A I 79 per ia. yd,, expert Instai,, choice of 21-23, 16 Mt, yernon Ave , formal aining room, jiving room, — — , Z 0f7 ?73 CArVtAdQ C RUMMACIIALB EntBrtilnmtnt 31 ree room, large entrance hall, Pa oaded h decorator colors. Free shop at irvington 10 to 4, Rain or shine fun, 1 Men., May 23 4 24, 93, IRV1NGTQN (UPPER) ^ m ea nd Si 0^ 5 f MIKE TOeiA homeisrv. Budget terms. S3S07)j, — •— K 520 Solomon Scheehter Day School. air conditioners, many, Ness t Ter a a lab e J ly 1st 2 5 3 Q — —. k s;» Vauxhall Bd. », cedar Ave., union, "Ml RACLE MITCH" MAOICIAN many extras, excellent for iarfle ap s w tn heat S room S27S OiRL SCOUT Lively Children's Parties family, mother.dauohter of otfiee 1 2 26 CEMBTIRY PLOTS OARAGE SALE - — KJ3J mo 4 rm S22i mo Adults } Your ONE GUY in HILLSIDE Says: Rabbits, balloons, prizes ft home, priced in 70's. By (S2J e" for g o ndkeepe ! 1 .#72 FORD E=fOO • iupff van, Sat., May I2na. hours i to s P.M. 5.B.E.CB HEADQUARTERS Adult shows 5, much more aBpeintment only, mon h sec ty 372 37 4 w nflCA ex e en Cong b n3 HOLLYWOOD MEMORIAL PARK 961 Park Terr,, Union, DAILY PHOTO , Reasonable Rates 312.6146 MAX 5EROTA RIAL BSTATB — 25 22 f 7 % ^QQ 7 DM m & £5 4.3 i'WE WILL NEVER liBethsjmantGBrdensMiuioleun • • RJJJ 117 No, Wood Ave., Linden. ——— KS.30-M 402 ColBiial Ave., Broker 616.1267 416SI11. ——— —— Z5J2,9S IRVINGTON UNION LINE SfuyVesanf Avf,, Union OI43P0 HANDCRAFTS — RJ.M 3 room L,a den Apt a r cend I f 74 KAHMAN OH A OfficeilsOOStuyvessnt Ave.,Unian 50 UNION BE UNDERSOLD!" AND WHITB BLIPHANT SALI TMRIPTIHOP 2 story, 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, near fleer Mdu ts enly Av lable j y — '• >— KM, Freeadmiislon. Sun, May JJ, 11,7, Bargains galore, special Washington School. »4i,fOO, No 1 No pets ?M 4739 or 226-? 130 CLASSICAL piano music—sheet i Knights of Columbus Hall, 1034 clearance, "good clothing, D«ALDIBECT*SAVB realtors please. 6te-M96 or tit — I 20 97 Books (various grades), "The Jeanette Ave,, Union, Bargains househeia items, 9 5 weekdays carpentry, cabinet making. 0193. galore, Sponsored by Wlvet of The Roofing, Siding, masonry, ceilings, MORRIS TWP (MORH1STOWN! AIR CONDITIONING Etude Music Magazine" (ami ot only, 3041 Springfield Ave,, cor. — — t52!,96 5 3 bed asm luxury A C 1934 thru 1947 jsiues), music Onion Fire Fighters, sheetroek perches. J715744. p e? e en so Pot. Millfturn Ave., "Vauxhall, N.J., UNION G den Apa men s PBJ SB e dictionaries, "Opera News" K522 buses 3i J, 70. —— • H 6-3 50 NYC bus n 3» 661 her e a =* ng T SALES & SERVICE magailnes,' Librettos, Very low HIAtTH FQOBS, Vye carry a full ADAMS HOMB IMPVTS. T It ng app ca on prices, as wiih quick sale,, (la. line of natural foods, honey, salt Carpentry, roofing, additions. Inf. PRESTIGE HOAAI WE HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST 0041. free & sugarless foods, nuts, IR, . TURNBRJM+l I ¥^&\l&H\S&J!?«i&l i |evel, i rooms, 4 — ZTP 9 Microphones now in stocH. s, ext, paintina. Wtchens, baths, bedregmitm Briksli, ultra t Kitchenll I , dining SERVICE DEPTS. IN THIS AREA! '—- HJ.JJ VINpTON HEALTH FOOD basements, patios. 