

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,802,114 B2 Cullen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 12, 2014

(54) PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS OF (56) References Cited RON FOR ORAL ADMINISTRATION U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Alan Cullen, Dublin (IE); Edel O'Toole, 4,525,339 A 6, 1985 Behl et al. Dublin (IE); David C. Coughlan, 4,590,062 A 5/1986 Jang Kildare (IE); Kishore Chalasani, Dublin 4,654,155 A 3/1987 Kipp et al. (IE); Thomas W. Leonard, Wilmington, 4,656,161 A 4, 1987 Herr NC (US) 4,764,375 A 8, 1988 Paradissis 4,789,547 A 12/1988 Song et al. 4,996,058 A 2f1991 Sinnreich (73) Assignee: Merrion Research III Limited, Dublin 5,110,606 A 5/1992 Geyer et al. (IE) 5,169,933 A 12, 1992 Anderson et al. 5, 190,748 A 3/1993 Bachynsky et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,221,734 A 6/1993 Burk et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,229, 130 A 7/1993 Sharma et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 12 days. 5,288.497 A 2/1994 Stanley et al. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 13/345,185 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (22) Filed: Jan. 6, 2012 CN 101.125132 2, 2008 (65) Prior Publication Data EP O370481 A2 11, 1989 US 2012/O1896.92 A1 Jul. 26, 2012 (Continued) OTHER PUBLICATIONS Related U.S. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 61/430,575, filed on Jan. EFSA Journal 2010; 8(1): 1414.* 7, 2011. (Continued) (51) Int. Cl. A6 IK9/00 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Anand Desai A6 IK9/20 (2006.01) Assistant Examiner — Melissa Mercier A6 IK 47/48 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Myers Bigel Sibley & A6 IK 45/06 (2006.01) Sajovec, P.A. A6 IK33/26 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT CPC ...... A61K 47/48015 (2013.01); A61 K9/2013 (2013.01); A61 K47/48076 (2013.01); A61 K The present invention generally relates to orally administered 45/06 (2013.01); A61 K9/2018 (2013.01); pharmaceutical compositions of iron compounds with A6 IK33/26 (2013.01) medium chain fatty acid salts. The invention further relates to USPC ...... 424/400; 424/452; 424/465 methods of using the pharmaceutical compositions to treat (58) Field of Classification Search iron deficiency and related disorders. None See application file for complete search history. 42 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets


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U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2014 Sheet 10 of 12 US 8,802,114 B2

