

Photo Tony PhotoSaleTony

Issue 70—December 2016 Gosfield Parish Council

2 St Catherine’s Church On the 24th November a service was held at St Catherine’s to license Rev Rose Braisby in the Team Ministry. It was a also a service of celebration and the church was full of parishioners, visitors and friends from afar, followed by a buffet and a glass of wine and an opportunity for a bit of socialising. I was prompted to write a note for The Grapevine by some of the comments made by the Bishop of Colchester in his address, and I am going to try and summarise briefly what were the key points – for me, at least. No..please don’t stop reading, I don’t intend to beat you over the head with a bit of bible bashing! We are going through great change in society, and this affects everything, Church of included. Numbers of churchgoers is falling, the power, wealth and influence of the C of E is only a fraction of what it used to be and the ‘old model’ of a church where, basically, the vicar took care of everything and the congregation just had to attend, has gone. What has replaced it – or at least is in the process of taking hold, is a model where a team of people – ordained and lay alike - take responsibility for a number of parishes, working with the congregations, to create, maintain and nurture their communities. You may begin to see why I was moved to write when you saw the word communities! Amongst my friends, relatives, neighbours and family there is pretty much the whole range of opinion towards the church – from downright hostility, total indifference, lukewarm support to fervent devotion. I suspect this reflects the world at large, and I also suspect to a greater or lesser extent ‘twas ever thus. There are many communities for each of us, and in Gosfield as elsewhere, many of us belong to a range of communities that can overlap in one way or another – family, friends, work, charities, social groups, clubs and societies. With the C of E, it is a community for the whole community, whether it is used actively or not, and whether you like it or not! The C of E is blessed (or cursed!) with magnificent buildings and a chequered history of involvement on the national and international stage as well as in the most personal aspects of everyday life. I know many may wonder what significance the church has for them, or even more do not give it any thought at all. It is irrelevant. But when you think of the number of parishioners at their last resting place in the churchyard, the visitors to church events, people you know who support the church and so on, it does have some impact, however slight. The same can, of course, be said of almost every organisation in the village – the schools, the pubs, the WI, Scouts and Guides et al – they all have some impact on each one of us, either directly or indirectly. The church is, after all, an enormous part of our cultural heritage in the British Isles. The community of St Catherine’s, in its widest sense, is a part of Gosfield, and a part of your life if you live in the village. For my part, I wish it all the best! Max Ford


GOSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DATES 2016/17 19th December 2016—Pavilion—7.15pm 16th January 2017—Pavilion —7.15pm 20th February 2017— Pavilion—7.15pm

The parish council would like to wish all parishioners and advertisers in the Grapevine a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Your support throughout the year whether sending content or advertising is appreciated, without you this mag couldn't happen.

The entrance gate to the playing field from Hall Drive has now been repaired and a new gate post installed. As the parish council had been quoted £500 for this job it pleases me to inform you that the work was undertaken by volunteers with only the cost of the post coming out of parish council finances. A big thank you to those that helped.

"Something New for the New Year - an allotment in the village of Gosfield - please contact the Clerk on the contact details available in this Grapevine Magazine".

Joanne Beavis, Clerk to Gosfield Parish Council. Easter Cottage, Park Hall Road, Gosfield, C09 1SQ. Telephone: 01371 850710. Email: [email protected]

Email; [email protected] [email protected] Please note copy date for the next “Grapevine” 26th January 2017

4 PARISH COUNCIL New grass cutting machinery The Parish Council and Playing Field Management Committee with help from the Rowson Trust Fund have purchased new machinery for cutting the grass on the Playing Field which should considerably reduce the time it takes to cut it. At the moment this is done by a couple of volunteers but more would be welcome. So if you fancy a chance to operate the new mower, please give your name to the Playing Field Management Committee. (Contact is at the back of this magazine) Full training will be given early next year. Work in the Nature Reserve The next working party will be on Saturday December 10th from 10am onwards. Meet at the Nature Reserve Car Park. There are a variety of jobs to do ranging from light work to repairing fences and steps and it is very good exercise! Street Lights Just to remind everyone of the Parish Council policy concerning street lights. It was decided to switch off nearly half our street lights to save money and to be more environmentally friendly. Where possible every other light was switched off, but they were retained in sensitive locations and at road junctions. So far it has worked well and there have been few complaints and over £2,000 a year had been saved for Council Tax payers. However, this policy is always up for review and that will take place in the New Year although it is likely that there will only be minor changes with some lights being switched back on and others switched off as experience has shown which are the most effective. Also, please note that the lights in Edmund Green are not owned by the Parish Council so our policy does not apply there. Gulley Cleaning Please note that the gulleys in the village will be cleaned on the following dates. It is not clear which parts will be swept on which days, but it will give you chance to get your vehicles off the road if you can on those days so the cleaning lorry can clean the gulleys effectively. Tuesday 13th December Wednesday 14th December Friday 17th March 2017 Monday 20th March 2017 Thursday 22nd June 2017 Friday 23rd June 2017 5 Minutes of Gosfield Parish Council meeting held on Monday 17th Oct 2016 at the Pavilion, the Playing Field, Church Road, Gosfield at 7.15pm. Selected extracts 16/204 Speed indication signs. Cllr. Waters read out a letter received from the Gosfield Community Speedwatch Group. The letter was requesting the Parish Council to look more fully at other options for speed activation signs in the village. The Parish Council carefully considered the letter and it was agreed that the Gosfield Community Speedwatch Group would contact County Council and look at options. The Gosfield Community Speed- watch Group agreed to report back to Parish Council when further information was available.

