de be fired Into the air. The moral support of the PATRIARCHS' BALL. Garmendla. R Mav-» * -. .. SHOWN THE FIRST Rensselaer. Mr «__"Sl OsBatln, Miss Olive Ven TIIK CHURCH ACCEPTS IT OBITUARY. BLOUNT'S PREJUDICE I'nlt*"! state., lt la believed, will be with the an¬ J. Hooker Hamei-aW __T A"hur Twombhr, Mrs. nexation party. The Royalists are more numerous mer. Miss DuUW .iMr' and Mrs* Richard Mortl- than ls generally supposed, and are chiefly British IX DELMOXICO'S RVLL- i.rains v«- ""'v. Hr. and Mrs. Phillp L. Liv- 4'ontlnneil from lassa! Pane. subjects, who are confident that President Cleve-, A MULUANT SCENE ACTION AT LAST ON DE PAXTON'S POSITIVE JAMES C. MIX. land will carry their policy through, and bets ars OF TIIK (.TESTS. freely being made that the Queen will eventually ROOM- SOME RESIGNATION. James C. Mix, the ninnnev>r of tho Manhattan P*- terieg. Resistance '.viii b»' made from behind en- be restored." Delmonico'I ballroom probably never looked more partment of the Bew-Torh Ufa tasaraaes Com¬ trsnehmenta They have no doubt of being able beautiful than it did last night, when died "ii Monday at the furry House, In to hold out sny organised force now la MR. THFHSTON' RECEIVES DISPATCHER attractive and -UV I lill \N mN'. AXION DB* pany, against shell the season was held. TUB WMMt PU! Kia, i. tr.- Islands in tha Bshsma group. tills har'.....-. The ships cannot the first Patriarchs' ball of the ona of 'he property of the San Francisco, Dec. 13..laOrrln A. Thurston, In the room wero more elaborate V"'- TO ASK TIIK Pi* 1.-11*1 ll.i*.V IO PASS Death was duo to a complication of dla.aaas, to premises without destroying to the I'nlted who ar¬ The decorations ton Spcner a 't r* v",Vf;rnP"r CIMBS Hrltlsh and BS well ns the Amer¬ Hawaiian Minister States, were effectively arrunge.! Montgomery H». J. Lee Taller. r-m. ly which Mi MIS had SIMM t> Nassau three Germana a than ever before. They ¦EpAaa-Lrtth.*nd Mrs. James H. Be* k- rAVOBABLT "N* Tin; ki-.ri.*-r-KC-n- ica ns. rived from Washington yesterday, received bundle In keeping with the architectural style man Mr ?.,'.¦*'* &>¦('^rles r, weeba ago, with his wife and daushter, and his of the fo-inell *.n Novem- of this morning which arrived here laat and quite Franck]-, \ .? ,r- Krancklm. Gilbert physician. The funeral will ba held at TerryvUle, "Af fi special session dispatches room. Especially was this true of the gar¬ Koven r i Mr "'*' Mra P. glnald de oignc re-soli norn ron thi*. ber N a demand aras nnd" by a majority nlrxht by tbe steamer Oceanic Mr. Thurston de- of thc .'.rbr''R*Wnson. M's* Eleanor Rob- Conn., robabl) on Monday, strong of tho ellnes to disclose their contents until he haa gone of flowers and greens which were hun** across In-on tami; A,olph H PAS 11 Ul. Mr. Mix was born iii Hartford, <"..nn, sixty-seven of members for Immediate dismissal he also land.** j Victor 2**** n*\en Kh»«. Mr° RETIRED in business service. Minister through them thoroughly, and refused to long mirrors. These garlands, of the Louis XV w,,nV'nfv* PoPM,t Manic-. It. A. Osrd- years ago. He had been the'Insurance ¦Royalists from th** Government discuss the present situation In any way. When the nj F H,r 1'' S$ Th«- of tbe Rev. Kr. John lt. Faa- for ali iut forty vars, and did much t.. bring i tvei *i Damon aroused a strong sntsgonlsm t*> himself were made of Japanese asparagus, Btlldded TUom-,-* F. Cuahlng, MU Edith resignation tli- last seven ya-vs to asked if he would go to Honolulu by the Alameda, period, bushing lit, Kir- 1r. ,*.M George chnn-h a.; an to pr. mlnenee. For the of the rule his an Mr. Thurston said that he waa carnations, pink roses, white carnations l ri V lnA,fl,*:iri. Mr Mri t>.n ns past ir of the West Presbyteries i.e hai been the of the Manhattan De¬ by opposing application befriended sailing Friday, with pink D* l-no an'* ilrs- F. K*T Pendleton. manager d nun department Damon has always as yet unable to give ft definite answer, but would roses, intertwined loosely, and tied at (F vvt'uMr**''"¦ Tuckenian. General wss Anally seo pted last evening by the mem* partment "f th.- New-York Life, ¦ pertinent whit's, but is f. lt now be able to do so later In the day. _:. 1 white and Mrs t \a°-° ^emins which I.- t.ein.|...i. hk .,i!i. .. waa ¦ I No. 3 l'nlon the natives and half probably in an Immense bow was a broad i Kaarny, J. Clinch Smith, hers of his at s meeting held in to in- that sentiment too far. one end vn; ¦_._-" M,M Adele Gardiner, M congregation, Square, In UBI Mr. Mix was married. His wife, carrying arrived here either pink or blue ribbon. In the corners of F HI, lh i ;r',rllner* Mr- snd Mra. Henry the church. The Rev. Or. P. il. Msrllng pre¬ B -'.Il and a .lara l.t. r BUrvlVC him. Tb. BOH is "The Japanese ..miser Kanlws of new, mi I*hTl.Virston V.-ih, Bobei i. Ml iger "f the ..ii tho td io protect th-- Japanese interests the wormam masximo mum, amain. lhe room, and before the windows on the Twer.ty- ir Me. TI:!t:r' rw'H* Aleaander S. sided and Dr, Wilcox "vhs secretary. The of the Life. the and ferns. (*n B- "srne« Reekman Hoff- Manhattan i>.irtment New-York .Tb" Government Issi week informed The llpiitiui -iin.iiie pol. yogaAte, r»\ipp_ro1 on the lida vere pots of palms man w Ti M*'"* was held Immediately after the regular that in port iixth-st. p ^;,07??r, ,-?rn,'s Ml"" Wetmore, lng foreign representatives wsrships st,.' of th.- inlro ThciU- ln-t night al Cv World* lida of the corridor were masses of exotics. H' Charlei Van Renaaelaer II* nnd eras for the should hereafter no armed men f'»r shore e'.thrr pb , ?****¦_ and weehly prayer servt-ce, called T. li. LYMAN. land *>f WtU Pits. Winni ts' Fxrc.sitlon, F-ir'-y-thlrd-st. and I, xlag. of marguerites, plaques of holly and iv ","1 Mr»- A. Caaa Canfield Mr. BISHOP without consent | ,:-,. p ita m'JMrs Williamm"' Mr* Mrs s soi*- of taking some decisive ai n..n on drill flrsi obtaining special tua me. With r.rthnili'ttl movements it th- In-iy. more colored which, with la**"ln, Alexander Webb. Mlaa purpose N. c., Dee, ll.The Rev, Theo¬ ti,.. as su*>h csused alarm. el'1-.terr* of bright flowera, l.f.illse \\ 1,1,, ;..,., charl .tie |:,r:rs. Kui;.-ti- Hlg- Tin- which Raleigh, Right Q ivernment, landings tlian with dam Iii'.' sith ll.e feet, siie tnt/Tjir't rt Um mya. and roses nnd Dr. Paxton's resignation. meeting; dora B. of North Caro¬ Minister willie his cordial approba- of American beauty pink Mr*- ». '¦. Burnett. Mr. and Mi Lyman. Episcopal Bishop expreased '. . ..f tin. Can*-' du to BM weird music of the the ¦bads rn__.i2fn_.raU,,n(J was devoid of excitement, lasted about half an heart tioti of the Government's action." vaMM orchids that filled thc marble slabs nt the \i* ii Hevemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. W. Btorrs lina, died nt his hera this morning of I lr.