Main character Analysis on the Blues Eye

A Thesis

Submitted to the faculty of Adab and humanities in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for Strata I Degree

By: DIAN WISUDAWATI NIM: 203026002123

English Letters Department Adab And Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2008 ABSTRACT

Dian Wisudawati, Main Character analysis on The Bluest Eye. Skripsi. Jakarta: Letters and humanities faculty, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, April 2008.

The objectives of the study on this paper are: the writer analyzes the characteristic of main character in the novel and to analyze how the characteristics described in the novel. The writer would like to analyze these characters by using the descriptive- qualitative analysis as the method tries to explain and describes the content of novel.

The research applies the content analysis research which. tries to find all the characteristic of black American in the novel The Bluest Eye and to understand the describing of characteristic in the story and also worldview when the story was created.

The main character and the characterization in The Bluest Eye were not complex. It seems that the main character has based characteristic and did not change all the time. This story also showed the victim of discrimination among black.

APPROVEMENT Main character Analysis on the Blues Eye

A Thesis

Submitted to the faculty of Adab and humanities in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for Strata I Degree


Dian Wisudawati NIM: 203026002123

Approved by :

Inayatul Chusna. SS, M.Hum NIP. 150 331 233

English Letters Department Adab And Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2008


The Thesis entitled "Main Character Analysis on the bluest Eyes" has been defended before the letters and humanities faculty's Examination committee on September, 10 th 200. The thesis has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of strata 1.

Jakarta, September 10th ,2008

Examination Committee

Chair person, Secretary,

Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd. Drs. Asep Syaefuddin, M.Pd. NIP. 150 299 480 NIP. 150 261 902

Examiner I Examiner II

Elve Oktafiyani,SS,M.Hum M. Supardi NIP. 150 317 725


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and believe, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for award of any other degree of diploma of the University of other institute of higher learning except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Ciputat, 10 September 2008

Dian Wisudawati

Wanita Cantik Melukis kekuatan lewat masalahnya, Tersenyum saat tertekan Tertawa di saat hati sedang menangis Bersabar di saat terhina Mempesona karena memaafkan

Wanita Cantik Mengasihi tanpa pamrih Dan bertambah kuat Dalam do’a dan pengharapan

Wanita Cantik Adalah orang yang berzikir Dan tidak pernah khawatir Pada apapun yang terjadi Dimasa yang akan datang Karena semua ada dalam kuasa Allah semata

Pesan ini Ditulis khusus untuk Wanita wanita cantik Kepunyaan Allah

Thank you for being there : El- Zaman Haedhar Khirjul Zamani


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

First of all, I’d like to thank to Allah SWT for his favour and guidance to me in finishing this work. The writer does believe there is nothing she could do without his help. All praise belongs to Him, the creator all the living things and the non living thing from being nothing into exist.

My solution and benediction be into to noblest of the prophets and messengers, Muhammad SAW, who has selected as an intermediary and messengers to guide human beings to the way of felicity and comfort.

This paper submitted in partial accomplishment of the requirement for the

Strata I Degree to Letters and Humanities Faculty, English letters Department State

Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. There are number of people who have given valuable assistance toward the successful completion her study in general and this paper particular.

In writing this paper, the writer also would like to thank to her family.

Father “Muhammad Utsman” (u’re my angel who has prayed in whatever I’ve done),

“golden woman “my mother (thank you so much for , patient, support, advices, facilities and praises during her study and finishing this paper), old sister “Roel El-

Rahman” (to give a lot of information), my only younger sister “Norma Gambreng

“(for our sharing in peace and pain), especially mb umy – mas trie Bogor (for all facilities and supports to always get what her wants in the whole of her life ).

The writer owes so much to Mrs. Inayatul Chusna, SS, M.Hum as her advisor who has given the guidance in writing this paper as well as has advised her patiently, punctually in reading the contents of this paper. The writer realize without her critics and helps this paper will mean nothing. The writer whises to say gratitude to the following persons : Dr. H. Abdul

Chaer, the Dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd, the Head of English Letters Department,

Drs. Asep Saefudin, M. Pd, the secretary of English Letters Department, The lecturers and the staff of faculty of Adab and Humanities.

Finally, the writer realizes that this final paper is not perfect yet. It is a pleasure for her to receive some critics and suggestion from the readers.


ABSTRACT ……..……………………………………………………………i

APPROVEMENT ………………………………………………………………... ii

LEGALIZATION …………………………………………………………………. iii

DECLARATION ………………………………………………………………... iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ………………………………………………………….. vi

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………

A. Background of the research ………………………………………….. 1

B. Focus of the research …………………………………………………….. 3

C. Research Question …………………………………………………………3

D. Significance of the research ………………………………………………..3

E. Research Methodology …………………………………………………….3

1. Objective ……………………………………………………………. 3

2. Method ………………………………………………………………. 3

3. Technique of Data Analysis …………………………………………..4

4. Analysis Unit …………………………………………………………4


A. Intrinsic Element ………………………………………………….5

B. Definition of Character ………………………………………………5

C. Kinds of Character …………………………………………………..6

D. Description of Characterization …………………………………….10


A. Data description of Main Character ………………………………12

B. Character Analysis ……………………………………………..15 C. Kinds of the Main Character ……………………………………….23


A. Conclusion …………………………………………………………26

B. Suggestion …………………………………………………………27

BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………….29

APPENDIX ………………………………………………………………………31



A. Background of the research

Literature gives a lot of benefit to public. It will inform about social condition, moral, and history of society where the literature is published to public through author's idea. So public can learn more about the past, present and future prediction by wondering in the literature.