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FIG. 19

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T T --- S 7s O 125 s 17s Predous plasmalroneveTO, Ig/dl) US 8,802,114 B2 1. 2 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS OF tion. The ideal site for absorption is the upper small intestine, RON FOR ORAL ADMINISTRATION where active transport/divalent metal transporters and favor able pH promote absorption. RELATED APPLICATIONS WO 2005/041928 describes a composition comprising iron and a transport moiety, such as a fatty acid. The compo This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. S 119 sition is prepared in a manner Such that the iron and the (e) of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/430, transport moiety form a tight ion binding pair, i.e., a salt. 575, filed Jan. 7, 2011, the disclosure of which is incorporated Creation of new salt forms for iron has inherent issues asso herein by reference in its entirety. ciated with it, including the need to establish safety, stability, 10 and commercial manufacturing procedures. Development of FIELD OF THE INVENTION a formulation that can work with existing salts and/or chelates is much preferred. The present invention generally relates to orally adminis There is a continuing need for development of novel phar tered pharmaceutical compositions of iron compounds with maceutical formulations of iron Suitable for oral administra medium chain fatty acid salts. The invention further relates to 15 methods of using the pharmaceutical compositions to treat tion, which not only offer the convenience of oral dosing, but iron deficiency and related disorders. also provide increased bioavailability of iron without exces sive side effects. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Iron in a variety of forms is administered for the treatment of iron deficiency and related disorders (e.g., ) as well The present invention relates to pharmaceutical composi as prophylactically to Supply the minimum daily recom tions and oral dosage forms of iron and an absorption mended allowance. A variety of iron compounds have been enhancer. The compositions provide increased bioavailability administered, including ferric and ferrous forms of elemental 25 of iron. The compositions also overcome the negative feed iron as salts, complexes, hydrates, chelates, and bound to back mechanism that limits iron absorption. polymer. Current oral iron preparations have low bioavail In one aspect, the invention provides a pharmaceutical ability and substantial side effects associated with them. composition for oral administration comprising, consisting Numerous formulation attempts have been made to create essentially of or consisting of an iron compound and an dosage forms that provide adequate iron absorption to treat 30 absorption enhancer, wherein the absorption enhancer is a deficiencies with less side effects. The side effects from oral medium chain fatty acid salt having a carbon chain length of administration primarily are a result of the large doses nec from about 4 to about 20 carbon atoms. In some aspects, the essary to promote adequate absorption. It is likely that the composition does not involve chemical modification of the presence of unabsorbed iron that remains in the gastrointes iron compound. In other aspects, the iron compound and the tinal (GI) tract also significantly contributes to irritation, 35 therefore side effects are also related to the poor bioavailabil absorption enhancer are not part of a tight ion binding pair. ity. The side effects include abdominal pain, heartburn, con The invention allows the use of conventional iron compounds stipation, diarrhea, nausea, and Vomiting. The inadequate (e.g., salts of iron, such as ferrous Sulfate, or chelates and absorption by oral delivery combined with poor compliance complexes of iron, such as EDTA and pyrophosphate com from the adverse effects on the GI tract means that in cases of 40 plexes) to be used in oral dosage forms containing medium Substantial iron deficiencies, therapy must be carried out by chain fatty acid salts. The oral dosage forms include Solid parenteral injection, either intravenously or intramuscularly. dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, and powders and Parenteral therapy is also associated with substantial side liquid dosage forms such as solutions, Suspensions, elixirs, effects, including anaphylactic shock, injection site issues, and syrups. hypotension, muscle cramps, dizziness, headache, graft com 45 In a further aspect, the invention relates to a pharmaceutical plications, hypertension, chest pain, dysguesia, ear pain, and composition for oral administration comprising an iron com peripheral edema, as well as the cost and discomfort associ pound and an absorption enhancer, wherein the composition ated with injectable medication. provides a bioavailability of iron that is at least 1.5 times There is a need for improved oral formulations that achieve greater than the bioavailability provided by a composition much better bioavailability. Such a formulation allows thera 50 comprising ferrous Sulfate that does not contain an absorption peutic doses to be given by a non-parenteral route while enhancer. providing decreased side effects compared to present formu In another aspect, the invention relates to an oral dosage lations. Such an improved formulation can be used to replace form (e.g., a solid, semi-solid, or liquid oral dosage form) parenteral therapy, and further improve patient quality of life. comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of the By improving the oral bioavailability, the total dose and the 55 residual amounts of iron in the GI tract will be lowered which pharmaceutical composition of the invention. will improve the side effect profile, improve compliance, and In another aspect, the invention relates to a method of allow a therapeutic effect approaching that of the injectable orally delivering iron to a subject, comprising administering products to be achieved. Oral doses can then be used to to the subject the oral dosage form of the invention. achieve the required blood concentrations and body loads 60 In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for which now can only be achieved via parenteral doses to increasing the level of iron in a Subject in need thereof, e.g., in improve hemoglobin and ferritin levels, e.g., in severely ane the blood of a Subject in need thereof, comprising adminis mic patient. tering to the Subject the oral dosage form of the invention. Rapid release oral iron formulations are preferred since In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for iron is best absorbed in the upper small intestine. Controlled 65 increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood of a subject in and extended release formulations are not effective for iron need thereof, comprising administering to the Subject the oral since there is minimal lower intestinal and colonic absorp dosage form of the invention. US 8,802,114 B2 3 4 In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for FIG. 17 shows the comparative dissolution profiles of Fe treating an iron deficiency in a Subject in need thereof, com with various enhanced iron tablets. prising administering to the Subject the oral dosage form of FIG. 18 shows the comparative dissolution profiles of C10 the invention. with various enhanced iron tablets. In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for FIG. 19 shows the mean plasma concentration of baseline maintaining iron indices in a Subject to ensure maximum corrected plasma iron vs. time (6 hours) profiles of the test efficacy of erythropoietin and/or other erythropoiesis-stimu items after administration to different groups at different peri lating agents, comprising administering to the Subject the oral ods in female beagle dogs (n=12). dosage form of the invention. FIG. 20 shows plasma iron levels at key stages of the study. In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for 10 FIG. 21 shows a plot of AUC vs. predose plasma iron treating a disease or disorder characterized by an iron defi concentration for ferrous sulfate. ciency in a Subject in need thereof, comprising administering FIG. 22 shows a plot of AUC vs. predose plasma iron to the subject the oral dosage form of the invention. concentration for iron Form B.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 15 DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG. 1 shows the plasma iron concentration vs. time pro The foregoing and other aspects of the present invention files of the test formulations after period 1 and period 2 dosing will now be described in more detail with respect to the in dogs. description and methodologies provided herein. It should be FIG. 2 shows the dissolution profiles of C10 and Fe for appreciated that the invention can be embodied in different enhanced tablets containing ferric pyrophosphate (FPP) forms and should not be construed as limited to the embodi soluble and different solubilizing excipients. ments set forth herein. Rather, these embodiments are pro FIG. 3 shows the dissolution profiles of C10 and Fe for vided so that this disclosure will be thorough and complete, enhanced tablets containing FPP soluble without any solubi and will fully convey the scope of the invention to those lizing excipients (no citric acid). 25 skilled in the art. FIG. 4 shows the dissolution profiles of C10 and Fe for All patents, patent applications and publications referred to enhanced tablets containing FPP soluble with citric acid as herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety. In case solubilizing aid. of a conflict in terminology, the present specification is con FIG. 5 shows the dissolution profiles of C10 and Fe for trolling. enhanced tablets containing FPP soluble and both citric acid 30 The terminology used in the description of the invention plus sorbitol. herein is for the purpose of describing particular embodi FIG. 6 shows the dissolution profiles of C10 and Fe for ments only and is not intended to be limiting of the invention. enhanced tablets containing FPP soluble and high concentra As used in the description of the embodiments of the inven tion of citric acid (148 mg tablet). Iron content normalized for tion and the appended claims, the singular forms 'a', 'an 100%. 35 and “the are intended to include the plural forms as well, FIG. 7 shows the dissolution profiles of C10 and Fe for unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. enhanced tablets containing FPP soluble and sodium citrate As used herein, “and/or refers to and encompasses any (148 mg tablet) from n=2 tablets. and all possible combinations of one or more of the associated FIG. 8 shows the dissolution profiles of Fe for enhanced listed items. tablets containing FPP soluble and different solubilizing 40 The term “about, as used herein when referring to a mea excipients. Surable value Such as an amount of a compound, dose, time, FIG. 9 shows the dissolution profiles of Fe and C10 for temperature, and the like, is meant to encompass variations of enhanced tablets containing FPP soluble and ascorbic acid 20%, 10%, 5%, 1%, 0.5%, or even 0.1% of the specified and placebo C10 tablets. amount. FIG. 10 shows the profiles of Fe and C10 normalized for 45 The terms “comprises” and/or “comprising,” when used in enhanced tablets containing FPP soluble and ascorbic acid. this specification, specify the presence of Stated features, FIG. 11 shows the dissolution profiles of Fe and C10 for integers, steps, operations, elements, and/or components, but enhanced tablets containing FPP soluble and different solu do not preclude the presence or addition of one or more other bilizing excipients. features, integers, steps, operations, elements, components, FIG. 12 shows the dissolution profiles of Fe and C10 for 50 and/or groups thereof. enhanced iron tablets containing varying concentrations of The term “consists essentially of (and grammatical vari citric acid (n=2 tablets). ants), as applied to the compositions of this invention, means FIG. 13 shows the dissolution profiles of Fe and C10 for the composition can contain additional components as longas enhanced iron tablets containing FPP soluble and citric acid the additional components do not materially alter the compo prepared to evaluate C10 recovery and co release (EXP 55 sition. The term “materially altered, as applied to a compo 1642). sition, refers to an increase or decrease in the therapeutic FIG. 14 shows the dissolution profiles of Fe and C10 for effectiveness of the composition of at least about 20% or more enhanced iron tablets containing FPP soluble and citric acid as compared to the effectiveness of a composition consisting prepared to evaluate C10 recovery and co release (EXP of the recited components. 1649). 60 Unless the context indicates otherwise, it is specifically FIG. 15 shows the dissolution profiles of Fe and C10 for intended that the various features of the invention described enhanced iron tablets containing FPP soluble and ascorbic herein can be used in any combination. acid prepared to evaluate C10 recovery and co release (EXP Moreover, the present invention also contemplates that in 1650). Some embodiments of the invention, any feature or combina FIG.16 shows the dissolution profiles of C10 for enhanced 65 tion of features set forth herein can be excluded or omitted. iron tablets containing FPP/FCC and different levels of solu The term “tablet” as used herein includes, but is not limited bilizing excipients. to, immediate release (IR) tablets, sustained release (SR) US 8,802,114 B2 5 tablets, matrix tablets, multilayer tablets, multilayer matrix By the terms “treat,” “treating,” or “treatment of (and tablets, extended release tablets, delayed release tablets and grammatical variations thereof) it is meant that the severity of pulsed release tablets, any or all of which may optionally be the Subjects condition is reduced, at least partially improved, coated with one or more coating materials, including polymer or stabilized and/or that some alleviation, mitigation, coating materials, such as enteric coatings, rate-controlling decrease, or stabilization in at least one clinical symptom coatings, semi-permeable coatings and the like. The term and/or parameter is achieved and/or there is a delay in the “tablet also includes osmotic delivery systems in which a progression of the disease or disorder. drug compound is combined with an osmagent (and option The terms “prevent,” “preventing, and “prevention' (and ally other excipients) and coated with a semi-permeable grammatical variations thereof) refer to avoidance, preven membrane, the semi-permeable membrane defining an orifice 10 through which the drug compound may be released. Tablet tion and/or delay of the onset of a disease, disorder and/or a Solid oral dosage forms that may be useful in the practice of clinical symptom(s) in a subject and/or a reduction in the the invention include those selected from the group consisting severity of the onset of the disease, disorder and/or clinical of IR tablets, SR tablets, coated IR tablets, coated SR tablets, symptom(s) relative to what would occur in the absence of the matrix tablets, coated matrix tablets, multilayer tablets, 15 methods of the invention. The prevention can be complete, coated multilayer tablets, multilayer matrix tablets and e.g., the total absence of the disease, disorder and/or clinical coated multilayer matrix tablets. In some embodiments, a symptom(s). The prevention can also be partial. Such that tablet dosage form is an enteric-coated tablet dosage form. In the occurrence of the disease, disorder and/or clinical Symp Some embodiments, a tablet dosage form is an enteric-coated tom(s) in the subject and/or the severity of onset is less than rapid onset tablet dosage form. what would occur in the absence of the present invention. The term "capsule' as used herein includes, but is not An “effective amount, as used herein, refers to an amount limited to, IR capsules, SR capsules, coated IR capsules, and that imparts a desired effect, which is optionally a therapeutic coated SR capsules including delayed release capsules. Cap or prophylactic effect. Sules may be filled with powders, granules, multiparticulates, A “treatment effective” amount, as used herein, is an tablets, semi-solids, or liquids. In some embodiments, a cap 25 amount that is Sufficient to provide Some improvement or Sule dosage form is an enteric-coated capsule dosage form. In benefit to the subject. Alternatively stated, a “treatment effec Some embodiments, a capsule dosage form is an enteric tive' amount is an amount that will provide some alleviation, coated rapid onset capsule dosage form. Capsules may be mitigation, decrease, or stabilization in at least one clinical made of hard gelatin, soft gelatin, starch, cellulose polymers, symptom in the subject. Those skilled in the art will appreci or other materials as known to the art. 30 ate that the therapeutic effects need not be complete or cura The term “multiparticulate” as used herein means a plural tive, as long as some benefit is provided to the Subject. ity of discrete particles, pellets, mini-tablets and mixtures or A "prevention effective” amount, as used herein, is an combinations thereof. If the oral form is a multiparticulate amount that is sufficient to prevent and/or delay the onset of a capsule, hard or soft gelatin capsules or capsules of other disease, disorder and/or clinical symptoms in a Subject and/or materials can Suitably be used to contain the multiparticulate. 35 to reduce and/or delay the severity of the onset of a disease, In some embodiments, a Sachet can Suitably be used to con disorder and/or clinical symptoms in a subject relative to what tain the multiparticulate. In some embodiments, the multipar would occur in the absence of the methods of the invention. ticulate may be coated with a layer containing rate controlling Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the level of pre polymer material. In some embodiments, a multiparticulate vention need not be complete, as long as some benefit is oral dosage form according to the invention may comprise a 40 provided to the subject. blend of two or more populations of particles, pellets, or As used herein, a “therapeutically effective' or “therapeu mini-tablets having different in vitro and/or in vivo release tically acceptable' amount refers to an amount that will elicit characteristics. For example, a multiparticulate oral dosage a therapeutically useful response in a Subject. The therapeu form may comprise a blend of an instant release component tically useful response may provide some alleviation, mitiga and a delayed release component contained in a Suitable 45 tion, or decrease in at least one clinical symptom in the capsule. subject. The terms also include an amount that will prevent or In some embodiments, the multiparticulate and one or delay at least one clinical symptom in the Subject and/or more auxiliary excipient materials can be compressed into reduce and/or delay the severity of the onset of a clinical tablet form such as a multilayer tablet. In some embodiments, symptom in a subject relative to what would occur in the a multilayer tablet may comprise two layers containing the 50 absence of the methods of the invention. Those skilled in the same or different levels of the same active ingredient having art will appreciate that the therapeutically useful response the same or different release characteristics. In some embodi need not be complete or curative or prevent permanently, as ments, a multilayer tablet may contain different active ingre long as some benefit is provided to the Subject. dient in each layer. Such a tablet, either single layered or “Subjects” according to the present invention include multilayered, can optionally be coated with a controlled 55 mammals, avians, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. In some release polymer So as to provide additional controlled release embodiments, the Subjects are mammalian Subjects includ properties. In some embodiments, a multiparticulate dosage ing, but not limited to, humans, non-human mammals, non form comprises a capsule containing delayed release rapid human primates (e.g., monkeys, chimpanzees, baboons, etc.), onset minitablets. In some embodiments, a multiparticulate dogs, cats, mice, hamsters, rats, horses, cows, pigs, rabbits, dosage form comprises a delayed release capsule comprising 60 sheep, and goats. Avian Subjects include, but are not limited instant release minitablets. In some embodiments, a multipar to, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, quail, and pheasant, and ticulate dosage form comprises a capsule comprising delayed birds kept as pets (e.g., parakeets, parrots, macaws, cocka release granules. In some embodiments, a multiparticulate toos, and the like). In particular embodiments, the Subject is dosage form comprises a delayed release capsule comprising from an endangered species. In particular embodiments, the instant release granules. In some embodiments the particu 65 Subject is a laboratory animal. Human Subjects include neo lates may all be of uniform composition. In some embodi nates, infants, juveniles, adults, and geriatric Subjects. In cer ments, the particulates may vary in composition. tain embodiments, the subject is in need of the methods of the US 8,802,114 B2 7 8 present invention, e.g., has an iron deficiency. In other composition comprises, consists essentially of, or consists of embodiments, the Subject has, may have, or is at risk for an one or more auxiliary excipients in addition to the iron com iron deficiency. pound and absorption enhancer. The phrase “the composition does not involve chemical In a further aspect, the invention relates to a pharmaceutical modification of the iron compound” refers to the fact that the composition for oral administration comprising, consisting iron compound is not chemically modified by or chemically essentially of, or consisting of an iron compound (e.g., an iron interact with (i.e., form covalent or ionic bonds) any compo salt, chelate, complex, or polymer bound) and an absorption nent in the composition during preparation, storage, and use enhancer, wherein the composition provides a bioavailability of the composition. of iron that is at least 1.5 times greater than the bioavailability A “tightion binding pair, as used herein, refers to a pair of 10 provided by conventional oral iron preparations (e.g., a com ions that are, at physiological pH and in an aqueous environ position comprising ferrous Sulfate (e.g., a ferrous Sulfate ment, not readily interchangeable with otherloosely paired or tablet) or any other currently available iron dosage form), e.g., free ions that may be present in the environment of the tight one that does not contain an absorption enhancer. In certain ion binding pair. A tightion binding pair can be experimen embodiments, the bioavailability of iron is at least 1.5, 2, 3, 4, tally detected by noting the absence of an interchange of a 15 5, 6,7,8,9, or 10 times greater or more than the bioavailabil member of the pair with anotherion, at physiologic pH and in ity provided by conventional oral iron preparations. an aqueous environment, using isotopic labeling and NMR or In some embodiments, the iron compound is an iron salt mass spectroscopy. Tightion binding pairs also can be found (e.g., a ferrous salt or a ferric salt), an iron chelate, an iron experimentally by noting the lack of separation of the ion pair, complex, or polymer bound iron. In certain embodiments, the at physiologic pH and in an aqueous environment, using iron compound is a ferric compound, as it may produce less reverse phase HPLC. side effects than ferrous compounds. An "iron compound as used herein, refers to a complex Iron salts include, but are not limited to, ferrous sulfate, comprising elemental iron and an additional atom, ion, or ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, ferric hypophosphite, molecule, and includes iron salts, iron chelates, iron com ferric albuminate, ferric chloride, ferric citrate, ferric oxide plexes, and polymer-bound iron. 25 saccharate, ferric ammonium citrate, ferrous chloride, ferrous An “iron complex, as used herein, refers to elemental iron iodide, ferrous lactate, ferric trisglycinate, ferrous bisglyci in neutral or cationic form covalently or electrostatically nate, ferric nitrate, ferrous hydroxide Saccharate, ferric Sul linked to an additional atom, ion, or molecule. fate, ferric gluconate, ferric aspartate, ferrous Sulfate hep An "iron chelate, as used herein, refers to an iron cation tahydrate, ferrous phosphate, ferric ascorbate, ferrous and anions that Surround the iron cation and are joined to it by 30 formate, ferrous acetate, ferrous malate, ferrous glutamate, electrostatic bonds. ferrous cholinisocitrate, ferroglycine sulfate, ferric oxide An “active agent,” as used herein, refers to a compound or hydrate, ferric pyrophosphate soluble, ferric hydroxide sac molecule that has a therapeutic, prophylactic, or nutritive charate, ferric manganese saccharate, ferric SubSulfate, ferric effect when delivered to a subject. ammonium sulfate, ferrous ammonium sulfate, ferrous eth A“disease or disorder characterized by an iron deficiency.” 35 ylenediammonium Sulfate tetrahydrate, ferric sesquichloride, as used herein, refers to any disease or disorder in which ferric choline citrate, ferric manganese citrate, ferric quinine whole body stores of iron are less than desired. Low body citrate, ferric sodium citrate, ferric sodium edetate, ferric stores may be indicated by various symptoms including a formate, ferric ammonium oxalate, ferric potassium oxalate, blood level of iron that is below normal, low ferritin levels, ferric sodium oxalate, ferric peptionate, ferric manganese pep and/or low hemoglobin levels. Exemplary low levels may be 40 tonate, ferric acetate, ferric fluoride, ferric phosphate, ferric a cause and/or symptom of the disease or disorder and pyrophosphate, ferrous pyrophosphate, ferrous carbonate includes any disease or disorderin which elevating iron levels saccharate, ferrous carbonate mass, ferrous Succinate, ferrous in the Subject, e.g., in the blood, treats and/or prevents one or citrate, ferrous tartrate, ferric fumarate, ferric Succinate, fer more symptoms of the disease or disorder, or where mainte rous hydroxide, ferrous nitrate, ferrous carbonate, ferric nance of iron indices is required for effectiveness of another 45 Sodium pyrophosphate, ferric tartrate, ferric potassium tar agent, e.g., erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. The normal trate, ferric Subcarbonate, ferric glycerophosphate, ferric sac serum iron level for human adults is considered to be about 50 charate, ferric hydroxide Saccharate, ferric manganese sac to about 170 g/dL. charate, ferrous ammonium sulfate, ferric sodium The present invention provides a pharmaceutical compo pyrophosphate, ferrous carbonate, ferric hydroxide, ferrous sition for oral administration comprising, consisting essen 50 oxide, ferric oxyhydroxide, ferrous oxalate, and/or combina tially of, or consisting of an iron compound (e.g., an iron salt, tions thereof. chelate, complex, or polymer bound) and an absorption Iron chelates and complexes include, but are not limited to, enhancer, wherein the absorption enhancer is a medium chain ferric pyrophosphate, soluble ferric pyrophosphate, iron fatty acid salt having a carbon chain length of from about 4 to polysaccharide, iron bis glycinate, iron proteinate, methyli about 20 carbon atoms. In some embodiments, the iron com 55 dine-iron complex, EDTA-iron complex, phenanthrolene pound is an iron chelate or iron complex. In some embodi iron complex, p-toluidine iron complex, ferrous saccharate ments, the composition does not involve chemical modifica complex, ferrlecit, ferrous gluconate complex, ferrum Vitis, tion of the iron compound. In some embodiments, the iron ferrous hydroxide Saccharate complex, iron-arene Sandwich compound and the absorption enhancer are not part of a tight complexes, acetylacetone iron complex salt, iron-dextran ion binding pair. In some embodiments, the use of an iron 60 complex, iron-dextrin complex, iron-maltodextrin complex, chelate or iron complex in which iron is tightly bound to iron-Sorbitol-citric acid complex, saccharated iron oxide, fer another moiety prevents the formation of a tightion binding rous fumarate complex, iron porphyrin complex, iron phtalo pair between the iron and the fatty acid. In certain embodi cyamine complex, iron cyclam complex, dithiocarboxy-iron ments, the iron compound is present in the composition in a complex, desferrioxamine-iron complex, bleomycin-iron treatment effective amount. In other embodiments, the iron 65 complex, ferrozine-iron complex, iron perhaloporphyrin compound is present in the composition in a prevention effec complex, alkylenediamine-N,N'-disuccinic acid iron(III) tive amount. In certain embodiments, the pharmaceutical complex, hydroxypyridone-iron(III) complex, aminoglyco US 8,802,114 B2 10 side-iron complex, transferrin-iron complex, iron thiocyanate carbonate, phosphate, lactate, gluconate, citrate and combi complex, iron complex cyanides, porphyrinato iron(III) com nations thereof. The term “magnesium is used herein to refer plex, polyaminopolycarbonate iron complexes, dithiocar to any form of magnesium, including magnesium oxide, mag bamate iron complex, adriamycin iron complex, anthracy nesium chloride, magnesium lactate, magnesium sulfate and cline-iron complex, MGD-iron complex, ferrioxamine B. magnesium gluconate. ferrous citrate complex, ferrous Sulfate complex, ferric glu In some embodiments, the enhancer is a medium chain conate complex, ferrous Succinate complex, polyglucopyra fatty acid salt which has a carbon chain length of from about nosyl iron complex, polyaminodisuccinic acid iron complex, 4 to about 20 carbon atoms, e.g., from 6 to 20 carbon atoms, biliverdin-iron complex, deferiprone iron complex, ferric e.g., from 8 to 14 carbon atoms. In some embodiments, the oxyhydride-dextran complex, dinitrosyl dithiolato iron com 10 enhancer is solid at room temperature. In certain embodi plex, iron lactoferrin complexes, 1.3-PDTA ferric complex ments, the medium chain fatty acid salt is the only absorption salts, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid iron complex salts, enhancer in the oral dosage form. In additional embodiments, cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid iron complex salts, the pharmaceutical composition comprises more than one methyliminodiacetic acid iron complex salts, glycol ether medium chain fatty acid salt, e.g., 2, 3, 4, or more medium diaminetetraacetic acid iron complex salts, ferric hydroxypy 15 chain fatty acid salts. In other embodiments, the enhancer is a rone complexes, ferric Succinate complex, ferric chloride Sodium salt of a medium chain fatty acid. In some embodi complex, ferric glycine Sulfate complex, ferricaspartate com ments, the enhancer is selected from the group consisting of plex, Sodium ferrous gluconate complex, ferrous hydroxide Sodium caprylate, Sodium caprate and Sodium laurate. Exem polymaltose complex, and/or combinations thereof. plary enhancers are further described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,658, Suitable iron compounds for use in the pharmaceutical 938 and 7,670,626 and U.S. Published Application Nos. compositions of the invention can be determined using tech 2003/0091623 and 2007/0238707, which are incorporated by niques well known in the art and described herein. For reference in their entirety. In some embodiments, the absorp example, the centrifugation techniques described in Example tion enhancer is present in a ratio of from 1:100,000 to 10:1 2 below can be used to evaluate the compatibility of iron (iron:enhancer). compounds and enhancers. Additionally, compatibility can 25 One aspect of the invention relates to a solid oral dosage be evaluated by determining the ability of an iron compound form comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of and an enhancer to form mixed micelles. the pharmaceutical composition of the invention. The dosage In certain embodiments of the invention, iron compound is form can comprise an amount of iron that is treatment effec the only active agent in the composition. In other embodi tive (e.g., for treatment of iron deficiency and/or a disease or ments, the composition comprises additional active agents. In 30 disorder characterized by iron deficiency) or prevention one example, the additional active agents are useful for treat effective (e.g., to provide the daily recommended require ing iron deficiency or disorders associated with iron defi ment of iron and/or prevent the onset of disease or disorders ciency. In other examples, the additional active agents are characterized by iron deficiency). In one embodiment, the agents that are beneficially administered with iron, e.g., Solid oral dosage form comprises about 1 mg to about 200 mg erythropoiesis-stimulating agents such as erythropoietin, 35 iron, e.g., about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, epoetin alfa (PROCRIT/EPOGEN), epoetin beta (NEO 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85,90, 95, 100, 110, 120, RECORMON), (ARANESP), and methoxy 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, or 200 mg or more of iron polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta (MIRCERA). In other or any range therein. The amount of iron in the composition examples, the additional active agents are nutrients (e.g., refers to the weight of the elemental iron, not the iron com Vitamins and/or minerals) that provide the daily recom 40 pound, present in the composition. mended amounts of nutrients and/or disorder treatment and/ In certain embodiments, the dosage form is a Solid oral or prevention effective amounts. In some embodiments, the dosage form (e.g., a tablet, capsule, multiparticulate, or pow additional active agent is selected from the group consisting der dosage form) or a liquid oral dosage form (e.g., a solution, of folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B (all series, including B1, Suspension, emulsion, syrup, or elixir). In some embodi B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, 45 ments, the dosage form is a delayed release or controlled calcium, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, potas release dosage form. For example, the dosage form can be a sium, selenium, Zinc, phosphorus, iodine, biotin. inositol, tablet or other form comprising a rate controlling polymer para-amino benzoic acid, choline, and any combination material, e.g., hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, a polymer of thereof. As used herein, the term “vitamin B1” refers to thia acrylic or methacrylic acid or their respective esters, or mine. As used herein, the term “vitamin B2 refers to ribo 50 copolymers of acrylic or methacrylic acid or their respective flavin. As used herein, the term “vitamin B3’ refers to niacin esterS. and nicotinic acid. As used herein, the term “vitamin B5’ In Some embodiments, the iron compound, absorption refers to pantothenic acid. The term “vitamin B6” refers to enhancer, and at least one auxiliary excipient are compressed pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and pyridoxine compounds. As into tablet form prior to coating with a rate controlling poly used herein, the term “vitamin B9” refers to folic acid. The 55 mer. In some embodiments, the iron compound, absorption term “' refers to all forms of cobalamin includ enhancer, and at least one auxiliary excipient are compressed ing, without limitation, , into tablet form prior to coating with a delayed release poly and . The term “vitamin C is used hereinto mer. In some embodiments, the iron compound, absorption refer to any form of vitamin C, including ascorbate and enhancer, rate controlling polymer, and at least one auxiliary L-threonate. The term “vitamin D” is used to refer to both 60 excipient are compressed to form a controlled release matrix cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), tablet. In some embodiments, the controlled release matrix The term “vitamin E is used herein to refer to alpha-toco tablet is coated with a rate-controlling polymer. In some pherol, d-alpha-tocopherol, d-alpha-tocopheryl Succinate (or embodiments, the controlled release matrix is coated with a acetate), d1-alpha-tocopherol, d1-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (or delayed release polymer. In some embodiments, the iron Succinate), gamma tocopherol, mixed tocopherols, and dil 65 compound, absorption enhancer, and at least one auxiliary alpha tocopherol nicotinate. The term "calcium' is used excipient are compressed into the form of a multilayer tablet herein to refer to any form of calcium including calcium prior to coating with a rate controlling-polymer. In some US 8,802,114 B2 11 12 embodiments, the iron compound, absorption enhancer, and Any suitable amounts of saccharide may be added in the at least one auxiliary excipient are compressed into the form compositions of the present invention. In some embodiments of a multilayer tablet prior to coating with a delayed release of the present invention, the ratio of the enhancer and saccha polymer. Yet, in another embodiment, the iron compound and ride may be adjusted to achieve a desired dissolution rate absorption enhancer are dispersed in the rate-controlling 5 and/or compressibility of the resulting pharmaceutical com polymer material and compressed into the form of a multi position. In some embodiments, the ratio of the enhancer and layer tablet. In some embodiments, the multilayer tablet is saccharide is 2:1 to 20:1. According to some embodiments, coated with a rate-controlling polymer. In some embodi the ratio of the enhancer and saccharide is about 4:1 to 6:1. In ments, the multilayer tablet is coated with a delayed release another embodiment, the ratio of the enhancer and saccharide polymer. 