vt uhr virginia undergraduate tech historical review volume 5 ³ spring 2016 editorial board editors Dr. Heather Gumbert Dr. Robert P. Stephens Dr. Paul Quigley managing editors Faith Skiles Kevin Caprice associate editors Eleanor Boggs Kelly Cooper Beck Giesy Courtney Howell Molly Lash Derek Litvak Rachel Snyder design editor Courtney Howell The Virginia Tech Undergraduate Historical Review is published annually by the Virginia Tech Department of History. The journal is available at http://vtuhr.org. Bound copies of the journal are available at http://www.lulu.com. All rights reserved. No portion of this journal may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the formal consent of the publisher. All email correspondence should be addressed to:
[email protected] All other correspondence should be addressed to: VTUHR Editor Department of History (0117) 431 Major Williams Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061-0117 Cover image: Chief Photographer’s Mate Robert F. Sargent, Into the Jaws of Death - U.S. Troops Wading through Water and Nazi Gunfire. 6 June 1944. 2,963 × 2,385. Stored at the National Archives and Records Administration, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. 4 table of contents from the editors pg 6 Faith Skiles and Kevin Caprice on sands stained red pg 9 Ordinary Men and Extraordinary Courage on Omaha Beach Tyler Abt unesco takes on the taliban pg 23 The Fight to Save the Buddhas at Bamiyan Eleanor Boggs guibert of nogent pg 35 The Development of Rhetoric from Anti-Judaism to Anti-Semitism Elyse Sulkey convict leasing pg 57 Justifications, Critiques, and the Case for Reparations Courtney Howell from the lab to the lotus pond pg 79 Interactions between Orientalism and Ideals of Domestic Science Nancy Mason bewitched pg 99 Witchcraft, Life Insurance and the Business of Murder Rachel Snyder image citations pg 112 submitting to the vtuhr pg 113 5 from the editors e are excited to unveil the fifth issue of the Virginia Tech Undergraduate Historical Review and invite you to delve into its pages rich in historical Wscholarship.