6i7-7453. RANDOLPH TWP (DOVER DAILY PHOTO room, I' j batfis, 1st floor aen, rei AREA) 1. AIR CONOITiONINtS I. TILBVISION (Color STORE. 9 Orange Aye,, Irvington — R 6-1050 room, central air, a ear garage COFFBB1 TABLTE E . Olaslass & 372,6(93. _ SUMMIT' HBALTH 117 NO, WOOD AVB. HIM LTON AN Lu* ry Ap HISMEST PRICES ga or nk, Linden, N.J. fenced property. Top value, for r oc 6. o g d e s* ng and Slack 8. Wh t ? UNION Oalloplng Hill Rd,, i*ff on • R614 —— — — R 129S7 n B as Apt 5 — K 1 f 1J? Foxwood i right on Chelsea) _ _ Z S 27 97 JUNK CAR5 Thli oswipsper gsts net WEDDING SOWN • beautiful LAWNS CUT 24 CARAT BUY knowinsly Kctpt mip WjnfM -' "" —^ R 5-20 ergania a, lace, sii» 12, wifn veil, RDSELLE PARK fin ye m He or mofle h ghe ads frein empleyirs eeveri^ by &TCUTPRICB5, Franklin Sehooi, colonial, 6rooms 3 S215 A g It He p ee* p d c 5 3-3 BSf= 7 HOUSEHOLD sale antique sieve, 4 S1O0, Call after I, 399 7413. 27247Ji. 3 Bedrooms, ultra kitchen, afning US up TOBIAS th« Fair Later 5!«na«rai Act park ng near bus t an P x IS ft. pool iv-iaddef i filter, — —.— R i-20 RI20I7 room, 1' j baths, rec basement, 220 kway — _ *• 1-f APPLIANCE CENTER which applies ta employment In books, clothing & lots more. Sun., YARPSALBs S pt 241 6528 *ilyf:MK4 Interim, eommeret. It thsy SPRINO, ferfliiling, electric, Exceptional listing, 40's JUNK CARS WANTED We i tiflirr AViNUE , By ApBolntme efftr ttss tfian ftis i*g«f minimum May 33, 10 A.M. • J !»,M,, M4 Frj.fc Sat . from 9 A.M. Realtor, Z S 09? Mlaiand Blvd., Union, near Metro on, 14 cummings St. Irvlngton. lime, seed. Monthly rates. Tree 5PRINGFIELD OB do la ? o V a week B CS p wim (urn an hour for ttnu worksod, LOW rates, Union, Bill, IBBDI esvtrstf prier f&Febfusry 1,1967, Many misc. Items, 4 eem 2nd fioo 43 9 i ana sl.#o an heur tor ntwly —— K 512 Kenilworth, Reselle PN, srea, 241- WHITE REALTY G88-4200 S3»wfh tlfes — — K S 10 12f esverH empieycts) er lell fe pay HOUSEHOLD SALE: quilted king 4319. 1423 Stuyvesant Av,Union ANNESYLVE TEH R tr ths •ppflcanf evcrflmf. slis beaspread, matching pf. Pets, Dtp, Cats 26 —— R6.317 Z J, 10-94 376 JJOO This niwtpaper don net drapes fc Bfast hardware, pr. VAILSBURG —— —— i J.J097 dnewlnjly Mcict Hilp Wsnled Masonry S3 UNION ads thit Indicate i priftrtnci AlaBaiter lamps (»llk shades), DOB OBeDllNCE. 10 lesio.i Cozy all brick Ranch. Principals baled on as> from Ifflpleyirs antique brass 8. glass eleetrlfled coyrsiSJO. UNION, WBSTPIILb, enly. Call after 6 P.M., 3719131, 4 room corner Apt,, excellent ceverttf by fht Agt Berfume table, other fluallty Items. 8. SUMMIT. NJ. DOG eQLLiOE, Macon Construction Co. Z S location; supply own oil heat, ins DUcrlmln.llon In Employment Call eves. 273-4145. 687-2393- _,,MA|0N CONTRACTORS per montti includes Barege a. basement, July 1. 964-7373 after Ati Contact th. United StitM ------—-• . RTF. RlSlpBNTIALs.CQnAMBRGIAL Apartments For Rent S7 Ltbor Depsriment's local otflge KITTENS 4 WBIK5 OLD, free to iRICK,STONE, CONCRETB, Sun., Mgy 21, for meri iniormatlBn> The JALOUSIED Windows (?) 