10 is about 5:1. Any suitable grade of saccharide may be used in the com In certain embodiments, the iron compound, absorption position of the present invention. However, in some embodi enhancer, at least one auxiliary excipient, and the rate-con ments, the selection of the grade of saccharide may be depen trolling polymer material are combined into a multiparticu dent upon the particle size distribution (PSD) of a specific late form. In some embodiments, the multiparticulate form 15 grade of saccharide. Further, in another embodiment, the comprises discrete particles, pellets, minitablets, or combi specific grade of the saccharide may affect the characteristics nations thereof. In some embodiments, the dosage form of the of the resulting pharmaceutical composition Such as dissolu present invention comprises a blend of two or more popula tion rate and/or compressibility. In some embodiments, the tions of particles, pellets or mini-tablets having different in selection of the grade of saccharide is dependent upon the vitro or in Vivo release characteristics. In some embodiments, 20 PSD of other excipients and the therapeutically active ingre the multiparticulate is encapsulated in capsules, e.g., hard or dient. In some embodiments, the saccharide is Parteck SI 150 Soft gelatin capsules. In another embodiment, the capsule is (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany), a directly compress coated with a rate-controlling polymer. In some embodi ible sorbitol. In other embodiments, the saccharide is Parteck ments, the capsule is coated with a delayed release polymer. SI 400 (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany). In some embodiments, the multiparticulate is incorporated 25 Suitable diluents include, for example, pharmaceutically into a Sachet. acceptable inert fillers such as microcrystalline cellulose, lac In some embodiments, the discrete particles or pellets are tose, dibasic calcium phosphate, Saccharides, and/or mixtures compressed into tablet form. In some embodiments, the tablet of any of the foregoing. Examples of diluents include micro form is coated with a rate controlling polymer material. Yet, in crystalline cellulose such as that sold under the Trademark another embodiment, the tablet form is coated with a delayed 30 Avicel (FMC Corp., Philadelphia, Pa.), for example, AviceITM release polymer. In some embodiments, the discrete particles pH101, AviceITM pH102 and AvicelTM pH1 12; lactose such as or pellets are compressed into a multilayer tablet. In some lactose monohydrate, lactose anhydrous and Pharmatose embodiments, the multilayer tablet is coated with a rate con DCL21; dibasic calcium phosphate Such as Emcompress; trolling material. In some embodiments, the multilayer tablet mannitol; starch, Sorbitol; Sucrose; glucose, and combina is coated with a delayed release polymer. 35 tions and mixtures thereof. In any of the above-mentioned embodiments, a controlled Suitable lubricants, including agents that act on the release coating (e.g., an enteric coating) may be applied to the flowability of the powder to be compressed are, for example, final dosage form (capsule, tablet, multilayer tablet, etc.). The colloidal silicon dioxide such as Aerosil TM 200; talc.; stearic controlled release coating may typically comprise a rate con acid; magnesium Stearate; calcium Stearate; and combina trolling polymer material as defined above. The dissolution 40 tions and mixtures thereof. characteristics of Such a coating material may be pH depen Suitable disintegrants include, for example, lightly dent or independent of pH. crosslinked polyvinyl pyrrolidone, corn starch, potato starch, The pharmaceutical compositions and oral dosage forms of maize starch and modified starches, croScarmellose Sodium, the invention can comprise one or more auxiliary excipients, crospovidone, Sodium starch glycolate, and combinations Such as for example rate-controlling polymeric materials, 45 and mixtures thereof. solubilizers, diluents, lubricants, disintegrants, plasticizers, The term “rate controlling polymer material as used anti-tack agents, opacifying agents, glidants, pigments, fla herein includes hydrophilic polymers, hydrophobic polymers vorings, and the like. As will be appreciated by those skilled and mixtures of hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic polymers in the art, the exact choice of excipients and their relative that are capable of controlling or retarding the release of the amounts will depend to some extent on the final dosage form. 50 peptide or protein from a solid oral dosage form of the present One excipient that can be included in the composition is invention. Suitable rate controlling polymer materials include one or more saccharides. Any Suitable saccharide may be those selected from the group consisting of hydroxyalkyl used in the composition of the present invention. As used cellulose Such as hydroxypropyl cellulose and hydroxypropyl herein, the “saccharides' used in the invention include, with methyl cellulose; poly(ethylene) oxide; alkyl cellulose such out limitation, Sugar alcohols, monosaccharides, disaccha- 55 as ethyl cellulose and methyl cellulose; carboxymethyl cel rides, and oligosaccharides. Exemplary Sugar alcohols lulose; hydrophilic cellulose derivatives; polyethylene gly include, but are not limited to, xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol, col; polyvinylpyrrolidone; cellulose acetate; cellulose acetate erythritol, lactitol, pentitol, and hexitol. Exemplary monosac butyrate; cellulose acetate phthalate; cellulose acetate trimel charides include, but are not limited to, glucose, fructose, litate; polyvinyl acetate phthalate; hydroxypropylmethyl cel aldose and ketose. Exemplary disaccharides include, but are 60 lulose phthalate; hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose acetate Suc not limited to. Sucrose, isomalt, lactose, trehalose, and mal cinate; polyvinyl acetaldiethylamino acetate; poly tose. Exemplary oligosaccharides include, but are not limited (alkylmethacrylate) and poly(vinyl acetate). Other suitable to, fructo-oligosaccharides, inulin, galacto-ologosaccha hydrophobic polymers include polymers and/or copolymers rides, and mannan-oligosaccharides. In some embodiments, derived from acrylic or methacrylic acid and their respective the saccharide is Sorbitol, mannitol, or xylitol. In some 65 esters, Zein, waxes, shellac and hydrogenated vegetable oils. embodiments, the saccharide is sorbitol. In some embodi Particularly useful in the practice of the present invention are ments, the saccharide is Sucrose. poly acrylic acid, poly acrylate, poly methacrylic acid and US 8,802,114 B2 13 14 poly methacrylate polymers such as those sold under the about 1.1 to about 0.9. For example, if the iron compound has Eudragit tradename (Rohm GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany) a dissolution of 80% in about 20 minutes, sodium caprate specifically Eudragit(R) L, Eudragit(R) S, Eudragit(R) RL, and (enhancer) must have a dissolution of 80% in the range of Eudragit(R) RS coating materials and mixtures thereof. Some about 18 minutes to about 22 minutes. of these polymers can be used as delayed release polymers to In some embodiments, the solubilizer is present in the control the site where the drug is released. They include poly pharmaceutical composition in an amount Sufficient to methacrylate polymers such as those sold under the Eudragit increase the dissolution rate of at least one of the iron com tradename (Rohm GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany) specifically pound and the enhancer by at least about 5%, e.g., at least Eudragit R. L., Eudragit(R) S, Eudragit RRL, and Eudragit(R) RS about 10%, 15%, 20%, or more. In other embodiments, the coating materials and mixtures thereof. 10 solubilizer is present in the pharmaceutical composition in an The pharmaceutical composition can further comprise a amount Such that the iron compound and the enhancer have a solubilizer as an excipient. The term “solubilizer” as used Substantially similar release. In certain embodiments, the herein, refers to any compound that improves the solubility of solubilizer is present in the pharmaceutical composition in an iron compounds in vitro, and includes organic chelation amount Sufficient to enhance the dissolution rate such that agents such as, without limitation, citric acid or salts thereof, 15 both the iron compound and the enhancer achieve at least ascorbic acid and salts thereof. EDTA, or any combination about 80% dissolution in 3 hours, e.g., at least about 80% thereof. In one embodiment, the solubilizer is citric acid dissolution in 2.5, 2, 1.5, or 1 hour. and/or sodium citrate. The solubilizer can be present in the The pharmaceutical compositions and oral dosage forms of pharmaceutical composition in an amount Sufficient to the invention can comprise liquid oral dosage forms (solu increase the solubility of the iron compound and/or the tions, syrups, Suspensions, elixirs, emulsions, etc.) or powder absorption enhancer. In some embodiments, the solubilizer is oral dosage forms (either for reconstitution or ingestion). As present in an amount of about 2% to about 25% by weight, will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, the exact choice e.g., about 5% to about 20%, e.g., about 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10. of excipients and their relative amounts will depend to some 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, or 25%. extent on the final dosage form. Without being limited to a specific mechanism, it is 25 It is well known that iron absorption occurs predominantly believed that the presence of a solubilizer improves the dis via active transport in the duodenum and upper jejunum. A Solution rate of both the iron compound and the enhancer in feedback mechanism exists that increases iron absorption in the compositions of the invention. However, as the ratio of subjects that are iron deficient. In subjects with iron overload, solubilizer to iron compound increases past a certain point, this feedback mechanism dampens iron absorption. the dissolution rate of the iron compound and the enhancer 30 Data collected in Example 12 were evaluated to determine start to diverge such that the desired co-dissolution of the iron the relationship between iron absorption and the iron levels at compound and the enhancer is no longer present. This is due baseline for each of the study periods. It was found in this to the continued increase indissolution rate of iron compound analysis that the amount of iron absorbed from the unen as the ratio increases while the dissolution rate of the hanced formulation decreased as the iron levels at baseline enhancer states to slow down and then decrease as the ratio 35 increased. FIG. 21 demonstrates this relationship. The unen increase. The ideal ratio will be different for each iron com hanced AUCs vs. predose iron levels displays a clear relation pound and solubilizer. The differential effect of solubilizer on ship between predose iron levels and absorbed iron. Animals the dissolution rates of the iron compound and the enhancer is with higher predose iron levels absorbed less iron from the Surprising and unexpected. Thus, in certain embodiments, unenhanced test formulation. This fits with the theory that solubilizer is present in the pharmaceutical compositions of 40 iron is absorbed by active transport and there is a feedback the invention in an amount Sufficient to improve the dissolu mechanism. tion rate of both the iron compound and the enhancer yet still In contrast, for the enhanced formulation, this decrease in maintain a Substantially similar release of the iron compound absorption with increased baseline iron levels was not simi and the enhancer. larly seen. In fact, the dog with the third highest baseline level As used herein, the term “substantially similar release' is 45 was the second highestabsorbing subject. FIG.22, the plot of defined as a ratio of the time for a percentage of the iron enhanced iron AUCs vs. predose iron levels, demonstrates compound to be released from a dosage form without coating this. This is likely a result of paracellular and transcellular to the time for the same percentage of the enhancer to be absorption of iron promoted by the enhanced formulation released in the range of about 2.0 to about 0.5, e.g., about 1.3 caused by the formation of mixed micelles of the iron and the to about 0.7, e.g., about 1.1 to about 0.9. In other embodi 50 enhancer system. Hence, while absorption of iron by active ments, the term “substantially similar release' is defined as a transport is Suppressed when predose iron levels rise, absorp ratio of the time for a percentage of the iron compound to be tion by paracellular and transcellular absorption promoted by released from a dosage form with a coating (e.g., an enteric enhancers of the invention is not affected by negative feed coating or other type of delayed release or Sustained release back. Without being limited to a specific mechanism, it may coating) to the time for the same percentage of the enhancerto 55 be that the ability of the compositions of the invention to be released in the range of about 1.3 to about 0.7. To be overcome the negative feedback mechanism for iron absorp considered substantially similar, the ratio must fall within the tion is at least in part responsible for the enhanced bioavail range at least two different time points, e.g., at least 3, 4, or 5 ability of iron. different time points. In one embodiment, the dissolution is One aspect of the present invention relates to a method of carried out in 900 mL pH 6.8 phosphate buffer at 37° C. with 60 orally delivering elemental iron contained in an iron com a USP Paddle Apparatus at 50 rpm. In one embodiment, the pound to a subject, comprising administering to the Subject dissolution assay includes a preliminary step of acid treat the oral dosage form of the invention. Another aspect of the ment (e.g., 2 hrs in 0.1 NHCl). For example, if the iron present invention relates to a method for increasing the level compound has a dissolution of 80% in about 20 minutes, of iron in a subject, e.g., in the blood and/or stored as ferritin sodium caprate (enhancer) must have a dissolution of 80% in 65 in bone marrow, liver, and/or spleen, comprising administer the range of about 14 minutes to 26 minutes to be substan ing to the Subject the oral dosage form of the invention. tially similar. In one embodiment, the ratio is in the range of Another aspect of the present invention relates to a method for US 8,802,114 B2 15 16 increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood of a subject, that is currently being administered ESA or will be adminis comprising administering to the Subject the oral dosage form tered ESA. In some embodiments, the oral dosage form of the of the invention. The subject can be a subject in need thereof, invention is administered to the Subject before, during, and/or e.g., a Subject having an iron deficiency, a Subject at risk of an after the administration of ESA. The oral dosage form may be iron deficiency, or a Subject that desires to maintain normal administered in an amount to prevent a decrease in blood blood and/or tissue levels of iron. In some embodiments, the levels of iron during ESA administration and/or to increase methods of the invention can increase the level of iron in the blood levels of iron to the level that existed in the subject prior blood by at least about 5 g/dl., e.g., at least about 10, 20, 30, to administration of ESA. 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,90, or 100 g/dl or more. In some embodi In one embodiment of the invention, the oral dosage form ments, the methods of the invention can increase the level of 10 of the invention is administered to the subject as needed to hemoglobin in the blood by at least about 0.5 g/dl., e.g., at least raise serum iron levels and/or treat and/or prevent a disorder. about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 g/dl or more. Methods for measuring the The dosage form can be administered continuously or inter level of iron and hemoglobin in the blood are well known in mittently. In one embodiment, the dosage form is adminis the art. tered to the Subject more than once a day, e.g., 2, 3, 4, or more One aspect of the present invention relates to a method for 15 times a day or once every 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 days. In another treating or preventing an iron deficiency in a Subject in need embodiment, the dosage form is administered to the Subject thereof, comprising administering to the Subject the oral dos no more than once a week, e.g., no more than once every two age form of the invention. Another aspect of the present weeks, once a month, once every two months, once every invention relates to a method for treating or preventing a three months, once every four months, once every five disease or disorder characterized by an iron deficiency in a months, once every six months, or longer. In a further Subject in need thereof, comprising administering to the Sub embodiment, the dosage form is administered using two or ject the oral dosage form of the invention. more different schedules, e.g., more frequently initially (for In certain embodiments, the method treats or prevents vari example to buildup to a certain level, e.g., once a day or more) ous anemic states. In some embodiments, the anemia is an and then less frequently (e.g., once a week or less). In other iron deficiency anemia, Such as that associated with chronic 25 embodiments, the dosage form can be administered by any blood loss, acute blood loss, pregnancy, childbirth, childhood discontinuous administration regimen. In one example, the development, psychomotor and cognitive development in dosage form can be administered not more than once every children, breath holding spells, heavy uterine bleeding, men two days, every three days, every four days, every five days, struation, chronic recurrent hemoptysis, idiopathic pulmo every six days, every seven days, every eight days, every nine nary siderosis, chronic internal bleeding, gastrointestinal 30 days, or every ten days, or longer. The administration can bleeding, parasitic infections, chronic kidney disease, dialy continue for one, two, three, or four weeks or one, two, or sis, Surgery or acute trauma, and chronic ingestion of alcohol, three months, or longer. Optionally, after a period of rest, the chronic ingestion of salicylates, chronic ingestion of steroids, dosage form can be administered under the same or a different chronic ingestion of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, schedule. The period of rest can be one, two, three, or four or chronic ingestion of erythropoiesis stimulating agents. In 35 weeks, or longer, according to the pharmacodynamic effects Some aspects, the anemia is anemia of chronic disease. Such of the dosage form on the Subject. as rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non The oral dosage form is delivered to the subject at a dose Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cancer chemotherapy, inflammatory that is effective to raise serum iron levels, raise Hb levels, bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, thyroiditis, hepatitis, sys and/or treat and/or prevent a disorder. The effective dosage temic lupus erythematosus, polymyalgia rheumatica, Sclero 40 will depend on many factors including the gender, age, derma, mixed connective tissue disease, Sjögren's syndrome, weight, and general physical condition of the Subject, the congestive heart failure/cardiomyopathy, or idiopathic geri severity of the disorder, the particular composition being atric anemia. In some embodiments, the anemia is due to impaired iron absorption or poor nutrition, such as anemia administered, the duration of the treatment, the nature of any associated with Crohn's disease, gastric Surgery, ingestion of concurrent treatment, the carrier used, and like factors within drug products that inhibit iron absorption, and chronic use of 45 the knowledge and expertise of those skilled in the art. As calcium. In some embodiments, the disorder is a functional appropriate, a treatment effective amount in any individual iron deficiency as can occur where there is a failure to release case can be determined by one of skill in the art by reference iron rapidly enough to keep pace with the demands of the to the pertinent texts and literature and/or by using routine bone marrow for erythropoiesis (e.g., Subjects on erythropoi experimentation (see, e.g., Remington, The Science and etin therapy). In other embodiments, the method treats rest 50 Practice of Pharmacy (21 ed. 2005)). In one embodiment, less leg syndrome, blood donation, Parkinson's disease, hair the dosage form is administered at a dose of about 1 to about loss, or attention deficit disorder. 200 mg iron, e.g., about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, Identification of subjects in need of treatment can be car 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,55, 60, 65,70, 75,80, 85,90, 95, 100, 110, ried out by methods known to those of skill in the art. For 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, or 200 mg or more of example, need can be assessed by monitoring a Subject’s iron 55 iron. In some instances, the dose can be even lower, e.g., as status. The diagnosis of iron deficiency can be based on low as 0.001 or 0.1 mg or lower. In some instances, the dose appropriate laboratory tests, for example, hemoglobin (Hb). can be even higher, e.g., as high as 500 or 1000 mg or higher. serum ferritin, serum iron, transferrin saturation (TfS), and The present invention encompasses every Sub-range within hypochromic red cells. Additional techniques for measuring the cited ranges and amounts. iron levels are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,659,074, 7,609, 60 Another aspect of the present invention provides a process 369, 7,601,684, 7,412,275, 7,361,512, and 7,361,510, each for manufacturing a solid oral dosage form of a pharmaceu herein incorporated by reference in its entirety. tical composition comprising the steps of: a) blending iron In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for with an absorption enhancer, and optionally auxiliary excipi maintaining iron indices in a Subject to ensure maximum ents to form a blend; wherein the enhancer is a medium chain efficacy of erythropoietin and/or other erythropoiesis-stimu 65 fatty acid salt having a carbon chain length of from about 4 to lating agents (ESA), comprising administering to the Subject about 20 carbon atoms; and b) forming a solid oral dosage the oral dosage form of the invention. The subject may be one from the blend by i) directly compressing the blend to form US 8,802,114 B2 17 18 the solid oral dosage form, orii) granulating the blend to form Based on the above results, the following formulations of a granulate for incorporation into the Solid oral dosage form, iron complex, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ferric sodium or iii) spray drying the blend to form a multiparticulate for (or an EDTA chelate) were prepared prior to in vivo dosing. incorporation into the Solid oral dosage form. In some Iron concentration was based on label claim of elemental iron embodiments, the iron and the enhancer are blended in a ratio of from 1:100,000 to 10:1 (iron:enhancer). (Product No E6760, batch No. 019KO1541) and was assumed The present invention will now be described in more detail to be pure. The test items were stored in glass containers. The with reference to the following examples. However, these formulations were shipped at ambient temperature to contract examples are given for the purpose of illustration and are not analytical centre for the assay of iron content. to be construed as limiting the scope of the invention. 10 In the examples, it can be seen that formulations of the 1. Control unenhanced formulation: Aqueous formulation present invention can achieve a bioavailability increase for of iron complex alone (0.783 mg/mL elemental iron) in sodium iron EDTA and soluble iron pyrophosphate of more de-ionized water. than five-fold over unenhanced formulations. 15 2. Enhanced iron test formulation A: Aqueous formulation Example 1 of iron complex (0.783 mg/mL elemental iron) in 55 mg/mL sodium caprate aqueous solution. Pharmacokinetic Studies of Sodium Iron EDTA A two-way crossover pre-clinical study was carried out in Complex an iron deficient model of beagle dogs. Eight adult female non-naive intra-duodenally (ID) cannulated beagle dogs (5.3- Pre-formulation experiments indicated no gross incompat 7.2 kg) of 23–40 months were divided into two groups (Group ibility between the proposed sodium caprate formulation (55 mg/mL) and the sodium EDTA iron chelate (Table 1). Visual A and B) of four animals each (n=4). An iron deficient state observation for two weeks at ambient temperature indicated was induced by phlebotomy, where a plasma iron drop-25% good solution stability for all formulations, except sample 5 25 and 20% drop in hematocrit were deemed to be adequate. For and 6 (5.43 and 8.14 mg elemental iron), where some pre the purpose of dose administration, the dogs used in this study cipitation was noticed. The data also indicated that this iron were Surgically implanted with vascular access ports (VAPs). compound is amenable to an enhanced iron formulation with an acceptable dose solubility of elemental iron concentration Each VAP is connected to a cannula which is inserted into the required for clinical use. In-house analytical methods were duodenum. The liquid test formulations were administered to not carried out to assay iron content but the development was 30 all subjects intra-duodenally through the VAP (at a dose of based on label claim elemental iron content. The final formu 7.83 mg elemental iron/animal) in two phases with a wash lations dosed in dogs were assayed for iron content carried out out period in between (Table 2). Blood samples were with by a contract laboratory. drawn at Scheduled intervals to estimate plasma iron levels TABLE 1. 35 and were used to calculate PK parameters. Body weights were recorded prior to each dosing and throughout the study. Solution stability of sodium EDTA Fetchelate with sodium caprate Prior to dose administration, dogs were fasted for at least 12 Sample Concentration mg/mL hours and food was returned ~4 hours post dosing. Data collected prior to the end of the fast was evaluated for dem No Sodium caprate EDTA Salt Elemental Iron 40 onstration of iron absorption, as the diet Supplied contained 55 3.26 O.47 additional iron. The 10 mL volume of test items 1 and 2 were 55 6.50 O.93 55 9.77 140 administered through the VAPs connected to a cannula into 55 19.00 2.71 the duodenum. Following dose administration, the devices 55 38.00 5.43 45 55 57.00 8.14 were flushed with 0.9% saline water to ensure that the entire test item was delivered into the duodenum. Blood was col lected at scheduled intervals to estimate plasma drug levels. TABLE 2 Experimental schedule of the test formulations, and dosing details Period Animals Day of Formulation No. Group(n = 4) Dose Route Formulation Code Dose (mg/dose) 1 A. 8 D (Solution) TI1: UC1 51.5 Iron Chelate control unenhanced 1 B 8 D (Solution) TI2: EF1 51.5 Iron Chelate enhanced 550 mg Sodium formulation I Caprate 2 A. 14 D (Solution) TI2: EF1 51.5 Iron Chelate enhanced 550 mg Sodium formulation I Caprate 2 B 14 D (Solution) TI1: UC1 51.5 Iron Chelate control unenhanced 'ID=Intraduodenal. Each mL contains 5.15 mg Iron Chelate (0.783 mg elemental iron) and 550 mg Sodium Caprate (TI2). US 8,802, 114 B2 19 20 On the days of dosing, each dog was housed individually spread sheet (Microsoft(R) office 2007). The PK parameters for observation and was returned to group housing after the 24 including AUCo. maximum plasma concentrations (C) hour blood collection time point of each period involving and time to achieve C. (T) were calculated using macros administration of respective test item. Teklad 21% Lab Dog written for MS Excel by Usansky et al. The above plasma data were used to calculate mean PK parameters, standard devia Diet (W) 8755 was fed once per day and tap water was 5 tions, and SE (mean Standard errors). The relative bioavail provided ad libitum except as indicated during dosing. Envi ability was expressed as fold increase relative to the un ronmental controls were set to maintain temperatures from enhanced formulation. Data were evaluated as reported, and 18-29° C. and humidity from 30-70%. Light source was fluo with a baseline correction, where the value of the 0-hour rescent lighting on a 12 hr/12 hr on/off cycle except as sample for each dog in each period was Subtracted from the required for specimen collection. 10 Subsequent levels for that dog during that period. Statistical Prior to study initiation, each dog was confirmed to be significance between groups was analyzed using a two tail healthy. Dogs were observed at least once daily 7 days prior to student T test assuming equal variance. The data is expressed dosing and for the duration of the study. The clinical obser as meant-SD or mean-ESE. Only data collected during the Vations were recorded once daily and any other times when a fasting period were used in the analysis of absorption, as the clinically significant change was noted. In-life phase assess 15 diet fed to the dogs included iron. ments included but were not limited to assessment of activity, The live phase portion of this study was 16 days in dura posture, respiration, hydration status, and overall body con tion, which includes the induction of an iron deficiency State dition. Animals were returned to stock following the end of utilizing a phlebotomy procedure and crossoverdosing of two the live period portion of this study. test items in two phases with a washout period of six days. Blood (~1.5 ml) was collected, via cephalic or jugular vein, The dogs were made iron deficient by collecting an estimated into heparinized blood collection tubes at pre-dose (TO), 1, 2, 20% of the dog's blood volume from the jugular vein on days 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 and 48 hours following dose 0, 1, 2 for all dogs and 10% volume on Day 4 from dogs 4, 6, administration. Care was taken to avoid hemolysis during the 7 and 8. The iron deficient state was deemed to be adequate blood collection procedure. The blood was kept on ice for a when the mean hematocrit, or packed cell volume (PCV) was maximum of 20 minutes until centrifuged. The centrifugation 25 reduced to 220% of initial and the target mean plasma iron procedure was carried out at 4° C. and 3000 rpm for 10 was reduced to s25% of normal range noticed during pre minutes. Immediately after centrifugation, all plasma was phlebotomy. Although mean hematocritreached required lev transferred to appropriate labeled vials, frozen (at -70° C.) els on day 2 itself, plasma iron levels were higher on day 2 and was shipped to the bio-analytical centre for the assay of compared to pre-phlebotomy levels (day 0). Refer to Tables 3 total plasma iron content. 30 and 4 for plasma iron and hematocrit values during first and At the bio-analytical centre, plasma samples were assayed second period dosing. using a method for plasma iron content (Roche Diagnostics First period dosing was carried out in respective groups for the Hitachi 917 chemistry analyzer). Any remaining (Table 2) on day 8 followed by the scheduled blood collection plasma was disposed of by incineration at the test facility, time points. Based on plasma iron content, it was decided that following the issuing of the final report for this study. 35 no phlebotomy was required prior to period 2 dosing, which Upon receipt of bio-analytical data, the individual animal was carried out after a six day wash out period after the first plasma concentration vs. time data was loaded into an Excel period of dosing. TABLE 3 Plasma iron and hematocrit levels before period 1 dosing of test items % reduction prior Induction phase to phase1 % Hematocrit (plasma Iron (IgdL) Phase1 Plasma

No Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 7 Day 8 PCV% iron Group Animal ID 07dec 08dec 9dec 10dec 11dec 14-dec 15dec Day 8 Day 8

A. 1 51 40 38 27 32 35 31 39 33 (1135491) (129) (169) (62) (93) (118) (87) 2 52 43 39 30 33 37 34 35 49 (1142837) (117) (143) (55) (65) (113) (60) 3 50 39 35 26 32 35 30 40 49 (1144694)) (134) (188) (203) (186) (99) (68) 4 52 45 36 25 28 32 30 42 28 (1146522) (109) (114) (78) (137) (151) (78) B 5 49 40 35 28 30 35 31 37 59 (1138520) (161) (127) (61) (71) (113) (66) 6 49 37 32 28 29 32 32 35 25 (1141482) (177) (283) (264) (208) (160) (132) 7 50 39 33 26 29 34 30 40 43 (1144546) (115) (210) (224) (139) (300) (66) 8 46 31 37 25 28 32 31 33 23 (1145526) (141) (181) (90) (109) (93) (108) Plasma iron protocol range = 145-153 ugdL, Target = -25%, * mean reductions Group A 40% + 11, Group B 38% + 17, Hematocrit-Normal = 40-55%, Group A39% + 3, Group B 36% + 3 US 8,802,114 B2 21 22 TABLE 4 Plasma iron and hematocrit levels before period 2 dosing of test items Induction phase Phase2 % Hematocrit (plasma Iron LigdL TO % reduction prior to phase2 Day 0 Day 8 Day 11 Day 14 Hematocrit Plasma iron Group Animal ID 07 dec 15dec 18dec 21 dec Day 14* Day 14 A. 1 51 31 36 41 2O 28 (1135491) (129) (87) (93) 2 52 34 38 39 25 33 (1142837) (117) (60) (78) 3 50 30 34 42 16 22 (1144694)) (134) (68) (104) 4 52 30 37 40 23 33 (1146522) (109) (78) (73) B 5 49 31 35 40 18 26 (1138520) (161) (66) (120) 6 49 32 37 39 2O 33 (1141482) (177) (132) (118) 7 50 30 38 36 28 35 (1144546) (115) (66) (75) 8 46 31 35 37 2O 48 (1145526) (141) (108) (74) Plasma iron, Target = -25%, * mean reductions Group A29% +5, Group B 35% +9: Hematocrit - Normal = 40-55%, Group A 21% + 4, Group B 22% + 4 25 In a two-way crossover design, the relative oral absorption in two phases at an elemental iron dose of 7.83 mg/subject of enhanced iron formulation A was compared with an unen- (Table 2). Total plasma iron concentrations after oral administration hanced control formulation. In each phase, both liquid for 30 of test formulations are shown in Table 5. The raw data for mulations were administered to each group of four dogs (n=4) individual animals is shown in Table 6. TABLE 5 Plasma iron concentrations of test formulations in periods 1 and period 2 Time Group A Group B (hrs) 1135491 1142837 1144694. 1146522 1138520 1141482 1144546 1145526 Mean Enhanced formulation

O O O O O O O O O O 1 36 115 11 22 21 73 48 29 44.375 2 49 169 14 29 29 123 71 37 65.12S 4 42 128 15 30 44 164 79 35 67.125 Control formulation

O O O O O O O O O O 1 9 9 11 8 12 23 17 O 11.125 2 6 5 19 2 7 37 2O 8 13 4 25 9 26 19 18 35 2O 5 19.625


Plasma iron concentrations of test formulations for individual animals % Change % Change in Fe in Fe Animal Base- pre- from from ID Group line dose baseline 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 8 hr 10 hr 12hr 14 hr 16 hr 20 hr 24 hr 48 hr Baseline

1135491 A. 129 87 -32.56% 96 93 112 169 218 28O 319 403 4O2 262. 158 86 -33.33% 1142837 A. 117 60 -48.72%. 69 65 69 100 134 147 179 286 32S 320 110 57 -51.28% 1144694 A. 134 68 -49.25% 79 87 94 145 196 278 362 347 337 113 46 59 -55.97% 1146522 A. 109 78 -28.44% 86 8O 97 142 1.84 202 226 268 314 211 79 71 -34.86% Mean 1223 73.3 -39.7% 82.S 81.3 93.0 139.0 1830 226.8 271.S. 326.O 344.5 226.S 98.3 68.3 -43.9% SD 11.4 11.8 10.8% 114 12.1 17.8 28.7 35.6 64.4 83.8 61.5 39S 87.8 47.6 13.4 11.5% 113852O B 161 66 -59.01% 87 9S 110 145 16S 136 105 175 353 307 122 97 -39.75% 1141482 B 177 132 -25.42%. 205 2SS 296 343 352 337 328 333 339 333 189 104 -41.24% 1144546 B 115 66 -42.61%. 114 137 145 178 204 207 189 198 297 20S 113 81 -29.57% 1145526 B 141 108 -23.40%. 137 145 143 188 282 366 36S 349 359 269 73 S4 -61.70% US 8,802,114 B2 23 24 TABLE 6-continued

Plasma iron concentrations of test formulations for individual animals

Mean 148.5 93.0 -37.6%. 135.8 158.O 173.S 213.5 2SO.8 261.5 246.8 263.8 337.O 278.5 124.3 84.0 -43.1% SD 26.8 32.7 16.7% S.O.S 68.3 83.2 88.3 83.2 108.S 121.1. 89.9 28.0 SS6 48.1 22.2 13.5% A = TI1: Control Unenhanced, B = TI2: Enhanced Formulation I % Change % Change in Fe in Fe Animal Base- pre- from from ID Group line dose baseline 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 8 hr 10 hr 12hr 14 hr 16 hr 20 hr 24 hr 48 hr Baseline

1135491 A 129 93 -27.91%. 129 142 13S 159 198 221 283 439 40S 274 164 95 -26.36% 1142837. A 117 78 -33.33%. 193 247 206 188 1.94 202 220 249 348 333 173 62 -47.01% 1144694 A 134 104 -22.39%. 115 118 119 144 174 178 210 309 358. 292 158 41 -69.40% 1146522. A 109 73 -33.03% 9S 102 103 126 1S1 167 199 28S 31S 263 90 75 -31.19% Mean 1223 870 -29.2% 133.O 152.3 140.8 154.3 179.3 192.O 228.0 32O.S 356.S 29O.S 146.3 68.3 -43.5% SD 11.4 14.2 5.2% 42.4 65.3 45.4 26.2 21.6 24.2 37.7 82.8 37.2. 30.8 38.0 22.7 19.4% 1138520 B 161 120 -25.47%. 132 127 138 184. 21.8 225 328 358 367 28S 76 39 -75.78% 1141482 B 177 118 -33.33%. 1SO 155 153 174 17O 167 167 200 288 378 257 215 21.47% 1144546 B 115 75 -34.78% 92 95 95 131 162 206 283 379 373 233 102 97 -15.65% 1145526 B 141 74 -47.52% 65 82 79 127 246 380 381 374 366 277 93 64 -54.61% Mean 148.5 96.8 -35.3% 109.8 114.8 116.3 1540 1990 244.5 289.8 327.8 348.5 293.3 132.O 103.8 -31.1% SD 26.8 25.7 9.1% 38.4 32.8 34.9 29.2 39.9 93.5 91.1 85.6 4O.S 61.O 84.O 77.9 43.0%

