
CEJC 1(2003)53{64

1,3-bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenylaminooxy) andits 4-cyano-2,6-dinitrophenylCongener: Synthesisand Prop erties.

IrinaC. Covaci 1,PetreIonita 1,MironT. Caproiu 2,RaduSocoteanu 1, Titus Constantinescu 1,AlexandruT. Balaban 3;4

1 RoumanianA cademy,Institute ofPhysical Chemistry \I.G.Murgulescu", Laboratoryof Supramolecular Chemistry and Interphase Processes, SplaiulIndependentei 202, 77408, Bucharest, Roumania 2 RoumanianA cademy,Institute \C.D.Nenitzescu" ofOrganic Chemistry, SplaiulIndependentei 202B, 77408, Bucharest, Roumania 3 University \Polytechnica",Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Departmentof Organic Chemistry, Bucharest, Roumania 4 TexasA&M University atGalveston, Galveston,TX 77553-1675,USA

Received 4October 2002;revised 24December 2002

Abstract: Starting fromN-hydroxyphthalimide (5) and1,3-dibromopropane (6) weobtained 1,3-bis(phthalimidooxy)propane (7) which led to1,3- bis(aminooxy)propane dihydrochloride (8). Fromits reaction with picryl chloride or4-cyano-2,6-dinitrochlorobenzene, the twotitle compounds(4b, 4a)were obtained. 1H-NMR and 13C-NMRspectra arepresented. Forcomparisonwith the analogousN-methoxy- 2,6-dinitro-4-R-anilines 1a,1b (R=CNorR=NO 2), wereport the hydrophobic characteristics (by RPTLC), electronic spectra for the neutral compoundsand their anions, pK a values, andthe behavior towardsoxidizers (DPPH, PbO 2;Pb(CH3COO)4, KMnO4 and Ag2O); DPPH converts compounds1a, 1b and 4a, 4b into betainic structures 2a,2b respectively. c Central EuropeanScience Journals. All rights reserved. ®

Keywords:N-alkoxyaryl derivatives; RPTLC; pK a;NMR;oxidation


It was shown in previous papers [1- 10]that compounds of type 1present interesting properties when substituents are strong electron acceptors (e.g.1a, 1b). Among these properties, the generation of N-alkoxyaminylfree radicals on oxidation [4- 8]allowed a 54 A.T.Balaban et al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 1(2003)53{64 reaction with the free stable radical DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) leading to be- tainicstructures 2a,2b, which can bereduced reversiblyto the corresponding hydrazines 3a,3b [1,9,10].Basic media lead to the formation ofthe corresponding anions with colors that depend on the substitution pattern [1,2].

Continuing our research, we investigated the possibility to obtain new compounds of Ar-NH-O-(CH 2)n-O-NH-Ar type and to study their properties comparativelyto their analogous compounds of type 1.F or this purpose we synthesized the new compounds 1,3-bis(4-cyano-2,6-dinitrophenyloxy)propane (4a) and 1,3-bis(picramidooxy)propane or 1,3-bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenylaminooxy)propane (4b), and investigated their properties com- parativelywith those ofcompounds 1a,1b [2].

2Resultsand Discussion

2.1 Synthesisof compounds 4a, 4b

Compounds 4a,4b were synthesized in three-steps [1,2,5,11,12]:(i) in the ¯rst step, N-hydroxyphthalimide 5and 1,3-dibromopropane 6ledto 1,3-bis(phthalimidooxy)propane, 7(yield79%); (ii) in the second step, acidhydrolysis ofcompound 7gave A.T.Balaban et al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 1(2003)53{64 55

1,3-bis(aminooxy)propane dihydrochloride, 8(yield40%); (iii)¯ nally,compounds 4a,4b were obtained from the reaction of compound 8with 4-cyano-2,6-dinitrochlorobenzene, 9a,or with 2,4,6-trinitrochlorobenzene (picryl chloride) 9b (yields88.5% and 72%,re- spectively).

Fig. 1 Synthesis ofcompounds 4a,b

The structures of the new 4a,b compounds were con¯rmed by 1H- and 13C- NMR (Table1), elementalanalysis, and their physico-chemicalproperties.

