THE PORTLAND DAILT PRESS. ————mn—cwi in r—r TEWKSBURY ALMS HOUSE. WESTERN ELECTIONS. Published SPRAGUE DEFEATED. Ji’ORBIQN. qome very near to the samo number. Northern common.. every day (Sundays excepted) by the They Pacific G0%% by iixi i.R Oave cut and drawn about four thousand cords Pacific Mali 41% PORTLAND vm PUBLISHING and tbe number of tons of hay used to carry Mo, K. & Texas... 31% TO., Louls & At 97 on this business would not fall much short of Nash...... 644% Exchange Bt,, SSe. METEOROLOGICAL. More Cities Allllcted with Democratic Central Facitlo. 76% Portland, Bad Things Whioh Butler Expects four hundred tons: and about six thousand INDICATIONS FOR THE NEXT Bourn Elected Over 2000 Ma- The Trial of the Phcenix Park Aa- Texas Pacific. 404% THE TWENTY-FOUR by bushels of corn and oats were used. MAINE~«TATE PRESS’ HOURS. to Prove.: Mayors. BOSTON STOCKS. '■ published jority. saaains Postponed. KENNEBEC COUNTY. lint & Pero common... every Thursday Morning at *8.50 a Marquette [26 year. If paid in War Dep’t Office Chief Signal / A.T.4S.F. 84 |Q advanea at *3.00 a year. Alexander of GardiDer lost a valuable Officer, D. C 1 Troop Boston & Maine.162 «| Washington, horse and Monday evening. He was Address all April:», 1 A. M. sleigh, £ £ere Marquette preferred. 99 $3 communications bo Harrison’s m Chicago crossing tho river on tbe ice near Naumkeag PORTLAND For New More Testimony of tlie Removal of Majority PPBIJBWnul 00. England, Conference of Herman Socialists at Co- island, below South Gardiner, when tbe ice Marquette, Hugh ton A Ont.f common.. 64 The Assembly Largely Republican. Mexican Central Increasing cloudiness aud rain, warm south Bodies. 10,000 gave way, plunging horse and rider into tbe 7s.. 724% penhagen. Halee at SPECIAL east to southwest wiuds and lower barometer. river. Mr. Troop and bis son had a narrow the Boston Brokers’ Board. Anril. 1. NOTICES. from as both went 8PECIAL BULLETIN. escape drowning, into the Belfast, Me., City 6s, 18981. 103 river with the team. The horse and Bangor City 6s, 1894, reg..120% The storm which was sleigh central in Colorado were worth over 81100. do 6s, 1906. gold, reg .119% last i.—The ClitCAuo, April 4.—The eleotlou yesterday I’HoviDKtn.K. I.— Returns from the night has moved eastward aud is now cen- Boston, April Tewksbury alms April Davitt Denounces Maine State 6s. 1889. reg...114% tral in was was a BOHiie of disorder, drunkenness and vio- State are anil Bourn the Dynamite SOMERSET COUNTY. Portland, Saco & Kansas. Rains has prevailed in the house investigation resumed to-day. The nearly complete give Portsmouth It. It...... 112% lence. The were In liquor sa- about 2200 over anil about York SPRING. Gulf States, Lake region and Northwest, aud chairman asked to have the issue ol whether polling places majority all, 3000 Policy. The farm buildings of it. Pratt, iu the west Manufacturing Co. ....996 loons. over The fair weather continues on the Atlantic coast. hodles had been delivered to medical schools plurality Sprague Assembly will of Pittsfield, were burned Friday eveu- Carter H. tho elect, receiv- 81 Californlu Block*. The temperature has risen 10 in the eliminated, as that would uot bo disputed. Harrison, mayor comprise at least Republicans of the 108 fiartng, together with bis hay. farming tools, sev- Mining degrees ed the of friends council members. Southern, Middle and New States, Qov. Butler replied that he expected to congratulations lujtho enteen sheep and a part of the household ef (By Telegraph.) Knglaud chamber at to the The Ohio valley and Lake regions, with southeast prove that bodies bad been delivered elsewhere midnight. Turning report- vote of 1’rovlileuce Is:—Bourn, 3530; feots; insured for 8?, 100. San Francisco, April 3.—The following are the ers he asked them to to their offices aul tell Duui.in, April 4.—The trial of the official of stocks to soutwest winds. Colder wiuds —some to be skinned and the skins tanned, lie go Sprague, 8202. The total vote of the State, ao prisoners closing quotations mining to-day: northerly their editors that abuse utnl vouhl charged with the Phouix Park murders and Best A Belcher. 3% are from the Northwest. The tem- proposed to show that after bodies bad keen vituperation cording to the Journal's returns, Is:—Bonrn, reported other which it was Bodie buried boou taken not do. The papers had villtied him the 13.101; Bourn’s crimes, expected would be- 1% perature is below freezing in Minnesota aud they had up and sent away, ant| Sprague, 10,23(1; flmjority, 2140; Eureka. people had rebuked them hv sustaining him gin last night, will be postponed for a few days 5% the upper Missouri valley, and it is at and that lie would go into the graveyard al plurality over Sprague, 2806, The Re- At the State Dinner. Gould A snowing with a of Bern's as sullicieut funds have not been Curry. 2% I lead and some of the majority 10,000. lie then referred to publican in the Geueral is raised for the W.H.KOMLING wood, Cheyenne, Denver and l’resoott. Tewksbury produce alleged strength Assembly conduct of the Hale A Norcross. 3% the clergy who Irom the about as defence. It is the Intention of Heavy local rains aud thunder storms have “remains.’' This investigation was to go on to preached politics pul- last year Mexican.. 24% pit. Mr. Carey, his oppouent for the The total of tbe the accused, when asked if they are for Northern THE WELL KNOWN prevailed iu the Gulf States and upper Mis- prove the testimony which had been riven to mayoral- vute State is iuoroased 852!) ready Belle... I 8% was a insurance man a trial, to request that lie furnished with the be absolutely false. The books which hud ty, good hut very poor last year. Tbe Republican veto increased they A Ophir. 2% sissippi valley duriug day. If he counsel. The It Is will Reminiscence of the War Times at the Sierra been sent to him as records of the almshouse judge. and other gentlemen in the re tKMifli trials, said, bo delayed Nevada. 24% Union form movement would now come and consult until the counsel have been instructed. White House. Con.1 3% were uol com plot*'. They wore copies cf the Fashionable as to Yellow Jacket..... 24% Tailor. MAINE. books. Ho wauled the embrac- city affairs lio would bo glad to listen aud Dentil of Peter Cooper. Davitt Condemns; Dynamite. original latter, oouaider their those the deaths aud sale of the opiulous. He said the victory N*tv Michael from ing recording Yobk, April 4.—Peter Cooper died Davitt, prison, has written a Nrw Vork Slock and Money Market. ef today was tho firstgun of 1884 lie thought this letter 18 EXHIBITING AT HIS dead bodies. morning at half past 3 o’clock at the age vigorous to the Young Ireland Society of 100 guns to be tired on the lake shore to of (By Telegraph.)? Shot a Constable. The chairman said it was claimed that no ought '.<2 years. Edward his Glasgow, In which he says the The recent of ex-Senator by resound until 1884. Ex-Mayor Cooper, dynamite policy marriage Sprague New Yobk, April 3.—Money on call loaned down dead bodies were hence there wore no Alter this he iuteudod to sou, and Mrs. Abram can have the effect of 4.—A to the Com- told, S. Hewitt, , only exasperating the and Ills nomination the from 10 In the morning to 4; closed offered at 4; Bangor, April special allow no low dives In the and as to gamb WBrB by Democrats for the records to be produoed; bat thetioveruor sitd city with him when he died. The news English democracy. He declares that it would prime mercantile paper at 6@7%. Exchange doll at mercial from Ellsworth that Win, H. ling it would havo to be carried on behiud TASTEFUL AND QUIETLY ELEGANT ROOMS says he would prove tlie contrary. quickly spread throughout the city, exciting be far better to work and wait for another governorship of Rhode Island recall to the 4 81% for long and 4.84 for short. Government* Fernald was shot and correct- darkened slats. The mayor thou bade bis and % higher. State bonds Bail- seriously wounded this Mrs. Thomas resumed her testimony, feelings of regret wherever known. Flags tweuty years than to play into the hands of mind of the of strong neglected. frieuds good night. Washington correspondent tbe road bond* generally strong on a moderate volume morning at Ellsworth Falls Charles H. ing her statement that a pound of butter a wBraJ>l*oed at half mast on Cooper Institute, Ireland's euemiel by giving the rein to His by Later returns show to despair ot. Ijouis 8 lobe-Democrat a scene In of business. Superb Collection oT week was given to inmates. It should have Democratic majorities City Hall, the post otllce the newt- and revenge. the Smith, a constable. It is reported that Fernald he: for building, The transactions at the Stock Exchange aggregat- a a an In- Harrison mayor, (jrlnioll, been pound meal, llouora Connors, 10,000; offices and other public ucd private Failure of a Parnell Demonstration. White House when Mr. Lincoln was presi- ed 324.000 shares. and his frieuds attacked the officers aud he was city attorney, 12,000; ;8Q0. mate. kept as a "show woman” for the Dumpily, treasurer, {lapttrralldlngs. A and Kate To© following are to-day’s closing quotations of Ten in-s public meeting held in Limerick dent Sprague In the height of her shot Fernald in self defence. beuetit of visitors who wore taken to see Republic and eight Democrat aider- The funeral will lake from All Saints yesterday Government Securities; her, place for the purpose of Parnell a men were el noted, the of giving substantial wonderful and fascination. It is United States and dowers were always kept at her window. leaving complexion church, Fourth avenue and 20th street, on testimonial of the beauty but, bonds, 3s.1034% Injured by a Premature Discharge. the council 81 Democrats and 15 estimation in which he Is do do do 6s. ext...103% The witness's discharge was largely due to Republicans Saturday morning. Rev. Dr. Collyer assisted a iu tbe bucket of woe which she 4.—This held, proved a fiasco. drop drew do do do 4%m, ^reg.1134% Augusta, April afternoon while a jealousy felt by the Marsh family against L)r. Spbinoviku), 111., April 4.—At the electioa by Rev Howard Crosby wlli conduct the ser- DESIGNED FOE Arrest of a Notorious from the river of life as the do do do 4%a. ooup...113% salute was who was to the vices, Speculator- wife of Sprague: being fired at the Soldiers’ Home Foster, engaged witness’s daughter yesterday citizens’ nominees for mayor aud do do do 4s, reg.119% in and who said he to remedy the abuses other city officers were elected. The Demo- Pants, April 4.—Simon Pbillpart, the fatuous “The occasion was the state dinner that do do do InTosus honor of Gen. Tilton by a prema- proposed aud 4s, coup...119% which iu the ulmshonse if It were crats elect four out of seveu aldermen, daring speculator, was ariested President Lincoln Pacific 6s. ’96.128 ture of prevailed giving Mr. Cooper was a native of New York and yesterday gave to Chief Justice discharge the guu Edward Br&deeu upon representations made a c possible. them the eonncil by a majority ot eight. Tbe by Belgian publ Chase immediately after his elevation to The following are the closing quotations Stock*: GENTLEMEN'S SPRING AND had a of came from a for devotion The portion his left hand blown off, only Thomas Hall, who worked at Tewksbury, mayor aud treasurer elect are Democrats. Tbe family distinguished prosecutor. charge against him Is that he that office. The of falsified the of justices the supreme Chlcago[A Alton. 134% the index from 1874 to 1877, testified that he had alt the city and clerk to tbe cause of American independence. His accounts his bank. The prose- A Alton finger aud thumb remaining. He attorney Republicans. court and the highest officials were Chicago pref...... 137 dead to bury while there. He took them from cutor demands that Phllipart be banded over present Bur. A also had the little of the hand St. Louts, April 4.—Of five counoilmen maternal grandfather, John Campbell, sacri- with tbelr and Mrs. Chicago, Quincy.124% SUMMER WEAR, finger right the dead bouse under orders of Thomas J. to the Belgian authorities. wives, Sprague was, as Erie. 374% elected two are two ficed a Domocrats, Republicans fortuue in the cause of his tbe centre of all admiration — torn off. Jr. Mr. used to come aud large from usual, and inter- Erie pref. Marsh, Manning and one Independent. A to fund Friendly Message Kaiser to Czar. proposition and bis father was a Lieu- est. Her at the table tbe Illinois Central. get dead bodies, carrying them away in two tbe wits country's freedom, Bkblin, 4.—A attache of place long in 146% the city debt carried April military the state Lake Embracing Latest designs in zinc, air-tight tranks. During the winters he tenant in tbe American Born Feb. Russian at Berlin has dining room was nearly opposite her Shore...109% the NEW YORK ,fKFFKttsoN 4.—The Demc- army. 18, embassy gone to St. Pe- Central. 96% Eashiouanle s such was there the number of bodies taken to Bos- City, Mo., April father, who as the of honor sat at Michigan hades, Mr. big career while tersburg. It is believed that he is the bearer guest New Central. as ctats eleot Edwards, the present incumbent, as 1701, Cooper began busy Jersey 714% Wine, Green, Gray ton averaged 4V5 to 75. They were uot sent iu of an Important message of from Mrs. Lincoln’s right hand, and further down mayor, amt one alderman. The very young, to learn the hatter’s friendship Northwestern.137% and Goods. hot weather. No pickling was done while he Republicans beginning the William to the Czar. the line Senator was between Northwestern pref... 154 Eight A Condemned Murderer’s Desperate elect two aldermen. Emperor Sprague placed was there. Bodies received from the state trade with his father while a mere child. He two dls.iugulshed ladles. ta"keii his New York Central.1264% Struggle. Treaty of Commerce with Spain. Having Kook Island... prison for burial at the almshouse were with Kansas City, April 4.—The Democrats learned the trade and then his before he went to the 123% These cloths have been thoroughly, and have come a appetizer White House, St. Paul. selected with superior White 4.—The one sent for elect the aud tbe remainder of tbe Germany Spain to final .101% Plains, April murderer, exception, away dissection. When mayor city the dinner was started on St. Paul judgment, and embrace father went into the business of brick making agreement In to the conclusion of a hardly its list pref.'....118 Coruetti, was brought into court this the witness left he was 5100 for his win- ticket except auditor, which is In doubt. The regard long morning paid of of courses before the Union .Pacific Stock. 96% and resenteuced to be on 11. sIbo, which business the son learned some- treaty commerce, each power made Rhode Islander’s hanged May On ter’s work and for handling bodies. He Republicans and Democrats each, elect three having Western Union Tel... 83% his to concessions. eyes were and his incoher- Business way back his cell he took off his hat, bid thought Tom Marsh used to collect money couueilmen. The council stands seveu Repub- thing of in addition to what ho knew of the glassy speech Suitings, the Sheriff and back in his good bye, made a spring to escape, from Harvard College. The witness acknowl- licans aud five Democrats. Death of Baron Werthelm. ent, sinking chair he was The W ool rkec. was hatter’s trade. The older caught by the Sheriff and assistants and that ho some- Cooper having given soon lost in a Tbe on the Pantaloonings, edged knew he had been doing Lkatenyvouth, Kan., April 4.—Dr. 8. T. Vienna, April 4—Baron Wertheim, the deep sleep. guests Boston, Mch. 31 -[Reported fur the Pre*s\.—The was carried to the like a up both these lines of business to go into that side of the table Dress cell, fighting tiger and thing wrong. Nelly, Democrat, was elected of this wealthiest manufacturer of Austria, and a cel- opposite could not fail to is a list of prices quoted this afternoon: Suitings* his custodians. mayor following biting The bearing was adjourned to Monday city. of brewing iu Newburg, N. Y., the son con- ebrated manufacturer of iron safes, is dead. s-e the unusual spectacle, and when Mrs. Ohio and Pennsylvania— Pickloca and &XX...... 45 Spring Three Children Drowned. morning. tinned with him and learned tbe trade. Then A Noted Nihilist Becomes Insane. Sprague looked down to see bow her @48 Overcoatings. Topeka, Kan., April 4.—J. C. Wilson, pro- liege Choice XX.43 @45 Albany, little were was she turned but net April4.—Three girls htbittouist, is elected mayor. at tbe age of seventeen years be became ap- Nicolai Spasskoff, a Russian refugee, who ar- faring pale, changed Fine X.41 @ 42 These will be drowned this afternoon while playing on the MASSACHU SETTS. rived in Vienna a few states that a muscle of her countenance, and went on Medium.44 goods made up in Fokt Scorr, Kan., April 4.—Colonel A. B prentice to a coach builder, four days ago, @146 ice in Wilds’ pond. working the with her chat and When she Coarse....34 the latest approved fashion, and Pearson was elected mayor ou the citizens' Tebernicheffsky, great Russian Nihilist, gay repartee. @^37 years at825 a year, and learning tbe business who has been Michigan- of the finesi A Dinner to Gen. Diaz. ticket over exiled at Wilusk, has become a finally caught her father’s eye, one workmanship. Captain W. R. Henry, Republican, agonized Extra and XX.40 41 New England Methodist Conference. thoroughly, lie his ex- maniac. He had been and @ !Hy customers are invit d to call Naw York, April 4 —Gen. Grant gave a by 20 majority. Tbe Republicans elect police spent eveninga doing raving long suffering appealing glance shot from her great Fine. .38 4.- -The session of from melancholia and needed @40 and examtne these dinner to ex-Presideut Diaz at the Union Boston, April the New judge, city attorney, treasurer and three couu- tra work, whereby he added to his income, special watch- blue eyes conveying the intelligence to him. Medium....43 @45 truly splendid England Conference of the Methodist ing The madness became cloths. League club to-night. Among the guests were Episco- cilmen. and his made for his apparent shortly In a quiet tone the chief justice said to his Common.32 @ 35 church this daring apprenticeship after the first of the and at Other Western Mayor Ed son, Win. M Roscoe Conk- pal opened morning, Bishop Bow- year the time of “I see that the apr5 sneod2m Evarts, a machine for the hubs of host, Senator Is ill. Will Fine and Senor man presiding. A' 8 39 the conference prayer employer mortising Bpasskoff’s departure from Irkutsk. The phy- |X.. .38 @40 ling, Jay Gould, Matias Romero, Rus- you not have your butler assist him out sell Clarence A. meeting was held led by Rev. L. Crowell. The THE STAR ROUTES. carriage wheels. The close of his sicians sent by the Governor General to attend qui- Medium.ul.43 @ 46 Sage, Seward, Gen. Lloyd Ae- apprentice- to the cloak room?” Two waiters took Common.rT...... 33 36 ot* and presiding elders were invited to the altar and him pronounced his case hopeless. This news etly @ City Portland. pinwall members of Gen. Diaz’s suite. ship brought him to his majority, and he then Pulled—Extra.36 46 the has created a sensation in the war governor between led him to @ Bishop read communion services. The Viennese working- them, oupernne...25 $10,000 for a Leg. went to work in Hempstead, L. 1., men’s the cloak room and @48 SPECIAL NOTICE. members conferred together with the laity, making and Socialistic circles, where Tehernich- stretched him out on a No 1.».16 Charles a @25 Motel, boy who lost a leg last Sep- then of the Lord's the Vailo, Another of tbe on tbe machines for cloth. the effsky’s works are much read. sofa where Jie slumbered until the dinner and delaine— tember partook Supper, Bishop Defendants, shearing Baying Combing WHEREAS u has been to by being run over by a Sixth avenue Fine and No 1 petition presented the being assisted by presiding Elders. Witness Stand. right to these machines for the State of New A Conference of European Socialists. was over and his father-in law helped him oombing.48 @50 Board of and Aldermen C. horse car, today recovered a verdict of Fine Mayor by Emery Chase, $10,000 Business proceedings being opened, roll call out and into the a delaine.