16/208 The tractor. Cllr. Waters set out the recommendations to purchase a new village tractor. These included the sale of the old village tractor. Cllr. Strudwick said that it is important that the Parish Council demonstrates value for money in the purchase proposals. He asked whether training of volunteers was included in the purchase package. He further asked if Mark Bloomfield of the Playing Field Management Committee was happy with the package. Being satisfied with the proposals the Parish Council unanimously voted for the following options: That the Parish Council purchase a new tractor. That the Parish Council, the Playing Field Management Committee and the Maurice Rowson Trust all allocate £2,000 towards the cost of the proposals. It was agreed that the Parish Council should complete the application to the Maurice Rowson Trust.

16/209 Essex County Council Highways. The Clerk updated the Parish Council on actions following a visit from Olive Porter of Essex County Council. It was noted that in terms of the speed indications signs that the Gosfield Speedwatch Group had agreed to look into the options. The Clerk reported that Council and Essex County Council were liaising on footpath clearance, cleaning the village signs and cutting back hedges. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the properties with hedges that were blocking the footpath on Hedingham Road (these included properties 2-14B Chestnut Avenue).

16/213 Any other Business. Cllr. Adams reported that there had been increased rubbish left on the Playing Field and agreed to highlight the issue on the Gosfield Community Facebook page. She also raised the issue of the Playing Field gate, on Church Road, being left open on some evenings. It was agreed that it would be difficult to lock the gate with cars left in the car park. Cllr. Maragkakis was given the ‘go-ahead’ by the Parish Council to be the Parish Council’s moderator on the Gosfield Community Facebook page updating parishioners will useful bite-sized bullets of information. Cllr. Carter asked about the Parish Council’s vat status and Cllr. Edwards replied that it was work in progress. It was agreed that the Parish Council would obtain information on the Braintree District Council Community Asset Register and to consider adding both village pubs to the list for approval at Braintree District Council. It was noted that Mr Ripper of Transporter Engineering was considering making a proposal to tarmac the Playing Field car park and that further details would follow at a subsequent meeting of the Parish Council.

6 DID YOU KNOW : After 75 you qualify for a free tv licence ? Here’s all the information you need to get a free over 75 TV Licence. It is recommend you do this when you’re 74 years old, as it will make getting your over 75 TV Licence much simpler when you’re 75. You need to be covered by a TV Licence, including a free over 75 TV Licence, to watch or record live TV programmes on any channel, or to download or watch any BBC programmes on iPlayer live, catch up or on demand. This applies to any device and provider you use. Already 75 years old? Don't delay apply for an over 75 tv licence now. What is an over 75 TV Licence After your 75th birthday, you can get a free TV Licence. It covers you as well as anyone you live with. Please remember that you don’t automatically get an over 75 TV Licence on your 75th birthday. You have to apply for one. If you’re about to turn 75, please do not cancel your Direct Debit or any other payment for your TV Licence. Once a confirmation of your over 75 TV Licence is received, t Your Direct Debit will be cancelled for you. Thanks, David D.

YA GARDEN CARES Thorough Attention on Bed Maintenance, mowing and Clearance Telephone Barry: 0773 2337262

7 Afterthoughts

The other day, I was flicking through a book of Francis Frith photographs. He was a pioneering photographer who took literally 1000s of photos of towns and villages in the late 18th century, and who founded a company that continued doing so into the mid 20th century.

These photos, especially of familiar places, really give you a feeling of ‘times past’. Often the buildings are recognisable – sometimes virtually unchanged – it’s the clothes, the traffic, the roads, the infrastructure that speak of a bygone age.

One of the things that got me thinking was noticing that many of the pictures have random people in, quite often young children, paused in their play looking at the camera. One picture in particular was of the green at Long Melford, which had several youngsters at play. Now it could have been a special occasion, but you get the feeling it was what the green was used for – a general play and social area. I can’t remember ever seeing youngsters today on the Long Melford green, and I suppose nowadays with TV, social media, computer games – let alone concerns about safety, traffic and so on - it’s no surprise. With cars and increased mobility there are many more interesting places to go, after all.

How things have changed. What a different society we live in nowadays. Driving through the Essex and Suffolk countryside, the villages seem pretty deserted – you just don’t seem to see people walking along, or kids playing.

Then we came back to Gosfield and popped into the village shop around 3.30pm. The car park, the play area and the shop were all busy, and there were groups of young- sters kicking a ball about, running around, playing on the zip-wire and generally having fun.

Ok, they hadn’t all walked there, but there was a lot going on.