A = TI2: Enhanced Formulation I, TI1: Control Unenhanced

Relative bioavailability was analysed using AUC sig enhanced formulations. Iron compounds are screened for nificant improvement was noted with the enhanced iron for compatibility with sodium caprate (C10). Appropriate formu mulation (FIG. 1). lations with optimized dissolution profiles are developed. The extent of absorption is 5.8 fold higher for the baseline Based on the procedures developed, a representative iron corrected iron data set. Analysis of both phases of dosing 30 (n-8, groups A and B), demonstrate that enhanced iron form formulation in solution was developed. This procedure can be A shows significant improvement (P<0.02) in the relative oral used to screen other salts and chelates and to develop appro bioavailability (5.48-fold) of iron absorption (Table 7). Over priate enhanced iron formulations. all, the in vivo crossover analysis indicates a potential of enhanced iron form A to meet the objective(s) of oral bio 35 Solubility and Compatibility (Pre-Formulation) Experiments availability enhancement of iron. A test for precipitation was carried out. The solution for TABLE 7 mulations were centrifuged initially at 1000 rpm for 5 min utes. No precipitation was noted. They were further centri Summary of relative oral bioavailability of enhanced Iron A 40 fuged at 5000 rpm for 5 minutes. No precipitation was noted. Relative bioavailability Hence this iron compound was considered compatible with O-4hrs C10. Refer to Table 8 for results. Group Total Iron Absorbed Iron Overall (n = 8**) 1.55 - 0.24 5.48 - 2.09 45 Discussion (0.05) (0.02) Aqueous solubility studies of ferric pyrophosphate soluble and ferric pyrophosphate were carried out up to 50 mg/mL in Conclusion purified water. C10 compatibility was tested by dissolving This study shows the relative performance of an enhanced iron formulation on the oral absorption of elemental iron 50 incremental amounts of these iron compounds (up to 50 compared to an unenhanced control. The enhanced iron for mg/ml) in 55 mg/mL sodium caprate. mulation showed Superior rate and extent of absorption com Ferric pyrophosphate (CAS No 10058-44-3) is practically pared with control formulation. As the animals were fed a standard meal containing iron after 4 hours, only these data insoluble in water, and C10 did not change its aqueous solu were used to calculate relative bioavailability. The analysis 55 bility (Table 8). Ferric pyrophosphate soluble (CAS No demonstrates a significant improvement in the rate and extent 85338-24-5) is available as a complex mixture of ferric pyro oral absorption of iron (i.e., 5.5-fold higher relative bioavail phosphate (46%) and sodium citrate (54%), and hence has no ability). Therefore, the absorption enhancement technology specific molecular weight, however it is expected to be a low has a potential utility to replace (1) currently available molecular weight compound (<1000 Daltons). parenteral formulations and (2) oral formulations to preclude 60 associated GI side effects. Ferric pyrophosphate soluble has good water solubility up Example 2 to the tested range (50 mg/mL, green color Solution). Up to the tested range (5 mg/mL), this compound has shown solu Evaluation of Forms of Iron with Enhancer Systems tion compatibility with C10 (55 mg/mL), which was a hazy 65 yellowish orange solution. There was no precipitation dem This study developed procedures for evaluation of existing onstrated by centrifugation indicating that iron is dispersed/ and potential salts and chelates of iron for use in oral solubilized, and probably exists as a micelle solution. US 8,802,114 B2 25 26 TABLE 8 TABLE 10-continued Pre-formulation with iron chelates Pre-formulation with iron compounds Observations Observations Sodium caprate Material Aqueous solubility Sodium caprate solution compatibility Material spec Aqueous solution in phosphate buffer (i.e. 27.5 mg/mL C10 an Material Fe Spec COA solubility compatibility pH 6.8 5 mg/mL API) Dilution up to 90% with DW did not Ferric Min 11% 11.32 50 mg/mL Light yellow 10 solubilize the above precipitate. pyrophosphate soluble, solution at Not soluble at 2 mg/mL API in soluble green 5 mg/mL and 55 mg/mL Sodium caprate N1O1578 color 10 mg/ml in 300 mg API and 550 mg sodium solution. 55 mg/mL C10 caprate cannot be co-solubilized At higher in 250 mL water. concentrations Despite good aqueous solubility (up to 15 (also in pH 6.8), this compound 50 mg/mL), is not compatible with C10. the solution was Ferrous 85 g/L (MSDS) Severe precipitation noted at turbid yellow Gluconate 50 mg/mL soluble, 5 mg/mL in 55 mg/mL Sodium but not FCCUSP* Clear solution caprate, precipitated Ferrous Solubility was tested Severe precipitation noted at (centrifugation Gluconate at 50 mg/mL 5 mg/mL in 55 mg/mL Sodium test) FCCUSP* Clear solution caprate, Ferric 10.5-12.5%. 11.1%ii Insoluble Not Soluble even Low HM pyrophosphate** in water in 55 mg/mL sodium caprate **Molecular weight 745.21 for Fea (P07), discrepancy noted as the iron content needs to 25 be above 20-30%. Example 3 Aqueous solubility studies of ferrous aspartoglycinate and ferrous bis glycinate were carried out at 10-50 mg/mL in Preparation of Tablets with Saccharide or Citric Acid purified water. C10 compatibility was tested by dissolving incremental amounts of these iron compounds (up to 10 30 Ferric pyrophosphate soluble was used to prepare tablets mg/ml) in 55 mg/mL C10. Refer to Table 9 for results. Amino acid based iron chelates were found to be incom with approximately 33 mg of elemental iron and different patible with C10 despite good aqueous solubility (Table 9). solubilizing excipients, and was tested for dissolution of both Since the iron compound contained in the Ferrochel R prod elemental iron and C10. All ingredients were weighed into uct (Albion; Ferrous/Ferric bisglycinate) was reported to be 35 weighboats and transferred into a 250 mL Brawn PP bottle. soluble in the acidic and alkaline environments, this com Mixing was carried out manually for 3-5 minutes in the bottle. pound was tested for solubility in purified water, phosphate The mixing times includes one minute final mixing with buffer pH 6.8, and a solution of C10 (Table 10). Despite good stearic acid. The blend was carefully transferred into a weigh aqueous solubility, Ferrochel R is deemed not suitable for boat and used fortablet compression. A slight excess (2-5 mg) enhancer development as this compound precipitates in the 40 of blend relative to the target weight was weighed for com presence of C10. Ferrous gluconate also showed C10 incom pression to avoid transfer losses. Compression was carried patibility (refer to Table 10). out using a Globe Pharma, MTCM1; compression tooling TABLE 9 used was 18x8 mm (S/N 426539931995-04 for both upper, lower punch and die), and compression was carried out at Pre-formulation with Iron chelates (EXP-NB GIPETIron 1-23* 45 1500-2000 psi. Observations Tablets were characterised for average weights and hard ness. Also, tablets were evaluated for dissolution profiles of Material Aqueous solubility Sodium caprate solution compatibility both elemental iron and C10. In some experiments tablet Ferrous 10 mg/mL soluble, Solution turned black to grayish black disintegration time in purified water (800 mL) was tested. Asparto Lightgreen solution colour, with severe precipitation 50 Formulations prepared and results are given in Tables 11-13 glycinate Despite good aqueous solubility, It does not have compatibility with and FIG. 2. The following observations were made. C10 1. Tablets prepared without any saccharide excipient Ferrous bis 50 mg/mL soluble, Also, precipitation noted at 5 mg/mL. showed very slow dissolution for both iron and C10 with glycinate Clear solution in 55 mg/mL C10, 50% dilution did not improve solubility. 76-77% in 3 hours, and complete dissolution and/or 55 plateau occurring in 5.5 hours. 2. Tablets prepared with saccharide (sorbitol) improved dissolution profile with 78% iron and 74% C10 released TABLE 10 in 2 hours, followed by complete release found in 5 hours. Pre-formulation with iron compounds 60 3. Tablets prepared with citric acid as Solubilizing aid sig Observations nificantly improved dissolution profile of both Fe and Material Aqueous solubility Sodium caprate solution compatibility C10 with complete release (>97%) occurring in 3 hours. Ferrous 50 mg/mL soluble. At 10 mg/mL in 55 mg/ml C10, These experiments demonstrate that citric acid agents (or Bisglycinate Light green solution severe precipitation observed, 65 similar functional agents) are necessary to formulate ferric (Ferrochel) 50 mg/mL soluble same was noted at 50% dilution pyrophosphate soluble as enhanced iron tablets to achieve acceptable dissolution. US 8,802,114 B2 27 28 TABLE 11 details of the tablets. These tablets were evaluated for disso lution profiles (FIGS. 3 and 4). As noticed previously, tablets FPP soluble tablets with and without sorbitol without citric acid showed very slow dissolution profiles as Tablets without complete release was not achieved even after 3 hours; only sorbitol Iron 1 - 27 Tablets with sorbitol 5 77% Fe and 82% C10 was dissolved (Table 15). On the other EXP 1560A Iron 1 - 27 EXP 156OB hand, tablets containing citric acid (9%) showed good disso lution profiles with >97% Fe release occurring in 2 hours. The Amountitablet Amountitablet release of C10 was not complete, however it reached plateau Material (mg) % (mg) % (84%) at 2 hours. FPP soluble 290 34.41 290 30.38 10 Sodium caprate 550 65.18 550 57.54 TABLE 1.4 Partek O.OO O.OO 112 11.72 Stearic acid 3.5 O41 3.5 0.37 FPP Soluble tablets containing 65 mg elemental iron

Total 84.4 1OO 956 100 Tablets Without Characterization 846.41 + 2.45 mg (n = 6) 846.41 + 2.45 mg (n = 6) 15 citric acid Tablets with Citric acid Ave. weights (mg) Hardness 1267N Hardness 1267N EXP 1574 Sample A EXP 1574 Sample B Ave. Hardness N Amountitablet Amountitablet Blended for 5 minutes, which includes 1 minute blending with stearic acid and compressed Material (mg) % (mg) % at ~1500 psi FPP soluble 574 SO.91 574 46.22 20 Sodium caprate 550 48.78 550 44.28 TABLE 12 Citric acid 114.5 9.22 Stearic acid 3.5 O.31 3.5 O.28 FPP soluble tablets with citric acid Total 1128 100 1242 100 Citric acid tablets EXP 1563 Tablet Average Tablet wit Average Tablet wit 25 characterization 1132 mg (n = 10) 1247 mg (n = 10) Material Amountitablet (mg) % Average Hardness Average Hardness 146N (n = 3), 168N (n = 3), FPP soluble 290 30.27 Dimensions length 18 mm, Dimensions length 18 mm, Sodium caprate 550 57.41 width 8 mm, and width 8 mm, and Citric acid 115 11.9S thickness 8.2 mm thickness 9 mm Stearic acid 3.5 0.37 30 Disintegration time Disintegration time 1 tablet 18 min 40 sec, 1 tablet 15 min 56 sec, Total 958 1OO last tablet 23 min 10 sec last tablet 19 min 12 sec Tablet weights Average tablet weight 960 mg (n = 25) All materials were dispensed, screened thorough 355 mesh, and blended for 3 minutes, 18x Average tablet Hardness 8 mm tool Compression force 2000 psi. 117N (n = 3) 35 blended all ingredients except stearic acid for 5 minutes, and was blended further 2 minutes TABLE 1.5 after addition of stearic acid. Compression was carried out at 100 bar (-1450 psi) pressure. Dissolution profiles of Fe and C10 with FPP soluble enhanced tablets with and without citric acid (n = 2 tablets TABLE 13 40 % dissolution % dissolution No citric acid Citric acid Dissolution profiles of Fe and C10 with various ferric pyrophosphate O CIC 8C 1C 8C Soluble tablets contain different excipients (n = 2 tablets Time Iron C-10 Iron C-10 Tablets without sorbitol Tablets with sorbitol Citric acid tablets O O.O O.O O.O O.O 45 10 18.4 29.3 40.7 18.3 Time % Iron % C-10 % Iron 96 C-10 % Iron 96 C-10 2O 28.0 35.1 56.4 32.5 30 34.5 39.1 64.3 4.1.8 O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O 60 45.6 47.4 85.2 65.2 10 24.8 45.2 37.4 48.9 28.9 23.4 90 S4.O 53.9 92.8 77.1 2O 36.3 52.2 49.8 57.0 43.9 35.1 120 61.9 61.6 97.6 835 30 410 55.1 53.5 59.2 54.2 43.7 150 69.8 68.4 ND ND 60 SO.O 60.6 642 66.1 74.2 63.3 50 18O 77.3 81.7 98.3 85.6 90 59.6 65.1 71.8 69.3 87.1 77.5 240 98.2 84.1 120 69.2 69.8 78.2 74.O 95.1 87.9 150 72.5 73.3 82.1 78.5 98.2 95.0 18O 77.5 76.6 84.8 79.6 99.0 97.3 210 82.3 79.6 87.8 82.1 10O2 99.6 240 86.0 82.8 90.0 846 99.6 100.4 55 Example 5 270 92.3 86.1 93.6 85.4 101.0 na 3OO 97.2 90.8 96.8 88.2 101.2 na Tablets Containing 65 mg of Elemental Iron with 330 98.7 90.5 97.7 89.2 100.8 na Citric Acid and with/without Saccharide

*% iron release reached a maximum of 107%, hence the profile was normalized for 100% Tablets with 65 ng elemental iron were prepared with 60 citric acid in the tablet cores according to the formulae in Example 4 Table 16 using the procedure in Example 3. Tablets were prepared with and without saccharide. The following points Preparation of Tablets Containing 65 mg of summarize the results, which are given in Tables 16 and 17. Elemental Iron and Citric Acid 1) High concentration of citric acid (11.6%) (148 mg/tab 65 let). Complete dissolution of Fe was observed at 60 FPP soluble tablets containing 65 mg elemental iron were minutes, C10 dissolution was not complete however, it prepared similarly to those in Example 3. Table 14 contains reached plateau at 90 minutes (FIG. 5). US 8,802,114 B2 29 30 2) Tablets containing both citric acid and sorbitol (8.4% Example 6 each). Complete dissolution of iron was noticed at 90 minutes, C10 dissolution was not complete however, it Preparation of Tablets with Various Solubilizing reached plateau at 90 minutes (FIG. 6). Excipients TABLE 16 The following experiments were performed to investigate Iron tablets of FPP soluble containing 65 mg elemental iron and varying citric acid, Sodium citrate or ascorbic acid as solubilizing concentrations of solubilizing excipients excipients. 10 Evaluation systems were made as in Example 2. Citric acid High Concentration and sodium citrate were evaluated as solubilizers with soluble Sorbitol + Citric acid of Citric acid iron pyrophosphate (7.83 mg Fe), along with the relevant NB Iron 1 - Page 37 NB Iron 1 - Page 38 EXP 1579 Sample A EXP 1580 Sample B concentration of citric acid or sodium citrate (15 mg) in 55 15 mg/mL solution of Sodium caprate. Qty per tablet Qty per tablet With citric acid as the solubilizer (Table 18), precipitation Material (mg) % (mg) % was noticed up to 17 mg of Fe, and a hazy orange dispersion was noticed from 21 mg Fe onwards. On the other hand, FPP soluble 574 42.31 574 44.98 sodium citrate as the solubilization aid (Table 19) was found Sodium caprate 550 4.O.S.S 550 43.10 to be relatively Superior as dispersion characteristics were Citric acid 115 8.48 148 11.60 observed from 7.6 mg Fe onwards. Sorbitol 115 8.48 O O Stearic acid 3.5 O.26 3.5 0.27 TABLE 1.8 Total 1357 100 1276 100 25 Solution compatibility of FPP soluble (API)with sodium caprate in the Tablet Ave. Tablet wt 1359 mg Ave. Tablet wt 1278 mg presence of varying concentrations of citric acid characterization (n = 25) (n = 25) Iron compound Hardness 18ON (n = 3), Hardness 158N (n = 3) Elemental concentration (ng Dimensions length 18 mm, Dimensions length 18 mm, width 8 mm, and width 8 mm, and 30 Iron (ng Increments thickness 9.7 mm thickness 9.1 mm Disintegration time Disintegration time Planned Actual of API added Total API Observation 1 tablet 13 min 24 sec, 1 tablet 13 min 40 sec, 62.2 Cloudy white ppth (C10) last tablet 17 min 44 sec last tablet 16 min 57 sec at the bottom 35 7.83 7.62 S.1 67.3 Soluble, pH 8.45 10 8.93 11.6 78.90 ppt as above All materials were dispensed, screened thorough 355 mesh, blended for 3 minutes, 18 x 8 mm tool Compression force 2000 psi. 12 16.93 70.6 149.50 ppt as above 15 20.57 32.17 181.67 Hazy Light orange dispersion TABLE 17 40 2O 32.27 103.3 284.97 Clear colloidal 8.06 NC: 47.27 132.45 417.42. As above Dissolution profiles FPP soluble tablets containing varying quantities of 65 66.OO 165.58 583 As above Solubilizing excipients (n = 2 tablets #ppt; precipitate; NCNot calculated % dissolution dissolution High 45 citric acid concentration plus Sorbitol of Citric acid TABLE 19 Time *Iron C-10 *Iron C-10 Solution compatibility of FPP soluble with sodium caprate in the presence of varying concentrations of sodium citrate O O.O O.O O.O O.O 50 10 45.3 17.3 58.7 20.4 Iron compound 2O 6S.O 34.3 81.8 39.8 Elemental concentration (Ing 30 76.5 48.5 90.8 52.7 60 93.7 69.6 1OO 64.5 Iron (Ing Increments 90 100.7 81.1 1OO1 73.9 120 99.7 85.7 99.4 75.7 55 Planned Actual of API added Total API Observation 18O 100.4 86.8 100.9 78.O 240 1OO.O 83.8 1OOO 79.4 62.2 Fine white PPT at bottom 7.83 7.98 8.3 70.5 Soluble pH 8.45 *% Iron reached a maximum of approx. 114%, hence has been normalized for 100% release 10 10.45 21.8 92.3 12 1140 8.4 100.7 15 15.06 32.3 133 Conclusions 60 2O 2016 45 178 Clear colloidal 8.15 25 26.35 54.7 232.7 Tablets with citric acid (12% or 148 mg/tablet) were pre 30 30.59 37.4 270.1 ferred. These experiments reveal that citric acid (or similar 40 40.88 90.9 361 50 51.07 90 451 functional agents) are necessary to formulate ferric pyrophos 65 66.OO 132 583 phate soluble iron tablets to achieve an acceptable dissolution 65 profile. The target dissolution profile is rapid, providing co #ppt; precipitate dissolution of both iron and enhancer. US 8,802,114 B2 31 32 Example 7 90 minutes and reached a plateau (FIG. 10). Comparative dissolution profiles of citric acid and ascorbic acid tablets are Preparation of Tablets with Sodium Citrate depicted in FIG. 11, and results indicate rapid and complete release with citric acid. Ascorbic acid tablets show a relatively Iron tablets were made using sodium citrate in place of 5 superior co-release of both Fe and C10, however complete citric acid according to the procedure used in Example 3. release was not achieved. Details of the tablets are shown in Table 20. Dissolution of both Fe and C10 was slow, however complete release of Fe TABLE 21 and >80% C10 was achieved in 4 hours (FIG. 7). The comparative dissolution profiles of Fe from citric acid Iron tablets of FPP soluble containing 65 mg elemental iron and and sodium citrate is depicted in FIG.8. The results indicate ascorbic acid as solubilizing excipient citric acid is the better solubilizer. Ascorbic acid tablets EXP 1615 TABLE 20 15 Iron tablets of FPP soluble containing 65 mg elemental iron and Material Amount? tablet (mg) % sodium citrate as solubilizing excipient FPP soluble 574 44.98 FPP soluble tablets with Sodium citrate EXP 1598 Sodium caprate 550 43.10 Ascorbic acid 148.4 11.64 Material Amount tablet (mg) % Stearic acid 3.5 O.28 FPP soluble 574 44.98 Sodium caprate 550 43.10 Total 1276 1OOOO Sodium citrate 148.4 11.64 Tablet characterization Stearic acid 3.5 O.28 25 Average weight (mg - SD; n = 6) 1279.27 2.20 Total 1276 100.00 Hardness 135 + 6N Tablet characterization Average Hardness (N + SD; n = 4) Average weight (mg - SD; n = 6) 1278.90 - 1.35 Average Hardness (N + SD; n = 4) Hardness 131 + 6N blended for 5 minutes, and compressed at 1500 psi. Blended for 5 minutes and compression was carried out at 1500 psi. 30 Example 9 Example 8

