Christ Our King and Savior Catholic Church Mission Statement 6341 LAKE OCONEE PKWY. Pastor: G , G 30642 United in Christ, REENSBORO EORGIA Rev. Roberto Herrera P : 706-453-7292 HONE All for the Glory of God
[email protected] FAX: 706-453-7095 Unidos en Cristo, WWW.COKAS.ORG Todo para la Gloria de Dios Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm Sunday Mass 9:00 am Spanish Mass 11:45 am Daily Mass Schedule No Monday Mass Tuesday 9:00am No Wednesday Mass Thursday 9:00am Friday 9:00am Parish Office Mon. - Thurs. 9 am -2 pm Summer Hours Business Manager John Steadman
[email protected] Accountant Millie Browning
[email protected] Director of Faith Formation Bev Fox
[email protected] Communications Coordinator Gina Murphy
[email protected] Pastoral Administration Lily Vaughn
[email protected] Maintenance Clarence Drinkwine
[email protected] Confessions Eucharistic Adoration SVDP Hotline Rosary Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45pm 1st Friday 9 am – 6 pm 706-453-4744 Before Mass 8:40am call for appointment July 9, 2017 “There's a demon that targets the family” here's a demon that specializes in attacking the family, said exorcist César Truqui, a priest who participated T in a course on exorcism held in Rome two years ago. Fr. Truqui warned that everything that is harming the family, including divorce, pleases the devil. Speaking to the Italian weekly Tempi in 2015, the priest said that there is “a demon who specializes in the attack on the family, also cited in the story of Tobias, called 'Asmodeus.'” In the Old Testament book, the demon is known to have killed seven of Sarah's husbands and was chained in the desert by Saint Rafael.