Saint Francis Xavier Saint Joseph Church Saint Rose of Lima Church PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the faithful of St. Joseph Parish, willingly accept our baptismal call to gather and worship as a community, to proclaim the Word of God, and to serve in the image of Christ.

MISIÓN DE LA PARROQUIA Nosotros, los fieles de la Parroquia de San José, aceptamos de buena voluntad nuestro llamado bautismal a reunirnos y adorar como comunidad, a proclamar la Palabra de Dios, y a servir en la imagen de Jesucristo.


St. Joseph Church: 371 East Main Street, Middletown, DE, 19709 302-378-5800 No Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM Sunday Masses*: 8:00AM, 11:00AM *Reservations Required No Misa Dominical: 2:00 PM (Español) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 AM No Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM

St. Rose of Lima Mission: 301 Lock St, Chesapeake City, MD, 21915 No Sunday Masses: 8:00, 9:30 AM No Tuesday Mass: 8:30 AM No Reconciliation: Sunday at 9:00 AM

St. Francis Xavier Shrine: No Masses 1640 Bohemia Church Road, Warwick, MD, 21912 GPS address: 1690 Bohemia Church Road Mass Dates: No Masses COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

Finance Council: John Sanders (302-438-1382 ) Pastoral Council: Tom Kane, Jr.(302-983-8265) LITURGY NOTES

Presider’s Intentions This week, our presiders will offer Masses for these intentions: Monday, April 5 8:30 AM (SJ) George E. Dunn

Tuesday, April 6 8:30 AM (SJ) Intentions of Su Kwa

In the Resurrection of Jesus we find hope and the Wednesday, April 7 prospect of everlasting life in heaven. But to 8:30 AM (SJ) Catherine, William, Jack & Rosann obtain eternal life, we must recognize Christ’s Wallace call to be His witnesses. We must become his obedient servants. Thursday, April 8 8:30 AM (SJ) Agnes Cieslak The Annual Catholic Appeal, with its theme, “Disciples of Christ, Witnesses of Hope”, brings Friday, April 9 hope and the good news of Christ’s love to 3:00 PM (SJ) Jack, Betty, Jackie & Brandon thousands of families and individuals throughout Middleton Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Saturday, April 10 Funds generated through the Appeal help provide 8:00 PM (SJ) Michael Galgano critical financial support to more than thirty pastoral, charitable and educational ministries. Sunday, April 11 2nd Sunday of Easter With continuing impact caused by the pandemic, when employment has dropped and the hardships 7:30 AM (SJ) Our Parishioners 9:30 AM (SJ) Bob Hill of the needy have increased, the hope for the 11:30 AM (SJ) Martha Gladys Shruntz generosity of our parishioners is needed more 2:00 PM (SJ) than ever. 8:00 AM (SR) Many of you have received information about this 9:30 AM (SR) year’s Appeal through the mail. Please take time MASS INTENTIONS ARE OPEN FOR to read the materials provided prayerfully SEPTEMBER considering your response. To learn more about the Annual Catholic Appeal visit the diocesan website at Consider viewing a brief video highlighting some OFFICE CLOSURES of the supported ministries at https:// The office will be closed on Easter Monday, April 5th . We will reopen on Tuesday, April 6th at 9:00 am.

SUNDAY MASS RESERVATIONS  Reservations for masses at St. Joseph Church on Sunday at 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM are being taken Monday—Thursday, from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.  Please call the office at 302-378-5800 to reserve your seat.  No mass is being held on Saturdays. No masses are being held at St. Rose of Lima Church. There are no Spanish Masses. The Word in Our Lives Readings for April 11, 2021 2nd Sunday of Easter

First Reading: :32-35

The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common. With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all. There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24

Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-6

Beloved: Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God, and everyone who loves the Father loves also the one begotten by him. In this way we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments. For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome, for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world. And the victory that conquers the world is our faith. Who indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? This is the one who came through water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water alone, but by water and blood. The Spirit is the one that testifies, and the Spirit is truth.

