Hertfordshire County Council Development
HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Agenda No. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 1 THURSDAY 08 FEBRUARY 2018 AT 10.00 AM ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW 6 FE SCHOOL BUILDINGS, VEHICULAR ACCESS/EGRESS ONTO THE LOWER LUTON ROAD, VEHICULAR ACCESS ONTO COMMON LANE, TWO PEDESTRIAN ACCESSES/EGRESSES ONTO COMMON LANE, CAR PARKING, CYCLE STORAGE, COACH PARKING, PLAYING FIELDS, TENNIS COURTS / MULTI-USE GAMES AREA, SURFACE WATER ATTENUATION MEASURES, HARD AND SOFT LANDSCAPING AND OTHER ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT AT LAND TO THE NORTH OF LOWER LUTON ROAD, HARPENDEN, HERTFORDSHIRE Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment Contact: ChayDempster Tel:01992556308 Local Member: David Williams Adjoining Members: Teresa Heritage/ Annie Brewster Purpose of Report 1.1 To consider application 5/2733-17 for the construction of new 6 FE school buildings, vehicular access/egress onto the Lower Luton Road, vehicular access onto Common Lane, two pedestrian accesses/egresses onto Common Lane, car parking, cycle storage, coach parking, playing fields, tennis courts / multi-use games area, surface water attenuation measures, hard and soft landscaping and other associated development at land to the north of Lower Luton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire. 2. Summary 2.1 The application proposes the construction of a new 6 form of entry secondary school, together with sports hall, multi-use games area, playing fields, new vehicular access and egress from the Lower Luton Road, in addition to a service access from Common Lane and pedestrian accesses from Common Lane and the Lower Luton Road. The site is shown on the Ordnance Survey Extract (Appendix 1). 2.2 The application includes a package of off-site highway improvements schemes listed in Appendix 2.
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