Comp. 1H-NMR 13C-NMR

4a 11.30(b, N-H, deuterable); 138.50(C-1); 136.18(C-2-6); 8.67(s, 2H, H-3-5); 133.82(C-3 or C-5); 3.88(t, 4H, H- ¬ , 6.6); 133.71(C-5 or C-3); 116.31(C-4); 1.93(quintet, 2H, H- ­ , 6.6). 99.02(CN); 72.72(C- ¬ ); 25.40 (C- ­ ). 4b 11.30(b, N-H, deuterable); 139.24(C-1);134.58 (C-2-6); 8.81(s, 2H, H-3-5); 133.46(C-4); 125.49(C-3-5); 3.94(t, 4H, H- ¬ , 6.7); 72.77 (C- ¬ ); 25.75 (C- ­ ). 1.74(quintet, 2H, H- ­ , 6.7). 7 7.84(b, 4H, H-3-6); 163.41(CO);134.80 (C-3-6); 4.36(t, 4H, H- ¬ , 5.2); 128.60(C-1-2); 123.25(C-4-5); 2.09(quintet, 2H, H- ­ , 5.2). 74.42 (C- ¬ ); 27.11 (C- ­ ). 8 11.40(s, N-H, deuterable); 70.73 (C- ¬ ); 26.03 (C- ­ ). 4.08(t, 4H, H- ¬ , 5.4); 1.93(quintet, 2H, H- ­ , 5.4).

Table 1 NMR spectraof compounds4a,b, 7 and8 inDMSO-d 6: ¯ values,ppm; J (Hz) 56 A.T.Balaban et al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 1(2003)53{64

2.2 Propertiesof compounds 4a, 4b

(a) Electronic absorption spectra Electronic absorption maximaof the new compounds 4a,b are presented inTables2 and 3.

Compound: 4a 4b

Solvent, ET (30)¤ ¶ max nm, (log ") ¶ max nm, (log ")

CH2Cl2 (41.1) 398 (3.48) 338 (4.33) (42. 2) 573 (2.94) 450 (3.79)

DMSO-d6(45.0) 400(3.96) and579 (3.72) 384(3.96) and498 (4.00)

H3COH (55.5) 396(2.72) and570 (2.95) 356(4.29) and460 (4.31)

Table 2 UV-VIS spectraof compounds4a,b; ¤ Dimroth-Reichardtparameters [13]

The UV-Visspectra (Table2) provide the evidenceof the in°uence of polarity measured by the Dimroth-Reichardt parameters [13];a slight bathocromic

shift isobserved as the E T (30) valueincreases (positive solvatochromic e®ect). The caseof isan exceptionbecause it isa protic solvent. The electronicspectra of the anions of compounds 4a,b are presented in Ta- ble3; these larger shifts account for the blue colorof the anion of compound 4a

(¶ max =580 nm) and the red colorfor that ofcompound 4b ( ¶ max = 530 nm).

Compound ¶ max, nm, (log ") Color

4a 416(3.52) and580 (3.74) blue 4b 384(3.52) and530 (3.74) red

Table 3 Visibleabsorption spectra of the anionsof compounds4a,b* *InDMSO +KOH (the molarratio compound : KOH =1: 2)

The electronicspectra of the new compounds 4a,b (Table3) are similarto those of their analogs 1a,b (Table4) [2,14].Some di®erences exist between the anion of compound 4b (table 4)and the anion of compound 1b(Table4). (b) Acidity Our previous papers [1,2]showed that compounds of type 1exhibit acidiccharacter- isticsdepending on the nature and the position of the substituents [2].Among the compounds 1previouslystudied [1,2],the compounds two nitro groups and one car- boxygroup were the onlyones with two ionizableprotons due to the COOHgroup

(pKa1)and to the NH-OMegroup (pK a2).The compounds 4a,b were synthesized in order to investigatea di®erent kind of bis-acidicspecies due to the two NH-OR

groups contained in the molecule.T able6 shows the pK a values(determined by A.T.Balaban et al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 1(2003)53{64 57

Comp. Neutral compound Anion

a b;c b;c ¶ max,nm (log ") ¶ max,nm (log ") Color 1a 270(4.27); 399(3.56) 400(3.94); 583(3.73) blue 1b 333(4.32); 402(shoulder) 462(4.21); 600(shoulder) red

Table 4 Electronicabsorption maxima of compounds1a,b and their anions [2,14]. a In ; b indichloromethane as supramolecular complex with the crownether 18-crown-6 and KOH for1a [2]; c inmethanol-water with NaOH (1: 1,v/ v) molarratio 1 :1compound: NaOH [14].

potentiometric titration) of compounds 4a,b and 1a,b [1,2].