*. fan ur-iie-tra rros«.|ejr:ed a lr* Turr. The lavender wella"\.Mr- and Mrs. p,. weaver Ma the church, half StttB0 an effect of color laoper, hour, and about 15*8 members of i. ire. lb- had been sk* several Th. twen¬ >. a :itie off the main room bottom of each mirror, produced (.rant. Edward H. Lawrence. Normin de rt. White, days, ],. ri.irp a' .via gtVM lu tie just extremely beautiful. The red room, at the comer nptwe, < harles ,\st..r Kristel, r, Wilie! Van N'eat, of them women, were present, tieth anniversary of hla consecration srai DISPATCHES RECEIVED IV ¦WASHWOTOK. on th- top Hoar. Th.r' trott no policemen pr.-sent and and Tv. which was T *"".'' ***** Mr-. E. N. Taller, read s letter hs bad received brated here and a reception a MM ssdhsMS, of Flfth-.".ve. .nty-sixth-st., r V 'I' Rober! jaffray Sunday, Monday night BTBEKOTB. .any raw people la was t' John T. Wainwright Ml a Lu as ld al i. Till; PROVISIOXAL OOVEBVXEXT- as a small ballroom, entirely without T°XIM,w»d.Mri. Charlea E Bchuvier Rchleffi n, fr .ni Dr, Paxton saying that bis resignation, hui arr.nired Leland.O. Bands, *.f and ths Theodore Benedict was born In Brighton, I*;".'; IfBR ORDERS FOB WILL.g. decoration. John Beresford, X. Thayer Robb, J. H. W. ;i..pted by the Board Trustees Lyman A ll 111 VA LS AT TUE HOTELS. .¦strong. Dr. Mlsi .-, i.n was at Ham- of State and 1'ROillSESr It wss I midnight ball, for lt was fully 12 o'clock Lewis Rutherford Morria ti, musl be to the Presbytery on H November tl, IBS; educated Washington, Dec, ll.Tbe Secretary W, Peck, of chicage. Dexter BHeden, Mr. and Mrs. presented Hi.a coll.-ire and in th. New-Tork Sem¬ "f th" leard from Honolulu fifth AirgWtTB tbe dancing began in earnest, although Hendersoniv.ward Miss Will- ll. letters Theological tire Becretary Navy o. Hubbard, >.f Washington, D. a before Lauterbaeh. Lauterbach, December Other already published inar}*, and waa ordained in IMO In Baltimore by sent way of aiLSBT-Oa-naee and his musicians, who wera BtaUoaed in win Wainwright. Brockholst Putting. Robert a alair* to the morning through telegrams by Him T. TswesBa of Chlcage. Lancer van were slso read. Mr. Jaffray then presented Illshop Whittingham. H. was and Admiral Ir¬ linn OibwbI Jeseyfc balcony, had. by playing several waltzes ami Cortlandt, Mr. and Mra William W. Hopoln, priesthood a year later. Hla Ural charge waa St Ban Francisco lc Minister WtlllS rfOnMftTfPfg gi ftiaator Naries chute, ot Albany. the Mlaa Katharine Hoonln. Mrs, Rutherford Btuyve- letter, ¦written, be said, bj Mra P»*> rema,,, Induced some of the early-comers to take Miss sppereatly John's Church, li *-. stow ii, where ba win. What Mr willis toll Secretary Gresham will VICTORIA.Admiral Mutirlty. gt UM Hrazlllan Navy. polkas, Bant, *rruiCM Havens Ivea I, i.'urcevlrc- or. Paxton, that th'* as rector for ten ...ears In IS- he the secs of the floor. Several round dances and land, Miss Elouiaa J. E. Miss Helen ton and signed by laying accepted remain a secret until th*» l'resident Ht- Kx-Oovernor Alexander H. Rice, of Massa* Davis Davla was Hnal must be a.pted by of Chris Church, Pittsburg, and re¬ probably poaaessloa of lancers were danced before the uallatln. Frank Abbott, Miss Constance Rchleffe- resignation aijd rectorship f.. Ha to flt la make lt tbe medium of t'on- ehasfltta Barara! sets lin. p ii .. church. Dr. Paxton in this letter character¬ mained there a similar period. wenl public through to with c. Baldwin, tr, Mrs. Brayton Ives. Pierre In Iv;**, and .vas .-hleily instrumental In Irwin's to Secretary Her¬ rooms and corri inr began lill people who ¦Jay. Mrs. Janies Harrlman. Miss Alice Darriman. ised the printed report *>f sa nlltr>K'"i Interview and trress. Admiral telegram " establishing the English Church lu Florence It was dated Hono¬ had come In from the opera. hnrles Anpleton. Mr. and Mrs Auguste P. Mon- with him at Bridgevillc as "garbled and taloc.** the American In , During his ab¬ bert was brief but Interesting. The "ynst Trnln" between Nen-Vf ri: mid Boston la tnnf. Arthur Maturln L. Delalleld, int rod und follow¬ chapel and as follows: the "Bar State Limited" of th Shore Lim*, whlcb PRETTY Id.llfTWTF.s. Terry, Logan C Murray then the sence he was elected denn of the Oeneral Theolog¬ lulu, liocernber 4, read F.J.plew treal*. MISS Julia Pelnfiold. Howland Pell, Mr. an 1 was adopted the When he men under l*a\es .Ither end of th.- Mute at 10:00 o. tn. PPtP Mrs. ing resolution, which unanimously ical Seminary, hui declined position. "Provision il trovernmein hus 1,000 .int runs ia ii¦*..- haaSS-SB avcnufu of about be adtnltted that the ball, except for the Thomas L. Ogden, Miss Estell.. De Peyster, B. a t<* the in he became Oar, It must Nichols..n Kane, Miss Ruth Lawrence by rising vote: returned Cnlted States, IMO, nuns. Palace prepared for defence." 47 miles an hour. decorations, was much like any other. There Miss ill¬ rector of Trinity Church, San Praneiaco, and held a floral Katharine Livingston, Howard Clark- Reaolved, That In view of the long-continued that for three years, until he was ch< n At Ilrst sight the Admiral's message appears to same lights, the same music, Lander's and son. Miss Julies F. Dela- ness our anl in accordance with hi* position I'rbsni Wine C'n.'s UTI re the Clarkson, Joaeph of pastor, Assist mt Bishop of North Carolina, in MU, upon contain nothing mon* than a mers statement of the same matrons, the fl'-ld, Miss Marie Antoinette Mavis. A. nor¬ earnest dealre expr seed lo iir.- aeaalon, thia church was "COLD BEAL" CHAMPAGNE. the Hungarian band, nearly W. the death of Bishop Atkinson, he elected Rewa covered more in received yea¬ For eulo ull wino dealers an.l grocer* don N* rrie, thc Misses Morgan. Pierson unites with Or. Paxton in requesting the Preaby. e. consent fully dispatches by leading men who always will post themselves In the Bishop of the dior* it was with hi* sam*' Hamilton. G'.odhtie Livingston. Mrs Wooillmrv t ry to dissolve all pastoral relatlona and state was Bri it aa terday ic- th.- Btaamer Arawa. Fut the supporters of the ballroom. But the debutantes Langdon, p.- Watta, John P. Furnian. Jos¬ that th.* eastern pan of the entrance After Or. Paxton's bad tiru*: 1.ll a separata diocese In itt In iVM'. he t...k of the cx-'.*ueen qu rationed the correctness of the and and all of them looked Miss Eleanor Hewitt Erskine Hewitt, a. resignation Am. il. an in MARRIED. mrs SSW, fresh bright, ephNewboldLee, Morris, .lr. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1". Mont- the resolutions of re¬ of the Episcopal churches Europ claims made ih.