Maybe things haven’t really changed as much as we think. Technology has certainly changed the way we do things, and increased our options enormously, but in the end, children – and adults too, of course – still like to do nothing better than just muck about with friends and family, and it was great to see it happening in Gosfield!

Max Ford

You can browse the Francis Frith collection at www.francisfrith.com

8 SJM Decorating 3z Electrical Services Fully qualified, experienced, High quality work certificated and reliable local Professional and electrician. All types of domestic, commercial and industrial work friendly service carried out including fault finding,

testing and inspections. Please give Steve a call on Phone Steve on 07802 379636 or 07964 677163 or email 01787 479655 sjmdecserv 27, Meadway, Gosfield @btinternet.com

Gosfield Post Office The Post Office operates from the Maurice Rowson Hall twice a week, opening times; Wednesdays 2pm-5.30pm Fridays 9am-1pm Full postal service provided.


 Stockist of wild bird seeds, nuts, seed mixes & fat treats

 All displayed for you to choose and create your own mix

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Horse Feed and Bedding, Poultry Feed & accessories Dog, Cat and all small animal feed and housing OUR WILDLIFE HAMPERS MAKE IDEAL GIFTS Open 7 days a week 7.30am to sunset Fennes Fisheries, Fennes Road, Bocking, Braintree, Essex CM7 5LB Telephone 01376 323285 www.fennesfisheries.co.uk

9 I was wondering if there was anyone out there that would like to join a litter bin appreciation society, or are there some of you, like me, that wonder if litter bins can create more problems than they solve?

There are litter bins (which now double as dog pooh bins as well) at strategic points in the village, with two more due to go up in the GNR car park and near the bus stop in The Street near The Grange.

The argument for bins is that it stops litter being left, and keeps our village environ- ment clean. The argument against is that litter-bugs don’t always use the bins provided, bins are unsightly (especially in a conservation area) – and need to be emptied regularly by our litter picker (Have you noticed that people often continue to put litter in full bins, which leads to an even worse problem around the bin?). As bins are now used for dog pooh too – they can smell (and how!).

It seems to me that the bins in the playing field car park are good – it’s a social area, especially with the shop and the play area, and they do a good job – and can need emptying several times a week. Some of the others are less well used.

What do you think? Would more litter bins mean less litter? Would it be worth the cost of installation and extra wages for the litter picker to have more bins? Would the village be messier with less bins? Do you want to see more litter and dog pooh bins – or do you think we should just take our rubbish home?

Maybe one way of helping you make up your mind is to ask yourself, would you be happy for a litter/dog pooh bin (they are effectively the same thing nowadays) to be installed outside your house?

Maybe let one of the Parish Councillors know what you think….or email me if you want Max Ford [email protected] Monday ‘Cuppa’ Club Afternoon Tea, Sandwiches, Cakes, & Tea & Coffee all for just £1.00 Plus good conversation, quiz, Raffle and entertainment…. 1st Monday every month at 2pm Maurice Rowson Hall, Gosfield 10

11 GOSFIELD CARPET BOWLS CLUB The club has begun its league match program for 2016/17 playing in the North -West Essex league of the Essex County Bowls Association. To date we have played five games having won 3, drawn2 and lost none gain- ing 25 points. In last year’s league, we played 16 matches scoring a total of 33 points in the whole of the program. We set out this year to finish mid-way up the table and we are well on the way to achieving that goal. Last year our players were largely new to the game of carpet bowls and very in experienced not only in competitive games but also in the general club night games. We have tried to speed up the experience, ability and competi- tiveness of our players by practicing aim, speed and control of the bowls (woods) as well as concentrating on techniques and reading match positions when in a tournament. We set out this year to achieve a mid-point position within the league table using the strategy of drawing each game. We have achieved that and more to date this year so far, but we are not complacent knowing that we have not yet played the winners and top teams of last year’s league table. The club continues to thrive with membership standing at 26 players at a time when other clubs in the area have decreasing memberships. Our success is due in part to the quality of our equipment and the playing surface of the hall. We were fortunate to receive a grant from the Rowson Perpetual Memorial Fund last year which enabled the club to replace the mats, sets of bowls, score frames and most importantly a mat storage frame, particularly important giving the age of some of our members!! The Rowson Hall management committee have also been very helpful to the club by allowing us to the three-mat storage frame in a convenient position where they are protected from other clubs using the hall. Whilst we are at a maximum number of members we are always looking for new members and operate a waiting list of potential members. If you are looking for a new interest that is both rewarding with a social atmosphere yet very competitive when playing league matches or even County and National representative games then please give Paul Nicklin, Manager of the Gosfield Carpet Bowls club for a trial. Paul M Nicklin, Manager, Gosfield Carpet Bowls Club.


When your house needs a clean

Do not shout, do not scream!

Just call for Daisy

and she’ll make it gleam!