Comp. pKa Comp. pKa1 pKa2

1a 7.54 4a 5.05 8.55 1b 5.00 4b 4.00 8.21

Table 5 The pKavaluesof compounds4a,b and 1a,b

The data from Table5 show that indeed compounds 4a,b exhibit two ionization steps, di®ering by 3-4 orders of magnitude. The higher acidityof compounds 4 relativelyto compounds 1maybe due to asupplementary intramolecular bonding between an oxygenatom and an NHgroup from the bis(aminooxypropane) group, thus depressing the electron density around that .The lower acidityof a-type compounds relativelyto b-type compounds isdue to the CNgroup from the

para position, which has alower electron-withdrawing e®ect than the NO 2 group. Takinginto account the colors of these anions that facilitatethe visualizationof the acid-base reaction (similarlyto compounds oftype 1) [15],the new compounds 4can beused analyticallyfor the extraction of alkalinecations or amino acidsin the presence ofacrown ether [16]. (c) and hydrophobicity Compounds 4a,b havelow solubilityin water. Compound 4a isalso less soluble in most organic ,whereas compound 4b ishighly soluble in organic solvents. This leadsto aslight di®erence from compound 1a which isless soluble in water

but highly soluble in organic solvents [1,2].The retention factors R f ofcompounds 4a,b and 1a,b in aliquid/liquidsystem depend onthe acidityof the aqueous phase. Table6 shows the results obtained using reversephase thin layerchromatographs

(RPTLC). There isa linearcorrelation between logR f and the pH of the aqueous phase, asindicated by the correlation coe±cient ( r 0.90) for the equation indicated ¶ under Table6. As the concentration of the acidicphase decreases,the compounds willbegin to be found as the corresponding anions that are soluble in aqueous phase, therefore

the Rf valueswill increase. A supplementary argument isthat at hydrochloric acid 58 A.T.Balaban et al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 1(2003)53{64

Comp. 1M0.1M 0.01M 0.001M 0.0001M r #

1a 0.480.48 0.50 0.60 0.61 0.90 1b 0.300.31 0.54 0.73 0.77 0.95 4a 0.300.34 0.34 0.45 0.47 0.95 4b 0.160.17 0.20 0.68 0.73 0.91

Table 6 Rf valuesof compounds1a,b and 4a, b atv ariousacidities ¤ ¤ RPTLC platesMerck RP-18F 254s; mobilephases / hydrochloricaqueous acid (1M.. .0001M)1/ 1v/v; # r meanscorrelation coe¯ cient from the equationlog R f = a + b log C, where C isthe concen- trationof the acidfrom the aqueousphase.

concentrations in the range 0.01- 0.0001M, allcompounds moveas colored spots (blue for 1aand 4a,and red for 1band 4b, corresponding to their anions). Forthis reason, within the pairs 1a,b and 4a,b,the compounds 1b and 4b with higher acidity

havehigher R f valueswhen the acidityof the aqueous phase islower (Table6). The use of RPTLC for the measurement of hydrophobicity isbased on the rela-

tionship [17,18]:R M = RM 0+ bC, where RM = log (1/Rf {1); RM0 is the RM value

extrapolated for zeroorganic solvent in the mobilephase and b isthe decreaseof R M for 1% volumeof organic component in mobilephase and Cismolar hydrochloric acidconcentration. It isalso well known that the measurement of hydrophobicity of ionizablecom- pounds impliesexperimental conditions in which the compounds should be main- tained in the non-ionized form [19,20].F or this reason, in order to evaluatewith accuracythe hydrophobicity ofcompounds 1a,b and 4a,b we havechosen the value of 1Mfor the concentration of the hydrochloric acid,keeping thus these compounds in the non-ionized form. Table7 shows the results.

Comp. RM 0 b r log P¤

1a 1.108-0.0214 0.96 -0.25 1b 1.662-0.0259 0.95 -0.02 4a 1.675-0.0265 0.95 0.74 4b 2.222-0.0314 0.91 1.2

Table 7 RM0, b and rvaluesobtained for 1a,b and 4a, b* *Hanschhydrophobicity parameter calculated by fragmentmethod [19]