Gospel: John 20:19-31

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” Thomas, called Didymus, one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Now a week later his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and stood in their midst and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.” Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name. La Palabra en Nuestra Vidas 11 de abril de 2021 II Domingo de Pascua

Primera Lectura: Hechos 4, 32-35 La multitud de los que habían creído tenía un solo corazón y una sola alma; todo lo poseían en común y nadie consideraba suyo nada de lo que tenía. Con grandes muestras de poder, los apóstoles daban testimonio de la resurrección del Señor Jesús y todos gozaban de gran estimación entre el pueblo. Ninguno pasaba necesidad, pues los que poseían terrenos o casas, los vendían, llevaban el dinero y lo ponían a disposición de los apóstoles, y luego se distribuía según lo que necesitaba cada uno.

Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 117, 2-4. 16ab-15. 22-24

Segunda Lectura: 1 Juan 5, 1-6 Queridos hermanos: Todo el que cree que Jesús es el Mesías, ha nacido de Dios; todo el que ama a un padre, ama también a los hijos de éste. Conocemos que amamos a los hijos de Dios en que amamos a Dios y cumplimos sus mandamientos, pues el amor de Dios consiste en que cumplamos sus preceptos. Y sus mandamientos no son pesados, porque todo el que ha nacido de Dios vence al mundo. Y nuestra fe es la que nos ha dado la victoria sobre el mundo. Porque, ¿quién es el que vence al mundo? Sólo el que cree que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios. Jesucristo es el que vino por medio del agua y de la sangre; él vino, no sólo con agua, sino con agua y con sangre. Y el Espíritu es el que da testimonio, porque el Espíritu es la verdad.

Evangelio: Juan 20, 19-31 Al anochecer del día de la resurrección, estando cerradas las puertas de la casa donde se hallaban los discípulos, por miedo a los judíos, se presentó Jesús en medio de ellos y les dijo: “La paz esté con ustedes”. Dicho esto, les mostró las manos y el costado. Cuando los discípulos vieron al Señor, se llenaron de alegría. De nuevo les dijo Jesús: “La paz esté con ustedes. Como el Padre me ha enviado, así también los envío yo”. Después de decir esto, sopló sobre ellos y les dijo: “Reciban el Espíritu Santo. A los que les perdonen los pecados, les quedarán perdonados; y a los que no se los perdonen, les quedarán sin perdonar”. Tomás, uno de los Doce, a quien llamaban el Gemelo, no estaba con ellos cuando vino Jesús, y los otros discípulos le decían: “Hemos visto al Señor”. Pero él les contestó: “Si no veo en sus manos la señal de los clavos y si no meto mi dedo en los agujeros de los clavos y no meto mi mano en su costado, no creeré”. Ocho días después, estaban reunidos los discípulos a puerta cerrada y Tomás estaba con ellos. Jesús se presentó de nuevo en medio de ellos y les dijo: “La paz esté con ustedes”. Luego le dijo a Tomás: “Aquí están mis manos; acerca tu dedo. Trae acá tu mano, métela en mi costado y no sigas dudando, sino cree”. Tomás le respondió: “¡Señor mío y Dios mío!” Jesús añadió: “Tú crees porque me has visto; dichosos los que creen sin haber visto”. Otros muchos signos hizo Jesús en presencia de sus discípulos, pero no están escritos en este libro. Se escribieron éstas para que ustedes crean que Jesús es el Mesías, el Hijo de Dios, y para que, creyendo, tengan vida en su nombre. STEWARDSHIP The Easter Season is a time of celebration and great joy! In this same spirit, we have an opportunity to embrace the challenge of living our lives as disciples. The disciples were struck with awe and wonder, but fully immersed themselves in their new calls to ministry and to spreading the good news of the Gospel into the world. With a courageous spirit, they stewarded. They used their gifts from God of time, talent, and treasure to spread the Good News! How can each of us take on this challenge and foster thought in others to do the same by spreading positivity beyond the Easter season? Multiple examples shine within a daily commitment to the Rosary. Praying the rosary for others is an excellent example of stewardship of time. Teaching the rosary is a wonderful testament to stewardship of talent that can foster strength in others, especially children. And be sure to share your commitment with stewardship of treasure with your children. Children are likely to follow your lead! Let everyone know how your commitment to stewardship of time, talent, and treasure impact your own life and enhance your life, well beyond the Easter Season.

