Peter’s Proclamation Preaching from Luke’s Book of Outlines - :14-41 (Compiled by Paul R. Blake)

Introduction: A. Preaching Sermons from Luke’s Book of Outlines 1. Peter’s Pentecost Proclamation - Acts 2:14-41 2. Peter’s Afternoon Address - :12-26 3. Peter’s Sermon Sequel - :5-20 4. Stephen’s Last Lesson - :2-53 5. Philip’s Sermons in Samaria - :4-13 6. Peter’s Censure of Simon - Acts 8:14-25 7. Philip’s Individual Instruction of the Eunuch - Acts 8:26-40 8. Ananias’ Short Sermon to Saul - :17-18 9. Peter’s Home Study - :24-48 10. ’ Edifying Expositions - :19-26 11. Paul’s Sabbath Sermon in the Synagogue - :14-43 12. James’ Judgment - :13-30 13. Paul’s Address - :16-34 14. Alexander’s Denied Defense of Discipleship - :23-41 15. Paul’s Encouragement of the Ephesian Elders - :17-38 16. Paul’s Sermon from the Stairs - :1-21 17. Paul’s Appropriate Answer to Felix - :10-25 18. Paul’s Astounding Address to Agrippa - :2-29 19. Paul’s Restorative Rebuke - :21-26 20. Paul’s Discourse to the Dull - :17-29 B. told them to go and wait in Jerusalem - Luke 24:44-49 C. The apostles received the power promised them - Acts 2:1-4 D. The apostles began preaching in languages they had not studied - Acts 2:5-13 E. Peter preached the first gospel sermon - Acts 2:14-36 F. The audience responded to the first invitation - Acts 2:37-41

I. YOU KNEW THIS WAS COMING A. The prophets told you - Acts 2:14-18 1. The prophet Joel said - Joel 2:28-29 2. The prophet Ezekiel said - Ez. 11:19, 36:27 3. The prophet Zechariah said - Zech. 12:10 B. The signs told you - Acts 2:19-21 1. The fullness of time will be characterized by unrest among nations, rulers, and religious leadership - Joel 2:30-31 2. Jesus pointed it out to them in His ministry - Matt. 24:29; Luke 21:25 C. You knew who you were dealing with - Acts 2:22 1. John 5:31, 33, 36-37, 45-47; Heb. 2:2-4

II. YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING A. You deliberately broke the law to kill Jesus - Acts 2:23, 4:28, 5:30 B. You saw God undo your murderous deed - Acts 2:24, 32, 3:15 C. You knew David acknowledged Jesus as his Lord - Acts 2:25-31 1. Psalm 16:8; Acts 13:36

III. NOW KNOW THAT JESUS SENT US TO PREACH THIS TO YOU A. He is in heaven in authority as David told you - Acts 2:33-35 1. He is in heaven - :31; Eph 4:8; Phil. 2:9; Heb 10:12 2. He is in authority - John 14:26, 15:26, 16:7, 13 3. King David said so - Psalm 110:1; Heb. 1:13 B. Your efforts to kill the Messiah were in vain; God raised Jesus Christ from the dead and gave the power of salvation and all authority to Him - Acts 2:36 C. They understood Peter’s sermon and were moved by it - Acts 2:37 1. Honest, penitent believers know that one must do something in order to be saved - Luke 3:6-14

IV. YOU NOW KNOW WHAT YOU MUST DO TO BE SAVED A. Repent and be baptized - Acts 2:38-40 1. The prophets promised it - Acts 3:25 2. Jesus commanded it - Luke 24:47 3. The apostles preached it consistently - Acts 3:19 B. Receiving salvation is a voluntary response - Acts 2:41 1. This voluntary response puts one in the church - Acts 2:47