-. 44 @46 to erect a Wooden at Nos. 78 and 80 Fed- that Washington, April -N. York he accumulated the sum of 8600, which Copenhagen, April 4.—German Socialists carriage. Though height- Low and coarse.36 40 Bnifejiag against corporation. was read by the secretary showiug 142 .present. 4.—Harvey Valle, ened color blazed in Mrs. eral St., and a remonstrance same has been one of tbe was h ave just concluded a three secret Con- Sprague's cheeks Medium unwashed.26 30 against The was for defendants, called to the wit- he almost devoted to the relief of days’ presented H. G. and secretary re-elected the ensuing immediately after this Low by Quincy others, the Com- ness stand tbo defence in the star route gress here. Sixty members were present, in- disgraceful incident she gave no unwashed. 20 @22 on pear and he N. A. by his whom he mittee New Wootien hereby no- nomiuatedjas assistants, father, found to be heavily in- California. 12 43 Buildings give WASHINGTON. trial this morning. He was examined cluding Herren Babel, Liebkuecht and llazen- other sign of the mortification that was @ tice that they * ill be in session at the Aldermen’s Whittaker, L. A. Bosworth and J. Neai. by debt. He also became Texas.17 Henkle. The witness described at some surety for enjh of his clever, all memlArs of the Reichstag, together fairly crushing her all the @33 Room, City Building, at 4 o’clock p. in., on Thurs- Visiting brethren, Dr. O. S. Rust, secretary of through long Canada pulled.30 @40 his father's debts was with delegates from Paris and London. It was and the day the 5th lost., then and there to hear all re- the Freedman’s Aid and Dr. length early relations with the other de- as be not able at once to banquet, speeches, congratulations Do 38 Society, Charles decided to Combing. @40 and Judge Gresham of Indiana fendants. With he had never etroDgly oppose at the elections in !11; Brighton Tallow at 7e Exchange Hi uoTaodx&Om $315 23, 1863. ment of damages for lands alleged by petitioners city Baltimore, paying for it 3106,000. of falling into tbe hands of Gen. I>e looked up and licked his chops. Court till a desire to Miner, who seemed to be in He waa induced to p Ifc; Country Hides, light, at €c; heavy at 7c Jp lb; adjourned tomorrow. to have been taken, from tnem in widening help einbaik in this venture by Galifet. , “Not fast?’ great trouble. Before he came iu the witness two very Country Tallow 4$. i%e #Mb. Miscellaneous. Chelmsford St- In that city There was a trial plausible gentlemen, who represented that The New Pier at Nice “I Calf 1 went to at Miner's and bad Burned. don't complain of that,” panted the bklns l@l2%e ^ !b;Sbeep and Lamb Skins before a sheriff’s jury .summoned to estimatethe Brady request sought they large means, bat, after paying bis at $ 1 O each. Arrangement for the nuveiling of the statu8 an extension of time allowed for Nice, April 4.—The new here was Wolf, "but what hurts my is the 25@2 and were the putting on share of tbe purchase he fonnd that pier feelings ! Remark*—There was not much call for i of Professor on the 19th have been con- damages, exceptions alleged by money, shipping PIANOS, Henry service. couseuted to au entirely destroyed by fire to-day. Only the fact that you didn’t climb a tree on the defendant to the rulings of the sheriff. In the Brady grant exten- they had misrepresented their capital and Cattle and trade has not improved much over that cluded. It is expected President Arthur will sion hut no iron framework of the which connects of me Court the verdict was and consideration was given for this resources, and that the whole would bridge start, finstend giving this useless of last week; prices unchanged over the ceremonies. Superior accepted purchase the with the land remains. preside action. hare to be for himself. In pier Loss estimat- chase. have some for other WorkingfOxen—In fair demand. We note sales of the defendant appealed. A decision has now paid by this trans- at Pray respect Secretary Folger called at the White House Witness a ed $100,000. Girth. lbs. 'ORGANS been given by this court accepting the verdict. signed contract in October, 1878. action he sernred the whole of tbe shore line people's feelings hereafter.” Price. aud had a short interview with tbe 1 3 3300 today It was dated back from no sinister {Freeing Ireland of Paris. pair.7 $2C0 motive, bat of Baltimore, from Fell’s Point Dock, for a by Way 1 President. to pair.6 10 2800 $166 E. B. ROBINSON & CO cut off certain postal drafts that were out- distance of three miles. When be made the Paris, 4.—Gen. has JSJrSZ The total amonnt of bonds embraced in the April Melljn arrived 1 pair.6 5 2600 $135 est Ho. 7 Street, THE EIGHT HOUR LAW. standing. Witness learned from Miner of the the of tbe Monument here. It is stated that the of his 1 6 6 prices; wareroom. Myrtle oppo- at purchase people City purpose mis- THE HONEST CLERK. pair...... 2600 $135 r 120th call received the Treasury Depart- existence of the site City Hall. ms 17aneodt f drafts. They had been hy- were in the midst of great aroused sion is to direct from this the Irish revo- Store 2-year olds $15 ment to date in response to the excitement, point Cattle—Yearlings $8@16; department's pothecated at the German American National the of the Baltimore and movement in the name A Merchant who felt that his Profits @$28; 3-year olds $2r@$48 head. circular their by promise Ohio lutionary of the com- were p authorizing prepayment is $3,- Bank for money. Witness failed to mittee of Irish Milch Cows—We note sales of 1 new milch cow at Claims of a Million and a Half of make Bailioad, which some lime before bad been Americans. not as as his 064.550. Money. terms with the bank large trade warranted looked $80.1 do 1 do $50; 1 $40. Cure Your Corns and filed sub-contracts on originated by a subscription of 86 per share. $65; springer The President this afternoon appointed Philadelphia, April 4.—The taking of evi- routes. over Veal Calves—sell quick at S@7%c ^ Jb live BY USING the This led to trouble between Sena- Daring tbe drat year of its operations, how- his books one Sunday and then inter- Lieut. Cei. Anderson D. Nelson to be deputy dence in the case of William R. A weight. Thompson tor Dorsey and himself, the Senator ever, tbe expenditures bad been than MIRACULOUS CURE. viewed his clerk with: governor of the Soldiers’ Home vice Major against the United States has began here. charging greater Swine -Western Fat Hogs at 7%@8%c ® !b live SCHLOTTERBECK’S that be bad been unfairly treated inasmuch the amount of and it was Store a money subscribed, weight; Pigs at 7@10c lb. Cogswel! deceased. Thompson is boss joiner at the League Island as “John you have taken 8500 of his security had been impaired. fonnd that, because of tbe many sharp carves Henry, my Tbe President to Florida navy yard, and his claim amounting to S447, Is Henkle offered to since Going To-Day. show that Dorsey and and heavy grades to be overcome on the road money January.” Chicago Live Stock Market. Corn, Wart & Bonion Solvent. for back pay from the time Secretary What Happened to Elder Frank Ward The President leaves Washington tc-morrow Thomp- Vaile “had a rumpus in the bank" and that bed, a much sum of won Id be “That’s so. I used it to buy futures in is not a canstfe. son’s ten hour order went into force until it larger money (By TelegraphA Entirely harmless; 50 He be ac- the former Rtruck his name from the was of Augusta. and I lost.” morning at 11 for Florida. will agree- necessary than at first estimated. On tbis cotton, Chicago. 8.—Hogs Receipts 14,000 head: It removes Corns, Warts, Bunions ami Gallons was revoked by Secretary Chandler. The case but tbe April companied by Secretary Chandler, Mr. E. C. ment, court refused to go into details. discovery the stockholders became so “And 1 must send you to State Prisou!” shipments 3200 bead; 5@10c lower; mixed 7 without leaving a bleit ish. possesses additional interest from the fact that principal If® Brush for in each bottle. Miller, of New York, and private Secretary Witness placed the date of tbe quarrel as discouraged that declared would no! Previous to I 7 60; heavy at 7 65@S 00; light at 7 10@7 70;sklps applying it *s a test case against the government, and they they “Oh, January took A has been at the December 1st. Their next was CURE IS G CAR AX Phillips. special car placed meeting upon rather lose what funds they had already sub- Almost in has heard of $800 of your and and TEED.^Z will decide the claims of hundreds of em- March 5th everybody Augusta money bought wheat, c Cattle—Receipts disposal of tbe party. They go direct to Jack- or f>tb, 1879, at Dorsey's house. scribed than throw more good money after bad. have 6,500 head; shipments 1,900; Price 23 cent*. For male by nil in the navy yards, arsenals and other Elder Frank Ward, a minister of the Christian my profits been so large that I can re- market 10 lower; to choice at 6 Drajggiiitis. sonville and make as few as ployes They had a quarrel and ended Mr. who was interested in the good shipping 90? stops possible. by dividing up Cooper, greatly turn all and 6 feeders at 3 15 ah 30. it and will be convinced like thousands departments of government work, involving a on your money have enough left to 40; stockers.and Try you From Jacksonville they proceed up the St. tbe routes. A valuation was made of routes enterprise, and who hoped hv the success of church, refill!og the Togus road, a distance who have used it and now to it* value. million and a half of Gen. Butler was a race horse. But for testify as as money. and straws drawn for thalr of buy my honesty you John river far Sanford. They expect to possession, witness the road largely to increase the value of his two miles from tbe says the Kennebec Donrtiic Ask for ttcblotterbeck’n Corn and Wart to have conducted the examination in persoD, 40 city, would have never known of the first steal. narhfts. be absent from this about two weeks. The taking per cent., Miner 30 per cent., and 8. remonstrated with hot to no Solvent and take no other. city but he was called He was property, them, Journal. On the 25th of October last he cut a away. represented W- 30 cent. But for mv business tact would have (By Telegraph.) nov23 POdtf length of their stay will, however, depend Dorsey per purpose. They were assured that it would you N’fw 3.—Floar by his law partner, O. D. Barrett. The gov- terrible gash in his left ankle while lost all. You’d Yobk. April market-Receipts mainly npon the condition of tbe weather. Henkle—Where did Brady come in. never be practicable and chopping better go visiting and 2244 still in ernment was represented by Assistant Attor- profitable give 18,945 bbl®; exports bbls; bayers fa- Answer—I know nothing about Brady. to run steam-engine* around the wood, tbe axe tbe limb between the me full charge!” Tor with little more for mainly in low wammBmtBmsasEBBmBsm' ney General John P. Blair. many entering doing export, Continuing, be said that be went to tarn* which were with light jobbing trade demand; rales L'Arrest'a Comet Visible. Dotsey’s abrnpt necessary and bonee of the leg and severing several cords and grades, 18,- Again house to effect a for 300 bbls. separation, nothing on unavoidable on the road. Seeing that nothing arteries. So Boston, April 4.—A cable message was re- would have serlons was the cut that before a Flour quotations—No 2 at'2 40®3 So; Superfine | LABOR TROUBLES. earth made him go on with Dor- else would satisfy them Mr. Cooper made up ceived this at Harvard ob- could Western and State at 3 25 n 3 SO; common to evening College sey. After the following witness did bis mind to construct an which would physician arrive he lost a great quantity FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL good April engine extra Western and State 3 good to choice servatory from Dr Krueger of Kiel, Prussia, not see until 1881. 75®4 SO; Dorsey June, Subsequent- demonstrate the feasibility of running trains of blood. As a result he was very low and a do at 4 6087 00; common to choice White Wheat announcing tbe of D’Arrest's comet witness consolidated discovery ly his interests with around the objectionable curves. He 6et to sufferer the Western extra at 6 25a7 00; fancy do 7 Dr. E. of great eutire winter. At times Mr |Review of Portland Wholesale Marker. 10®7 26; by Hartwig Stratsburg observatory. Strike of Iron Workers. Miner’s. As to his feelings toward Dorsey work with all the energy of which he was ca- common to good extra Ohio at 3 90S7 25; common Its was as Ward would be position follows: Right ascension at that tone witness never a man e irrational and his mind would FOR TBS WEEK ENDING 8. to choice extra St. Louis at Staid 7 25: Patent Gentle Reading, Fa., April 4.—Forty rollers and disliked so pable, and in short time had on the track an April 13 hours 55.4 declination north 8 de- i in his life us he Minnesota extra to 5 6t d8 50: choice minutes; heaters in the iron works at have much did him. They were engine which he believed would [serve his pur- be wandering. So weak was he that all win- There are few changes to report. Flour is quiet good prime 10 minutes. Its motion in as- Birdaboro, to double extra do at 6 Mill extra grees daily right now friendly because of common With much he next ami 600,7 75; City strnck against a reduction in wages of 12 1-2 persecution. poses. difficulty brought ter long he did not sit up but two half hours steady. Bermuda Onions are 2 50 a 2 75. Su- at 5 15 2800 No 2 at 2 cension is minns 44 seconds and in declination "One touch of nature makes 0,5 50; 40®3 50; 800 bbla cent. Three hundred hands are thrown the whole the stockholders together, and embarked remains at is at 3 25«3 is 0 minutes. It is very faint. Its per excepting to have his bed made. The sufferer gar quotations. Molasses firmer. Lin- Superfine 80; 2SU0 low extra at 3 75® pins period- world kin,” interjected of them in a small box car. Women oat. The strikers offer to accept a 10 per cent, Ingersoll. thirty-six Six seed and 4115; 3800 bbls Winter Wheat extra at 3 X0»7 26; icity is 6 2-3 yeats and this is its sixth appear- I Witness denied was Boiled Oils arc higher. Teas very firm. reduction. positively tbo whole conver- others were given accommodations on the loco- constantly growing weaker, and shortly 4900 bbls Minnesota extra at 3 76: Southern Tobaccos are 75®7 ance. On account of the perturbations caused sation at the National as steady, the reduction of Who want glossy, luxuriant Hotel, described by motive, which carried lis own fuel and water. before the his failed and pending May flour rather weak but steady: common to fair 4 00® i is near J a 1850 to it is Cotton Weavers on a Strike. healing appetite him, 1st. by passage pi tor, 1863, Uerdell, in wbiali tbe latter was to a Pork firm and Plate and Extra 5 to choice 5 76. and tresses of offered some Having overcome grade of eighteen feet he slept but six Honrs during the last week. unchanged. 10; good 16®6 Wheat—receipts wavy abundant, difficult to make the previous observations Philadelphia, April 4.—Over SCO weavers mail service and Its enormous and Plate Beef are 60c 33.000 bush; exports 73,729 bush mash 1®144 and profits pointed to the mile, turn alt the short curves about To make the case still worse set in. better. Seeds are active. On* beautiful Hair must use consistent with those later than 1859. During in the Union cotton mills, Manayunk, struck out. Witness said be would have neuralgia options 1 a244 lower closing weak at a tr fie above been per- the Point of Rocks, the engine succeeded iu one had him over to dura Raisins are a little oft. the the conditions of for the restoration of tho 10 cent, Nearly every given die. inside ran*; sales 6.301.000 bush, including 189,- present appearance visi- to-day tier to have withdrawn all his a distance LYON’S KATHA1R0N. This fectly willing money making of thirteen miles in one On the 14th of March he had trouble around 000 bnsh on spot; No 3 Red 1 I 1844 2 Red bility will be very difficult, the comet being taken from their wages several weeks ago. The and drawn out of the 17® ;No business If he conld have hour aud twelve minutes, and made the return his heart and had convulsions. On 1 20a 1 2044 cert.l 2044 >1 214* delivered.l 1844 article 1-5 or 1-6 as as when seen in 1877. Its ■Hills will shut thus coming f.rain elegant, cheap a'ways bright probably down, throwing done so when Uerdell went west, mu from Elliootl’s Mills to I’kicnge Quotaiiou*. f o 1 Red State 1 a 1 No 1 January 4, Raltlmoro iu fifty- out of them Mr. Ward stated that he had re- brNo *644 26; White discovery has been anticipated before its pre- !i00 hands out of employment. 1879. lie went on his own 3. State l No 2 at 1 01; No 1 makes th Hair grow freely behalf, having seven minutes. The Baltimore & Ohio rail- ceived a despatch from God which said that {Portland, April 2344®l 24; White, H,- dicted time which was about April 23d. been a of ooi atlll44dl 12. lower; Western given sub-contract by Miner for en road was thus saved from and he should be healed on the 25th of The following quotations Grain were received Bye 71® and it from bankruptcy March at Canada and State at 72 V :a 76 fast, keeps falling entire term upon the White and 7344; 44c. Barley Uiver-Ilawllna abandonment, from that day became one four o’clock, p. in., five months to a by telegraph to day by Bigelow A Co., 157 Com- cares SPORTING being just firm. S ara lower; receipts 79,900 bnsh; exports out, arrests and gray- route. Miner had a conditional contract with of the of the Mr. and au great corporations country. day hour from the time the ent was re- mercial street, Portland: 79,784 bush, sales bn«h, Cincinnati's Mayor Attempts to Sboot which the latter was to *,936,ii00 including lt>0,- removes dandruff and Uerdell, by be paid Cooper became interested in various other busi- ceived; also that at the same hour ho 000 bush on No 3 at No 2 at ness, the Jailer. sbonld Chicago.-Wheat——« —Corn-. Oats spot 03% gaga- 65® 81000 lor services In after certain ness and was interested in arise from his old No 2 at 2 for makes the Hair looking enterprises, largely couch and walk from the same time. I Apr. May. Mav. June, IMay 6544®«6H; 6744 elsv; No April itching, 4. -A was routes. Witneai had no interest in the extension of the at c: at Cincinnati, O., April sensation The Billiard Tournament. the electric telegraph aod in to the kitchen door, a distance of feet 9.30.* 110% 56% 44% 64** 86664 c,closing 6444 May 65%®06V4, White Hlver rente after Iterdell eight at dune at strong, giving it a curling created in tbe rooms of the Duckworth Demo- took it. On the establishment of oceanic telegrauhy. His ne told his attendants to take the 10.00: 109% 110 55% 36% 44% closing 65*4 o; 65%g«644e, closing at 4 —In the billiard tourna- medicine at cratic Club yesterday an attempt Chjcaoo, April one occasion had paid Sub-Contractor 1’erklna extensive manufacture of and trade in iron that tbe laird 10.30. 109% 110% 56 56% 44% 66c; .July 671i;a!«844c, closing 6744c; August and it in morning by ment defeated Wallace away; Jesus Christ had taken 68c. Oats 1 lowsr and active tendency keeping this afternoon, Sexton 8200 on account of that route. Witness an 11.00. 109 110 65% * .