- Provisional Government ns to and attractive, although most of Anally accepted following The degree ot D, D. waa enif'rici upon him by the ofbyIts armed fores, that they FOltp_or.II ..KV-Deremher 12th. at the Presbyteries extremely pretty gnmory. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Borden Harrlman, Mir--; gard passed; .lam.s In IK*. Ill* pub- atrength alleging Church. In I'laie. hy the Rev, Oeorite Alas- at the Ilrst of the Monday Even¬ Lydia M. Brown. Miss Helen M:**-**!! Wood. s. St College, Maryland, were few ia number, as Admiral Irwins message University IBM them were present th.- Wes- llshed warks consUrt chiefly of sermons and ad¬ saut h>- had un.I.r. Ii. Ii, Annie v.-.n deleter, 'laughter of the ago. So lt tor nnd Mrs Calvin B, Brice, tba Misses Brice,, ti..- congregation of Presby¬ ls official, and waa probably only aft.-r J.-imec lo tho Kev. H.-rliert Ford, all of Nie* ing Dances at Sherry's, a few nights ha- voted to th., dress) i. hims,;;* as to the correctness of hlj siat>.- (IriJIey, Smith Ply and Hallburton Fi!.-' terian Church accept resignation was Itu first wife satisfied V..rl( City. If of tba young women recently in- of It. as ii seems nol Bishop Lyman married twice. I*.. nt. there ls reason for that tbe ls doubtful any The second Patriarchs* Ball will take pince on Paxton pastor, onl) proper, was rt. of lil" second good liellevlng STAHK-WILT.SK -In llrooklyn, Saturday, Dec. Oth, lMst, to but a tu to of .mj...; Anna Alb Baltimore; l..ii.ani Oovernment is stronger than waa sup- into tba fashionable world went the ball January s, nnd the third and last on February .",. privilege, sive expression feellngi rt Charl non. by t-e Rev. Th...... - I., n vi. lr. nf. leg XV. S'a^k Uedueed that the time hai come w h> n th'* wife. Miss Kola* of i. I. and tin- desire of its oflli <-rs to re¬ late Julie timid or that they would pr..found regret apparent and Ad'-lln.. P, deughUr of Kugene nnd the [UMBI tba hast hit fearing r* itlon of pastor and p* ipli to be dissolved; in the utmost any attempt mn*'." to restore Laurene Wilta.. a stupid time. sn liege alao to clai that, In the even the Queen up an endless laid for specula¬ Deo. have desperately THE HOA RI) liEOESTS MEETS prli Uni DR. EDWARD M* IR, 1TZ. opens WALLACE.MILLICAN--On Tiweday eva., 12th. after 12JO o'clock winn Lander started up OF years tnal hr, a*.t..;i has been the pastor nf tion as to th.- final outcome, IMS, In Brooklyn, tt. Y, at the Church of the Reforma¬ lt was church, lan;.-, and at times overflowing, eongregn- Dee 13 hr. Edward Mor- Til.- arrival ..: Minister Thurston in Ban Francisco tion, by the Kev. John (J. llaochus. D. I', QtMB Ortm- which meant supper. This was served, t thus , (Special), to-morrow to the march tlons have itteml rt Rabbath services, wita .liter and ot "The Oerman Demo¬ la) win enable him to sall thence J.aii, client daughter of John C. Milligan, etti., usual, nt tba small tables In the restaurant on MICH IMPORTANT TRANSACTED. t- itlfj to the fa tl of din .-.-. iueneean I attractive¬ proprietor ..a ti." .Mam. :... due ia Honolulu .m December tl. Walter Tli..mas wallace, as BUSINESS ness as a number ..f died thin al hi-* home, No, 37 North Tills is tn.- yessei whose arrival In Hawaii will lower floor. Mr. McAllister took down Mrs. preacher, ami thal a large crat," morning thc memben has been added to lhe rofl "f member- Bixth-ai lb- was iii bul a short tim.*, being at¬ mark ile- ending of th.- period ..f ruapense there D. Grant. Harold Brown escorted Mrs. ..f men and women fr m ill stations of life, in the a. ar y Mails!.:- Willis, a.¦'.ar.Uni; of must be indorsed Frederick ahip tacked with a week ago, which developed Notices marriages witb the Duke de Lerme accom- AFFAIRS OF SCHOOLS. ACADEMIES AND LIBRA and that the prosperous and useful mission church grip t his of what he Intends t" do. The ob¬ full name and address-. I. Townsend Barden, t¦> int" Dr. Morwits was born In ISIS, at promise, visit ta Hon 'lulu at this Miss James T. Woodward escorted RIEfl now frown the condition of a regular congre pneumonia ject ..I' Air, Thurston's pani*1'! Bishop, COBBXOERED.A CHARTER QBA_TEO a. with v.-ry valuable property tully pakl for. Dantsic, Prussia, his father being ¦ **¦ althy time i- ta place the benefit of th.- valuable knowl¬ of Va, who in l work of h im- ia at the service ..f Miss Irene Langhorne, Lynchburg. TO A COLLEOB IB CHIBA ls firmly established, and looking to advanc* merchant. He graduated from the i'niveralty edge (mined Washington early part of the evening had been bis guest of in that .'.lie.¦.i..ri. Berlin, and achieved con iderable reputation sa a hi- Government, ll" hi- tcqualnted himself with DIED. the an serious ic ...,.,. exl ..:. on th- Hawaiian .piestlnn Frederick Dlodate Thomp¬ fnT TKLKGnAPn io THK tfifi**»r."! Resolved, Thal lt ls with personal ..ii i;,. ,i He travelled the feeellns Congress RourneniAuih, honor at an opera party; thai we tin Ms physical condition to be an alvely, and. after the Revolution of I**1-, came to as ia-,nay aa mid be ascertained, and is prepared ALCOCK-On Iflth Bai'.lWbfll. al En_l.-in4, and Frederick Tho of held iv and one makes it this a cf thia to restore Liliuokalani hy Henry Alcock, late of Berlcote, Warwickshire, eldeat son took down Miss Alida Cheater, Albany. Dee. ll. BonM Repents critical one, which country, and liecame resident city to resist the attempt son at the late Joseph Alcock. J. I', of Port HUI. the Baroness Fava. Each of the Th- obligatory upon *is to ac.le ti his expressed In iv'.'. l>r. Morwlti In WW boughl the Phila¬ means of constitutional, diplomatic and statutory ol D. Grant escorted its annual meeting In the Capitol to-day. I lerm news¬ as. S'.k.-upm-Tr.'nt. ug.-.l years. took the wishes In dissolving this relation, and further delphia "Demi rat.' the oldest dally in Engiane. patriarchs, as In former years, precaution Regents preeenl were Anson J. i*ps..n. the Chan- Resolved, Thal we ahall look with affectionate/ paper in th.... .¦untrv In UH he itarteal a weekly When the Alameda *:tlls to-morrow she will carry ALCOCK ''n I"-.easter 11th, al BaarasaMath, was no On to Minister Ollbert ciuipnian Alcock, eldest ana betovei non of to have a table for his guests, but there solicitude for his future rehabilitation and settle Dew sp ii r. the "Vere; 1 dispatches from Secretary Gresham Aleck. uped '_.'