Preparation of Iron Tablets Containing Ascorbic 35 Preparation of Iron Tablets with Varying Acid Concentrations of Citric Acid

Because ascorbic acid is known to be an oral absorption Additional batches of enhanced tablets were prepared with promoter of iron, tablets were manufactured using ascorbic varying concentrations of citric acid. These concentrations acid in place of citric acid according to the procedure in 40 were 12%, 15%, and 21% according to the procedure in Example 2. Details of the tablets are shown in Table 21. The results indicate Fe was dissolved in 60 minutes and C10 Example 3 The 15% tablets had a reduced concentration of dissolution reached a plateau with 80% release (FIG. 9). A iron. Details of the tablets are shown in Table 22). control experiment carried out with C10 alone (exact tablet Fe release was rapid and complete with all the batches composition: 550 mg C10, 3.5 mg stearic acid, 115 mg sor 45 (FIG. 12). Tablets with 12% and 15% (API load 50%) showed bitol) showed 100% release. The data were replotted by nor release of C10 in 120 minutes. These results demonstrate malizing C10 and showed that 97% C10 had dissolved after 100% recovery of C10 can be achieved. TABLE 22 Iron tablets of FPP soluble containing 65 mg elemental iron and ascorbic acid as Solubilizing excipient Target tablet 50% Iron concentration Very high citric acid EXP 1622 EXP 1623 EXP 1624 Qty?tablet Qty/tablet Qty?tablet Material (mg) % (mg) % (mg) % FPP soluble 574 44.98 287 29.02 574 40.31 Sodium caprate 550 43.10 550 55.62 550 38.62 Citric acid 1484 11.63 148.4 1S.OO 296.8 20.84 Stearic acid 3.5 0.27 3.5 O3S 3.5 O.25

Total 1276 1OO 989 100 1424 1OO Tablet Ave. Tablet wt Ave. Tablet wt Ave. Tablet wt characterization 1282 mg(n = 20) 989 mg(n = 20) 1428 mg(n = 20) All material were dispensed, screened thorough 355mesh, blended for 3 minutes, 18x8 mm tool Compression force 2000 psi. US 8,802,114 B2 33 34 Example 10 citric acid and sodium citrate were prepared according to the procedure in Example 3. Details of these tablets are shown in Replicate Batches of Iron Tablets Tables 25 and 26. Additional batches of iron tablets were prepared according 5 The dissolution of Sodium caprate was rapid in the pres to the procedure in Example 3 to evaluate the reproducibility ofmanufacture and performance. Details of the tablet batches ence of 15% citric acid or sodium citrate. Within2 hours, C10 are shown in Table 23. The results indicate rapid and complete dissolution reached plateau with 80-84% release (FIG. 16). release with citric acid. Ascorbic acid tablets showed a rela tively superior co-release of both iron and C10, but complete 10 Increasing citric acid content in the tablets decreased C10 release was not achieved (Table 24 and FIGS. 13-15). dissolution with <60% release with 30% citric acid and <40% TABLE 23

Iron tablets of FPP soluble containing 65 mg elemental iron and solubilizing excipients

Operator 1/citric Operator2/citric Operator 2/ascorbic EXP 1642 EXP 1649 EXP 1650

Qty/tablet Qty/tablet Qty/tablet Material (mg) % (mg) % (mg) %

FPP soluble 574 44.98 S8O 45.24 S8O 45.24 Sodium caprate 550 43.10 550 42.90 550 42.90 Citric acid 1484 11.63 148.4 11.58 O O Ascorbic Acid O O O O 148.4 11.58 Stearic acid 3.5 0.27 3.5 0.27 3.5 0.27

Total 1276 100 1282 100 1282 100 Tablet characterization

Average weight(mg - SD; n = 6) 1275.07 0.91 1282.15 O.93 1283.7S 3.28 Average Hardness(N + SD; n = 4) Tablethardness 1282N 13O+ 6N not tested

All material were dispensed and blended for 5-6 minutes, 18 x 8 mm tool Compression force 1500-2000 psi.

TABLE 24 Iron tablets of FPP soluble containing 65 mg elemental iron and solubilizing excipients EXP 1649 (Ope 2 citric) EXP 1650(ascorbic) EXP 1642 (Ope 1 citric) % dissolved (n = 6 tablets) - % dissolved (n = 6 tablets % dissolved (n = 2 tablets % %

Time C10 Iron C10 RSD Iron RSD C-10 RSD Iron RSD

O O.O O.O O.O O.O. O.O. O.O. O.O. O.O O.O O.O 10 22.2 50.5 15.O 21.O 23.2 16.4 7.4 11.7 11.6 7.3 2O 43.6 744 28.1 13.9 39.1 9.3 11.6 8.0 18.7 8.8 30 62.4 89.4 41.2 10.6 S3.6 7.O 15.9 7.5 25.4 9.9 60 88.2 96.9 75.8 6.3 84.6 4.2 27.9 11.5 41.9 11.2 90 92.6 96.8 94.7 2.3 96.3 1.7 38.8 10.3 56.0 10.7 120 93.6 96.7 99.1 1.7 98.6 0.7 48.2 10.1 67.3 9.6 18O 94.8 97.3 99.9 11 98.8 OS 61.9 8.2 81.7 7.2 240 95.2 96.7 99.4 1.2 99.6 OS 71.5 5.3 90.8 4.1

Example 11 60 release with 36% citric acid. None of these tablets showed Fe dissolution (or solubilization), hence neither ferric pyrophos Iron Tablets Prepared with Varying Levels of Citric phate alone nor in combination with sodium citrate at a level Acid and Sodium Citrate similar to the soluble version is suitable. These data confirm 65 Iron tablets containing ferric pyrophosphate (Food Chemi the conclusions obtained in Example 2 relative to ferric pyro cals Codex (FCC)) were manufactured with varying levels of phosphate versus soluble ferric pyrophosphate. US 8,802,114 B2 35 36 TABLE 25 Iron tablets of FPP/FCC containing 65 mg elemental iron and citric acid as solubilizing excipient 15% citric acid 36% citric acid 30% citric acid EXP 1639 EXP 1640 EXP 1641 Qty/tablet Qty/tablet Qty/tablet Material (mg) % (mg) % (mg) %

FPPFCC 260 27.01 260 2O.S1 260 22.35 Sodium caprate 550 57.19 550 43.42 550 47.32 Citric acid 148.4 1543 453 35.79 349 30.03 Stearic acid 3.5 O.36 3.5 O.28 3.5 O.30

Total 962 100 1267 100 1162 100 Tablet characterization Average weight(mg - SD; n = 6) 962.59 + 1.39 mg 1267.31 + 0.72 mg 1162.93 + 0.52 mg Average Hardness(N + SD; n = 4) 140 - 6N 142 SN 141 SN All material were dispensed and blended for 5 minutes, 18x8 mm tool Compression force 1000-2000 psi. (Average-1500 psi)

TABLE 26 control formulation of ferrous sulfate in an iron deficient intraduodenally cannulated beagle dog model. Twelve female Iron tablets of FPPFCC containing 65 mg elemental iron and citric acid plus sodium citrate as solubilizing excipient dogs were included in the study and were divided into two 25 groups of six animals each (Group A (n-6) and Group B FPPFCC tablets (n-6). These dogs were made iron deficient by phlebotomy with sodium citrate prior to dosing of the test formulations. A drop in plasma iron and citric acid. EXP levels of ~25% and/or a drop of ~20% in hematocrit (mea 1644 sured as % packed cell volume (PCV) relative to pre-phle Qty/tablet 30 botomy values was considered as iron deficiency. Material (mg) % Experimental Details FPPFCC 260 19.84 The live phase portion of this study was 18 days in duration Sodium caprate 550 42.01 (including the iron deficiency induction); the live-phase Sodium citrate 347 26.54 began on day -3 with clinical observation and live-phase Citric acid 1484 11.34 35 ended after the 24 hour blood collection in Period 2. Stearic acid 3.5 0.27 The induction phase of the study to induce the iron defi Total 1309 1OO cient state was designated as Days 0-10. Iron deficiency was Tablet characterization induced by collecting an estimated 20% of the dog's blood Average weight (mg - SD; n = 6) 1309.70 + 1.26 mg volume from the jugular vein, on Days 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 and 11. Average Hardness (N + SD; n = 4) 142 4N 40 Phlebotomy blood samples taken during the anemia induc All material were dispensed and blended for 5 minutes, 18 x 8 mm tool Compression force tion phase were used for the measurement of iron levels and 1500-2000 psi PCV. Animals were allocated to two groups (Group A and B) by stratified randomization based on pre-study body weights. Example 12 On day 11 the iron deficiency target was reached. Both 45 formulations were administered to each group in a crossover Pharmacokinetic Study of Dosage Forms of Iron design. The washout period between each dose was 24 hours Pyrophosphate (Refer Table 27). Blood samples were collected and analyzed for plasma iron levels at pre-dose (TO), 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 A two way cross over preclinical study was undertaken to hours following test article administration. Oral bioavailabil evaluate the relative fasted oral bioavailability of iron (soluble ity of enhanced iron TI2 was estimated relative to the control ferric pyrophosphate) formulation versus an unenhanced formulation ferrous sulfate alone unenhanced TI1. TABLE 27 Study design for crossover dosing of test items

Animals Formulation Blood Period Group Day of Formulation Dose Code Collection No. (n = 6) Dose Route l8le (mg/dog) Batch No Time Points 1 A. 12-13 ID: unenhanced Ferrous UC2 * * TO(Pre-dose), (Solution) TI1 sulfate ~15 EXP1667 A 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 mgFedog and, 24 hrs 1 B 12-13 ID Iron TI2 Ferric EF2* * * TO(Pre-dose), (Solution) pyrophosphate EXP1668A 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 Form B-15 and, 24 hrs mgFe and 550 mg enhanceridog US 8,802,114 B2 37 38 TABLE 27-continued Study design for crossOver dosing of test items Animals Formulation Blood Period Group Day of Formulation Dose Code Collection No. (n = 6) Dose Route l8le (mg/dog) Batch No Time Points 2 A. 13-14 ID Iron TI2 Ferric EF2 TO(Pre-dose), (Solution) pyrophosphate EXP1668B 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 form B -15 and, 24 hrs mgFe and 550 mg enhancert dog 2 B 13-14 ID unenhanced Ferrous UC2 TO(Pre-dose), (Solution) TI1 sulfate ~15 EXP1667 B 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 mgFedog and, 24 hrs ck ) = Intraduodenal, **UC2: Un-enhanced Control formulation 2: Each mL contains 1.5 mg elemental iron ***EF2: Enhancer formulation 2. Each mL contains 1.5 mg elemental iron, and 55 mg So ium Caprate, and 3.43 mg citric acid.

Data Analysis Summary of Pharmacokinetic (PK) Parameters Upon receipt of bio-analytical data, the individual animal Individual animal baseline corrected plasma iron concen plasma iron concentration data were loaded into an Excel tration for the unenhanced TI1 and iron TI2 are presented in spreadsheet (Microsoft(R) office Excel 2003). PK parameters Tables 28 and 29 and plotted in FIG. 19. including AUCo., C., and T. were calculated using PK parameters were estimated using plasma iron levels and macros written for MS Excel by Usansky et al. plasma iron levels corrected for base line data (predose Because systemic iron levels comprise both the endog 25 plasma iron concentration). Baseline corrected data was used enous iron pool and exogenously administered iron absorbed as TO plasma iron varied by animal and by period values, from the formulation, the following analysis was carried out: which can be presumed to be reflective of variations of the 1) Evaluation of total plasma iron vs. time profile; and 2) endogenous iron pool. For baseline corrected plasma iron Evaluation of plasma iron corrected for base line levels (CT levels, the negative values were considered as Zero for AUC TO), obtained by subtracting the total plasma iron of each 30 calculation. The mean PK parameters of the test and reference animal prior to dose administration (TO) from total plasma items based on total plasma iron and baseline corrected iron iron at each time point (CT). Both total plasma iron vs. time are summarized in Table 30. and plasma iron corrected for base line vs. time data were The relative oral bioavailability (F) of iron TI2 was cal used to calculate the PK parameters. For plasma iron cor culated using extent of absorption until 6 hours (AUC) as rected for base line, negative values were considered as Zero 35 the animals were fed a normal iron content meal after 6 hours. for AUC calculations. The AUCo., and the C ratios demonstrate that iron TI2 Only AUC was used to evaluate the relative oral bio showed superior oral absorption of iron to the ferrous sulfate availability (F), which is presented as the fold increase of solution (TI1). iron TI2 showed a 3.45-fold increase (n=11) in iron TI2 relative to the ferrous sulfate formulation. The pre relative oral bioavailability compared to TI1 (unenhanced dose data generated from phlebotomy experiments, plasma 40 oral ferrous sulfate) (Table 31). iron levels and % PCV, are also summarized. The difference in magnitude of absorption in group B for Results the two formulations (ref Table 32) was relatively low. This This summary includes 1) pharmacokinetic (PK) data may be attributable to predose iron levels being lower prior to analysis and 2) main observations of iron deficiency induc dosing the reference formulation than prior to dosing the iron tion. formulation (66+10 ug/dL vs. 83-18 g/dL). TABLE 28 Ferrous Sulphate unenhanced TI1 Individual animal's baseline corrected plasma iron concentration LigdL and AUCs Plasma Iron conc. (LigdL

Time?hr AUC

Dog ID Period Test Item O O.S 1 2 4 6 (O-6 hr) Dog 1 1 TI1 O O O O O O Dog 2 1 TI1 O 149 123.5 78.5 53.5 OS 392.38 Dog 3 1 TI1 O 22 52.5 4 O O 56.38 Dog 4 1 TI1 O 445 43.S. 30.5 2.5 3.S. 109.13 Dog 5 1 TI1 O 56.5 39.S. 20.5 O O 88.63 Dog 6 1 TI1 O 1355 158.5 94.5 7.5 O 343.38 Dog 7 2 TI1 O 52 46 O O O 6O.S Dog 8 2 TI1 O 57 72 35 7 2 151 Dog 9 2 TI1 O 132 89 40 15 11 233.75 Dog 10 2 TI1 O 177 154 69 3S 27 404.5 Dog 11 2 TI1 O 18S 183 113 14 O 427.2S Dog 12 2 TI1 O 51 116 89 19 11 295 US 8,802,114 B2

TABLE 29 Iron TI2 Individual animal's baseline corrected plasma iron concentration LugdL, AUCs, and F., (fold V control

Plasma Iron conc. dL Frel Time?hr AUC (fold v Dog ID Period Test Item O 0.5 1 2 4 6 (O-6 hr) control) Dog 1 2 TI2 O 171 142 100 25 O 392.OO Dog 2 2 TI2 O 245 173 68 O O 354.25 O.90 Dog 3 2 TI2 O 219 173 149 41 O S44.7S 9.66 Dog 4 2 TI2 O 231 238 243 1 OS 31 899.SO 8.24 Dog 5 2 TI2 O 238 166 101 14 O 423.OO 4.77 Dog 6 2 TI2 O 313 32S 224 63 7 869.25 2.53 Dog 7 1 TI2 O 236.S 164S 108.S. 23.5 11.5 462.88 7.65 Dog 8 1 TI2 O 187.5 155 81 5 O 341SO 2.26 Dog 9 1 TI2 O 132.S 81 O O O 127.OO O.S4 Dog 10 1 TI2 O 172.5 87 11.5 O O 168.75 0.42 Dog 11 1 TI2 O 157.5 124 58 O O 258.75 0.61 Dog 12 1 TI2 O 116.5 66.5 O O O 108.13 O.37

TABLE 30 Mean pharmacokinetics of the test items (n = 12 or 11

Unenhanced (TI1 Iron (TI2

Base line Base line PK parameter Total plasma Iron corrected Total plasma Iron corrected AUCo. 626.90 - 43.43 21349 44.57 874.13 - 77.48 412.48 - 7447 g/dl * h (24.00) (72.31) (30.70) (62.54) (% RSD) FRico. 6) Fold Vs 1.47. O.17 3.451.07** Unenhanced (40.48) (102.44) Cmax 179.1712.63 108.64 15.75** 289.71 - 14.75 2O3.67 16.87 Lig/dl (24.43) (50.21) (17.64) (28.69) (% RSD) Tmax O.63 - 0.09 0.68 0.07** O.67 + O.13 O.67 + O.13 Hrs (49.73) (37.00) (66.57) (66.57) (% RSD) Ratio of Cmax 1.71 - 0.16 2.59 O.S1 Vs Unenhanced (31.92) (65.73) *Negative values were set to zero for the purposes of AUC calculation as this represents no for negligible absorption **Calculated T0-6 hrs interval, n = 11 as one animal in unenhanced group had no values greater than baseline, hence cannot used be for calculation of Frel. Dog 1 was omitted from analysis.