**4 fairly specula- by Mayor Me,ana to shoot John Brady, County de- was important factor in the making of his his case in hand and It was for 56% 44% G00 to Sexton’s run 10 God's glory. 13.00. tive tradejreceipts 35,100 bush:sales 764,000 bush; any desired Beau- Jailer. Both men are members of tbe club 407; highest 82; average nied the truth of Iterdell’s statement that he fortune. He first built Canton Iron 108% 109% 53% 56% 44% position. great the Sunday the 25th of’March came, no could No 3 at 53e; White at 63c: No 2 at 53*4 « 5344c; Wallace highest run was 73; average had induced to 12.30. 108% 109% 65% 56% 44% Hair is the sure and bad tbe at tbe club rooms 20-58; Brady accept tbe affidavit of Works iu Baltimore, which a loss to take a half a White at No 1 at White at tiful, healthy spent night 78-57. proved only teaspoonful of water at a 1.03.. 108% 109% 55% 56% 44% 5444®55c; 5844c: 67c; returns. Hub-Contractor Perkins as the basis for him. lie afterwards built Mixed West rn White at 54 a White result hearing election Early this morning expe- works in New York, time; his extremities were cold. About 3.30 Call... 108% 109% 56% 56 44% 52®64c; 57c. of using Kathairon. In the evening game between Vignatix and dition the White ltiver mute After he State 44c- Magar is dull: refining et the Mayor, wbo had been drinking, made upon which continued only two or three years, o’clock p. in., people began to gather until 28 54®«57 7® Morris, Vlgnaux ran the game out in his 19th refusal to furnish an affidavit 744; refined is eaiser; White Ex C 7 olf A threats that he was going to insult Brady, who Dorsey's he said when he established works in Trenton, N. ,1., were present. Shortly before four o’clock El- Eoreigu Exports. 11-lee; inning with the unprecedented ror. of 240, the route to Uerdell and witness at 7*4 R8c; standard A at 844 a844c; ent loaf 944 was np stairs. Means went up stairs, hut Bra- belonged had which ho operated successfully for years. Mr. der \Y ard several of the brothers to GLASGOW. Buenos Morria with a score of 197. requested Steamship Ay roan—11,837 1,944: Confectioners A at 8 7-16; powdered at 844 friends him down. Means followed leaving Vignaux's business of his own to his at- was a an a mau dy’s got enough occupy Cooper worker, Inventor, and ou his which was done. bush 36,329 do wheat, 600 a was the best 31 Mor- put clothing, Then peas, 11,195 bags flour, ®9: granulated 8 11-10 844 e: crushed 944®94*c; when tbe men Beized him. drew average yet made, 11-19; tention. All Uerdell’s statements do do He finally upon this of rare business ability. His wealth grew to tho hymn “Tho Great Physisiau now is near” bbls flour, 17 potash, 1600 oatmeal,300 cises Cubes at 9a pt-sc. Molasses firm; sales loot) hbds ris’ highest run was 00 and his average 19 7-19. were canned 48 do 1360 bills a revolver, and Brady, seeing this, drew his, subject specifically denied. Witness had rost proportions and he was proud to say that was sung, and the 18th of 1st moats. spools, spool wood, (tuba 50 test 33. Petroleum—united at 9444c. chapter Kings head and aemanded that Means's revolver be taken never prepared an affidavit of t was all in and not 439 cattle. Tulle** very firm; sales lbs. 7-16. upon any their f made mechanical business commencing 'with the 21st verse was road. Fol- __ 66,000 844®8 routes. Miner all of Pork|verr dull |new mess on spot at 19 25 a 19 60: away. This was done, and bloodshed was pre- managed that; also the In speculation. Mr. Cooper began early in his lowing this Friends minister Phebe YVadswortli Ponluud Preaa Ntoek l ist. THE INDIANS. Daily of mess 19 2VO20 60; 100 bbleof vented. and Means have not been on correspondence with the exception of Jen- career to devote to a of his of offered 2l5|bbls family Brady oharity pojtlon Augusta, prayer; also Mrs. Stewart. Corseted by Woodbury A Moulton, Iuvestmej clear backs at 22 ooa.22 terms for two nings’ letter. Did not know who the Ills were The 26; options teglected. good years. filed gains. gifts unostentatious. On Ills request he was raised from his Bankers, Oor. Middle and Streets. l-ard lower and heavy; sales 660 tes npon the Palls reclining Exchange 10®16 points petitions Vertnlllon-Sionr noblest of them Is the famous Cooper Institute on poiltlon by brothers present. Before leaviug Descriptions. Par Value Offered. Ask prime steam spot 11 60®ll 55.40 tea eity steam Col. Forsythe Loses the Trail of the route, iiMl a very indistinct recollection of Iu New wbioh a Uni- GALL & TUTTLE, York, is really People’s the bed his breath became natural, aud he be- State of Maine Bonds. ..112% 11 25; refined for continent at 11 68; 11 80 for S. facts in connection with this 114% Unprofitable Jail Breaking. Apaches. route. These versity, whore the Income of rnoro than a mil- came perfectly calm. Then at 4 Portland City Bonds, ..120 A. Butter weak:We tern 10®80c: creamery at 32. routes were mode the precisely Munioipal.100 Chester Prison, 4 —Yesterday Chicago, 4.—The News Santa Fo subject of detailed In- lion dollars goes every year to the training of o’clock Mr. YVard aroeo from his bed, stood Portland City Bo%ts, aid ILK. 100 ..122 Cheese firm; State’factory 9®14%. III., April April up, Wheat steam 2d. vestigation. Witness did not know until this talents for Bath Bonds .. 100 .. 102 Freights lower; V* 144 -a afternoon four convicts attempted to escape. says Col. Forsythe reports haying lost practical uses. Iu political life Mr. the first time for five months, and walked to City special trial that the mail had not been ac- Bangor 20 ..111 3.—Flour Is dail; common at Tailors & William McCormick, serving a five years’ sen- the trail in Chihuahua Mountains. Mexican carried Cooper was, at times, very prominent, espe- the door but very little lame Here, ho City Bonds, years.109 CltlCAOO, April to says, Calms Bonds.109 Ill Wheat 3 00. Minnesota at 3 25 Importers, tence for violation was shot cording advertisement upon the Kearney- cially in the latter of his life, when, in the laird City Spring 60®6 50®4 of the postal laws, advices report marauding bands had been portion told him to walk back to the lied. 453 Boslon. Cumberland National Bank.. 40.... 57% .. 59 bakers 4 2.4a5 76; paients 6 0087 60: Winter at No Washington Street, Kent route. 1878, ha was the candidate of the National In- through the npper part of the right leg; James driven from Sonora into Arizona, hut before Again, at the same command, he walked to Canal National Bank.100.... 169 ..171 4 25®6 IK); Michigan at 4 60®fi 25. Wheat lower; Ifenkle offered to prove that the Itlsmarck- or Rogers, serving for the same offence, was shot crossing the line the savages killed 5,2 people, dependent Greenback party for tba ottice of the door aud back again. On reltirnlug the ttrst National Bank.100.... 168 ..165 regular at 1 034s cash- 1 0844 <41 08% for May; Tongue Hlver route was a Investment in the shoulder; another was shot and slightly south of the Mexican boundary. Nothing has losing President of tbo United Stales. He was, in last time ho took hold of one corner of the bed Casco National Hank.100. .168 .. 170 1 0944 for June; 1 094* July; No 2 Chicago Spring for the contractor instead of a fraud his earlier a Merchant’s National Bank .. 75.. .118 ..120 at l 1 No 3 at SPRING GOODS wounded. All were speedily captured and yet been hoard from Capt. Slack's command. gigantic years, member of the New York aud lifted It bodily from the floor so that a cas- 0344® 0544; 90c; No 2 Red Winter upon the government. served a National Traders’ Bank.100.... 159 ..161 sat t 07V* oil 0744. Corn is lower; tor placed In solitary confinement. I.—A received city government, aud number of years tor dropped out. Then sitting down on his 604?®53o GENTLEMEH’S Washington, April telegram After Portland .. 105 cash; 65Vj for FOB wear. some debate the offer was accepted as school trusteo, and on the hoard of educa- conch tho heretofore bedridden man shouted Company.100 a56%c May 564*®56%o for Jane; at the War Department ami forwarded to the and the Portland Gas Company. 60.... 61 .. 68 68®5S44e for Oats lower 42 44 for a witness said that had .?">0, tion. Mr. when a to God” July. ®4244o Dm* Kails Nprcialty. Indian oflice that Chief they spent Cooper married, young “Glory again and again, a little re- (>cean Insurance 100.... 108 ..110 cash. for tc-day reports Spiooho COO on that route over and Company... 40440 AprU; 4444®444ic May: 4344® Crawford Skips Out. above receipts. man, his wife being Miss Sarah Bedel of markable from tbe fact that he had uot \. AK.K. R. Bends. 109 ..111 and the Creek Indians who recently left, their On spoken 4384c for June; 424%®42%c for July. Rye lower cross-examination, Mr. Illlss nsked when I,. I. The took above a for two and a Maine Central R. IL Bonds 7’s.1 23 Atlanta, Ga., April 4.-A. J. Crawford, reservation have gone into camp with the Ca- Hempstead, marriage place whisper years half. 126 at 67c. Itarley nominal at 760,77c. Pork is lower 8.W. Dorsey assumed an Interest in the routes. in December. 1813. Six children were born of At time he walked to Leeds A R.R.b’ds 100.... 112 ..113 at 18 05518 cash and 18 LADIE38’ deputy U. S. Marshall under Longstreet, waB inacches thirty miles west of the Sacs and supper the table, sat Farmington 07 44 April; 26®18 2744 Witness answered, "Not until some time In the four of them iu down and ate a Portland A Ken. R. R. Bonds,100... 112 .. 114 for 18 43441318 46 foi June 18 574x5.18 60 arrested sometime ago on charges of making Foxes reservation. The Creeks will union, dying infancy. hearty meal, aud In the eve- * May; peaceable after onr division." Mrs. of llnmford Falls A B R. 1L Receiver Lard 11 11 30 for cash and false at id fraudulent of time and dis- March, Cooper died on the 08th anniversary ning saug a hymn. At night he July. lower; 25® April; Newmarket Jackets nnd returns hold a council with the deserters to-morrow, slept perfect- 1st 7s.108 for Coats, Wraps Taking np the to lterdell’s suit. Mr. her in December, 1880, iu the sound all the first ..110 11 424? May; 11 47 44 Jnne: 11 50®11 524% tance. On before the of the latter refuse to return to reser- plea wedding day, ly night long, natural sleep n \m: TO OltDEB Monday, Judge and if the their miss P^rtland A Ogdonsburg R It it, 6a. .106% .. 108% Hulk Meats in fair demand, shoulders*7 70; demanded un expiation of the statement 77th year of Her age. Tbo surviving children for five months. In the Mr YY’ard July. District Court he was admitted to bail in vation and are supported by other tribes, all morning Portland Water Co., Is. 107 .108 short rib at 10 05: short clear at 10 45. from all the pa** In the that, Rrrdell had been Min- are Hon Edward ex-Mayor of New arose, dressed went to the D3r"Horae cars Depot* 82000. While endeavoring to make a bond in force at, Forts Iteno and Sill employed by Valle, Cooper, himself, door and ,♦ 2s. 107 .109 At the closing call of the Board this afternoon the available will er and H. immediate of our store, a convenience great- W. Dorsey. York, aud Mrs. Sarali Amelia Hewitt, wife of shouted praises to God so that the lower at 1 1 08** for vicinity Andersonville to-day, he escaped from the of- tie needed. The despatch further etates that neighbors 3».110 .ill Wheat W AS 03a. April.1 08% ly appreciated by our out-of-town patron*. Witness went into another Hon. A. 8. Hewitt, member of Cepgress from were aroused across the Btreet. Since March for 1 09% for June; 1 OSH ®l 09 for M&7hl2t ficers. Flatt has directed Major Hates of the long explanation. May; July. mar2(J Major Ife admitted that the to iterdoU’s suit New York. 25th the eldor lias been aud Corn lower at 50% April; 6544c May; 6644c June; to call on the otli- plea up about seeming- Drv flood* YVkoleante Market. 20tii Infantry commanding contained a Oats arc easier 4044e for little careless wording, but ho be- as smart as ever, and 5744a68c July. April; Explosion of Hewer Gas. cers at Forts Keno and Sill lor troops, If neces- ly repeatedly offering The following quotation* :ue wholesale prices and 434*c June: 4144c July. Pork easier: lieved such errors were common with lawyers. The Seal Fishery. thanks to God. Next Sabbatli afternoon Elder 44V4c Mays 4.- An of sary. corrected daily by Storer Bros. A Co.. Dry Goods, April ami May declined 244c. lard, May and Juno Baltimore, April explosion gas __ Witness said lie knew little about the very Dunpkr, 4.--TI10 sealing steamer Res- YVard will preach in the oliapel on Cushncc Woolen* and Fancy Goods, 144 to 162 Middle street: declined 24sc- in the sewer in the northeast section of the routes when be April sigultied to lirady hts intention olute arrived Irnui the ice fields this Heights. 37,000 bbls, wheat 63,000 took place this morning which damaged Hie Malley Insurance Suite. of them morning UNB LK AC HKD COTTONS, Receipts—Flour hush, city, taking up. At the mall letting of with to .'18,000 seals, which con- corn 616,000 bush,oats 96,000 bn,rye 14,000 bush; sewers equal young Hnnvyaein. 7V»i<£ »Mi Kino 7-4.14®17 the streets and 810,000. Several bouses Havi 4.—The Insurance eases 1878 witness had bid on over a bush. New n', April thousand routes. firm previous good roporls. It Is believed the M«l. 8(1 in. HVfcSl 7V» Fin# 8-4.18 «22 barley 51,000 had their walls cracked and broken by the con- A Co the senior He bhl in the name of his STATE NEWS. of Kdward Malley member of cousin, Sprague, so fishing Is best over kuowu. Ltgtit 8(1 In. S n 8 Fine V>-4. 22^2(1 St. Lor I a, April 3.—Flour is dull. 4Vheat lower* cussion. The was caused a 1 explosion by boy which (irrn is the father of Waller and uncle that he (witness) could act as bondsman. A severe snow storm lias been all Kina *0 In. 7V4M U l*llie HM....S7ViCl6 May 0844; perpetrators yet. David & of New Fire, destroyed and No 2 White at 91c: No 2 Roil Winter at 1 10. George P. Gross of the firm of Proctor, Chicago, April 4.-The Journal's Hastings, Torchelner Co., York, have with all of their Kenny 12 ^(<$1811* Twtuo A Warp® lSva28Vfc failed for barn, nearly contents, belong Receipts 18,000 bush; shipments 9,000 bush. Gross & Maguire, testified that the stock was Neb sneolal says: Ingham and mur- #100,000. to (loo. 8. in No. UMttUff—HMl.. (Iroen, lug Shaw, 11 1. Loss •• Nictv 3.—Cotton easy; Middling worth and that that derers of Cash Range Good. Orleans, April PIANO and ORGAN Lynched. from 8140,000 to 8150,000 Mlllett were banged by a mob Seven persons injured by a boiler explosion about $81X1. No Insurance. 8Vfc&ir*fc uplands 9V4o. Wil- the firm had offered to buy the Malley’S out of -'15 masked men last night. It Is not known »t Grlfiln’s Moss Miss., have since is Middling up- Little Rock, Ark., April 4.—Albert mill, Point, OXFORD Mobile, April P.—Cotton dull; Warerooms ol at actual coat. wtiat was done with died. county Miock lands liams, a a little daugh- previously Babcock the other mur- .llarkn, 9%o. negro boy,who outraged derer. Tho Democrat that 3.—Cotton dull: Middling up- ter of taken from ■ says all the lumber The following Quotations of stocks arc Savannah, April Col. Haiikew, Saturday, was lames Colomnn (colored) was sentenced to bo reported lsnds the teams are out of the woods, after a and and corrected daily by & corner u>?c. officers to-day by a mob and hanged. A Publisher shot Dead. hanged at Charleston, 8.C., yesterday for mur- long Woodbury Moulton, 3,-Cotton quiet; Middling up- successful winter's work. There wore about of Middle and Exchange streets. Memphis, April Baton altercation Ex-Senator Thurman Breaks Hie Arm. dering his sister. lands 9*sc. Kougk, La., April 4.—An four and one-half milliou of ami hem- NEW YORK. STOCKS. __ Thurston John Cully waB killed In City last spruco Samuel Jersey tills T. San- O The New Missouri Pacific. Markets. took place afternoon between W. Columbus, April 4.-Ei-flonator Tbur Haven Medical Association have lock landed on the river ill Gilead, which took 1027/h Enropenu night by jumping from a house while it was on man on the Wabash ders, a broker, and W. A. Lnesnor, steps of his residence last eve- taken steps to Dr, G. I.. on the labor of one preferred... ) 3 Free St. Block, PORTLAND. (No. 3.) 6 re. publisher expel Thompson hundred and fifty men. This >ii»aha (By Telegraph In ning and broke his left arm el- account of a case common. 49 3-12.30 P. M.-Cotton market of the Capitallan Advocate, which the latter between the his Connection with In the number Includes were at work Liverpool, April only those that Denver Jk K. U .. The National Theatre in Berlin was Roth bow and shoulder. In nr ..,’*** 47*4 ... inquiry- and freely supplied; uplands at i totally was shot dead. parties wee welI con- Therounlt.lt is thought, city oourt, which he Is charged with pro. on long lumber. The number in Omaha moderate WILL YOU CALL fire Wl'l not be serious. an employed preferred...... !lot»7U 6 9-16d;Orleans 10,000 bales,specula- ati destroyed by yesterday. nected. log abortiou. and and would Northern 5(9-16d;sales »ovX4 cutting drawing birch poplar Pactic preferred.,.. *. 80Vh tion and export 2000 bales; future* dull. THE PRESS. Stories About Animals. EDUCATIONAL._ _MISCELLANEOUS. __MISCELLANEOUS._ _MISCELLANEOUS. ENTERTAINMENTS. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 5. CANINE SAGACITV. PORTLANDTHEATRE. Portland Business College. IRON Frank Curtlfl.Proprietor and Manager. The Cologne journals tell a curious story BEEF, of canine Two were ^ Five National Debts. sagacity. dogs caught & WINE. TWO NIOHTS. rabbits. One was a of tbe TV OW is the time to enter for the eotirte in order We are to bitterly of our na- stealing large dog it apt complain IN that it may be completed before the rush that Wednesday Thursday, April 4 aud !i, a cross As a it would tional debt. It certainly is a burden,— neighborhood, between a St. Bernard follow# the fall opening. Nutritive tonic, be com- and a large feared all other indicated in the treatment of im- TH13 though a fast diminishing one,—but woolly colley, by up r 2d 2 w L. A. till AY, Prluoipal* the most with the debts of other dogs; second was a stranger, u small ter- paired nutrition, improvishment iWADISOA pares favorably Instruction in ana Class- SQUARE national debt in rier, slender to tho English of the lllhod, and in all the various great nations. Tho largest just enough get through WOOLENS. Theatre is owed France. It amounts to hole into the rabbit house. The dog> ical Studies. forms of general debility. This Company the world by big — TURNER BROTHERS. — FOE who on is made from Will present Its great New Vork success of last sea- or $117 79 for e^ery man, other occasions never noticed his g.veu to private by the »ubflcrit*et preparation the $4,083,840,000, pupil* son, tlie exquisite domestic drama smaller had come to an woman and child In tho country. Next comrades, evidently world renewed Liebig’s Extract with his little friend about with the understanding of Citrate of Iron and Pure Men and Wear comes Rnsffa $4,314,007,390, debt the nocturnal rendezvous, fhe j. Beef, Boy’s big dog w. colcorr, Wine. bottles 50 per capita being considerably less than that scratched away all the grass and the stones, Sherry Large cents. of France, but scarcely less burdensome ow- dragged up the board covering tbe entrance 148 Pearl Street. ESMERALDA, STARTLING BARGAINS! Wo have received a full line of Mrs. Frances to the rabbit and iet tho juet By Hodgson Burnett and to the bouse, terrier jump I an 94 (lit ing poverty-stricken and half civilized W. H. as at through the hole. The latter returned in a Hillette, presented the Madi- character of the of the son Theatre for majority population. few minutes with a rabbit in Ills mouth, ELIXIR ~TARAXI- Square one year. The debt of the German Goverumeut is which he presented to his great friend, ami CASSIMERES both to A BEAUTIFUL DOMESTIC LOVE STORY. small because of the adherence to a strict proceeded devour their supper midis turbed. JUST CUM COMPOUND In very choice SPRING STYLES, • policy of taxation whereby the current ex an l are now them at Scenes in >ortli Carolina and Paris. Elixir offering price* are but the HOW AN EAGLE DEVOI RS A CHICKEN. An agreeable composed 24-INCH BONNET that cannot fail to peuses annually met, national p'eaae, with inl Ncenrry for curb act of Fresh Dandelion, Wild Producetl »pf< burdens are almost unbearably large not- IFrom the "South Pueblo (Col.) Opinion.! Cherry from the Mudi«on Nquarr Theatre. 