Phone Daisy on 07919993363

Hello All Drivers We are coming up to the time of year again when we get frosty mornings and, possibly, some snow. Could I respectfully ask that you are all very careful with the liquid defrosting agent that you use as it is sweet and cats love the taste. If they find any spills it only takes a few laps and they will die an horrendous death. I know a lot of you don't like cats, but please spare a thought for those of us who love our pets dearly. I don't know why the manufacturers haven't changed the recipe for this liquid as they know what damage it causes, but I can't do much about that. I can request that you, please, mop up any spills that may occur. Thank you Jan Cubitt

13 Forthcoming events 3rd December—Gosfield Twining —Race Night 4th December— Christingle Service—10.45am St. Catharine's Church 5th December—Monday Cuppa Club—2pm Maurice Rowson Hall 10th December—Work Party—10.00am Gosfield Nature Reserve 11th December— Christmas Concert– 3.00pm St. Catherine's Church 18th December— Carol Service—6.30pm St. Catherine's Church 19th December—Parish Council Meeting—7.15pm Pavilion 24th December— Christmas eve celebration—7.30 onwards Gosfield Social Club 24th December— Midnight Communion-11.00pm St. Catherine's Church 25th December—Family Service—10.45am St. Catherine's Church 31st December—Happy new Year—7.30 onwards Gosfield Social Club 2nd January—Monday Cuppa Club—2pm Maurice Rowson Hall 10th January— Gosfield W.I.—”Witches of Elizabethan England” 2.00pm M R Hall 12th January— Gosfield Senior Circle—Tea & Games 2.00pm M R Hall 16th January—Parish Council Meeting—7.15pm Pavilion

WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO HELP KEEP OUR PAVILION CLEAN. If you can help for approx. 1hr per week or 3hrs monthly. If you are interested please contact either Tom Abrahams 01787 473345 or Sheila King 01787 472702 or leave your contact details in Shop or pm me with your details Many thanks.

14 15

GOSFIELD FOUNDATION COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY. EASTER COTTAGE. PARK HALL ROAD. GOSFIELD. ESSEX. C09 1SQ. Telephone: 01371 850710. Email: [email protected] COMPANIES HOUSE NUMBER: 8880098. Trustees: Joanne Beavis (Founder). Peter Simmons. Julia Allen.

Community Interest Companies were introduced by the Government in 2005 to offer a new type of legal status to encourage people who want to establish ventures that benefit their local communities rather than being driven by personal profit. Community Inter- est Companies trade commercially but have clear social objectives that provide benefit to the community.

Mission – to be approachable to donors and grant recipients. Values – to remain committed to supporting our community. Vision – to be a sustainable Foundation set up in perpetuity for Gosfield.

Gosfield Village Shop has just completed its first year of trading. A huge thank you! must go to all volunteers who work tirelessly and professionally to provide an excellent service for all customers.

The shop has established itself as a small tobacconist, newsagent and convenience store to Gosfield and the surrounding villages. The feedback the shop receives from all its customers is extremely positive and we try, wherever possible, to stock those everyday essentials that most people need and enjoy.

Using a simple Google search, you will find the Gosfield Village Shop Facebook page. The page has allowed Gosfield Village Shop (and its products) to be accessed by hundreds of people which helps to keep more people up-to-date with our news and products. 01787 827377 Gosfield Village Shop, The Playing Field, Church Road, Gosfield.

16 WE ARE OPEN: Monday – Saturday 7am – 5pm. Sunday – 8am – noon.

Daily newspapers. Sweets. Cakes and biscuits. Fresh bread. Magazines. Drinks. Pharmacy. Animal food. Dairy produce. Frozen foods. Stamps. Eggs. Cleaning products. Fruit and vegetables. Stationery. Tobacco and cigarettes. Canned produce. Toiletries. Fresh sandwiches. Crips and savouries. Fresh meat. Savoury pastries. Gift cards. Milk. Gosfield Village Shop is run by a brilliant and friendly team of volunteers. We enjoy a volunteers social evening every other month (time to catch up and share news). Could you be our next volunteer……?