TABLE 31 45 The plasma iron levels were analyzed prior to dose admin istration on Days 0, 5, 11 and 12 and were reduced by at least Summary of the relative oral bioavailability of the test items dosed 25% relative pre-induction phase (Day 0) for all animals, at different intervals in different groups except one subject, Dog 3. However, this animal was also Relative oral bioavailability included in the study analysis as hematocrit levels were (Frel Fold Increase + SEM) 50 Cmax Ratio within the acceptable target (Refer to Tables 33 and 34). At the end of the 24 hours wash-out following the Period 1 Base line corrected dose administration, iron levels were still deficient for both Groups Total plasma Iron Plasma Iron groups (82.5 Lig/dL Group A and 66.0 g/dL Group B). Overall (n = 12) 1470.17 3.45 - 107* 55 (1.71 + 0.16) (2.59 + 0.51) TABLE 32 Group A 186 - 0.25 5.22, 1.66 (2.01 + 0.23) (3.51 + 1.44) Summary of plasma iron and hematocrit (% PCV) levels at key stages Group B 1.08 O.09 1.97 - 1.17 Meant SD., n = 6 (1.41 + 0.14) (1.83 + 0.61) Group A Group B n = 11, Frel was assessed for each dosing period since the iron load at baseline will impact 60 iron absorption, Plasma Iron Plasma Iron Summary of Induction of Iron Deficiency Period of Testing 96 PCV (g/dL) 96 PCV (Lig/dL) The animals reached an iron deficient state as defined in the Pre Induction 522 165 69 514 147 - 28 Pre-Period 1 Dosing 35 - 2 93 SS 322 90 - 30 protocol (reduction of plasma iron levels of ~25% and/or a 65 Pre-Period 2 Dosing 83 44 66 24 drop -20% in hematocrit) (Table 32, FIG. 20) prior to the initial dosing. US 8,802,114 B2

TABLE 33 TABLE 33-continued asma iron levels of individual animals during the induction of iron Plasma iron levels of individual animals during the induction of iron deficient state deficient state Dog No Day Day Day % 5 Dog No Day Day Day % (ID) O Day 5 11 12 Reduction (ID) O Day 5 11 12 Reduction Dog 1 293 412 87 147.5 50 (1437284) Dog 8 112 163 46 73 35 Dog 2 128 270 94 55.5 57 (1439686) (1544676) 10 Dog 9 152 258 183 88 42 Dog 3 121 134 111 176.5 -46 (1444264) (1454138) Dog 10 196 219 132 1445 26 Dog 4 118 243 133 69.5 41 (1544382) 4) nia 196 83 71.5 64 Dog 11 133 108 71 8O 40 ( Oisols) 8. (1436946) Dog 6 135 2O3 41 38.5 71 15 Dog 12 139 178 70 94.5 32 (1451716) (1439163) Dog 7 149 138 71 57.5 61 (1544765) *Data not available at this point since this dog was added to the study at a later date.

TABLE 34 Hematocrit levels (% PCV) of the animals during the induction of iron deficient state

Hematocrit levels (% PCV Dog No Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day % (ID) O 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 Reduction Dog 1 52 S4 48 30 38 42 36 46 34 35 (1437284) Dog 2 S4 42 S4 38 40 40 34 44 34 37 (1544676) Dog 3 52 56 56 38 42 42 34 42 38 27 (1454138) Dog 4 48 44 44 40 40 38 32 40 36 25 (1544749) Dog 5 nia i? a fa S4 44 40 34 36 34 37 (1175018) Dog 6 S4 44 50 42 36 38 28 42 32 41 (1451716) Dog 7 44 42 36 38 36 38 28 32 34 23 (1544765) Dog 8 56 46 52 40 38 26 36 42 36 36 (1439686) Dog 9 50 44 46 48 34 36 34 42 30 40 (1444264) Dog 10 48 40 42 48 32 40 36 46 32 33 (1544382) Dog 11 52 52 52 40 36 42 36 40 30 42 (1436946) Dog 12 S4 50 52 44 38 42 38 42 32 41 (1439163) Data not available during these points since this dog was added to the study at a later date,

50 Administration Effects/Potential Issues A summary of the clinical observations noted after test item dosing are detailed in Table 35 below. As expected, dogs had varied plasma iron and% PCV levels at the completion of ss the anemia induction period. Iron deficiency criteria were met in all animals and were deemed sufficient for the purposes of the study. TABLE 35 Summary of clinical observations after dosing of each Test Item Study Period Test Item Clinical Observations*

Period 1 Test Item 1 No adverse clinical observations Ferrous sulfate Test Item 2 Dog7 (1544765) vomited 5 mL within 1 h post administration. US 8,802,114 B2 43 44 TABLE 35-continued Summary of clinical observations after dosing of each Test Item Study Period Test Item Clinical Observations Iron Oedemaswelling was noticed at Surgical port site within -2 hours (noticed 4 hr 13 min) Dog11 (1436946) vomited 20 mL within 8 minutes post administration. Dog12 (1439163) had severe vomiting post administration at following intervals. 20 mL within 4 minutes + 10 mL 9 minutes later + 10 mL 7 minutes later + 5 mL 1 hr 13 minutes later + 6 mL 1 hr 38 minutes later Period 2 Test Item 2 Dog1 (1437284) vomited 8 mL within 10 minutes post Iron administration and another 10 mL 53 minutes later, and also had diarrhoea 2 minutes later (1 hour 5 minutes post administration) Dog3 (1454138) had diarrhoea at 1 hour 2 mintutes post dose administration. Test Item 1 Dog7 (1544765) has Oedemaswelling and was noticed at Surgical Ferrous Sulfate port site prior to dose administration. No adverse clinical observations for other dogs *Only subjects (dogs) showing significant signs of side effects were included, all other animals used in the study had no apparent signs of side effects,

Conclusions TABLE 36 This study Summarizes relative performance of an enhanced iron formulation on the oral absorption of iron 25 Mean plasma concentration vs. time profiles of the test items dosed at compared to an unenhanced formulation of ferrous Sulfate in different periods in different groups an iron deficient dog model designed for this study. To evalu Plasma Total Concentrations; LugdL. Mean it SEM, ate relative oral bioavailability, the PK parameters were cal n = 6 (plasma iron corrected for base line culated based on fasting plasma iron levels (animals were fed Mean + SEM, n = 6) 6 hours post dosing) using measured levels, and levels cor 30 rected for baseline levels (obtained immediately prior to dos Period 1 Period 2 ing). Iron deficiency state was deemed to be adequate for the purposes of the study as the chosen plasma iron and hemat- Group A Group B ocrit targets were achieved prior to dose administration in Time Unenhanced Group B Group A Unenhanced each period. The results of the study demonstrate that iron TI2 35 (Hrs) TI1 Iron TI2 Iron TI2 TI1 showed higher systemic absorption of iron compared to fer- O 93 - 23 90 - 12 83 - 18 66 10 rous sulfate TI1 in different groups and different dosing peri- (O . O) (O . O) (O . O) (O . O) ods of this two way crossover study. The relative oral bio- O.S 153 - 18 257 - 17 319 15 17S 25 availability (F) of iron TI2 calculated using extent of (60+30) (167 + 17) (236 - 19) (109 + 26) absorption until 6 hours (AUC) showed a 3.45-fold 40 1 151 24 2O3 13 285 18 17617 increase (n=11) in relative oral bioavailability compared to an (58 + 33) (113 + 17) (203 + 28) (110 + 21) intraduodenally administered ferrous sulfate solution (both 2 117 - 17 132 14 230 26 123 - 13 Solutions contained equal amounts of elemental iron. Twelve (24 + 26) (42 + 19) (148 + 29) (57 + 17) iron deficient female beagle dogs administered two single 4 79 13 64 6 124 19 776 intraduodenal doses of TI1 (Ferrous Sulfate Formulation) and 45 6 - :5) t : g ". : iron TI2 (Enhanced Formulation) did not exhibit death, mor- (-28 ... 1 6) (-34 . 6) (-4 . 9) (3 . 8) bidity, or severe adverse clinical signs. Clinical signs associ- 24 83 18 66 10 167 - 31 16231 ated with dose administration of iron TI2 Formulation were (-11 + 14) (-24 + 2.0) (84 + 24) (96+ 34) mild and limited to vomiting and diarrhea. Individual Animal Raw Data 50 Plasma iron corrected for baseline (CTTO); calculated by subtracting baseline plasma iron value (TO), i.e., CT plasma concentration at each interval, TO Plasma concentration prior to Tables 36-47 show additional mean pharmacokinetics val dose administration, ues and individual animal data. TABLE 37 Mean pharmacokinetics of the test items based on total plasma iron in different STOUDS Period 1 Period 2 PK Group A Group B Group A Group B parameterif Unenhanced Iron Form B Iron Form B Unenhanced AUCo. 611.04 77.03 683.13 - 52.3O 1065.1395.31 642.75 - 47.61 g/dl * h (30.88) (18.75) (21.92) (18.14) (% RSD) FRico. 6) Fold vs. : 1.08 O.09** 1.86 0.25* :::::: Unenhanced (19.96) (32.30)

ex 17O.OO 18.98 256.75 17.14 322.67 15.15, 18833 - 17.56 US 8,802,114 B2 45 46 TABLE 37-continued Mean pharmacokinetics of the test items based on total plasma iron in different groups

Period 1 Period 2

PK Group A Group B Group A Group B parameterif Unenhanced Iron Form B Iron Form B Unenhanced

Lig/dl (27.35) (16.35) (11.50) (22.84) (% RSD) Tmax O-580.15 OSOO.OO O.83 O.25 O67. O.11 Hrs (64.52) (0.00) (72.66) (38.73) (% RSD) Ratio of C. : 141 0.14** 2.01 - 0.23* :::::: vs. Unenhanced

#Mean SEM (n = 6). * Group A comparison; **Group B comparison.

TABLE 38 Mean pharmacokinetics of the test items based on plasma iron corrected for baseline

Period 1 Period 2 Group A Group B Group A Group B PK parameter Unenhanced Iron Form B Iron Form B Unenhanced AUCo. 164.98 66.21 244.50 - 56.40 580.4699.66 262.OO 58.43 g/dl * h (98.30) (56.51) (42.05) (54.63) (% RSD) Freico. 6) Fold vs. : 1971.17** S.22 1.66*# :::::: Unenhanced (145.47) (70.96) Cmax 92.90 2S25 167.17 17:43 240.17, 20.38 12233 - 22.01 Lig/dl (61.23) (25.54) (20.79) (44.06) (% RSD) Tmax O67 0.11 OSOOOO O.83 - 0.25 O.67 + 0.11 Hrs (38.73) (0.00) (72.66) (38.73) (% RSD) Ratio of C. vs. : 1.83 0.61** 3.51 144*# :::::: Unenhanced #Mean SEM (n = 6). *in 5 * Group A comparison; **Group B comparison

TABLE 39 Individual dog plasma iron concentrations and PK data after dose administration of Unenhanced-TIl (Ferrous Sulfate) at Period 1 in Group A animals Total Plasma Iron concentration Ig/mL. Dog 1 Dog 2 Dog 3 Dog 4 Dog 5 Dog 6 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM 96 RSD TIME 1437284 1544676. 1454,138 1544749 117SO18 1451716 (n = 6) (n = 6)

O 147.5 55.5 176.5 69.5 71.5 38.5 93.17 22.61 59.44 O.S 99.0 2O4.5 1985 114.O 128.0 1740 153.OO 1846 29.56 1 76.O 1790 229.0 113.0 111.0 1970 150.83 24.26 39.39 2 61.O 1340 18O.S 1OOO 92.0 1330 116.75 16.96 35.58 4 59.0 109.0 124.0 72.O 63.0 46.0 78.83 - 12.54 38.97 6 64.O 56.O 101.0 73.O 67.0 31.0 65.33 - 9.31 34.91 24 104.O S2O 136.0 54.O 122.0 27.0 82.SO 17.99 S3.41 AUCo6 416.88 725.38 934.88 526.13 496.13 566.88 611.04 77.03 30.88 (ig/dl’h) Cmax 147.5 2O4.5 229.0 114.O 128.0 1970 17O.OO 18.98 27.35 (ig/dl) Tmax O.O O.S 1.O O.S O.S 1.O O.58. O.15 64.52 (Hrs) US 8,802,114 B2 47 48 TABLE 40 Individual plasma iron concentrations and PK data after dose administration of iron TI2 (Ferric Pyrophosphate soluble) at Period 1 in Group B animals Total Plasma Iron concentration Ig/mL. Dog 7 Dog 8 Dog 9 Dog 10 Dog 11 Dog 12 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM 96 RSD TIME 1544765 1439686 1444264 1544382 1436946 14391.63 (n = 6) (n = 6)

O 57.5 73.0 88.0 1445 80.0 94.5 89.58 h 12.16 33.26 O.S 294.0 26O.S 22O.S 317.0 237.5 211.O 256.75 17.14 16.35 1 222.0 228.0 169.0 231.5 2O4.O 161.O 2O2.58 - 12.54 15-16 2 166.O 154.O 83.0 156.O 138.0 92.0 131.50 - 14.44 26.89 4 81.0 78.0 46.0 64.O 62.O S1.O 63.675.72 22.OO 6 69.0 73.0 45.O 48.0 54.0 46.0 55.83 4.99 21.89 24 99.0 87.O 58.0 49.O 68.0 3S.O 66.OO 9.74 36.16 AUCo.6 807.88 779.50 520.50 778.25 676.75 S35.88 683.13 - 52.30 18.75 (g/dl’h) FReIO-6) 1.42 1.16 O.89 1.11 O.81 1.06 1.08 O.O9 1996 Fold vs. Unenhanced Cmax 294.0 26O.S 22O.S 317.0 237.5 211.O 256.75 17.14 16.35 (ig/dl) Tmax O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S OSOOOO O.OO (Hrs)

TABLE 41 Total plasma iron concentration and PK data of individual dogs after dose administration of Unenhanced TIl (Ferrous Sulfate) at Period 2 Group B animals Total Plasma Iron concentration IgnL Dog 7 Dog 8 Dog 9 Dog 10 Dog 11 Dog 12 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM 96 RSD TIME 154476S 1439686 1444264 1544382 1436946 14391.63 (n = 6) (n = 6)

O 99.0 87.O 58.0 49.0 68.0 3SO 66.OO 9.74 36.16 O.S 151.O 144.0 1900 226.0 253.0 86.O 175.OO 24.74 34.63 1 145.0 159.O 147.0 2O3.0 251.0 151.O 176.OO 17.39 24.2O 2 92.0 122.0 98.0 118.0 181.0 1240 122.SO 12.88 25.75 4 75.0 94.O 73.0 84.O 82.O 54.0 77.00 SS1 17.54 6 7O.O 89.0 69.0 76.O 64.O 46.0 69.00 S.79 20.54 24 152.0 136.0 123.0 314.O 151.O 98.0 162.33 - 31.42 47.41 AUCo. 567.00 673.00 581.75 698. SO 831.25 SOSOO 642.75 - 47.61 1814 (g/dL*h) Cmax 151.0i 159.O 1900 226.Ohi 253.0 151.O 188.33 - 17.56 22.84 (ig/dl) Tmax O.Sii 1.O O.S O.Sii O.S 1.O O.67 + O.11 38.73 (Hrs)