50 eta. 35c. Sale of Seat* en- and Gentian, chemically combined Seat8 81, 75 and gallery withstanding, mainly because of the cost of Barrett & Co. have a pet eagle which 2. ruar30dtd LOOK with Iron, and commences Monday, April the immense standing army. Great Britain joys the freedom of a small alley-way adjoin- Phosphorus Quin, in ine. One dose of Elixir Taraiv- owes $8,814,500,000, or $109 04 per capita, ing their place. It was caught a peculiar BLACK SILKS GENTS' DRESS SUITINGS cti'ii near The will correct INDIGESTION but she is rich enough to stand it for the way Salida some time ago. proud ln’good variety of Style*. and from one to three bottles present at least, if she is not wise enough to bird of liberty, being pressed for food, had AVOID CHEAP HATS. (ac- co;ding to the severity of the di- enter upon a system of reducing it. The swooped down on a skunk, and torn it with sease) will eure the people of the United States groan under the his talons and eaten of the flesh. The very permanently worst form of t he weight of a debt of about $1,700,000,000, or rare flavor of the prey, however, was too rich complaint. HEAVY ALL WOOL CLOTHS for the eagle’s majestic stomach, and lie ALL GO APPETITE, One bottle of $84 per capita, with a country possessing Tarnx- for Workmen, a specialty. sickened and stretched himself out on the ieiim will insure a the richest certainties of of any Compound $1.50and$3.50 development a bad deal spot. He had made aud got hearty and increased di- in the world. Still a debt of even that size “skunked.’’ He bas not yet fully recovered appetite from bis but eats gestion. Large bottles 50 cents. is not a thing to be proud of. The smaller dyspepsia, well. They AND SEE PER YARD. sometimes give him a live chicken, and lie BOY S SUITINGS it grows the better it looks. The consola- butchers it with neatness and dispatch. In both All wool and Cotton and Wool. tion the comparison presents is that we are Grasping it firmly with his powerful claws off our friends across the lie it the hack at one stroke of his much better than splits up CALISAYA r > aud it out the flesh to crook- Pei Yard. water. Our best policy is to reduce the debt beak, opens his Never Sold less in $2.50 and $4.50 ed carver. MERRY, Please Call and Examine. Entertainment as fast as the surplus in tho Treasury per- BY THE THE HATTER, FOR A CORDIAL % mits. HA.WK-CATCI1I.\'U IN GEORGIA. PORTLAND This of [Lafayette (Ga.) Messenger.] preparation, composed Governor Robie the horny banded farmer Calisaya (or King’s Bark,) Hie and held last G. W. Clements, Walker’s clever Treas- CADETS, granger,” kid-glove receptions most valuable of Hie Peru- winter in Portland, Lewiston and Bangor at urer, lias been successful in catching hawks. FINE species IX AJV OF TUB which silks and diamonds predominated and vian Bark used in medicine and His is novel. He makes a 12 in- aid sailors’ to which the “plain people" were not invited. plan trap soldiers’ Aromatics forms one of the best dtt Those cities have held elections since then and ches square; the sticks are small; this trap is ap4 MONUMENT all went Demooratic as a matter of course, be- TONICS in the world. placed in a thicket, and in it are I association. are imprisoned It is not to enlarge cause the people nowaday expressing their NEW As an appetizer and promoter necessary of hypocrisy, sham and deceit.— two young chickens of such size as to do disapproval of digestiou it lias no and the of these Argus. their duty in holloaing when separated from equal upon quality elegant rsous from or Tickets 50 Cents. Reception* were tendered Governor Robie p< recovering fevers made the best manu- the hen. Over this trap is now placed a goods, by extra. other sickness, will find in (bis Reserved Seats 23c by organizations, military and other,in some large trap ;i feet r3 eodtf POSITIVE IG reeusborougb (Md.) Free REMEMBER THE PLACE. Turner Bros., Press.] -OF- iced, the fault was with the Jenkinses of The biggest authentic eat story of the sea' journalism and the readers who revel in son comes from Marydell. A colored resi. Prof. gossip about dress -not with the Governor. 408 tfc 490 WM J. MERRILL dent of that place had beeu employed by The Celebrated Trick and Fancy Court dress was not It is prob- “TO THE ELITE.” prescribed. Mr. Charles Poore, who is a tenant on one FRANK GOUDY Skater. able that people donned tbeir best, as most March of Col. Lloyd's farms situated ou Miles river, WILL OPEN who was unable to appear 27, General people do when going to a ball or reception. MONS. A. MOREL CONGRESS STREET. skating before and after the exhibition. Prices as some nine miles below Easton. As the col- mar 30 dtf usual. The Argus paragraph is a piece of pnre Hernia GEO. H. ored man was about to leave Msrrydell, Mr. tologist, TIanicure WIHT.tfEY, demagoguery. and Chiropodist, ap4dtd Manager, T. M. Cooper asked if he would like to have Balsam Removes permanently, without Thursday Afternoon & Evening, a to Cough cat take with him. The man said he Capt. Eads is full of confidence in the adds or PORTLAND THEATRE injury to the skin, “Su- AT Frank Curtis, Proprietor 61 Manager. would not object; so Mr. who is a lias the endorsement of Jas. 0 ability of man to manage the Mississippi. Cooper, perfluous Hair, Freckles, Warts, big man with a heat t to two Moles, Reduces In the Blaine, Esq. Rev. C'. F. Penny, TWO & “If I were 13 years younger I would readily correspond, put Piutples, EIGHTS only, .Holiday fine specimens of the feline tribe into a sack Face, birthmarks, Blotches, Tan, Col. Thomas Lombard, Rev. E. H. Tuesday. Aprils & 10 engage to obtain and maintain a navigable *0. alii COMESS STREET, and put it in the car with the man's other Black Worms, Sallowness, and W. Smith, (all ot Augusta. channel from Cairo to the gulf, of at least household contraptions. The cats were all defects of the skin. landed from the cars at as N. B.—Hands WILSON & CO’S 20 feet depth, and I would do it by simply se- safely Easton, made white, Finger We sell more ADAMSON’S Between Oak and Green Sts., BARLOW, witnessed by a friend of the who Nails Almond Skin curing a uniform width to the high water gentleman shaped, puri- MAMMOTH gave us these facts, and were load- lied and beautified. BOTANIC COUGH channel of the river. I would let the carefully caving ed on a wagon en route for Mr. Poore’s “Bunions and Ingrowing Nails a BALSAM than, of all other A MOST ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF banks alone and coniine my attention to farm. In all probability they arrived at the specialty, and treated successful- Cough Remedies United. LADIES’ SUITS. though this be a new making the river of a uniform width, which farm, cannot vouched for at ly by process.” present. However, the strange part of the HIGHEST CITY MINSTRELS. can be easily done by the wide REFERENCES. attacking story is to follow, and that is that one of the LACES, and shallow and BABLOW, WILSON & CO., Sole Proprietors. places confining the water cats, a large gray fellow, of the masculine Ini led States Hotel. made his u>ai2» THE WORLD'S GREATEST in a proper channel. When a uniform width gender, escape, either on the road aodti Wc have now for exhibition from Easton to Miles or more ready is secured a uniform velocity of current will river, proba- after new GUPPY, bly reaching its home, and, mak- our assortment of medium Dress and channels will be un- priced Minstrel result, shifting its way back to Organization ing Marydell, deliberately Suits for Ladies. Trimmings known. Then the damage from caving walked into its old home one evening last AND HILT. G. BARLOW. banks would be reduced to a minimum.” week. The distance travelled by this intelli- Yhe Suits are of Black GEORGE WILSON. DRESSES KINSMAN Silk, Plain MCHOOL4 R AFT or animal is at least miles. COES, gent forty j FINISHED C AL WAGNER, Samuel of Colored Summer BUTTONS, Mn. S. Cox New York wishes Silks, Fancy Silks, BARNEY FAGAN. SEVEN LEGS, TWO TAILS, A DOUBLE MOUTH EDDIE it to be clearly understood that there can be DYED EQUAL Cashmeres, Flannels and Spring FOX, And 30 others, in an entire neu programme, no Democratic of the House of AND TWO SPINES. speaker Rep- WITHOUT & ALDEN. made in the desirable pypriea* as usual. Sale of Beats commence* T< luar 31 eodtf Suitings up Gloves anil Corsets. resentatives elected without his [Indianapolis Journal.} Hosiery, Friday, April 0. aprAdlw appearance of the season. as a candidate. Mr. Randall can plant, and Fletcher M. Noe, the young taxidermist of RIPPING xen. styles this has PORTLAND THEATRE. Mr. Carlisle can water, but Mr. Cox will be city, just completed the mounting This Stock is entirely new, and of a most Prank Curtis.Proprietor and on hand when the harvest is to be gathered. curious and wonderful monstrosi- 17 Temple Place, LEWANDO’S RICH has been selected with the great- Manager. Protective tariff or revenue or no tar- ty. It is a lamb which was born on the tariff, U. S. A. est care from the first houses in farm BOSTON, TWO NIGHT# ONLY. iff at all, Mr. Cox will run. “This,” he ex- of John Vanerder in Van Buren Town- FRENCH EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT, New York. 1 haTe plains, “is no joke.” Mr. Cox finds it nec- ship, Grant Comity, and by him presented DYE FRIDAY & SATURDAUVENINGS, Aflr. 6 & 7- essary to draw on a long face and explain to Mr. Higbee, of Marion, Ind. Though PRICE LIST SENT AND 492 & 494 THE FINEST LINE OF NOVELTIES EVER that he is in earnest every time he enters born alive, it only lived a short time. It FREE, HOUSE. Congress Street, »p3 dtf SALSBURYS upon a campaign of this sort. There is fan has seven legs, two tails and a doable marl d&w8wi> DISPLACED IN THIS CITY. in the ail the for mouth. From the head to six inches back proceeding' same, however, FOB FRY NG FISH AND OYSTERS These lines will always be TROUBADOURS! the comes in when Mr. Cox of the neck it is perfectly natural, except the NOBBY. kept laugh gets full and no double mouth, but from that the FOR 2 2 2 complete, having old those Inimitable a through running; and he is not the one who point body OLIVE BUTTER 2SCENTS supporting Aristj, divides, each half forming a complete body, goods to only the latest has no euual. It is more wholesome aiul economical display, laughs. with two legs and a tail. The hind legs, al- NELLIE McHENRY than lara, and is free from the pungent odor usual We have the correct styles no w We offer for the week 310NDAY the Spring goods in all departments. in all turn in different — — If the report that the Orleans princes though perfect shape, to cooking oils. in Blue, Brown and Blaek. The commencing 26th, ap4 dlw AND directions On the middle of the back, jnst our full line of have sold or the of COOK little square crown stiff hat is a mortgaged greater part in front of where the bodies is the BOOKS, NATE braneb, valuable recipes and instructions how to (Jem. their landed in France is not true, seventh the lower of which is containing SALSBURY, property leg, part very use OLIVE BUTTEIt by the Principal of the Phila- but Cretonnes BURNHAM & in Bronson Howard's latest success, entitled it is certainly well reasoned. There are very slender, beyond the first joint it branches delphia Cooking School, MAILED FREE upon ai»- Inported CO., and forms two large, well developed feet. plication. SUCCESSORS TO good reasons why the princes should be anx. WAN it I ft€»TOI¥ Kl'TCHEK’M at 25 cents Wc shall into this with- The bones in this were so as to BO**, per yard. put sale, leg arranged no23 PHILADELPHIA, PA. eodTOt GREENROOM FUN! ious to convert their estates into cash. The make the feet stand several inches above the out reserve, all onr 50 cent goods, embracing many new Bl RSHAH & DYER, French is not or lim- back. The mouth is also a The Foulest Performance In the World. government hampered curious malfor- SILK We do not keep any of the 25 cent ited by the operation of any organic law. It mation, the bones in the lower jaw being patterns. regular in such a manner as to the can Price# .75 & 50. Sale of (eat# is free to take what action it pleases, under placed keep jaws Cretonnes, and the public depend oil this sale for $1.00) commence# apart two inches. To the end of the lower Wednesd y, April 4. apr2dtd any and all circumstances, and if it should jaw is attached another jaw of solid bone, special bargains. Onr aim being to close out clean, for decide that the interests of the Republic which has a well developed row of teeth SAWYER'S WOOLENS! HATS. an entire new stock. would be promoted by the confiscation o^ growing from each side. This bone is placed | Gilbert’s Waltzing Parties in such a manner as to close the mouth. Onr Silk Hats are ail made ex- the Orleans estates, conld Every Thursday com- nothing prevent Mr. Noe made a careful dissection of ihe pressly for ns, and. we warrant OUR LACE TIDY DEPARTMENT Evening, mencing March 22. Tickets ad* such confiscation from being made which revealed the fact that from the ihem. We also exchange for $8. still contains sonic excellent bargains. Wc want tltc room these goods effectivet body, milting Gentlemen with This Is reason neck back the creature had two arc for other purposes, and will elose out at less than cost. Ladles, enough why they should pre. perfect occupying, 5v cents. and that each of the bones in the fer to have their possessions in a portable backbones, CHIBERLimNMED’S various were fastened to it. form. legs naturally Juvenile It also had two sets of intestines and two 451 CONDKESS STREET, Exhibition Ball Another of those Democratic victories of lungs, but only one heart. (i. a. St. March 31st. Can be found a verv line line of the cele- GLOVES mar20„„ m» 24 BOSWORTOHM91 Congress dtf which the is so is Argus proud reported brated Woolens manufactured at the __ __oodtf from Carter Harrison has been Nos. 71 & 73 Cross Street. Chicago. large and extensive manufacturing com- imported Kid. Bos Skin, Cas- Buck an re-elected Mayor of that city. He is the 11any of F. A. Ac J. Sawyer, situated in tor, Coat Skin, iu ail colors. COPARTNERSHIP. man against whom the Chicago Inter-Ocean Dover, New Hampshire. These goods are over GRAND OPENING! TELEPHONE NO. 241. known all the conntry to he su- brings the charges that “as congressman, perior to most any other make, and the to-partncrship Notice. Mayor Harrison served the rebels; as mayor, CATARRH of wool from which arc finality they “KIMBALL BROOK ICE.” Portland, March 31,1883. the thugs and gamblers; that he has dis- made Is of the very best. They give per- mBE undersigned have this day associated them- fect and this is a A full supply of the pureet and beat -1 selves under the Arm name of the obscene and satisfaction, good op- TRUNKS quality. HOWES. HIL- graced public by blasphem- to announce to TON & HARRIS, for the purpose of a portunity for any man or hoy to secure We are pleased the people of Port- ^F.inilin, Ilolrt. nul Oilier, transacting ous that he has demoralized the tupplied general woolesale business in Aour, groceries and speeches; for himself a woolen for new monthly or by the season at the lowest rale*. good |a land and that wc shall hold our First Grand provisions, aud have taken store, Nos. 317 and 319 police force, connived at corruption in the Spring suit. vicinity Commercial St., head of Brown's wharf. city councils; that he is a conscienceless of HENRY M. HOWES, AND Opening W.M. K. HILTON, demagogue, and that his continuance in BURNHAM & CO. ap2dislw BEN,). P. HARRIS. is a and a blot SANFORD’S RADICAL March 211,1883. mar29dtfis power standing disgrace, up- CURE, Dissolution ol Ifal«nmir 1'o-pnrtnersliip. on the fame of the city.” The Great Diafillation of Witch llaxel American Fine, 4'n> rid>nn Fir, Copartnership heretofore existing between F. H. fliirigold. 4 lover Blo«t*toni, etc** AND THE Morse ana Geo. A. Mills, under the Arm »?2 dlf BAGS. LADIES' CLOAKS nameofMorse& was Nathaniel whose death Mills, dissolved mutual Montefiore, For tli© Immediate relief and Permanent Cure of SUITS, by consent on March 29, 1883, Geo. A. Mills has been must not form of Catarrh from a Head Cold or retiring. annonnced, be confound- every Simple We a Their Morse & are Influenza to the Low of and have Trunk that no other successors, Piukham, alone Smell, Taste, Hearing, WALLPAPERS authorized to the settle business of the late Arm ed with Sir Moses Montefiore, the eminent Bronchitis, and dealer in Portland has—the Pa- Cough, incipient Consumption. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, AI'RIL 1TH AND 5TII. and to use its name In Belief in five minutes in and case. Noth- tent liquidation. Hebrew banker and whose any every Wood Trunk, very *trong. P. 11. philanthropist, lik© it. wholesome Cure * MORSE, ing Grateful, fragrant, We are *perial agent* for them. GEO. A. MILLS, devotion to the welifare of his poorer co-re- begins from first application, and Is rapid, radical, TWO DAYS ONLY. * Portland, Mar. 1883. J. tv. and never Mole Leather, Zinc and Canvas 29, MUNGKR. has him a permanent, failing. ligionists given such noble one Trunk*. nampj On© bottle Radical Cure, Box Catarrhal Sol- Spring The business heretofore us Opening. conducted under business has caused to the Arm and who not entered vent and Sandford’s all in one package, Onr increasing double the loDg ago upon ids Inhaler, Saturday, March 31, and Monday name of Morse A Mills will be continued the un- a treatment, of all for by forming complete druggisi* 2. under the Ann name of Morse & ninety-ninth year. But as Nathaniel was a $i. Ask for Hanford’s Kaddad Cure. Pot- April of our store by leasing the second of our dersigned Hnkham capacity story Wo are to show at our at No. » street. Mr. ,1. \V. ter IlRLO AND WF. SHALL SELL — prepared Fxchauge Monger will member of the same and was in- CHK.MH AL C'O., BOSTON. family, block and we have bad it tttted up for our new store a tine and as continue his connection with the new Arm. expressly complete F. H. a kindred spirit, his death is a For th'- relief ud MORSE, spired by prevention sortment of Wall All marSOdtf H. N. PINKHAM. * In- inMtJint il im applied of Papers. matter of — regret. COLLIAis, Keiatl- —AT kinds of and \ Rheumatism, Neuralgia, COE, Decorating ceiling VOLTAiey ca, Cough*, Colds, Weak Buck, Cloak and work done in the best Co-|mrtnorshi|> Notice. A recent visitor at Thomas’s bloc- Stomach and Less Than Carpet Departments manner by Major Bowel*, Shooting Cost to Close. TlfK have this day entered into Fe- co-partnership stables at Pain*, Numbness, Hysteria, One 60 former One competent workmen. Estimate's '' under the tirm name of PERKINS & grass Lexington, Ky., was asked male Lot, cents, price $1.00. Lot Pains, Palpitation, By*, 76 cents, former #1.25. One and SHURT1.EFF. to transact a general commission his as to Liver Bilious price Lot, samples gladly furnished. opinion the value of a sorry-look- pepsia, Complaint, former $1.60. THE and fish business, at Nos. 8 and 15 Union Wharf. Fever, Malaria, and $1.00, price Our Cloak Hoorn itself lias been fitted at a horse that was then Epidemics, One #1.25, for- up great 1>. PAtSK PERKINS. ing getting its daily pol- use CoIIiom’ I* In*, ter* (an Lot, /ELECTRIC" mer price §1.76. IV. H. SHURTLEFF. and it at the liberal but t.Ucivic Vm ttery combined and will be found the most elegant room of the Apr. 2. 