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Minutes of Georgeham Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 20 December 2016 in Georgeham Village Hall at 7pm.

Chaired by: Councillor J Symonds Clerked by: Sue Squire

Present: Councillors Agenda: - Representations from the public Mrs A Benham-Clarke Apologies Mrs V Meek Declarations of Interest J Symonds Approval of the Minutes of 24 November 2016 M Taffinder Reports Planning PCSO D Kingdon Matters Arising 7 Members of the public Finance Correspondence / Notices & Publications Received Urgent matters brought forward by the Chairman Matters raised by Councillors/Clerk appropriate to the Parish not previously covered at this meeting Date of next meeting

Action: 91. Representations from the public. 91.1 CARA Meeting. It was felt that the Parish Council Chairman came over very well at this meeting.

91.2 Representative in respect of Application 62260 - Siting of one electrical distribution box at land off of Stentaway Lane, who was heard immediately before the Application was considered.

92. Apologies. Councillors Mrs P Barker, P Mackintosh, M Harrison, E Short, R Tucker, County Councillor Mrs C Chugg from whom Christmas wishes were sent, District Councillor M Wilkinson also from whom Christmas wishes were sent, PCSO D Kingdon.

93. Declarations of Interest. Councillor Symonds declared a Prejudicial Interests in Minute No. 98.3 Finance. Cheque for Bay Gardens, the proprietor being his Son.

94. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 November 2016. Approved and signed as a correct record.

95. Reports: 95.1 Police. Ahead of the meeting, PCSO Kingdon who thought he would be able to attend and report there were no crimes, had to leave due to an incident.

95.2 County Councillor Mrs C Chugg. When giving her apologies, a written Report was sent covering drainage work at Caen Street, ; social care; broadband; schools; NHS cuts at NDDH.

95.3 District Councillors. Apologies sent.

95.4 Play Area Inspection: On behalf of Councillor Mrs Barker, Councillor Symonds confirmed all was in order at Play Park & Croyde Skateboard & Scooter Park.

On behalf of Councillor Mackintosh, Councillor Symonds confirmed all was in order at Georgeham Play Area.

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There had been a site meeting between Councillors Symonds and Mackintosh to identify the location for the Ladybird Springer piece of play equipment to be installed in the new year.

A Locality grant form and Community Councillor grant form in respect of funding for the total cost of this item had been submitted to DCC from County Councillor Mrs Chugg’s funding and North Council from District Councillor Wilkinson’s funding.

95.5 Meetings attended by Councillors / Clerk. Councillors Symonds and Mrs Meek had attended the CARA (Croyde Area Residents Association) meeting which was informative, interesting, constructive and well run. A funding letter is expected to be received from the group to the Parish Council. Councillor Symonds advised the group had been wound up and remaining funding passed to the Parish Council on the proviso that this was used in Croyde as part of the Parish. Councillor Symonds had advised that this money had mainly been used on seats for Croyde Play Area and funding to dredge the stream in Croyde. Consideration would be given to any request on receipt of the letter.

95.6 Neighbourhood Plan. Councillor Mrs Meek was hoping to arrange meeting with the Strategic Planning Officer of Council in January. The draft document will be prepared together with the landscape assessment and parts from the Local Plan. A summary of residents wishes would be included.

96. Planning: 96.1.1 Matters Arising.

Application 60898 – Myrtle and Mitchums Meadow Campsite, Moor Lane, Croyde. Email from the Planning Officer advising that an amended plan had been received in respect of this Application. As part of the proposal an Orchard/Wildflower Meadow is proposed instead of the previous grazing land to the front of the site. The applicant has stated that this land could be transferred to the Parish

and that they would be willing to make a financial contribution of £12,000 to the Parish for the maintenance/upkeep of this land. Not to prejudice any views the Parish Council may have to the overall acceptability of the proposal, in the event of a planning approval, the Parish Council’s views are requested as to whether it would be

willing to take on this land.

Councillor Symonds reminded Councillors that the previous Application had been refused and asked for Councillors views, who were all of the same opinion.