Sometimes public can not catch the authors mean and it can create misunderstanding. Therefore public need more research in literature to clear the misunderstanding and explain what the author wants for his work. Meanwhile, there is an argument that literary work is an autonomy structure. Its a unit which is built the element that has relation to each other. That is way to understand literature; it must be analyzed based on its own structure, without correlating it with historical background, authors's mean and readers.

Objective literary research is one of significance research because related with structuralism approach. Structuralism approach may assume that a literary work is an autonomy structure and can be understood as union with building elements. This theory means that to understand literary work, someone must understand the elements in the story.

As quoted from Metodologi Penelitian Sastra by Jabrohim, Stanton mentions the structure elements to build literary work; they are plot, character, setting and theme. All elements are mediums of literature which have function to build a literary work more than ordinary writing. 1

1 Jabrohim, Metodologi Penelitian Sastra, Hanindita Graha Widya, (Yogyakarta, 2003), p. 53 Plot has function to arrange 1 events or happen continues in the story, and can not be separated from the content of the story. Character describes the physical, non physical, behavior and attitude every actor or actress in the story from the beginning until the end. Setting describes about the time and place of the story, it is also denoting the location period and social surrounding in which the action of a text develop. Meanwhile, theme is main idea or essential idea of the story, it is a subject which interested the writer and which is discussed in the text or portrayed in it in some way.

In this research, the writer only uses character and characterization element to study the short story of The Bluest Eye written by in 1970 the first black woman writer that received the Nobel Prize in literature. As a black writer she always creates her story based on her real life. This fact is based on the way of Toni

Morrison tells the story. The Bluest Eye is a novel concerning about victims of black girl who is obsessed with white standard of beauty. This story builds the imagination of the readers as if they feel what has been felt by the black girl.

Pecola Breedlove, the main character of the story is obsessed by the white standards of beauty and she is longing to have blue eyes. Pecola thought that white skin and blue eyes are the ideal beauty. The story began with the condition of

Breedlove's family which is full of violence experiences. Her irresponsible father is always drunk and come late. He does not comprehend how a relationship should be between parents and children. As a result Pecola felt uncomfortable in her house. When she is outside all of her friends and neighbors always insult her, her family habits and the color of her skin. Pecola desperates and decided to solve her problem by dreaming of having blue eyes like white people in order to escape from

her pain and to get better life. The treatment accepted by Pecola Breedlove is reflection of the treatment by Black American in 1970s.

The statement above becomes the writer's reason to analyze the novel The

Bluest Eye which is focused on the intrinsic element especially main character and characterization.

B. Focus of the research

In this research the writer would like to limit the analysis only on the element of main character and the characteristic in the novel.

C. Research Questions

According to the background of the research, the writer formulates the statement of the question as what are the characteristic of main character presented on the bluest eyes.

D. Significance of The Research

The writer hopes this research can give benefits to reader or the writer her self.

Firstly, to know an idea of author about the discrimination of black with analyze the main character in the novel and to know the describing of characteristic in the novel as a reflection of author. The writer hopes this research can help to get description about social condition of black American in 1970 portrayed in story of the novel The

Bluest Eye. Secondly it can give depict of one famous American Figure in struggle her race (black race) to be same status with another person in this life. Finally, the writer hopes this research can enrich the knowledge of Black American history.

E. Research Methodology

1. Objective

The objective of this research is to know the characteristic of main character.

2. Method The method that is used in this research is qualitative method and writer tries

to describe data analysis that has correlation with the method.

3. Technique of Data Analysis

The research describes The Bluest Eye through out some steps as follow:

First, the writer reads the Novel The Bluest Eye as an object of the research

carefully and accurately.

Second, the writer reads some books to find the topic for the research.

Third, the writer collects resources by visited library and website.

Fourth, the writer classifies the data by classifying the characteristic` of the

main character in the novel then analyze that characteristic.

4. Analysis Unit

Analysis unit that is used in this research is the novel The Bluest Eye by Toni

Morrison printed by Washington Square Press, avenue of the America, New

York: 1970.



A. Intrinsic Element

Novel is a kind of literature which has different features among other literary works. It is more concentrated to conversation because the complexity of story content is simpler than the other works such as short story, poetry, film, essay the amount of characters is less and the length of story is shorter than drama and novel.

B. Definition of Character

Some experts told about the meaning of character. There are. some definitions of character as follow: a. A character is an imaginary person that lives in a literary work. Literary characters

may be major or minor, static or dynamic.2 b. Character is some one in a literary work who has some sort of identity (it needn't

be a strong on), an identity which is made up by appearance, conversation, action,

name, and (possibly) thoughts going in the head.3 c. A character is any person who appears in a work of fiction. More accurately, a

fictional character is the person of conscious entity we imagine to exist within the

world of such a work.4

Based on definitions above, the writer concludes that character is a person in literary work. Character in literature is an extended verbal representation of human being, specifically the inner self that determines though, speech and behavior.

2 Robert Diyanni, Literature Reading Fiction, Poetry and Drama, (Singapore: Mc Graw Fill Companies, 2001). p. 1447 3 Richard Gill, Mastering English Literature, (London: Macmillan Master Series, 1995), p. 127 4 www.;20/10/2005

Through dialogue, action, and commentary, literature makes these interaction interesting by portraying characters who are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also character whom public may laugh, dislike or even hate.

C. Kinds of Character

According to Thomas MC Laughin in his book Literature the Power of

Language, the characters were divided into two typical, major character and minor character.5 Major character is character that has a big part in the story. It was always developed in the.story and mostly appear on the text. Meanwhile, minor character was not developed nearly as fully as the major character; it does not has demand or sympathy. Minor characters only complete the story and seldom appear on the text and have small part in the story.6

According to Sudjiman, Tokoh bawahan adalah tokoh yang tidak sentral kedudukannya didalam cerita, tetapi kehadirannya sangat diperlukan untuk menunjang tokoh utama .7 SO, minor character is a figure that the place is not central in the story, but the presence is needed to support the major character. Sometimes minor character helps major character to solve the conflict in the story.