1883. ishing up, placed — — expense apr3d3t» with a I'orou** PhiMcr; and Also, a lot of not lavish of $75. The horse in of Hostou. figure ques- ^ASTERS laugh at pain. i|,1c. everywhere. kind cast WRING, SHORT & jnar20MTh&w2wJ 8 Flannel Laced Shirts HARMON, ficorse S. Pa)(i>n tion was Queen Ban, for which Major Thom- HATTER at a It is our to one of the and admitted a onr great bargain purpose keep largest fin- Preble member of firm, from his date. — as had refused $10,000 the day before. Opposite House, IS Apr. 1883. H. M. PAY80N A CO. These prices are only the days above named, and 197 iTIiddit: assortments of made in the 2, for cash. Street, est ready garments city, and dlw marl 7 dt74 «pr3_ Thirteen tons of gun metal for the cod. kmHI dnr some Congress St- wc shall display at opening of the most ele- d3ni struction of the Keeley motor engine have end stylish garments in the market. been cast in sections at several different fur- CHARLES GUSTIS & CO.! gant DOGS and BIRDS fishing Insurance. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit naces in the country, so that no one should 493 Street. and FOR SAJ-.3D. Congress The DRESS discover the secret; and the inventor prom- mar31 4tt Hooks of tiio PORTLAND inspect onr new quarters and goods on the above dates MAKING. MUTUAL FISHING ises, definitely, to set it going as an engineer; INSURANCE Our now departments are of easy access through English Setters! ing celebration, July Fourth. COMPANY tiro now open for busi- store. The Misses ness. our main Respectfully Hyde, English Retrievers! We insure all vessels owned (Full I'rtligrtrn.) The day after Postmaster General Howe’s in the State of Maine and 514 or thi DIRECT engaged Congress Street. funeral a delegation of Ohio gentlemen SKIN in the Cod and Mackerel Fisheries. '•1‘lyiiioiilh Rocks,” Cockerells having JuM returned from Now York and Hoiton mid Eggs. Cure bred ttullnrd called*ipoii the President to the claims A Reliable can Assist Sentl for blank lire now to urge application or prepared serve their customers Rucks' 41 so C ro> •OR ALL GEO. A. GAY & Eras. s-B red Eggs of that State for a in the with place cabinet. -m0 m«auna other information. GO., from flu lined and They o;«EA8ca or the Per Steamer from Wliife Pekin. presented no name, but thought the State Scotland, SKIN, aJXZZ,owyncv should bo all means let 8», ..Tetters, A Fino Line of JOHN H. 499 CONGRESS ST., Corner Brown. recognized. By Ohio RiSNELL, tl5t THE MANASSEH- innr31__ _ LATEST STYLES SMITH, have something even if it is only a back seat. rr filNTMENT. SECRETARY, ■ Oraccmmtofai. WOODFORD'S, MAINE. Rash *p“ lATttt#THE I.TSNII 1.‘}G €4i ntefiil for pn«t patreunsr, ihc> a d*wiwl4 The trades unions r«,SIPElA8 _ of England are now IK*"™ COMMERCIAL u8T. < oufiuuniiott in the futurr. Hixowobm KENDALL & i»ar31 making a protest that sounds strange to the D«”' .wm WHITNEY, dlw* Dealers In Timothy, Clover, Flax, Hungarian, Millet, American ear; it is, that girls under 14 Itch, BALL’S | A CARD. shall " W L L II fL Hod I op, Hlno (trass, Lawn (trass, be allowed to work with ^NOGe" FOR ITCHINO PllES.” Which f not sledge and anvi [ shall be happy to show Have your Stencils and Kuhhcr a • ■ (tardeu, Illrd Having situation in the well- NO Dr. 8wavne a 8on, blEALTHCOItSET Orchard (trass, Flower, Seeds, &c. accepted n the blacksmith shops. to one that for marking packages of known Boot A Face, any may favor Is increasing In |K)pidarl Stamps Shoe establishment of Burn®, me with a cal). ty every day, ah ladies Hud Market Hall, Market Square Portland, It is estimated that the 700 guests at the Cuts it the most oml'ormblr Me.( • NO and pertferl liitfug corset Vanderbilt ball in iiekkry M. G. PALMER, represented $8,000,000,000, ever worn. Merchants say «MVKjr, that the of it the best AND PILES Noti«!Ksubscriber has been or 10 times the total valuation Boston. gives satisfac- FISTULA duly appointed Exoou 230 Middle Street, Portland, tion of corset trlx of the Will of at any they ever Cured without the Use of the Knife. We should rather sell than buy them that Bold. For sale by all lead- CHARLES HUMPHREY, late of Yarmouth — of the — lsoli.it the continuation 3. 1 n g dealers. Warranted WILI.1AM HKAll (M. D., Harvard, 1842), ami In the County of Cumberland, deceased and MADE IIV price. A. or HEAD 411 lms taken U|kjii herself that and wilt of ____ FERNALD, re- RORKKTM. (M. 1)., Harvard. 1870), mist by patronage goad my iHAtlflfactory money Win? bonds as the law tiie funded. Momrract siren, lloatou. glvo epm'lal attoutlmi directs. All persons friends and acquaintances. The American contributions to relieve of FIMTITI.A. PH. KM A Nil demands the estate Price mail to tire treatment haying upon of said deceased HI c reliant by $lv50 Ill MK AN KM OF Til K are required to exhibit the sufferers by the Hoods in Germany, will meet Tailor, A l.l. KKl’TIdl, same; ami all persons H. B. vrltliont detention from business. Abundant refer Indebted to said estate are cal led to make to upon pay- BENNETT, on the ocean, tba German contributions uncos given. Pamphlets sent on application. tnent to CROSS MOORE & Hours IS to 4 P. M. REBECCA S. relieve the tire floods in America- FREE, Corner STREET. 1 OWEN, CO., Office o'clock, (except Snti HUMPHREY, Executrix sufferers by mftt-27 . D. Woodmansee Garsi.de’* Hand Sewed Turns, this meeting. Prayer. lime were the A china tea in Freneli qu&led, and commanding a tine view of Congress, for. Hastily yours, Address the President.I)r. Carlton Kimball olden following: Sewed light weight Kid, very light weight for lland New State. the to Capt. Asa Clapp. He followed the sea in by < ; amide’s Kid Spring and entrance Pine street. Steamer Buenos AyreaD, of the Allan line, O. C. B. Annual P. Ged’l in 1623 Goods, for dress. Wdmansee & French Report.II. Winter, Sec'y. set brought from England by the widow State street, between Congress and is ac- all about 23 out sea- Foxed, with French Matt Kid Top, all widths, Spring, sailed afternoon for years. Upon going of the Address.Rev. Thomas Hill, D. D. ihi*. Season. to be the most yesterday Glasgow, taking of “Blessed” John Robinson, a clergyman, sizes and half sizes. knowledged des'rable location In line he went into the trade at Collection. Portland. For situations like 437 head of cattle and a cargo valued at S162, faring dry goods Portland, Jan. 2t>, 1883, private residences, SiDgtng.. State Street Choir loaned by Mrs. Eunice Perry; two chairs, once the above are for but seldom obtain* No. 6 Free with his for the great ma- We also have a fall line of Gents’ eagerly sought 805. street, brother, J. G. Tol- Dear Sir—In my opinion, Address..Rev. Frank T. Bayley BOYD’S able. We trust the will the fact owned by King Louis XVI, of France, and and public appreciate but was forced to retire some jority of scholars who attend our public schools be the tie that binds," Cloth Top Button Oxfords, that an to an estate in snch a As Mrs. Brown’s in which were a ford, years ago, Singing—"Blest opportunity purchase carriage, as defined you, should be the Congregation to this country at the time of the If a wants ease Fine N. Y. Boots in all the leading styles. not be offered for on account of ill health. knowledge, by brought Ties. Lady magnifisent locality may again was Address.Rev. J. F. D. D nurse, two children and the driver, being end of public instruction, for the reason that Stevenson, downfall of this unhappy sovereign, 1793, and eonfort tor the feet years. This sale will be without reserve or limit, Tolford was a member of the*Board of and favorable terms. For further turned around on Middle street, at the head of Capt. many pupils have but a short time to remain let her a of upon particulars loaned by Mrs. Catherine Storer; a coin of the try pair, to Aldermen from Ward in and at tie in school. This information, rules, THE JAIL. apply Union street, one of the horses fell 2, 1870, general our Hand Sewed F. O. BAILEY d: yesterday, can be but obtained school above monarch, owned by Mr. Arthur Benson, CO., Auctioneers. time of his death was one of the harbor com- etc., during life, Trench Kid and the carriage was overturned. None of the as ap5d2w while traiuing, defined by you, can be best Jr.; a letter written by Gen. George Washing- missioners. He was one of the mem- Boots, made occupants were injured, but the carriage and leading secured in the experience which many of them Visit of the Prison Inspectors. date Oct. 7th, Continental ton, bearing 1779; by Coueh & F. O. BAILEY A were bers of St. Stephen’s for years. will have in actual life, and which will be for Ladies’ Cnracoa Kid Button. We invite you CO., harnesses somewhat damaged. parish many to the father of Mr. Peter of more valuable to them than if simply taught money paid Libby Wisncr. to call arid examine our new goods. Wo keep would be a Capt. Tolford was married in 1813 to The street sprinkler good thing Mary all widths from the narrowest to the widest. Auctioneer- and Commission Merchants as a school study. Very truly, Yesterday Messrs. Porter aud Bean, inspect- Bnxton. on street. C. ilonntfort, daughter of the late Dan- On Children's School We claim to have the best assortment of Kid to see Commercial Capt. H. H. B. there were a some of the Itlisses'nnd _ ors of for the arrived Of paintings host; from to iel Mountfort, who survives him. He leaves prisons State, unexpected Boots, we think we excel. Boots iu Portland; prices £2.00 $3.75. Salesroom iS Excl tsgr Mt. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen yester- Kid Button is with work- in the on the uoou train from more noteworthy being two very fine life-size of all kinds done at Our $2.00 very stylish B. Wm. three sons, Joseph M., Charles B., and Dear Sir—Your circular is at band. The ly city Lewiston, Repairing ed button holes. Our $2.5o Kid Button has r. o. BAiurr, c. w. aiLam day afternoon drew Geurge Furbish, George an loaned to for took at the Falmouth Hotel, and im- portraits by Copley; original Titian, short notire. French Kid Burton price with worked button and A. S. as traverse M., the second being a resident of and aim of education is fit children every quarters A. Charleton Skillings Boston, hole*. We have several for $3.00 from Regular sale of Furniture and Genera Merchan- of life, or commercial, also to the Sheriff True by Capt. Joseph Leavitt; original Robens, styles the other two of this city. Dr. who sphere professional mediately proceeded jail. which to widths SS. FFF and DP. dise every Laturday, at 10 o’clock a. jurors for the Superior Court. Tolford, for or in the and Mrs. several fine select; S, M, commencing every duty, socially home, was at the time but tho loaned by Stevens; pictures m. Consignments solicited oct3dtf held died more than a vear ago, was also his eon. away inspectors pro- The youths’ temperance meeting will be the public school gives the best training yet and Mrs. Catherine ceeded to make a examination. Af- painted loaned, by Stoier; Capt. Tolford was a man of strict business offered. I think onr scholars are too much thorough at the Gospel Mission this (Thursday) evening several Mrs. Jennie LADIES’ over-worked and have too many lessons, parti- ter they had concluded they left the institu- also paintings by Bodge at 7.30 o’clock. Speaking and siDging by the integrity, of whom it is said that his word was when young. JohnsoD, and Miss Mary Robie, daughter of Button, no seam across trouble- as good as bis bond. He in ticularly quite tion without expressing any opinion to the Seamless your children. All are invited. delighted giving Yonrs I. H. F. There was also some truly, officers. Gov. Robte. hung upon tbo 480 Congress Street. joints. liberally to charitable In a CHAS.; objects quiet way. lino of Gov. O'BRION, afternoon a Press called wall a portrait Robie, together OPPOSITE PREBLE IIOCRE. Who are the Little Women? He was universally respected and was mnch Yesterday reporter of his lion. npr5 eoUtf Jan. 1883. on him his with one father, Toppan Robie, This question has been frequently asked liked by all who knew him. His funeral will Portland, 26, Mr. Porter and asked opinion of LADIES’ Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Arthur B Morrill, bat no means least, were the last few are an organi- Bsc/.: the state of at the aud asked him Last, by produc- within the days. They take place from his late residence, at 2 o’clock circular ask two things jail, Fancy Slippers In all the leading styles. Dear Sir— Injyour you ques- Messrs. Stan wood and of onr made in tionsof Benson, us zation of youDg people which originated in the this afternoon. tions; 1st, “What should be the aim of school if he had seen the statement Tues- Our increasing trade in Fine Gcods, compels No little is onrs to call these ar- a stock of second to no store in Port- are work?” and 2d, “What Is the relative import- day’s in regard to the treatment of pris- villago. pride to keep good* New Church society. They not, however, Argus NEW GOODS at tbal Onr motto: or as an and the success of the land, prices defy competition. COAL. ance of Training Knowledge end of tists onr own, entertain' themselves to church work, but in Perez N. Blanchard. oners aud the artlole on the same subject in quick sales and small profits. We keep onr expen- confining education?” In answer to the first in- Perez N. Blanchard public said that meat is dae in no small sense to their faithful se* down and give our customers the benefit. Domestic Coal* a Specialty, at Love*t Market elude charitable objects and other matters of Capt. cf Yarmouth, that be to yesterday’s Press. Mr. Porter both .lust quiry I should say tbe aim should work. Accompanying the art entertainment Received, Prices. As Miss Alcott’s “Little Wo- whose death was announced in the Mr. Bean and blmsolf had read the articles In public interest. yesterday’s prepare the child for dutieslife. was a character concert given by the .Esthetic Tbe answer to tbe second or men,” from whom they take their name, de- Pekss, was 67 yeart of age. He was formerly principal question while on their present tour of the Club, a company of young ladies and gentle- 322 Commercial Street, question is two-fold. In tbe first place, train- Tbe and curiosities will be on voted much time to work for the soldiers, these master of several vessels, but for the past few prisons and they decided—as they were at men. pictures and knowledge, although different, are so and and BABY CARRIAGES. has been in ing exhibition to-day to-morrow, Friday Brown’s Wliart "Little Women” have voted to give half the years engaged the shipbuilding allied that in a sense are Lewiston—to make" a visit to Portland closely they insepara- jail. evening a grand entertainment will be given business at Yarmouth. He bad the second there can no in PORTLAND HAIRS. proceeds of their coming fair and children’s been Repre- ble. In place, he Ho said they had found tho jail excellent bv the following talent: Mrs. Ada Cary Stur- sentative to the knowledge without training to precede it. of Annie Louise Mr. Win. We have received one of the lar- to the Soldiers' Monnmeot Association. Legislature and State Senator. condition. They went through the building gis, sister Cary, Jost Orders received by party is the plant; knowledge is the fruit of L. slocks of Carriages to be found Telephone apl5-dtf He was first selectman of Training Colby, Miss Helen Coe, olooutlouist, and gest Baby The following besides many private Yarmouth for thir- We cannot have "isolated from one end to the other. The food wag lu parties, that plant. facts, others, No words of commendation are neces- in New England from all the leading have to their teen years. store aud tho bread, beef and bet- individuals, already responded rules, general information, principles,” except ample pork sary. Mrs. Sturgis’s name, and tho reputation Factories, whi. h we will sell at bottom the channel of observation and solicitations for their fair with generous con- The directors of the Ocean Insurance Com- through reflec-> ter than most families have on their own ta- of thoso who aro to assist her, will ensure an prices. Also Mats and Afghans for tioD, guided by method and pursued with in- house. tributions: pany held a meeting yesterday morning and ble*. He said under both Sheriffs Sawyer and overflowing same. dustry, perseverance and vigilance; therefore, to the sickness of Mr. George Hoborts, YOU C. H. adopted the and resolu- True the had and well Owing Feather Busters for bouse, shop, car- Clias. Day, Jr., Lamson, following preamble training must have a primary importance. jail been, was, kept. the entertainment to have been A. Merrill A L. A. given Tuesday at bottom J. Co., Goold, tions: Yours (3. C. were that the trouble riage and pianos prices. Boys’ A Chas. truly, They both well satisfied evening by the High school is postponed to the Chamberlin Homsted, Stowel), Velocipedes and Bicycles, (iirls Veloci- Will find it to your advantage to use Vverill Foes A Co., W. L. Wlleon A Co., Having heard of the sudden death cf Capt. was the of an accident, as stated in yes- same evening of next week. Hooper. .result Work Stauds and llas- I*., ini. It is more used than A Wentworth, ,J. M. Todd, Perez N. a member of this Travelling extensively any Paint Atwood Blanchard, hoard, such as In T. Hill Mansfield. 177 State Street, Jan. 29,1883. terday's Press, might occur any icts. For and Chas. J. Walker, we desire to place on record an 8, P. O. A. 1»cdcs, produced. Kenans? Dnrnbiliiy it i* A Lewis A exnressioniof Dear Sir—In to your circular letter hotel, without mentioning what wa» of fre- DEALER J. reply SHOE Geo. Blanchard Co., T. Co., our an and is Also Ala- feelings fn view of this sad event, there- rooms without equal, guaranteed. « Haskell, D. White A an opinion as to what should be the aim quent occurrence in families. The meeting held in the of the Com- Lord Co., asking for walls. Send for Truo A Mrs liariz. fore, should ho the bastine tinting Sample Card Woodman, Co., That of school work,—What relative mon Connell last evening was called to order CHAS. DAY & A W. F. Resolved, the company in whose wel- CO., and Testimonials to H. If. HAV B. B. Farnsworth Co., Phillips, of and as an end in Personal. A- NON, he has for so place training knowledge the Charles It was Milliken A Co., Storer Bros., sare many years been interested, by president, McLaughlin. Jua« lion Kiddle and Hearing public education?—Difficult questions to ans- Gov. Boble made an address at tlie Methodist Middle Street Free hum*, Agents Morgan A Butler, H. Ha lett A Co., has, by his death, sustained a great loss; that voted that wlieu the it does No. 187 421 St. wer in a few brief linos, that is to give an entertainment in meeting adjourn eotl2w lor l’orilnuil, marSleodkm George H. Smardon, L. D. atutin, this board will cherish with saddened memo- church Gorham last evening. apr5 Congress A. H. answer which Rhould have a general applica- so to meet on Saturday, April 21st, at 2 Hovt Fogg A Denham, Coe, ries the extended and intimate relations which Mr. Simmons, Maine’s celebrated p. m., A. B. Butler, tion. sculptor, at the office of 8. Itldlon. SION OF THE HOLH HOOT. W. Pearson, have so pleasantly existed between us as asso- Emery eodtf A. S. J* F. Hand, ago the acquisition of will leave his stndlo in Home and visit this Ip5 Kernald, ciates in the of the affairs of this Fifty years knowledge The a C. H & L H. management or mental president then, after few lifting re. Boston A Portland Cloth- Merrill, —ami not training discipline—was country tills summer. the L A. Made, corporation. Among prominent which ineCo.. regarded, in ordinary public education, as the marks, offered the following resolutions, MILLINERY.