The Finance Council

OFFERTORY REGULAR ONLINE TOTAL March $9,820.34 $1,980.00 $11,800.34 28th

Debt $2,761.50 $1,280.00 $4,041.50 Reduction

Morgan Exteriors, LLC

Please be sure to check out this business who advertises in our bulletin. Your support of these sponsors is one way to say thank you for their generosity.

PAT’S PIZZA By using the following link: Pat’s Pizza Family Restaurant, located at 311 N., you could Broad Street in Middletown, will donate a portion of donate to St. Joseph Parish at no extra cost to all receipts we return to them. Please place your saved receipts in the collection basket or drop them off at the you. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of parish office. We are blessed that our local businesses your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to St. continue to support our parish. Please thank them for Joseph Parish. their generosity when you visit Pat’s. PARISH LIFE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL We remember in prayer all those who are ill, especially: Oremos por los enfermos:

Adelaide Marie Wardrope, Allan Achenbach, Anita Keyton, Anne Thomas, Baby Jackson Gwaltney,  A blessed Easter for all the Brothers and their Barbara Leutner, Barbara Ann Rudy, Bob Hill, families. Also to our Church community. Pray Christopher Parker, Brandon Shain, Charlie Weldon, to keep our souls safe. Christine Cavaliere, Churck Rackie, Connie Beardsley,  A Novena for Blessed Michael McGivney just Daisy Pabon, Dee Headley, Everette, Ed Hudak, ended on March 28. Daily recorded videos are Ellen Sullivan, Emerson Alberto, Francine Shain, Frank available on the KofC Facebook or You Tube Castoria, Gary Baker, George Rose, Heather Dotson, sites, or the website. Pray Jean Ahern, Joan Huhn, Joan Lisinski, Joanne Shain, Joseph Nelson, Joyce Storey, Judith Wilbank, Julie for his canonization. Hall, Karen Gabrielsen, Kathleen Gaines, Keith  Pray for the unborn and for an end to abortion. Delaney, Greyson, Lois Miller, Lorraine Mills, Stand in solidarity with the Order and our Margaret Cassling, Margaret Field, Mariann Baker, Bishops. Mary Clark, Mary DiTomasso, Matthew Nummy,  K of C Charities is charity that evangelizes. Michael LoSapio, Michael Paulson, Michael Sullivan, Thanks to all brothers who have helped our Michele Wallick, Nicholas Sacco, Pat McTiernan, Pat Church and community with their time, gifts, Unruh, Peggy Robinson, Peppy Popilillio, Reid LoSapio, Richard Beckwith, Richard Green, Robert treasure. Stronczer, Roseann Rackie, Shelly DiPietrapaul, Steve  Donate blood or platelets if you are able. Gerkens, Steven Beardsley, Sue Cycon, Terrie Dunn, There is a need because of the SARS Cov-2 Tess Dooley, Thomas Everette, Tisha Curran, Tom virus. Kohl, William Leutner.  Want to join our Council? Contact any Brother Knight or SK Patrick DiTomasso at We also remember in prayer their caregivers and all [email protected] others in need of our prayers.

También recordamos en oración a sus cuidadores y a todos los demás que necesitan nuestras oraciones.

If you submitted a name to be added to the sick list and you know that the person is no longer sick or that they are deceased, could you please call the office at 302-378-5800 to have them removed. Thank you.

MAY THE ANGELS LEAD THEM INTO PARADISE Please remember in your prayers our deceased parishioners, loved ones and benefactors. READINGS FOR THE WEEK :14, 22-33; Psalm MONDAY 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Matthew 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41; Psalm 33:4-5, TUESDAY 18-20, 22; John 20:11-18