Judith divides the types of characters as follows:

1. Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist is the main character in the story or a real event. The

protagonist experiences conflict caused by antagonist. However, the concept

5 Thomas MC Laughin, Literature the Power of Language, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970) p.378 6Foster Edward Morgan, Aspect of the Novel, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970) p. 7 7 Panuti Sudjiman, Mernahmi Cerita Rekaan, (Jakarta; PT. Pustaka Jaya, 1988) p. 19

of antagonist, which considers antagonist as a wicked character, is not true

because antagonist s a person who actively opposes somebody or something.8

2. Static or Dynamic

Static character is a character that does not change in any significant way

during the course of the work. Dynamic character is a character who change

shows many different facets; often the course of the work.9

3. Flat and Round

Round character according to Perrine is "complex and many sides; they

might require an easy for full analysis. It undergoes a permanent change in some

aspect of character, personality or outlook"10 Major characters are likely to be

round, while minor characters are to be flat. Through the language and actions

of the characters, readers will learn whether the personages are

multidimensional characters, which skimpily developed characters, or perhaps

merely foil which have main purposes to shed light on more important

characters. The readers will also learn about the emotions, attitudes, and values

of characters such as their hopes and fears, their strengths and weakness in a


Flat character is one embodying a "single idea or quality". Lack any complexity, it never surprises. The flat character sometimes called a "type" or

8 Encyclopedia Americana: Volume 6,1985 p.367 9 Ibid, p. 394 10 Perrine, Laurence, op.cit, p.41 11 Laurie G. Kirzner and Stephen R. Mandel Literature, Reading Reacting, Writing, 199 1, p. 1146

"caricature". For it can be summed up in sentence.12 Flat characters usually have small part in the story.

According to Perrine Lawrence, there are three principles to observe character.

First, the characters are consistent in their behavior. They do not behave one way on one occasion and different way on another occasion unless there is clearly sufficient reason for the change. Second, the characters are clearly motivated in whatever they do, especially in the changes of their behavior, we must be able to understand the reason for what they do, if not immediately, at least by the end of story. Third, the characters are plausible or life like.13 It means every character who presents the story always behave as if their real characteristic. The actors indirectly tell to the audience what characteristic in the story into their own character. The actor can apply their performance to performance.

Another principle is how to analyze character. We can analyze character from many aspects through the words, action, narrator, and description of another character.

Analyzing through the word means that analyzing the words from the script of the story. In a joke in one act by Anton Chekov is described by using the word "monster".

His characteristic is very bad and to make it vivid the word monster is use to compare his characteristic with the attitude of monster.

Another aspect to analyze character is the action every character must behave according to their characteristics in the story. Their attitudes on acts indirectly indicate their personalities. This is one production of Hemingway "Cat in the rain" We can find this way as follow:

12 Literaty Terms: A Dictionary, third edition, revised and enlarge by Karl Beckson and Arthur Ganz, 1990, p.91 13 Lawrence Perrine, Literature, Stureture, Sound and Sense, (London: Harcout Brucejovanovic, 1984)5th p.41 George's attitude of not listening what his wife says in cat in the rain reveals his characteristic. This ignorance shows that he doesn't care his wife. It can be seen in this line.

I want to pull my hair back tight and smooth and make a big knot at the back that I can feel," she said. 1 want to have a kitty to sit on my lop purr when 1 stroke her." "Yeah?' George said from the bed. 'And I want to cat at a table with my own silver and I want candies. And I want it to be spring and I want to brush my hair out in front of a mirror and I want a kitty and 1 want some new clothes." "Oh, shut up and get something to read." George said. He was reading again. His wife was looking out of the window. It was quite dark now and still raining in the palm trees. 'Anyway, I want a cat," she said, 'I want a cat. I want a cat now. If I can't have long hair or any fun, I can have a cat." George was not listening. He was reading his book.

From the conversation above the author shows us how the relation between the husband and wife. George presented in the story with careless and not satisfied to his wife. We can found this indicate from George's attitude/act when his wife wanted a cat he doesn't seem interested in his wife (He talks to her while he's reading and tells her to shut up. He also says he'll go to garden to get a cat but he doesn't move).

The next to analyze character of the story is throughout the narrator. One production of Toni Morrison is The Bluest Eye. She wrote that novel by using the word "I" to telling the story. It means that the author uses the first subject.

The last to be concerned in analyzing character is description of another character. We can see this way as follow. Every story has the main character and minor character. Usually minor character presents to support main character so that the character is developing.

For example "". The novel opens in the black Manhattan neighborhood of

Harlem, the year was 1926. On winter morning, a woman named Violet Trace has thrown open her windows and emptied her birdcages of their flocks, including her favorite, lonely bird that always said “I love you" violet is a fifty years old black woman, she is skinny and emotionally unstable'. Violet is married and she lives with her husband, Joe Trace. Even though Joe Trace is a quiet and older man, he has had an affair with a young girl and shot her. His lover, Dorcas was a young girl and their love affair has ended with Dorcas funeral. Even though Joe Trace has shot Dorcas, he is an older man who doesn’t feel guilt for his action.

From the text above the author shows us the minor character named Dorcas and the main characters are violet and Joe Trace. Dorcas presented in the story the young girl as Joe's necessary thing for sleep every night. In another word Dorcas is as a breaking down of Trace's family. This reason made the story look very excited and developed.

D. Description of Characterization

Richard Gill said in his book, Mastering English Literature, that a character is a person in a literary work; characterization is the way in which a character is created.

Characters are all the product of characterization, that is to say, they have been made in a particular way. Characters are what they like because the way they have been made. The kind of conversation they have, the things they do, their appearance and so on are the particular ways in which the author has chosen to characterize of his or her characters.