- (Vienna Cafe, Resolved, That we tender to the widow and orders, executed during his absence, which of Portland. J. It. White, putsch chief and almost only element of considera- were unanimously Pity s shine A. F. Hill ACo., family of our late associate our warmest sym- will be with him of adoptod: tion, and this was quite natural when » brought will be n statue Wholesale and Keiail Kendall A Whitney, pathy, and in the confidence of Christian faith only lVVilTOTK, It has pleased an all wise Provi- llato and other? have King A°’-exter, limited out of each year could he devot- the late Senator Mortou of Indiana. V1THEREAS Clarence peti- J. 8. Schryrer, commend them to who not period dence to remove from among us, after a long T? the to w iden W. Dyer, Him doth willingly a tinned City Council Brackett G. Elder, ed to school privileges, and, to gVeal a Geo. Cushman, afflict or grieve the children of men. majority Tuesday morning Mr John It. Itabb, and painful illness, our highly esteemod follow street in paid city, botwoen Pino street and Dow M r. J ubelsobn. of cases, oven these limited opportunities were MRS. FO W LE Wyer Green A Co., Resolved, That this board will attend the fu- well knowu aud citizen of Sacca- citizen and associate, Capt. Timothy B. Tol- street, on the easterly side thereof, by including CLOTHPERb. only for a few years. But, at this respected within the limits of snla Brackett street the whole neral services of our deceased associate at Yar- enjoyed fotd. Has returned from Xew York wttli all tho the whole matter lias rsppu, died at his lesidence on Chnrc.li street. or a nart of the lot of land formerly occupied the Relief Association, Portland Fir© Depart mouth, on present day, totally lie naked, That in the decease of Capl. Tol- by \o. 470 St. Thursday. so called Andrew Bennett and said Congress Now, educational privileges are en- Mr. Itabb was a member an store, whereas Resolved, That the secretary transmit to the changed. of Eagle Chapter ford, the community 1ms lost upright and Iment. or he, by ail classes, from the potitioir was referred by the City Council, April 9. a joyed, may age honorable and the has lost a At the of the Relief Association of family of the deceased copy of there resolu- Saccarappa, Portland Commaudery of Free oltizen, soctoty Novelties of the Season. to the undersigned, for thorn to consider and LANCASTER Bl’ILDINU. meeting of eight to eighteen,—a period sufficiently long and humane and Latest 1883, tions. and valuable oo-worker member, act upon, therefore the Portland Fire held at their to embrace the acquisition of knowledge, after Masons, Saccarappa Lodge of Odd Fellows. those whom Department wo beg to tender to he has left be- Notice is hereby given to all parties interested, I a and has been at- was alBo a in the fol- careful thorough discipline He member of the Odd Fellows hlud our heartfelt in their be- that the Joint Committee of the rooms City Building last evening, Real Estate Transfers. sympathy great Standing City tained; such as the proper method of study, Council on out new will m< et : officers were for the Mutual Beliof Association and the Citizens' reavement. laying streets, C. Q. Allen, b. F. Haskell, h. L. Jokes. lowing elected ensuing The transfers of real estate how to tliiuk, how to observe—iu view following have fact, perform Unsolved, Ttiat we request that those resolu- I CLAPP BLOCK, the partita and the proposed way on the llth feb2 dttm work classed Belief. of at. teu o’clock in the forenoon, year: been recorded: auy montal legitimately under tions be entered in full on the minutes of the day April, 1883, at the e rner of Pine and Brackett and will President Nahum Littlefield. the head of training. Messrs. Charles II. Hicks aud Davis of the for ttie STH-IDET. streets, Westbrook—Helen J. to Isaac C. Society Prevention of Cruelty to Aui- T3IL.M then and there proceed to determine and adjudge Vice President—Charles B. Purington Training, In iny opinion, is of prime Impor- d3t Skillings. lot of land. Madison Square Theatre Company, are old mals. of wliioli the deceased was a valuable 0|i5 whether the ttulh •uv.-nion.v eatd WWt SOAP-BARK SOAP. Cross, tance, and in with the should requires Secretary—Richard H. Ball. dealing pupils member and aud ttiat a or Cleaning and the Finest Silk* Brunswick—Tneodore S. MeLellau and Rob the acquaintances of Portland people. Mr. Hicks officer, copy way to ln> laid out. Renovating H. Cloves. ever be uppermost in mind of the teacher. suitably ot FOttand Satina, also for Kid tilovo* and Treasurer—Granville to Hannah E. " engrossed, be sent to Die family of the deceased, Smiill I'nnn for Sale. Given under our hands on this 4th day April,A. Cleaning ert fjkoltiehl Hersey, lot of The carries with it was the business manuger uf the Mrs. Urease, l’aint. Ink Iron Trustees—Nahum Littlefield, C, B. Skil- training process naturally Voting as a to his 1883. Removing Oil, Rust, Peaeh and that mark of respect memory APK ELIZABETH, 2' a miles from Portland, !>,, and A. S. Mitchell. B. H. R. W. land. the of knowledge to a certalu ex- Co.” nud lias detailed to the J. W. BE Mayor, Berry Status. lings, Murphy, P. to Marietta M. acquisition Wlnthrop been wo do now adjourn. IN('ft acres good land, two storied bong© ami ©11, WRING, Harrison—Asa Whitney but as a not us an end. To I OoiumURa Jackson, Jere Ilsiey, John y.ase, R. H. Ball, tent, concomitant, "Esmeralda Co.” Mr. Hicks wood ami house, large stable ami ROBERT M.HOUIJ*. PRICE -dr. CENTS. Kneelaud, farm. and was yesterday carriage hennery, JOHN «. TUKK8BURY. •''> A. F. Griffin, Win, Heunessy, Thomas tlio mind well disciplined carefully trained Portland’s all in good order: 200 apple, pear, plum and ( Payne, Wood to Samuel G. Ber- Mr. treasurer ol Port- Temperature. ©berry AUGiisriNK n. smith, i uyts out Samuel Hodgdon, G. U. Bridgton—William the latter follows easily and naturally. presented by Newell, oO In order; location very F. F. HOLLAND & John Long, Cloyes, The “We think trees, bearing plc.-mut, SI MONOS, ! Now Streets, CO.,* lot of land. to the a Portland Transcript says: harbor, islands and Will FBANKUN A C. H. Cushing, A. J. Cummings. ne!!, It is wonderful notice facility and land Theatre, with valuable pug-dog im' full view of city, bay. bo I Druggists Apothecaries, hole Agents. Adams to Horsey li. Frank have noticed that Hold about what the c©st. JAMES CONNKLl-AN, for the Gray—Benjamin readiness with which a man thoroughly stock of breed. many of our readers must for buildings Cor. CONGRESS & The treasurer's report past year et laud. ported high to E. 1>. »l>rS GROVE STS. als, lot of trained, can become master of a the this never us so Apply CROCKER, _du mar30 and subject Hon, was signal service in olty gives Elizabeth ,llw showed the total resources cash on hand Portland—Enoch F. Rcwt to Melville II. of which be lias hitherto been Joseph Baiith^ Secretary of State, ap5d2w ('ape Depot, entirely as is in for the land and on Beckett street. iu town low a temperature reported localities M’nnli'd. to be 811,085.28; total expenses year, Tracy, buildings ignorant. He lias tbe power of concentration yesterday, to which the mau with an mind in the Immediate vicinity of the olty. If we For male. mnn and wife to go on a farm; Rare of which 8510.69 was paid for relief. undisciplined Gov. Bobie visited the new school for the TEMPERATE for a Physician. 8(503.81, Greene & Co. man to be a farm the woman Opening Wyer is an entire stranger, however groat his knowl- are to believe him the rarely touches A the go.Hi baud, association has died deaf at Beverly, Mass., to inspect it mercury Land mid Stable on Adams al- housework and the With reter- One member of the during If you wish to see something fine, just take edge may be. yesterday, Street, for general dairy. Large Tillage in tine farming region; zero in A in "Science” ex- > 407 CONGRESS ST before sending thither a deaf mute beneficiary this city. writer so In ('ape Elizabeth a one House once, apply at apGdlw ‘*1 health the R. D. Page. The association a look at Wyer Greene & Co.’s show window I will cite a case which has a bearing on the story extensive practice, good pay- year-Mr. A from State. this as observed elsewhere, and Laud, and three acres of Land on leave on subject graduate of Bowdoin, seventy this plains discrepancy, compels occupant to immediately. for one week. •_ Congress and see the handsome stand adjourned street, of age, now a told me the observer makes no Cape Collate road, line situation for to huv outfit merely: for years thorough scholar, by pointing out that Successor required ladies boots, have received and much of bis Summer Residence- For In- "card. at once to Fraternity. they just he regarded early educational life Portland Phonographic Society. note of tiie heat which the city emits. He particulars “good will” gratis. Write The the nobby from lack of and dis- of It. J. No. 43 Com- office for * brilliant goods displayed upon it. It is really wasted, proper training At a meeting of the Portland quire WILLARD., at Press particu- There was a and very Phonographlo thinks it little to the credit of the Mr. ftatlinn II. “Physician,’' very large worth at. cipline in his early preparatory coarse, and 'very mercial Street, Portland Me. Silmlley, formerly of looking Society held last the officers lars. party at City Hall last night. The order that he never really learned how to study until eveuing following weather bureau that this particular source of apr5 oodt f with W. »'. SBiilli ). limy hereaf- _*P»-ld3t wore elected for the cos- after his could second error and avoid- ter tic found at UEO. A. GAY &. dances was very attractive, the ladies’ Ladies’ Land League. graduation. Doubtless, many quarter: was not long since 'recognized testify to the same defect. President—S. S. Cox. €OS., 100 Coniirris TO LET. the music Chandler s There will bo a meeting of the Ladies’ land od.’ But not only is tliero a discrepancy bc- Cnri'liiKes for Sale. Street, where tume* very elegant, by conclusion is, let training be the doml Vico President- lie will lie to My Annie L. Lane SEC>ND- HAND 2 To 1)« pleased see nil Ills iTK of moms, third floor, front, with hoard. and Mrs, Ulmer provided League at their hall this evening. Members follows the observations of tbo signal service riiacton,, carryall*. orchestra charming, nftiit purpose; acquisition naturally. Secretary—O. L. Jost. 3 »eeu at SAWYER’S STABLE, Federal A Mar- friends and Customers, Sd S I ATE, C OR. OKAY BT. are requested to attend. Very truly, If, K, 0, Treasurer—1>, M, IiweouRud those taken outside tbo They nevoi niwitt r an excellent supper. Woodridge. olty. ket Streets. eprodlw SJ'JUlitf D vcdtlBp Wbftt a Misfortune to disfigure your silver- MISCELLANEOUS. INSURANCE. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. S.TEAMEBS. PEESS. ware with of _ .JJTHE liquid preparations acids when ___ you can obtain Electro-Silicon, a perfectly THURSDAY MORMNU. APRIL 5. CITY OF PORTLAND. harmless silver polish, of your or Grand Trunk of Boston & grocer drug* YOUR Railway Canada. Maine Railroad, gist. Send for sample or 16c. for box. Ad SAVE MONEY FALL AND WINTER Wit and Wisdom. uad after October ARRANGEMENT. dress 72 John Proposals lor Sidewalk Bricks. MONDAY, ‘A.'id ft street, New York. ON IVNJ, tralni will mu a! follow!: Ti. -AND PLACE IT IN AN- and after Oct. DEPABTCBEM: On Monday, 10, 1882, And Mach a Is Steamboat Company. ^ tlARRlAGKN. proposals will be received at tho May- PANIKmOKItTKAINM H IM. EEAVK What of put ’on tier or’s *•»■*ub"r“ “**ln,7.20i.a„ 1.15 POBTIiAND for HASHTON ana 6.16 m. Edith. court at 3 O’clodk p. from who desire to (Con- p. 8.46 a. 1.00 and 3.30 knee when she hurt it?— Why, m., parties For T55553SB?WJat m., p. m., SPUING arrangement News. Woolwich, March 10, Lorenzo D. Farwell of tract for furn'ahlng 300,000 (threw hundred thou- Uorlufm, mixed, 7.40 a. m„ and 4.00 p.m. ^""■""."-"llan-lvtng at Boston at 1.16, 6.1(5 plaster of course,—Philadelphia Far Cumberland and Miss Minnie Main of Woolwich. sand) more or Urns, sidewalk brick for use of the iflaatrral, Ouebec and Chung,. 1.30 t-BB-anil 8.(8) p. m. IIOHTON VOK TWO TRIPS WEEK. Endowment m. PER lu Bristol, March 24. Lewie H. Tuttle of Daiuar- city, to lie delivered uddirected by the Committeo p. POUTEAND at 9.00 a. m., 13.30 and 8.30 iscotta and Miss Mabel D. Monroe of Bristol. Policy oa Streets. The to is p. arriving at Portland at 1.00, 6.00, and 8.00 BURNETT’S COCOAINE. right reject any proposal ABBI VAI.M. u)., COMMENCING TUESDAY, APRIL 10th, In March James W. Sew all and A- hereby reserved. I’ronosais to l»e addressed to in. POBTI AN9 FOB HCAKHOKO Waterville, 27, -IN Frau p. .. The Steamer CITY OK KiCH- of All Hair Dressings. Miss l.fwliiou and Auburn, 8.40 a m a. .yss. The Best Harriet S. Moor. EDWAllD 11. WINSLOW, ’’ REACH, and PINE POINT, 8,46 m., of 12.36, 8.16 and 6.50 p. m. ,U** ;.MDND, Capt Deunison, will removes all to Chairman Committee oil Streets, sidewalks and 3.30 and 6.40 p. m. (See note.) POK l£Z>- leave It allays irritation, tendency From mixed, 0 40 a. 6.10 Railroad Wtarf, Portland Bridges.marif7dtd Clarhnu, m., p. nj 01,11 ORCHARD REACH, f *»*« and the action of the DEATH* Frau Chlcuga, Montrea uud every Tuesday, at ll.I.T P.H dandruff, invigorates __ (fueh.c, HACO, BIDDEEOKD AND KKNNK. or on arrival oltiain 12.35 p.m. leaving Boston at 7 p. m., in the highest thus HCNK at 8.46 a. m., 1.00, 3.30 and 6.40 p. m. oaplllaries degree, promot- In South Mrs. Dora B. CITY of I'nllman Palace Sleeping Care on train 'V ft,,2,‘,S2d> °«*r »•!#. <»**•«- Gorlmni, April 3, Strout PORTLAND night and FOR WEE EH at 8.46 a. hi., 3.30 p. m. (See H«r a and hair. 46 Parlor Oar! on day train between wlck.Sw. Ilnrbor., (Ml. De- ing vigorous healthy groicth of aged years. HOME Portland and note.) FOR NORTH BERWICK, HAE. •erlj uail MWe.tapd ill this afternoon at Montreal. bridge. Its effects upon the glossiness and richness of [Funeral Thursday Va o’clock, Proposals lor Newer MAIN FAEEH, GREAT FAI.I.H, Also leave same Wharf at the Church. Friends are invited. Removing every FRIDAY, at 11.16 DOVER, EXETER, MAVKKHICE, p. in., or on arrival of for the hair is such as cannot be In Cumberland, April 2. John 83 Deposits. TICKET OFFICE* train, above landings and surpassed. Harris, aged vrs EAWKKNCK, ANDOVER AND LOW- and Uerhinaperi. In South Liralngton, March 31, Mo9es W. EI.E at 8.46 a. l.OOaud 3.30 FOR Burnett’s Flavoring Extracts are the best. Pugaley Com will be received at the City Clerk’s m., p. m. N. B. Tuesday’s trip as far as aged about 66 years. panY 71’EXCIIAIVOE NEW at 3.30 it. rn. Millbridge only. oflioo up to for the de- STREET MARKET 8.46 a. m. Connect with li. A u. steamers at in Batb, March PROPOSALS April 5, removing sewer FAIR Rockland, Sat- 30, Augustus Richardson, aged If any exist in the and KOI)II ENTER and FA RMINGTON. urday, for River 74 years 3 months. posits dock uuderthe stores at —and- going E.st, Landings. A eud of N. H , 8.46 a. m., 1.00 and 3.30 m. FOR very “shoppy” youug man, who is a clerk lu the uplier Uuion wharf, under the plans and p. ICecurasiuw, sill leave vlaemaspuri every Her* Bath, April 2, Jouathan Newcomb, aged 88 The UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE of the DEPOT AT FOOT OF A ETON BAY at 8.46 a. in., 3.30 p. m. FOR dHV flornin*. a. 4..H1. in a down town years 11 mouths. COM- supervision City Engineer, the same to he re INDIA NT. o’clock, touching at ail crockery store, and tries to be PANY of tide la new In Ita to M AN AIM EHT E It AND c'ONCOKD N. and till lu city. THIRTY.FIFTH moved prior April LB, 1HH3. ’The oemmlttee re- II., landings, bridge every Monday and Westport. April 2. Mrs. Diaderoa Greenleaf. Lawrence;at 8.46 in. facetions at the risk of suddeu assassination, YEAH, n d at no time hna It been more proaperoue serve tho right to reject any or all bids which Tickets sold at (via a, (via New Market Thursday, at 8 a. in., touching at intermediate land- If widow of the late Westbrook 7(5 they Reduced Kates, Jet.) at 8.80 m. Greenleaf, aged or more suceetaful. may deem detrimental to the Interest p. MAIIINING TRAIN and at Portland can reach a club before years 1 month. city's To Canada, I.ICAVEH ings, connecting with Pullman anybody he gets away, ItaREsUL'ISlaat year, waa a LARGELY IN- ROBERT M. Detroit, Chlrago,Milwitukre IAENNEBCNK FOR PORT- trains for Boston. (JOULD, I lueiuuoli, Ml. I.out., O *uglu- EAND at7.36. told a youug the other that she was CREASED BUSINESS. INCREASED ASSETS,IN Chulrmao of Committee on Drains and Sewers, in,.Iiu, Connect with Boston ABangor Stea-ieiaat Kack- lady day "» N*. Paul, Null l.uke NoTS-The 1.00 CREASED SURPLUS. INCREASED DIVIDENDS mar jtd City, p. m. train from Portland land, coming West. .Monday for Boston. as “pretty as a pitcher.’’ “I ain't so ami all 31_ Denver, Nnu will not stop at Soar bora Pine guess you U S1NESSC AltDsi TO POLIO\ HOLDERS, “reared at a DE- Fruneiaco, Beaoli, Point, ear On or about May 1* steamer Lewiston will smart as that she _B and all or Welle lo Take you thought time,” quickly CREASED EXPENDITURE. point! In the except go on the route and make two week f or Ho.Ion. Parlor trips per retorted; “all pipe are ewers." CITY OF Weal uud Piiaarngrre Caralou all to pitchers picked PORTLAND. Norlhwr.l, Noulhwral. trains. Seats through Machiasport. — San Francisco News letter. through secured In advance at GEORGE L. IS.' M. JOSEPH HICKSON, 'leneral Manager. ilepot Ticket Office. DAY, FESSENDEN, J. Treas. ami General Ticket Agent ... (I. P. A. 1.00 train POWDER STEPHENSON, Kgr-lhe p. m„ from Portland con- E. General Assessors’ W. J. SpiOElt. Superintendent. oct7dtf Hoots with Hound Cine Hteamrrs for CUSHING, Manager. DON’T STEP ON A ROLLING STONE ! Notice. New Portland, 2. 1»£3. ASSETS, York ami all Kail Lines for the and the 3.30 April ap4dtf Real Estate and Insurance Pure. Assessors of West, This is what Fire Absolutely tho City of Portland in., train with all Rail Eiuea for New Captain Alien of the De- rflllEI hereby p. York This Powder noyer varies. A marvel of parity, Six Millions of give notice to all persons liable to taxation and the Sonth and West. of Worcester did. and that was how and whotogntucuess. ecoiiomlciu than Over Dollars In said that partment AGENCY, strength More city they will ha in session every the ordinary and cannot be sold tu competi- secular day from the first to the thirtieth Eastern HONDAY TKAINH. ALLAff HIVE he hurt his ankle so badly. After the doctor 511-3 kirn's, day of Railroad. Exchange St., tion with the multitude of low test, short weight April next, inclusive, at their room in Portland For ft Oslou and stations at set City Hall, Way the broken boue, Captaiu Alleu used alum or Sold in cant. from nine to twelve TALE 1.00 m. Huston For I'oitmm phosphate powders. only o’clock In the forenoon, and ARIIATOEDIETT, p. Portland at 8.00 p. m. Royal Mail 4 Pkkry Davis's Pain Killer as a Koyal Baking Powoku Co., 100 Wall St., N. Y. PAID TO POLICY HOLDERS from two to live o'clock in the for Steamships, liniment. d3m afternoon, services between Glaa- fobs_ mohO dlyr the of lists of the and Commencing Sunday, October 15, 1882. Trains on Boston h Maine road connect with ail Performing Liverpool & The was soon and the purpose receiving polls and Boston & suffering over, Captaiu estates taxable In said city. steamers running between Portland and Bangor, gow, Halifax, Portland, Baltimore, And all witli calls at Galway A was well in a short time. Knowing the acci- Herbert (*. OVER EIGHTEEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. such persons are hereby notified to Rockland, Mt. Desert, Machine, Kastporc, Calais, A«oville, Queenstown, Briggs, make and bring to said Assessors true and St. John and Halifax. Also connect with Gram] Poynes. dents to firemen are per- yrhich constantly subject lists Trunk — — ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR REMARKABLE! fect of all their polls ami estates, real and trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine sail from or held Central and Portland A trains Allen advises connected — personal, by them os Ugdenburg at Trans- Captain everybody or — guardian, execiftor, Portiand for administrator, or fer Station. Liverpool. a IGfOur new business thus far in a trustee, on the first with a Fire to a bottle of Letter from Traveler. 