| y»nrs. ceiior of the University; the Right Rev. William ment in fun lo health, with lhe hop. i«v:. ta" Sunday lt believed are Henry and* on any of the tables. Mr. Mcallister had restoration July |, he sstal paper. Willis, la that these dispatches December V«l, Thomas decoration Creswell Donne-. Protestant Episcopal Bishop of that his attractive powers may rei more fnilv "Die \. ii- Welt." .'hlch became al once a very Important, and contain Instruction! which niHy ANDERSON.Oe Taasday, ISIS, Mrs. J. the . ¦ Anderson, ane.1 S4 yearn. with him at his table l'ierpont Morgan,, and thal blessing ot the Master whom P ipul ii- an h.. i rh lhe V»"ar have a vital effect on the Hawaiian situation. Trey to Albany; Vice-Chancellor Martin I. Townsend, *; end hastily la Relative, and friends are resMctfully invited attend Baron and Baroness Fava, Mrs. Paran Stevens, he preaches may rest upon and abide with him l>r Morwits "i- m n lispens irj. were necesaarllj aomewhat prepared on Thursday, at 2 p. in from bli lute real- i. and .- the funeral and Count William L. Bostaick, Whitelaw Reid, William forever. did much to aii..\. "ferine among the poor, a Ier to ich th-* Alameda, dence, ~*<; OM Road, Oreeavllle, lanai city. Louis Von Hoffman Sierstorpff. Resolved, Thal we not only express our grati¬ In Itjn organised a pl r« foi ot Ihe To-morr iw m iy be p memorable lay in the history H. Watson, Henry K. Turner, St Clair M ¦"**.¦!- revenue cutter BRMENT -At lh. ruth Avenue Hotel, on Wednesday THK MK Nt*. tude for the_nn that in Paxton has been alain l- around* I soldi* ft franco-Prussian war. ami, of the Provision* Government, 'rt*" P_lember ISth. *'iiHri>-s Husseii n.-ment. ia ,- um "f on the moralng, way, Hamilton Harris. Daniel Beach, Willard A. anl In Ihe s^ri¦¦.. of lhe Presbyterian i'hurch. bul inc* Ij a i-n nmi imi tat),. Corwin. whi-h lefl -an Francisco secretly the illth ivar of lils a,.-. The following ls the menu of the supper: also thal his services for the public and the *.- un- (*«> v I to the I'ata. rl.n: In WI nl«ht of December I, ls due in Honolulu then, and on December IX C bb. Carroll E. Smith. T. -failford Smith, the '¦ Interment at Evansville, Ind., Friday, * CHAKI). at have been fell and I .. ur h i*. d "The ll is understoi thal ahe carries explicit Inst rue- try larse recognised. '. his action with Donn on Monday, DaettaJtrnt nth. MS, D.bocah J.. Consomme de rdaIlla, Right Rev. Francis McNIerny, Roman Catholic paper ulta 1875, when hi to Minister Willis to wife ihe late John M. I'.sid. in ih<* seventy-third An engrossed ropy of these res duttons waa or¬ Timi i omi any in*l I the "contli b iv e arisen" al bechamel aux truffes. of Albany, and P. J Stimson. Publishing referen* >>ur of her aga Hultres, Blahop dered to be m.ile and sent to I *r. Paxton. I. gan In thi .Th Tim* ll- n with his carrying out th. Admlnlstra- Funeral lervtcefl al ktt lat. resilience. 2l'.1 Wes* Slst-st., Buuchees. champignons et homaid. The affairs Of the schools, nil..niles and hla Interest in this lourna I until **'. when he wlth- ng tl.s-Queen. Whether or n Thursday. December 14th, ut I oVUmS p. m. C. Murray, Janes o. Layng and William I,, pat¬ n t*. sent Terrap*. ne a la Trenton. State were nr-l 1- dn w >mi»l* '-iv fi rn all Identll cntl wltl ii..r ihe communication be by the Alameda Kindly omit flowers. libraries of tho thoroughly iv. ;.¦ rn in Demo¬ sent the The el Cafe. ti ii appointed B r-tnmltl.f thr.-" to ap¬ It ""f t, li lo Tl will modify original Instructions by BATON At San Diego. Cal., December 12th, Thomas er*..l. (.ratifying progress wes reported In the at its crat." own.-i teven di*, paper, published In f'orwln cannot be ascertained, and friends of the Clover Katon. froid. pear before the Presbytery meeting nexl and ara in a free varioua lions of tl..untry, practically Provisional Oovernment divided their opln- GARDNER At H..«r.,n. Mass, Wer)n»sday. December establishment of library sys¬ .¦ -¦ Filet de boeuf a la selee, _ilade Franeillon. circulating lay, and to suggest thsl Dr. Paxton's resig¬ nd ml-w< 1. ns as to whether the Minister will act up to alter Robert U. Ga.-.lner, a.fd nm net 13th. a sheri Illness. Galantine .'.e dlndes aux pistnehes. tem. Libraries were chartered and were granted nation rake pffei t on Di** pi .1 th- promise he gave President I»..le. to ll wo. el lest son of Lucretia M. and the late Robert ih" ..." on December SI. ile a la for of books at (iv- e BS" Another resolution asking the sewdnn to until arrival the Alameda W. n-offi< ers the hun h, I select tVaablngtcm, I*. 13 Mrs. Oeorgia Anne Porter, Ot Pats baaaaaM cuse, Port Hamilton and Tonawanda. Pro- l. MR THURSTON ( III.I.I'H'I. Hook, N. V, Lei, l.'ltli. Eliza A, WlJBW Calli's au cresson. a new pt tor was pia Ihe widow of Admiral Porter, died this morning Mathew- (illlesple, a,.-d 73 yean*. plquc-s visional charters were granted for the establish¬ 2 from late residence. Mayonnaise de volatile. m her tome tn this city, Mrs. pori t waa sev¬ HE BATS THF. P!l('Vl*-I"N \V CnVF.HN.MF.XT IS ALI, Funeral Friday, ..'clock, ment of libraries nt Olen Hunch, Keene Valley, of and had been 111 for a Albany papers please copy. Salado d<- homard. THE SPIBITED STAND IN ll Ali All. enty-four y.ars age, IH'.HT .Nu M'.itlot'.s TROUBLE BZPBCTBB. HAMILTON Oa I. I.T h. UM, AfSbaUa Hamilton-, Sandwiches. Phiimont, Mobaw_, springville and Daasvllle, tim" with catarrh ..f tbe st..mob she win 7*i long San Pranclaco, Dee, IT Hawaiian Minister aged yaala, church nilMtes. There was admitted t<* the the Andes |. tried beside lb. body of h-r husband in Ar¬ his a.ivies ¦funeral service* at the Matthodiat' University A SITUATION Pl I.r. OP PERIL, Thurs! a ri itt this Bfternoon that Hom.-, ci-n-r ,,f Am«: Tdam-ave. an-i weat Md PL, **a ''.anaie-v l'nlon Union Behool, tho lu fl tl On Ftl.laV. "I al ll*, k a. m. Behool, the Bergen Fr.m The Newark Advert from'-lulu gre of a cheerful character, Friday, of Old John KNTKKMKT.s Ida* DOUCEUR. Mltievlll" Union Mi Porter les n* and two (laugh- the Min¬ Manager* ut the Home and merni*-. Street l'aln ,V.iW. ts. llrooklyn Boys' High Behool, the duly a i- nea le<1 t.. Ignite Into linties tb. have nothing to communicate," remarked Meta lint Church are invited to attend. Gel-e aux cerise?, spark t. Mi or v. Porter, late pf tba Army; Cap¬ "I Int.-linen! atEpiscopalOrove. a la vanille. School, the Monticello Union Behool, the Pitts- of the j.,,pie. Mon irchleal Carlisle I' of the Marin.- Tor* .: l.leu- ter, eyoad what ths press correspondence ulves Majde Brluelsts a la creme. Charlotte t>. ..rm-, without vio¬ tain Porter, 12. P.etvecca Potter K»ep, l'nlon Sch.nd. th*- Baranae Lake Union reatora lon, wlthoul resort .-. I* of th- Th" Government la all right, KEEP.Ia Farmington. DM, Gateaux noisettes. ford lenani H .'rn-r. Navy; Blch- you. ¦¦< tb" Kev. John lt. K-i.. Gateaux Mathilde. the Tulon. let an h* I, aim in li ai I. of Lieu¬ Wit* lat* Behool nnd Theresa Porter, Mrs C Logan, the wife and I do nol l""'v t'.*r any serioua trouble at Hon¬ from h..m.- in Farmington, .1 m. Thursday. Glaces fantalslca. were the Trus¬ The iib Me or mi ike the pai of Ul t-Commander (aOgan, and Mrs, C. ll Camp- Funeral ktt p. Resolutions passed requesting i.i isI ..- Mr. Thurston Would not sus wbettMT David r Ist.-r Hillls w iii im t.ii olulu." KILMER Ob TTlilnselar Paowab.r tttfe, Kilmer. Bonbons. Public to the flf:h flo* ~ tees of Buildings flt up youl Unlate, sn a. .:. k 0 nt I nator < lt. lhere waa a of his return to Honolulu. In bl* "»*.th v-ar. Krulta. Petits four*. th*- various .ir" l-s nt ths 'handler, p- probability Severance, who ul la'-- *-ll East of the Capitol for ilamlt) * lu. ),..¦. resentatlve I'. :¦¦¦. V Imlrala Jouett, Aime, l'|i- Kx-I'nlted Consul recently Fun. i.ii services lila r.'S|.l_l<*e, Dessert. state Muaeum. several car-loads of tha ai ...ei caution. returned from Hawaii, spoke In a complimentary ii. ,> evening, al N ... I..-k. Lately, by shur ind Steven* rea Walker and Ram- the Cut-Mil and copy. .. of and firmness displayed by Cairo papers jil.ase VIN. exhibits of the State at the World's Pair have Major Nlcho of lhe M ult Corps way the courage Govern- a\pullinaiia received here in and have I sen TUB I»KCKXT PEOPLE BTANDINO PIBU. Mr i*..ri.-r waa bom In New-Orl* Bl was now at tbe head of the Hawaiian LANE.Al her lat. residence, in Philadelphia, on th. Champagne. been Albany, He als., a of Min- Hrh inst Elisabetta V'., Wit* ot O. Lan.', aged C. stored R.-g.-nts in this fifth floor of the Pl .rn 'i !.. Sf* 1 rk ITei -. ¦i-r. Pattei who a-- expressed high opinion 2 when the cotillon lx>gan, and by the li.'» th,- ..!' W lill*, saying thal he ba Hart 1 the latter lt was past o'clock will ba on exhibition. *ie. enl * ts thal ii; Jackson In lefence New- Islands with Friends' House. Millbr««>k. N. matrons had gone. The Capitol, where they pul The Orleans, sn*l tte- sister ..i Admiral Patterson and a ml*! nol precipitate a conflict on the Funeral from Meeting T., by that UuM many of the The Issued a charter to 'ie- Christian public las ot n Tin day, 'I.- letta laat,, si ti o clock. Miss Regents ml .ik.-.r -' Patterson, of Ihe Coast >,<:.¦>¦ mi M.ird: countrymen. muted. leader wad Franklin Bartlett, and his partner College, al Canton. China. Pr.-vi lusly th y ii the »it_ AJnur-i ti..* Mr. Bishop, head ,.f the banking house Of Bishop Friends aad relatlvaa respectfully ul ..- ttl and Porter at has I.n in San LAWMEN* Ti AVMU. on The favors, which w.-r-- displayed have charters to Roberts C liege, C. .-. v Co., ipai..lulu, who Francisco -Al Par* Hotel, Wednesday Irene Langhorne. granted ie \ lo Ihe \ tb. hla Honolulu letters to- mornln;,'. DeoembMr ISth, IMS, in the elghty-s'-venta in the ballroom, consisted of cor¬ t the Christian rn Bey- appeal vera! montha, read on a large screen stantinople; College .. a. In tl ral lion ',. with k. n Interest -He afterward of raaf M her as-.-. lH.ib.-lla E., arldow of Ferrtrnand roses for the nnd to the Bao Paulo College, al .lt mo- spoke ot the lat. Winiam and Elisa sage bouquets of yVmerlcan beauty rout, Syria, Th-- news of t JOHN CESSNA. ih.iHook as r.ath.r cheering than otherwise, tad daughter of white carnations for Sa.. Paulo, Braal- The name of the Berman lulu, and of Ihe ri lhe Provision il Sieving thal Minister Willis was not likely to Lturx. iyn.'. women and boutonnieres Martin :.t Ilollse urea to Funeral MTV.*. Bl Qtamt Church Chantry. Broadway Martin Luther ('.liege was changed to Be If .r I, P na, Dec i: Ex-Coi John to any violent men In an effort carry an.l on lJtii last., a* ll o'clock. the men. .:, .md humiliation >.f the nt whatever thei may be. Mr. loth-t., Friday, Prin¬ Luther Seminary. -i dd d at ii ..'¦.!., i. t i-r hil Instructions, Frlen.l* und rriatlVM are Invited t) attend without Occupying chairs about the teador urara tba i Itlshop ls in fall sympathy with tne presenl Oov- further Dotti le-r cousin, rnment In Hawaii, and bellevi*. that annexation Pleas. a li rs, cess Hatzfeldt, Miss Hope Goddard, THK A OM I MSI KATI' i.NS 1*1. A C. John ''. ina waa born In Bedford County, Penn., Miss Willing, Mra. TALKED OP FIGHTS WITH EIRE. the bes! rn i) oul of the dii-cuitles there. LYON On ii. .la.. December r,, of paarl failure, Charle. Miss Madeline Ives Goddard: THEY .ll an I .inn.. 29, ISL H.- w ia graduated a* M irahalI Col¬ Charles F. Havemoyer, The U Bx| H. Lion, inly sin of rhe late Charles H. and George Isham Scott, Mrs. aaa doubt th. di dr. of the Ad- lage in ita, and studied law. He began his politi¬ Deorgiana V. Lyon, .-.,;<..1 -i years. Fallon. Miss Ko one longer Interment nt Coan. Mra Sidney Dillon Bipley. Baron VETERAM iTFM'.Miiv RAVE THEIR THIRD AW tat, ration to ate the rail cross of England floal cal life in I*.. ,i ., member of the Penn ¦.'(vania TO MEET r< Bj i: wini r »u i:. Farmington, The Patri¬ ,i * i.o. rum. i,' .n Honolulu In MACKINTOSH.Entered Into rest on December 13th. o. Grace Wilson and Miss Alida Chanter. CROSSED TRUMPETS'1 AT THE the building* I! lng als.* In 1(41. 1«62 and PW!. Ihoi and ll\\\'*i: *.N* THE the DiXBER-r" n has sin h< time Instead of Iv'.i hTi r,. t took, ut Elisabeth, N. J, in the ." year of her ag*. \it*T,R\v NU ira," agalnsl annexation when th. nu to the ;:.. mn ni Convention U tl; to the Charles¬ bITl'ATION BLOCST'S I'la'jrnii'** shown*. of funeral hereafter. of those abroad or in mourning. ,..< before Senate in March laat sh.- simply ton .ni ("altimore ¦:..¦ ntlona of ism and tbe Chi- Nette, The big dining-room Of the Murray HUI ll isa nt, bj msthodi 1,. -1 know n 'onventl* n of ISSI ll ted i th*> San Pranclaco, Dec, U P, .** Jonea Minister of MOOT.At East Orange. M. J, DeeaSBtat 12th. A. Harn- TIIK PATRI A ROIS. in the *'.1«: of hm a... US, OP nu ii who have for herself, until the new Administration e.un.- Into l.l -;t '.im ia tbe Mtn- O M-'.*. >>.¦: was OCCUDied last nlghi by to X Bepub- '.¦.¦ uni r Queen Liliuokalani when Furor il *Mrv|cei viii u- held at Central of Patriarchs for the winter con¬ .¦.mi.' tn ii li wail would then 1 1 into Congress, and Presbvtertaa The Hat fought Are in this city, and the*/ ber even shak¬ stry was deposed for want of confidence, and Church. Main an.l I'rlnce sts., Orang*. 'n Friday, following names: J. J. Astor, W. twenty years ith like a ripe plum, without elected to Ihe Xl Hld. In 1875 Presldenl Orant ep- I.crater 15th, after arrival of train at Brick Church tains the cross l the ll*. .-. iihn Ass,..-..n; but he ally Minister of Fin ince under the Pro- L. AllgUSl Del¬ were their silver buttons and trumpets ing Attorney-ileneral, St.c.i. n. leaving Barclay and Christopher ats., at 2:34 W. Astor. Edmund Bayliss, the members .: -.ional Government, waa a passenger on the o'cl -ck p. m. George H. Bowdoln. I. Townsend Burden, with justifiable pride. They were j Iii: PROVISIONAL OOVERNMENT II \S THE Haas, "imt Howers. mont, and had HAM'. H.