#152 Nav/DEcOl £2.25 - MATRIXTHE NEWS MAGAZINE OF THE BRITISH SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION· PLANET OF THE APES -MATRIX-------------------- Issue #152 Nov/Dec 01 Deadline for submissions for next issue: 28 Nov 01 The bi-monthly news magazine of the British Science Fiction Association Editor: Gary Wilkinson BSFA OFFICERS 18 Water Lane, South Witham, Grantham, lines., NG33 5PH President: Sir Arthur C. Clarke, CBE
[email protected] Vice President: Stephen Baxter Contributing Editors: Secretary: Vikki Lee Books: Janet Barron 44 While Way, Kidlington,Oxon, 3 Ullswater Road, Barnes, London, QX52XA SW139PL
[email protected] [email protected] Treasurer: Elizabeth Billinger Magazines: Glenda Pringle 1 Long Row Close, Everdon, Oavenlry, 22 Mead Way, Kidlington, Oxon., OX5 Northants NN11 3BE 2BJ
[email protected] [email protected] Membership Services: Paul Billinger Web/Internet news: Martin Sketchtey 1 Long Row Close, Everdon, Oaventry, 232Alvechurch Road, West Heath, Northants. NN11 3BE Birmingham, B31 3PS
[email protected] [email protected] UK membership: £21 pa or £14 pa (unwaged), life membership £190, Registered in England, limited by Guarantee, Company Number: 921500 Europe: £26 pa, Rest of Wortd: £26 pa surface mail, £32 pa air mail Registered Address: 1 Long Row Close, Everdon, Daventry, NN11 3BE Cheques payable to: BSFA Ltd. The BSFA was founded in 1958 and is a non-profit making organisation, US Agent: Cy Chauvin stafledentirely by unpaid volunteers 14248 Witfred Street, Detroit, MI 48213, Individual copyrights are the property of the contributors and editors. Views USA expressed herein are nol necessarily those of the BSFA or BSFA Committee members.