1883. shows otherwise, All via Halifax. Department keep over day of April, and be make trains stop at Exeter ten minutes for refresh- American A Foreign LAUGH INCREASE 1882. 1883, prepared to oatb Nova Richardson. 12 Pain Killer on hand. Fnfetiis, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 20, 1882. to the truth of the same. ments. First class Dining Rooms at Scotian, Capt. April. always Portland, Peruvian. Kitchle. 1 think it a duty 1 owe Immunity to say And when Transfer Law rence and April. estates of persons deceased have Train* Station, Exeter, Boston After thisCapt. No. !>:{ Portland. Me. what your has done for mo One lean Portland I to all «Iate these vessels sail from Canaaa. Exchange St, remedy been divided during the past or have HHOUGH TICKETS points West and 1 contracted a year, changed HrAll business relating to Patents promptly ami year ago had ease of blood hands from na. South may be hail of M. E. Ticket For Direct. “Don’t you think that was a ser„ any cause, the executor, administrator, At it a. Dally (Nlglii Pullman) for Saeo, Williams, (ilangoiv convincing faitlifolly executed. disease, and not the result of such or Boston A Maine and jul2dtf knowing other nerson interested, is hereby warned to Blddeford, Kennebunk, Kitten, Portsmouth Agent, Depot, at lluian Buenos Ayrian, on or about 4 mon?” asked a friend of Yeats as were troub ea. 1 allowed it to run on for some notice Ticket 40 St. April. they BUSINESS in MAINE give of such change, aud in default of Newburyport, Salem, Lynn and Hoe too. arriving Ollier, Exchange time, but finally to the best physi- su'di notice will be J. T. Gen. making their way out of Rev. Mr. Jeri- applied held under the law to pay at 8.30a. m. A apeeial Bleeping Oar will he PUKBEB, Snpt. For passage apply to LKVK& AI.DKN, General slowly cian in this city, who treated me for six the tax H* H. 81 Gen. Portland. THE LATEST assessed, although such estate has been ready for oceupancy In Portland at B.OO EVENS, Agent, Passenger Agents, 10 State St. Boston, and K. A. cho’s church on a recent Sunday. “Convinc- mouths. In tfiat time 1 took over COO wholly station, pills IS*1: 1889* distributed and paid over. p. m. (Sunday nights lip. m., and It attached to up5 WALDKON, 40 tsebange St., T P. McGOWAN for Rootle men. Ladles and Misses of of And I should protoiodide mercury, grain each, any nerson who neglects to with this tlila train for Boston. 422 St., or for or ing? Weil, say bo/’ replied Yeate, aud had rundown in from 210 »o 167 comply Longress passage freight to 11. Jt weight notice will be doomed to a tax At a. in. for A. with a “He convinced me that according to the N.dil (Jape Elisabeth. Saco ALLAN, Agents, No. 1 India Portland, yawn. fully pounds, and was confined to my bed with laws of the and be Scarboro, St., State, barred of the rights to Kennebunk. North and South fehir i u2 he hadn’t the slightest idea of what he was ZEPHYR RUBBERS Mercurial able to turn Blddeford, Wells, Rheumatism, scarcely make application to the A Mew or the Berwick, Conway in bed. a $246,000 County Junction, connecting for all Portland and about.—Youkers some $366,000 Worcester Line. talking Statesman,” myself Being traveling man, Camamtnoner$ for abatement of his taxes stations on Couway Division. of the found me any Klttery, Portsmouth M. * fraterpity in tbisdeploruble unless he shows that lie was unable Gr. PALME , to otter such Newburyport. Salem, Gloucester, Uoockort condition, aud recommendtNl me to try your lists within the time Chelsea and 930 .Middle street. hereby appointed. Lynn, Boston, arriving at 1.16 p in PORTLAND & Success is certain when the Congress Yeast specific, «aBpg--«s> cases that no ROCHESTER R. B marl 7 -im OT“In case where the Assessors have been at 1 a. ns. lor Cape Elisabeth, Saco. dtf as tbc> BM Vlf ^ •^jHBhail been Scarboro, Powder is used in etc. Agents Wanted to the disagreeable of a Blddolord, No. making biscuits, cakes, knew cured Everywhere. necessity making Kennebunk, Wells, Berwick So oiRf** by marl'4 eodtf Sutoom will the possession of Government bonds Berwick, Portsmouth of Trains. sever its use. 1 Couway Junction, Klttery, Arrangement or deposits In the Havings Hanks be allowed as a Chelsea and commenced the use of it with Newburyport,Salem, Lynn, Boston, Da18 OF little ___ On and after 91 UIUNK NTEArtKHlI’N. very idea In mitigation of such doom. arriving at 6.10 u m. with Sound and •■day, On. 16, faith, And in less than three weeks was able connecting Trains will FROM FO> Cyrus k. Ladd, Kail Lines for all Southern and Western l<,J?V!..'!,!!?Sl NN3, Passenger leave to take place on the road. The sores ) points. Portland Steamers! 3 my Win. O. Assessors. f-M- at 7.30 a. as., aad Wyoming.....New York..Liverpool.. .Apl and Fox, J Trains leave fioatoa. I Servia.New York..Liverpool Api 4 copjier-colored spots gradually disap- Stephen Marsh, ) -03 p. an., arriving at Worcester and 1 have not a sore or At B.OO a. as. and arrive In Portland at 2.16 m. and 7.30 m. Araerique.New York..Havre. Apl 4 peared, to-day spot tJF'*Blank schedules will be forwarded mall. at 1.00 p, p. Returning leave on ana is 217 by m. At 12.80 in. and arrivo in Union City of Alexandria New York.. Vera Crnx....Apl 5 my person, my weight pounds, Parties failing to receive the same will be furnished p. Portland at 6 0 Depot, Worcester, at 7.30 a. m. and 11.16 a. fare si.oo. being more than it ever was. I do not wish on P* *»• At 7.00 m. and arrive in at Portland at 1.26 m. and Brooklyn .Portland.. .Liverpool.... Apl 5 ROOM application at the Assessors Office. p. (daily), Portlan m., arriving p. 6.46 p. PAPERS! to but at 11.00 m. m. you name, show p. York.. 5 publish my you may marttO 44 w Westphalia.New Hamburg_a pi this letter to who doubt the merit of Clin Britann .New York J *v«rpool....Apl 5 auy Pullman Parlor Cars. For too, Ayer. Jaac., Fitchburg, The favorite Steamers Forest City anil John S. S. S., for know it is a sure cure. aad ge- Brooks will leave FRANK LIN Oregon .Portland... Liverpool — A 7 OF On trains Nashua, l.ovrrll, Wiudbaau, alternately WHARF, pi Yours J. CITY PORTLAND^ leaving Boston, at B.OO a m. at 7.30 a. m. York. .Havana 7 truly, H. B. ping and 1.03 p. ns. Portland, at 7 o'clock p. m. ami 1NIHA WHARF, Saratoga.New Apl ATLANTIC 12.30 and 7.00 p. m. and trains Borland leaving For 'Jaachcsicr. Concord and at Boston, al 7 o’clock p. m. Silesia.New York.. Hamburg Apl 7 a. and 1 point* North, (Sundays excepted). Some years ago there lived in Mont- lor 8.46 m„ p. w. (Through 1.03 na. Nederland...New York. Antwerp 7 thirty Proposal* Paving. PulfmanSleep p. Passengers by tbis line arc reminded that they se- Apl a man who was lag Oars on trains Boston at 7.00 in Finance...... New York..Rio Janeiro. 7 ROOM Ala., voung terri- leaving p For Rochester, Mpringvdle, Alfred, Wat- cure a comfortable night's rest and avoid the ex- PAPERS! and Apl fornery,afflicted. After being treated for a ior Portland at 2.00 a. no. Circass**.New York..Glasgow 7 ly long pru|Hi*au paving the street* will be crboroaad Nace RIver.7.30 a. na., 1.03 pense and Inconvenience of arriving in Boston late Apl time by the medical profession of this Mutual Insurance Co. received at the Tkrougb ticket* So ail Mini* Werl and .New York..Bremen.. 7 towu Sv.Ai.v-u Mayor's office, until TUES- P* aaa.j and (mixed) at 0.30 p. na. Retnrning at night. Hapsburg ....Apl with no benefit, he commenced Mouth be bad of J. M. Ticket Alaska.New York.. Liverpool. 10 taking 8. S. DAY, April 10th, pro*, at 3 o’clock p, in. Said may French, Seller, lease Rochester at (mixed) 6.46 a. m.. 11.lE Hr“Tickets and Staterooms for sale at D. B. ...Apl 8. After it two must Eastern Railroad Depot and at Union Ticket Erin.New York..Liverpool Apl 11 persistently taking OF NEW VOItK proitosul* specify the price per square yard for Office a. m., and 3.86 p. m.; arrirlng at Portland YOUNG’S, 272 Middle Sweet. months he was cured. said service. UI 40 Exchange street. Main.New York Bremen Ap' 11 Beiug acquainted materials to be furnished by the (mixed) 9.40 a. m., 1.26 p, m. and 6.46 p. m. Through Tickets to New York, via the various with him for twenty thereat 1 can The to Pullman Car Ticket* (or Menu Sardinian.Cortland...Liverpool... Apl 12 years ter, city. right reject any urojioeal 1* hereby re- and F»r ‘Jerhaao, hactarapp*. Cnnaberland Bail anil Sound Lines for sale. ROOM that the disease never made re- Elorehssold as Oepol Ticket (Idee. PAPERS! testify its served. to be to Westbrook 12 INSURE AGAINST MARINE Proposals addressed 31111s, and Woodford’s, Freight taken as usual. Cityof Wasbingtou.New Yorx..Havana.Apl turn. New, 6r»t-clsss room York..Havana 14 EDWARD B. WINSLOW, dining at Portsmouth. at 7.30 n. na., 1.03, 0.30 and (mixed) J. ft. COYLE, Jr., General Niagara.New Apl J. W. J. Hot trains 10 minutes for Agent. Dominion.Portland... 19 Bishop, P., Springs, Ark. RISKS ONLY. Chairman of Committee on Street*, Sidewalk* and Through stop meal.. *0.30 p. na. dtl Liverpool.Apl LUOIUS Toronto.Portland.... Liverpool.Apl 19 TUTTLE, The 1.03 p. na. tiain from Portland eonneeta at Bridges-___mar27dtd General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Aye- Jane, with tloosac Tnnnel Rente for If you doubt, come to see us, and we will TUia Company will take risks at thslr office, New O. W. I'll) ;©f Portland. WaNBORV, M>*WrTrvni portatlon. 11 (West, and at Union Depot, Worcester, for CHEAP OCEAN or fork, ou Vessels, Cargoes and Freights, and issue ocie TICKETS. CURE YOU, charge nothing! Write for 4U New York rla.Norwich Cine, and all rail, ^ MINIATURE ALMANAC.APRIL 5. open policies to merchants, making risks as Honlaro and a oo of the binding iiNpriagfleld, also with N. Y. Ac N. E. R. San rtoes. .6 34 pa1 y little book soon as wator-borne. to nd tor friends in the Old Coun- High wj DEALERS IX — Stockholders may determine as provided in the Boston. Littleton, Lancaster, Insurance one-half the rate of Choate. Washington Street. apr4d3t and ali on B. C. M. B. PORTLAND: Act to authorize reduction of Capital Stock of Cor- points R., St. Johnsbnry, sailing vessel. Sch ‘TeXCHANUE ST. and all on Arrival, Farnum, Boothbay—D Choate. porations approved Eeby. 9, A. I)., 1878. Burlington, Ogdensburg points O. A L, Freight for the West by the Penn. R. B.. and Wanted. C. B. B., Newport, Sherbrooke, Montreal and all SAILED—Brig H H 2nd,—To authorize the issue of additional Stock South Dy lines, forwarded free of com- Wright. to on Southeastern Railroad and branches. connecting J. W. of the reduced par value to such an amount as the cook, waab, and iron. Apply to points mission. MUNCER, J. P. 300 P. 31.—From and The report of the clearance of schr Mary Stowe DRUGS, Stockholders may determine, iu accordance with A01RL BAXTER, Fabyan’a intermediate Ten Dollars. Round marSOdtf 61 stations. Pawmge Trip 918. resterday was premature. Not ready. AOItHKMPONDKNT the provisions of said Act. Deenng Street. Meals and Room included. Portland. Maine, March 26, A. D 1883. Trains arrive in Portland ; For Freight or Passage apply to Shipbuilding The three-masted schr in the MEDICINES, March 6. 18S3. dliiueodltmAwftwlO Geo. S. Hunt, R. M. Richardson, Win. Wood for Wanted. 10.60 a. M.—from E. B. NAUPNOA. —- — Fabians. Agent. AXD W. R. Wood W. K. yard of E O Clark, Waldoboro, Is 137 feet on keel, Atty., Wood, M. A. Blanchard, FURNISHED bouse, for a small 10.00 p. M.- from deSltf 70 l ong Wharf. Boston. J. B. John family,without Montreal, Ogdensburg, Burling beam 34 feet, hold 11 Va feet, and tonnage about Coyle. Engli* & Son, C. M. Bailey, H. J. A children, near the line of the horse cars and ton, Ac. 520. J W of is to FOR Libby, Mark P. Fox. in the western of the Cvpt Hall, Rockland, command SALK. Emery, Henry part City preferred. Answer M. It A 3111.TON. Nuperinicudr ut. CHEMICALS. P. O. Box To Henry Fox, Clerk of the Maine Steam Ship Com- 1736.__ mar23d2w Portland. November 13,1S83, norl 3dtf PACIFIC MAIL 8. 8. CO. The schr Mary O'Neil, in the yard of H M Bean, pany. Camden, is to be launched about 10th inst. Her accordance with the above of FOR net 573. She hails from St and ts FOR SALlT request certain You Can Have Work CALIFORNIA, tonnage^is George HTHae Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfum- of the Levi Combs, IN Stockholders Maine Steam Ship Compa- to be commanded by Cant Hart. ery' and Articles in Great Confee- your oirn home, whole lime or Fancy Variety. ny, dated March 2«, A. D., 1883. you are directed spare mo- At Damanscotta. Kbeh Haggett is a schr and a in a new jar an, iuina, building fectionery; Cutlery Stationery. Also fine line of to call a of the as AT ments, business where no of and wtll soon What the restrictive, meeting Corporation therein re- peddling NewYork 300 tons, another of same Hostetter’s Stomach & begin great of the l*»t Provision or is to Ngw Stores ever ottered in travelling $5 $10 a can be Line will most be quested. necessary day Hsxdwich size. F Clark is building a fishing schr of 120 tons Bitter*, do. gathered from what it has Boston. Well a made. One dozen sent Pi)[lge!pl)ia LissdB. .few Zealand ma«1 ONE located, doing large and March A. samples free to commence for Gondy of Bristol. done. It has effected radical cures in thousand* of Portlaud, 26, D., 1883. Australia. Capt Henry IMPORTED & DOMESTIC profitable business, largely cash. Good teams John on. Send 10c (eilver) or four 3 cent stamps lor ad- cases of dyspepsia. billoft* disorders. Intermittent Knolis, Bound Brook Route. thoroughly equipped. Offered for sale on account Mark P. vertising and pottage, and address plainly, Steamers sail from New York on 10th, 20th and Sch Jennie G which was rebuilt at fever, nervous affections, general Emery, PUisbury, debility, constipa- of ill heal h. Address T. 8., care of carrier No. 2, R. JO»E$ A « 0. -BETWEEN- 30th of each month, carrying passenger? for San Rockland the sailed for tick headache, mental and the N. Richardson, past wiater, Baracoa tsj tion, despondency, Boston P. O., or for particulars apply in persou at Francisco and all of the above ports. to for CIGARS. peculiar and disabilities to Jno. Marshall Brown, Retlimlnir. .Hsm. inst in ballast, load fruit United States. She complaints which the 28 Cambridge St., Boston Steamers sail fr>ym San Francisco for feeble are so apr43tWT&S J. B. marndim regularly is chartered for two voyages, at $1,000 for the first subject. Coyle. New York, Trenton & China and New Zcalaxd For H. J. Libuy, Philadelphia Japan, Sandwich Islands, and ?950 the second. sale by all Druggists and Dealer* generally. and Australia. *p2eod&wlml4* milk l arin for Sale. C. M. Bailey. FARMER W ANTED. Directors of Maine Steam For Freight, Passage, sailing lists and further* FROM MERCHANT’S miles from 170 best Ship Company. and Wife to on a STATION III EXCHANGE.] Cor. CONGRESS & GROVE STS. Portland, acres, soil, carry small farm. NEB 10BK <&.*■!!£& &. information, apply to or addre.-s the General Eas- cut 76 tons last 2 To the. Stockholders the Maine Wife must be a butter • Ar at Delaware Breakwater 4th, sch Emma L FOUR hay year, story house, 2 nice of Steamship Compa- FARMER good maker. Address tern Agents, A GREAT KUSI3AL liar ns, all in 3 wells of ny Box No, 1213. Portland P. O. Stations in CottingUam, from Matanzas, for orders, (probably SUCCESS. perfect repair. pure water, roarddtf Philadelphia C. I#. BARTLETT & CO., PORTLAND. good orchard, fall view Portland, f- --- 200,000 large pine timber, to the foregoing request of certain Philadelphia Ac R. 115 Slaw f*creel, cot. Broad Ht., Honlon of uear school and Reading R. Passed in 4th, briS Helen O Fbinney. Portland, church,one mile from PURSUANTStockholders and the order of the or to W. D. LITTLE ft CO., F. F. HOLLAND. A. W. PIEIICE. of business the cause for foregoing Rent Wanted. NINTH AND GREEN Ar at Baltlm re 4tb, ship Iroquois. Plymouth, E. depot. Change selling. Directors of the Maine Steam Snip Company, each STREETS, talSdtf SI ihtebange 3t.. Portias!! MINSTREL One-half on steamer SONGS mortgage. dated March 26. At at Halifax 3d. Montreal, from Liver- A. D., 1883,1 Fox, Clerk AND to W. H. ifenry A sinnll convenient rent In THIRD AND BERKS STS. pool, (and cld for Portland.) Apply WALDRON, of said Corporation hereby call a meeting of said cen- OLD AND 180 M iddlo street tral or a « Ar at Moville 3d inst. steamer Scandinavian, Prescription Department a Spec- NEW ap3eod2w* Corporation to be held at the office of saidCorpora- location, ouse conven- tion at State of on the Park, from Portland for Glasgow. and Nearly IOO of those world famous Pin a inti on Portland, Maine, tenth (l(Xt ient for two small families. DOMINION LINE. ialty Fully Equipped. of Express Trains. Double Track Stool Balias Ar at Liverpool 3d inst, steamer Sarnia, from mar28 dtf M«ag» and Popular iHelodiea, that have made day April, A. I). 1883. at ten (10) o'clock in the Address Phaeton for Sale to ami act RENT, Be in re to ha uc.ru i«SM» The stesmers of this Line will Portland. the fortune of Minstrel Troupes, and of which Dit- Cheap. forenoon, consider upon the following tat any railroad or steam Ar at Yokohama 2d son Si Co. hold the propositions. *\z: Press Office. boat office la New via wrun daring the winter season inst, ships Continental, Clark, copyrights of a large number. made David Can be England) WUry* and New York. More by Libby. reduce the nar value of the Shares of the marldtf bZJmBESmgSSM fortnightly between this port and Undaunted, Hamilton, true, original, pleasing melodies may be seen at 1st,—To SECONDHAND,Hayes’ Stable, Plum Street. BOUND BROOK ROUTE. ■SBBSaiKSShi The vessels are found in this volume than in any other extant. Capital Stock of said Corporation, such amount as Liverpool. Clyde apr2 dtf the CANVASSERS built, full powered and have accommoda- J1E1IORANDA. Price 9*J. Board*; 8i|. 50 C'lotta, Stockholder may determine as provided in the WANTED. superior Act to authorize •■eduction of al Stock of tion for cabin and steerage passengers. Prepaid Boston) Hanson, from Pensa- Cap! Cor- Energetic Canvassers to sell the Eagle Barque Lepanto, (of Fnrm A. 1878. tickets are issued at reduced rate? to those desirous was seen Small for Kale porations, approved Feby. 9, I>. GOODWringer on installments. Men who can cola for Cienfuegos, March 30 abandoned give of out their friends. of 2nd,—To authorize the issue of additional Stock reference or can have outside bringing Dates sailing from and deck level with the water. The hatches were ft pleasant village in Dcering. 2 miles from good security territo- Portland to The Musical Favorite. of the reduced to such an amount as the to handle. Address |Oss Way, Id.60 Liverpool direct: off and the vessel was fall of water. IN Portland, in full view of the city, 20 acre* par value, ry No. 36 Temple St. New The Mcsicai, Favorite land, Stockholders determine in accordance with novl6 Yorkgtnd Philadelphia, j Excursion. 4,00 Brig Mary Gibbs, Moore, from Sagua for Dela- contains about 50 very good soil, 2 story house and barn, may iltf musical of medium large orchard, the provisions of said Act. BROOKLYN. Capt. M.Gibson. 