- spoke as follows! A. Burden, Heber EL Bishop, Edward Cooper, of the Veteran Flrsmens* Association, UPPER c \I.KH CtTSHINO ADAMS. and a MARCH.49a Taasday, December 12th. 1*13, Laura Mo* Jamea D. The "There ls Intense feeling on tbe Islands llvaln... Wlf. of 1*. r S. March. 8. v. R. av. Bayard cutting. Charles met to enjoy their third annual dinner. From Tin Brooklyn Eagle. c.l.di Adams, a brother "f .b.'.n P. to resist force force. 1* l her late naldene, 27 East at anger, in reli Cushlng -osltive determination by 8l8t-st., 4 Dlck*»y, Hamilton Fish, Frederic Gallatin, E'.brldge members of the ssao* lath.n sre veterans In nnme if the Administration determined lo Adama, the Comml rtonei of Cltj Works In Brook¬ Btatea to tba p, m. Thurn,].ty, December 14th. Goelet, Robert the deposed Queen s >m>' pi e.-a arion similar to a ihould the United attempt place 1 r.. nv nt in Norfolk. Va. T. Gerry. William Glhon, Ogden . They have served Since 1865, but ruddy lave Ij I..- taken t" her In lyn, .li- audilenly -*i hla hame, No. SK Clermont- mi the earnest protest Hamersley. .lily. rate will keep ,'ii.-en the throne desi:',, Goelet, J. N. A. Griswold. J. Hooker cheeks, bright eyes and Stalwart foims are n-d ill .*, hal ter .I maj b though! ol tb. es ave Brooklyn, terd ii waa le.\elli r, end if th latter class of i.pie, those having a vital .. Harlem 48 Adrian Iselin, BtadtSh John- f( com] lion, lt IS plain 'nar ,, 1,.»1 >h) e.ill the hea of the nen nf C. C. Ada-:, A Co., Pul KMNSICO CEMETKRT, Railroad. mlnuUa George G. Haven. of "veterans" In the usually tte' disturbed "i merest at st ike, lhere trill certainly and absolutely fr.mi Grand Central Depot; new private station at ea. James tho characteristics ie neither 1. Lt I nor manila ine.l In toii-st. and Elm I'la.--. Tuesday he became III East 4-J-st. Kane, James P. K>rnochan, ¦. trance. Offlee. ld Telephone call, SM 84. eon, De Lancey definition of the term. Their uniforms ¦..,.. lane, and co pent nt hla stoic acute Indigestion, which resulted .. trouble. The determination t.< restsi ths restora- Lanler, Johnston Livingston, Woodbury Langdon, "I* the tlon from the American Uovernmeni or thai ..f In apoplexy. Mr, Adnma was born la N.-w hut-.'., of the ls born of s conviction of rwht served to relieve the Sombre monotony rs now in lon Queen Iaorlllard, John Alsop King. Ward McAllis¬ ther nal stand tha .*.! ¦. [iat Ai't.-r la ivlng Behool he became a Pietra <>f their and combined ral. rs al Honolulu cl*earty have th. In Newburyport, and afterward went md reuse of duty. The Provisional Qovernmenl J. l'ierpont Morgan, A. New¬ evening dress guests, provisional Jeweller mon- ter, Bradley Martin, r hand. South, For a number of yeara ha employ* l winn it overthrew the rotten Xotices. Oothout, William C. Pell, .with the Bowers .ind evergreens which decorat* ipp* Ht the in Spec.ul bold Morris. William Oorham Manufacturing Company's odlce irchy, and now to take chances tn the <"- Beaman, George L. the big room made th*- aeeiie one to be remem¬ PRECAUTION*! THAT MAT muan* TROUBLE. N v v..rk. In USC I.; ti.--1 hla atora In Brook- Whitelaw Held, BobOTt American. lyn. Mr. Adams took an active part in th" Anti- ci'.- ime .md abide by them. William Rhinelander, James Roosevelt, J. An orchestra furnished music for the Tba Baltimore in and worked for Mr. ls con- A.. Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, Hives, bered. held on the Islands shows Snapper movement ISSI "in bo iar .m Mr. Blount's Impartiality Robb, Eugene Bebleffetta, Phillp Schuyler, and tbe were re. .Ive.I with Tbe ii. Ilgnatloa meeting (.i.v. inters election. He Minor Boody heir evidence Hampden evening speeches ai arouaed. and the supported , he positively refused te likely .JOO FIFTU-AVE., NEAR l_TU_T. K. Stevens, William R. thal th* pi ,:.. pr«*cautlonsdefend In th. late campaign. Mr. a.ians left a wife and W. Watta Bherman, Byam applause. his ah -I t,.- the Provisional Oovernrnenl to liv children. o clash with his preconceived Ideas My assertion, N. Taller, James M. Waterbury'. Al¬ Charles O. Shay was In the 'hair. On Iobi i" vi.le attack from tbe adherents os SALE THIS EVFNINO AND Stewart, E. B. McClellan, serious trouble hough broad, ls based upon personal knowledge, George Peabody Wetmore. Mat¬ right were Mayor Bilroy, Oeorge .r the Queen indicate lhal may WHITS. the exander 8. Webb, President of th" Board of Aldermen; Controller result from the un-American policy adopted by .HUCK ALEXANDER .'rom mv Intimate acquaintance arith Queen's TOMORROW (VBIBAT), AT 8 O'CLOCK. thew Wilka, Buchanan Winthrop. Egerton L. Win¬ McAdam, John w. .Muni.. the Adinlnlstratlc-. Dee lt. Judge Alexander White lovernment, derived while Minister under lt, thor- The new Patri¬ Myers, Judge David Dallas Tea., throp and M. Orme Wilson. Martin T. Joaeph J. O'Dono- inoi nillir. s> vent v-thr. e years, lie with all its rottenness, I of- MODERN PAINTINGS J. Oeneral McMahon sal PLAIN ia'. KN TO HIM. UV THIA TIMK. Jlel this Bg*d nighly acquainted In the Hst are Frederic Gallatin, Hampden and John D. Crlmmlns. On his lefl Franklin. hla ered lo wive him the benefit of my obeervsttona, archs Brad- hue w. Keller, From The Utica Herald. u-,i- i native of Tenn., bul Bpeat RV AMEllltAN AND t'OUEION ARTISTS, Robb, John aMsop King. Heber R. Bishop, H. D. Purroy, J. J- Bcannell, John naturei yeara al Talladega arri s.-ima. Ala, each .at h.- re to listen to me. Mr. Byrnes, *¦¦*.*- If at all open io conviction, a peru al of the lat- districts bo 'in.-I in be- peremptorily tyeed iuh Johnson. Whitelaw Reid, Woodbury G Langdon. simon Brentano, Superintendent from musl convince the >f which repn Congreaa villis waa ashed what the Intentions of THE PKOPE1UY OF M. Van Cot. William Bulser and ".; news Honolulu para- for and after tin war. In IS7* Presldenl Oranl ri.ntly Hooker Hamersley, William Rhinelander und postmaster m.nut I'realdenl of lhe I'nlted Btatea lhal h. has Whit'- lill an term lulled Btatti were relative to annexation. He J. Anthony Blehhoff, In his foot lu lt." ippolnted JieU'e to unexpired be MR. B. H. LAMPORT Wilson. wre; 'The mcreeded admirably "putting is chief Justice ol Ihe Territory of I Uh, After n*w.acd had arleen winch had Orme Th'- tousts and their respondents <>f to thal contingencies H. McClellan; Mit. vkt. llscharging lbs duties thia ofllce he came himself or his Government, OTHF.R-J. BOMB OF THF. STRANGERS. City of New-York," Oeorge NO OPPORTUNITY POB rex,*s. settling al 1'alias, where he remained until ot been expected by AND were Foreign Fire Depsrtments." ir. News. . was to await further la* the strangers and foreigners present "American and From Tbs Wilmington Ills death. nd therefore obliged ORTOIEg <_ Among "Fire Iiisuran**e," J dui W. Murray; I so ma- ROBERT SOMERVILLE, OOw Fava, the Itallun Ambassador; Baroness D Purroy: The eondltions at Honolulu have han*. truotiona Bases "Business Interests and Fire Extinguishment, .