31 In, x — Z5.J2.97 good home, litter Box trained, 417- ^LASTIRINO. SyCCESi STORY! agdrtst Is: 58, used, 1150. or %Ji ea. 687.7134. i»6J or 617-7449, UNION - - K5S2 CALL 354.7006 of isl-MI March JO, 1974 'in »ro.d It., Room Hi. —— — R 5-20-16. R 6,1.63 1 room apartment, Jnd floor, hejt Ntwtrk, H.J. • or TeltphsM KITCHEN SETS "I", five piece "Dear Sirs: i hot yJai»i' supplied", Avjiiabie MI l]7t or MM>71, modern with round table. Also • DOS GROOMING-AH breeds, : RELIABLE MASON, specializing j Snclajtd is payment for au'ln June ^Ist. Convenient to piece maple set with formica top. Satisfaction guaranteed or your I in brick, block Mnerete," patios, your Irvington Herjid and >h» transportation, call after J PM. Six teBle lamps, ena tables, clipping.11—. s returned...—-. ,.Fre e pick-up~...... _ .i srdewalks, Free esflmates 374, SuBurbanalr*. Thank you so much MIO320. uphsistered eiuE chair; all in 771S or 371.0014. Our aeartmtnt has been rented — — Z 52297 defivery. 61663)7. from an ad in the Herald. Thanks Join in our excilient eonaifion. Sacrifice —— ——? R 610.14 ——- R J.JO.43 VAtLiaURS ~! prices. Call Bob, 376.3446 4 rooms, tile bath, heat i. hot water Bi-Cantennial — •—• • R J« Painting I Ptpertiinginj || ills. d Celebration... LIVING ROOM . Section*!, l?"4 3711100 PRICBISUASHID z s-20 »7 drapes dsuBle width, folding I WANTED TO Sincerely, dining table w.pads, other misc. on all exterior k interior j also trim work, carpentry. Fr«e estimates, Mr, A.M,,lrvin9ton'' Apartments Wanted II Fly 964.9370. 17 fully insured. Call now—save on 1 " —— Ksao Minting your home, 373.4420, Mr, LANDLORDS LIONEL TRAINS.Pay at least Daly, We can help you rent your vacant working mother s. 9 yr oia the LOS! WEIGHT $200, ea, for engines No, 40i, 311,9, WITH NEW SHAPE TABLBTS apartments to desirable tenants, daughter desire small apartment, 400 fi,fi, 5344 , TOp pricep s paid for any screened by professionals at no reasonable rent, Irv., Mplwfl or AND HVDRHX WATBR PILLS titrainss . 464 !«?2!«?2, vicinity. Call 37i-s«i9 after & PM At iORO.DRUO.KINILWORTH K.,,.i; ; Roofing 4 Siding 71 cost to you, ireker, — — K5J7 TIM1 BEAUTY Hf-MJ! — —— I5-26-9B TV SETS WANTED WSENZA HOOFING CO. Ne root ing —— —— i iM i room iplrtrflant wanted for MAGNIFICENT ThomsBville Business gentleman, in Miplewood FR!., SAT. I MON. •MAY 21, 22 I 24 ONLY! in your Want Ad. bedrosm s^f; (Queen size bed vy*. PORTAiLE, iLACK i, WHITE I. roof repairs. Leaders 4, Outfers, or vicinity, by June 1st. Call J7J. gold leaf headboard, Armolre 4 COUOR CALL M7.6674. Guaranteid 8, Iniured. Free iELIZABETH (NORTH) 9100, Bit. JJ4, from i A.M..4 P.M. • • • triple crasser; 2 night tables), 3 — — —— R t f 17 estimates. Call J794197. , ,,,. J rooms plus laundry room, heat i ———— I 520.91 Adds only 4 lints gold IMf will lamps; wall mirror, TOY TRAIN! 1 TROLLIYS hot water supplied. Adults MOTHER J, working diughter bargain price . Jiooo, sofa - SMO. WANTED, HIGHEST CASH II preferred. Security, 354.9111, seeking 40 or 5 rooms, by July lit, to your ad but II- 381 4699 PAID! CALL 467006S, — ZS,JJ»7 Irvington Center area, reaunsble — — — R 55217 Him YOUHWANTAD — — R5 22 HILLSIDE rent, 3?9.