5Apr ware was 2d inst dis- piece, difficulty by the most near school. Sold to close an estate. to W. Breakwater, spoken partially Apply March A. D. NEW ENGLAND •OREGON, Capt. WilBams.. .12Apr. masted. popular composers, as Waldteufel, Gotten balk, 11. WALDRON, 180 Middle street. Portland, Maine, 26, 1883. AGENCY, Wilson, apSeodSw HENRY TORONTO, Capt. .Toe. Gibson.l»Apr. Sch Wm Wilson, Sanderson, from Apalachicola Blake, Schumann, Anbert, Ijunothe, etc. FOX, tcTTet 911 Boston. in ail 38 com Clerk of Maine Steam Washington Street, •SARNIA, Capt. Lindall. for into Norfolk 2d lust .n a (ewers ap3dtd Ship Company. 3May. Providence, put leaky For Kale*. H. P. BALDWIN BATES OF FAASAGE. condition. Price git. plain: 82,30 rlMh. iUnlne Bible u se.n den. Pass. Agent & Gold. Sch into Camden BLOCK of new two story situated on Society. To Lei. C.R.R.0 .J. Cabin.$50.00, §60.00 Radiant. Hardy, put 26th leak- houses, Chin, return. A Very A Clark and Cushman streets. Will sell one Annual of this will be held $90.00 $110.00 Gold. ing badly. She would be repaired In a few days. Easy Isstbo tiojt Books, with very en- Meeting society ROOMS, No. 18 Tyng Street, old number. house or the block at a low and on liberal at the Y. M. 0. A. on Intermediate.$40.00 Gold tertaining airs for practice, are, Winner’s price THE Rooms, Thurwlav, Apr. 5 mar30 dlw DOMESTIC POBTN, terms. Inquire of JOHN C. PROCTER, 03 Ex- 5, 1883, at 4 o’clock P. M. Steerage .$25.00 Gold H. IDEAL change margleodSw W. SHAYLOR, MAINE For » SAN FRANCISCO-Ar 2d, ship Majestic, Ellery, METHODS street.__ To Lei. CENTRAL RAILROAD. passage, Ae., apply DAVID TORRANCE, For Violin, For apr3dtd Roc. Sec. A General Trunk Liverpool. fwailar, floors in store No. 446 Fore CO., Ageuta, Brand Freight Offi- For Pinno, PRICE OF For Cabinet street, with ces. foot of India street. MOBILE- Ar 2d. scb Palos, Eldridge. New York. Oruna, FOR steam on nolBdtmyl For Coraet, For Arc SALE, THREE power. Apply the premises. On and after MONDAY. Oct. * These Sid 2d. sch Rose Mueller, McLean, Boston. »r«lron, 11 Steamers do not carry Cattle or Sheep. ^ For N Elizabeth, a farm of UiSlNKSS IMRECTORY |anl2dtfR. DUNHAM A SON. JACKSCNVILLE—at 2«th, sch Has- HALLET, DAVIS & CO.’S FlRtfeolet, FACJI For Clarinet, Cape forty-flvo acres; cuts 18th, Passenger Trains will run Ringdove, For For J tons of is two miles from Portland kell, Rockland. ife, Itimjo, thirty hay; Desirable ns follows For Flute. 75 CT8. For Borhoa Flute. bridge, near town Mouse. For terms of Residence To Let. CHARLESTON—Ar 2d inst, sch Aaron Reppard, enquire Kinder. I.eave Pei iload for Upright an Piano-Fortes. instructions, 100 tunes in each. HIRAM LIBBY, on the premises. house on State rental for Vaneeharo, HI Lake, Wiscasset. Square Simple nearly apr2-d5w* Street, Halifax ALLAN John, and the ces UNC Mailed for A. three or Previa BALTIMORE—Ar Isaac W postpaid, retail price. WJI. IKIINCY, IU.in II, *»rlnic» FIRST-CLASSyears less. Immediate possession can 3J, brig Parker, Knee- be HI. Andrews, HI. Frederirtan ** ™ Also Several other manufac turers and ft-. I I * had. inquire of O. W. l'Jl Middle or ntcphcu, land, Port Spain. good make, Fnrm for Kale. Rlfb.usr Eich.sgr Nirr.t. YKRRILL, Aroostook I all Summer Service. several OLIVER RITSON Sc 15 Pray ountr. stations on H. A Ar4tb. sch New Style Organs. (0., Boston. janlOdtf SAILING ship Iroquois, Nlekels, Plymouth, E; TTh&S&wtf a great bargain. Situated on the line of the Street._ Piscasnquls R. R., and tor Bangor, THOM Jas R Cardenas. »pr3_ _ Taibot, Crocker, AT P A O. R. K., thirty miles from Portland. Burksperl. Dexter. Belfast and Show, PHILADELPHIA—Ar sch C H For Rem. 2d, Foster,Coombs In Contains 3()0 acres, a large portion of which is begun. 1.25 p. m., 1.30 p. m., 111.15 m QUEBEC TO For Sale and to Let. Insolvency. No. <121 p. DVER000L Demarara Court of for the valuable timber and atone Is worth more than Congress Street, opposite 7.00 a.m. 1.36 Insolvency County of Cumberland land, W A. Ply- Watrrrille, p. m„ 1.30p. m EVERY SATURDAY from Ar at S. to Delaware Breakwater sch J D STOREmouth Churoh. The above oilers a MAY 3d, Robinson, State of Maine. Mareh A. D. 1883. the price of the farm. It lias a modern I Vk good tll.l6p. m., and Saturdays at 6.16 m. DECEMBER, Matanzas. PIANO COVERS and PIANO SI001S 28, story ehance for only p. Otis, inc.se of EDWIN F. FROST, Insolvent Debtor. house, stable 40x60, barn 40x72, with commodious an enterprising person in the Boot and Augusta, ilallawrll. Gardiner, Rich, Making the SHORTEST OCEAN VOYAGE. Only Sid 1st, brig Woodbury, for 2d, sch Shoe business. Possession 1st. FIVE DAYS from Lund to Cienfuegos; fllHIS is to give notice that on the tw. uty eighth outbuildings all in good repair, and a never falling given April B. moad.aud Brssiwirk 7.00 a. m., 1.30 p and. Extra Weekly CathioC Berry, (from Penaaco’a. for New Haven. BAT— 48Vk St. marSevdlm* 6.16 from LI If* 1 day of Mar ti, A.D. 1883, a Warrant in Insol- supply of running water, Thoro are fifty abres SHAW. Exchange m„ p. m„ tll.l6p. m.: Bmh. 7.00 a. m. Ships GALWAY, RltK, LON- NEW FORK— Ai 3a, brig Sarah & Emma, f om WOLFE'S 1.30 vency was issued (; excellent tillage land under a state of cultiva p. m., and on DONDERRY and GLASGOW Bahia: schs Jas H Jed by Henry Pealaxly, -Judge of good 6.16p.m, Saturdays only Deputy, Tracy, Newport; WM. P. the Court of Insolvency for said tion and cuts about tons and lias one of at 11.16 p. ra. Kseklnsd, and Knox A TO Provi- Conntyof Cumber- forty hay, BOSTON DIRECT. Frye. Langley, Somerset; Python, Grant, HASTINGS’, land, against the estate of said the best mountain pastures in the State. The land is l. inrola K. It., 7.00 a. m.. 1.30 dence. TOItET p. Only direct Hue from Galivayand l.ituerirb. EDWIN F FHOST.of Cape Elizabeth well adipted for any kind of and is one of m. : Auburn and I.rwision. Ar4tb, bareue E Rnssell, Russell. farming, 8.15a.m.. Accommodations unequaled. Cabin Mary Hiogo: 144 1-2 St. adjudged to be an insolvent debtor, on |»tltton of the finest situations on the line of tlm P. & O. R. R. 1.36 p. in., 6.05 p. m. I.rwision ria 970and9stl; Matthew Baird. Forbes, Guantanamo: Alex dec2Q Exchange Intermediate, 940; Prepaid Steerage, Sat. Camp- dtf said debtor, which petition was (lied on the twenty- Price #7,000. For terms and other information Scliicdam Brunswick 7.00 a. in., fll.16 p. m.: Aromatic Store For bell Bunker, brig Cadet. Nos. 417 & 119 Middle St, information, so., to LXVE A- AL- do; Sawyer. Sagua. eighth day of March, A. D. 1888, to which dale address OLIVER D. KICK. Parmiagion, Phillips apply Cld 3d for An- .Bsanssih, DKN, Gea. Agent.. 207 barque Bertha, Wooster, London; interest on claims is to be computed. No, 116 Commercial street, Me. Wiathroa, Rradfleld, West Waterrille Broadway, N.Y.jor K. tonio Mite brigs Crow- Portland, tho Poet Otflee where all the A. WALDRON, 40 T. P. Sala, ell, Havana; Labafna, That the Day went of any debts to or said mar 24 dtf largo nnd North Anson, 1.25 p. m., and Exchange St., tic sebs by debt- Wholesale Jobbing Houses are in Parnting- GO 4'J‘J ley, Portsmouth; Katahain. Dedge, Mobile; or, anil the transfer and of BELOW located, dry ton rla Brunswick, 7.00 a.m. WAN, Congress St., Portland. and Yankee Bos- delivery any 1Drooertv 1 y SCHNAPPS. goods, Fancy and other Classes of Fitted marl Mareellus, Alley, Maid, Ay]ward, by him aro forbidden by law, goods. up 3_ dtf ton; Lester A Lewis, Fletcher. Baracoa; SO with two Counting rooms, Brick and Iron Ele- Rogers, That a meeting of the creditors of said debtor Safe, Halloweil. to vator. Counters, Tables, (las and with Hinckley, prove thoir debts and choose one or more Water, light LEAVE FOR PORTLAND AND BOSTON INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. Passed the Gate 2d, sebs Flora from Hobo- assignees VALUABLE FIRS FOR SILL and airy basement all in Heated bv King, of his estate, will be held at a court of perfect repair. insolvency to a furnace. From Halifax, 8.10 a. m„ 6.16 ra.; Hi. ken for Boston; Darius Eddy, Amboy for Bangor; be hidden at Probate Court As a and Inquire of H. K, lllOMPSON 164 p. room, in said Port- general beverage necessary Braekntt St. where the John. 8.16 a. m.. 8.30 p. ra.; Honliaa, 10.30 Eaclpon, .He.. mints, He., si. Ellen Perkins, do for Haverhill. on keys mav.be found. land, the sixteenth day of A. D. milE Homestead Farm of ihe late AlbionV. Wood а. Hi, 10.46 a. NEW LONDON—Sid sch Cook Borden, April, 1883 oot2 dtf in.; Htephea. m.; Rsrkspsri, John, K. B., Halifax, N. S., Ac. 1st, Lunt, at ten o’clock in the forenoon. 1 In Gorham, three miles from Gorham corrective of б. 00 a. 6. Baracoa. MAPLE SUGAR! Maine, water rendered Impure by m.. p. m,; Vaaeebaro, 1.35 a. m. Given band under my the data first above Village, one and a half mile# from WestGarhan on 1.30 m. a. 8TON1NGTON -Ar 2d, sch Maggie Hart. writ- p. Hangar, 7.15 m., 17.46 WISTEK Malvey, ten the road leading to Spruce Swamp; containing 105 7.00 AHRANOEnENTS, Providence, (and sailed for Millstone Point, to loaa vegetable decomiiosltlon or other BRAIN I Dealer, a.ra, 6.10 p. m. Belfast H. R. acres of Ullage, pasture and wood' land of which causes, .30 a. 3.05 for Baltimore.) SARGENT, 8.111. m., p. m.; Hkowhegaa, 8 20 a. m. Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court about fifty acres are under good cultivation. The .t.C.WfJ m.: TWO TRIPSPEU WEEK. Sid 8d. scb Pierce, Lord, New York. of Insol- 3.16 p. Walrrrille, 8.16 a.m. 1.56., 110.00 vency for said County of Cumberland. house is two stories, has nine finished rooms. Ell as Limestone, Sulphate of Copper Ac, the - OAV, DKC. 4th IT team- NET Orchard of about 200 apple trees; a never 111.14 d. m. „ Joraan, and Marla Adelaide, Kent, for New York. Hath. 6.65 a. ra.. 11.00 a. m era •( thi. l ine will «0odailing well of water. Also a valuable timber lot nlcoliolle •4.00 ARD-HAV —Ar 2d, sch A H Waite, other preparation. A public p. m.,and (Saturdays only at 11.66 p. m. I.enve Bnilenad Gum of about fifteen acres In Buxton, Maine, about two Krnnswirk, 7.26 footjUSSSSaii of Wharf, Moore. »or New York. Teeth, $10 a. m., 11.30 a. m State street. every Monday, Lynn miles from West Gorham on the road from •4 80 112.35 Sid sets Eliza B Coffin, and “ loading saltr of over 80 rears duration In p.m.. a. m.,(nlgtt.) Recklaud end Thursday, et 8 p. m., for and 8t. 2d, Margie. West Gorham to West. Buxton. The timber con- every 8.16 Rastport schs John Plain Stheatment^I a. m., 1.16 p. m., l.rwiBiaa, 7.20 a.m John, with connections for Calais, 8t. EDGABTOWN—Bid 2d, Gerard, Shep- $7 sists of about 126 M. 60 M. Hemlock an.I Robbinstou, Pine, 600 I'll. tv C. SflT'B IN *11 YE AN l> 11.10a. m..*4.15p. m. Pembroke, Moulton Rockland for New York; Laconia, Crockett, cords hard wood. The section of our of Wolfe's BllAIN THKAT- 11.20pm. Phillips,6.65 Andrews, Woodstock, Grand pard. 0.0. We have now farming tools; Wagons, country Udolpho ft »• •'■rmiugtuu, 8.20 York for flUDSOVS been In the MKNT, guaranteed for a. m.; Menan, New Rockland; America.Treworgy, and 8t I Hleigl. 36 tons first and other specific Hysteria, Dizziness, Wiuthrep OampobeUe. Dtgby, Annapolis, Yarmouth, So for three and have quality Hay proper- Convulsions, Fits Nervous Headache, 10.13 a. ni. being due In Portland as follows: Wiiulior, Elmo, Watts. Amboy Rockland; Express, city years, yet ty of Hie deceased are also for sale. Neuralgia, Halifax, Moncton, Newcastle. Amherst to near Schnapps, its unsolicited endorsement Nervous Prostration caused 1 he trams from Hodgdon, Amboy for Portland; Moses Eddy, Slrnon- of the first case where for by by the use of altchol morning Augnsta and Bath Picton, Sbediac, Bathurst, I>alh*u*ie, Char Inquire fuller particulars on the promises of or 8.36 a. m. ton,-. 13 MARKET we have failed to give satis- tobacco. Menial Depression, Soft- Lewiston, K.40 a. m. The day lottetcwn Fort Fairfield, Grand Fall*, and othei SQUARE. thosubscribers, JANE B. Wakefulness, trains from BOSTON—Ar 3d, sch Fanny D, from faction. We nse none but the WOOD, the medical faculty and a sale of the Drain resulting in Insanity and Bangor, and all intermediate stations ■tations on the New Bmuevick and Canada, Inter- Deming, mar28 dtf EMMA. F. iineqnaled ening leading aud BURBANK, to misery, decay and death. Premature Old connecting roads at 12.40 and 12..46 n eolonial, and Western Ooun- Bockport. or at G. T. R. Round House of Age, Wind*or, Annapolis, sch Gertrude Impotency, Weakness in either sex, Involuntary in. The afternoon trains from Rail Roads, and Cld 8d, Abbott, Champion, Port- TIMOTHY W. Administrator. by any other alcoholic distillation have Waterrille! tie*, Stage ;Rontafl. Best BURBANK, Losses and caused over-exertion Augusta, Bath, Rockland and Lewiston at received to 4 m. and In- land. March Spermatorrhoea by 5.40 Br^Freight np p. any Teeth, 22, 1888. umr23d.'lw* of the self-abuse or m. The Pullman Ar 4th, sebs Sarah, Wright. Westport; Edward _ brain, over-indulgence. Kach p. Nigh! Express train at 1.60 formation regarding the same may be had at the and warrant a ft*. Insured for it the reputation of box contains one month’s ft. m. L Warren. Babbidge, Winterport. perfect salubrity treatment. $1. a box, or office of the Freight Agent, Railroad Wharf. Farm For Sale or To 6 boxes for sent 1 NEWbUKYPORT—Ar 2d, scb Carrie Bell, Nick- Lot. $A.lX); by mail prepaid on receipt of Sleeping Cars attached, run dally, Sundays In- For Circular*, with Excursion Route*, Ticket* for It, For We fi to cure case. Weebawken. of the beet fnrm. In the (Jounty of Cumber- claimed sale by all Druggists price. guarantee boxes any \\ ith cluded, between Boston and Bangor. 8tate Room* and further information apply at erson, each order received for fi boxes iRnns to PORTSMOUTH—Sid 3d, sch II Prescott, Davis, E. li. ti F. W. ONKland eltualeil In Ope Elizabeth, known ne I ho accompanied with $5. through Bangor orory morning, and Skow- Company’s Office, 40 Exchange St. LOCKWOOD, we will send the our written for Boston. "llrooke Farm" will be sold at a groat bargain. 8. and Hrocers. purchaser guarantee began Sunday Morning, but not Monday. Does T. C. HEB6ET, Frasident, and Manager Klttery to refund the if the treatment does not not run to L. CA HI,ETON, Att’y at Low, 180 Middle St. Port- money effect Dexter, Belfast, Bucksport, or St dt4dtl a cure. J. C, WKBT A Co .Tobn FOREIGN FORTH. ART GOODS! 288 1-2 Middle Street land, Me. maiSdtf Proprietors, issue guar- Sunday morning antee* through 11.11. HAY *fc CO., Druggists,only •For Portland only. Sid fm Yokohama Feb ship Susan Gillmore, 7tb, feb1» POKT1.4ND, 'll eodtf agents, Portland,Me. Junction Middle and Free Sts “"«* *««d class Maine Steamship Carver. 1,fll'',.?J*1 fur Company Hiogo. Everything Complete SUBURBAN RESIDENCE "*** ***'*,,l, si reduced At Hiogo Mch ship Belle of Bath, Carter, rale*'* 6tb, — AT- Semi-Weekly Line to New York. from Philadelphia. FOB SAliEl. TUCKER, Gcn'l At Shangnae Feb 27, barque Escort, Waterhouse, F. E. PAJSON Snpt. BOOIHBY, Gcn’l. Pass. A Ticket Agt. unc; and others. desirable residence of tho late Sienniers Eleauora ami very Rev. REAVER Portland. Oct. 16. 1882 ocU3dtf Franconia Sid fm Genoa Mch 18, sch Thog N Hart, Fergu- THEZenas Thompson, situate on Lincoln 8t., 18 STREET, Will until further notice leave Franklin Wharf for ALGERNON son, Trapani. STUBBS’, Woodford's Corner, I Jeering. Contains tine garden Portland, every MONDAY aud THURSDAY, at 8 Sid fm Honolulu Mch 17, ship Gettysburg, Tbeo* and fruit trees. For particulars apply to p. m., and leave Pier 37, East River New York for Sound. ZKSAH NEW YORK. MONDAY and bald, Paget TEMPLE ST. THOMPtJUF. Jr., or every THURSDAY, at 4. n m Cld at These Montevideo 27tb, barque Wandering Jew. FRED II. THOMPSON, 36 Union St.. City. Jjf#_dl steamer* are lilted np with Hue accemod*- Ulmer, New York. A.YUUj 1 feb22 this » very convenient At Rosario Feb _dtf IMPORTED 0i"J0rr,M*!stV*er81 maM“8 22d, barque Abiel Taylor.1 A new line of a as- ,or Rio Janeiro. Abbott, Engravings; large General Oeeau Steamer Ticket Oftlce, ,?vUt8 “Avelent between New new for Tor Sale. summor mouths these sortment of framing the -in .UB' jPunn8tho preT 10 Mcb31, bar(lue Spring sale of tickets the White Boylston, Materials and Photographer,a of tho host houselots In has a pfe-stage by Star, Haven on their pas- Small^Aspinwafl08 trade. Artists’ Art Nov- Fine Portrait!) specialty, Portland, nioo VTilhor’M C ompound of Pur© fod Liur I^ORtunard. ^'8W stable and stone for cellar now WINES <& Anchor, State, American, Red Star, lr.om York. Passage, Including At Matanzas Mch Carrie ONE upon It; will LIQUORS Oil and Lime. The advantage of this ov North t»« rm:»n 28d, barque Heckle, Sl- elties in large variety. My speciality is compound American, Rotter- Goods destined for sell on time and advance 92500 to build a er the Lloyd, Hamburg, w!12. I?1®’ mi'al»cxtra. beyond monton, North of Ila teras; John M Co. help good plain Oil Is, that the nauseating taste of the dam, An terdam and Italian all first class ^cw Clerk, I have the large t to house on the For call •f nil kind., In ike lmee, or. York; forwarded to dectinatton a framing. variety premises. particulars on Oil Is and the whole rendered palatable. fast nil once. For ,Ma80n. Hardy; Daisy Boynton, HOTEL Y 3H5 removed, pass go steamers, to and from points in further apply to Shackford, do; Hattie M select from. Fine gold gilt frames in all OPPOSITE FALMOUTH Jan22dtf L. TA LGlt, Congress fit. The off oust ve taste of the Oil has Ion* acted as a information, Bain, Coilins, wtg; Anita Europe. U LINE. her, St Thomas; Northern Light, Kosa,.Jacksonville Chemist, Boston, and by all druggist*. Ac. and other information to d L. STUBBS A ting DRESSES for LADIES and CHILDREN, Nil. PORE apply FAltMEU 0. wad Royal Mail Steamer* Arat St NB, 3d, sch Jnlia 8, Formerly, BROS’, _UAJk 41O NEW STHEKT, PORT- mar22eod&wdw 18 Agent, 22 St. 1’. O. no* t»7,d. 9. Johp, McIntyre! as well us all OAR.ME NTS dupe-din* from the Exchange Via Queenstown, Portland. Is 1. lento \ toUrcrpool L 26 shoulder. Tim Diagram very simple, being nil fig. AND, MAINE. diy Rate* reduced for Fall and Win- Ar at 30th, ach Holway, Temple Street. lt Musquash > Bryant, a|.3 oorltf tired, It Is equally to PROFESSIONAL and F. II. ter. These * nuii'r- iko tlio ex ^ to load for New York. odnpted Dr. KEN ISON '*** Machias, HOME use with EXPLANATIONS; niul (leneral Manager, for New I RAVKI, TO KI -J* ir«»ni«—.'Ui h.« Cld at aebs Prussian printed Also, England, lia* opened an office In ROPl; ! avoiding Quaco, NB, 30th, General, Is for beginners. It can be ot l o.l especially arianged Portland and ICatininteM for Tom M to „u> all dangor* from Cabin $00 and $80; Ex- and Llzze C, Rowe, Rockland. S. It. NILFN, less than Is can l>e iceberg* Graney, learned perfectly wi'li practice required FOR THE found at IdHopr an I iheOrinu. cursion $1 U> and $14 I; .stt »‘rug fit 1 vw rate*. The Is also CELEBRATED STEPHEN BERKY, by anv other SYSTEM. It bused noon the arc a* follow*: HPOKKft Advertising Full •ailing* Agent* original tailor system. Instructions given ou No. 270 Middle SI. TICKETS tSULED. Foil Battle »5« particular* in luontlilv Garmanb*. .... Jan-2t> I ..Feb. 1 Feb lat ion 82 Daniel I HI OTOV NT., ItOMTON and altar Jnu. lotli, at tba MILLINERY Mur.of Summit Mineral 0, 16, W, ship l'ennsj, and Spring Water, s Kenublto... Jan. 25 | Brttauia.Feb. in Wilson. Irom New York for Contitflt. for In MRS. A. L. HASH, 453 Cougress St', Portland, Me. over Edward's and Walk- EXUHAKrtEetmjhaxof'tSRvinKfiS?'VMKKk-a Shanghae. AdT.nir.menti New.p.par. In * ffirxds. ($md fiPunfetj TRAVELERS IU UK AI HiiBiuii.l For li t*. cabin Man*, rales and March lat 18 Ion 34 David Crock- 0[ tlin Job MRS. M. 1C, ALLEN, Oen. FROM era’ Hardware store from °tk' flailing pnflsage 0, N, W. ship “V1" United State, and tli. Agent, IIARHMON,-MAINE. V’A' 11 *U*TTOIU. drafts,apply to J. I.. FARMER, 22 St. *M> Anderson, tim New York for San Brttieli Province*. Ha. fft iTUitt Street. A0ENTS WANTED, feblV-Wdllu- a d Apr. »ih ""•Vmnr"4imar** Mauagor. Excuangu Frjtncljco. agio lolpr.'ISib. eoaUiu* delU dly