Please contact Joanne Beavis on : 07771984365

17 18 Hello Gosfield! Well, it’s an official “hello”, because I’ve been taking services in and around the village since June, but have now become specifically part of your parish – our parish. And it’s a great joy, and a challenge I relish because of all the kind and friendly people I’ve met so far. I hope to meet everyone over the next few weeks and months, and to be able to welcome you as you come into your beautiful parish church, for whatever reason. The first hymn we sang at my licensing service says “All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place” and I hope you will all feel that’s always true. I hope, too, that you will all pile into the special Christmas services, because they really do make the season special. And it’s good to turn our thoughts away from shopping and cooking and the pressure to achieve perfection in everything “Christmassy”; God knows us as we really are, and loves us despite all! So everybody’s welcome to come and share in: Christingle (4th at 10.45 a.m.) 9 Lessons & Carols (18th at 6.30 p.m.) Crib Service (24th at 4 p.m.) Midnight – what a special service that is - (24th at 11 p.m.) Christmas Day (10.45 a.m., better let the kids bring their favourite presents with them!) Do get in touch if I can help. I’ll be around the village and in the schools, and will have a working base in the church but continue to live in my home near Felsted. I can be contacted either through the church (hope to have a phone number for it soon), on 01245 361927, or at [email protected] And may you all feel blessed this Christmas, as hope is restored to the world in the form of Jesus the Christ-child, God-with-us, born in the most unpromising circum- stances to ordinary folk, born to bring us all to glory. With prayers and blessings Rev Rose St Catherine’s 50/50 Club Winners in October 2016 Winners in November 2016 No.13 J. Colyer No. 38 K. Hughes No.66 H. Bartlett No. 122 M. Moth No. 58 S. Mackinnon No.5 R. Coombes No. 127 P. Ellis No. 42 D. Collier .To take part at £1 month please contact19 any P.C.C. member or ring 473505. THANKS TO GOSFIELD LAKE GOLF CLUB Every year Gosfield Lake Golf Club holds a Community event, whereby they raise money for local charities and good causes, this year the school council of Gosfield Community Primary School, made up of pupil representation from different classes, was awarded £100 towards purchasing 'wet play' items, this includes games, toys, etc. As each of the five classes obviously has different needs due to their ages, these items amount to quite a lot. The school council have been fund raising under their own efforts, holding a raffle at the recent Christmas fayre raising over £220, with plenty of other ideas in hand, they already hold £50 from previous events. I must mention the Golf Club also gifted a round of golf for two as a raffle prize. 'Wet play' is when the outside weather does not allow them to play outside, ie rain, snow. You may imagine the strain on staff when up to 140 children are confined to small indoor spaces. The children are to be congratulated for being so enterprising, and not just expecting their parents or the school to put towards their very much needed equipment. Once again a very BIG thank you to Mr O'Shea of Gosfield Lake Golf Club for their generosity. David Degnan (School governor).

20 GOSFIELD SPEEDWATCH UPDATE In October we carried out a full mornings Speedwatch in conjunction with Gosfield Community Primary School in association with Essex Highways. The morning was very successful and in addition to the Speedwatch volunteers would like to thank the Essex Road Safety Technician and the teaching staff who supervised on the day. It was a pleasure to see how much the children of Class 3 enjoyed themselves and were particularly impressed with how well behaved, good mannered and polite they all were, in fact a credit to the school and their parents. November saw our first ‘double’ Speedwatch of the year i.e. one team at each end of the village for an hour. 11 motorists were recorded at doing either over 36 mph (30 limit) or 47 mph (40 limit) with one noted at 60 mph on the Braintree Road. Efforts to introduce Speed Indicator Display Signs are ongoing and hope to have more news on that next time. Thanks also to the villagers of Gosfield this year for their encouragement, the provision of hot chocolate and biscuits from one resident earlier in the year is well remembered (hint, hint). Also comments like ‘’ I know when you are doing Speedwatch the noise in my house goes down, because they normally race past’’ are particularly encouraging. Although suggestions to the volunteers of ‘’you should be here at 7.00 in the morning’’ are perhaps a little misplaced! Many thanks again to all the Speedwatch volunteers for their great efforts this year. Ian Thurston. Gosfield W.I.

There were many exhibits at our Handicraft Show in October with several visitors attending. In November Stephen Armison-Smith advised on how to keep ourselves and our homes safe. The Christmas stall did a brisk trade. Next meeting-Tuesday January 10th at 2pm in the Maurice Rowson Hall when Kate Cole will speak on ‘The Witches of Elizabethan England’. All welcome at our meetings-just turn up or ring Iris on 473503 for details or a lift.

21 Gosfield Community Speedwatch Data

October 2016 November 2016 Total Recorded Recorded Sessions Location & Speed Limit Offences Offences Conducted

Church Road (30mph) 3 0 1 The Street (various – 30mph) 31 15 6 Halstead Road (30/40mph) 0 2 1 Braintree Road (40mph) 3 6 2

Total 37 23 10

NB: If you wish to volunteer please contact:- Ian Thurston on 01787 474858 or Harry Bines on 01787 475768 One or two 45 minute sessions per month are all that we ask of you.


Midday Assistant wanted We have a vacancy for a Midday Assistant and were hoping there may be someone in the village who might like to come and work with us. The position involves setting up the hall for dinnertime, overseeing the children eating and playground duties and would be for 1 ¼ hours every day from 12 to 1:15pm. For more information please telephone the school office on 472266.