-, v since tba arrival ot Minister Willis that chaki.I'.*-' BtTSSBLL BBMBNT. to resist tho a grandee, who ls David walch 1'lesl ('live ."ru- idea of resorting to force Auctioneer._Manager.. Fava, Duke de Lerme, Spanish Simon Brentano; "Tlie Judiciary." Judge }| has .Illina tO lo but lent all classes. Old home from a visit to the World's Fair; those were S. H. ami's "areal and good friend" l»«.ie. He hus Charles HusM^ll i: neut, a w. althy retired whole¬ ju.-,ns restoration ls prrmeating ga his way McAdam. Among present prob- '-ase necessity, Paisloniee Kolloe. suite; Count I L Berley. Martin H. had no opisjrtunlty to Mab him In tbe back, sale Bvaaavtlle, Indiana, died yesterday e ii have offered tic-ir st rvtcea In of Senor de San Miguel, of the Duke's Hobbins, J. J. Blair. J. ibly grooer pt week December 16 of the Fire De¬ ia 'it v.< ri. Fifth Avenue from r, this feature In tbe words of aa "id Foreign mails for the MMU-W wlB Danish Minister; Count SlerstorplT, Brown, all M-Commlsetoners m- morning at the Hotel Bright's summing up cl a.. ,,,, In all ca.s«*»i at thia as follows: Reventlow. the lice after nt' lilli, sa of about his -Ttii.rix- of the Belgian J. J. Martin, president of the P ills, ase Of Ul. kidneys, :.: citisen who proffered add: 'Cap- THURSDAY.At ll a. m. (supplementary 11:30 a. m.) Baron Alberlc Fallon, partment; . and his fan h eon- prominent but can stop a of Berlin; I,*?- William Dalton, A. C. Hull, superinten¬ A WBDDIMO tM WASMINOTOM. Ix we.-ks. Mr. Bemenl ¦im. lui old ana can't do much, for Venesuela, Curacao ..n.i Savanllla. via Curacao, per Prat, secretary of the French Board; of it wife, son and rivi In t me call on sse.' s. iletn rs for otlv.T Colombian port, muat Legation; M. de the Ure Patrol; Judge s. M. Ehrlich, Dee. VA.. Hie 11 urti.:.''! af Mist (iraclr. listed (taught ulli When you want s. Venezuela Alexandro de Padilla, Of ; Wll- dent of i;. P. \V;i-lil:r*t. Mew-York twa, months ego after an tour "American Women an* .-.pially enthusiastic and be directed "per Venezuela"'!. gatton; Senor George T Patterson, Alexander Meaklm, : Black, a tasghiw of Kapi auilaHv. Jaka c. af and Mr. dement was aonn after taken same Even the bet¬ FRIDAY.At ll JO n. m. for ltrrull and La Plata Coun- of the Gerjnan Le- W, B. Thurston. M. F., actuated by the feelings via Pernambuco, behn von Kummcr, Imperial Steers, Patrick J. Dlvver. Illa''(, t" Bot RSV, muk ll'iiliiii't..-i \'i.aa, |sir>t. r at ill. He was ah., it list] liv- years ,,,. The body, el the native, have the Provl- Irtea, per s. t. 1. W. Taylor, Bahia, of Le Judge T. J. McCarthy, i.v ih-- c.mst.intespoused l'resl- Rc* uiid Uottttt tor Fain, mil (.'tara Ml mt Le Caron, daughter Adolph Biak*- J. H Spellman, 1,1 .sue. t < i»ie.'ia-i-iitl..n-l duir. li, W..r.-..«tei. Mass., ic-.it_i.anied family, waa forwarded to lon .I cause, though the din about gatton; and J. L. Ford. {ki s-il. Evansville last and doings must be ittrecte.l "per J. \V. Taylor"!. the Canadian Minister of War; Captain John A. O'Brien eek at ti'H.a teal'iy lt: st John's (leir ti. A lur//.i night enl cleveland-, purposes proposed SAll'RDAY At I a. m. fjr Hrazll an.l Ia Plata Caves, Mrs. Bacon, plaie omewhai dampena their ardor and they are apt countries via Parnainlatco. Kio Janeiro and santos, par of the British Army; Mr. and jun.1,. r af in 11141(1 r-'ui-t- iritacaBad toa eeiesMay. lbs al whose wishes. ik-tters ¦albert, Tn regard him aa a ki* authority, s. t. Snl-rno. from Baltimore for Para Bland, A. Bruce Joy, Maxwell Trayner, MME. FAMES STILL VMAMLM §1X0 ni atteotntat «ith pahaa aad Sacaaatoa HUM. DB. I- DOKICB would be futile to oppose. The American Ls tgue, and Cearn must b-» illiecie.l "per Salerno"); ag Godfrey ¦horeb of and Franc. Switzerland. and O. Tarleton Goldthwalte. mri"*. <.n ths aadlaaaa Ht lbs Mats rn.- ..f knnat awi. Mb. Jolla Btarveasoa, -«niiiit..r if about itt members, ls composed atrong C. .lo a. m. for Italy. Spain, James J. Harrison A SP4H-IFI1 n.'tln* waa Belgrade, I. i".. Dr, i, Deklea formerly Pres- mechanics, who .lepended upon Portugal, Turk-y and Hrltlsh In.r.a. p.-r s. a. N. Schlesinger and niniit in Um foUowtaa t.-rms: ,f tl.e VI" -l'res,.!. nt. MI-h lt. rt..It. diiiichtcr of tie- Se'. etermlned mean Havre (letters for other of of England; Sebastian rapoUtaa Opsm Bsaaa lasl l.nt of tba Servian Council of st.-.: who give fl .'¦" a. cunt of themselves. Thc' La llaai nana, ria parla Europe *-t di-- L.t.Mu. ni.,t Um Tlee-1'nal- lilli .¦ La m «:3o a. m. for of London; Mr. and Mrs. -Mm.-. has tinily eeaamtad, al tha rt attn ot tv Kavyj ila post in September on account of in health, 'Mil,ess, ,,i,| |et llle tell ) Oil 1,1 thlS COIlIleCt must dir.-.t.-i "per Ooaongp**"); Mite Schlesinger, and Netdtta men lan |,, s. s. Etruria via Queenstown (letters for WUlam Grosvenor, Miss Hope Goddard lo MUK "." '*'..' "' M.'.'"'". thli .B- laat; Mi-* Omta CattMt teatttA, Mba lil- MeEtny, ll. to-lay at Al.L.izla. hat a munt' r of Marshal Wilson's Who be¬ j,.-1 and of Providence; Im.hsII.I" net!.... *I:i"H'lit'T of and who were stationed France Swittcilanl. Haly, epala, P..rtnani, Madeleine Ives Goddard, <1"" Isdlapoeltloa at Mme E Mi. Mei .! William*, mi'l Mi-- Bettpetty, ing to the (.'ue.ti's guard, Uritish India must N> "per Etruria"); at 7:*J Potter Palmer, Miss Pullman in. in iinmruin-*.* **f r at the time if the overthrow, .linc, a s. island iletiera mun b. ela*r. and Mrs. sniiK "Panat" *a.i* ats qalte irbal ia Newt rry. Cblcaigo. A troti-lBfl ntmtte* p..iice headquarters a. m. for Norway per of Julian do ths mst whi.-h CHAIM.KS P.. t.. Government and straight- al S3') a. m. for N-therlanda and Colonel Charles Page Bryan, Chicago; rn THORNS. ocked up th building directed "per Inland"*: Blight and Miss "ne. Put Mri. Ni r.'|.- i's gm to* W fra-t ««¦* Bl Si .\. andie. on ths l'i visional stu¦¦. *. *. A.ii erilam. via l_.tter.lam Halters must Le White, of Paris: Atherton known ns tho "** >. ,- in Charles the ray enlisted .lu..... per Roy Marsh, of New- XIn.... ^""» f"11**1 '** »ii*-'r Sin Fran, ls,-a, M. Tharne, feel keenly the slight put upon I,. ni,'-, -I "per Amsiei him I; al 1" a. m. (siipjil-'ineniary Blight, of Newport; Professor asea wan ameh aaJey-A "Am..xiii.nil--'"- (Yoi. St. of Albany; Robert nt as in ti.« /..t.-ran .i"tor ami theatric il dl*d In this viv Cleveland's Administration In IO lo a. m.) f.r St. and St. Thomas, via Crola. Baven; John \. 8. I'ruyn. 'ii" ,,n "X"n'i:iv aeaalae. wen manager, hem Presldenl Inlands Street, a s. Carlbbee (letters «*r to Brazil; Miss Slurps, ai tmPsPttt II Flaunt Sty to-day. nat li Ita views and Us purposes to tho also Windward per Adams. Jr, ex-Mlnlst Preston, of lust nK-ht. Har Saataat Mr, st.-r-y. aaM loot rSOBBMCT ASAMMBU, Imparted in to the f..r Orena la, Trinidad -*r. Tamaigo must he directed "per G. R. Preston and Miss ppm. Iritish and Royalla! cltlaena preference a. m. 10:30 a. m.) for Mr. and Mrs. M. n.t yt fully raeererad fr ¦ Ibe PieaaMl Ase»m*'iy win of Hawaii. If there ls nny Carlbbee*'); at 1*» iHuppe-menlnry Frank Davenport, of Richmond; ninht (hal rh*- iiini ti.- m. ia'""*" ef lha BaleMB OBITtJABT NOTBB nail, ni rsi,lents Fortune Island, Jamal,., J... m.-I and Au.-Cayes, per a a Princess Hatzfeldt, whl**h »ho pal In I'hll.-i l.-lj.liln. arnott Bf lb. BBVMtk ».;ts .n nt til- Pouch that the presenl situation In th.* Islands ll a. m. for Tabasoa Shlladelphta;enadlus, the Greek Minister; agaile of the cold i.M th. ir ta**' d-BtM usplclon <>n the adirondack; al **amj..-h... Chiapas, iHham Indian ll. -ff, P, of wlthoul a s. s. I'om-ho .Idlers for other Xt*xt* Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Georg** a Mt". 'sllP hft'1 '"I'-ct-l lo slnp. bow v SB 'imt .11-ivs, Braoklya, thli evening. ipolls, Dee (Snllup, president an bc changed rtgoroua protest and Yucatan, per Miss Marquis Im- .he tung weah art Provisional Government, that suspicion Slates and Cuba must t»- dllMtel "per Condi.)"); tte ¦Scott, nee De Gauvlile, of Parla, m.mina, wh.-n her Caea tOttAapiy ure Mrs, 1'nvl.l A. Mrs. Jiicb O. thS M-lilian Nail.mal Hank, of this city, died tu¬ of the can Ogden Godman. ever, till yestenlny baddy. erroneous. ._ j., m. for Inars'ua. Jamaica, Savanllla and Carlhagena, of the Italian Ero-bassy; lt wm painful f^r her to Pin* or '.' n " «ar". MrB- Jame* v.. Ha*cs, .ur..i Maty-four, <>f pmiimonia ls Prince. and Marquise de Talleyrand-I'erl- ¦bas-amo «wolPn. BB that '.-timer, Mis. ¦'¦ lay, "Briefly, my opinion of the whole attsatton per s. s. Tuscan Ot Boaton, not announced to In I. Mr.. wis., i>.-c. i. w h. ii small bird waa hatched In Malls for Australia (except those from West Australia. rilt ewn lo apeak. She la appear spam Hr. Oeorge T.inK*m-in. Sttk, Challis Whitney. Madison, ICorrtooa, s wen- .ls; Recently retry de- via Humps). New-Zealand. Hawaiian, gard. evenlni;. but lt In Mrs. tnown farm Institute died this careful this area-ling whi.h are forwarded INVITED GCESTS. _*_in till next Wednesday aapaetad rtiomns V.. fm BB1-. Bin ChaitSI L gllfSWBOa. conductor, morning ¦tawah By nursing this FIJI and Samoan Islands, per s. s. Mariposa (from Sag 'he en Franklin Fulls. H Dec. lit Walter Aiken, Into a magnificent bird, and we belle.' S at that ahe will be al.le to alna In oaSMWl I lad BJ Flierrv. Mrs. William C. Wallace. Mrs. Fred- N. etoped the rostering Francisco), close here dally up to January 1:30 guests, nearly all of whom -'rands F. iixtv-tw. cars old, of the Mount Wash- Ird would continue to grow under m. on arrival u.t New-York of ». >. Etruria wita Among the Invited Mr.. Tim.,Un- i.. WooOratL TliaiSbp president lean that lt ls p. lor and Mrs. William Douglas nlfht. ___^_ -a-n H. W^katot, na-ton Railroad, and proprietor of the Hotel Ham- ire of the Alu- ttXgtt, 1 ;_asert ilrltl-h niall- fer Australia.I Malls for China am] Japan ware were Mr. ¦* master the ("loveland and close here present, Fer- Woodrafl arill af attamonta. informal linn, Herminia, died at llavri- ¦!.. Crace, Ml, last beolutely beyond power of jier s. a Oceanic (from San Francisca), dally Sloane, Mrs. Oeorge L. Rives, Mr. and Mrs. FRI VATE MATER WPPU OF al IS* "M »ia uiu at ttmtai ilifht of pnenin,mia. Mr. Aiken was accidentally Tenham to put tbe bird back Into Its original up lo December .3. at 0:30 i>. m. Malls for Hawallas and TllE li.nrin- -.viii i.-Kin Sapper s. s. Australia (from San Franoise il. close nando Yinaga. Mrs. Whitelaw Reid Mr. Or.hestra snd the Austro- ihot in tba foot while hunting, aboul ¦ m..nth uko. ..ll." Islands, per m. The Post it OBdnlgbt Ol'fmnn's w. li. D of tbe here daily up to December *17. at S:30 p. Malls for Mr. and Mrs. William From Wsshlngtoa mirsl,.. Tl... next ball General unond, ex-Superintendent i*er Ulrd Ifrom San Fran¬ Mrs John H. Davis, know that out by th a ts i:an:n lt . to 1- SH pnrtner, w-nt.-.l tu »ret a on. Jr, |, ar.- armed with tt"' best isaillnn L Townsend Burden, Ii. Pratt, of the uniir:.*.l .listri'-iitini? pipet ST K , hey thl. offlee .tally at ,30 j., nt. Malls for Mexico, overland, Kane. Mr. and Mra. Richard sad .na eaat of If tl"'.- **<,iii* n..t find to 1 S ileus. OMMtal uni mis. Oreel WUsoa, itt.rn of Springfl ld rifle*, with plenty of ammuni- steamer, dos. and Mra. H. Brevoort were laid to Ute Capitol, pond >. ,ti.. iift'-vn. MWntkmt leam The unless specially addressed for despatch by WUaon, Mr. and Mrs. H. Le flowed und h. ld for furthei Mrs. T. M. Mrs. on nnd galling Kims und other held pieces. al a. m. T. Wilson, R. T. Jr.. thm hiilldlnir the water v.... ¦*'."!¦ *** Balgi**! bmi.i ..n-. mi MaJUt s) 8. Willing. Mine the hill In the . them, it .Pinters are the very men on the islunds. . at 6 m. day. Boy Emmet. Mrs. Edward he __. of .ho golons ot IST« ,ii. n.t ot ar.v ri,.. Madison ir. ,f irii^a T. Ih.l.y K.l'i-ln ll. ,,,,,| tbs Bar. Registered mad closes p. previous Wilka, Mr. and Mra. iuSr .od cover.! ., but th«r. (.l(. ,. ,(,,... weiiM S'l-uro ¦NUMMO, m credibly Informed that tbe Provisional Oov- CHARLES XV. PAYTON. Postmaster. Willing. M. Aator ornt ,| the fleid. J- Mlaa Florence Weatervelt, X^wa-ygd his been nealectful *.r the "*"" fs-*P;*ml""-**nl ¦h*v wany did want a >r. \tfr.-.| Slaag. An soirees .l.l|ir.-...l by Oeneral .nnient is In power to place RN men in F. Kernochaa, it la and If n <¦ That Mr. and Mra. &b_tsss n water ripply, tbs thor******** *-'r'*' laaMaeal I fa Ina. I'r. Fl.ii".: reri.l a Tia I B ttt loroughly lUlppod on ten minutes' notice. lira. John C. Weatervelt, rtivi lntereata ns to reasoS I,... fi"i -r axttoat* Ii n*v«ial Bwaths poem. resistance is a F. Mra. Alexander Van Rens¬ baa its .».. ,,,-n,,,, ,v*' Th"""*' ,vh' ilia sever'il Watta!Mat A Inislness Bf the usio- iere will be determined forcible L. V. Hoapln, 2^_t hiJdmflnd. Coagrsss >:¦*... ""v' *ss soaatitstsd BMBtlSf and 1 was that if marines Xotuco. Alice Van Renaselaa*»r, Miss Chanler, the Capitol, furnlahlnt; the ,,'..', that .- ¦** ict, further told Ucligions selaer, Miss un to **" !h'' °*,rJ,'n Theatre from next latlea was bel ri.iv sfieraMa «t Na 7o FiMii-av.. sn to drive them Mr. Charlea A. Childi, Mra. 8. V. it. tao VK water for cleanlr.K , lu- Brm WOUM '"'>' re landed .'.ttenjnt win he msde C. and Mrs. coolers, aad purpo-ea. their lei,ss- of the Madison 1twenty new members wen |.-, r.-,l. MMSS whom were to their also HEAR OB* HOE C. NEEDHAM AND T. ICLEHART Mrs. Frederic OaUstln. Mr. and Mra. Frank SSars? "hat rana Into the .4 Th,v sold S