«7], Adds a lot to Near Union S. Irv. lines, beautiful — —^— Z5.10.9S ""'IB KASY TO P luxury 4rm. apt,; j tile baths, with decorator wallpaper, House For Rtnt your readership. science" kit,, central air, wall to 101 „„, ,,, JUST PHONE ;;;;;;: vyall carpeting, garage, laundry Call your "Ad-visor «t I rm., UK mo. Avail, July 1. 944, SPRINGFIELD mil 686-7700 Him 1J09, t> room house, 1 bedrooms, den, 686.7700 toll Ask for 'Ad Taker' and mni new kitchen & bath, MM mo + 1 — — Z5.JO.f7 mo, security, July 1, 376 MM after IIMI she will help you with a nun IRVINGTON h PAft. 3Vi newly decorated extra large mil Result Getter Want Ad, HUH rooms, modern eat-lnkitchen,heoi supplied. $3U month. Immediate Resins For Rent occupancy. Near transportation. 102 • Your "KHIHT AD" MB bi *• J7JD31S, — Z S.20-97 FurnlitiM feom for Italian Plan new speaKinC^usTnett—fentteman—In IRVINOTOW private hom», wltn or without J "STAR I to step up 3-3V2 RM. APTS, meals. References required. Por Choice upper Irv, aces; new difiiis call M7.234), 48 Months Financing your cabinet kitchens with appliances, -—— — IS2J1BJ J * * • J modern tile baths, nf wly MAPLBWOOO future decorated, !H5 to 1220 montti. Pleasant furnished room, llaht N..'76 RABBITS Enroll MOW Security t. reftrmee required, caeMne.; bleck to bos. i» |ef } STRUCK" j l«Qr Courses In Csli; week. References, 761-4548. J o«ln »xtr« ntuntlon for your* Century 21 '^ clmifHd ad by liking your , IRVIN8TON (Upper) jA'-Ad.vlwr" fe pl«c» t tt«r »t)f Immediate Delivery! PMS Realty Co., Inc. Mature gentiimah, modem room *Mh» tep, itirt ctnta B I 3732287 k Bath, kitchen facilities, private ,Aln Mint, 4.|ln. or Mini entrants, 05 week or tlK mo: ~(Spt itihRIM bilow). IRVINOTON Z i. 18.97 References, a?Jlj?f. Modern, . .i\ ipwinn unrksliiip lu'Kins lui'sil.i\ i27 22111 "It.ipid HejcIinR" is .1 1(1 session course Heniiia Carlson. viee- ,111 opportunity 10 disi u-1 Ihi-ir own 1 iHii.itmiuil him' 1! and will nii'iM finin 'I id In noon (UliiT C'tinlinuint; Friue.ilioii cnurse<» ini'ludr uhiili emphiisi?es readme spued ,ind i-f prrsidont unrt co-founder of SLIPPERS, BRAS plans Mnr\ Sl.iMtt itwrdm ilm «l n-rtilit .ition M.ihcr .in I W tnun-rim is llu" in ,1 C" I' A Hi Mew ("nurse " which will offer id ficieiuy Progress \t, evaluated thrnugh the orgnniKation. will diHcuss programs .it Kr.iii will mstruil 1I11-. nrkslitip stiuilni rhi'diMilhili" Im ii|iisti.ilinii i-i limi" hnui ^ nt intensified review of prohleni^ on st,inil.ircli7i-d tests The course will inei't on proposed icMislation to protect 1 nonNii)i)kei*H TiJf'ri.iN*. nnri Ihursriiv-- finm ( In 'I pm I 11 IMS nf ,iti inintini presi-ntt tl in tin* Amcncui Mnml.iv-. ind Ihursd.ivs lieHmninK lune 28 lul\ J7 llu- Ire i-- M'I iryi li ihcin An •i-.siThM' training sunk Imp * I he Ki|;hl from 7 «l to 'I '10 p 111 The fee is $ri0 The meeting is open to the In Hi1 'SHU ' is siliri'tihii Im ••ix \W"rini"Nrl,i\ registration deadline is .June 1H public. Refreshments will be Clearance nininun's Miirtini; Junr 'I limn 'I Ml In 'I ill 'lhi' lSirentenmal Vacation rollegp ' ,luh ft served, 'Ms.' editor to address i in\ Ann 1'nrnin.inii in t"\ K ' oiinsWni [lirnuj!h 17 will offei participants an op \\\\\ hi" the mMi in tin Thi' r("|!is(riitiiiii rir.Hllini1 pcirtunits tn I'uperienee thr tolimial era 111 IMIYEAKSACO Bloomfield graduates i- him- • loi" is $4n 1 New lerse> The tost nf Sl'fi in- In April, 1878, Thomas A. Gloria SU'iiiiMii iclilnr uf M, ni.iK I/IIH \ »i\ si"-sinn .issi rli\i" Ir ninny wmkslmp foi clude a romii in air t nnditmnrd dnrniiturieh, KdiKOn npened his lahoralory 1 L for organized Industrial PEARL LEVITT «ill .idrirt",*. (hi- Hlnomfpi'lri rnllrgi 1 omimimls Miimi'n ,mri mt'ii Ilu-Ncw V ITIIM" 1111 als tours recreation lectures, workshops .mil M.m will h,i\i ils hrsl of six srsMuri- .im) I'nliTl.jjnnient This vacitiiiii c\pLTiene e research in Monln Park, N.j, 410 RIDGEWOOD ROAD - MAPLEWOOD. N.j. 07040 ,il its imrd .in' tomiiirmcim nl M.n J'l il — birlhplaee of the first in- J p in on Ilii' ( olliRi- 1 ilu,ir\ I,,iwn lhmsdas .luni" HI frmii T ill In'I «l p m llii- 111,1V also lie i-njiiM.'d bv tho,c who want to )om Hours: 12:30 to 4:30 Call 762-9710 r unikshnp is ck"si(2iu!l fi)i wuini'ii .inri 1111*11 I" all pl.iiim-d .lLlmtir*- including lunch but candescent light bulb. \pprn\iin iti'h li i nr.uiiuitwj; -finm will 1 riiciM- thi" huliilm of .ut di-cii'i1 prnmnti" I hi" .is'-iTliM i xpri'"-siini of lei'lings uilhiiut lireakfosts, dinners or Induing .it ,i fee nt $Uri I ur information atniut Rapid Heading, the Family Day IT'A Hi view rourstfand the Vai atiun t'ollege, All Wrapped Up ri.iili-rs nni> tonlact the (Hiice nf Continuing In Your Garden? at museum Education at 127 216) OMEGA Tilt' Miiutclnii' Art Do Some will hold its minimi Family iJny-Art School outdoor Stamp, coin sales exhibition, ;i festival nf ac Cultivating: llvitips that lakes placo on the on May calendar Museum grounds ami Three stamp and coin showN are planned this Too! ihrouchout tiu1 tsallerii'S. on month by the Central Jersey Stamp & Coin Saturday, Juni1 s. from I to 4 Kxehango. Admission to all events is free. 14K gold-filled yellow ENROLL NOW p. in, Shows are scheduled this Sunday from 111 top, gtainlos!) steel back Ciiftiionisl Kay Knto will dn STEPS DOWN ~ Thomas F. Grimley of a.m. to !i p.m. at the Roman Inn, lit, .(fi-IVtirth, watch, water-resistant, portrait skftches nf the Hazlet, and next Sunday, May 30, from 10 a.m. In Union College's Weiffi«ld has r«tlr»d fls exKutive io 4:31) p.m. at the Ramnda Inn, M Valley rd, matching integral visitors. An (iwnrri-winninn vie«-preiident ol the AmerieQn Cancer bracelet, -ifunftion 1976 SUMMER Him, "Siamps, A Nation's (at Garden State Parkway Exit 135), Clark. L.E.D, CiillinB Cards." will bo shown Society's New j^Hsey Division, Special iiuctions will he held In conjunction NON-CREDIT COURSES in I ho American Indian Orimley ioined the division 27 years with both. Gallery. ndjoininn the ago and hoi headed the »toff for th» Further information on nil programs may be FOR ADULTS exhibition of historic stomps post 16 years. obtained by calling Larry Liebowitz, asi-lfiSI. in the Little Gallery, A WIDE SELECTION OF OFFEREES demonstration of spinning piveti by Nora Wort?, will ho ;i Archbishop THIS OFFER FINE ARTS - Creative Druwinu, Latttiscapi* Punit- feature of the folk arts iiie. Oil pjimim;. Suiitwd Glass Workshop. Vncai demonstrations on the lawns will speak DOUBLE THE VALUE Technique Workshop. MANAGEMENT - Practical OP MANUFACTURER CENTS OFF COUPONS AND THIN SAVE YOU AN Aioouming. Principles 01'Management. Speak Up In the case nf roin, all ac- Most Rev, Peter I.. Gerety. STILL and Express Your Ideas, Understanding Compu- tivities will move indoors to Archbishop of Newark, will ters. PSYCHOLOGY • Mind Dynamics. Nesv Hori- the museum naileries and deliver the keynote address at GOING /11ns lot the Formerly Married, Transaciiiinal studios. Admission IN free. The the BSih annual St. Peter's Analysis, GENERAL INTEREST - Calligraphy, public is invited to attend. College commencement ADDITIONAL 2' OFF Greenhouse Curdenin^, Indoor Gardening, Prepar- exercises, Sunday, May M, nt STRONG! Jfim! tor S.A.T.. Rapid Reading. Tennis and 3 p.m., in Roosevelt Stadium, ON EACH COUPON Principles o( Real Hsiatc. Hospital to hold Jersey City, Thli OHsr it BOOd only lar the term specified and doet not apply to ony FUJI. VAUIV MiB or any RETAILER COUPONS or where !h totBl would exceed f ha Brits of the item, Cigareiloi. milk and liquor net included in f hi* offer, open house day Archbishop Gerety, who o SPECIAL FEATURES: Creative Learning Vacation in was installed as the third Rockport. Mass.. also exciting day trips to Sterling Open house will he held at Marlboro Psychiatric Archbishop of Newark in 1974. Foresi. Valley Forge. Backstage on Broadway and will be among four dignitaries Behind the Scenes at the Waldorf. Hospital. Monmouth fYiunty, who will receive honorary on Thursday. May 27 The degrees from .St. Peter's Cool - Convenient - Informal - Economical programs will include u slide during graduation presentation on the hospital, H ceremonies. lour and a visit to the arts and REGISTER Mondays thru Fridays, crafts building, The other honorary degree recipients; include Donald S. 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. af MacDonald Hair Registration and tours will MncNaughton. chairman ol We've become prouder and prouder of our rood Supermarket. . . . they on Union College'! Cranford Campus originate from the auditorium the board and chief executive (parkla more with an effervastont display of CFJIB, frmh merchandjie priced building lit H nnri 10 a.m.. 1 and officer, the Prudential GROCERIES to gull ths wort CQUIIOUJ buyer, Ysi, we're proud that <»n thli Anniveriary, we GROCERIES Insurance Co, of America; son offer our modern doy version of a Supermarket that hoi not forgoilon the 2 pm touch of the eld "GOLD" tueh at warm friendly Service and a religious de- heart specialis! Dr. Thomas J dication to Variety, Quality and Cloanllnon. DELICIOUS CLASSES BEGIN JUNE 14 ATOMIC UllOWTH White. M.ti,, rind Helen Roeh m, director of Boehm por- To*, WsltomB to Valley fair , elwayt your Home of National Brandt at Nuclear power is expected MARCAL Discount Prices. GREEN GIANT to provide nqarly half n celain art studios. For Full Details million megawatts of elec- TOILET TISSUE MEATS OF 200% CORN NIBLETS mi tricity in 1994, or about n third DISTINCTION PHONE 276-2600 of the total U.S. electrical AADA wins GUArUNTIlD! generating capacity at that Pack of Extensions 238 or 239 time, the Federal Power