22 Keith Winston Hewson

22nd April 1940—18th September 2016 Keith was born in York on the 22nd April 1940, he was one of three children having an elder sister Pearl and younger brother Barry. He was a member of the Salvation Army, joining the junior band when he was 6 years old, playing the cornet. He progressed to principle cornet in the junior band and went onto play solo cornet in the senior band. At the age of 20 he became one of the youngest ever conductors of the junior band. Quite impressive! Keith started work when he was 15 on the shop floor of national glass in York, work- ing as an apprentice fitter/turner. While there he went to night school and studied Technical Engineering at York Technical College. He moved into the drawing office to become a draftsman and it was during this time he meet Brenda who worked there as a shorthand typist. Keith & Brenda married in York on the 2nd October 1965. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last year. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Cheshire, where Keith worked as an Engineer for Rockware Glass,-a bottle manufacturer, he was later promoted to Production manager. It was whilst living in Cheshire, Keith and Brenda became proud parents of Wayne, their son born in May 1968. Keith continued his career with Rockware Glass, moving back to Yorkshire in1971 as production manager at their plant near Ayr. In 1981 the family moved south to Essex, living in Blackmore End briefly before moving to Gosfield. It was while living in Blackmore End they met John & Jo Walk- er with whom they quickly became very close friends, they drank in The Red Cow run by Colin Wild and his family, Keith and Colin went on to become great friends and also Gosfield Social Club’s longest serving Chairman and Steward The move to Essex was made because Keith took up a position of Works manager at Day Impex, a scientific glass company in Earls Colne working with Graham & Stuart Berger. He very much enjoyed his time there and stayed until retiring. Keith was a loving husband, father, granddad and a friend to us all. A pleasure to be around and a pleasure to know, so from us all Thank you and cheers our kid. These are selected extracts from the tribute given my Michael Smith, current Gosfield Social Club Chairman, at Keith's funeral. 23 St Catherine's The Reverend Rose Braisby was licensed as Associate Minister in the Halstead Area Team, with special responsibility for Gosfield, by the Bishop of Colchester the Right Reverend Roger Morris. The service was a joyful occasion, very well attended by members of the church and community, Rose's friends and relations and those from other churches in the Halstead Team and from her previous church in Great Waltham. In his address Bishop Morris made reference to the very relevent date for the service as it was the eve of the day of St Catherine, the Churches patronal saint. He also spoke about the origin of the name of our village of Gosfield, one idea being that it is derived from 'God's Field' due to its links with the priory at Castle Hedingham. These things seemed particularly auspicious and appropriate for Rose starting her ministry here. As the season of Advent is due to start on Sunday, he hoped that this would be the start of a new and fruitful Advent-ure in our village for everyone.

Christmas Events and Services at St Catherine's. All Welcome! * Sunday 4th December 10.45 a.m - Christingle Service * Sunday 11th December 3 p.m.- Village Christmas Concert - get into the Christmas spirit at an old fashioned 'Gosfield's Got Talent' type event! Christmas songs and poems in the church and refreshments afterwards. A free event (with a charity collection for Operation Christmas Child). * Sunday 18th December 6.30p.m - Carol Service * Saturday 24th December 4p.m - Crib Service * Saturday 24th December 11.00p.m - Midnight Communion * Christmas Day - 10.45am Family Service

24 www.facebook.com/groups/gosfield Gosfield village now has it’s own Facebook group! It’s a great place to share events or news about what’s happening in our village. Everyone who lives in Gosfield or is part of the community can join. Having a Cake Sale? Let us know! Starting a Baby and Toddler group? Share your news! If you are starting a club such as creative writing, WI or even a knitting group in the village we’d love to hear about it. We will be working closely with the Gosfield Grapevine magazine and the village shop. Feel free to post pictures or stories, ask for recommendations for trades people, or even if you've found a stray dog or cat in the village etc let the community know.

DID YOU KNOW When approaching a speed indicator sign, that is the maximum speed you should be going at before passing it , not where you slow down. So after passing a '30' sign and still not within that speed, you could be logged as speeding and receive a warning letter from the police. Please drive through our village sensibly. Gosfield Lawn Tennis Keith Broyd

Club [email protected] New members welcome of all Established 1972

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25 CHIMNEY SWEEP SARAH SUTTON FMAAT SERVICES ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES Sweep & Vacuum Great Yeldham based accountant providing a Rodteck Insurance Wide range of accountancy services at an affordable price Approved Power • Sole Trader & Partnership Accounts Sweeping • Limited company Accounts Insured- • Self-Assessment Tax Returns Clean • Corporation Tax • VAT & Efficient • Payroll, Auto Enrolment & CIS Tel: Tony • Limited Company start-ups • Book –Keeping Services 07935 963837 • Cloud Accountancy Services

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26 GOSFIELD SENIOR CIRCLE Notice for all members and others interested residents of the area. Both our October and November 2016 meetings were very well attended, which was most pleasing. Our programme of speaker and other events for 2017 are listed below. The arrange- ments were made by Maggi Pawsey who we thank for the time spent in the making these contacts. GOSFIELD SENIOR CIRCLE PROGRAMME 2017 January 12th July 6th Tea and Games Trip and Trotters Barry Carlin

February 2nd August 3rd Lavenham and the wool trade Life on the road Simon Gallop Peter Regelas Followed by a short AGM

March 2nd September 7th Australia Songs and writing Paula Short Miranda Pender

April 6th October 5th Jam Shed ? Libby Laurence Edward Hitchings

May 4th November 2nd Millinery It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Oggie Weldon Eve Regelas