The things that they do and their appearances are the particular ways in which the author has chosen to characterize the characterization. In other words, characterization is a method and character is a product of the method.

Characterization can be narrative description with explicit judgment.

In order to get a real description of character, Panuti Sudjiman defined the character on his book, he said "watak adalah kualitas tokoh, kualitas nalar dan jiwanya yang membedakan dengan tokoh lain. Penokohan adalah penyajian watak dan penciptaan citra tokoh "14 based on the definition above, the writer concludes that characterization is how the author describes and develops the disposition of a character in the story.

F. C Lucas divides six methods to understand the characterization, they are:

1. Direct statement of the author. The author through the power of omniscience may

explain what 'he wants public to know about his characters in the story.

2. Action. What a person does in the story often give public insight into his very

nature and from this insight public can make judgment about him.

3. Speech. From the character speech, public learn his or her education, and

environment. Often it reveals the way he thinks about people and thinks.

4. Reaction from the others. This method often includes a slanted view. If the person

talking about the character has a biased opinion, public get a distorted picture.

Therefore, the reliability of the character must always be uppermost.

5. Environment. The presentation of a person's surrounding, particularly those he

deliberately chooses, including the recreations authors prefer, contributes to an

understanding of the character.15

All of the definitions and methods above make the writer to analyze characteristic of main character in The Bluest Eye written by Toni Morrison in 1970.

The writer will explain and give the proof of each characters and characteristic in chapter three.

14 Op cit.p.23 15 F. C Lucas Style, Style how to Develop Clarity, Character, Brevity, Simplicity, Variety, Good Humor, Sincerity, Good Sense, Urbanity, Vitality, Harmony in Your Writing, (New York: Collier Books, 1967).



According to Brook and Warren, character is a complexity of potentialities action. The characters can be human or non-human creatures that live in the fictional story. They present the actions that build the story. The presentation of the characters can be flat or round character and static or dynamic. These types are depending on the role of characters in the story.

In novel The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison has the main characters that dominate the story because they are presented with conflicts and action that build the novel. The main character is Pecola Breedlove.


No. Characteristic Corpus / Quotation Paragraph/Line/Page

1. Kind When we discovered that she clearly 4/13/19 did not want to dominate us, we liked her. She laughed when I clowned for her, and smiled and accepted gracefully the food gifts my sister gave her. Soaphead church told to her come in 2/18/137 “What can I do for you, my child?" She stood there, her hand folded across her stomach, little protruding pot of tummy. “May you can do it for me" "Do what for you?" I can’t go to school no more. And 1 thought may be you could help me" 'Help you how? Tell me. Don’t frightened" “My eyes” 'Wat about your eyes" I want them blue" She holds the money toward him. He 1/1/43 hesitates, not wanting to touch her hand. She does not know to move the finger of her right and from the display counter or how to get the coins out of her left hand. Finally he reaches over and takes the candy from her hand. His nails grazed her damp palm. 2. Friendly Three whores lived in the apartment 5/34/43 above the Breedlove's store front. China, Poland and Miss Marrie. Pecola loved them, visited them and run their errands. They in turn did not despise her. Maureen, suddenly animated, put her 6/37/56-57 velved-sleeved arm through Pecola's and began to behave as though they were the closets friend. 1 just moved here. My name is Maureen Peal. What yours? Pecola " Pecola? Wasn't that the name of the girl in imitation of life? 'I don't know. What is that? The picture show you know? Where this Mulatto girl hates her mother caused she is black and ugly but then cries at the funeral. It was really sad. Everybody cries in it Claudette Colbert too Oh : Pecola's voice was no more than a sigh Anyway, her name was Pecola too. She was so pretty. There on the tiny railed stoop sat 1/1/45 Pecola in a light red sweater and blue cotton dress. A little wagon was parked near hear. She seemed glad to see us. “Hi” “Hi” “What you all doing here?" she was smiling and since it was a rare thing to see on her, 1 was surprised at the pleasure it gave me. 3. Obsessed Pretty eyes. Pretty blue'eyes. Big blue 3/20/40 eyes. Run, Ap, run. Jerry runs, Alice runs. Alice has blue eyes. Jerry has blue eyes. Jerry runs. Alice runs. They run with their blue eyes. Four blue eyes. Four pretty blue eyes. Blue sky eyes. Blue like Mrs. Forest's blouse eyes. Morning - glory-blue- eyes. Alice and Jerry - blue story book eyes. Each night without fail she prayed for 4/27/40 blue eyes. Fervently, for a year she had prayed. Although some what discouraged, she was not without hope. To have something as wonderful as that happen would take a long, long time. Each pale yellow wrapper has a 4/23/43 picture on it. A picture of little Mary Jane. For whom the candy is named. Smiling white face. Blond hair in gentle disarray, blue eyes looking at her out of a world of clean comfort. The eyes are petulant, mischievous. To Pecola they are simply pretty. She eat the candy and its sweetness is good. To eat the candy is somehow to eat the eyes, eat Marry Jane. Love Marry Jane. Be Marry Jane. How many times a minutes are you 1/1/150 going to look inside that old thing? I didn't too So what? I can look if I want to I didn't say you couldn't. I just dodt know why you have to look every minute. They aren't going anywhere. I know it. I just like to look You scared they might go away Of course not. How can they go away The others went away They didn't go away. They changed Go away, change, whats the difference Soaphead said they said they would last forever. Forever and ever amen. Yes if you want to know. 4. Lack of Mrs. Breedlove handled hers as an 1/34/34-35 Confident actor does a prop. For the articulation of character, for support of a role. She frequently imagined was hers Sammy used his as a weapon to cause others pain. He adjusted his behaviour to it. Choose his companions on the basis of it. People who could be fascinated. Even intimidated by it. And Pecola, she hid behind hers. Concealed, veiled, eclipsed, peeping out from behind the shroud very seldom and then only to yearn for the return of her mask As long as she was ugly, she would 4/34/34-35 have to stay with these people, some how she belonged to them. Long hours she sat looking in the mirror, trying to discover, the secret of the ugliness, the ugliness that made her ignored or despised at school by teacher and classmates alike. Black e mo black emo Ya daddy 4/27/55 sleeps necked. Stch ta ta seth ta ta Stach ta ta ta ta Pecola edged around the circle crying. She had dropped her note book and covered her eyes with her hands.