NHC 'sea 4 rolls Commission says. The Muscular Dystrophy Orange or Craps lAf* Association (MDA) has ngain i lw received the "seal of ap- Qe proval" of the National Health Hi C Drinks -- ' Coca Coli »3r| Council for meeting the NHC'M 0ro9n C#/enf Long Grain 0%Rfk standards of performance. Erie Stoll, president of MDA'ss Green Beans ^«^ Carolina Rice - 2 Northern New .Jersey Green Qfmni Chapter, announced this Nabiita'i • week. "After n through evaluation Green Beans *"-• Cherry NytSuprsK of our activities," Stoll said, "the National Health Council Burry-«_Beif. BAQ has included MDA among its Green Giant Peas ZS approved voluntary health Dslleloui 59 agencies for lOTfl, ASSORTED Jerry Baker, "The NHC's stringent Ritz Crackers OU4T BUYI Amtriea'f Master Gardener, criteria for membership reeommtndl this varsatile provide the best existing guide 9 LIVES ALL PURPOSE soil conditioner highly. for prospective contributors to evaluate the research and GAT FOOD patient services programs, as HANDIWIPES well as the fund raiginn effortn of the association. USDA USDA "We're proud that our financial responsibility and 6 99 CHOICE CHOICE the integrity and eifeetivenesK of our programs have FROZEN FOODS DAIRY DELIGHTS received this WhlloHoiB acknowledgement," Potatoes 2EZ®& Student choirs Snow Crop Works like fo give concert Orange Juice ' A concert will be presented by the choirs of Bernards High c millions of School under the direction of Fr^d Chicken Joseph Rademacher, Sunday Family S)(s i N,Y. Yankee Franlcs tiny hoes at 4 p.m. at St. Mary's Church, Colonial !«•• Delbarton, Morristown. Apps Lasagne CHICKEN, Btir sr TURKIV N.Y.Yankee Bologna SOlafy'FAlsBey.Delbarton; Prmmium is'located three miles wcit of MorriJtown on Route 24, MORTON'S Admiigion will be II, DINNERS MINTBW, ATTENTION! Sell BEEF BONELESS « OTI DELICIOUS yourself to over 16,000 famlliM Just work Lawn & Garden Gypsum vvlth s lom-tott Want Ad, Call mi. WHOLE BOTTOM 1071 WHOLE into your garden and watch the results. J700, OR EYE ROUNDS -I | FRESH HA This remarkable natural soil conditioner loosens tight clay soil, lets air-7i sulfate sulfur and available gypsum In winter, are now an all year- Hanta) A aratal round fabric... in (act, we stock Homo Mods 4 Ifi calcium, too. Get a few bagsJoday 6 colors, and about 15 different widths and lenoihs in the store Llverwurst to get growing fast. at all times which makes your Antipasto Salad - • decorating problems simple. Alptbnrg "Whmal" We also carry rnntchlno Srollo Sharp *'"* 4| Att valances and festoons and a large selection of plain and ITEMS ON SALE decorative rods. Swiss Cheese -•- Domestic Provolofl • "Where Personal Service thru SAT. MAY 22nd HP W. Biyil nimi ib. .1,1,1 it limit IM Cost! You Nothing Extra" a natural •niunl «l II.m, ..,h (uillinw May nrdWH Ns* r* fpsitilkls tar typsf tmn M«! mi !««*• CHEUKMSOH/l$mN conditioner The for clav soil UNION UNITED STATES GYPSUM Curtain Bin SRVINGTON BUILBINQ AUEHIC* SPRINGFIELD AVENUE lO&StuyvejintAve. OPEN DAILY 'til 10 P.M. CHANCELLOR AVENUE UNION . 686-5015 SUNDAYS 'til 6 PM, VALLEY FAIR OPIN DAILY HI 10 P.M. SUNDAYS 'til 6 CM,

tfyTjsvitf^^^ t,,f. ^,j».