Acts 3:1-10; Psalm 105:1-4, WEDNESDAY 6-9; Luke 24:13-35

Acts 3:11-26; Psalm 8:2ab, 5 THURSDAY -9; Luke 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12; Psalm 118:1-2, FRIDAY 4, 22-27a; :1-14 Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and Acts 4:13-21; Psalm 118:1, let perpetual light shine upon them. SATURDAY 14-15ab, 16-21; Mark 16:9- 15 CHRISTIAN FORMATION DID YOU KNOW... SABÍAS... today there are many who are skeptical that hoy hay muchos que son escépticos de que Jesus actually rose from the dead? And this Jesús realmente resucitó de entre los muertos? Y includes many Catholics. Was Christ’s death a esto incluye a muchos católicos. ¿Fue la muerte clever plot devised to start a new religion? Was de Cristo un plan inteligente ideado para iniciar it a mass hallucination? What ever happened to una nueva religión? ¿Fue una alucinación the body? Was it stolen, misplaced, hidden by masiva? ¿Qué le pasó al cuerpo? ¿Fue robado, the disciples? So Easter Sunday is a good time extraviado, escondido por los discípulos? Así to respond to the challenges, legends, myths, que el Domingo de Pascua es un buen momento superstitions, untruths, and historical criticism para responder a los desafíos, leyendas, mitos, circulating today. If you were a first century supersticiones, falsedades y críticas históricas Jew, would you believe the reports that Jesus que circulan hoy. Si fueras un judío del primer was now alive even after 500 eye witnesses? siglo, ¿creerías los informes de que Jesús estaba Would you trust Saint Paul who encountered vivo ahora incluso después de 500 testigos Christ himself? 1 Cor. 15: 3-4. “For I handed oculares? ¿Confiarías en San Pablo que se on to you as of first importance what I also encontró con el mismo Cristo? 1 Cor. 15: 3-4. received: that Christ died for our sins in “Porque les transmití como de primera accordance with the scriptures; that he was importancia lo que también recibí: que Cristo buried; that he was raised on the third day in murió por nuestros pecados de acuerdo con las accordance with the scripture.” Would the Escrituras; que fue enterrado; que resucitó al Apostles, disciples, evangelists who were tercer día de acuerdo con la Escritura ". martyred over the centuries die for a myth or a ¿Morirían los apóstoles, discípulos, evangelistas lie? Would you be able to answer a skeptic or que fueron martirizados a lo largo de los siglos an atheist? Be ready to stand up for, “Christ is por un mito o una mentira? ¿Podrías responder a Risen! He is Risen Indeed!” un escéptico o un ateo? Esté preparado para defender, “¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡Él ha resucitado!" MARRIAGE MOMENTS Celebrate the new life of Easter! Recall PUNTEROS DE CRIANZA a hardship or tough time in your Como padres damos la vida a diario marriage that is now history. Rejoice por nuestros hijos. En el espíritu del that you’ve weathered it together. Your sacrificio de Jesús por nosotros y el love has been resurrected. Pass it on. perdón de los pecados, pase por alto una falta de su hijo hoy.

PARENTING POINTERS As parents we give our lives daily for MOMENTOS DE MATRIMONIO our children. In the spirit of Jesus’ ¡Celebre la nueva vida de Pascua! Recuerde una dificultad o un momento sacrifice for us and forgiveness of difícil en su matrimonio que ahora es sins, overlook one fault of your child historia. Regocíjate de que lo hayas today. Chesapeake City Ecumenical Association 2021 Lenten Service Schedule Updated 3/3/2021

Time 7:30 pm Hosting Church Pastor Date Virtual Location

Wednesday Ebenezer AME Church Rev. Belina Wimbish-Haile February 17 Route 310, Woodstock Farm Lane Virtual South of Chesapeake City

Wednesday Bethel AME Church Rev. Nicole Pyles February 24 201 Second Street Virtual Corner Pine & Second Street South Chesapeake City MD

Wednesday St. Basil Ukrainian Catholic Church Rev. Volodymyr Klanichka March 3 231 Basil Avenue Virtual South Chesapeake City

Wednesday 1st Presbyterian Church Rev Scott Burkley March 10 351 Biddle Street Virtual North Chesapeake City

Wednesday St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Msgr. David Kelley March 17 301 Lock Street Virtual North Chesapeake City

Wednesday United Methodist Charge (Trinity) Rev. Sam Mitchell March 24 3rd and Bohemia Street Virtual South Chesapeake City