According to the book “Mastering English Literature" characterization and character can be defined as method and character is the product. Character can be understood as the way character as the way character is presented in the fictional story. Character is a life like creature in fictional story. It is presented with the characteristic and clues that are described in the story such as action, person's speech, description, environment, thoughts and explanation.

Here the writer will analyze the characteristic of main character, Pecola

Breedlove by using the clues that can be found from the character in the novel.


Pecola Breedlove is an ugly little black girl, who wanted to rise up out of the pit of her blackness and see the word with the blue eyes. A little black girl yearns for the blue eyes of little white girl, and the horror at the heart of her yearning is stepped over into madness. To understand the character of Pecola Breedlove to solve her problem, we can see from her characteristic as follow.

1. Kind

Pecola Breedlove was very kind. She didn’t want to dominate everybody around her. This condition occurred when Pecola arrived to Claudia and Frieda's home. At that time Pecola was homeless because her father, Cholly Breedlove had burned up his house as the result all of his family was out door.

The country had placed Pecola in Claudia's house for a few days until Pecola's family could reunite. As a new corner Pecola could be a close ffiend for Claudia and

Frieda. When Frieda ordered graharn cracker and some milk in blue and white Shirley

Temple cup they had loving conversation about how cute was. She smiled and accepted gracefully the food. So Claudia and Frieda love her although

Pecola was new friend for them. It can be seen in the statement as follow:

When we discovered that she clearly did not want to dominate us, we liked her. She laughed when I clowned for her, and smiled and accepted gracefully the food gifts my sister gave her. 16

From the statement above we can understand that Pecola is kind person. She could directly interact with another people which someone new in her community.

In other line we can find the characteristic of Pecola talked about her kindness.

Pecola came to psychic named Ellihue Micah, to help solve about her problem.

Everybody knows that Ellihue Micah is homosexual. All of people hate him. Ellihue

Micah is a guy.

16Mordson Toni, The Bluest eye, (New York: WSP. 1970)p. 19 But he has a brilliant mind to read the condition of other people. So that

Pecola come to him to help her. With honestly and carefully she talked to psychic what she wants. It can be seen in this statement as follow.

Soaphead church told to her come in “What can I do for you, my child?" She stood there, her hand folded across her stomach, little protruding pot of tummy. “May you can do it for me" "Do what for you?" I can’t go to school no more. And 1 thought may be you could help me" 'Help you how? Tell me. Don’t frightened" “My eyes” 'Wat about your eyes" I want them blue" 17

From the statement above we know that Pecola with very polite said to

Soaphead curch to help her. Pecola wants psychic made her eyes became the blue eyes.

Pecola with the ugliness and blackness but she didn't want to fight everybody insulted her. When she wanted to buy some candy in Mr. Yakobowski shop, he didn't want to see Pecola. Because of her ugliness and her blackness Mr. Yakobowski doesn't believe that Pecola really want candy and have money to pay them. When

Pecola wants to pay the candy Mr. Yakobowski didn't want to touch her hand this condition is not be a problem to her. She thought may be she is disgust so Mr.

Yakobowski keep his glance form her. It can be seen in this statement as follow.

She holds the money toward him. He hesitates, not wanting to touch her hand. She does not know to move the finger of her right and from the display counter or how to get the coins out of her left hand. Finally he reaches over and takes the candy from her hand. His nails grazed her damp palm. 18

17 Ibid.p. 137 18 ibid, p. 43 From the statement above we know how kind Pecola was. She doesn't think bad about everything to another person who hate her even at the fact Mr. Yakobowski anger disgust to Pecola because of her ugliness and her blackness

2. Friendly.

Beside kind person Pecola also friendly to another people around her. We can find out this characteristic from statements as follows:

Three whores lived in the apartment above the Breedlove's store front. China, Poland and Miss Marrie. Pecola loved them, visited them and run their errands. They in turn did not despise her. 19

From the text above we can find how friendly Pecola is. Everyday Pecola came to Miss Marrie, China, Poland to talk about everything as if Pecola and them were close friend. Those girls are friendly to Pecola. Those women are not like many people who hate to Pecola but in turn they loved her.

Another statement drew the characteristic of Pecola's ffiendly as follow: When winter came, there was a new girl in Pecola, Frieda and Claudia school. Named

Maureen Peal. She was rich at least by their standards, as rich as richest of the white girls. She enchanted the entire school. This condition made Frieda and Claudia bemused, irritated, and fascinated to her but not for Pecola. She is friendly and nice to

Maureen. One day they had a loving conversation about a little actrees named Pecola.

The conversation as follow:

Maureen, suddenly animated, put her velved-sleeved arm through Pecola's and began to behave as though they were the closets friend. 1 just moved here. My name is Maureen Peal. What yours? Pecola " Pecola? Wasn't that the name of the girl in imitation of life? 'I don't know. What is that?