There was a proposal to respond as follows: ‘We add nothing to and take nothing from our Clerk previous response of the previous Application’. There was a seconder. Unanimously agreed.

Mr John Woodward advised that to clarify, the Parish Council was being asked a hypothetical question. Councillor Symonds informed that this Parish Council would not respond to a hypothetical question. It does not fit into the emerging plan and was not put forward as a site in the Parish.

96.1.2 Application 60700 – Residential Development, Croyde Road. Email from the Planning Officer specifically regarding the formal crossing facility required which the Parish Council had previously confirmed it is happy with. At the Planning Committee, this Application was resolved to be approved subject to the signing of a

S106 and for details of a formal crossing facility to be provided. The Minutes of the Committee require the Local Highway Authority, Ward Member, Parish and Council to be happy with the crossing facility.

The Planning Officer had provided an amended plan of the proposed crossing facility, which has come about through further discussions with the Local Highway Authority as to its required specifications.

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Confirmation from the Parish Council was requested that it is happy with the proposed crossing facility. It was understood that the Ward Member and Local Highway Authority are in agreement with the facility as proposed on the submitted plan.

It was noted that the Committee Minutes require only acceptance to the proposed crossing facility and to no other matter relating to the proposed residential development including associated planning obligations which have previously been debated by Members and considered to be acceptable. The decision taken relating to the crossing facility had to be made on its own planning merits and not subject to any other matter.

There had been numerous meetings with the applicant in connection with the Section 106 Agreement.

This item was deferred for a meeting in early January so that dialogue with District Councillor Mrs Meeting Barker can be held as Councillors felt the benefit of her guidance would be beneficial. in January 96.2 Planning Applications. Clerk 61969 Retrospective application for extension & alterations to dwelling (amended drawings) at Dunedin, Croyde. There was a proposal to respond as follows: We are not at ease that we understand what the amendments are and that we cannot make a consultee response. We would like you to furnish the Parish Council with the exact details so that a decision can be made at the next meeting. There was a seconder. Unanimously agreed. 62143 Erection of 3 holiday lodges in connection with the Riding School business at Higher Roylands Riding Stables, Croyde. It was resolved to recommend approval. 62198 First floor extension to dwelling at Woodstock, Croyde. It was resolved to recommend approval. 62213 Demolition of existing & erection of new dwelling at Marigold Cottage, Croyde. It was resolved to recommend approval.

Applications received after the Agenda was sent.

61690 First floor extension to pub to create additional kitchen area (amended plans & ownership certificate) at Kings Arms, Chapel Street, Georgeham. It was resolved to recommend approval. 62260 Siting of one electrical distribution box at land off of Stentaway Lane, Putsborough. Mr A Gordon-Lee addressed the meeting on behalf of the applicant advising there had been a lot of misunderstanding about whether the box was under permitted development rights carried out by Western Power Distribution or if it was the landowner. The Application had been made due to the Appeal and Enforcement Notice and it was felt better to make another Application. Mr Gordon-Lee continued by saying it was really so objectionable having removed 6 poles across the skyline and a similar effect at Down End, so that one small distribution box that could have gone on a pole would have been permitted development rights. The applicant wishes to exercise his 28 day camping right. If he went for a full campsite it would involve a big highway input. A little prefabricated hut which holds the Western Power Distribution switching gear and distribution panel has to be that size to comply with ever increasing health and safety rules. The agent has a meeting with Western Power Distribution and Planning Manager to discuss objectors’ comments. The Applicant deals with moving the distribution box over the top of the skyline so that

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it cannot be seen by other properties which is an attempt to address the concerns and any other fears are not relevant to this Application. A huge improvement had been made by removing the 6 poles, paid for by the applicant for which no credit has been given. Mr Gordon-Lee felt the Application was within permitted development rights but felt it was better to submit an Application rather than risk a High Court action.

Councillor Symonds recalled the historical details. There was an Appeal that was dismissed that was not complied with. Councillor Symonds questioned whether moving the box by 30 metres was a solution. The Application refers to 28 day development rights, should it be removed after that time?

Councillors were invited to give their views.

