Te Awamutu CARING FOR YOUR SAFETY Autorobot Straightening Courier Body Alignment Systems Published Tuesday & ThursdayTHURSDAY THURSDAY, JANUARY MAY 17, 19, 2012 2012 24 Hour Salvage Ph (07) 871-5069 Bond Road, Te Awamutu, P.O. Box 437 8023399AA Fax (07) 871-4069 A/H (07) 871-7336 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER FOR OVER 100 YEARS email:
[email protected] CIRCULATED FREE TO 12,109 HOMES THROUGHOUT TE AWAMUTU AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. EXTRA COPIES 40c. BRIEFLY Habitat trip Community spirit The Koropita Project (September 22 - October 7) aims to provide housing for low income Fijian families. Habitat for Humanity is inviting local people to volunteer for this project and shines at Pirongia travel over to help with the building process. The trip cost ($1980) covers accomodation, meals and transport during the building phase and accomodation at a resort after it is completed. For more contact Rukuhia resident Shirley Bennett (ph (07) 849 0284 or email:
[email protected]) New Kiwis Waipa Mayor Alan Livingston recently welcomed 20 new local citizens at a ceremony in Te Awamutu Council Chambers. They were (with former citizenship) Ryan Anderle (British), Caryn Anderle (South African), Kenneth Daniels, Francisco Daniels, Delroy Daniels, Tyler-Rae Daniels, Megan Tube (all Zimbabwean), Johannes Janse Van Rensburg, Ingrid Janse Van Rensburg (both South African), Margaret Maclean, Mark Vaines, Sara Vaines, Joseph Vaines, Millie Vaines (all British), Ranier Vosloo, Juanita Vosloo, Dyllan Vosloo, Kayle Vosloo (all South African), Rebecca Seaton and Amy Seaton (both British). College sports Te Awamutu College Rugby Club has undergone a number of changes over the past year, thanks to a hard working committee, with support from the school and community.