19 ibid, p. 43 The picture show you know? Where this Mulatto girl hates her mother caused she is black and ugly but then cries at the funeral. It was really sad. Everybody cries in it Claudette Colbert too Oh : Pecola's voice was no more than a sigh Anyway, her name was Pecola too. She was so pretty. 20

From the explanation above:there was a good conversation between Maureen

Peal and Pecola. Pecola could accompany Maureen to talk about the name Pecola an actrees in their country. They talk about everything this actrees from who Pecola was, how the family of Pecola as a little actrees in imagination life. It means that Pecola always be able to interact with everybody who love her and who insulted her.

Further statement as follow:

There on the tiny railed stoop sat Pecola in a light red sweater and blue cotton dress. A little wagon was parked near hear. She seemed glad to see us. “Hi” “Hi” “What you all doing here?" she was smiling and since it was a rare thing to see on her, 1 was surprised at the pleasure it gave me. 21

From the text above we know that Pecola was friendly person. When her close friend Frieda and Claudia looking for her and discover her, she was very nice to meet.

She's so excited upon Frieda and Claudia arrival. They finally love to talk about their neighbor named Maginot Line. Pecola call her Ifiss Mary. Pecola explained to Frieda and Claudia that Miss Mary was interesting person. Frieda and Claudia believed it.

3. Obsessed .

Pecola was born as a little black girl she spent her entire life with the blackness and ugliness. This condition made Pecola is always insulted by many

20 ibid, p.56-57 21 ibid j 45 people. In order to get a solution of her problem Pecola has a great obsession in her life. According to her all the world had agreed that a blue eyed, yellow - haired, pink skinned was what every girl treasured. So Pecola want to have blue eyes. It can be seen like the statement as follow:

Pretty eyes. Pretty blue'eyes. Big blue eyes. Run, Ap, run. Jerry runs, Alice runs. Alice has blue eyes. Jerry has blue eyes. Jerry runs. Alice runs. They run with their blue eyes. Four blue eyes. Four pretty blue eyes. Blue sky eyes. Blue like Mrs. Forest's blouse eyes. Morning - glory-blue-eyes. Alice and Jerry - blue story book eyes.22

From the text above we know that Pecola Breedlove obsessed by white standards such as blue eyed, Yellow haired, pink - skinned. Pecola obsessed with

Pretty Bluest Eye to escape her problem.

In other condition when Pecola is always ignored by many people. She imagined about beauty. She imagined if she had blue eyes, good teeth, not big and flat nose it would he different. With blue eyes Pecola would never be insulted and ignored by another people who hate her. It can be seen in the statement as follow:

Each night without fail she prayed for blue eyes. Fervently, for a year she had prayed. Although some what discouraged, she was not without hope. To have something as wonderful as that happen would take a long, long time.23

This paragraph showed that Pecola is obsessed by blue eyes. With pray each night the miracle could relieve her, if it occurred to Pecola and if her eyes were different it could be so beautiftd. Further statement to find out the characteristic as follow:

Each pale yellow wrapper has a picture on it. A picture of little Mary Jane. For whom the candy is named. Smiling white face. Blond hair in gentle disarray, blue eyes looking at her out of a world of clean comfort. The eyes are petulant, mischievous. To Pecola they are simply pretty. She eat the candy and its sweetness is good. To eat the candy is somehow to eat the eyes, eat

22 ibid, p. 40 23 ibidp.40 Marry Jane. Love Marry Jane. Be Marry Jane.24

The paragraph above show that Pecola obsessed by blue eyes. She loves everything that have blue eyes. From Maureen Peal, Shirley Temple and Mary Jane.

She wants to have blue eyes like them. It can solve her problem. The problem from the blackness and the ugliness. We can see in other paragraph about Pecola's obsession like statement as follow:

How many times a minutes are you going to look inside that old thing? I didn't too So what? I can look if I want to I didn't say you couldn't. I just dodt know why you have to look every minute. They aren't going anywhere. I know it. I just like to look You scared they might go away Of course not. How can they go away The others went away They didn't go away. They changed Go away, change, whats the difference Soaphead said they said they would last forever. Forever and ever amen. Yes if you want to know. 25

In this note, Pecola is shown that Pecola obsessed with the blue eyes. After

Pecola go to Mr. Soaphead to help her made the blue eyes, she thought that she really changes. N1r. Soaphead said to Pecola that her eyes were blue and looked different.

Every minute, every time she looks at the mirror to discover her beauty, to see her blue eyes.

4. Lack of Confident

Still with her blackness and ugliness, Pecola is always ignored and insulted her friend. All of people say to her family that they are really perfect disgusting family.

The father, Cholly Breedlove had burn the house and go away as a result all of his family out door. This condition made Pecola Breedlove lack of confident to interact

24 ibid,p.43 25 ibid,p. 150 with another person. Because of all her friends and neighbor hated her and to her fwnily. Pecola be come victim of discrimination from another people. Let's see some statement to find out about Pecola. This one of statement as follow:

Mrs. Breedlove handled hers as an actor does a prop. For the articulation of character, for support of a role. She frequently imagined was hers Sammy used his as a weapon to cause others pain. He adjusted his behaviour to it. Choose his companions on the basis of it. People who could be fascinated. Even intimidated by it. And Pecola, she hid behind hers. Concealed, veiled, eclipsed, peeping out from behind the shroud very seldom and then only to yearn for the return of her mask.26

The paragraph above described that Pecola was ugly, poor and black and

Pecola believed she was ugly. The ugliness came from conviction.

In other statement as follow:

As long as she was ugly, she would have to stay with these people, some how she belonged to them. Long hours she sat looking in the mirror, trying to discover, the secret of the ugliness, the ugliness that made her ignored or despised at school by teacher and classmates alike. 27

From the text above Pecola had drawn that she accepted discrimination from her teacher and classmates. Although when the teacher has treated, never to glance at her and called her only when every one was required to respond. She knows when one of the girl at school wanted to be insulting to a boy, they could say "one of them love

Pecola". This condition never fails to get laughter from them.