#based on 0-6 interwal

TABLE 42 Total plasma iron concentration and PK data of individual dogs after dose administration of iron TI2 (Ferric pyrophosphate soluble) at Period 2 Group A animals Total Plasma Iron concentration Ig/mL Dog 1 Dog 2 Dog 3 Dog 4 Dog 5 Dog 6 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM % RSD TIME 1437284 1544676. 1454138. 1544749 117SO18 1451716 (n = 6) (n = 6) O 104.O 52.O 136.0 S4.O 122.0 27.0 82.SO 17.99 53.41 O.S 275.0 297.0 355.0 28S.O 36O.O 340.O 3.18.67 15.27 11.74 1 246.0 22SO 3.09.0 292.0 288.0 352.O 285.33 - 1848 15.86 2 204.O 12O.O 28S.O 297.0 223.0 251.0 23O.OO 26.32 28.03 4 129.0 52.O 177.0 159.O 136.0 90.0 123.83 18.75 37.08 6 104.O 43.O 112.0 8S.O 93.0 34.0 78.SO 13.25 41.34 24 3OO.O 131.0 166.O 1490 1840 71.O 166.83 - 30.99 45.50 AUC 1016.00 657.25 1336.75 1223.50 1126.00 1031.25 1065.13 + 95.31 21.92 (g/dL*h) US 8,802,114 B2 49 50 TABLE 42-continued Total plasma iron concentration and PK data of individual dogs after dose administration of iron TI2 (Ferric pyrophosphate soluble) at Period 2 Group A animals Total Plasma Iron concentration Ig/mL Dog 1 Dog 2 Dog 3 Dog 4 Dog 5 Dog 6 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM % RSD TIME 1437284 1544676. 1454138. 1544749 117SO18 1451716 (n = 6) (n = 6) FReIO-6) 2.44 O.91 1.43 2.33 2.27 1.82 186 - 0.25 32.30 Fold vs. Unenhanced Cmax 275. Ohi 297.0 355.0 297.0 36O.O 3S2O 322.67 15.15 11...SO (ig/dl) Tmax O.Sii O.S O.S 2.0 O.S 1.O O.83 - 0.25 72.66 (Hrs)

#based on 0-6 interwal

TABLE 43 Baseline corrected plasma iron concentration and PK data of individual dogs after dose administration of Unenhanced TIl (Ferrous Sulfate) at Period 1 in Group A animals Absorbed iron concentration Lig mL (TO-CT Dog 1 Dog 2 Dog 3 Dog 4 Dog 5 Dog 6 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM % RSD TIME 1437284 1544676. 1454,138 1544749 117SO18 1451716 (n = 6) (n = 6) O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O OOOOOO O.OO O.S -48.5 1490 22.0 44.5 56.5 135.5 59.8330. OS 123.02 1 -71.5 123.5 52.5 43.5 39.5 158.5 57.67 32.53 138.17 2 -86.5 78.5 4.0 3O.S 2O.S 94.5 23.58 - 26.21 272.20 4 -88.5 53.5 -52.5 2.5 -8.5 7.5 -14.33 20.29 -346.78 6 -83.5 O.S -75.5 3.5 -4.5 -7.5 -2783 - 16.45 -14473 24 -43.5 -3.5 -40.5 -15.5 50.5 -11.5 -10.67 - 13.89 -31888 AUCo6 O.OO 392.38 56.38 109.13 88.63 343.38 164.98 66.21 98.30 (ig/dl’h) Cmax -48.5* * 1490 52.5 44.5 56.5 158.5 92.90 25.25i 61.23i (ig/dl) Tmax 0.5* * O.S 1.O O.S O.S 1.O O.67 + O.11 38.73 (Hrs) *TOPlasma Iron concentration, CT Plasma Iron concentration at each interval of time after dose administration. All negative values set at zero for purposes of calculating AUC values, **Calculated over 0-6 hour period. in = 5

TABLE 44 Baseline corrected plasma iron concentration and PK data of individual dogs after dose administration of iron TI2 (Ferric pyrophosphate soluble) at Period 1 in Group B animals Absorbed iron concentration Ig/mL (TO-CT Dog 7 Dog 8 Dog 9 Dog 10 Dog 11 Dog 12 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM 96 RSD TIME 1544765 1439686 1444264 1544382 1436946 14391.63 (n = 6) (n = 6) O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O OOOOOO O.OO O.S 236.5 187.5 132.5 172.5 157.5 116.5 167.17 17.43 25.54 1 164.5 155.0 81.0 87.O 124.0 66.5 113.00 - 16.73 36.27 2 108.5 81.0 -50 11.5 58.0 -2.5 41.92 - 19.42 113.51 4 23.5 S.O -42.0 -80.5 -18.0 -43.5 -25.92 1528 - 144.45 6 11.5 O.O -43.0 -96.5 -26.0 -48.5 -33.75 15.80 -114.66 24 41.5 14.0 -30.O -95.5 -12.0 -S9.5 -23.58. 20.24 -210.19 AUCo.6 462.88 341. SO 127.OO 168.7S 258.7S 108.13 244. SOS 6.40 S6. S1 (g/dl’h) FReIO-6) 7.65 2.26 O.S4 O.42 O.61 0.37 1.97 - 1.17 145.47 Fold vs. Unenhanced C 236.5 187.5 132.5 172.5 157.5 116.5 167.17 17.43 25.54 US 8,802,114 B2 51 TABLE 44-continued

Baseline corrected plasma iron concentration and PK data of individual dogs after dose administration of iron TI2 (Ferric pyrophosphate soluble) at Period 1 in Group B animals

Absorbed iron concentration g/mL*(TO-CT)

Dog 7 Dog 8 Dog 9 Dog 10 Dog 11 Dog 12 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM 96 RSD TIME 1544765 1439686 1444264 1544382 1436946 14391.63 (n = 6) (n = 6)

T ex O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S OSOOOO O.OO (Hrs)

*TO Plasma Iron concentration, CT Plasma Iron concentration at each interval of time after dose administration. All negative values set at zero for purposes of calculating AUC values, **Calculated over 0-6 hour period.

TABLE 45 Baseline corrected plasma iron concentration and PK data of individual dogs after dose administration of TIl (Ferrous Sulfate) at Period 2 in Group B animals Total Plasma Iron concentration Ig/mL. Dog 7 Dog 8 Dog 9 Dog 10 Dog 11 Dog 12 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM 96 RSD TIME 154476S 1439686 1444264 1544382 1436946 14391.63 (n = 6) (n = 6)

O.S 52.O 57.0 132.O 177.0 18S.O S10 109.OO 25.98 58.38 1 46.0 72.O 89.0 154.O 183.0 116.O 11O.OO 21.04 46.85 2 -7.0 3S.O 40.O 69.0 113.0 89.0 56.50 - 1748 75.8O 4 -24.0 7.0 1S.O 3S.O 14.0 19.0 11.OO 7.97 177.49 6 -29.O 2.0 11.0 27.0 -4.0 11.0 3.OO 7.70 628.58 24 53.0 49.0 6S.O 26S.O 83.0 63.O 96.33 - 34.08 86.65 AUCo6 6OSO 151.00 233.75 404.50 427.25 295.00 262.OO 58.43 54.63

Cmax 52.0ii 72.O 132.O 177.0H 18S.O 116.O 122.33 - 22.01 44.06 (ig/dl) Tmax O.Sii 1 O.S O.Sii O.S 1 O.67 + O.11 38.73 (Hrs)

#based on 0-6 interwal

TABLE 46 Baseline corrected plasma iron concentration vs. time profiles and PK data of individual dogs after dose administration of TI2 (iron Form B) at Period 2 Group A animals Total Plasma Iron concentration Ig/mL. Dog 1 Dog 2 Dog 3 Dog 4 Dog 5 Dog 6 ID ID ID ID ID ID Mean SEM 96 RSD TIME 1437284 1544676. 1454138. 1544749 117SO18 1451716 (n = 6) (n = 6)

O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O OOOOOO O.OO O.S 171.O 24S.O 219.0 231.0 238.0 313.O 236.17 18.76 19.45 1 142.0 173.0 173.0 238.0 1660 32SO 2O2.83 - 27.69 33.44 2 1OO.O 68.0 1490 243.0 101.0 224.O 147.50 - 29.28 48.62 4 2S.O O.O 41.O 1 OSO 14.0 63.0 41.33 - 15.54 92.10 6 O.O -9.0 -24.0 31.0 -29.O 7.0 -4.OO 8.97 -549.09 24 196.O 79.0 3O.O 95.0 62.O 44.0 84.33 - 24.28 70.53 AUCo.6 392.00 354.25 S44.75 899.SO 423.OO 869.25 580.4699.66 42.05 (g/dL*h) FReIO-6) HDIVO O.90 9.66 8.24 4.77 2.53 5.22 1.51 70.96 Fold vs. Unenhanced Cmax 171.0i 24S.O 219.0 243.0 238.0 32SO 240.17, 20.38 20.79 (ig/dl) Tmax O.Sii O.S O.S 2.0 O.S 1.O O.83 O.25 72.66 (Hrs)

#based on 0-6 interwal US 8,802,114 B2 53 54 TABLE 47 Mean overall plasma concentration (g/dL. Mean SEM, n = 12) vs. time profiles of the test items Unenhanced Iron Form B

Base line Base line Time Total plasma Iron corrected Total plasma Iron corrected O 79.58 - 12.43 OOOOOO 86.04 10.41 OOOOOO OS 164.OO 15.09 84.42 20.34 287.71 - 14.38 20167: 16.04 1 163.42 14.73 83.83 2008 243.96 - 16.40 157.92, 20.53 2 119.63 - 10.19 40.04 15.82 18O.75 20.62 94.71 - 23.11 4 77.926.54 -1.67 - 11.07 93.7S 13.02 7.71 - 14.52 6 67.175.26 -12.429.83 67.177.56 -1888 9.75 24 122.42. 21.04 42.83 - 23.83 116.42. 21.70 30.38 22.18 *Amount plasma iron corrected for baseline (CT-TO); calculated by subtracting baseline plasma iron value (TO), i.e. CT plasma concentration at each interval, TOPlasma concentration prior to dose administration,

Example 13 enhancer is a medium chain fatty acid salt having a carbon chain length of from about 4 to about 20 carbon atoms, and a Effect of Dosage Forms on Iron Feedback solubilizer in an amount sufficient to increase the solubility of Mechanism the iron compound and/or the absorption enhancer, wherein the solubilizer is present in an amount of about 2% to about Data collected in Example 12 were evaluated to determine 25% by weight, and wherein the composition does not the relationship between iron absorption and the iron levels at involve chemical modification of the iron compound. baseline for each of the study periods. It was found in this 25 2. A pharmaceutical composition comprising an iron com analysis that the amount of iron absorbed from the unen pound, an absorption enhancer, and a solubilizer in an amount hanced formulation decreased as the iron levels at baseline sufficient to increase the solubility of the iron compound increased. FIG. 21 demonstrates this relationship. The unen and/or the absorption enhancer, wherein the solubilizer is hanced AUCs vs. predose iron levels displays a clear relation present in an amount of about 2% to about 25% by weight, ship between predose iron levels and absorbed iron. Animals 30 and wherein the composition provides a bioavailability of with higher predose iron levels absorbed less iron from the iron that is at least 1.5 times greater than the bioavailability unenhanced test formulation. This fits with the theory that provided by a composition comprising ferrous sulfate that iron is absorbed by active transport and there is a feedback does not contain an absorption enhancer. mechanism. 3. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 2, wherein the In contrast, for the enhanced formulation, this decrease in 35 composition provides a bioavailability of iron that is at least absorption with increased baseline iron levels was not simi four times greater than the bioavailability provided by a fer larly seen. In fact, the dog with the third highest baseline level rous Sulfate tablet that does not contain an absorption was the second highestabsorbing subject. FIG.22, the plot of enhancer. enhanced iron AUCs vs. predose iron levels, demonstrates 4. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein the this. This is likely a result of paracellular and transcellular 40 iron compound is an iron salt, an iron chelate, or an iron absorption of iron promoted by the enhanced formulation complex. caused by the formation of mixed micelles of the iron and the 5. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 4, wherein the enhancer system. Hence, while absorption of iron by active iron compound is a ferric complex. transport is Suppressed when predose iron levels rise, absorp 6. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 4, wherein the tion by paracellular and transcellular absorption promoted by 45 iron compound is a complex of iron with EDTA and sodium. enhancers of the invention is not affected by negative feed 7. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 4, wherein the back. iron compound is a ferric chelate. The foregoing is illustrative of the present invention and is 8. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 4, wherein the not to be construed as limiting thereof. Although a few exem iron compound is ferric pyrophosphate. plary embodiments of this invention have been described, 50 9. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 4, wherein the those skilled in the art will readily appreciate that many iron compound is soluble ferric pyrophosphate. modifications are possible in the exemplary embodiments 10. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein without materially departing from the novel teachings and the medium chain fatty acid salt is solid at room temperature. advantages of this invention. Accordingly, all Such modifica 11. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein tions are intended to be included within the scope of this 55 the carbon chain length is from 8 to 14 carbon atoms. invention as defined in the claims. Therefore, it is to be under 12. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein stood that the foregoing is illustrative of the present invention the absorption enhancer is a sodium salt of a medium chain and is not to be construed as limited to the specific embodi fatty acid. ments disclosed, and that modifications to the disclosed 13. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein 60 the absorption enhancer is selected from the group consisting embodiments, as well as other embodiments, are intended to of sodium caprylate, Sodium caprate, and Sodium laurate. be included within the scope of the appended claims. The 14. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein invention is defined by the following claims, with equivalents the medium chain fatty acid salt is the only absorption of the claims to be included therein. enhancer in the composition. That which is claimed is: 65 15. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein 1. A pharmaceutical composition comprising an iron com the pharmaceutical composition comprises more than one pound, an absorption enhancer, wherein the absorption medium chain fatty acid salt. US 8,802,114 B2 55 56 16. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein 31. The solid oral dosage form of claim 25, wherein the the iron compound is the only active agent in the composition. dosage form is an enteric coated dosage form. 17. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein 32. The solid oral dosage form of claim 30, wherein the the composition further comprises an additional active agent. rate-controlling polymer is hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. 18. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 17, wherein 5 the additional active agent is selected from the group consist 33. The solid oral dosage form of claim 30, wherein the ing of folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B (all series), vitamin C, rate-controlling polymer is a polymer of acrylic or meth Vitamin D. Vitamin E, calcium, chromium, copper, magne acrylic acid or their respective esters or copolymers of acrylic sium, manganese, potassium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, or methacrylic acid or their respective esters. 34. The solid oral dosage form of claim 25, wherein the iodine, biotin, inositol, para-amino benzoic acid, choline, and 10 any combination thereof. iron compound, the absorption enhancer, and at least one 19. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein auxiliary excipient are compressed into tablet form prior to the composition further comprises an auxiliary excipient. coating with a rate controlling polymer or a delayed release 20. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein polymer. the Solubilizer is an organic chelation agent. 35. The solid oral dosage form according to claim 25, 21. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 20, wherein 15 wherein the iron compound, the absorption enhancer, at least the solubilizer is citric acid, a salt of citric acid, ascorbic acid, one auxiliary excipient, and the rate-controlling polymer or a salt of ascorbic acid. material are combined into a multiparticulate form. 22. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein 36. The solid oral dosage form according to claim 35, the solubilizer is present in an amount sufficient to increase wherein the multiparticulate is encapsulated in capsules and the dissolution rate of the iron compound and the enhancer by optionally coated with a rate-controlling polymer or a about 5% and achieve at least about 80% dissolution of both delayed release polymer. the iron compound and the enhancer in 3 hours. 37. A method of orally delivering iron to a subject, com 23. An oral dosage form comprising the pharmaceutical prising administering to the subject the oral dosage form of composition of claim 1. claim 23. 25 38. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 2, wherein 24. The oral dosage form of claim 23, which is a liquid oral the solubilizer is an organic chelation agent. dosage form. 39. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 38, wherein 25. The oral dosage form of claim 23, which is a solid oral the Solubilizer is citric acid, a salt of citric acid, ascorbic acid, dosage form. or a salt of ascorbic acid. 26. The oral dosage form of claim 23, comprising about 1 30 mg to about 200 mg elemental iron. 40. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 2, wherein 27. The solid oral dosage form of claim 25, wherein the the solubilizer is present in an amount sufficient to increase dosage form is a tablet, a capsule, a multiparticulate, or a the dissolution rate of the iron compound and the enhancer by powder dosage form. about 5% and achieve at least about 80% dissolution of both the iron compound and the enhancer in 3 hours. 28. The solid oral dosage form of claim 23, wherein the 35 dosage form is a controlled release dosage form. 41. An oral dosage form comprising the pharmaceutical 29. The solid oral dosage form of claim 23, wherein the composition of claim 2. dosage form is a delayed release dosage form. 42. A method of orally delivering iron to a subject, com 30. The solid oral dosage form of claim 23, wherein the prising administering to the subject the oral dosage form of dosage form further comprises a rate controlling polymer claim 41. material.