ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 25/05/2018 THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 15/06/2018 (COUNCILLOR CALL-IN PERIOD) Information regarding Councillor call-in period and procedure for public consultation. Comments and call-ins may be made on any Advertisement Consent, Listed Building, Householder, Certificate of Lawfulness (existing), Telecommunication and Planning Applications. Please e.mail:
[email protected] (Please include the Application No (e.g. "5/2017/1234") in the title of the e.mail) Application No: 5/2018/1240 Ward: Ashley Area: C Proposal: Single storey rear and side infill extension with rooflights to facilitate larger kitchen/dining area (resubmission following withdrawal of 5/2018/0614) at 29 Castle Road St Albans Hertfordshire AL1 5DQ Applicant: Agent: Mr & Mrs Sara Griffiths Mr Joe Morris V Works Ltd 29 Castle Road St Albans 180 Sheepcot Lane Watford Hertfordshire Hertfordshire AL1 5DQ WD25 7DA Application No: 5/2018/1241 Ward: Ashley Area: C Proposal: Non Material Amendment - Amendment to Plot 57 from a Bond (‘G’ type) as approved to a Holborn (‘H’ type) house type with detached single garage . Plot 60 to have detached garage with two parking spaces in front of planning permission 5/2015/1713 dated 12/08/2016 for Approval of Reserved Matter for development of up to 75 dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access, internal access road, car