Councillor Mrs Meek remarked that after the 28 day permitted development, why was it there in the first place and why would the applicant go through all the fuss? Councillor Mrs Meek was of the opinion that it seemed disproportionate for 28 day camping rights to move the box and poles against the likely gain.

Mr Gordon-Lee advised there was a continuing argument that it is in Western Power Distribution rights. The new Application to move the box was so that it would not be on the skyline. No one was disputing the fact of the Planning Inspector’s decision. The issue of why the box has to be there is due to health and safety. It is not on the pole because there is an earthing issues. The box was put there for 28 day camping rights. The Planning Inspector had directed that a bund should be made to hide the box and the applicant had met with Western Power Distribution to move it over the skyline.

Councillor Symonds noted that the proposal was to put the box in an Area of Outstanading Natural Beauty on the highest point, 30 metres to the North West as a permanent feature.

Councillor Mrs Meek recalled that produce has never been planted in that field and effects are made that items are not left in the field for the rest of the year.

There was a proposal to recommend refusal on the grounds that the electrical distribution box should not be there at all. There was a seconder. Vote: 3. Carried to refuse. 1 abstention.

62289 Removal of Condition 3 (occupancy restriction) attached to Planning Permission 19832 (erection of horticultural workers dwelling) to allow the dwelling to be occupied by non horticultural worker at North Buckland Nurseries, North Buckland. A deferral to be requested as Councillors wished to speak to District Councillor Mrs Barker for further guidance which was felt to be beneficial.

96.3 The following North Devon Council Decision Notices were noted: APPROVALS – 61777 – Erection of two polytunnels at Milkaway Meadow, Milkaway Lane, Croyde. 62088 – Extension to dwelling at Brookmans House, Putsborough Road, Georgeham. 62003 – Change of use from Class A1 with A3 as subservient to Class A3 with A1 as subservient at The Stores, Ty-Nant, 1 St Mary’s Road, Croyde. 62140 – Extension to dwelling at Sands, 7 Myrtle Farm View, Croyde.

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61765 – Removal of Condition 3 (Holiday Occupancy) attached to Planning Permission 55837 to allow for use as full time residential at Hazel Spar, St Mary’s Road, Croyde.

REFUSAL – 61293 – Erection of three dwellings (amended plans) at land at Croyde Road (B3231)(West of Little Bias) Croyde.

96.4 The following Certificate of Lawful Use or Development had been granted: The siting and use of a mobile home on land for recreational, rather than residential purposes (storage and music rehearsals) – the field adjacent to, and to the west of, the Hideout, Forda, Braunton, EX33 1JG.

96.5 It was noted that North Devon Council did not consider it expedient to make a Tree Preservation Order in respect of the following: Notification of works to trees in a Conservation Area in respect of removal of one Sycamore tree at Perrymans Cottage, Georgeham.

96.6 The following Appeal was noted: Planning Application 60922 - Part retrospective application for conversion of outbuilding to form one x three bedroom dwelling – The Old Chicken Shed at May Cottage, Georgeham. The Appeal commenced on 14/12/16. Any further representations received must reach the Planning Inspectorate by 18/1/17. At the May 2016 meeting, the Parish Council recommended refusal on the grounds of the dangerous additional vehicular access to the site, given that it is on an extremely dangerous bend on the busy Georgeham to Braunton road. Councillors agreed there was nothing to add to these comments.

96.7 Enforcements. 8721 - Stentaway Lane, Croyde. Planning Application 62260 had been received and considered earlier in the meeting.

9199 - Milkaway Lane, Croyde. Legal Services is dealing with prosecution action. Copy correspondence was noted from a parishioner and the following reply had been sent by the Enforcement Officer: ‘As you are aware an Enforcement Notice (9199) was issued in respect of the two earlier built buildings which should have been complied with in June 2016. The Notice was not complied with. I have now obtained authority to prosecute the landowner for failing to comply with the Notice and am currently preparing Prosecution Instructions for Legal Services. The hearing is likely to be some time in February 2017.