Good Friday Service Good Shepherd Church Rev. Sam Hartman April 2 310 George Street Virtual 12:00 (noon) South of Chesapeake City

Easter Sunday Pell Gardens Rev. Shane Dickinson April 4 South Chesapeake City Bohemia Wesleyan Church 6:15 am Sunrise Service Outdoor in-person/ Virtual

Easter Sunday Town Point, UMC Rev. Sam Mitchell April 4 61 Port Herman Rd. Chesapeake City United 6:15 am South of Chesapeake City Methodist Charge Sunrise Service Outdoor in-person/ Virtual SOCIAL CONCERNS

MINISTRY IN NEED LOW INCOME HOME ENERGY ST. JOSEPH ST. ROSE OF ASSISTANCE POOR BOX LIMA Catholic Charities is taking applications for the POOR BOX Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program March 28th $235.00 $75.00 for the upcoming heating season. This federally- funded program assists low-income Delawareans Online $65.00 $100.00 with heating bills through direct payments to Contribution home energy suppliers. The benefit is based on a TOTAL $300.00 $175.00 household's income, size, and type of fuel. Call your local Catholic Charities office to schedule an interview to see if you qualify. Office hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY in Kent County, call (302) 674-1782, in New 302-463-6255 Castle County, call (302) 654-9295, in Sussex DEDICATED TO THE SERVICE OF THOSE County, call (302) 856-6310. If you are eligible IN NEED IN THE MOT AREA for LIHEAP, you also may qualify for other programs that require LIHEAP eligibility. For example, if your home is not as energy efficient as it could be, you may qualify for home REDNER’S RECEIPTS weatherization improvements through the The CCEA collects Redner’s receipts. Please mail Delaware Weatherization Assistance Program, them to PO Box 244, Chesapeake City, MD also administered by Catholic Charities. 21915. Please submit the whole receipt as partial receipts will not be considered. Refunds from the Redner receipts covers the expenditure for meats purchased by the food pantry staff for our clients. Please use your Redner’s Reward Card! If Redner’s card is not used receipts are not acceptable for submission. Thank you for your assistance, it is appreciated. 3/24/2021 CCEA FOOD PANTRY NEEDS

Mondays for donors‐by appointment 9:00a to 11:00a Tuesdays for clients by pre‐scheduled appointment EMERGENCY FUNDS ‐ MARCH MISSION only. During the Lenten season our member churches host Weds. evening services. The offerings tak‐ Donors and clients are asked to call 410‐885‐3244 on en at these services are directed to The Emer‐ Thursday or Friday mornings (9:00a to Noon) to gency Funds, and usually carry this ministry thru schedule an appointment to drop off donaons the late Spring. Our services are on‐line this year, following Monday (for donors) or Tuesdays to pick up but you can connue to support this mission by a pantry box. Since we operate solely with volunteers, making a donaon to The CCEA. appointments enable us to determine how many vol‐ unteers and how many hours are needed each week. Please check our website at . You will find a donor buon on the le side of PARTNERING MINISTRY –THE ROTATING SHELTER the home page. Click & follow the instrucons. March has typically been the month that The Chesa‐ You can indicate the ministry under “purpose”. peake City UMC (at Trinity UMC) would host the Ro‐ tang Shelter. Our member churches would help by providing meals & man‐power. Meals are sll needed Donaons may be made payable to The CCEA are being provided thru the Mary Randall Center, and mailed to PO Box 244, Chesapeake City, MD along with other essenal services. We are asking our 21915. member churches to consider partnering by provid‐ ing : Boxes of cereal and/or packs of NEW SOCKS. ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donaons for the Rotang Shelter can be brought to the CCEA Complex on MONDAYS, during Donor Re‐ ceiving me (9:00‐11:00a). Please bag or box these donaons separate from those going into our pantry and mark them for the Rotang Shelter. *Please note these items WILL NOT be receipted thru The CCEA, but one of our volunteers will deliver them to The CCUMC church who will in turn take them on to the Mary Ran- dall House in Elkton for distribuon.