At school Pecola insulted and became a victim from her boy classmates. One day the boy of her classmates circling and holding a victim, Pecola Breedlove. They harassed her. They insulted insults about the color of her skin and speculation on the sleeping habits of adult. It can be seen in statement as follow:

26 ibid,p.34-35 27 ibid,p.39 Black e mo black emo Ya daddy sleeps necked. Stch ta ta seth ta ta Stach ta ta ta ta Pecola edged around the circle crying. She had dropped her note book and covered her eyes with her hands. 28

In this story, the dominant character is presented by Pecola Breedlove. Beside as a main, the presence of Pecola Breedlove in the story represents black little girl character. Who always ignored and despised by white person and black person.

Pecola with her ugliness and her blackness obsessed by white standards such as blue eyed, yellow haired, pink skinned to solve from the discrimination. but the horror at the heart of her yearning is exceeded only by the evil of this fulfillment. Pecola became crazy little girl.

C. Kinds of The Main Character

Judith divides the types of character as protagonist and antagonist, static or dynamic, flat and round. In this research the main character in the novel, Pecola

Breedlove presented by the characteristics as follow:

1. Pecola Breedlove as protagonist character.

As we known that protagonist is the main character in the story or a real

event. The protagonist experiences conflict caused by antagonist.

In this novel, the dominant character is Pecola Breedlove. The presence of

Pecola Breedlove in the story represents as black little girl character who had

ignored and despised by another people. In the first chapter, the novel told us

about Pecola's family. Pecola's family was poor and black. This family full of

violence experience. Her parents always fight one another. Her irresponsible

28 ibid p. 55 father always drunk and comes home late. He does not comprehend how the

relationship should be between parents and children. One day their house was

burned up by Cholly, Pecola's father. As the result all of the family was out


The other chapter, the novel told about Pecola Breedlove and friends. In

the summer Pecola presented as the student which is has a new corner in her

school. The novel also told about how Pecola Breedlove always ignored and

despised by her friends. According to them Pecola is ugly and black. And they

said that Pecola's family is very perfect disgusting black family. When she is

outside all of her neighbor always insult her family habits and the color of her


In chapter three, the novel told us about the obsession of Pecola. In the

novel Pecola Breedlove presented as a little black girl. She spent her entire life

with the blackness and ugliness. Because of this condition Pecola is always

insulted and ignored by many people. In order to get solution she has a great

obsession in her life. She imagined about beauty. Pecola thought if she had

blue eyes, good teeth, not big and flat nose it would be different. With blue

eyes she would never be insulted and ignored by her friends anymore. So,

from the first chapter till the last chapter, the whole of the novel presented

Pecola Breedlove which has the conflict caused be another character.

The last chapter, the novel told us about the effect of Pecola's obsession.

Still with her blackness and ugliness, Pecola become a victim of

discrimination from another people. Pecola believed she was ugly and the

ugliness comes from conviction. Pecola became crazy little girl.

2. Pecola Breedlove as static character Static character is a character that does not change in any significant way

during the course of the work. The writer specifies this character in one aspect.

From the economic aspect Pecola was poor and black. Her mother was only as

a servant in white family. The father was drunken man, the habitual full of

violence experience. Till the end of the story this family presented as the poor


3. Pecola Breedlove as round character.

As we known that round character is complex and many sides; they

might require an easy for full analysis. It undergoes a permanent change in

some aspect of character, personality or outlook. Major characters are likely to

be round, while minor characters are to be flat. Through the language and

actions of the characters, readers will learn whether the personages are

multidimensional characters, which skimpily developed characters, or 'perhaps

merely foil which have main purposes to shed light on more important

characters. The readers will also learn about the emotions, attitudes, and

values of characters such as their hopes and fears, their strengths and

weaknesses in a story.

From the novel The bluest eye, the main character Pecola Breedlove get

the changes and developed characteristic in her life. On the first of the story,

Pecola Breedlove presented as an ordinary black little girl character with her

blackness and ugliness. But in the end of the story the presence of Pecola

Breedlove is developing she becomes crazy little girl character caused her

obsession to have blue eyes. In order to escaped from the discrimination. But

the horror at the heart of her yearning is exceeded only by the evil of this

fulfillment Pecola become crazy little girl. CHAPTER FOUR



The bluest eye is a novel written by Toni Morrison, the first black woman writer who received the Nobel Prize in literature. It is about Breedlove's family.

Morrison has created Breedlove's family as a broken family. Breedlove's family is black skin who always ignored and despised by many people, white skin and black skin.

Character has important rule to build a story. The main character in the bluest eye is Pecola Breedlove, the daughter Cholly Breedlove and Pauline Breedlove.

Pecola is a victim of discrimination. Pecola is obsessed by white standard of beauty and she was longing to have blue eyes. Pecola thought that white skin and blue eyes are the ideal of beauty. The story began with the condition of Breedlove's family which violence experience. Her irresponsible father was a drunkard man and came home late. He can not comprehend how a relationship should be between parents and children. As a result Pecola felt uncomfortable in her house. When she is outside all of her friends always insult her, those intimidation was not only for her but her family too- her mother, her father, her brother. Pecola desperated and decided to solve her problem by dreaming of having blue eyes like white people in order to solve from her pain and to get better life.