June 1st December 7th Strawberry Tea Christmas lunch

27 Halstead Area Team Ministry Marriage Preparation Day Saturday  11 February & 4 March 2017 9.15am to 1.00pm Getting married is about more than the wedding day itself. Our marriage prep- aration day provides time and space to step back from your preparations and reflect on your relationship. It gives opportunities to meet with other couples who are preparing for marriage, and to look at the expectations and ideas that shape our view on married life. Why is this important? Many of our meetings with wedding couples focus on the process of getting married, but this half-day enables some of the important issues linked with being married to be discussed and consid- ered. We encourage all couples marrying in any of our parishes to attend one of these days. When is it happening? There is a choice of two dates: Saturday 11 February 2017 or Saturday 4 March 2017. What does it involve? We typically include sessions on: .Expectations of married life .The joys and the challenges of being married .How marriage affects relationships with other people .Communicating effectively .Dealing with differences in opinion and conflict .How our relationships grow .Finance and budgeting .What makes Christian marriage special

Tea, coffee and pastries are provided. 28There will also be the opportunity to talk informally with the minister taking your wedding about any practical questions that you have. Tea, coffee and pastries are provided. There will also be the opportunity to talk informally with the minister taking your wedding about any practical questions that you have. Who is it for? The course is open to couples preparing for marriage/blessings of civil mar- riages in the churches of the Halstead Area Team, ie Colne Engaine, Earls Colne, Gestingthorpe, Gosfield, Gt Maplestead, Greenstead Green, Halstead, Lt Maplestead, Pebmarsh and White Colne). It is run by the staff of the team.

Where is it held? Maurice Rowson Hall, Church Road, Gosfield, CO9 1TL. Will it cost us anything? There is a small charge (this year £10 per couple) to cover the cost of hall hire, refreshments and other resources. It would be appreciated if this could be sent with the booking form, as a cheque made payable to Gosfield PCC. Thank you.

29 Do we need to bring anything? No! Just yourselves. We look forward to seeing you there. Please detach this section and return it with your fee of £10 (payable to Gosfield PCC) to: Revd Katie de Bourcier, The Rectory, Parsonage Street, Halstead, CO9 2LD. Names of bride and groom: ......

Date of wedding:...... Church where the ceremony is taking place (please circle as appropriate): .Colne Engaine .Earls Colne .Gestingthorpe .Gosfield .Gt Maplestead .Greenstead Green .Halstead .Lt Maplestead .Pebmarsh .White Colne We will be attending the Marriage Preparation day on (please delete as appro- priate): 11 February 2017 4 March 2017 Any special dietary requirements:

Signed:...... Date:......

30 There has been a lot of comments on the village Facebook page lately about road safety, a serious concern to many. Gosfield like other communities split with a major road running through the centre, the road brings its benefits as well as the disadvantages. The concern in the village shows with the strength of the speedwatch team, and I personally believe the parish council should be giving them every encouragement and support. Over the year’s road safety has been a constant topic for some residents, others who rarely or never have to cross the road on foot have little interest. Those who live on the east side of the road and walk their children to school, crossing the road four times a day, are very aware this can be a frightening experience. There is a vast increase in the volume of traffic through the village than when I [on occasion] walked my children to school. Then the speed limit was 40 mph so some improvement has been made, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think further improvements could be made. To achieve any changes takes time, effort and a very thick skin. The Parish Plan highlighted road safety, this demonstrates statistically the concern and we tried to use this in our arguments for a road crossing. The road survey at that time showed an average speed through the village of 36mph, too fast for a zebra crossing. A road crossing would have to be a controlled crossing. More expensive and not favoured by Essex Highways. The present survey being undertaken in support of the planning application at the Green Man, you may have noticed the wires across the road in front of the Old Post Office, will be inter- esting to see how much the traffic has increased, or I could discover it is just my imagination. How do we improve the situation? We could campaign for a road crossing, a good idea, but I struggle to see where the funding will come from in the present economic climate. The position of a road crossing is not that straight forward as you need 70 metres visibility in both directions and from both sides of the road. The current suggested position is in front of The Grange where the bollard island is at the moment. The problems with this position is the bus stop at the Spinney will have to be moved and the lay-by in front of The Firs will also have to be moved. With inadequate parking already at The Firs this lay-by could not just be removed, alternative parking would have to be provided. The obvious solution would be in front of the bungalows back from the road. This land is designated “Important visual open space” and cannot be developed. I would like to see this classification changed. If all road users obeyed the speed limit it would help, I also think if pavements were wider it would also help, the more distance between you and the moving vehicle, increase your sense of safety. The benefits from the road, if you were wondering, a bus service that’s the envy of most villages, two pubs [at the moment] Shop, all would be less financially viable without the road. Tony Strudwick

The Parish Council is very happy to print your letters at the Editors discretion, but accepts no responsibility for the views expressed or their accuracy. The Parish Council wishes to grant individuals the freedom to express their views but make it abundantly clear it is a personal view expressed and not the views of the Parish Council.