From the data shown in Table7 one can noticethat the hydrophobicity R M Ois

dependent on the para-substituents (NO 2 > CN), increasing further for the com- pounds of type 4,due to the presence of the bis(aminooxypropane) moiety.The r valuesshow afair correlation (correlation coe±cient 0.886)of the experimentaldata,

and the RM 0 values¯ twith logP valuescalculated by fragment method [19].T ak- A.T.Balaban et al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 1(2003)53{64 59

ing into account the acidicand hydrophobic properties of compounds 4a,b we can assume that there existpossible applications of these compounds as indicators for non-aqueous media,similarly with compounds 1[1,2]. (d) Reactionswith oxidizingspecies: Reactionwith DPPH Compounds 4a,b react with DPPH leading to the samebetainic compounds ascom- pounds 1a,b,namely 1-picryl-2-phenyl-2-(4-cyano-2,6-dini trophenyl)-diazenium be- taine 2a (R=CN)and 1-picryl-2-phenyl-2-( para-picramidophenyl)-diazenium be-

taine 2b (R=NO 2)(Fig.2). In both cases,alkoxy groups are eliminatedafter the N-alkoxy-arylaminofree radical (intermediately formed when amoleculeof DPPH had abstracted ahydrogen atom from 4) attacked the para-position of aphenyl group in asecond moleculeof DPPH. 1;9;10

Fig. 2 Formationof betainiccompounds 2a,b and the correspondinghydrazines 3a,b

Our previous papers [9,10]showed that the betainic compounds 2a,b can be re- duced reversiblyto the corresponding hydrazines 3a,b.The identity of compounds 2a,b and 3a,b was con¯rmed by TLCand NMRby comparison with authentic sam- ples. Attempted reaction with other oxidizingspecies The stability of N-aryl-N-alkoxyaminylsthat can be obtained from compounds 1is due to the `push-pull [21- 23],merocyaninic [24], or capto-dative e®ect [25 - 27]. Unexpectedly,no stable free radicals could be detected by ESR spectroscopy in the reaction of compounds 4a,b with severaloxidizing species in solid state suspended

in dichloromethane: Ag 2O, PbO2, KMnO4 or Pb(OAc)4.TLCAnalysisshows the presence of severalspots, as in strongly oxidativereactions; the number of these spots decreasesin the order: Pb(OAc) >> Ag O PbO > KMnO . The more 4 2 ¶ 2 4 powerful oxidativee® ect of Pb(OAc) 4 probably isdue to its solubilityin the reac- tion mixture, whereas the other oxidants are insoluble.On the other hand, through TLC one can noticea higher stability of compounds 1a,b (appreciated through the number ofdetected spots). Apossible explanation for this di®erence of compounds 4from 1isthat compounds 4mayundergo intramolecular cyclizationwith for- mation of an N-Nbond, similarlyto the synthesis of 1,4,2,3-dioxadiazinesfrom 1,2-bis(aminooxy) derivatives[28]. 60 A.T.Balaban et al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 1(2003)53{64


New analogs 4a,b ofcompounds 1a,b were synthesized. In comparison with compounds 1a,b studied previously,the new compounds 4a,b haveslightly di® erent electronicab- sorption maxima,hydrophobicity and acidicproperties; no stable radicals generated by oxidation of the new compounds could be detected by ESR. However,both classesof compounds a®ord the samebetainic compounds 2a,b and their corresponding hydrazinic reduction products 3a,b in the reaction with DPPH. Plausible explanations for these di®erences have been provided.


UV-VIS Spectra were recorded using aspectrophotometer Specord M-400 Carl Zeiss Jena; 1H-and 13C-NMRspectra were recorded on aVarian Gemini300 MHzinstrument; internal TMS was used as reference.Potentiometric titrations were performed with an MVDigital pH-meter. Solvents were commercialgrade with analyticalpurity . Compounds 1a,b,2a,b and 3a,b were synthesized previously[1,4,9,10]. N-Hydroxyphthalimide (5) and 1,3-dibromopropane (6) were Merckproducts. 4-Cyano- 2,6-dinitrochlorobenzene (9a) was aLancaster product, and 2,4,6-trinitrochlorobenzene (9b) was prepared by the known method [29].The pre-coated plates were from Merck. The other reagents used were high grade commercialchemicals.

4.1 Synthesisof compounds 4a,b. General procedure.

The procedure involvesthree steps, 5 7 8 4a,b,as follows: ! ! ! 4.1.11,3-Bis(phthalimidooxy)propane, 7

Compounds 5and 6(molar ratio 5:6 =3:1)were dissolvedin dimethylformamide (7 mL of solvent/gmixture ofcompounds 5+6)and triethylamine was added (1 mL/gmixture of compounds 5+6). The mixture was heated at60ºfor 5days.The reaction mixture was then ¯ltered through aglass ¯lter,and the precipitate was washed with 10% aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate tillthe ¯ltrate was colorless.Then the precipitate was washed with 10% aqueous hydrochloric acidtill the ¯ltrate becameacidic (pH 2) and with ¹ distilledwater tilla neutral pH was reached. The precipitate was dried in adessicator with calciumchloride, yielding compound 7(yield79%, m.p.= 175º ).

