HODetector: The Hidden Objects Detection Based on Static Semantic Information Library Outside Virtual Machine 1393 HODetector: The Hidden Objects Detection Based on Static Semantic Information Library Outside Virtual Machine YongGang Li1, 2, ChaoYuan Cui1, BingYu Sun1, WenBo Li3* 1 Institute of Intelligent Machine, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2 School of Information Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, China 3 Institute of Technology Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
[email protected], {cycui, bysun, wbli}@iim.ac.cn Abstract objects for virtual machine security. For virtualization security, the traditional secure With the spread of malwares, the security of virtual tools detecting malwares are placed into the guest VM machine (VM) is suffering severe challenges recent years. (GVM) that may be injected by computer viruses. So, Rootkits and their variants can hide themselves and other it’s possible that the secure tool will be bypassed or kernel objects such as processes, files, and modules cheated. For example, a rootkit named f00lkit can making malicious activity hard to be detected. The bypass Chkrootkit and Rkhunter, the most popular anti- existed solutions are either coarse-grained, monitoring at malwares tools in Linux. Compared with the traditional virtual machine level, or non-universal, only supporting method, one mechanism called out-of-box [3] detecting specific operating system with specific modification. In malwares out of VM is a better way, because the this paper, we propose a fine-grained approach called secure tool is outside any span of malwares. Then HODetector based on static semantic information library another problem appears: semantic gap [4].