With reference to the third building this is in fact a caravan and Enforcement Notice (10154) was issued on 10 November 2016 requiring its removal. This Notice took effect on the 12 December 2016 and the owner of the land has 3 months to comply with this Notice.

10151 - Baggy Lodge, Croyde. The Enforcement Team continues to investigate the concerns raised.

10047 - Caravan at Darracott. The Enforcement Officer had confirmed he would be requiring the removal of the caravan and some changes to the building on site to ensure no breach of planning control. When the caravan has been removed and the changes have been made to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority, the Parish Council will be updated. This could take up to 3 months.

10110 – land West & North of Heather Down Cottage, Croyde. A site visit has been scheduled by an officer for the beginning of the new year.

Enforcement Numbers 8721 and 9199. The Parish Council had sought officers’ comments as to the reason it is not willing to engage in any further correspondence with two residents, specifically in

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respect of the Stentaway Lane enforcement and the Milkaway Lane enforcement. The email had been acknowledged advising the Department intends to respond to the request but could not guarantee it will be in time for this meeting.

97. 97.1 Matters Arising:

97.1.1 Tree on Georgeham Village Green. Councillor Symonds reported the area is outside

the Conservation Area. A tree surgeon had advised that the base of the tree is rotting from the middle up. The decision was taken to fell the tree and clear the site. The logs as a result of the felling will be left on site for residents to use in woodburners. The remainder of the trees at the site would be dealt with as the tree surgeon saw fit.

97.1.2 Croyde Stream Dredging. It was noted that Mr Gibbs had been informed of the Parish Council’s support and the offer of a financial contribution up to £1,000.

It was further noted that the Clerk was instructed to inform the Environment Agency of

the proposals who replied this was the remit of the Flood Department at DCC. Councillor Symonds advised he had twice tried to make contract with a member of the Department, without success. 97.1.3 Footpath across Croyde Village Green. Councillor Symonds was awaiting a second Jan quotation. Agenda

97.1.4 Sand and Sand Bags. Councillor Symonds confirmed sand bags have been ordered. 97.1.5 New Fence for Croyde Play Park. Councillor Symonds was awaiting a second Jan quotation. Agenda

97.1.6 Undergrounding of cables – Western Power Distribution. The Wayleave had been signed and returned by both parties with a copy for the Parish Council file.

An email had been received from North Devon Council Environmental Health advising

that the remaining two cars had been removed by their contractor. The Vauxhall Astra van was also about to be taken but the owner appears to have moved it again. There is now a red Renault with smashed windows. The Environmental Health Officer will repeat the process of removal in respect of this vehicle which is parked in the area that will be open for general car park use.

It was noted that the road closure at Caen Street, Braunton which conflicted with the Chapel Street Georgeham road closure had been rearranged with the new arrangements being a reduced road closure from 12 weeks to 6 weeks, avoiding any conflict with the

WPD works in Georgeham and will reduce the impact on the local community. A full road closure will be in place from 20 February to 31 March with an unavoidable reduced road width with traffic signal control for the remainder of the works.

97.1.7 Heavy vehicles using the Heddon Mill Road. Councillor Symonds would be collecting JS the signs tomorrow. 97.1.8 Cemetery – Plot D. Councillors Symonds advised that further thought had been given regarding a path through Plot E and it was felt this was not necessary.

It was noted that Mr R Byrom, L Clarke and Son, Funeral Directors had been advised of the developments.

Plot C has a tapered area at the edge and it was felt that this could be used for the laying to rest of Ashes. All cremated remains to be marked with a tablet or headstone to give clear guidance as to the plots which have been used. 97.1.9 RMB Chivenor. It was noted that a letter of support from this Council has been sent to the Secretary of State for Defence.

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98. Finance. 98.1 Balances: The Bank Statements had not been received in the post. The following balances

were taken from the ‘view only’ facility of internet banking and a copy printed for Councillors to see. Lloyds Bank Treasurers Account as at 20/12/16: £49,142.74 Lloyds Bank Business Banking Instant Access Account as at 20/12/16: £3,050.77

Budgetary figures for November 2016 were tabled.