Elemental analysis:Calc. for C 22H14N2O6:C,65.57;H, 3.50;N, 6.96%. Found: C,65.52;H, 3.61;N, 7.00%.

4.1.21,3-Bis(aminooxy)propane dihydrochloride, 8

Compound 7was suspended in amixture (7.5/15v/v) of ethanol and 37% hydrochloric acid(22.5 mL/gof 7) and re°uxed for 5days.After cooling,the mixture was alkalinized at pH 8with sodium hydrogen carbonate and the resulting solution was extracted with ¹ A.T.Balaban et al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 1(2003)53{64 61 dichloromethane. The extract was treated with dry gaseous ,yielding 8ascrystals (yield40%, m.p. 165-168º ).

Elemental analysis:Calc. for C 3H12Cl2N2O2:C,20.12;H, 6.75;Cl, 39.60 N, 15.65% Found: C,20.46;H, 7.05;Cl, 39.81; N, 15.51%.

4.1.31,3-Bis(4-cyano-2,6-dinitrophenyloxy)propane (4a) and 1,3-bis(picramidooxy)propane (4b)

Asolution of compounds 9a,b and 8in ethanol was re°uxed under stirring for 24h in the presence of solid sodium hydrogen carbonate (molar ratio between 9,8 and NaHCO =2:1:10). Aqueous hydrochloric acid(10%) was then added tillpH 1. 3 ¹ In the caseof compound 4a,a precipitate was obtained, which was puri¯ed by dissolving in warm acetone,cooling to 5º, ¯ltering on aglass ¯lter and then washing with cold acetone.Pure 1,3-bis(picramidooxy)propane (4a) was obtained as yellowpowder, as at- tested by TLC (silicagel GF 254 Merck,dichloromethane three times,or twice) with yield37% and m.p.187.5º . For 4b, which does not precipitate after the addition of HCl,the acidicsolution was extracted with dichloromethane, dried overanhydrous sodium sulfate, and concentrated in arotavapor under vacuum. Compound 4b resulted as yellowpowder, yield48% and m.p.136º .

Elemental analysis:Calc. for 4a,C 17H12N8O10:C,41.81;H, 2.47;N, 22.94% Found: C,41.68;H, 2.55;N, 22.80%.

Calc.for 4b, C 15H12N8O14:C,33.28;H, 2.21;N, 20.53. Found: C,33.50;H, 2.15;N, 20.33%.

4.2 The pKa values ofcompounds 4a,b

These valueswere determined by potentiometry in MeOH:water 1:1v/ vby titration with asolution of potassium hydroxide (in MeOH:water 1:1v.v); a correction of 0.65pH units was applied due to the mixture of solvents.V alues are presented inTable5.

4.3 The hydrophobicityof compounds 4a,b

The hydrophobicity was determined by using RPTLC plates MerckRP-18 F 254s with the mobilephase amixture ofethanol-aqueous hydrochloric acid1 M.The results are shown in Tables6 and 7.

4.4 Synthesisof thecompounds 2a,b and 3a,b

The betainic compounds 2a,b were obtained in dichloromethane from the reaction of4a,b with DPPH, asdescribed previously[1,9,10] for aratio of compound 2:DPPH =1:2.The corresponding hydrazines 3a,b were obtained by the reduction of2a,b indichloromethane with solidascorbic acid[1,9,10]. The identity of compounds 2a,b and 3a,b was established by TLCstandards and by NMR. 62 A.T.Balaban et al. / CentralEuropean Journal of Chemistry 1(2003)53{64

4.5 Attemptedoxidation of compounds 4a,b

Compounds 4a,b dissolvedin dichloromethane or benzenewere stirred with solid Ag 2O, PbO2, KMnO4 or Pb(CH3COO)4.The reaction mixtures were monitored by ESR as soon as possible,and then from timeto time;no ESR signals could be observed. Time monitoring (1h, 2hand 24h) of the processes by TLC (silicagel GF 254,dichloromethane) evidencedadvanced oxidativeprocesses, dependent on the oxidant used. Similar oxidative reactions were performed for compounds 1a,b,when free radicals were evidencedby ESR, and TLC (in the sameconditions) showed ahigher resistance against oxidants, as mentioned above.


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