31 WHO’S WHO ON THE PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Cllr Bob Waters 21 Meadway CO9 1TG 473863 Vice Chairman: Cllr Tricia Edwards Home Farm House CO9 1RZ 472958

Cllr Mandy Adams 30 Greenfields CO9 1TR 273494 Cllr Laurence Carter 24 Greenfields CO9 1TR 472225 Cllr Isla Gill 30 Highlands CO9 1PH 473398 Cllr Carol Hough 13 Braintree Rd. CO9 1PR 477208 Cllr Thea Maragkakis 35 Greenfield CO9 1TR Cllr Maggi Pawsey Tye Beams, The Street CO9 1TP 472967 Cllr Tony Strudwick 17 Park Cottages, The Street CO9 1TP 473444 Membership of the Parish Council’s Sub-Committees: Nature Reserve Committee: Cllrs Adams, Hough and Carter Playing Field Committee: Cllrs Hough, Pawsey and Strudwick Footpaths Committee: Cllrs Adams, Carter and Hough Finance Committee: Cllrs Carter, Edwards, Gill and Strudwick Personnel Committee: Cllrs Edwards, Gill, and Strudwick Appeals Committee: Cllrs Carter, and Gill Children’s Play Area Committee: Cllrs Adams, Gill, Hough, and Pawsey Planning Committee: Cllrs Edwards, Pawsey, Strudwick and Waters Grapevine Editor: Cllr Strudwick The following Councillors represent the Parish Council on outside bodies: Essex Association of Local Councils: Cllrs Carter Braintree Association of Local Councils: Cllrs Carter Coffee Rooms Trust: Cllr Waters Maurice Rowson Hall Management Committee: Cllr Gill Rowson Perpetual Memorial Fund Cllrs Pawsey, Hough and Ford Our Braintree District Councillor is: Cllr John O’Reilly-Cicconi, The Old Vicarage, Sudbury Rd., Bulmer, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 7TA Tel: 01787 466030 Our Essex County Councillor is: Cllr Joe Pike, 21 Bois Field Terrace, Halstead, Essex CO9 2DF Tel: 01787 476841 Email: [email protected] Our Member of Parliament is: Mr James Cleverly MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA Email: [email protected]

32 Schools Gosfield Community Primary School Jo Morgan—Deputy Head Teacher 472266 [email protected] St. Margaret’s Preparatory School Principal 472134 [email protected] Gosfield School Dr. Sarah Welch – Principal 474040 [email protected] Sports Clubs Gosfield Carpet Bowls Club Mr Paul M Nicklin

Gosfield Cricket Club Sheila King - Secretary - 8 Chestnut Ave 472702

Gosfield Lake Golf Club Mr Tony O’Shea - Club Secretary 474747

Gosfield Juniors Football Club (run from Holy Mr Mark Wiskin 07930 990013 Trinity Primary School in Halstead) Gosfield United Football Club Mr Simon Fraser - Chairman 01206 211470

Gosfield Tennis Club Mrs Sheila Goldsmith - Secretary 478519

Gosfield Shindo-Ryu Karate Club Mr Robert Fagg – 3 Chestnut Ave 479842

Gosfield Lake Linda Turp – Office Manager 475043 [email protected] Community Support and Safety Neighbourhood Watch

Police Community Support Officers for PCSO John Thorne and 07974 442984 or 101 Gosfield PC Jan Simpson Community Agent Chivonne Claydon 07540 720603 Pubs and the Club! The King’s Head

The Green Man The Social Club Mr Colin Wild – Steward 476235 Groups, Societies and Committees Toddler Group Stacey Creak 0781 4233219 Linzi Gordon 0794 7208959 Gosfield Players Sharon Wood—Secretary 472858

2nd Gosfield Guides and Gosfield Rainbows Mrs Sheelagh Bond 07928 806144

Gosfield Brownies Gill Hillman-Crouch 478097

Gosfield Beavers Mark or Clair Page 478696 [email protected] Gosfield Women's’ Institute Mrs Iris Jarvis 473505 Gosfield Senior Circle Mrs Joan Cornell-Tidings Hill 478235 Gosfield Twinning Association Sue Isaac— 01376 345205 or 07939239126 Gosfield Horticultural Society Rebecca Westover 477331 Gosfield Fete Committee Chris Flint 474573 Gosfield Playing Field Management Committee Tom Abrahams 473345

Maurice Rowson Hall Mrs Amanda Degnan 274992 (for bookings [email protected] Rowson Perpetual Memorial Fund Mr David Jarvis – 33 Highlands 474562 [email protected] St Catherine’s Church Team Rector Revd. Katie De Bourcier 478471

Church Wardens Mr Bob Waters – 21 Meadway 473863 Mr Dave Patmore— 3 Nuns Meadow 474047 Gosfield Mother’s Union, Prayer Group and Val Perry 01787 277676 Edward Bear Club Friends of St. Catherine’s Church Charlotte Bower

PCC Secretary David Dagnan 472291 Councillors and Representatives Gosfield Parish Councillors, Braintree District Councillor and Essex County Councillor – see details on opposite page Parish Clerk Ms Joanne Beavis—Easter Cottage 01371 850710 Nature Reserve Warden Stephen Westover 477331 Passenger (Public) Transport Representative Mr Lawrence Carter33 –24 Greenfields 472225 Tree Warden Cllr Bob Waters—21 Meadway 473863 Would you like to update your first aid kit at home with a more natural and organic way?

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For further information, please contact: Joanne Hunt Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07770 302504 34 Printed by Paul Clark Printing Ltd, Suite 6, Enterprise House, Rippers Court, Sible Hedingham CO9 3PY 35