98.3 The following payments were approved and authorised:

Mrs S Squire Broadband 3.00 Clerk

Photocopying 15.75 Mileage expenses (7 months) 119.70 Reimbursement for NDC Business Rates 44.00 £182.45 Ch.No.391

(original cheque not received and the final month’s payment also paid) A direct debit form has been received for Councillors to agree this payment method for 2017/18 to prevent a recurrence of this

situation. Proposed by Councillor Symonds, seconded by Councillor Mrs Benham- Clarke and unanimously agreed. Ch.No.392 Mr S Wightman December 2016 Invoice. Groundworks. £909.00 J & J Bins Dog Bin Emptying for December 2016 £121.33 Ch.No.393

North Devon Council November Salary Recharge £907.79 Ch.No.394 Mr T Squire Servicing of Georgeham Toilets (Dec 2016) £82.50 Ch.No.395

Mr T Squire Maintenance of the website (May - December £37.44 Ch.No.396 2016) (not 2015 & 2016 as per the Agenda

Bay Gardens 4th payment grass cutting maintenance £730.00 Cllr Symonds declared a contract Ch.No.397 Prejudicial Interest and was instructed by Cllrs

to sign this cheque Georgeham Village Hire of Hall for meetings during 2016 £235.00 Ch.No.398 Hall

Mr J Symonds Reimbursement for sundry items. Not A cheque will be included for payment on the issued. January Agenda for Cllr R Tucker. EDF Energy Electricity charge at car park to be taken on D/D £71.53 16/12/16

EDF Energy Electricity charge at public toilet and bus D/D £83.71 shelter taken on 6/12/16

99. Correspondence & Publications Received. No publications had been received. Emails from various Organisations had been circulated to Councillors.

99.1 DCC. The Clerk advised that DCC Highways would pay the Parish Council the sum of £230 as a contribution towards grass cutting in Croyde and Georgeham. Proposed by Councillor Symonds to accept this. Seconded by Councillor Mrs Meek. Clerk Unanimously agreed.

99.2 Mrs S Hood. Email from DCC Highway Operations Control Centre to all Snow Wardens. Mrs Hood had enquired if anyone had taken on the role. This was deferred to the January meeting. In the meantime, Mrs Hood to be asked what was involved. Clerk Councillor Taffinder was willing to take care of the North Buckland area.

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Training would be involved.

99.3 South West Highways. Road closure at Longland Lane, Georgeham on 11-12 January 2017 for patching works. The Clerk had made the company aware of the Western Power Distribution road closure in Chapel Street, Georgeham throughout January and into February and has been advised that nearby road closures are always checked before any work is organised.

99.4 Kier. Road closure at St Mary’s Road, Croyde. The dates had been amended from 27/2/17 – 1/3/17 to 4/4/17 – 7/4/17.

99.5 DCC. Email regarding bus services around , and . The service continues as Service 21. The Monday to Saturday daytime frequency to Ilfracombe will be reduced from every 20 minutes to every half-hour. The Monday to Saturday daytime frequency between Braunton, Barnstaple and Bideford will be reduced from every 10 minutes to every 15 minutes.

Times of services to Croyde and Georgeham will be altered but the frequency will remain the same. The Croyde and Georgeham service will now be a through service from Bideford and Barnstaple Rail Station with no change of bus required at Barnstaple Bus Station.

100. Urgent matters brought forward by the Chairman. None.

101. Matters raised by Councillors/Clerk appropriate to the Parish not previously covered at this Meeting. None. 102. Date of next Meeting: Thursday, 26 January 2017 in Georgeham Village Hall at 7pm.

The Meeting ended at 8.58pm.

Summary of Decisions: ➢ Minutes of 24 November 2016 ➢ Response in reply to a question in respect of Application 60898 – Myrtle and Mitchums Meadow Campsite, Moor Lane, Croyde. ➢ Planning ➢ Payments ➢ To take on the responsibility of certain areas of grass cutting formerly undertaken by DCC for an agreed amount

These Minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record.

Signed: Date: Chair of Georgeham Parish Council: