TERM 1 NO 1 Wednesday 1 February 2017

Winifred West Schools Limited . ABN 14 000 025 0267 PO Box 34 NSW 2575 . Phone: +61 2 4860 2000 . [email protected]

Welcome to the new School year! With the support of staff and students, our focus this week has been on welcoming new students on all three campuses and resuming full teaching, boarding and extra activity operation. Sturt’s School for Wood course is fully subscribed and their term commenced on Monday 30 January. Frensham’s 80 new students were the next to arrive and by late Monday evening our 252 boarders were ‘in residence’. On Tuesday 31 January, Gib Gate and Frensham students were in class and our youngest students (three year-old pre-schoolers) arrived for their first formal experience of a school day at Gib Gate.

Excellence in Teaching and Learning Key elements of our preparation for the new school year include refurbishment and upgrade of our facilities and intensive review of strategic plans. For all teachers, the Professional Learning programmes scheduled for the final week of the vacation provided an excellent forum for confirming core goals and setting priorities for our offering and approach. WWS Director of Teaching and Learning, Ms Chauncy, responsible for facilitation of the PL plan (summarised in this Newsletter), also provided a prescribed text by senior research associate at Harvard Project Zero, Ron Ritchhart: Creating Cultures of Thinking – The 8 Forces we Must Master to Truly Transform our Schools – and our first assignment was to read the first chapters: (i) The Purpose and Promise of Schools and (ii) Expectations. To assist with thinking about what makes a quality education, Ritchhart poses the question: What do you want the children you teach to be like as adults? Aligned to our Strategic Goals for Achievement of Academic Excellence, we will be exploring how well we inspire and nurture what Ritchhart describes as five belief sets which facilitate a culture of thinking: - Focusing students on the learning vs the work - Teaching for understanding vs knowledge - Encouraging deep vs surface learning strategies - Promoting independence vs dependence - Developing a growth vs a fixed mindset

Looking back – to look forward Also celebrated this week were the tertiary entry achievements of Year 12, 2016. In summary: - every member of the 55-strong cohort was offered a tertiary place before the end of January, many also via portfolio, interview or Early Entry - within the course options, we note at least 43 different tertiary courses

The following listing indicates the latest information we have from the University Admissions Centre (UAC) or from girls who have confirmed offers accepted. The range of courses reflects the diversity of interests and skills within the cohort, and the purposeful efforts girls made to investigate options they believe will facilitate achievement of their career aspirations: Architecture, Agriculture, Arts, Business, Commerce, Communications, Design, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Forensic Studies, Health Science, International and Global Studies, Psychology, Law, Medical Science, Nursing, Science, Occupational Therapy, Veterinary Science....all are represented in the course list below.

B Agriculture and Resource B Communication (Social, Political B Event and Tourism Management Economics Science)/ B Arts in International B Fine Arts (Hons) B Agriculture/B Business Studies B Forensic Studies / B Laws B Agriculture/B Laws B Communication and Media Studies B Health Science B Applied Science (Occupational B Science B International and Global Studies Therapy) B Communication (Media Arts and B Media and Communications B Architectural Studies Production) B Midwifery B Arts in Architecture B Communication (Digital and Social B Nursing B Arts Media) B Occupational Therapy B Arts (Psychology) B Creative Industries B Pre-Medical Science and Health B Advanced Science (Hons)/B B Design (Hons) B Science Engineering (Hons) B Design in Architecture B Science (Wildlife and B Business B Design in Architecture (Hons)/ M Conservation Biology) B Business (Marketing) Architecture B Social Work B Commerce B Design Computing B Sports and Exercise Flexible Double B Arts, Social B Design (Hons) B Media (Public Management/ B Arts in Science, Business and Science Relations and Advertising) International Studies B Communication and Media/B B Economics and Finance B Veterinary Biology / B Veterinary Commerce B Education – The Early Years Science B Education – Primary Education


The 2017 ARTEXPRESS Exhibition opened for general viewing at the Art Gallery of NSW on 26 January, and opened formally on 1 February. Featured in this exhibition is Willa Robinson’s HSC Body of Work (HSC 2016) titled And you call us lazy, comprising six paintings and 12 etchings. At the opening, it was announced that Willa was the recipient of the 2017 S & S Creativity Unlimited Award, one of several awards recognising artistic excellence as part of ARTEXPRESS. We congratulate Willa on this further recognition of her outstanding artistic abilities. To view Willa’s work online: https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/insideartexpress/2017/willa_robinson/

Acknowledgement to: ƒ Iris recipients, Paige Wilson (Athletics) and Sophie Booth (Service) and Girdle recipient Olivia Barton (Equestrian); ƒ Ruby Mowle Scholarship recipient Susan Chen and inaugural Roma Dix Scholarship for Musicianship recipient Georgia Richardson; ƒ Charlotte Bernays (Year 12) awarded an AMEB Certificate of Performance in Singing as a Year 11 student (2016), rarely achieved by a student of her age; ƒ Year 9, 2016 on their outstanding Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives results received this week, including Annabelle Hickson, who achieved 100/100 in this challenging International Examination (Results to follow); ƒ Duke of Edinburgh’s Award recipients: Recent Duke of Edinburgh’s Award recipients: Bronze: Isabella Allen, Mia Coupland, Kate Crawford, Kora Fripp, Isabella Gale, Rebecca Glanville, Georgina Guilfoyle, Joanna Hicks, Amelia Hickson, Annabelle Hickson, Gina Macken, Miranda McGufficke, Isobel McLean, Francesca Milner, Phoebe O’Connell, Chelsea Pernice, Ella Pernice, Zoe Renowden, Georgina Ridge, Sophie Robertson, Isabella Ross, Olivia Salkeld, India Shead, Olivia Swires, Harriet Taylor, Bardie Thompson, Georgie Tooth, Augusta Wyrzykowski. Silver: Ruby Cleary, Jessica Latimer, April Stokman. ƒ Prefects for Year Groups – announced at Final Prayers Year 7: Ellie Fox, Skyla Harris, Annabel White Year 8: Sophie Booth, Annabel Munro Year 9: Ellie Arnott, Emily Ives, Matilda Martin Year 10: Olivia Hart, Madison Moore, Susannah Watson Year 11: Emily Cooke, Chloe McCrabb Year 12: Natasha Long (Vice Head Girl), Mia Withers (Head Girl)

ƒ Heads of House – appointed for Term 1 Hartfield: Isabella Gale, Pippa Hanan, Alexandra Hill Kennedy: Lucy Hayes, Sophie Robertson, India Shead Linden Turner: Elvira Berzins, Adelaide Darvall, Harriet Taylor Linden Turner: Olivia Ablett, Ruby Kennett, Gabrielle Steiner Bryant McCarthy: Alice Battcock, Caroline Gotterson, Ella Pratt Bryant McCarthy – appointed for the year: Thea Horsley, Sophie MacDiarmid, Annabel Munro

BYOD programme for Gib Gate Year 6 – from Ms Sally Robson This week WWS IT Manager Mr Gary Palmer worked alongside Year 6 teacher Ms Katie Horan to connect student IT devices to the School network, to commence the Year 6 ‘bring-your-own-device’ programme. We believe we have a responsibility to teach students how to manage and use technology effectively, to facilitate greater personalisation of the learning experience, increased ownership of the learning experience, and improved access to information and resources. In summary: Why BYOD? ƒ Enables STEAMm/STEM programme to be embedded into all aspects of the curriculum ƒ Facilitates teaching of implicit digital management skills ƒ Offers greater flexibility for delivery of information in all curriculum areas ƒ Supports innovative teaching and learning ƒ Allows for the use of a Learning Management System (LMS) to support classroom learning ƒ Provides more opportunities for parents to access and support students’ learning and work in way not facilitated by bookwork.

First Weekend of Term This weekend at Frensham we look forward to a fully scheduled programme for all year groups, including recreation, studies, whole-year group and whole-School activities. Senior students are responsible for support or leadership of various sessions, with professional providers, teachers and House Staff, in addition to having time for independent access to facilities to pursue their particular interests and personal studies. It is a delight to be on campus with such positive, energetic students! Please see details published on Schoolbox.

Julie A Gillick Head of Frensham Head of Winifred West Schools


Frensham Advisory Committee 2016 Gib Gate Advisory Committee 2016 Mrs Caroline Begg [email protected] Dr Guy Bashford (Chair) guy.bashford@ Ms Ruby Curtis [email protected] sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au Mrs Penny Hanan [email protected] Mrs Rowena Bendror [email protected] Mr John Hayes (Chair) [email protected] Mrs Holly de Manincor [email protected] Mrs Kiki Hill [email protected] Mrs Chelsea Doyle [email protected] Mrs Erica Holcombe [email protected] Mr David Griffin [email protected] Mrs miChelle McGufficke [email protected] Mrs Kate Iori [email protected] Mrs Angela Macken (Sec) [email protected] Mr Trent Johns [email protected] Mr Gavin Martin [email protected] Mrs Sara Moylan [email protected] Mr Sam Paradice [email protected] Mrs Nicola Robertson [email protected]. au Mrs Tina Scales [email protected] Mrs Jo Thomson-Hill [email protected]

TERM DATES 2017 – Gib Gate and Frensham

Term 1 Term 3 Gib Gate & Frensham Gib Gate & Frensham Tuesday 31 January-Thursday 6 April, 3.00pm Tuesday 18 July-Thursday 21 September, 3.00pm (Boarders always return evening before classes start) Term 2 Frensham Gib Gate & Frensham (Year 12 Dinner with Parents and Staff is evening of Wednesday 26 April-Thursday 22 June, 3.00pm Thursday 21 September) (Boarders always return evening before classes start) (Year 10 Work Experience ends Friday 23 June) Term 4 Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend: Monday 12 June; Gib Gate: Tuesday 10 October-Friday 8 December, Frensham departs 3.00pm Friday 9 June 3.00pm Frensham: Tuesday 10 October-Sunday 10 December from 12noon (after 11.00am Carol Service) (Boarders always return evening before classes start) 2017 PARENT WEEKENDS – Confirmed dates for attendance of all students Years 7-12

Term 1 Term 3 Year 7 Saturday 4 March-Sunday 5 March Year 11 Saturday 5 August-Sunday 6 August Frensham Open Day – Saturday 4 March [Year 10 Saturday 5 August – Year 10 planning for Senior Studies (with parents on Saturday)] Year 10 Saturday 18 March-Sunday 19 March Year 9 Saturday 26 August-Sunday 27 August Term 2 Year 8 Saturday 13 May-Sunday 14 May Term 3 *Reminder, WWS IRIS COUNTRY FAIR Year 12 Saturday 3 June-Sunday 4 June Saturday 18 November WWS Birthday – Friday 2 June Foundation’s 2017 School community fundraiser* Frensham’s 104th Birthday – Sunday 4 June Ranier Uniform Shop

All fittings for uniforms are by appointment: Mondays and Thursdays 12noon-5.00pm Shop Manager: Mrs Michelle Wynn To order goods, please call the Shop: (02) 4860 2136 [BH] Shop Hours: Mondays and Thursdays: 12.00pm-5.00pm or email: [email protected]


This sheet is dedicated to all the news of the Fair and will be included with each Newsletter. x Jobs vacant Organisation for the Fair is now well underway and we are looking for volunteers to assist in all areas. If anyone can help in planning and managing the various areas, some of which are listed below, please contact Michele (details below) who can also assist with more information if necessary. x Secondhand Equestrian Stall Needs donations of clean pre-loved gear for both horse and rider. x Garden Stall Could all those with green thumbs please start potting-up plants? Pots are available.

We also need donations of pots of any type – plastic or otherwise – and any garden equipment that you think might be useful or saleable. x Trash ‘n’ Treasure Managed by Mrs Buick Please start cleaning out your cupboards and ask friends and family to do the same. We are looking for anything that is saleable and in reasonable condition including clothing and furniture. x The famous Iris Country Fair flannelette pyjamas As part of our offering of handcrafted items at each Fair, these pyjamas are always a favourite with students and adults alike. Parents, Old Girls and friends get together throughout the year to have fun as part of sewing bees to fill the orders. With winter around the corner it is time to start sewing! x Secondhand Books and DVDs Please start saving your old books and DVDs. x Produce We are looking for homemade jams, chutneys and relishes– a hugely popular stall! It is a good time to take advantage of the abundance of summer produce now available and start producing. Donation of jars would be most welcome. x Silent Auction / Raffle We will be holding both a Silent Auction and Raffle so would really appreciate your assistance in sourcing prizes for both. Prizes large and small, ranging from items to experiences and across a wide spectrum of interest!

Re: Storage: Finally, if you are happy to help with any stall and also have some storage space that would be ideal!

For information please contact: Michele Scamps Iris Country Fair Coordinator [email protected] 4860 2100 0407 919 718 For more information on WWS Foundation, please contact: Michele Scamps, +61 2 4860 2000 – [email protected]


2017 will be another exciting year of reunions, milestones and events! Please remember to RSVP for the following Term 1 celebrations: x 60 Years On (1957) Reunion – 4 & 5 March x 20 Years On (1997) Reunion – 4 & 5 March x Frensham Tennis Day Friday 17 March x 50 Years On (1967) Reunion 18 & 19 March For more information contact [email protected]

L-R: 1976 Reunion (Blackheath) Jane Hanbury (Yates), Libby (Elizabeth) Prell, Sally Mackenzie (Thompson), Karen Yeremeyev (Griffin)

Ballet teacher Lucinda Bensoussan (Wilmot, 2007) made international headlines when one of her students, Elinor Hernell [age 13], was offered a six-month traineeship with Russia’s Bolshoi Ballet Academy. It came after Lucinda compiled an audition tape and sent it to the academy in Moscow.

In an interview on ABC TV (which aired on 6 December 2016) Lucinda said, ‘It's very rare, most of the time Russian schools do not take students from outside Russia.

‘She has a nice classical soft look about her which is very Russian.

‘They like classical ballet, predominantly they would perform classical ballet and obviously they liked her technique, she has good technique, good foundation, good skills."

Lucinda is the joint owner of Southern Highlands based Angus and Lucinda's Academie de Dance, which she runs with her brother – Angus Wilmot. Congratulations to Annabelle Chauncy OAM (2003) a winner in the 2016 Impact 25 Awards, announced late last year. This annual campaign is an accolade for inspirational people in 's social sector as voted by their peers. Now in its third year, the awards are managed by Pro Bono Australia. Pro Bono founder, Karen Mahlab AM, says, ‘These people do amazing and often unrecognised work. These influencers provide the building blocks for a resilient community and sustainable change - and its champions should be celebrated”.

Annabelle (pictured with a School for Life student) joins other Impact 25 winners including: Rosie Batty (2015 Australian of the Year), Dr Helen Stoze (CEO Oxfam) and Professor Gillian Triggs (President Human Rights Commission). For a full list of events and Reunions, please visit: www.frensham.nsw.edu.au/community/fellowship


While welcoming students at the start of Term 1, it was wonderful to see the children excitedly greeting new and current classmates. Kindergarten 2017 started the school year smoothly and confidently after participating in the 2016 Kindergarten Orientation programme. Gib Gate’s youngest cohort, at three years of age, thoroughly enjoyed their first day of Preschool, where Mrs Tinna Loker (Preschool Coordinator) and Ms Mary Fitzpatrick provided a warm welcome to the beautiful preschool environment. After an exciting start to the day, there was time to catch up with families at the Welcome Back Coffee Morning for parents in the Library, where it was pleasing to see existing parents welcoming new families.

The work of Senior Colleagues and staff in recent weeks has ensured that an expert teaching and learning team from Preschool to Year 6 will guide the students’ learning experiences. The Gib Gate Preschool to Year 2 Early Years curriculum is built on the latest research in early literacy learning and includes specialist lessons across the curriculum, providing the foundation for the outstanding results the School achieves in literacy in K-2. Across all year groups all individualised programmes are now in full operation with students moving between core, support and extension activities across the timetable.

Year 3 and Year 4 students are looking forward to the Outdoor Education Programme where they will be learning to orienteer, cook outdoors, build an outdoor shelter, abseil and mountain bike. Year 5 students are anticipating their first three- day Outdoor Education Camp and the Year 6 Leaders have already assumed their leadership responsibilities.

I look forward to welcoming parents to upcoming events such as the Year 6 Monitors Presentation Assembly, FOGG Welcome Drinks, Parent Information Evenings, Outdoor Education briefings and the Welcome Dinner for Parents of New Students. All these events are designed to assist parents in finding out more about the school, their child’s class and how parents can support their child at school.

Ms Sally Robson, Head of Gib Gate

Curriculum Highlights 2017 What we are reading…Quality Children’s Literature It is not enough to teach children to read; we have to give them something worth reading. Something that will stretch their imaginations—something that will help them make sense of their own lives and encourage them to reach out toward people whose lives are quite different from their own. Katherine Patterson, children’s author

A major goal at Gib Gate is to develop children’s love of literature and to encourage them to be lifelong readers. Books are carefully chosen for reading experiences from Preschool to Year 6 to ensure that, by the end of their time at Gib Gate, they have enjoyed a plethora of books we believe they ‘should not leave childhood without having read’. In each classroom, every day and in each weekly literature session in our library students learn to express themselves and respond to a variety of texts through discussion and formal and informal written response.

Within the explicitly sequenced PreLit programme, Kindergarten children daily engage with a classic picture book. Over 40 classic titles are selected to develop vocabulary and comprehension skills. Literature is also linked to the children’s learning in the Science unit on Living Things through a collection of ‘Pet’ stories, by authors including Margaret Wild, Bob Graham and Ursula Dubosarsky.

Quality literature in the Year 1 English programme is integrated with Science and Technology and History. In Term 1, a wide variety of texts is read, including; Belonging and Window by J Baker, Our Family by P Rushby, Great Grandma Remembers by J Smith, Shoes from Grandpa by M Fox, Papa and the Olden Days by Ian Edwards, and Me, Oliver Bright by Megan de Kantzow.

Year 2 particularly enjoy their shared reading sessions engaging with quality literature in the ‘Big Book’ format. Term 1 titles feature children’s classics including Hattie and the Fox, The New Butterfly and Owl Babies. In Guided Reading Sessions, children will enjoy The Sheep Pig by Dick King-Smith, Tashi: Lost in the City by Anna Feinberg and The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl.

Shared Reading, Guided Reading, Modelled Reading and Independent Reading are all important components of the English programme. In Years 3 to 6, students participate in Literature Circles, which are specific reading groups. Literature Circle texts are carefully selected from a canon of rich literature by class teachers in collaboration with Teacher Librarian, Mrs Lee Ann Marsh. Novels included in Year 3 include; Charlotte’s Web by E B White, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Stuart Little by E B White and The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynn Reid-Banks. The Shared Reading texts will be Stellaluna by Janell Canon and Verdi by Janell Canon. 7

Some texts for study in Year 4 are selected to build a foundation of knowledge relevant to the students’ History unit, ‘First Contacts’. These include: Tom Appleby Convict Boy, Barney and the Whales and Birrung the Secret Friend by Jackie French, Convicted! by Anna Clark and The Rabbits by John Marsden. Other high quality texts for Year 4 Literature Circle groups are: The Garden of Empress Cassia by Gabrielle Wang, L Torro by Jane Carroll and Samurai Kids by Sandy Fussell.

Throughout Year 5, students will be exposed to a wide range of texts and content, including Australian literature, texts which give insights into Aboriginal experiences in Australia; texts which provide insights about people and cultures in Asia; texts from other countries and times, and texts which include aspects of environmental and social sustainability. For Term 1, students will enjoy reading a range of imaginative texts, including Mark Greenwood’s The Legend of Moondyne Joe and Jackie French’s Dancing with Ben Hall, both of which provide an insight into life in the 1800s. Titles selected for Literature Circle groups include Boy Overboard and Once by Morris Gleitzman, War Horse by Michael Morpurgo, How the Finnegans Save the Ship by Jackie French, Little Brother by Allan Baillie and Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson.

In Year 6, the students’ shared reading experience begins with a preferential voting exercise. As part of learning about democracy and the Australian system of government in the History unit ‘Australia as a Nation,’ students choose texts from a range of ‘short-listed candidates’ selected by Ms Horan. Independent reading novels are drawn from the genre of Australian Historical Fiction, through which Year 6 will gain a deeper understanding of the changing face of Australia though the last 220 years. Narratives set during colonisation, the Gold Rushes, and the Federation of Australia and beyond, encourage students to develop insight into past times and empathy for the people who experienced them. Texts include a variety of novels by Jackie French and Libby Gleeson.

Ms Kate Chauncy, Director of Teaching and Learning, P-12 and Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Programmes

Enrichment/Activities Music Music lessons will commence for continuing students next week and new students will start lessons the following week. Places are available in all instruments if your child is interested in starting this year. Junior Singing sessions and Senior Choir have been held this week and Orchestra rehearsals will commence on Friday at 12.30pm.

Extra-Curricular Activities Extra-Curricular activities commence in Week 3. There are places available in a number of classes. Please contact Mrs Graham if you would like your child to be enrolled .

Years 3 and 4 Outdoor Education Adventure Day These year groups will participate in their OEG Adventure Day on Monday 20 February. We are required to provide updates of medical forms to OEG as an element of risk management for the day. If you have not already done so, could you please assist by returning your child’s medical forms.

Mrs Anne Graham, Gib Gate Coordinator (Administration)

Sport Team Sport The second half of the summer season continues with Basketball, Water Polo and Junior Cricket all resuming this week. Students will shortly be asked to make their selection for winter sports, as these need to be finalised and teams registered by early March.

Swimming The Swimming Development programme at The Centenary Pool for all classes from Kindergarten to Year 6 will take place from Week 1 to Week 4. Kindergarten to Year 2 will continue swimming every Thursday until the end of term. - The Years 3-6 Swimming Carnival will be held at The Centenary Pool on Friday 17 February and all students have nominated the events in which they wish to compete. - The Fun Aquatic Carnival for Kindergarten to Year 2 will be held on Thursday 16 March. - The IPSHA Swimming Carnival at Homebush is on Tuesday 7 March. - The local SHIPS Swimming Carnival is yet to be confirmed. Teams for these two events will be selected following the Gib Gate Carnival. Parents are most welcome to come along and offer support at all the carnivals.

Swimming Squad and Development sessions for all levels are available at The Centenary Pool by contacting Mr Ben Slade on 02 4872 3672.


Cross Country The Cross Country Carnival will be held on Friday 24 March with the IPSHA Carnival at The King’s School, Parramatta being held on Saturday 1 April. The SHIPS Carnival, hosted at Gib Gate, will be held early in Term 2. Cross Country training will commence two mornings a week, commencing in Week 5 this term. Training is open to all children from Year 2 to Year 6. Please refer to the Bulletin for details.

Representative Teams Over the coming weeks, several children from Year 5 and 6 will be invited to trial for IPSHA selection in a range of team sports.

Mr Michael Standen, Co-ordinator of PDHPE and Sport

Preschool (Pre-Kindergarten) We are looking forward to a productive and exciting term where the programme will be directed by the children and their interests. Early childhood learning has been found to be most meaningful when children’s current interests are expanded upon. Through careful observation and collaboration the teaching team extends those interests, incorporating Numeracy, Literacy, Science, Environmental Education and Visual Arts into indoor and outdoor experiences. We also look forward to gaining input from Preschool families into making our programme richer and deeper wherever possible.

The Macquarie University Pre-Lit Phonemic Awareness Programme and the PALS (Social Awareness Programme) are incorporated into learning programmes to take the children’s love of literature and the development of social and emotional skills to new levels of understanding and extension.

Preschool students are fortunate to have specialist teachers to extend the programme each week: Mr Michael Standen (PDHPE/Sport), Mrs Anne Graham (Music) and Mrs Lee Ann Marsh (Library). More details about these programmes and the wider Preschool Programme will be shared at the Preschool Parent Information Morning on 15 February at 9.30am in the Library. We look forward to seeing you at this event.

Mrs Tinna Loker, Preschool Coordinator

FRIENDS OF STURT Denise Sumner (President), Penny Hoskins (Secretary), Ruth Wright (Roster Secretary), Joan Dinning, Bill Dinning, Anne Thomson, Julie Musgrave, Michael Harris, Libby Hobbs

Special News Welcome to 2017 With another new kiln in the Pottery, a refurbished weekly Woodwork Workshop, a full year of 12 students in the Sturt School for Wood, and a diverse programme of exhibitions in Sturt Gallery, 2017 is shaping up to be a big year for Sturt. - Some exciting visiting residents include: Jeff Mincham (Ceramics), B Jane Cowie (Glass) and Isabelle Moore (Furniture). - Weekly classes in ceramics, woodwork, jewellery and textiles are now full for Term 1. If you would like to be involved, please register your interest via our staff in Sturt Gallery so that we can consider establishing new classes if there is sufficient demand.

Professional Artist Passing With deep regret we recognise the passing, in December 2016, of Erika Semler (nee Gretschel). Erika arrived in Australia as a refugee from Germany and was the first professional artist employed at Sturt in 1951 to establish the Weaving Studio.

Amongst other projects, Erika worked with Sydney designer, Marion Hall Best, to make upholstery and curtain fabrics.

Book now for Term classes in 2017 Dates for term classes in 2017 are now on the Sturt website. With a newly refurbished woodwork studio and machine room, we will have increased opportunities for woodworkers to attend classes during the day and evening as well as jewellery/metalwork, weaving and ceramics classes. http://www.sturt.nsw.edu.au/education/term-classes


Sturt School for Wood We offer a warm welcome to students in this year’s Sturt School for Wood programme, pictured below:

Exhibitions Materialise – contemporary craft from our region – continues to 12 February [An exhibition of new work and emerging artists and designers living in the Southern Highlands and Tablelands of NSW, curated by Elizabeth Charles.] This is an exhibition about new work and exceptional artists. It features work in textiles, furniture, jewellery, sculpture, ceramics and mixed media. Artists include: Antonia Throsby – Ceramics, Braidwood, Gwenna Green – Ceramics, Braidwood; Jules Van De Sande – Stone, ; Susan Palmer Ward - Mixed Media/Assemblage, Exeter; Chelsea Lemon – Wood, Canberra/ Sturt; Sharon Peoples – Textiles, Canberra; Jenni Kemarre Martiniello – Glass, Queanbeyan; Dirk Lejuene – Wood, Canberra; Carolyn Sullivan – Textiles, Bundanoon; Ali Beck - Mixed Media, Bowral; Birtie Larsen - Mixed Media, Bowral; Michelle Miller – Jewellery, Exeter

National Contemporary Jewellery Award 2016 – continues to 12 February This exhibition is a biennial Acquisitive Award Exhibition showcasing the best in Australian contemporary jewellery from Griffith Regional Art Gallery.

Alumni – selected graduates of the Sturt School for Wood 1985-2005 - 19 February to 2 April 2017 The Sturt School for Wood was established in 1985 as an intensive training place for aspiring fine furniture makers and designers. Over 30 years later the school has built a national and international reputation offering an unrivalled course taught by some of the best fine furniture makers and teachers working in Australia and overseas. For the first time, this exhibition will invite a selection of graduates from the early years of the School to display their current work and furniture-making philosophy. Artists include: Alex Springall, Blair Ossendryver, Chris Wilford, Geoff Tonkin, Jeff Freeman, John Gallagher, Laura McCusker, Mark Lenny, Nick Statham, Paul Nicholson, Roy Schack, Stuart Faulkner, Stuart Pinkerton and Warwick Wright.

The exhibition will be held during Sturt’s Tools & Techniques Weekend on Sunday 19 February at 11am. The exhibition will be opened by special guest, Linda Nathan, Editor Australian Wood Review.

Events - Tools & Techniques Weekend -Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February 10am to 4pm Sturt’s signature annual woodworking event features displays and sales by Australia’s finest toolmakers and specialist timber suppliers in the historic Sturt School for Wood. Woodwork demonstrations are conducted by leading furniture makers.

- Friends of Sturt Annual General Meeting, Sturt Cottage - Sunday 19 February 2.30pm Consider taking on a role helping Friends of Sturt in its many different activities supporting and fundraising for Sturt.

Full details of all Sturt courses, exhibitions, residency programmes and events can be found on the website www.sturt.nsw.edu.au or to make a booking or enrolment call Sturt Shop on +61 2 4860 2083 or email [email protected]

Mr Mark Viner, Head of Sturt


Deputy Head As expected, the girls have returned to School with a positive attitude and they are well prepared for the year ahead.

The first round of IGSSA Sport for Years 8 to 12 will be on Saturday 11 February. Year 7 will have their first round on Saturday 18 February. Most Extra-Subject and Co-curricular activities will begin on Monday of Week 2.

Timetables for tennis lessons and music lessons are in the process of being finalised as are final lists for Nursing Home visits.

The Equestrian Programme for 2017 is well underway. A large number of students are riding on Monday and Wednesday afternoons at a variety of venues across the Southern Highlands. Starting on 6 February, Frensham will be transporting girls to and from Sutton Farm Equestrian Centre on both Monday and Wednesday afternoons. There are a number of other riding locations that also cater for many Frensham students and we are currently investigating transport options to these locations.

For Outdoor Education Week for girls in Years 7 to 10, OEG will use the information contained in the Frensham Medical Form. These forms should by now have been completed. Asthma Management and Allergy Management Forms are available directly from the Health Centre if they are required.

Equipment lists for Outdoor Education Week are located on Page 50 of the 2017 Frensham Information Book (located on Schoolbox).

Detailed information about the programme for each year group will be included in the next Newsletter, emailed to parents and posted on Schoolbox.

Absence from School As noted on Page 30 of the 2017 Frensham Information book, if a student is absent from school due to illness or injury, an explanatory note must be provided to the school office upon the student’s return. In accordance with our duty of care responsibility, if a student has an unexplained period of absence, we will formally request written confirmation by parents or guardians, re the absence. - Legislation requires that the school keep written documentation of all absences. - All requests for Leave should be made in writing to the Head, well in advance of the event to allow consideration and a written response.

Mr Geoff Marsh, Deputy Head

Boarding News House Staff were delighted to welcome the new boarders to Frensham on the afternoon of Monday 30 January. New students were greeted by Prefects, Heads of House and Shadows who all helped them to feel welcome on this first afternoon of their Frensham journey.

On the first weekend of term, a range of carefully planned and meaningful activities is organised for all year groups.

The Friday night activity will be a dress-up dinner and Just Dance in Clubbe Hall. On Saturday after Sport’s Trials, and all day Sunday, there is a full programme, including a CPR course for Year 11, study sessions for Years 10-12, Centenary Pool and Indoor Games sessions, Craft activities for juniors and a BBQ Dinner and Games Field activities on Saturday night. Tutorials on Study Preparation and Tertiary Pathways, and full access to the Library for supervised Prep, are also provided, to support independent completion of set work.

Involvement by Years 10-12 in supporting the leadership of activities for juniors is also a major component of this first weekend.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Mrs Buick and Mrs Wansey with any queries you may have: [email protected]

Mrs Ros Buick, Director of Planning & Events; Mrs Amanda Wansey, Deputy Head of Boarding


Director of Teaching and Learning Following students’ departure last December, a highlight for all staff was the presentation by Cara Langley AISNSW - Manager: Child Protection Services. The two hour workshop, Creating Safer Independent Schools, was designed to ensure that we are doing all that is necessary to protect the students in our care. It provided an overview of the critical elements for creating a child-safe organisation, and advice about reducing the risk of child protection allegations being made against staff. The programme drew on current research and provided a range of practical strategies and tools to assist us in creating and maintaining a culture of safety.

During the January vacation, Erin Gray (Acting Head of Sport, Teacher of PDHPE 7-12) and Leonie Harris (Coordinator of Farm Management and Agriculture) attended significant Professional Learning conferences. Miss Gray attended the two-day ACHPER (Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation) International Conference in Canberra, where internationally and nationally recognised experts in their fields gave keynote addresses on child and adolescent contemporary health and wellbeing issues. Mrs Harris attended the five-day residential NSW Agriculture Teachers Association Biennial Conference, Farming on the Fringe. Based at Sydney Olympic Park and travelling to the outer areas of Sydney, this conference showcased innovative farming practices. Workshops and presentations on Literacy & Numeracy in Agriculture, eSTEM in action, Meat Science, drones and new technologies as well as Animals in Schools were of particular interest for teaching and learning at Frensham.

WWS Executive and Senior staff worked in a variety of planning and discussion sessions during the week prior to students’ return, including a specialised session on new software management systems for our schools. The New Staff Induction Programme conducted over two days provided the opportunity to meet, welcome and assist new colleagues who have joined WWS in senior teaching and class teaching positions P-12 for the commencement of Term 1, 2017.

On Friday 27 and Monday 30 January all staff engaged in various presentations and workshops. Plenary sessions on Child Protection, Strategic Planning and Major Projects 2017 were delivered by Head of WWS, Ms Julie Gillick. Sessions were also presented by senior staff including Mark Viner: Sturt Summer School Success, Cherylynne Williams: Tertiary Pathways chosen by students of Year 12, 2017, Tristan Burg: Innovative Teaching & Learning Projects for 2017, Geoff Marsh: ICT Development and Infrastructure and Kate Chauncy: Professional Learning Goals for 2017: Creating a Culture of Thinking at Winifred West Schools.

Ms Kate Chauncy, Director of Teaching and Learning, P-12 and Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Programmes

Director of Studies Students in Years 7-10 are settling into the routines of school life. Study practices that are established or reinforced in Prep will enhance classwork and promote effective strategies for long-term learning. In Years 10-12, students complete Prep in the Houses, while in Years 8 and 9, Prep is conducted at specific venues for each year group in school classrooms. Year 7 students use the Library for Prep.

Prep at Frensham can take several different forms: ƒ review and confirmation of the day’s class work ƒ short term reading and exercises to help students prepare for their next class ƒ long-term assignments and the research that goes with them ƒ regular, ongoing revision and practice which help to consolidate knowledge and skills in students’ long-term memory ƒ specific revision of knowledge and skills for a special task

Prep is an important part of each student’s overall learning programme. It is set to help students move forward in meeting learning outcomes and is always integrated with classroom learning. In his recent book entitle Deep Work, Cal Newport refers to high quality work as a function of time spent and intensity of focus. In order to learn effectively, intense concentration is required. Prep is a form of deliberate practice where attention can be focused on the skill requiring improvement or an idea/concept trying to be mastered. Newport emphasizes that this ability to work for extended periods with full concentration on a task (without distraction), critical in optimising performance. During supervised Prep, students will be supported to maintain focus and be encouraged to develop independent study habits.

Year 11 students have commenced the three terms of their Preliminary HSC courses, following which the girls confirm their Year 12 subject choices. As part of their introduction to senior studies, Year 11 students will attend a meeting in the coming weeks to discuss approaches to study, including expected study targets and Prep responsibilities, organisational skills and assessment procedures. Much of this information is available in the Senior Studies Information Booklet which was provided to students and parents in Term 3, 2016. ͒Completion of an online programme, HSC: All My Own Work, is a requirement of the NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA, formerly BOSTES) before Year 11 can be enrolled as Preliminary course


candidates. The programme is designed to assist HSC students to follow the principles and practices of good scholarship and includes understanding and valuing ethical practices when locating and using information as part of their HSC studies. Students will complete this programme during Outdoor Education Week.

Year 12 students have returned to school with a sense of purpose, settling into the routines and the application needed to be successful learners. Feedback on vacation work will advise girls on areas for future review. Term assessment schedules will soon be finalised with many students having commenced their major works in Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Design and Technology, History Extension and English Extension 2. As part of their tertiary orientation, all Year 12 students will participate in an excursion to Wollongong University on Thursday 9 February.

Ms Janene van Gogh, Director of Studies – in Residence

Careers Congratulations Year 12, 2016 on outstanding HSC results. Every student was made an offer for university tertiary studies according to their highest preferences and across a broad range of courses. The information I have thus far, indicates that this cohort has chosen to study at 16 universities across NSW, the ACT, Melbourne and Adelaide. Some have decided to defer the commencement of their studies for 12 months in order to work or take a planned GAP year.

I would be delighted to hear from former students (or their parents) to let me know where they are now and their plans for the future. Please email me: [email protected]

Next week, Year 12 2017 will participate in the annual University of Wollongong Discovery Day Programme where they will be treated as university students for the day. Areas of interest were chosen late last year so that an individualised programme can be organised. Students will attend lectures, tutorials and workshops covering a broad range of subject areas providing valuable insights into tertiary study. In early March, a visit to the campuses of the Australian National University (ANU), University of Canberra (UC), and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) will occur. Students will also be able to experience one of the following venues: National Art Gallery, National Museum, Questacon, National Library.

Year 10 students and their parents are reminded that planning for their Work Experience, 19–23 June, needs to be well underway. Potential work placements should be sourced and applications made well in advance. It is also a good idea to have a backup placement in mind. I have already received advice from some parents about secured placements and will be sending the school’s information package to respective employers during the next vacation period.

Please note: Details of confirmed Work Experience placements are required by the end of this term at the latest so that the necessary paperwork (including insurance cover) can be sent to employers.

Mrs Cherylynne Williams, Careers Adviser

English and Drama Drama Interest in Drama continues to grow either as an elective subject or in one of the School’s three major productions throughout the year. Planning for the Birthday Play has already commenced and students in Years 11-12 will be asked to audition mid- Term 1.

Year 7 students are first introduced to Drama in the classroom during Term 1 as part of the Jamieson Programme, which assists girls to develop the confidence to work collaboratively in a fun and friendly environment. As a class, students will work with their teacher to devise a performance for the Open Day Weekend, on Saturday 4 March.

Year 12 students have returned refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges ahead and are well on their way to a successful year. In the first week of term, students in the HSC Drama course presented work for their Individual Projects which include Performance Monologues and Set Design. Throughout the process, students will be assisted by Ms Shannon and Mrs Hannah during scheduled mentoring sessions.

On Saturday 4 February, students from Years 11-12 Drama will be attending a production of Jasper Jones at the Belvoir Street Theatre. The production is based on the novel by Craig Silvey which has been adapted for the stage by Kate Mulvany. The play is a warming coming-of-age story wrapped in a mystery, Jasper Jones recalls a long, simmering summer in which friendships are tested and illusions are lost.


On Monday 6 February, students from Years 11-12 Drama will attend a workshop and OnStage to assist them with the preparation for the practical components of the Higher School Certificate Drama course. In this Drama workshop, students in Year 11 will focus on playbuilding and Year 12 students will focus on developing and refining their acting skills for the Individual Performance. In the afternoon, students will attend OnStage at the Seymour Centre; a collection of exemplary performances and projects of the HSC cohort from 2016.

Mrs Sally Hannah, Senior Teacher

English She gave us full attention, she sought and fixed upon whatever flicker of promise she could detect in our generally dreadful offerings, and she offered her comments with a kind of humility and tact that seemed to belong to another time or place…As a teacher, she had the kind of humility that allowed her to stand aside… She looked for what you were trying to do not just what you’d failed to do... She offered respect… Tim Winton (1960–) multi-award winning Australian author

The beginning of a new school year is a time of anticipation and reflection as students return to familiar and new faces among the English staff. While in future years they may not all have such a clear recollection of their teachers as author Tim Winton expresses in the opening quote, our aim is to be remembered positively as teachers who assist the girls to embrace their learning experiences with industry and enthusiasm.

Year 12 students have returned to the classroom confidently prepared for their final year of HSC study. With approaching assessment tasks in Advanced, Standard, Extension 1 and Extension 2 English, the girls may view their work schedule to be a little challenging. However, with consistent application, good organisation and a positive outlook – that is, plenty of grit and good humour – they will find that their commitments can be met with ease.

This term, Year 12 Advanced and Standard English classes will be studying Module A. For Advanced students, this is a comparative study of texts and contexts. The girls explore intertextual connections between Mrs Dalloway, a novel by Virginia Woolf, and The Hours, a film directed by Michael Cunningham. Their examination of the two texts’ contextual differences, and how those are conveyed, will involve examining issues such as gender identity; how relationships shape individual character; and the artist’s challenge to represent truth. For Standard English students, Module A, Experience through Language, involves study of The Shoehorn Sonata, a play by John Misto inspired by the Australian Army Nursing experiences during World War II. The module requires a focus on the distinctly visual aspects of the play, which they will compare with related texts of their own choosing.

Year 12 English Extension 1 students continue their study of Romanticism with S T Coleridge’s poetry and Mary Wollstoncraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women. I am looking forward to engaging with English Extension 2 students’ Viva Voce discussions of their major works in two weeks’ time.

Year 11 have commenced their Preliminary English studies, which are an important preparation for the demands of the HSC courses they will undertake from Term 4 this year. This term, they are investigating the power of people, events and ideas as catalysts for change as part of the Area of Study: Change. While exploring change, students are encouraged to expand their views on inner transformation, societal shifts and global revolution. They will apply their enhanced understanding of the broader concept of change to a selection of poems by Australian poet, Gwen Harwood. The Preliminary Extension classes have begun the module, Women Walking on the Wild Side, which involves study of the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and the film Jane Eyre directed by Cary Fukunaga.

The English Department has made an enthusiastic start to 2017 with valued input from highly experienced teachers and the different perspectives and experiences brought by new staff. I look forward to an exciting and productive year as students and teachers work together to achieve the best outcomes possible. News of younger year groups will be the subject of my next newsletter.

Ms Jennie Mickle, Director of English

French To all students starting French at Frensham this year, we say Bienvenue!. Among these girls, there is a mélange of experiences, competencies and expectations relating to French. Some have been learning the language for six or more years already at primary School, while others started officially with us this week. With textbooks, workbooks, websites and our new in- house enrichment booklets at their disposal, the diverse learning needs of each student will be met, and her language acquisition supported and extended, whatever the starting-point. There is definitely an atmosphere of excited anticipation in the Year 7 classrooms at the opportunity to learn this most beautiful of languages.


Similarly, throughout the Year 8 to Year 12 Extension French classes, there is a perceptible frisson of excitement as we welcome Mademoiselle Rosie Chuvand to our staff. Mlle Chuvand is a native speaker originally from New Caledonia. We are delighted to have her linguistic expertise, fresh approach and friendly manner to enrich the faculty and to join with in anticipating a dynamic and enjoyable.

Mme Mary Kidner, Teacher of French

Latin Year 12 Latin students have commenced what is in effect the second term of their HSC study. They are continuing to read Cicero’s Pro Sexto Roscio in which he defends a man accused of parricide. The Year 11 students are looking forward to studying authentic Latin texts this year, beginning with the poetry of Catullus who is most famous for his love poems to his girlfriend Clodia, for whom he used the pseudonym Lesbia - a great compliment as it refers to the island of Lesbos and its most famous inhabitant, the Greek poet, Sappho. Years 9 and 10 students have new workbooks and will continue learning grammar and civilisation. Year 8 will commence their study of Latin in Term 2. An important event this term is the National Latin Examination held in the week commencing 13 March and students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 will be busy practising past papers.

Ms Liz Stephenson and Miss Victoria Akins, Teachers of Latin

Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) All HSIE students have made a positive start to 2017 and are looking forward to the exciting learning opportunities presented by the diverse subjects taught in HSIE.

Seniors are beginning their study with a review of their vacation work in all subjects to ensure that they have had a restful, but productive, vacation. Work in the senior years in HSIE is an intense experience and all HSIE teachers will be working with students to ensure that they not only understand the content in a way that is meaningful to them, but are fully prepared for their final examinations, through developing examination skills and techniques that are relevant to each subject.

Year 10 Australian Studies and Year 8 World Studies are beginning their study of HSIE with Geography while Year 9 Australian Studies and Year 7 World Studies are commencing with History. Students will be engaging with a broad range of topics this semester in History and Geography, ranging from Ancient Egypt in Year 7 History to Wetlands in Year 10 Geography. This year, teachers will be focusing on developing skills of source analysis and writing to prepare students for study in the senior years. The great benefit of studying HSIE subjects is that all the skills learned in their classes are transferrable to all other subjects across the curriculum.

Years 9 and 10 Elective History classes have commenced an exciting year, which incorporates a range of Ancient, Modern and thematic studies of events and personalities through History. Students will also be focusing on the development of historical skills in preparation for the senior study of History.

This year, HSIE subjects will be participating in a range of meaningful learning experiences outside the classroom. These include field trips to tidal wetlands to study ecosystems and an experience at the RBA to examine financial systems. Additionally, Vietnam veterans will visit classes to discuss their experiences first-hand.

Mr Stephen Clarke, Head of HSIE

Jamieson Programme The Jamieson Programme began with Jamieson Weekends in 1986 when some of the bequest of Hilda Jamieson was used to buy camping equipment for Frensham. It has expanded since then to become an integral programme in the School, built on the belief that ‘… Exposure to challenges, in a secure environment, can awaken in young people a belief in themselves which will stay with them throughout their lives…’ Today this concept is applied to the planning for Closed Weekends, to Jamieson Week (the final week of the school year) and to a core curriculum area across Years 7–10. The essential topics in the programme fall under the focus areas of: Global Citizenship, Responsibility, Service and Leadership, Health, Fitness and Physical Challenge, and Critical, Ethical and Flexible Thinking. During this term, students will be involved in the following aspects of the Jamieson Programme.

Year 7: In Frensham Studies, students will learn about the history and philosophy of the School.

Year 8: Riding for the Disabled begins this week. The girls will have the opportunity, once a year, to assist at the local Riding for the Disabled Club. Ms Fennell has prepared a roster and will notify the students involved each week.


Year 9: In preparation for the Cambridge IGCSE course, Global Perspectives, Year 9 students will continue to investigate the proposition, Are horses being pushed too far for our own entertainment?, using the Cambridge response template. It is hoped that responding to a practice question early in the term will help model the process for students who will be completing two investigations independently throughout the year. The fortnightly Thursday programme will commence in Week 3, when girls will participate in a presentation on the Jamieson Programme, with special emphasis on the Cambridge IGCSE course. They will be asked to complete a set of Fitness Goals, both short-term and long-term, which they hope to achieve this year. They will also participate in a fitness-testing session.

Staff involved in the Cambridge Global Perspectives course were very pleased with the outstanding results obtained by the 2016 cohort.

Year 10: Students will complete a series of workshops on Financial Literacy and Religious Studies, programmed for the end of Semester 1. Ms Merrilee Harris, Jamieson Programme Coordinator

Mathematics As a new teacher to Frensham, I have appreciated a very warm welcome from the community. It is exciting to teach girls who know the importance of Mathematics and have been engaging enthusiastically in mathematical thinking. I also love the growth mindset exemplified by a comment by a Year 11 Extension 1 student who said “My favourite moment in Maths, is ‘understanding’ after a long haul of not understanding”.

Talking to her teacher in the first instance is a great first step for any student in setting new goals and in obtaining help. The Mathematics Faculty also offers one-on-one coaching in support of classwork. Students can request to be included in this programme, via their Mathematics teacher.

Girls can also look forward to whole-School events such as Pi Day and National Mathematics Day, and ongoing involvement in Mathematics Club.

Ms Yvette Semler, Head of Mathematics

Music All Choir and Instrumental Ensemble rehearsals have resumed this week - Glenn Strings, Kennedy Strings, String Quartet, Concert Band and Stage Band. There are three choirs at Frensham: the Junior Choir, Senior Choir and Madrigals. The Junior Choir is an inclusive ensemble and all students from Years 7 and 8 are invited to join. Entry into the other choirs is by means of audition and new students have been trying out this week.

Individual music lessons have also commenced for most students with more to follow in the week to come. Parents who would like their daughter to take Music lessons, will find the form for Extra-Curricular Music lessons is available for completion on Schoolbox.

Mr Michael Spencer, Head of Music

Science This week, there is much excitement and activity in the Schavemaker Centre for Science and Technology as classes resume with new teachers and new topics.

Year 7 are studying the topic ‘iScientist’ where they are introduced to the methods and practice of Science. They start by developing an understanding of safe work practices in the laboratory and the role of a scientist. They undertake scientific investigations and learn to take accurate measurements.

When we move, speak, listen and breathe energy is changed from one form into another, or it is transferred from place to place. In fact everything we do takes up energy, uses energy, transforms energy or transfers it. Year 8 are beginning the year studying ‘Forces and Energy’ with a particular emphasis on electromagnetic and magnetic forces and electrical energy. Year 9 begin the year with a unit called ‘Chemical World’. Students will gain an understanding of the language of chemistry including the nature of matter, atoms, elements, compounds and the periodic table. Following a pre-test, students are divided into groups to work at their own level on a range of activities relating to the periodic table, ionic compounds and polymers.


Year 10 students are studying ‘Car Crashes’ looking at concepts such as speed and acceleration, interpreting and drawing speed/time and distance/time graphs. They also study Newton’s Three Laws of Motion before looking at how a knowledge of these laws can help scientists design car safety features.

Mrs Alison Andrew, Head of Science

Agriculture & Show Cattle Team The 2017 Show Cattle season will begin on Saturday 4 February with the Berry Show. Steers that are show ready will attend with their handlers. I would like to thank the following breeders for their support in providing the cattle this season: Mouse and Miles (Charolais) from the Airlie Charolais Stud, Glenquarry; Lester (Angus) from Milong Angus Stud, Young; Levi from Eccleston Park, Sutton Forest; Lorenz’ (Angus) from Wyagdon Valley Angus; Lenny (Limousin) from Spring Creek Limousins, Kiama; Macca (Simmental) from Wormbete Simmentals, Illabo; Pablo (Simmental) from Valley Creek Simmentals, Glenquarry; Odo and ‘Kahn’ (Highlands) from Durness Highland Cattle Fold, Mandemar and Wildwood Genesis (Brahman bull) from Mr John Keats, East Kangaloon.

Year 7 students and new students in other year groups are very welcome to join the Show Cattle Team this term. Please contact me directly – or girls may like to speak first to the 2017 Heads of the Show Cattle Team, Mia Withers and Ellie Ireson. The second Show will be the following weekend, Saturday 11 February, at Nowra. I offer my best wishes to the Show Cattle Team for the 2017 season.

Ms Leonie Harris, Co-ordinator of Agriculture, Show Cattle Team & Farm Manager

PDHPE The Women’s Final at the Australian Open Tennis Championships saw two of the world’s best athletes – the Williams Sisters compete. These elite athletes performing at the pinnacle of their game are an inspiration to all. They inspire us to be involved – for fitness, for fun, for confidence, for physical and mental health and well-being. Lack of physical activity is one of the major causes of preventable disease. Regular physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, Type II Diabetes, obesity along with other lifestyle diseases. It has significant benefits for mental health as it helps to manage stress, alleviate depression and anxiety, strengthen self-esteem, enhance mood and boost mental alertness. Currently only one in 10 young Australians move enough and Australian girls, in particular, do less physical activity as they move through their teens.

PDHPE is a mandatory Years 7-10 Key Learning Area that encompasses both theory and practical units of study. Students can also choose to continue this subject into Years 11 and 12. In promoting fitness for the future, learning in PDHPE develops in students the knowledge and skills needed to understand and enhance their interactions and interpersonal relationships in ways that promote positive health and movement outcomes for themselves and others.

Ms Janene van Gogh, Acting Head of PDHPE

Sport Wet Weather arrangements for Saturday Sport Cancellations of Saturday Sport are rarely made before Saturday morning, unless a venue notifies IGSSA that the facilities will not be playable prior to this. AMEND ALL

Means of gaining information concerning play: IGSSA WEBSITE: http://ahigs.nsw.edu.au/IGSSA.aspx

For example: If checking re Softball at Frensham, TEXT 'softballf’’, Tennis at Frensham, TEXT ‘tennisf’, Tennis at Gib Gate, TEXT ‘tennisg’ or Tennis at Chevalier College, TEXT ‘tennisc’

SMS Weather Information: Using your mobile phone, SMS your keyword to 1992 5465. Messages cost 55c per message sent. Your keyword is the name of the sport and the first initial of the venue. A return SMS will be sent that gives you the status of the venue - open or closed.

IGSSA have introduced a new method to gain access to all information regarding your daughter’s IGSSA Sport. No registration is required, simply follow the steps below. Once you have this, you are able to send it as a link to your home screen on your mobile phone.

For example: Team 1 Softball is FRE01; Junior A Softball is FRE07. This number is on the draw each week and changes with each Sport. When accessing information about your daughter’s team, please check her team number.


myIGSSA Mobile Screens As it is not necessary to be registered to use the new mobile screens, students, coaches and parents can access them from a smartphone, tablet or computer.

To access all mobile screens set up a bookmark- http://m.ahigs.nsw.edu.au/ - Check venue closures (Click on the venue closures icon) - Find games for selected teams (including links to maps) - Check results and ladders (full point score tables will still be available on the website).

Athletics Paige Wilson represented NSW at the Australian All Schools Athletics Championships held in Canberra 1-4 December, competing in the U18 High Jump. She jumped 1.84m and was awarded the Gold Medal at these Championships. Paige is continuing to compete this term, first in the NSW State Athletics Championships held in Sydney Feb 3-5, competing in the U20 100m and Long Jump and has already qualified for the Australian Athletics Championships (Sydney 26 March-2 April), competing in the U20 High Jump.

Gymnastics Numbers of girls doing Gymnastics at Frensham are continuing to increase. This year there are 14 enthusiastic members in the 2017 Gymnastics team, all eager to improve their skills. Training has commenced and will continue to be on Wednesday afternoons from 4.00pm-5.30pm. All training takes place at the PCYC Southern Highlands Gymnastics Club in Mittagong. Students will train throughout the year, with the IGSSA Carnival being held in October.

Softball and Tennis Trials are continuing this week including this Saturday morning for both Tennis and Softball. Times for these trials are posted on Schoolbox, in Houses and at White Cottage. Once the teams have been selected, girls will train in their teams and play the first round of the IGSSA Competition on Saturday 11 February. The draw is posted each week at White Cottage and on Schoolbox.

Girls must be on the Games Field at least 30 minutes before their games commence. For Softball, all players must wear shin pads, mouth guards and have a glove. Batting helmets are provided by the School. Tennis players need their own tennis racquet. All girls are required to wear their hat for training and matches. There are no exceptions to this requirement. Training sessions: - Juniors: Tuesday 4.00pm-5.30pm; Friday 4.00pm-5.00pm - Seniors: Thursday 4.00pm-5.30pm; Friday 5.00pm-6.00pm. - Match times: Softball: 8.00am, 9.15am, 10.30am; Tennis: 7.45am-9.45am; 9.55am-11.55am

Swimming This term, Swimming (for Sport – in addition to Swimming for recreationn) is for those who are keen to swim at the IGSSA Carnival and also those who are keen to improve their fitness. All swimmers who attend the sessions will be following the training programmes of the coach, Ms Jenny Balla.

All girls who are part of the Swimming Squad this term will be swimming a minimum three times each week. Girls have nominated which sessions they would like to attend and they must attend all these for the duration of the term. The Swimming Squad will be participating in a number of carnivals this season including Mittagong Swimming Club nights, the Southern Highlands Twilight Carnival and the IGSSA Carnival.

Squad training is from 6.00am-7.00am each morning Monday–Friday. There is also a session on Saturday mornings which all squad members are welcome to attend if it does not interfere with their Softball/Tennis commitments.

Carnival Dates: Friday 24 February: Southern Highlands Twilight Carnival: 5.00pm-8.00pm Thursday 9 March: IGSSA Swimming Carnival: 6.00am-3.30pm:

Equestrian The Equestrian Programme for 2017 is well underway. A large number of students are riding on Monday and Wednesday afternoons at the range of venues across the Southern Highlands. Starting on 8 February, Frensham will be transporting girls to and from Highlands Equestrian Centre on both Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The centre has a large number of riding school horses to cater for all levels of riders and instruction can be tailored to meet the needs of individual students.


For the past couple of years, and continuing this year, Mr Richard Lavender (Bowral) has a number of horses for lease for riders who wish to compete. Mr Lavender also takes outside horses as part of this programme. In addition, a number of girls are riding their own horses at ACE Performance Riding, which is owned and operated by Augusta Clarke (Sutton Forest). Transport is also arranged for both of these groups on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.

This year we have welcomed several new students to the equestrian team, many of whom are experienced riders and who are interested in representing Frensham in Interschool Events. Year 12 Heads of Equestrian, Olivia Barton and Thea Horsley will hold regular meetings to communicate information they may have received about upcoming events and other useful information regarding Interschool rules, uniform etc. In addition to this, girls should ensure they check their emails and Schoolbox regularly for news and event brochure postings.

A reminder to all parents whose daughters are riding in events and require leave – please submit an equestrian leave form (available on Schoolbox) to Mr Marsh several weeks ahead, so the request can be discussed, and approval provided in writing, if granted.

Saddle Cloths and Helmet covers needed for Interschool competition are available by contacting Miss Akins. These are charged as sundries on the girls’ accounts.

Frensham has received an invitation to attend the 2016 Annual Equestrian Awards night on 8 March to accept the award for Equestrian NSW Interschool – Champion Secondary School.

Girls are reminded to submit results from events via the google document set up so these can be published for the wider school community.

Miss Victoria Akins, Equestrian Coordinator

Visual Arts/Design & Technology Late last year, as communicated at Final Prayers and through the Newsletter, the School was very pleased to receive news that from the nine HSC Visual Arts Bodies of Works nominated for inclusion for ARTEXPRESS, four of these Bodies of Work had been selected for exhibition at the following venues in 2017:

Lucy Barrett - Hazelhurst Regional Gallery & Arts Centre (11 February–26 March) and the Goulburn Regional Art Gallery (14 July–2 August); Anna Horton - Western Plains Cultural Centre (9 June–5 August); Matilda Macqueen - Moree Plains Gallery (7 April–28 May); Willa Robinson - Art Gallery of NSW (26 January–23 April) and the Goulburn Regional Art Gallery (14 July–2 August)

ARTEXPRESS was opened for general viewing at the Art Gallery of NSW on 26 January, and was opened formally on Wednesday 1 February. Featured in this exhibition is Willa Robinson’s Body of Work titled And you call us lazy, (see over) comprising six paintings and 12 etchings. Willa’s Artist Statement for the exhibition provides an insight into her work: The aging population is an increasingly palpable issue. The 'Australian dream’ is becoming less attainable as buying a house and being heard in the political debate become things of the past. The large population of baby boomers is declining into old age and creating an economic burden that younger generations must carry. This sentiment is epitomised in my artwork through the pressure of the hands upon each portrait. Generations that are not economically stable are expected to support other larger generations. This is represented through the backbone shape of the composition, illustrating that young people are the backbone of society.

At the opening of the exhibition there was further exciting news that Willa Robinson was the recipient of the 2017 S & S Creativity Unlimited Award, one of several awards recognising artistic excellence as part of ARTEXPRESS. We congratulate Willa on this further recognition of her outstanding artistic abilities.

Please take note of the exhibition dates for 2017 ARTEXPRESS; it is exciting for our community to view works created by Frensham students being exhibited in these notable galleries and institutions.

To view Willa’s work online: https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/insideartexpress/2017/willa_robinson/

Mr Phil Alldis, Head of Visual Arts and Design