Condiments VERY LOW Mustard, Ketchup, Mayo, Salad Dressings

Personal Care/Home Care Laundry Detergent; Home cleaners; paper towels, kleenex Deodorants (men/women); shaving cream Starches Knorr’s or store brands flavored PASTA pouches

Vegetables: NO GREEN BEANS PLEASE Potatoes, carrots, spinach, peas, beets PLEASE NO LARGE/FAMILY SIZE CANS Around the Diocese GOOD NEWS Happy Easter! Listen to Catholic Forum every Saturday afternoon at 1:30 on Relevant Radio 640. Next Saturday, April 10th, Mary Joe Frohlich will discuss the Solidarity Partnership SOLIDARITY WEEK between the Diocese of Wilmington and the LIVE STREAM EVENT Diocese of San Marcos, Guatemala. Listen to The Global Solidarity Partnership will broadcast Catholic Forum online anytime at https:// Mass live from St. Catherine of Siena Catholic, or search Church via the Diocese of Wilmington website “Catholic Forum” on Apple, Spotify, or ( at 10:30 AM on April 18th. Help iHeartRadio podcasts. For photos, information us celebrate 18 years of solidarity with the people regarding upcoming guests, links and more, of Guatemala. “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook at Catholic Forum Radio Program/Podcast - Home | Be sure to tune listen to Catholic Forum on April Facebook 10 (Relevant Radio 640 AM on the dial) at 1:30 PM to learn more about how the Diocese of Wilmington has partnered with its sister diocese in San Marcos, Guatemala. RETROUVAILLE: REDISCOVER THE LOVE IN YOUR MARRIAGE CHRIST THE TEACHER REGISTRATION Tens of thousands of couples have healed their 2021-2022 School Year Registration - Your marriages through Retrouvaille (pronounced parish elementary school, Christ the Teacher Retro-vy). If you know anyone who could benefit Catholic School, is currently taking admissions from this program, please pass this on. Couples requests for next year, including spaces in Pre-K learn to build communication skills and to for 3 and 4 year olds. Spaces are limited for the increase intimacy. It provides help for marriage next academic year, so please be sure to contact problems, difficulties or crises The next program Mrs. Short at [email protected] to begins the weekend of April 16 - 18, 2021 at the inquire abouta seat today. Thank you, Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For more parishioners, for being proud supporters of information, or to register, CTTCS since 2002! For more information, please Visit or call 215- visit or call (302) 838-8850. 766-3944 or 800-470-2230. All inquiries are strictly confidential.

Contemplative Prayer Retreat April 9-11 Marianist Family Retreat Center – Cape May Point ▪ NJ ▪ 08212 ▪ 609-884-3829 RESCHEDULED CHRISM MASS 2021

This retreat is intended for those interested in a Tuesday, April 20 contemplative prayer experience. First-timers as 12 noon well as those who are familiar and experienced Cathedral of with this type of retreat are all welcomed. Our Only Priests are invited to participate in time will be filled with prayer experiences, quiet person; all others are invited to spiritually personal time, special liturgies and daily Mass. join us by viewing the live-stream. Cost: $145/pp (single rooms only) If You Live Alone You Need MDMedAlert! ✔Ambulance 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! 423 East Main Street ✔Police Ashley Plaza • Middletown, DE ✔ FREE Shipping Solutions as Low as 302-376-9600 Fire Se Habla Español • Medicaid Provider thru age 20 ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation 95 NO Long Term Contracts $19. a month This Button SAVES Lives! As Shown GPS, Lowest Price Guaranteed! CALL NOW! 800.809.3352 GPS Tracking w/Fall Detection Nationwide, No Land Line Needed MDMedAlert EASY Set-up, NO Contract Safe-Guarding America’s Seniors Nationwide! 24/7 365 Monitoring in the USA 384 East Main Street Morgan Middletown, DE 19709 basement waterproofing In Our 4th Decade of Quality Service • French Drains • Foundation Repair Grow in your faith, • Mold Remediation find a Mass, and connect with your All Work Guaranteed Catholic Community Download Our Free App or Visit 877-401-4777 with OneParish! MY.ONEPARISH.COM

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