Pecola Breedlove as the main character in the novel is a little black girl with her ugliness. She has characteristic such as kind, Pecola Breedlove was very kind. She diddt want to dominate everybody around her. This condition occurred when Pecola arrived to Claudia and Frieda's home. At that time Pecola was homeless because her father, Cholly Breedlove had burned up his house as the result all of his family was out door. Other characteristic of Pecola Breedlove is friendly. As we know in the novel we can find how friendly Pecola is. Everyday Pecola came to Miss Marrie,

China, Poland to talk about everything as if Pecola and them were close friend. Those girls are friendly to Pecola. Those women are not like many people who hate to

Pecola but in turn they loved her. The next characteristic of Pecola was obsessed. In the novel Pecola was born as a little black girl she spent her entire life with the blackness and ugliness. Because of this condition Pecola is always insulted by many people. In order to get a solution of her problem Pecola has a great obsessiodin her life. According to her all the world had agreed that a blue eyed, yellow - haired, pink skinned was what every girl treasured. So Pecola wanted to has blue eyes. The last characteristic is lack of confident. Still with her blackness and ugliness, Pecola is always ignored and insulted by her ffiend. All of people say to her family that they are really perfect disgusting family. The father, Cholly Breedlove had bum the house and go away as a result all of his family out door. This condition made Pecola Breedlove lack of confident to interact with another person. At the end of this novel, her friends and her neighbor hated to her and to her family too. Pecola became victim of discrimination from another people.


In this research, the writer discussed the characteristic of black American in the novel The bluest eyes which is used the content analysis method. If the reader interested to analyze this novel, the writer suggests to analyze concerning about character and characterization in literary work. This research suggest that for understanding a novel The Bluest Eye is needed to know about the condition of black American society in 1970 portrayed in story of novel The Bluest Eye. It also can be focused from analyze the main character of the novel. However, the readers can get more information and other advantages after reading the novel by using analyze the main character. The writer also suggests to the readers who want to know about the history of black American and discrimination of black people can read the history of black American.

Finally, the writer hopes that this research will be useful for future improvement of studying literature, especially in the faculty of Adab and Humanities.


A. Books

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F. C Lucgs, Style How to Develop Clarity, Character, Brevity, Simplicity, Variety, Good Humor, Sincerity, GoodSense, Urbanity, Vitality, harmony in Your Writing, New York; Collier Books, 1967.

Foster Edward Morgan, Aspect of the novel, (New York:Harcourt Bruce Jovanovich,1970) p. 7

Kinayanti Djojosuroto dan M.L.A Sumaryati, Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra, Bandung: Nuansa, 2000.

Karl Beckson and Arthur Gartz, Literary Terms: A Dictionary, third edition, revised and enlarge, London, 1990

Laurie G. Kirzner and Stephen R. Mandel Literature, Reading Reacting, Writing, 1991,p.1146

Lawrence Perrine, Literature, Structure, Sound and Sense, (London : Harcourt Bruce Jovanovic, 1984) 5th p.41

Literary Terms : A Dictionary, third edition, revised and enlarge by Karl Beckson and Arthur Ganz, 1990 p.91

Morris Walker Bradshaw, Imaginative Literature Fiction, Drama, poetry, New York: Brace and World Inc, 1968.

Morrison, Toni. The Bluest eye. New York: Washington Square Press Publication of pocket book, 1970.

Panuti Sudjiman, Memahami cerita Rekaan, Jakarta: PT. Pustaka Jaya, 1988.

Ralph H. Singleton and Stanton Millet, an Introduction to Literature, New York: The World Publishing Company, 1966.

Richard Gill, Mastering English Literature, London: Macmillan Master Series, 1995.

Robert Di Yanni, Literature Reading Fiction, Poetry and Drama, Singapore: Mc Graw Fill Companies, 2001.

Thomas MC Laughin, Literature the Power ofLanguage, (New York: Harcourt Bruce Jovanovich, 1970

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Chloe Anthony Wofford or Toni Morrison was born February 181, 1931 in

Lorain, Ohio (a northern community located near Lake Erie). Lorain was a small industrial town populated with immigrant Europeans, Mexicans and Southern blacks who lived next to each other. Chloe attended an integrated school. In her first grade, she was the only black student in her class and the only one who could read. She was friend with many of her white schoolmates and did not encounter discrimination until she started dating.

From her father, Chloe gained a Marcus Garvey-like perspective on whites, one that left her with a distrust for them all. She readily admits: "My father was a racist. As a child in Georgia, he received shocking impressions of adult white people, and for the rest of his life felt he was justified in despising all whites, and that they were not justified in despising him"

Chloe hoped one day to become a dancer like her favorite ballerina, Maria

Tallchief, and she also loved to read. Her early favorites were the Russian writers

Tolstoy and Dostoyevski, French author Gustave Flaubert and English novelist Jane

Austen. She was an excellent student and she graduated with honors from Lorain

High School in 1949. This was a time of and she met several people who were latter active in the struggle She joined a repertory company, the

Howard University Player, with whom she made several tours of the South. She saw firsthand the life of the black there, the life her parents had escaped by moving north.

Toni Wofford graduated from Howard University in 1953 with a B.A. in English. She then attended Cornell University in Ithaca, New York and received a master's degree in 1955.

One week, she having nothing to bring a story, she quickly wrote a story loosely based on a girl she knew in childhood Loraine who had prayed to God for blue eyes. The story was well-received by the group and then Toni put it away thinking she was done with it. In 1967 she was transferred to New York and became a senior editor at Random House. While editing books by prominent black Americans like Muhammad Ali, Andrew Young and Angela Davis, she was busy sending her own novel to various publishers. The Bluest Eye (1970) is a novel of initiation concerning a victimized adolescent black girl who is obsessed by white standards of beauty and longs to have blue eyes. The book received enormous critical acclaim for a first book even though it was not commercially successful.

In 1987, Toni Morrison was named the Robert F. Goheen Professor in the

Council of Humanities at Princeton University. She became the first black woman writer to hold a named chair at an Ivy League University. While accepting, Morrison said, " I take teaching as seriously as 1 do my writing." She taught creative writing and also took part in the African-American studies and women's studies programs.